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STA 6166, Section 8489, Fall 2007 Homework #5 Due 13 November 2007

UFID#: 9021-3353

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 1

1) Freund & Wilson, Ch. 5 p. 213-214, Concept questions 1 14 2) Freund & Wilson, Ch. 5 p. 215-218, Exercises 3, 4, 5, 6, and 13. To do these, please use a statistical software program (i.e., not by hand!). State the hypotheses you are testing, identify which test you are using, review the assumptions of the test (include additional tests if needed), give the test statistics values, p-values, and conclusions. (Hint for #6: they are rewording the question to indicate that the farmer would move to the new diet only if the difference in weight is 25 lbs or more. So you need to show statistically whether s/he should or not.) (Hint for #13: this problem has a lot more data and so you can check the assumptions more fully than can be done for the other problems.) Remember copy any output needed into your answer; do not hand in raw output please. Recall you can download the data as described in the HW 1 assignment. The instructions are repeated here. To download data from the examples or homework exercises in F&W, you can do the following: 1) log onto 2) click on bookstore 3) click on mathematics and statistics 4) click on statistics & probability 5) change the ordering of the list down the left side of the screen to list by author 6) scroll down the list until you find Statistical Methods by Rudolf Freund and click on the title 7) click on the box labeled companion site 8) all datasets are listed by a formulaic naming convention. Read the screen for instructions on identifying the dataset desired and then locate it 9) click on the desired dataset 10) highlight and copy the data into whichever type of document you wish

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 2

Chapter5Concept Questions- Indicate True or False. If False, specify what change will make the statement true. 1- One of the assumptions underlying the use of the pooled test is that the samples are drawn from populations having equal means. Answer: False Actually, pooled test is used to compare Means of two populations assuming that the variances of the two populations are Unknown, but assumed equal. 2- In the two-sample t-test, the number of degrees of freedom for the test statistic increases as sample sizes increase. Answer: True Because the degrees of freedom is equal to n1+n2-2, thus if either of the sample sizes (n1 or n2) increases, the degrees of freedom increases too. 3- A two-sample test is twice as powerful as a one-sample test. Answer: False A one sample test is more powerful since it has more accuracy. The distribution of the difference of two samples means, for example, is less symmetric and normal and has two degrees of freedom comparing the distribution of one sample. 4- If every observation is multiplied by 2, then the t-statistic is multiplied by 2. Answer: False If every observation is multiplied by 2, the Mean of the populations are also multiplied by 2, but the differences of the Means and the variances of the two populations do not change. So the numerator and denominator of the t-statistic do not change. 5- When the means of two independent samples are used to compare two population means, we are dealing with dependent (paired) samples. Answer: False When Means of Independent samples are used to compare two population Means, we use the pooled t-test, (if the variances of the populations are Unknown), or z-test (if the variances of the two populations are Known). 6- The use of paired samples allows for the control of variation because each pair is subject to the same common source of variability. Answer: True The paired samples are less diverse than the independent samples. 7- The X2 distribution is used for making inferences about two population variances. Answer: False The X2 distribution is used to inference about one population variance. For inference about two population variances, we use F-distribution. 8- The F distribution is used for testing difference between means of paired samples. Answer: False The F-distribution is used for testing difference between variances of two populations. Ramin Shamshiri STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007 Page 3

9- The standard Normal (z) score may be used for inferences concerning population proportions. Answer: True Yes, the z-test is used for inferences of population proportions. 10- The F distribution is symmetric and has a mean of 0. Answer: False The F-distribution is not symmetric, it is right skewed. 11- The F distribution is skewed and its mean is close to 1. Answer: False, The Mean of F-distribution is close to 1 only if the two variances are equal. 12- The pooled variance estimate is used when comparing means of two populations using independent samples. Answer: True, (Can be False too, Please read the explanation) Since the question does not specifically determine when the pooled variance estimate is used, this question can be True if comparing the Means of two populations using Independent samples, when the population variances are Unknown and assumed equal. Otherwise (Independent samples but populations variances are Known, or Independent samples but population variances are Unknown and can not be assumed equal), it is False. When comparing Means of two populations using independent samples, we will use the pooled variance estimate only if the variances of our populations are Unknown and can be assumed equal. If the variances of the two populations are Unknown and can not be assumed equal, we do not use pooled variance estimate. In addition, if the variances of the two populations are known, we use ztest and do not deal with the pooled variance estimate at all.

13- It is not necessary to have equal sample sizes for the paired t test. Answer: False One of the assumptions of the paired t-test is that the observations are paired, which means the sample sizes should be equal. 14- If the calculated value of the t statistic is negative, then there is strong evidence that the null hypothesis is false. Answer: False The sign of t-test does not determine the strength of evidence to reject or not rejecting the Null hypothesis. It is the value of t-test which leads to a P-value that determines whether we should reject or Do not reject the Null hypothesis.

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 4

Chapter 5- Exercises 3- Table 1 shows the observed pollution indexes of air samples in two areas of a city. Test the hypothesis that the mean pollution indexes are the same for the two areas. (Use =0.05)
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Area A 2.92 1.88 5.35 3.81 4.69 4.86 5.81 5.55 =4.35 2 1 =1.912 Area B 1.84 0.95 4.26 3.18 3.44 3.69 4.95 4.47 =3.34 2 2 = 1.833

Answer: Since the populations are not available, the variances of the two populations are Unknown. In addition, the two samples A and B are observed from two areas of a city, thus they are considered Independent. It means that we will be dealing with the inference on the difference between Means using independent samples, with variance Unknown.

We assume that the two populations are normal or of such a size that the central limit theorem is applicable. Since the sample variances are within 3 times each other, we can assume that the population variances are equal. (This assumption is also confirmed from the SAS output, equality of variance.) So, we have the three below assumptions and can use the pooled t-test. The two samples are independent The distributions of the two populations are normal or of such a size that the central limit theorem is applicable. The variances of the two populations are equal. To test the hypotheses that Mean pollution indexes are the same: H0: 1-2=0 = 0 H1: 1-20 0 (=0.05), Two tailed test We use the test statistic, assuming that we have independent sample of size n1 = 8 and n2=8, from two normally distributed populations with equal variances. (1 2 ) (1 2 ) (4.35 3.34) 0 1.01125 1.01125 = = = = = 1.478 0.684 0.468 1.872(1 8 + 1/8) 2 2 1 + ( 2 )
2 = 2 2 (1 1)1 + (2 1)2 8 1 1.912 + 8 1 1.833 13.384 + 12.831 = = = 1.8725 1 1 + (2 1) 8 1 + (8 1) 14

This statistic will have the t-distribution with degrees of freedom 1 + 2 2 = 8+8-2=14 as provided by 2 the denominator of the formula for . Since it is a two-tailed test, we look for =0.025 , =14 from table, which is equal to 2.144. In the other

side, we have our pooled t-test result equal to 1.47 which leads to a p-value equal to 0.1616. Since the P-value from t-test is not less than the significant level (=0.025), we do not reject the Null hypothesis and conclude that there is enough evidence that the two Means A and B are equal. From the SAS output, we see that the p-values are exact here and are equal to 0.1616 depending on whether we use the test assuming equal variance or not.

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 5

The SAS System

00:16 Sunday, November 11, 2007

The TTEST Procedure Statistics Lower CL Mean 3.2027 2.2154 -0.456 Upper CL Mean 5.5148 4.4796 2.4788 Lower CL Std Dev 0.9142 0.8953 1.0019 Upper CL Std Dev 2.8143 2.756 2.1583


AREA A B Diff (1-2)

N 8 8

Mean 4.3588 3.3475 1.0113

Std Dev 1.3828 1.3541 1.3685

Std Err 0.4889 0.4787 0.6843

T-Tests Variable INDEX INDEX Method Pooled Satterthwaite Variances Equal Unequal DF 14 14 t Value 1.48 1.48 Pr > |t| 0.1616 0.1616

Equality of Variances Variable INDEX Method Folded F Num DF 7 Den DF 7 F Value 1.04 Pr > F 0.9574

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 6

4- A closer examination of the records of the air samples in exercise 3 reveals that each line of the data actually represents readings on the same day: 2.92 and 1.84 are from day 1 and so forth. Does this affect the validity of the results obtained in exercise 3? If so, reanalyze.
n Area A 1 2.92 2 1.88 3 5.35 4 3.81 5 4.69 6 4.86 7 5.81 8 5.55 y1 =4.35 2 1 =1.912 Area B 1.84 0.95 4.26 3.18 3.44 3.69 4.95 4.47 y2 =3.34 2 2 = 1.833 A-B 1.08 0.93 1.09 0.63 1.25 1.17 0.86 1.08 y1 y2 =1.01125 2 d =0.039

Answer: This problem is Inferences on the difference in means of two populations based on paired samples and we should use paired t test. Degrees of freedom in this case is n-1=8-1=7. =
2 /

1.01125 0 0.039/8=0.069

= 14.48


Degree of Freedom= 8-1=7

is the mean of the sample differences, di, 0 is the population Mean difference (Usually zero) 2 is the estimated variance of the differences. To test the hypotheses that Mean pollution indexes are the same: H0: 1-2=0 = 0 H1: 1-20 0 (=0.05), Two tailed test The assumptions are:
The observations are paired. The distribution of the difference is normal or of such a size that the central limit theorem is applicable.

Conclusion: Since it is a two-tailed test, we look for =0.025 , =7 from table, which is equal to 2.3646. In the other

side, we have our paired t-test result equal to 14.48 which leads to a p-value less than 0.0001. Since the P-value from t-test is less than the significant level (=0.025), we reject the Null hypothesis and conclude that there is not enough evidence that the two Means A and B are equal.

The SAS System

02:01 Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 7

The TTEST Procedure Statistics Lower CL Mean 0.8462 Upper CL Mean 1.1763 Lower CL Std Dev 0.1305 Upper CL Std Dev 0.4017

Difference Y1 - Y2

N 8

Mean 1.0113

Std Dev 0.1974

Std Err 0.0698

T-Tests Difference Y1 - Y2 DF 7 t Value 14.49 Pr > |t| <.0001

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 8

5- To assess the effectiveness of a new diet formulation, a sample of 8 steers is fed a regular diet and another sample of 10 steers is fed a new diet. The weights of the steers at 1 year are given in table. Do these results imply that the new diet results in higher weights? (Use =0.05)
n1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 REG 831 858 833 860 922 875 797 788 n2 NEW 1 870 2 882 3 896 4 925 5 842 6 908 7 944 8 927 9 965 10 887 y2 =904.6 2 2 =1348.933

Answer: Since the populations are not available, the variances of the two populations are Unknown. In addition, the two samples of steers are fed to two independent diets REG and NEW, thus they are considered Independent. Here we are dealing with the inference on the difference between Means using Independent samples, with Variance Unknown. But in this case, we dont know if we can assume the two variances be equal or not. So we need to run the Hartleys Fmax test (or the folded Ftest) with the assumption that the two populations being tested are Normally distributed.

y1 = 845.5 2 1 =1873.429

To test hypotheses about population variances we look at the ratio of the two sample variances:
2 2 H0: 1 = 2 or H0: 2 2 H1: 1 2 or H0:
2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2

=1 1

=0.05=> Two tailed test, use /2 =0.025 to find the critical value. Degrees of freedom= (n1-1) numerator and (n2-1) denominator, since s1>s2 With Numerator DF=8-1=7 and Denominator DF=10-1=9 and the significant level =0.025, we find the Critical value for F from the table equal to 4.2.

Fobs =

2 2

2 1 2 2

1873.429 1348.933

= 1.388 < 4.2

Since the result of the F-test is 1.388 which is less than the critical value 4.2, we do not reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is enough evidence that the two variances are equal. Assuming that we have independent sample of size n1 = 8 and n2=10, from two normally distributed populations with equal variances, we can use the pooled t-test to test the hypothesis that the NEW diet results in higher weights. H0: 1-2= 0 H1: 2(NEW)>1(REG) or 2(NEW) - 1(REG) > 0 (=0.05), One tailed test. Degrees of freedom is 1 + 2 2 = 8+10-2=16 Critical value= t (=0.05,df=16)= 1.74 We will reject the Null hypothesis if the value of the t-test statistic be greater than the critical value (1.74), or in the other words, we reject the Null hypothesis if the result of t-test leading to a P-value smaller than 0.05. Ramin Shamshiri STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007 Page 9

2 =

2 2 (1 1)1 + (2 1)2 8 1 1873.4 + 10 1 1348.9 13114 + 12140.4 = = = 1578.4 1 1 + (2 1) 8 1 + (10 1) 16

(2 1 ) (2 1 )
2 2 1 + ( 2 )

(904.6 845.5) 0 1578.4(1 8 + 1/10)

59.1 355.14

59.1 = 3.13 18.84

Conclusion: Since the absolute value of the t-pooled test result is greater than the critical value, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is enough evidence that the mean of NEW diet is bigger than the Mean of Regular diet. From the SAS output, we can also see that the -3.13 leads in a P-value equal to 0.0064 which is smaller than the significant P-value =0.05, thus we reject the Null hypothesis.
The SAS System 12:54 Sunday, November 11, 2007 1

The TTEST Procedure Statistics Lower CL Mean 878.33 809.31 19.15 Upper CL Mean 930.87 881.69 99.05 Lower CL Std Dev 25.263 28.618 29.589 Upper CL Std Dev 67.051 88.093 60.465


DIET NEW REG Diff (1-2)

N 10 8

Mean 904.6 845.5 59.1

Std Dev 36.728 43.283 39.729

Std Err 11.614 15.303 18.845

T-Tests Variable WEIGHT WEIGHT Method Pooled Satterthwaite Variances Equal Unequal DF 16 13.8 t Value 3.14 3.08 Pr > |t| 0.0064 0.0083

Equality of Variances Variable WEIGHT Method Folded F Num DF 7 Den DF 9 F Value 1.39 Pr > F 0.6320

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 10

6- Assume that in exercise 5 the new diet costs more than the old one. The cost is approximately equal to the value of 25 lbs. of additional weight. Does this affect the results obtained in exercise 5? Redo the problem if necessary. Answer: Here the problem says that if the difference between the weights of the NEW diet is 25lbs or more than the weight of the REG diet. We use the same approach as we did in exercise 5, but the hypothesis will be as below: 2(NEW) - 1(REG) = H0: 2(NEW) - 1(REG) <25 or <25 H1: 2(NEW) - 1(REG) 25 or 25 (=0.05), One tailed test. Degrees of freedom is 1 + 2 2 = 8+10-2=16 Critical value= t (=0.05,df=16)= 1.74 Here, we will reject the Null hypothesis if the result from the pooled t-test be greater than the critical tvalue (1.74). In the other words, we reject the Null hypothesis if the P-value from the t-test is less than the significant level, 0.05. = (2 1 ) (2 1 )
2 2 1 + ( 2 )

(904.6 845.5) 25 1578.4(1 8 + 1/10)

59.1 25 = 1.809 18.84

Conclusion: Since the t-value from test is 1.809>1.74 (larger than the critical t-vale) we reject the Null hypothesis and conclude there is not enough evidences that the difference between the NEW diet and the REG diet is less than 25. From the Excel output t-test, we see that the corresponding P-value for 1.809 is equal to 0.044 which is less than the significant level, 0.05. Thus we reject the Null hypothesis. t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances Variable Variable 1 2 904.6 845.5 1348.933 1873.429 10 8 1578.4 25 16 1.809483 0.044601 1.745884 0.089201 2.119905

Mean Variance Observations Pooled Variance Hypothesized Mean Difference df t Stat P(T<=t) one-tail t Critical one-tail P(T<=t) two-tail t Critical two-tail

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 11

13- In exercise 13 of chapter 1, the half-life of amoinoglycosides from a sample of 43 patients was recorded. The data are reproduced in table below. Use these data to see whether there is a significant difference in the mean half-life of Amikacin and Gentamicin. (Use =0.10)
Pat 2 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 42 43 n1=22 Drug Half-Life A 2.5 A 2.2 A 1.6 A 1.3 A 1.2 A 1.6 A 2.2 A 2.2 A 2.6 A 1 A 1.5 A 3.15 A 1.44 A 1.26 A 1.98 A 1.98 A 1.87 A 2.31 A 1.4 A 2.48 A 2.8 A 0.69 y1 = 1.875 2 1 =0.3968 Pat 1 3 4 9 10 14 17 25 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 n2=21 Drug G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Half-Life 1.6 1.9 2.3 1.8 2.5 1.7 2.86 2.89 1.98 1.93 1.8 1.7 1.6 2.2 2.2 2.4 1.7 2 1.4 1.9 2

y2 = 2.017
2 2 =0.158

Answer: Since the populations are not available, the variances of the two populations are Unknown. The sample of 43 patients is divided into two groups, A with mean of Half-life equal to 1.875 and G with mean of Half-life equal to 2.017. The question is that whether there is a significant difference between these two means using significant level of =0.10. Again we first need to know whether the variances of the two populations can be assumed equal or not. To check this, we run the F test with the below hypothesis:
2 2 H0: 1 = 2 or H0: 1 = 1 2 2 H1: 1 2
2 1 2 2

2 2

or H0: 2 1

=0.1=> Two tailed test, use /2 =0.05 to find the critical value. Degrees of freedom= (n1-1) numerator and (n2-1) denominator, since s1>s2 With Numerator DF=22-1=21 and Denominator DF=21-1=20 and the significant level =0.05, we find the Critical value for F from the table equal to 2.12.

Fobs =

2 2

2 1 2 2

0.3968 0.158

= 2.51 >2.12

Since the result of the F-test is 2.51 which is greater than the critical value 2.12, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is not enough evidence that the two variances are equal. Ramin Shamshiri STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007 Page 12

The next step is to check the Normality of the samples. Using SAS, we run the Shapiro-Wilk test to check the Normality. (SAS Normality tests outputs are provided in Page 15 to 18). We can also see the results from the Q-Q plot which shows that the samples are from a Normal population.

Assuming that we have independent sample of size n1 = 22 and n2=21, from two normally distributed populations with Unequal variances, we can use the Unequal variance t-test to test the hypothesis that whether there is a significant difference in the mean half-life of Amikacin and Gentamicin. H0: 1-2= 0 H1: 1-2 0 (=0.1)=> /2=0.05, Two tailed test. Degrees of freedom is 35.7 (From SAS, according to the Satterthwaite method ) Critical value= t (=0.05,df=35)= 1.6896 We will reject the Null hypothesis if the value of the t-test statistic be greater than the critical value (1.6896), or in the other words, we reject the Null hypothesis if the result of t-test leading to a P-value smaller than 0.05. = 1 2
2 2 1 1 + (2 2 )

1.875 0.3968


22 + (0.158 21)



= 0.889

Conclusion: (SAS output of test is provided in page 14.) Since the absolute value of the test result (-0.889) is less than the critical value (1.68), we fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is not enough evidence that 1=2 (a significance difference between the in the mean half-life of Amikacin and Gentamicin exists). From the SAS output, we can also see that the -0.889 leads in a P-value equal to 0.3814 which is larger than the significant P-value =0.1, thus we do not reject the Null hypothesis. Ramin Shamshiri STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007 Page 13

The TTEST Procedure Statistics Lower CL Mean 1.5962 1.8362 -0.468 Upper CL Mean 2.1547 2.1981 0.1845 Lower CL Std Dev 0.4846 0.3041 0.4356 Upper CL Std Dev 0.9002 0.5741 0.6752


DRUG A G Diff (1-2)

N 22 21

Mean 1.8755 2.0171 -0.142

Std Dev 0.6299 0.3975 0.5295

Std Err 0.1343 0.0868 0.1615

T-Tests Variable HALFLIFE HALFLIFE Method Pooled Satterthwaite Variances Equal Unequal DF 41 35.7 t Value -0.88 -0.89 Pr > |t| 0.3855 0.3814

Equality of Variances Variable HALFLIFE Method Folded F Num DF 21 Den DF 20 F Value 2.51 Pr > F 0.0441

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 14

The UNIVARIATE Procedure Variable: HALFLIFE DRUG = A Moments N Mean Std Deviation Skewness Uncorrected SS Coeff Variation 22 1.87545455 0.62991857 0.11296269 85.714 33.5875145 Sum Weights Sum Observations Variance Kurtosis Corrected SS Std Error Mean 22 41.26 0.3967974 -0.6052915 8.33274545 0.13429909

Basic Statistical Measures Location Mean Median Mode 1.875455 1.925000 2.200000 Variability Std Deviation Variance Range Interquartile Range 0.62992 0.39680 2.46000 0.91000

Tests for Location: Mu0=0 Test Student's t Sign Signed Rank -Statistict M S 13.96476 11 126.5 -----p Value-----Pr > |t| Pr >= |M| Pr >= |S| <.0001 <.0001 <.0001

Tests for Normality Test Shapiro-Wilk Kolmogorov-Smirnov Cramer-von Mises Anderson-Darling --Statistic--W D W-Sq A-Sq 0.982769 0.123593 0.038241 0.208813 -----p Value-----Pr Pr Pr Pr < > > > W D W-Sq A-Sq 0.9536 >0.1500 >0.2500 >0.2500

Quantiles (Definition 5) Quantile 100% Max 99% 95% 90% 75% Q3 50% Median Estimate 3.150 3.150 2.800 2.600 2.310 1.925

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 15

The UNIVARIATE Procedure Variable: HALFLIFE DRUG = A Quantiles (Definition 5) Quantile 25% Q1 10% 5% 1% 0% Min Estimate 1.400 1.200 1.000 0.690 0.690

Extreme Observations ----Lowest---Value 0.69 1.00 1.20 1.26 1.30 Obs 43 16 8 21 7 ----Highest--Value 2.48 2.50 2.60 2.80 3.15 Obs 28 2 15 42 19

Stem 3 2 2 1 1 0

Leaf 2 5568 002223 5669 023344 7 ----+----+----+----+

# 1 4 6 4 6 1

Boxplot | | +-----+ *--+--* +-----+ |

Normal Probability Plot 3.25+ +*++++++ | *+*++*++ | +***+**+ | +**+*+* | * +*+*+**+* 0.75+ ++*+++++ +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ -2 -1 0 +1 +2

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 16

The UNIVARIATE Procedure Variable: HALFLIFE DRUG = G Moments N Mean Std Deviation Skewness Uncorrected SS Coeff Variation 21 2.01714286 0.39754425 0.85057151 88.607 19.7082842 Sum Weights Sum Observations Variance Kurtosis Corrected SS Std Error Mean 21 42.36 0.15804143 0.30546701 3.16082857 0.08675127

Basic Statistical Measures Location Mean Median Mode 2.017143 1.930000 1.700000 Variability Std Deviation Variance Range Interquartile Range 0.39754 0.15804 1.49000 0.50000

Tests for Location: Mu0=0 Test Student's t Sign Signed Rank -Statistict M S 23.25203 10.5 115.5 -----p Value-----Pr > |t| Pr >= |M| Pr >= |S| <.0001 <.0001 <.0001

Tests for Normality Test Shapiro-Wilk Kolmogorov-Smirnov Cramer-von Mises Anderson-Darling --Statistic--W D W-Sq A-Sq 0.93026 0.183864 0.086449 0.543738 -----p Value-----Pr Pr Pr Pr < > > > W D W-Sq A-Sq 0.1393 0.0633 0.1647 0.1465

Quantiles (Definition 5) Quantile 100% Max 99% 95% 90% 75% Q3 50% Median Estimate 2.89 2.89 2.86 2.50 2.20 1.93

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 17

The UNIVARIATE Procedure Variable: HALFLIFE DRUG = G Quantiles (Definition 5) Quantile 25% Q1 10% 5% 1% 0% Min Estimate 1.70 1.60 1.60 1.40 1.40

Extreme Observations ----Lowest---Value 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 Obs 39 33 1 37 32 ----Highest--Value 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.86 2.89 Obs 4 36 10 17 25

Stem 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14

Leaf 69

# 2 2 3 2 6 5 1

00 000 00 000038 00000 0 ----+----+----+----+ Multiply Stem.Leaf by 10**-1

Boxplot | | | +-----+ | + | *-----* +-----+ |

Normal Probability Plot 2.9+ * *+++++ | +++++ | *+*++ | **+*+ | ++*+* | **+*+** | * * *+++* 1.5+ * +++++ +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ -2 -1 0 +1 +2

Ramin Shamshiri

STA6166, HW#5, Nov.13.2007

Page 18

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