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PMP Exam Sel f -Assessment Test
7 5 Fr e e Sa m p l e Q u e s t i o n s
"If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a
man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.
Henry Ford, Entrepreneur
Ex pl anat i ons ( skip)
The fr ee pr epar at ion t est below cover s the cur rent

exam version ( per 31 August 2011) .

Each quest ion in t his self assessment test has one
best answer.
Time to finish t he t est: 90 Minutes.
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browser s) .
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quest ions fr om var ious pr oviders (4,000+ for PMI
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www. oliverlehmann. com/ seminar- dat es. ht ml

has not part ici pat ed in t he devel opment of t his sel f

assessment t est and has not reviewed t he cont ent .
Mai led Jul y 24 2012 by Chr isti na W. ( Canada) : " Hell o
Oli ver ;
Thanks for your l inks t o t he many pract ice t est s.
I took t he PMP exam on Jul y 19t h and di d wel l.
Best Regards, Christ ina
Mailed Jul y 09 2012 by ChandraShekhar B. (I ndia) : " This
t est i s very helpf ul i n eval uat ing weak areas. "
Mai led Januar y 26 2012 by Sandie Q. ( USA) : "Hi t here
Oli ver - your PMP sample exam is reall y great ; it ' s given
me a good sense of t he remaining work I need t o do.
Vielen Dank und Grusse aus Washingt on DC. "
Mailed November 04 2011 by Sat ish S. C. ( I ndia, via
Google+ ): " Hi Ol iver
I ' ve cleared t he PMP in f irst at t empt
Thanks f or al l your valuable guidance and help. Real ly
much appr eciat ed. "
Mai led October 27 2011 by Daniel C. ( Austr ali a, vi a
LinkedI n) : " Ol iver,
on a side not e I wish to say t hank you f or all t he work you
have put int o t o PMP t raining.
I t hink it is saf e to say t hat wit hout your 175 f ree
quest ions and t he i PAD app t hat is also based on your
quest ions I woul d not have passed t he PMP exam as easil y
as I did. You real ly made a dif f er ence for me and I
appr eciat e it .
The most di ff icult part f or me was get t i ng int o t he PMP
Ready? Cl ick her e t o r eset t he t imer and st ar t t he t est
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1. ________ is t ypically not r efer red t o as a buffer t ype in cr it ical chain proj ect management .
Resour ce buffer
Fr ee buffer
Feedi ng buff er
Proj ect buffer
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
2. A company has t o make a choice bet ween t wo pr oj ects, because t he available r esour ces in money
and kind are not sufficient t o run both at t he same t ime. Each proj ect would take 9 mont hs and
would cost $250, 000.
1. The f irst proj ect is a process opt imizat ion which would result in a cost reduct ion of $120,000 per year.
This benef it would be achieved immediat ely aft er t he end of t he proj ect .
2. The second pr oj ect would be t he development of a new pr oduct which could pr oduce t he following net
pr of its af t er t he end of t he pr oj ect :
Assumed is a discount r at e of 5% per year. Looking at t he present values of the benefit s of t hese
pr oj ect s in t he fir st 3 years, what is t r ue?
1. year: $ 15, 000
2. year: $ 125, 000
3. year: $ 220, 000
Both pr oj ect s ar e equally att r active.
The first proj ect is more at t r act ive by app. 7%.
The second proj ect is more at t ract ive by app. 5%.
The first proj ect is more at t r act ive by app. 3%.
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3. A pr oduction pr ocess has been defined as par t of an indust rial equipment manufact uring pr oj ect . The
process is int ended t o produce st eel bolt s wit h a lengt h of 20 cm. The cont r ol limit s are 19. 955cm
and 20. 045cm.
The measurement s made at t he end of the pr ocess yielded t he following results:
20. 033cm, 19. 982cm, 19, 995cm, 20. 006cm, 19. 970cm, 19. 968cm,
19. 963cm, 19. 958cm, 19. 962cm, 19. 979cm, 19. 959cm.
What should be done?
The process is under cont rol. I t should not be adj ust ed.
A special cause should be invest i gat ed, t he process should be adj ust ed.
The contr ol limit s should be adj usted.
The measur ing equipment should be r ecalibrat ed.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
4. Your proj ect management t eam includes t wo ext ernal consult ant s each fr om a different company.
You found t hat repeat ed conflict s between t he t wo consult ant s alr eady slow down pr oj ect pr ogr ess
and j eopar dize achievement of obj ectives.
Which st age of t eam development can be difficult t o overcome in such a sit uat ion?
Stor ming fr om For ming, St orming, Norming, Per forming
Panic fr om Ent husiasm, Panic, Hope, Solut ion
Kickoff fr om Assignment , Kickoff, Training, Communicating
Fr ust rat ion from Dir ect ion, Fr ustr at ion, Cooper ation, Collaborat ion
Page 2 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
5. During a proj ect, earned value analysis is perfor med, result ing in t he following number s:
EV: 523, 000; PV: 623, 000; AC: 643, 000.
Which r esult s ar e cor rect?
CV: + 120, 000; SV: + 100, 000
CV: + 100, 000; SV: + 120, 000
CV: - 100, 000; SV: - 120, 000
CV: - 120, 000; SV: - 100, 000
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
6. A pr oj ect manager spent some days t o creat e a mult i- page document , which he called proj ect
char t er . The document should have been issued by t he pr oj ect sponsor . The sponsor found t he
document outsized and asked for a condensed document .
Which of the following is usually not an element of t he pr oj ect chart er ?
The author it y level of t he proj ect manager
Detailed cont r ol account and work package descriptions
The business need t hat t he proj ect was undert aken t o address
Hi gh- level risks
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7. A document called ____________ is created by decomposing t he proj ect scope int o smaller, more
manageable element s.
Scope St at ement
Net work Logic Diagram
Wor k Br eakdown St ruct ur e
Request ed Change
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8. Which of the following tools is used to cr eat e a risk management plan?
Risk planning meetings
Document at ion reviews
Data pr ecision r ankings
Diagramming t echniques
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9. I n order t o speed up a pr oj ect, you made a decision t o fast - t r ack a phase cur rent ly perfor med with
five team members, and anot her one which was planned to begin in four weeks time with anot her
five t eam members.
Which of t he following act ivit ies should you do fir st?
Make sur e t hat all exit crit er ia of the consecut ive phase have been met t o ensure t he flow of
communications in a t eam sit uat ion which is more complex by a fact or of 2.
Make sur e t hat all ent r y cr it eria of t he pr evious phase have been met by planning and
perfor ming a phase gate meet ing to assess t echnical apt ness.
Make sur e t hat all exit crit er ia of the pr evious phase have been met by planning and per for ming
a phase gat e meet ing t o assess t echnical per formance.
Restr uct ure your t eam and delegat e t asks in or der t o ensure t he flow of communicat ions in a
team wit h t he number of communicat ion channels incr eased by a fact or of 4. 5.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
10. A proj ect manager has been asked t o suppor t an int ernal proj ect request by developing a business
What kind of infor mation is t he person expect ed t o provide in t he document ?
The det ailed infor mation fr om a business st andpoint t o det er mine whet her bidding for t he
cust omer pr oj ect will be successful.
The det ailed infor mation fr om a proj ect management st andpoint t o det ermine whether t he
proj ect will be successful.
The det ailed infor mation fr om a t echnical st andpoint t o det er mine whet her the pr oj ect will be
The necessary informat ion from a business st andpoint t o det er mine whether t he pr oj ect is
wort h t he invest ment .
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11. You found t he following ear ned value analysis informat ion for a pr oj ect that was r ecently closed-
out :
SPI = 0. 7, CPI = 1.0
The pr oj ect has been cancelled while it was execut ed. At t hat t ime t he pr oj ect was behind
schedule and on budget.
The pr oj ect 's deliver ables have all been finished. The pr oj ect came in behind schedule but on
budget .
The pr oj ect 's deliver ables have all been finished. The pr oj ect came in ahead of schedule but on
budget .
The pr oj ect 's deliver ables have all been finished. The pr oj ect came in on schedule but over
budget .
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
12. Which should be included in a r equir ement s management pl an?
The document should t r ace requirements t o proj ect scope / WBS deliver ables.
I t should describe how requirements activities will be planned, t racked, and r epor ted.
I t should t race high- level requirement s t o more det ailed requirements.
I t should t race requirement s to business needs, opport unit i es, goals, and obj ect i ves.
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13. I n a t radit ionally drawn decision t ree, a circle represent s ___________.
a chance t o which no expect ed monet ary value can be assigned so t hat a likely pay- off can not
be shown.
a decision t o which no expect ed monet ary value can be assigned so t hat a likel y pay- off can not
be shown.
a chance t o which an expect ed monet ary value may be assigned t o calculat e t he most likely
pay- off.
a decision t o which an expect ed monet ar y value may be assigned t o calculat e t he most likely
pay- off.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
14. A pr oj ect management t eam has subcontr acted work to a ser vice company. Which of t he following
t ools is t he best choice t o assur e t hat t his company will be able t o meet t he qualit y r equir ement s of
t he pr oj ect ?
Qualit y audit
Deliverable inspect ion
Fixed price cont ract
Ser vice level agr eement
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15. Wit h your t eam you ar e using j udgment from subj ect matt er expert s to ident ify and analyze proj ect
r isks. Ther e is a small number of exper t s available, but some of t hem have long been in a t eacher-
st udent or manager- assistant r elat ionship.
Which of the following techniques can ensure best t hat t her e is no dominating opinion dur ing an
expert review?
Peer review
SWOT analysis
Delphi t echnique
Monet ary value calculat ion
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
16. You are running a proj ect for a cust omer based on a cost - r eimbursable cont r act wit h t he following
t erms:
Which is t he PTA ( = point of t ot al assumpt ion, br eak point) of t he pr oj ect ?
Target cost s: $ 1, 000, 000
Fixed fee: $ 100, 000
Benefit / cost shar ing: 80% / 20%
Pr ice ceiling: $ 1, 200, 000
$1, 300, 000
$1, 500, 000
$80, 000
$1, 125, 000
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17. During execution of a proj ect which is performed for a cust omer on a T&M ( t ime and mat er ial)
contr act base, a new pr oj ect manager is t aking over t he assignment .
He discover s t hat t wo member s assigned to t he pr oj ect have charged time without per forming any
wor k for t he pr oj ect cust omer. Upon fur t her invest igat ion, he det ermines t hat t his occur red because
t her e have been no ot her pr oj ect assignments open for t hese employees. The customer is unawar e
of t hese fact s.
What should the proj ect manager do?
Tr y t o find some product ive wor k for t hese st aff member s in t he proj ect and leave t hem on t he
t eam.
The best t hing is t o do not hing. The cust omer will not r ealize the problem anyway.
Tr y t o find a r esponsible per son for t he over - assignment who can be made account able.
Take t he t wo people off the t eam immediat ely and ar r ange for t he refund of the excess char ges
t o t he customer .
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
18. St art dat es in t he following network logic diagram are defined as early morning, finish dat es ar e
I f t asks ar e scheduled t o begin at early st art dat e, what is t rue?
Activity B has a free float of 10 d.
Activity B has a t ot al f loat of 10 d.
Activity A has a free float of 10 d.
Activity A has a t otal float of 10 d.
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19. Your proj ect is execut ed with a globally spr ead virt ual t eam. The pr oj ect progress has been found t o
be t oo slow. Which measur e is most likely t o immediately speed up t he pr oj ect ?
Technical t raining for all t eam members
Daily phone conferences and det ailed r eport ing
A t eam meet ing at a locat ion convenient t o all t eam members
Collocat ion of t eam member s at a suit able place
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
20. A pr oj ect management t eam want s t o pr ocur e some cust omized pr oducts which are available in
identical grade and qualit y fr om many vendor s. What should be included in t he pr ocur ement
package t o ensur e t hat t heir offer s will be comparable?
A st at ement of wor k describing t he needs of the pr oj ect in sufficient det ail t o enable vendors t o
make suit able proposals
A st at ement of wor k specifying at t r ibut es and met rics of t he request ed deliverables in det ail t o
allow vendors submission of bids
The approved pr oj ect scope st atement, t he WBS which should be br oken down t o work package
level and t he WBS dict ionar y
The r isk management plan and t he r epor ts from t hose risk management reviews which have
been made so far
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21. Which of the following becomes increasingly import ant in a vir t ual team environment ?
Requirement s engineer ing
Communicat ion planning
For mal pr ocurement s closur e
Net work diagramming
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
22. You are assigned as t he proj ect manager t o a proj ect which is execut ed for a cust omer under FP
contr act. Your cust omer informed you t his mor ning t hat t hey insist on cert ain "r efinement s" of t he
pr oj ect scope.
You agree t hat t he r equest ed actions make really sense t o t he pr oj ect , but believe t hat t hey
constit ut e a maj or change incr easing t he pr oj ect scope. What should you do next ?
Accept t he r equest of t he cust omer. Diligent ly document t he addit ional cost s and wor king hour s
spent by your self and t he t eam on t he implementat ion of t he change and invoice t hese t o t he
cust omer at appropriat e rat es.
Per form earned value analysis t o assess the cur rent st atus of t he pr oj ect and get all t he
numbers you need t o communicat e t he case t o t he change cont r ol board which t hen will have
t o make t he best decision regar ding the cust omer request .
Check t he cont ract , the pr oj ect chart er, t he scope st at ement and ot her document s r elat ed t o
t he pr oj ect and t he cont r act . I mplement ADR ( alt ernative disput e resolut ion) procedur es if t he
conflict cannot be r esolved ot her wise.
Talk t o t he proj ect sales depar t ment and find a j oint solut ion wit h t hem how to best rej ect t he
request considering t he commer cial and str at egic value of t he cust omer t o the or ganization you
are working for .
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23. A pr ime contr actor in a cust omer pr oj ect under CPFF cont ract has run into unexpect ed t echnical
pr oblems. Fixing t hem will r equir e a lot of addit ional wor k t o be done.
The company made a decision t o book mor e st aff and equipment fr om their subcont r act or s in order
t o adher e t o the agreed t imeline. The cust omer agr eed t o this decision.
What will most likely happen?
The contr act ors indir ect cost s will increase and the cust omers payment for t hem will increase,
t oo.
The contr act ors indir ect cost s will increase, but t he cust omer s payment for t hem will not
The contr act ors indir ect cost s will not increase, but t he cust omers payment for t hem will.
Bot h t he cont r act or' s indirect cost s and t he cust omer s payment for them will not incr ease.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
24. A pr oj ect management t eam is evaluat ing t he causes t hat might cont r ibute t o unsat isfact or y
per for mance and qualit y. Which of t he following st at ement s is not t r ue?
Normal process var iat ion is at t ribut able t o r andom causes and somet imes also called "whit e
Special causes are easier to predict and handle t han random causes ( also called common
causes) .
Special causes ar e unusual event s which ar e difficult to foresee and oft en produce out liers.
A process can be opt imized t o limit t he bandwidt h of var iations due t o r andom causes.
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25. You are perfor ming a pr oj ect management audit in your company and find t hat most of the pr oj ect
plans ar e neit her consist ent nor up- t o- dat e.
Which of the following stat ement s is not t rue?
Proj ect s should never be executed wit hout a valid, updat ed and wor king proj ect management
The consist ency of t he proj ect management plan is secondary because it is only t he result s that
matt er .
A great deal of effort is r equir ed to develop and update a proj ect plan, but t he benefit s include
less pr essur e on all st akeholder s and a r esult ing product t hat will satisfy t he r equir ement s.
Poor planning and insufficient updating of proj ect management plans are common r easons for
cost and time over runs.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
26. You want t o perform act ive risk accept ance. What should you do?
Creat e cont ingency reser ves in resources, money and t ime.
Develop a plan t o minimize impact in case t hat an ident ified r isk occur s.
Develop a plan t o minimize t he pr obabilit y of occur rence for ident ified r isks.
Make addit ional resources available t o speed up t he proj ect .
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27. A pr oj ect manager made 3- point est imat es on a cr itical pat h and found the following result s:
Assuming 3 sigma precision level for each est imat e, what is t he st andard deviation of t he allover
pat h?
App. 4.2 days
App. 5.2 days
App. 6.2 days
You can not derive t he pat h st andar d deviat ion from t he infor mation given.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
28. When do bidder conferences nor mally t ake place?
Aft er t he contr act has been awar ded t o keep alter nat ives open.
Aft er submission of bid or pr oposal, but befor e contr act awar d.
Prior t o t he submission of a bid or proposal by the bidder .
Aft er t echnical meet ings with bidders t o discuss cont ract requirement s.
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29. What is defined by cont r ol limits?
meas rin inst r ment solel sed t o descri e process capa ili t . he process is fo nd
capa le if the si ma ran e is e ceeded not mor e t han . of a t est ed sample lot .
The limits of t he six sigma area on either side of a cont rol char t t o plot measured values; dat a
found outside t he area ar e out of specificat ion and can lead t o rej ect ion of an ent ire bat ch.
The ar ea consist ing of t ypically t hr ee st andard deviat ions on either side of a mean value of a
cont r ol chart t o plot measur ed values found in st atist ical qualit y cont rol
The ar ea consist ing of t ypically t hr ee st andard deviat ions on either side of a mean value of a
cont r ol chart t o plot measur ed values found in quality assur ance
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
30. The scope baseline consist s of what ?
Scope st at ement , WBS, and WBS dict ionar y
Cost baseline, quality baseline and schedule baseline
Configur ation management plan and configur at ion ident ificat ion document
Procurement st atement of work and proj ect scope st at ement
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31. Act ivit y 1 has a dur ation of 20 days, act ivit y 2 of 10 days, act ivit y 3 of 5 days and act ivit y 4 of 6
What is t he minimum tot al durat ion bet ween t he milest ones A and B?
36 days
37 days
39 days
42 days
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
32. Which t ool and t echnique is used in t he pr ocesses r eat e S and efine act ivit ies?
Nominal group t echnique
Human r esour ce assignment
Brainstor ming
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33. Which of the following stat ement ( s) on whist leblowing is/ ar e not t r ue?
a. I t is a t er m used t o def ine an employees decision t o disclose inf ormat ion on unet hical, immoral or illegal
act ions at wor k t o an aut hor ity f igur e.
b. An employee should always discuss the matt er wit h people ext er nal t o t he company bef or e following t he
"chain of command" and discuss it wit h t he immediat e super ior .
c. The consequences of whist leblowing are oft en ext reme and might i nclude being br anded as an owner of
bad j udgment , layoff, civil act ion and imprisonment .
d. Carefully perfor med whist leblowing can lead t o t he end of unethical business pr act ices.
b, c
c, d
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
34. Which of the following stat ement s is not t rue?
Att r ibute sampling is t he process of assessing whether result s conform t o specif icat ions or not .
Prevent ion means keeping err ors out of the process by applying act ions before t he process
star t s changing it s input .
Variables sampling means t hat the result is classif ied int o one of t he 3 cat egories:
"accept able" - "accept able after r ework" - "r ej ect ed".
I nspect ion is oft en mainly done t o keep er ror s out of t he hands of the cust omer inst ead of as a
means of process cont rol.
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35. Which st at ement describes best why you should document assumpt ions?
Assumpt ions might pr ove t o be wrong. Knowing which assumpt ions wer e incorr ect allows
baseline adj ust ment s in case of proj ect crisis.
Assumpt ion analysis is a valuable t ool and t echnique t o explor e t he validit y of assumpt ions
during r isk ident ificat ion.
Assumpt ions limit t he proj ect management t eam's options for decision making because t hey
can not be cont r olled by t he t eam.
I n case of schedule or budget over r uns, t he document at ion of assumpt ions support s a clear
assignment of responsibilit y.
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36. Which is nor mally not regar ded as an element of cost of qualit y?
Prevent ion cost s
Maint enance cost
Appraisal cost s
Failur e cost s
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37. You have r ecent ly been assigned as a proj ect manager t o a new B- O- T ( build, oper at e, t ransfer )
capit al proj ect . Reviewing the init ial document at ion you found out t hat it has been calculat ed wit h a
ver y small mar gin during operat ions of it s pr oduct for t he shar eholder s. What should you do?
As you ar e not r esponsible for lifecycle cost ing, you don' t have t o wor r y about oper at ion pr ofit s.
Focus on pr oj ect cost s fr om initiat ion t hr ough handover .
Ensure maximum pr ofit s by buying t he best and cheapest it ems, components and
modulespotentially from a big number of different suppliersand int egr at ing t hem.
Cr eat e a r ealistic plan broken down t o a sufficient level of det ail. Per for m all risk management
processes. Ensure real- time communications wit h all stakeholder s.
Tr y t o get a second pr oj ect manager assigned t o share decision making and account abilit y t o
shar eholder s wit h t he per son.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
38. A pr oj ect is handled by depar tment s of an or ganizat ion and expedit ed by a proj ect coor dinat or .
Which of t he following stat ement s is most likely t o be t rue?
The per forming organizat ion is a weak mat rix.
The per forming organizat ion is doing " management by pr oj ect s".
The per forming organizat ion is a st rong mat rix.
The per forming organizat ion is proj ect ized.
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39. You are pr oj ect manager in a global pr oj ect wit h a t eam consist ing of people from various count r ies.
What can you tr y t o pr event misunder standings due t o cross- cult ur al diff erences?
Use all communicat ion met hods available t hat are suit able for t he t eam and follow up in wr it ing
when communicating ver bally. Remember t hat cultur al and individual diversit y may help
pr oj ect t eams solving unfor eseen problems dur ing t he course of t he pr oj ect .
When you are about t o form a t eam for your proj ect , keep in mind t hat some cult ures are
developed, ot hers are more pr imit ive. Some have values, some not. You should consequent ly
avoid choosing member s fr om count ries wit h cult ur es t hat are not similar t o your own.
Cultural dilemmas can prevent any proj ect from being successful. They should therefore be
smoot hed or suppressed so as t o make sure t hat they cannot disrupt proj ect work. Your effor t
should concent rat e on communicat ion t hat can help reach t hat goal.
As nor ms r egarding communicat ion habit s differ significant ly acr oss various cultur es,
communicating bet ween people from differ ent count ries should only be done using language.
The nonverbal dimension simply bear s t oo many risks.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
40. Which st atement on conflict s is t rue?
Conflict r esolut ion should focus on people, not issues.
Conflict is nat ural and for ces a search for alt ernat ives.
Conflict should always be handled in pr ivat e and not in t he t eam.
Too much openness is a common cause of conflict .
Page 20 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
41. A change request in a pr oj ect has been rej ect ed some weeks ago. Yest erday, t he pr oj ect manager
found out t hat it never t heless has been implemented by t he t eam member s, who knew of t he
change r equest , but not of the r ej ect ion.
I n order t o avoid such a sit uat ion, r ej ect ed change request s should be consist ent ly communicated t o
st akeholders thr ough which process?
Repor t per formance
Veri fy scope
Per form int egr at ed change cont rol
Monit or and cont r ol r isks
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
42. What is a t r igger in pr oj ect r isk management ?
An expect ed sit uat ion causing an unident ified r isk to occur
A warning sign t hat a pr eviously identified r isk might be occurr ing or has occur r ed
An unexpect ed sit uat ion causing an ident ified r isk t o occur
An unexpect ed sit uat ion causing an unident ified r isk t o occur
Page 21 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
43. According t o t he proj ect plan, a cont ract or is scheduled t o deli ver some soft ware component s t oday
after noon. A r egular payment is due t o be made t o t his cont r actor tomor r ow.
You and your pr oj ect team received a not e t his mor ning infor ming you t hat t he software delivery
will be delayed by 2 weeks.
What should you do right now?
You should delay t he payment also for 2 weeks.
You must immediat ely find a differ ent cont ract or.
You should conduct a meeting wit h t he contr actor to r esolve t he deliver y issues before making
t he payment .
You should make t he payment and reschedule t he pr oj ect plan.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
44. I n a soft ware company a lar ge number of simult aneously per for med pr oj ect s ut ilize the same
gr oups of human and ot her resources.
What is t he t er m commonly used for t his sit uation?
Concur rent engineer ing
Resour ce over- allocation
Resour ce pooling
Program management
Page 22 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
45. What does t he acronym RACI commonly st and for in proj ect management ?
R esponsi le A cco nta le t o e C ons lt ed to e I nf or med
R emot e A t t ached C onnect ed I nt e rat ed
R isk A nal sis and C a t ion I nit iat ive
R andoml A ccessi le C ashflow I nfor mat i on
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
46. You have used est imat es made by your t eam member s and applied t he cr it ical pat h met hod t o
comput e a net wor k logic diagr am for your proj ect . Then you found out t hat it cannot be sufficient ly
opt imized for scar ce r esour ces and fast pr ogr ess t owards a given deadline. What should you do
next ?
Apply resource leveling heurist ics t o uncrit ical activities only.
Reduce est imat es on durat ion and wor k effor ts by an adequat e per cent age.
Apply Three- point est imat ion and crit ical chain pr oj ect management .
Remove physical const raint s and replace hard logi c wit h soft logic.
Page 23 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
47. Liquidat ed damages ( LDs) are cont ract ually agreed payment s in order t o. . .
. .. give t he contr actor an incentive t o meet an aggressive schedule or challenging qualit y
obj ect ives.
. . . penalize t he cont ract or for lat e complet ion of a proj ect or failure t o meet specificat i ons.
. . . cover t he cust omer' s cost s caused by lat e complet ion or failur e t o meet specif icat ions by t he
cont r act or .
. .. make a bid or pr oposal binding for t he offerer while t he cust omer has t ime t o select among
vari ous bidders.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
48. What should not be cover ed by a risk management plan?
Roles and responsibilities for handling proj ect r isks
Timing of pr oj ect r isk management act ivit ies
The met hodological approach used for risk management
I ndividual risks and potential responses t o them
Page 24 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
49. You are assigned as t he proj ect manager t o a proj ect which had a one- t ime cost var iance in t he past
caused by unexpect ed r ewor k which has meanwhile been finished.
You perfor m ear ned value analysis and get t he following results:
EV: 250, 000; PV: 200, 000; AC 275, 000
BAC is 500, 000.
What is right ?
EAC = 550, 000
EAC = 525, 000
EAC = 500, 000
EAC = 425, 000
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
50. An est imat ion has been made that t he constr uction of a r esident ial home will cost a cer t ain amount
per squar e foot of living area. This is an example of what t ype of est imat ing?
Analogous est imat ing
Bot t om- up est imat ing
Top- down est imat ing
Paramet ric est imat ing
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See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
51. What is t rue for prot ot ypes?
Prot ot yping causes significant cost s and should be avoided wher ever possible.
They are t angible and allow for ear ly feedback on requirements by stakeholder s.
Prot ot ypes ar e most ly developed toward t he end of a design or build phase.
Prot ot ypes increase t he risk of misunder standings bet ween developer s and user s.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
52. What is a const ruct ive change?
A change request t hat helps improving t he proj ect and it s product , ser vice or result and is
discussed generally in a fr iendly style.
A direct ion by t he buyer or an act ion t aken by t he seller that t he ot her part y considers an
undocumented change t o the cont ract .
A field change or ad- hoc change mandat ed by t he pr oj ect customer in a public const r uct ion
pr oj ect .
A change r equest which will lead to t he r e- const ruct ion of an older ver sion of t he pr oj ect
perfor mance baseline by t he contr actor .
Page 26 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
53. Which of the following is generally not r egarded to be a motivator accor ding t o Freder ick Her zberg?
Wor king condit ions and int er per sonal r elat ions
Responsibilit y f or enlarged t ask
I nt er est in t he t ask
Recognition for achievement
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
54. What is t rue for modern proj ect management ? Pr oj ect managers need. . .
. .. t o have a st rict st anding in negotiat ing
. .. t o show exper ience in t r icking business par t ner s
. .. t o be t eam player s and facilit ator s inst ead of "bosses"
. .. t o be str ongly linked t o local t r adit ions
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See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
55. You are the proj ect manager in an engineer ing proj ect and have r ecently signed a cont r act wit h a
soft ware vendor for t he development of a complicated cont rol solut ion. The soft ware will be used t o
contr ol machiner y equipment which your pr oj ect t eam is cur rent ly developing. The cont ract is a
lump- sum cont ract . The contr actor has t ar get cost estimat ed which seem rat her low t o you. Which
of t he following st at ement s is not t rue for t his situat ion?
I t is t he cont r actor ' s r isk in t his type of cont ract t hat t heir profit may vanish if cost s have been
under est imat ed.
This form of cont ract should only be chosen when all t he r equir ement s for t he building of t he
pr oduct ar e well- known by all par ties involved.
I n a fixed- price cont r act , change request s can cause issues regarding addit ional t ime and ext ra
costs for t he changes to be applied.
I t is likely t hat your or ganization may have t o assume any unexpect ed addit ional cost s for t he
soft ware development .
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
56. A review t o deter mine whet her of proj ect activities comply wit h or ganizat ional and pr oj ect policies,
processes, and procedures is commonly called
Qualit y audit ing
I nspect ion
Qualit y t est ing
Rej ect scr eeni ng
Page 28 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
57. Which of the following is t rue r egar ding the code of accounts?
I t allows one t o easily identify t he br eakdown level of t he it em in t he r esour ce st ructur e.
I t describes the coding st r uct ure used by t he perfor ming or ganization t o r eport financial
infor mat ion in it s gener al ledger .
I t is t he collect ion of unique identifier s gener ally assigned t o WBS it ems.
I t defines et hical behavior in t he pr oj ect and t he r esponsibilit ies to t he customer and t he
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
58. You are the manager of your company' s proj ect management office. The company is running many
concurrent proj ect s; most of t hem share a resource pool of t echnical staff . Under standing how
resources are ut il ized across proj ect s has been found essent ial t o overall proj ect perf ormance,
including cost effect iveness and profit abilit y.
This mor ning you r eceived a message t hat t he r esource pool members will be unable t o perform as
planned for t he next mont hs because t he overall work load has grown t oo high and while delays ar e
adding up, t he mor ale of t he st aff is going down.
What should you do next ?
Ensure t hat quant itat ive infor mat ion for all pr oj ects is being made available in a unifor m and
reliable fashion and verify t hat the proj ect management methodology is adher ed t o. Then
consolidat e t he infor mat ion t o get an underst anding of t he pr oblems r elat ed wit h t he use of
shared resources.
I mplement an ent er pr ise pr oj ect management software solut ion which is able t o level t he
human resources across t he vari ous proj ect s and which has t he capabili t y t o model resour ce
assignment on a per cent age level t hus opt imizing r esour ce utilization for t he overall
organizat ion.
Do not hing r elat ed t o t he descr ibed pr oblem unless you are explicit ly requested by t he
organizat ions upper management . Suppor t ing decision making on the level on which proj ect
por t folio management is done, is not the proj ect management office' s business.
Evaluat e proj ect management soft ware which support s planning and scheduling across
ent erprise- wide pr oj ect port folios. Avoid managing t he availability of shar ed ent erprise
resources for t he proj ect s run by an organization because t hi s is not t he business of a proj ect
management office.
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See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
59. You have been cr it icized t hat cer t ain specifications in your scope stat ement do not pass t he test for
SMART obj ect ives. What are SMART obj ect ives?
Obj ect ives specif ied in far more det ail than necessary for a execut ion of a successful proj ect .
Easily achievable obj ect ives which help you reducing the pressure on your self and t he t eam.
Obj ect ives t hat should be achieved in order to at t ain for mal r ecognit ion by both t he cust omer
and t he proj ect sponsor.
Obj ect ives t hat are described using specific, measurable, assignable, reali stic and t ime- r elat ed
specificat ions.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
60. You have been assigned as a pr oj ect manager t o a soft war e pr oj ect . While you and your t eam ar e
wor king on a WBS ( work br eakdown st r uctur e) , est imat ions for act ivit y dur ations based on t he
act ivit y list var y significantly. Which addit ional document s may help you clarify t his sit uat ion?
Milest one list and scope baseline.
Proj ect schedule net work diagrams and human resource pl an.
Activity cost estimat es and scope baseline.
Activity att r ibut es and proj ect scope st at ement .
Page 30 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
61. You are perfor ming earned value t echnique on your proj ect .
After budget appr oval, an addit ional and unexpected cost it em has been identified, which made t he
pr oj ect more expensive some weeks ago. The it em has meanwhile been paid by t he proj ect team,
and it is expect ed t hat for t he r emaining dur ation of t he pr oj ect , cost s will be as budget ed.
I n t his case, which is t he best for mula t o calculat e EaC ( Estimat e at Complet ion) ?
EaC = BaC - CV
EaC = BaC / CPI
EaC = AC + Bt C / CV
You can not compute t he EaC.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
62. During a company event, you had the oppor t unit y t o t alk t o a colleague pr oj ect manager . He t old
you t hat in his curr ent pr oj ect act ual costs are 15% under cumulat ed costs budgeted for t oday.
What do you think?
The infor mat ion given t o you by t he colleague is not sufficient t o assess pr oj ect per formance.
The proj ect will pr obably be completed wit h t ot al cost s remaining under budget unt il t he end.
A significant cost increase during the furt her cour se of t he pr oj ect will pr obably bring t he costs
back t o baseline level.
Or iginal cost forecast ing and budget ing for the pr oj ect must have been poor t o allow t his
Page 31 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
63. What is t he meaning of a concept called t he "Jour ney t o Abilene"?
Proj ect managers should visit t heir cust omers far more oft en t han what is usual in or der t o
avoid misunderst andings and bad emot ions.
I nt er nat ional pr oj ect s may have an incr eased need for t r aveling which can lead to additional
costs and tr oubles wit h t ime zones.
Commit t ee decisions can have t he par adox out come, t hat a j oint ly made or appr oved decision
is not desir ed by any individual gr oup member.
A proj ect is a t empor ar y endeavor under t aken t o cr eate a unique pr oduct , ser vice or result .
Repeating it would be similar t o making t he same j our ney t wice.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
64. Which of the following stat ement s descr ibes best t he relat ionship bet ween pr oj ect phases and t he
proj ect lif e cycle?
The proj ect life cycle includes the t ime when t he proj ect is perfor med and t he expect ed pr oduct
lifespan aft er that .
I n proj ect management , t he sequence of proj ect phases and phase gat es is oft en referred t o as
proj ect life cycle.
The proj ect life cycle is regar ded as a sequence of pr oj ect act ivit ies while phases ar e defined t o
cont r ol overlapping act ivit ies.
The proj ect life cycle describes how it er ations of proj ect management processes are used when
a proj ect schedule is developed.
Page 32 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
65. Which is an appropriat e or der in most pr oj ect sit uat ions for t he development of scope- r elat ed
document s?
. Pro ect S st atement of work
. Pro ect chart er
. Pr o ect scope mana ement plan
. Pro ect scope st atement
. S work r eakdown str ct r e and S dict ionar .
. ork r eakdown str ct re
. Scope st at ement
. Pro ect chart er
. S cont ract al stat ement of work
. ont ract al work reakdown st r ct re
. easi ilit st d
. ont ract
. S cont r act al work reakdown st r ct re
. Scope of work descri pt ions
. PI pro ect init iation doc ment .
. M ill of mat eri als
. P cont rol acco nt plan
. Pro ect chart er
. han e mana ement plan
. Scope aseline.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
66. What is t he S- cur ve in proj ect management ?
A graph t hat is generat ed if a nor mal curve is int egr ated.
A graph t hat is t o be int egrat ed t o generat e a normal cur ve.
A met aphoric descript ion of t he shor t t erm uncer t aint ies t hat ar e present in ever y pr oj ect .
The graph t hat descr ibes t he t ypical growth of earned value dur ing t he course of t he pr oj ect .
Page 33 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
67. An out put of the pr ocess st imat e act ivit reso rces is a document called "activit y resource
r equir ement s". I t ident ifies t he t ypes and quant it ies of resources. ..
. .. while t he t er m r esour ces is limit ed to equipment and mater ials.
. .. requir ed for each act ivit y in a wor k package.
. . . while the ter m resources i s limit ed to human resources.
. .. t o be obtained solely from t he per for ming organizat ion.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
68. What is not t he pur pose of configurat ion cont rol when configurat ion management is applied in a
proj ect ?
Ver ificat ion t hat t he configurat ion identificat ion for a configur ation it em is accur ate, complet e,
and will meet specified pr ogr am needs.
Ensuring t hat proposed and appr oved changes t o configurat ion it ems are fully analyzed.
Ensuring t hat proposed and appr oved changes t o configurat ion it ems are fully documented.
Managing and cont r olling the fr equent ly r equest ed changes t o a proj ect by applying agreed
Page 34 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
69. Which st at ement describes best the meaning of t he t erm cost baseline?
A cost baseline is always creat ed by t ranslating t ime- phased cost informat ion int o cost dat a on
activity or wor k- package level.
A cost baseline is an approved time- phased budget t hat will be used t o measur e and monit or
cost per for mance on t he proj ect .
Data t o draw a cost baseli ne can be easily generat ed and updat ed as necessary fr om
infor mat ion r elat ed t o act ual pr oj ect cost .
A cost baseline is usually displayed in the for m of an inverse S- curve drawn fr om the beginning
of t he pr oj ect unt il dat a dat e.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
70. Which is not tr ue in r egard of RoI ( ret ur n on invest ment) for a pr oj ect ?
I t defines t he cumulat ed net income fr om an invest ment at a given point in t ime or dur ing a
defined period.
I t includes invest ment , direct and indirect cost s and may include allowances for capit al cost,
depr eciat ion, r isk of loss, and/ or inflat ion.
I t is most commonly st at ed as a percentage of t he invest ment or as a dimensionless index
I t is t he t ime when cumulat ed net income is equal t o t he invest ment .
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See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
71. A pr oj ect sponsor r equest ed earned value dat a on t wo concur rent pr oj ect s fr om the proj ect
managers. Bot h pr oj ect s ar e r egarded as equally impor tant and st rat egically beneficial and have
been finished by over 80%. He r eceived t he following infor mat ion:
Pr oj ect A:
PV: $1, 800,000
EV: $2, 300, 000
AC: $2, 100, 000
Pr oj ect B:
PV: $2, 000,000
EV: $1, 500, 000
AC: $1, 600, 000
The sponsor considers t o shif t some resources fr om proj ect A t o proj ect B t o speed up t he second
pr oj ect which is curr ent ly behind schedule.
What is t he most likely out come of such a measur e?
Changing t eam assignment s during lat e course of a proj ect t ypically increases cost efficiency.
Changing t eam assignment s during late cour se of a proj ect t ypically increases t ime efficiency.
Accor ding t o the law of diminishing r et urns, the consolidat ed cost var iance of t he t wo proj ects
will decrease.
Accor ding t o the law of diminishing r et urns, the consolidat ed cost var iance of t he t wo proj ects
will incr ease.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
72. Which of the following stat ement s descr ibes best t he relat ionship of quality and grade?
Low gr ade is always a problem; low qualit y may be over come by a good r ework and r epair
Gr ade is a cat egory or r ank given t o ent it ies having different funct ional requir ement s but t he
same need for qualit y.
Bot h qualit y and grade can often be improved t hr ough intelligent measur ing, t esting and
Low qualit y is always a problem as it bears on t he ability of an it em t o meet r equir ement s; low
grade may somet imes be accept able.
Page 36 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
73. Net wor k t emplat es which contain only port ions of a net wor k ar e oft en refer r ed t o as
Sub- net wor ks or fr agment net wor ks
Subpr oj ect s
WBS items
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
74. You have been asked t o calculat e t he inter nal rat e of ret ur n ( I RR) of a proj ect ? What will you
The t ime per iod needed t o pay back t he investment from a pr oj ect when fut ur e income is
discount ed.
The inher ent discount r ate or invest ment yield rat e produced by t he pr oj ect 's deliver ables over
a pre- defined period of time.
The r ate of negat ive r isk t hat can be accept ed for a pr oj ect wit hout t ur ning t he expected net
pr esent value negat ive.
The expected benefit fr om a proj ect s deliverable calculat ed as a per cent age of t he original
investment over a specified time period.
Page 37 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
See r ef erences Marked for review M|."
75. You j ust cr eat ed t he following net wor k logic diagr am to descr ibe t he planned flow of act ivit ies for
your pr oj ect which wil l st ar t t omorrow:
Which potent ial inconsist ency in t he diagr am should you solve r ight now?
Activity E is open ended ( a " dangle" ) in relat ion t o t he finish milestone pat h convergence.
Activity F is open ended in r elat ion t o the pat h divergence aft er the st ar t milest one.
You cannot calculate a cr itical pat h when lags and/ or leads ar e calculat ed in per cent .
Activit ies E t o F need anot her t ask drawn as a hammock to cal culat e level of effor t.
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www. oliverlehmann. com 175 PDF file ( app. 1MB) for download.
Just like t he real t hing: Quest ions
are wr itt en against t he PMP
Examinat ion Cont ent Out line and
refer ence to a curr ent proj ect
management source.
www. oliverlehmann- t r aining. de 175 erman lan a e aid for t he 175
quest ions.
www. oliverlehmann. com 75 The 75 quest ions above, wit h a
t imer in t he t it le bar .
it unes. apple. com/ de/ app/ xzams- pmp-
sample/ id399303897?mt = 8
30 30 f r ee quest ions f or pple iPhone
and iPad.
market . android. com/ det ails?
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f rom t ime t o t i me.
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t he PMP exam st yle, but also
helpful f or your pr eparat ion.
CAPM Vir t ual St udy Gr oup 50 or PM preparat ion At t endees
are invit ed t o post own quest ions.
Also helpf ul for PMP pr eparat ion.
Regist rat ion r equir ed.
OSP I nt er nat ional
www. free- pm- exam- questions. com 110 My friend Cor nelius Ficht ner and
his company are happy t o help
pr oj ect manager s pass t he PMP
exam. Regist r at ion required.
f ree. pm- exam- simulat or . com 90 New ( June 2011) . H
PMConnect ion www. pmconnect ion. com 10
PMExam. com www. pmexam. com ? Order t heir f ree Dai ly Digest as an
e- mai l service. A great r esour ce
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PMPerf ect . com www. pmper fect . com 10 Nice lit t le simulat or for t he real
t est . Good quest ions.
PMPQuest . com www. pmpquest . com 12
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pmpbank. googlepages. com 200 Good, difficult quest ions. H
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PreparePM www. prepar epm. com 165 High quality quest ions, which
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Proj ect PMP sites. google. com/ sit e/ pgmpguide/ 480 H
ProXalt www. proxalt . com 20 Regist rat ion r equir ed.
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st or es.
Simplilear n www. simplilear n. com 200 Regist rat ion r equir ed. Tough st uff.
Tr ial Exams www. t rial- exams. com/ 30 Regist rat ion r equir ed H
Tut or ials Point www. t ut orialspoint . com 200
Voight Proj ect
Solut ions
www. voight ps. com 500 My f riend and colleague Dr. Roger
Voight has a large body of f ree
quest ions. Many of t hem ar e also
helpful f or CAPM candidat es.
You need MS I nt er net Explorer t o
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Page 39 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.
pr oj ect select ion and helps you
become a decision t ree expert .
"PMI " , " PMP" , PgMP" , " CAPM" , "PMBOK" are marks of t he Proj ect Management I nst it ut e ( PMI ) which ar e regi stered in t he Unit ed Stat es
of Ameri ca and i n ot her nat ions
PMI has not par t i cipat ed in t he cr eat ion of t his self assessment t est and has not reviewed i t for corr ect ness.
This t est is f or self assessment onl y and no guar ant y i s gi ven f or passi ng t he PMP exam.
Some of t he names of compani es and t heir product s l isted and l i nked t o on t his page are mar ks which are r egist er ed i n var ious
count ri es.
2004- 2007, al l right s r eser ved. The owner of t his websit e i s not r esponsibl e f or cont ent s of ext ernal pages t o whi ch he placed
hyperlinks. Cont act : oliver@ol iverlehmann. com
Advert isment
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Page 41 of 41 Test time: 05:44:58 - Total test time: 90 Min.

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