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The Classification of Fishes There are about 28,100 species of fishes known to science, they are divided into

4 classes, 59 orders, 490 families and 4,300 or so genera. The classification system of fish is not stagnant and it will change when we have more knowledge, perhaps from DNA analyses. For ordinary purpose however the system I have used on these pages will be sufficient for many years. It is based on Fishes of The World (3rd Edition) by Joseph S. Nelson 1994.

Menu Introduction Classes Myxini & Cephalspidomorphi Class Chondrichthyes Class Osteichthyes

Introduction Welcome to this brief introduction to the classification of fishes. There are a few problems with the classification of fish, the first of which is the question 'What is a fish'? We all use the term Fish regularly but the term fish is not a natural group of animals in the way the terms Reptiles or Birds are. When scientists arrange living things into groups for classification they try to make the classification system they use represent the actual relationships between those living things. The more categories that two organisms share the more closely they are related. All living things are divided up into a series of classifications delineated as:- Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and species. You can also have Super and Sub attached to each group so that a Superclass can contain several Classes each of which

itself contains several Subclasses, Subclasses then contain Superorders which contain Orders etc. So you see we can end up with a lot of different terms, which is good because there are a lot of living things. The term 'Fish' does not fit into any of these categories. This is because it is a general term not a scientific one. We all know that a Trout or a Salmon is a fish, however some of the animals we commonly call fish are not much more closely related to Salmon and Trout than they are to Dogs and Cats. The term fish is actually used to describe any animal that is part of the Subphylum Vertebrata but is not a member of the Classes Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves (Birds) or Mammalia. The Subphylum Vertebrata contains two Superclasses, Agnatha and Gnathostomata. The Superclass Agnatha contains only two Classes of animals both of which come under the general term of fish. The superclass Gnathostomata contains six Classes of animals two of which are also included in the general term of fish.

Higher Classification of the Phylum Chordata Phylum Subphylum Superclass Chordata Urochordata --Chordata Cephalochordata --Chordata Vertebrata Agnatha Chordata Vertebrata Agnatha

Common Name Tunicates Lancelets Hagfish (Fish) Lampreys (Fish) Sharks and Rays etc. Chordata Vertebrata Gnathostomata Chondrichthyes (Fish) Trout and Salmon etc. Chordata Vertebrata Gnathostomata Osteichthyes (Fish) Chordata Vertebrata Gnathostomata Amphibia Amphibians Chordata Vertebrata Gnathostomata Reptilia Snakes, Turtles etc. Chordata Vertebrata Gnathostomata Aves Birds Chordata Vertebrata Gnathostomata Mammalia Cats, Cows and People The animals we commonly refer to as fish then can be seen to be included in 4 classes of animals that are as different from each other as Birds are from Reptiles, but because they all live in the sea they get lumped together. below is a list of all the families of animals we call fish. If you want an entire checklist for the world, or to research a particular species you need to visit Clicking on the name of the family below will take you to a brief description of the family some time in the future. When talking about, and reading about species of fish when only a common name is given you need to be careful. Many people know that Bonito is a type of tuna. However in Fishbol 2004 we find that all the following 20 species are all called Bonito somewhere in the world. Abramites eques, Auxis rochei rochei, Auxis thazard thazard, Caranx crysos, Cybiosarda elegans, Euthynnus affinis, Euthynnus alletteratus, Euthynnus lineatus, Gymnosarda unicolo, Katsuwonus pelamis, Megalaspis cordyla, Orcynopsis unicolor, Rachycentron canadum, Sarda australis, Sarda chiliensis chiliensis, Sarda chiliensis lineolata, Sarda orientalis, Sarda sarda, Selar boops, Thunnus alalunga.

Class ----Myxini Cephalspidomorphi

This is not just a list of the different species called bonito in different parts of the world. In many countries more than one species is known as Bonito, in fact in England, Australia and Cuba the term Bonito applies to 3 different species, in Kenya, Namibia, Brazil and Germany is applies to 4 different species, in Colombia and Mexico Bonito includes 5 species and in the USA the name Bonito is applied to 10 different species. When you add to this the fact that the same species is also called different names in different countries the problem of knowing exactly what species a common name refers to can get quite difficult. For Instance:- Katsuwonus pelamis is Striped bonito, Ocean Bonito, Oceanic Bonito, Arctic Bonito and Bonito in the USA, Striped-bellied Bonito, Striped Bonito, Oceanic Bonito, Atlantic Bonito and Bonito in England, Bauchstreifiger Bonito in Germany, Bonitol, Bonito de altura, Bonito de veintre rayado and Bonito del sur in Spain, Bonito, Bonito de barriga listada, Bonito-de-barriga-riscada, Bonito de veintre rayado, Bonito-ocenico and Bonito rajado in Brazil, White Bonito in both Barbados and Suriname The term 'Bonito' is also used in Cape Verde, Sri Lanka, Dominican Republic, French Polynesia, India, Namibia, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Venezuela and more. Katsuwonus pelamis has many more names than I have listed here, but I think this is enough to illustrate my point on the unreliability of common names, particularly for marine, or other widely distributed species. Class Myxini Order Myxiniformes Family Myxinidae Common Names Hagfish

Class Cephalaspidomorphi Order Family Common Names

Petromyzontiformes Petromyzontiformes Petromyzontiformes Return to Menu

Petromyzontidae Geotriidae Mordaciidae

Northern Lampreys Pouched Lampreys Shorthead Lampreys

Class Chondrichthyes Order Hexachiformes Hexachiformes Squaliformes Squaliformes Squaliformes Pristiophoriformes Heterodontiformes Orectolobiformes Orectolobiformes Orectolobiformes Orectolobiformes Orectolobiformes Orectolobiformes Family Chlamydoselachidae Hexanchidae Echinorhinidae Squalidae Oxynotidae Pristiophoridae Heterodontidae Parascylliidae Brachaeluridae Orectolobidae Hemiscylliidae Stegostomatidae Ginglymostomatidae Common Names Frill Skark Sixgill and Sevengill Sharks Bramble Sharks Dogfish Sharks Rough Sharks Saw Sharks Horn Sharks, Bullhead Sharks Collared Carpet Sharks Blind Sharks Wobbegongs Longtail Carpet Sharks Zebra Sharks Nurse Sharks

Orectolobiformes Lamniformes Lamniformes Lamniformes Lamniformes Lamniformes Lamniformes Lamniformes Carcharhiniformes Carcharhiniformes Carcharhiniformes Carcharhiniformes Carcharhiniformes Carcharhiniformes Carcharhiniformes Carcharhiniformes Squatiniformes Rhinobatiformes Rhinobatiformes Rhinobatiformes Rajiformes Pristiformes

Rhincodontidae Odontaspididae Mitsukurinidae Pseudocarchariidae Megachasmidae Alopiidae Cetorhinidae Lamnidae Scyliorhinidae Proscylliidae Pseudotriakidae Leptochariidae Triakidae Hemigaleidae Carcharhinidae Sphyrnidae Squatinidae Platyrhinidae Rhinobatidae Rhynchobatidae Rajidae Pristidae

Whale Shark Sand Tigers, Grey Nurse Sharks Goblin Shark Crocodile Shark Megamouth Shark Thresher Sharks Basking Shark Mackeral Sharks, Makos Catsharks Finback Catsharks False Catshark Barbled Houndshark Houndsharks Weasel Sharks Requiem Sharks, Whaler Sharks Hammerhead Sharks Angel Sharks Platyrhinids Guitarfishes Sharkfin Guitarfishes Skates Sawfishes

Torpediniformes Torpediniformes Torpediniformes Torpediniformes Myliobatiformes Myliobatiformes Myliobatiformes Myliobatiformes Myliobatiformes Myliobatiformes Myliobatiformes Myliobatiformes Chimaeriformes Chimaeriformes Chimaeriformes Return to Menu

Torpedinidae Hypnidae Narcinidae Narkidae Potamotrygonidae Dasyatididae Urolophidae Gymnuridae Hexatrygonidae Myliobatididae Rhinopteridae Mobulidae Callorhynchidae Chimaeridae Rhincochimaeridae

Electric Rays Coffinrays Narcinids Narkids River Rays Stingrays Round Stingrays Butterfly Rays Sixgill Rays Eagle Rays Cownose Rays Devil Rays, Mantas Plownose Chimaeras, Elephant Fishes Shortnose Chimaeras, Ghost Sharks, Ratfishes Longnose Chimaeras, Spookfishes

Class Osteichthyes Order Ceratodontiformes Family Ceratodontidae Common Names Australian Lungfish

Lepidosireniformes Lepidosireniformes Coelacanthiformes Polypteriformes Acipenseriformes Acipenseriformes Lepisosteiformes Amiiformes Hiodontiformes Osteoglossiformes Osteoglossiformes Osteoglossiformes Osteoglossiformes Osteoglossiformes Elopiformes Elopiformes Albuliformes Notacanthiformes Notacanthiformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes

Lepidosirenidae Prototeridae Coelacanthidae Polypteridae Acipenseridae Polyodontidae Lepisosteidae Amiidae Hiodontidae Osteoglossidae Pantodontidae Notopteridae Mormyridae Gymnarchidae Elopidae Megalopidae Abulidae Halosauridae Notocanthidae Anguillidae Heterenchelyidae Moringuidae

South American Lungfishes African Lungfishes Coelacanth Bichirs Sturgeons Paddlefishes Gars Bowfin Mooneyes Bonytongues Freshwater Butterfly Fish Featherbacks Elephantfishes Aba Tenpounders, Ladyfishes Tarpons Bonefishes Halosaurs Spiny Eels Freshwater Eels Shortfaced Eels Spaghetti Eels

Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Anguilliformes Culpeiformes Culpeiformes Culpeiformes Culpeiformes Gonorhynchiformes Gonorhynchiformes

Chlopsidae Myrocongridae Muraenidae Nemichthyidae Muraenesocidae Synaphobranchidae Ophichthidae Nettastomaridae Colocongridae Congridae Derichthyidae Serrivomeridae Cyematidae Saccopharyngidae Eurypharyngidae Monognathidae Denticipitidae Clupeidae Engraulididae Chirocentridae Chanidae Gonorhynchidae

False Moray Eels Myrocongrid Moray Eels Snipe Eels Pike Eels Cutthroat Eels Snake Eels, Worm Eels Duckbill Eels Colcongrids Congor Eels, Garden Eels Narrowneck Eels, Spoonbill eels Sawtooth Eels Bobtail Snipe Eels Swallowers Gulper Eels Singlejaw Eels Denticle Herrings Herrings, Pilchards, Sardines Anchovies Wolf Herrings Milkfish Beaked Salmons

Gonorhynchiformes Gonorhynchiformes Cypriniformes Cypriniformes Cypriniformes Cypriniformes Cypriniformes Cypriniformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes Characiformes

Kneriidae Phractolaemidae Cyprinidae Psilorhynchidae Balitoridae Cobitidae Gyrinocheilidae Catostomidae Acestrorhynchidae Citharinidae Distichodontidae Hepsetidae Erythrinidae Ctenoluciidae Lebiasinidae Characidae Curimatidae Prochilodontidae Anastomidae Hemiodontidae Chilodontidae Gasteroplecidae

Shellears Hingemouth Carps, Minnows Psilorhynchids Hillstream Loaches Loaches Algae Eaters Suckers Characins Citharinids Distichodontins, African Fin Eaters African Pike Charicin Trahiras and Allies American Pike Characins Voladoras, Pencil Fishes African Tetras, Characins, Tetras, Brycons, Piranhas and allies Toothless Characins Flannelmoth Characins Anastomins, Leporinins Hemiodontids Headstanders Freshwater Hatchetfishes

Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes

Diplomystidae Nematogenyidae Trichomycteridae Callicthyidae Scoloplacidae Astroblepidae Loricariidae Ictaluridae Bagridae Cranoglanididae Siluridae Schilbidae Pangasiidae Amblycipitidae Amphilliidae Akysidae Sisoridae Clariidae Heteropneustidae Chacidae Olyridae Malapteruridae

Velvet Catfishes Mountain Catfish Spinyhead Catfishes, Candirus Plated Catfishes Spinynose Catfishes Andes Catfishes Armoured Suckermouth Catfishes Bullhead Catfishes, Madtoms Bagrid Catfishes Armouhead Catfishes Sheatfishes, Wels, Glass Catfishes Schilbid Catfishes Pangasid Catfishes Torrent Catfishes Loach Catfishes Asian Banjo Catfishes Hillstream Catfishes Labyrinth Catfishes, Airbreathing Catfishes Airsac Catfishes Angler Catfishes, Squarehead Catfishes Olyrid Catfishes Electric Catfishes

Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Siluriformes Argentiniformes Argentiniformes Argentiniformes Argentiniformes Argentiniformes

Ariidae Plotosidae Mochokidae Doradidae Auchenipteridae Pimelodidae Ageneiosidae Helogenidae Cetopsidae Hypophthalmidae Aspredinidae Sternopygidae Rhamphichthyidae Hypopomidae Apternotidae Gymnotidae Electrophoridae Argentinidae Microstomatidae Opisthoproctidae Alepocephalidae Bathyloconidae

Sea Catfishes Eeltail Catfishes Upsidedown Catfishes, Squeakers Thorny Catfishes Wood Catfishes Shovelnose Catfishes, Longwhisker Bottlenose Catfishes, Barbelless Catfishes Halogene Catfishes Shark Catfishes, Carneros Loweye Catfishes Banjo Catfishes Longtail Knifefishes Longsnout Knifefishes Bluntnose Knifefishes Black Knifefishes Banded Knifefishes Electric Eel, Electric Knifefish Herring Smelts Deepsea Smelts Barreleyes, Spookfishes Slickheads Bathylaconids

Argentiniformes Salmoniformes Salmoniformes Salmoniformes Salmoniformes Salmoniformes Salmoniformes Esociformes Esociformes Ateleopodiformes Stomiiforms Stomiiforms Stomiiforms Stomiiforms Aulopiformes Aulopiformes Aulopiformes Aulopiformes Aulopiformes Aulopiformes Aulopiformes Aulopiformes

Platytrochidae Osmeridae Slangidae Retropinnidae Glaxiidae Lepidogalaxiidae Salmonidae Esocidae Umbridae Ateleopodidae Gonostomatidae Sternoptychidae Phosichthyidae Stomiidae Aulopidae Bathysauridae Chlorphthalmidae Ipnopidae Synodontidae Scopelarchidae Notosudidae Giganturidae

Tubeshoulders Northern Smelts, Ayu Icefishes, Noodlefishes Southern Smelts Glaxiids Salamanderfish Chars, Trout, Salmon, Whitefishes Pikes Mudminnows Jellynose Fishes Lightfishes, Bristlemouths Hatchetfishes and allies Lightfishes Viperfishes, Dragonfishes, Snaggletooths, Loosejaws Aulopids Bathysaurids Greeneyes Ipnopids, Tripod Fishes Lizardfishes, Bombay duck Pearleyes Waryfishes Telescope Fishes

Aulopiformes Aulopiformes Aulopiformes Aulopiformes Aulopiformes Aulopiformes Myctophiformes Myctophiformes Lampridiformes Lampridiformes Lampridiformes Lampridiformes Lampridiformes Lampridiformes Lampridiformes Polymixiiformes Percopsiformes Percopsiformes Percopsiformes Gadiformes Gadiformes Gadiformes

Paralepididae Anotopteridae Evermannellidae Omosudidae Alepisauridae Pseudotrichonotidae Neoscopelidae Myctophidae Lamprididae Veliferidae Lophotidae Radiicephalidae Trachipteridae Regalecidae Stylephoridae Polymixiidae Percopsidae Aphredoderidae Amblyopsidae Muraenolepididae Moridae Melanonidae

Barracudinas Daggertooth Sabertooth Fishes Omosudid Lancetfishes Pseudotrichonotids Neoscopelids Lanternfishes Opahs Velifers Crestfishes Inkfishes Ribbonfishes Oarfishes Tube eye Beardfishes Troutperches Pirate Perch Cavefishes Muraenolepidids Morid Eels, Moras Melanonids

Gadiformes Gadiformes Gadiformes Gadiformes Gadiformes Gadiformes Ophidiiformes Ophidiiformes Ophidiiformes Ophidiiformes Batrachoidiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes

Euclichthyidae Bregmacerotidae Gadidae Merlucciidae Steindachneriidae Macrouridae Ophidiidae Carapidae Bythitidae Aphyonidae Batrachoididae Lophiidae Antennariidae Tetrabrachiidae Lophichthyidae Brachionichthyidae Chaunacidae Ogcocephalidae Caulophryndae Ceratiidae Gigantactinidae Neoceratiidae

Euclichthyid Codlets Codfishes, Haddocks and allies Hakes Steindachneriid Rattails, Grenadiers Brotulas, Cuskeels and allies Pearlfishes Livebearing Brotulas Aphyonids Midshipmen, Toadfishes Goosefishes, Monkfishes Frogfishes, Shallow Anglerfishes Humpback Angler Lophichthyid Warty Anglers, Handfishes Coffinfishes, Gapers, Seatoads Batfishes Fanfin Anglers Seadevils Whipnose Anglers Needlebeard Angler

Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Lophiiformes Gobiesociformes Gobiesociformes Gobiesociformes Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontiformes Cyprinodontiformes Beloniformes Beloniformes Beloniformes

Linophrynidae Oneirodidae Thaumatichthyidae Centrophrynidae Diceratiidae Himantolophidae Melanocetidae Gobiesocidae Callionymidae Draconettidae Rivulidae Aplocheilidae Profundulidae Fundulidae Valenciidae Anablepidae Poeciliidae Goodaeidae Cyprinodontidae Adrianichthyidae Exocoetidae Hemiramphidae

Netdevils Dreamers Wolftrap Angler Hollowchin Anglers Double Anglers Footballfishes Blackdevils Clingfishes Dragonets Draconettids South American Annuals African Annuals Profundulids Killifishes Valenciids Cuatro ojos, Foureyed Fishes Livebearers, Guppies etc. Goodeids Pupfishes Ricefishes Flyingfishes Halfbeaks

Beloniformes Beloniformes Atheriniformes Atheriniformes Atheriniformes Atheriniformes Atheriniformes Atheriniformes Atheriniformes Stephanoberyciformes Stephanoberyciformes Stephanoberyciformes Stephanoberyciformes Stephanoberyciformes Stephanoberyciformes Stephanoberyciformes Stephanoberyciformes Stephanoberyciformes Beryciformes Beryciformes Beryciformes Beryciformes

Belonidae Scomberesocidae Atherinidae Dentatherinidae Notocheiridae Melanotaeniidae Pseudomugilidae Telmatherinidae Phallostethidae Stephanoberycidae Melamphaidae Gibberichthyidae Hispidoberycidae Rondeletiidae Barbourisiidae Cetomimidae Mirapinnadae Megalomycteridae Holocentridae Berycidae Anoplogasteridae Monocentrididae

Needlefishes Sauries Grunions, Silversides, Topsmelts Dentatherinid Surf Silversides Rainbowfishes Blue eyes Sailfin Silverbacks Priapium Fishes Pricklefishes Bigscale Fishes, Ridgeheads Gibberfishes Bristlyskin Orangemouth Whalefishes Redvelvet Whalefish Flabby Whalefishes Hairyfish, Tapetails Bignose Fishes, Mosaicscale Fishes Squirrelfishes, Soldier Fishes Alfoncinos Fangtooth Fishes Pineapple Fishes, Pinecone Fishes

Beryciformes Beryciformes Beryciformes Zeiformes Zeiformes Zeiformes Zeiformes Zeiformes Zeiformes Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteiformes Gasterosteiformes Synbranchiformes Synbranchiformes

Anomalopidae Trachichthyidae Diretmidae Parazenidae Macrurocyttidae Zeidae Oreosomatidae Grammicolepididae Caproidae Hypoptychidae Aulorhynchidae Gasterosteidae Indostomidae Pegasidae Aulostomidae Fistulariidae Macroramphosidae Centriscidae Solenostomidae Sygnathidae Synbranchidae Mastacembelidae

Flashlight Fishes, Lanterneye Fishes Roughies, Slimeheads Spinyfins Parazen Macrurocyttids Dories Oreos Tinselfishes Boarfishes Sand Eel Tubesnouts Sticklebacks Paradox Fish Seamoths Trumpetfishes Cornetfishes Snipefishes Razorfishes, Shrimpfishes Ghost Pipefishes Pipefishes, Seahorses Swampeels Spiny Eels

Synbranchiformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes

Chaudhuriidae Scorpaenidae Caracanthidae Aploactinidae Pataecidae Gnathanacanthidae Congiopodidae Triglidae Dactylopteridae Platycephalidae Bembridae Hoplichthyidae Anoplopomatidae Hexagrammidae Zaniolepididae Normanichthyidae Rhamphocottidae Ereuniidae Cottidae Comephoridae Abyssocottidae Hemitripteridae

Chaudhuriids Scorpionfishes, Rockfishes, Stonefishes Coral Crouchers Velvetfishes Prowfishes Red Velvetfish Horsefishes, Pigfishes Gurnards, Sea Robins Helmet Gurnards, Flying Gurnards Flatheads Deepwater Flatheads Ghost Flatheads, Spiny Flatheads Sablefish, Skilfish Greenlings Combfishes Southern Sculpin Grunt Sculpin Deepwater Sculpins Sculpins Baikal Oilfishes Abyssocottids Hemitripterids

Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Scorpaeniformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes

Psychrolutidae Bathyluichthyidae Agonidae Cyclopteridae Liparidae Ambassidae Acropomatidae Epigonidae Scombropidae Symphysanodontidae Caesioscorpididae Polyprionidae Dinopercidae Centropomidae Latidae Percichthyidae Moronidae Serranidae Callanthiidae Pseudochromidae Grammatidae Opistognathidae

Blob Fishes, Fatheads Bathylutichthyids Poachers Lumpfishes Lumpsuckers, Snailfishes Glassfishes Acropomatids Epigonids Gnomefishes Symphysanodontids Caesioscorpidids Wreckfishes Cavebasses Snooks Giant Perches South Temperate Basses North Temperate Basses Groupers, Sea Basses Rosey Perches Dottybacks Basslets Jawfishes

Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes

Plesiopidae Notograptidae Pholidichthyidae Cepolidae Glaucosomatidae Terapontidae Banjosidae Kuhliidae Centrarchidae Percidae Priacanthidae Apogonidae Dinolestidae Sillaginidae Malacanthidae Labracoglossidae Lactariidae Pomatomidae Menidae Leiognathidae Bramidae Caristiidae

Roundheads Bearded Snakeblennies Convict Blennies Bandfishes Pearl Perches Grunters Banjosids Aholeholes Sunfishes Darters, Perches Bigeyes, Catalufas Cardinalfishes Dinolestid Smelt Whitings, Whitings Tilefishes Labracoglossids False Trevallies Bluefish, Tailors Moonfish Ponyfishes, Slipmouths Pomfrets Manefishes

Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes

Arripidae Emmelichthyidae Lutjanidae Lobotidae Gerreidae Haemulidae Inermiidae Sparidae Centracanthidae Lethrinidae Nemipteridae Sciaenidae Mullidae Monodactylidae Pempherididae Leptobramidae Bathyclupeidae Toxotidae Coracinidae Kyphosidae Girellidae Scorpididae

Australian Salmons Rovers Emperors, Snappers Tripletails Mojarras, Silver Biddies Grunts Bonnetmouths Breams, Porgies Centracanthids Emperors, Scavengers Monocle Breams, Threadfin Drums, Croakers Goatfishes Fingerfishes, Moonfishes Sweepers Beachsalmon Bathyclupeids Archerfishes Galjoenfishes Seachubs Blackfishes, Nibblers Halfmoons, Mado, Sweeps

Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes

Microcanthidae Ephippidae Scatophagidae Chaetodontidae Pomacanthidae Enoplosidae Pentercerotidae Oplegnathidae Icosteidae Kurtidae Scombrolabracidae Nematistiidae Carangidae Echeneidae Rachycentridae Coryphaenidae Cirrhitidae Chironemidae Aplodactylidae Cheilodactylidae Latrididae Mugilidae

Stripey Spadefishes Scats Butterflyfishes Angelfishes Oldwife Armourheads Knifejaws Ragfish Nurseryfishes Scombrolabracid Roosterfish Jacks, Trevallies Remoras Cobia, Black Kingfish Dolphins Hawkfishes Kelpfishes Aplodactylids Morwongs Trumpeters Mullets

Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes

Polynemidae Cichlidae Embiotocidae Pomacentridae Labridae Odacidae Scaridae Bathymasteridae Zoarcidae Stichaeidae Cryptacanthodidae Pholididae Anarchichadidae Ptilichthyidae Zaproridae Scytalinidae Bovichtidae Nototheniidae Harpagiferidae Bathydraconidae Channichthyidae Chiasmodontidae

Threadfins Cichlids Surfperches Anemonefishes, Damselfishes Wrasses Rock Whitings Parrotfishes Ronquils Eelpouts Pricklebacks Wrymouths Gunnels Wolffiishes Quillfishes Prowfishes Graveldiver Thornfishes Nototheniids Plunderfishes Antarctic Dragonfishes Icefishes Swallowers

Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes

Champsodontidae Trichodontidae Trachinidae Uranoscopidae Trichonotidae Creediidae Leptoscopidae Percophidae Pinguipedidae Cheimarrhichthyidae Ammodytidae Tripterygiidae Dactyloscopidae Labrisomidae Clinidae Chaenopsidae Blenniidae Rhyacichthyidae Odonotobutidae Gobiidae Siganidae Luvaridae

Champsodontids Sandfishes Weeverfish Stargazers Sanddivers Sandburrowers Leptoscopids Duckbills Sandperches Torrentfish Sandlances Triplfins Sand Stargazers Labrisomids Kelpfishes, Kelp Blennies Tube Blennies Combtooth Blennies Loach Goby Freshwater Asian Gobies Gobies, Gudgeons, Sleepers Rabbitfishes Louvar

Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes Perciformes

Zanclidae Acanthuridae Sphyraenidae Gempylidae Trichiuridae Scombridae Xiphiidae Istiophoridae Amarsipidae Centrolophidae Nomeidae Ariommatidae Tetragonuridae Stromateidae Badidae Nandidae Pristolepidae Channidae Anabantidae Belontiidae Helostomatidae Osphronemidae

Moorish Idol Surgeonfishes, Tangs Barracudas Snake Mackerels, Gemfishes Cutlassfishes Bonitos, Mackerels, Tunas Swordfish Billfishes Amarsipids Medusafishes Driftfishes Ariommatids Squaretails Butterfishes Chameleonfish Leaffishes False Leaffishes Snakeheads Climbing Gouramies Gouramies Kissing Gourami Giant Gourami

Perciformes Pleuronectiformes Pleuronectiformes Pleuronectiformes Pleuronectiformes Pleuronectiformes Pleuronectiformes Pleuronectiformes Pleuronectiformes Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontiformes Tetraodontiformes

Luciocephalidae Psettodidae Citharidae Bothidae Pleuronectidae Cynoglossidae Soleidae Achiridae Achiropsettidae Triacanthodidae Triacanthidae Balistidae Monacanthidae Aracanidae Ostraciidae Triodontidae Tetraodontidae Diodontidae Molidae

Pikehead Spiny Flatfishes Citharids Lefteye Flounders Righteye Flounders Tonguefishes, Tongue Soles Soles American Soles Southern flounders Spikefishes Triplespins Triggerfishes Filefishes, Leatherjackets Robust boxfishes Boxfishes, Cowfishes, Trunkfishes Pursefishes, Three Toothed Puffer Pufferfishes, Toados Porcupinefishes Molas, Ocean Sunfishes

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