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You can't run away from trouble. There ain't no place that far. Please shut up!

Sometimes when I say "I'm ok" I just want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say, "I know you're not.". ystrdy is history tomorrow is mistry but...tody is gift... Cold hands. Warm heart Life is feelings Better to lose a lover than love a loser Exist, respir, zambesc, sper, doresc, visez, caut, lupt, joc ,ascult, privesc, admir, ignor, continui, iubesc si inving There will always be a "lie" in believe, an "over" in lover, an "end" in friends, an "us" in trust and an "if" in life! Oamenii pot uita ce-ai facut sau ce ai zis, dar niciodata nu vor uita cum i-ai facut sa se simta. the earth is full..go home! Dragostea e ca o clepsidra, cand ti-se umple inima,ti se goleste creierul Jklsnckshuhdfkjnedwjdklmlkdjlwkenmdkwhdkajlkdjwekldnjkwediojdkwed is like a must be the best... Nothing to see here! Please move on! I`m not crazy ... My reality is just different than yours... i love boys, they're stupid lOvE mY bAbY Please, god, make everyone die! never ride faster than your angel can fly superrrrrr!!! =))

Smile :) It's the second best thing you can do with your lips :- I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it. The trouble with life is there's no background music... I am better than your ex` ....I`ll be better than your next Just be To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. "Three things cannot be long hidden: The sun, the moon, and the truth."

I want to know whats going on in a boys mind when he is in love.

"Viitorul trebuie sa ne intereseze pentru ca acolo ne vom petrece tot restul vietii. Ai incredere in inima ta daca marea ia foc, si traieste cu dragoste cand stelele merg inapoi. .Invatza sa ma pastrezi si nu am sa te las niciodata ! When I pretend what happened didn't hurt, is when it hurts the most when i say i don't care, i'm not trying to convince you, i'm trying to convince myself. If I died today would there be anything you wish you had to said to me? I have an angel on my shoulder but a devil in my head Do what makes you happy, be with who makes you smile, laugh as much as you breathe, love as long as you live :X If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you it`s your, if it doesn`t, it never was ;) Dance as tough no one is watching you, Love as tough you never been hurt before, Sing as tough no one can hear you, Live as tough heaven is on earth. Someday you`ll cry for me like I cried for you, someday you`ll miss me like I missed you, someday you`ll need me like I needed you, someday you`ll love me but I wont love you.

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same. Don`t regret the past, just learn from it ;). Happy feelings will attract more happy circumstances. A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new . A. Einstein Never never never never never never give up ! ;) Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it. If you think you are good enough, you have just started your decline. Dont worry, be happy. great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people )
De ce este luni atat de departe de vineri, si vineri atat de aproape de luni?

Frumusetea ochilor nu depinde de culoarea de felul in care te privesc Am invatat ca viata iti poate fi schimbata in cateva ore De catre oameni care nici nu te cunosc. Ochii dezvluie puterea sufletului "Atitudinea face diferena" Marile incendii se nasc din scantei mici I don't like to be bad I'm just tired to be nice Unul dintre cele mai grele lucruri in viata este sa ai cuvinte in inima , pe care nu le poti pronunta ! Sfaturi putem da, dar minte nu! What I need to live has been given to me by the earth. Why I need to live has been given to me by you. Love isn't blind, it's retarded. Baietii rai ne atrag asa cum moliile se indreapta oarbe, de fiecare data, catre becul incins. Ne ard aripile, dar ne intoarcem mereu. Pentru ca ei stiu sa ne tranteasca in pat ca nimeni

altii. Pentru ca bratele lor ne inving bratele si uneori o astfel de infrangere e tot ce ne trebuie. Pentru ca imbratisarea lor, desi doare, e vie si o preferam alteia care ne lasa intregi. Pentru ca ne place sa ne aranjam oasele la loc, dupa ce ei au iesit din viata noastra. Ceea ce pare sa fie capatul drumului, este deseori doar o cotitura Love is a funny thing.. wraps your heart up in chains and before you know it you're locked in... when it's good it's really good, but when it's bad, those chains can make it seem like breathing is a challenge.. never lose sight of your dreams... Love will always be there* in one form or another.. Fii schimbarea pe care o vrei in lume. life isn`t fair, but it's still good Everything happens for a reason we love just because it's the only true adventure yes...I have a dirty mind and you`re in it who loves you? When nothing goes rightgoest left :D The hardest part of saying goodbye is having to do it again every single day...Every day we face the same truth but life is fleeting.Our time here is short and to honnor the fallen we must live our lives well ! (cea mai grea parte in a-ti lua ramas bun este sa fie nevoie sa faci acelasi lucru in fiecare zi)

A man of words and not of deeds Is like a garden full of weeds And when the weeds begin to grow It's like a garden full of snow And when the snow begins to fall It's like a bird upon the wall And when the bird away does fly It's like an eagle in the sky And when the sky begins to roar It's like a lion at the door And when the door begins to crack It's like a stick across your back And when your back begins to smart

It's like a penknife in your heart And when your heart begins to bleed You're dead, and dead, and dead indeed.

I`ll be alrightone day...somedayjust not today. If you judge people, you have no time to love them. Heal the past, live the present and dream the future! don't look back unless it's a good view life is like a dice, you never know what comes next I`m so fucking happy I could shit rainbows. Wild & crazy It doesn`t matter if you`re black or white but if you`re orange. sometimes people run away just to see if anyone cares enough to follow Never sleep with anyone crazier than yourself only as high as I reach, can I growonly as far as I seek, can I goonly as deep as I look, can I seeonly as much as I dream, can I be Where shall I go? To the left where nothing`s right or to the right where nothing`s left? We don`t remember days, we remember moments:X What I want is to be needed. What I need is to be indispensable to somebody. Who I need is somebody that will eat up all my free time, my ego, my attention. Somebody addicted to me. A mutual addiction. I still haven`t found what i`m looking for. Some days, I wish things had turned out differently. Cause in the end it all hurts just the same.

.Exista 3 lucruri in viata care nu se intorc niciodata: timpul, cuvintele si oportunitatile.. Exista 3 lucruri care te pot distruge: minciuna, orgoliul si invidia.. Exista 3 lucruri pe care nu trebuie sa le pierzi: speranta, rabdarea si onestitatea.. Si exista 3 lucruri de mare valoare: familia, iubirea si prietenia..

People say you can`t live without loveI think oxygen is more important, Sometimes we learn something about the past that changes everything we know about the present. Life goes on... I may not always be perfect, but I`m always me...:) Keep your feet on the ground, when your head`s in the clouds The best feelings are those that have no words to describe them Things end but memories last forever :X -bebe siempre When I'm good, I'm very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better > :)) -quotes Din tot ce ai, sunt ceea ce nu posezi Din tot ceea ce astepti, sunt ceea ce nu te astepti Din tot ce vezi, sunt ceea ce Tu nu vezi Este adevarat: lucrurile bune se ntmpla celor care stiu sa astepte. I may look innocent, but I assure you I'm not Giving up doesn`t always mean you are weak, sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go. Theres no next time. Its now or never. Take care of your body. Its the only place you have to live. ~ Jim Rohn Dont let the past steal your present Cherralea Morgen "I really didn't say everything I said." "It's deja-vu all over again."

"If you ask me a question I don't know, I'm not going to answer." "If I didn't wake up, I'd still be sleeping." Singura modalitate de a scapa de ispita este sa-i cedezi.(Oscar Wilde)
Taci am zis. Unii oameni indiferent cat de batrani sunt niciodata nu isi pierd frumusestea. Au mutat-o din fetele in inimile lor' - Martin Buxbaum Never sacrifice who you are just because someone has a problem with it.
no one can break your spirit unless you allow them

I love a hand that meets my own with a grasp that causes some sensation. I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge - myth is more potent than history - dreams are more powerful than facts - hope always triumphs over experience - laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death. I Have a heart that never hardens, a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts." - Charles Dickens Love will pass by many times, but true love will stop to look." earth- my body water- my blood air- my breath fire- my spirit Some people exist just to annoy me

."A rainy day is the perfect time ep."

"A rainy day is the perfect time to sleep." love can heal the deepest wound of all time and love can also be the reason why that wound was so deep...

The truth is rarely pure and never simple beauty may get the attention, but personality will capture the heart :X Love is a second life; it grows into the soul, warms every vein, and beats in every pulse."

Toate au o legatura. Daca urasti sigur ai iubit.

be hated for who you are, then to be

Kissing is like drinking salted water: you drink and your thirst increases.

emotion in motion Love is a hole in the heart. to say I love you one must first be able to say the I" "The spaces between your fingers were created so that another's could fill them in." Love is like water; We can fall in it. We can drown in it. And we can't live with out it." When I'm not in my right mind, my left mind gets pretty crowded" )))))
Words have wings... so speak good things. Dreams are essential to life. The only thing I know, is that I know nothing. Be good to yourself 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy. between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

Good times become good memories & bad times become good lessons.

The best thing I never had :) Everyone has their one story I`m fine(I`m not just happy) You`re on my Santa wish list being single only means that you are patient enough to wait for someone you deserve and who really deserves you There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it" whenever you miss someone look at the sky, although you might not see the person there but feel happy that you two are under the same sky

When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over.

Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love, because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall.

A person is only beautiful, when their own beauty, is reflecting on to others. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. the heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of

You don't know how lovely you are. Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart... Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens." Carl Gustav Jung, Seize the day; put no trust in tomorrow.
A strong person knows how to keep their life in line. With tears in their eyes, still manages to say, "Nah, I'm fine."
You must clothe yourself in a blanket of love, if you wish to be kept warm from the bitter cold of malice.

Thinking of you keeps me awake, Dreaming of you keeps me asleep, Being with you keeps me alive,but most of all Loving you keeps me happy..

If someone comes into your life and becomes a part of you, but for some reason he couldn't stay, don't cry too much... Just be glad that your paths crossed and somehow he made you happy even for a while.

Every new day is another chance to change your life.

don't judge me if you don't know me... don't say i'm ugly if you haven't seen me... and don't say i'm dumb coz you don't even know me... - Unknown.
A EX should stay an EX. They're an EXample of false love and an EXplanation of why you deserve better

Trust is very fragile and has to be really taken care of when given to you. It should never be given to everybody just like a smile that can be given to everyone. Because once its broken, hundreds of smile wont fix it. One of the hardest part in life is forcing yourself to forget the things that made you happy just because it's over.

One of the greatest mental freedoms is truly not caring what anyone else thinks of you. If you can`t fly then run, if you can`t run then walk, if you can`t walk the crawl but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. Change is the essence of lifeBe willing to surrender what you are for what you could become. Anger is a feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind. I think I need glasses, cause I keep seeing a lot of people with two faces Prove to me that you`re not like the rest. I`ve always been afraid of losing people I love. Sometimes I wonder, is there anyone out there afraid to lose me? I choose to live by choice, not by chance; to make changes, not excuses; to be motivated, not manipulated; to be useful, not used; to excel, not compete. I choose selfesteem, not self pity. I choose to listen to my inner voice, not the random opinion of others. Yes, I`ve made mistakes. Life didn`t come with instructions.:) just like a shoe, if someone is meant for you, they will fit just perfectly; no forcing, no struggling & no pain. It`s hard to trust someone the second time around after they already gave you one reason not to trust them.

Let your past make you better, not bitter. And my head told my heart let love you but my heart told my head this time no. Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet. I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.- Audrey Hepburn.
Uneori, oamenii sunt mai puternici decat cred. Doar ca uita sa creada in ei...

"Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education." "Life's most urgent question is: What are you doing for others?" The time is always right to do what is right." The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was and the present worse than it is. Smile, let everyone know that today you are stronger than yesterday Busy!:P Smile. Let everyone know that today you're a lot stronger than you were yesterday. If you`re brave to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.:)
People get hurt...the only thing that we can do is to be there for eachother when we do fall down, to pick eachother up...''' Inima : Sunt ranita din nou . Stomacul : Simt fluturasi pentru nimic . Ochii : Plangem din nou . Creierul : V-am avertizat,idiotilor. I'm like a butterfly, pretty to see but hard to catch! Boys are like stars , there are millions of them out there but only one can make your dreams come true! Love.Peace.Hope.Believe!.:) Start everyday off with a smile at least it's a good start..|:x| Don't judge me!.. You don't know the truth!

My heart is perfect are inside!

There will always be a 'lie' in believe an 'over' in lover an 'end' in friends and 'us' in trust and 'if' in life.
Shut up and SMILE! Hey idiot..I love you. Nu ca nu'mi aduc aminte... Doar ca nu vreau :)

Follow your heart but take your brain with you! Life is not measured by the amount of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away!

life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich and a tragedy for the poor..

sometimes you need to sleep to be truly awake

We never get what we want, we never want what we get, we never have what we like, we never like what we have and still we live & love.
Dont trust too much, dont love too much, dont hope too much. Because that too much can hurt you so much.

Expect anything from anyone; the devil was once an angel

Persoanele destinate sa se intalneasca, se vor intalni, aparent intamplator, dar exact cand trebuie. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The heart sees what the eyes can not

It's nice to be Important but it's Important to be nice'

"To get over a lover, you gotta get under another" Id rather be strongly wrong than weakly right

today's pain is tomorrow's strength , today's mistakes are tomorrow's lessons :) I don't care who you are, where you're from, what you did, as long as you love me." People should be judged on the things they do, not how they look.
When I text you, it means I miss you. When I don't text you, it means I'm waiting for you to miss me.

Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get the greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention.- R.Moss Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year. Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. True love doesn't come to you, it has to be inside you. The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. Even silence speaks I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Smile every minute of every day, you never know who's falling in love with it.

you can run but you can't hide:D

Adorm pe cineva care ne ignor i ignorm pe cineva care ne ador. Iubim pe cineva care ne rnete i rnim pe cineva care ne iubete!"

If you can't handle my worst, then sure as hell you don't deserve my best!

Wishes are always granted but you just have to wait for the perfect time. Sometimes the easiest things to hold on are hardest to let go. We always overestimate our worries & underestimate our potential.

Dont count your days. Make your days count. Every single moment counts. When you add them all up, they equal your life. Accept what you cant change, and change what you cant accept. If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse. The best way to tell a girl you love her is to sit beside her, hold her, rest her head on your heartbeat, and stay quiet. People always say to follow your heart, but what they dont tell you is that if you follow your heart, it doesnt mean there will be a happy ending. I wish I could go back in time and find you sooner, that way I could love you longer. You are a mistake I would gladly repeat. I love you more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorow. Looking good is the best revenge. Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down. Just remember; someone loves everything you hate about yourself. We always ignore the ones who adore us, and adore those who ignore us. Never say never because in life, you always expect the unexpected. Tears, hopes, fears, dreams, wishes, love, like, hate, fate. Those are many of the things that hold weight. Life is like a mirror we get the best results when we smile at it :) There are hundreds of languages but a smile speaks them all. Never be dependent to anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when youre in darkness.

I love your smile and the way you make me smile. What`s better? A lie that draws a smile or the truth that draws a tear? The best thing in life is doing what people say you cant do. Girls, being beautiful doesnt make you nice. Being nice makes you beautiful.. My name is I. My problem is love. My solution is you.
I am strong because I am weak. I am beautiful because I know my flaws. I am a lover because I am a fighter. I am fearless because I have been afraid. I am wise because I have been foolish. I can laugh because I've known sadness Ea.Promite-mi ca nu vei iubi o alta fata.. El: Nu pot.. Ea: Ah.. Deci exista altcineva.. El: Da.. Seamana mult cu tine doar ca e mai tnara.. Are ochii tai si ntr-o zi te va striga mami. A kiss without a hug is like a flower without the fragrance Fata : Te iubesc! Baiatul: Si eu te iubesc! Fata: Dovedeste-o! Striga tare sa te auda toata lumea ca ma iubesti ! Baiatul: (sopteste) Te iubesc! Fata: De ce mi-ai spus-o doar mie? Baiatul: Pentru ca tu esti lumea mea! Ea: Spunemi ceva frumos! El: Tu! Ea: Ceva mai frumos? El: Noi. Ea: Exista altceva mai frumos? El: Pentru totdeauna .. Distana - este pentru ca s-i fie "dor", nu pentru a "nela". Si exista mereu un : "Am nevoie de tine" in spatele cuvintelor "Sunt bine"... Ea: Descrie-ma in doua cuvinte... El: A mea! Am nevoie de o vacanta de 6 luni, de doua ori pe an

- Domnisoar semnai cu o vedet de la Hollywood -M facei s roesc, i cu cine anume? - Cu iapa lui ZORRO! Vreau VARA, MARE, PLAJA, BERE si o tablita: "Nu deranja!" Iert uor, poate prea uor uneori. ns nu uit niciodat. Cand ti-e dor de cineva, nu inchide ochii... o sa-ti fie si mai dor!! Un bieel i o feti plngeau .. Cineva-i ntreab : De ce plngei ? Fetia : Ppua mea s-a rupt .. Bieelul : Ppua mea plnge! Suficient de matura ca sa stiu ce vrei ... Si suficient de copila ca sa ma prefac ca nu`mi dau seama... Am observat ca pana si cei care spun ca totul este predestinat si ca nu putem schimba nimic... se uita in stanga si-n dreapta inainte sa treaca strada. Sa fiu cuminte?!! De mica il vedeam pe Tarzan plimbandu-se dezbracat. Cenusareasa venea acasa la 12 noaptea. Pinocchio zicea minciuni. Aladin era hot .........Batman mergea cu 320 km la ora. Alba ca zapada locuia cu 7 barbati. si acum eu cuminte??

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