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iletromgneti pields nd ves

pll IQVU hrF ied rosseini

Part 1: Transmission Lines

perdowsi niversity of wshhd rnsmission vine @vAX wo uniform prllel ondutors whose length is lrger thn or omprle to the operting wvelength @AF smportnt types of vX


winEledX used ntenn goxilX used in onneting highEfrequeny equipment wirostripX used in printed iruit ords goplnr mirostripX used in printed iruit ords wistedEpirX used in omputer networks nd power supplies @elow IHH urzA

pigure IX hree smportnt types of v e trnsmission lines hs the following distriuted prmetersX IF esistne R @ohmsGmA PF gondutne G @siemensGmA QF gpitne C @frdGmA RF sndutne L @henryGmA I

pigure PX histriuted prmeters goxil q winEled q 1 f f 1 R a a c R a 21 a C 1 b c  2 G a cosh1 (dd=2a) G a ln(d ) b=a  L a  osh1 @d=PaA L a 2 ln@b=aA  2 C a ln(b=a) C a coshd=2a) 1(


c is the ondutivity of the ondutorF d is the ondutivity of the dieletriF  is the permittivity of the dieletriF  is the permeility of the ondutorF

Transmission Line Equations

pigure QX giruit model of smll element of v uirhho9s voltge lw @uvA yieldsX

v@z; tA Ri@z; tAz L

@i@z; tA z v@z C z; tA a H @t

uirhho9s urrent lw @ugvA yieldsX

@z; z; @v@z tA a Ri@z; tA C L @i@@t tA


i@z; tA Gv@z C z; tAz C

ke ke

@ @z @ @t

of iqution @IAX of iqution @PAX

@v@z C z; tA z i@z C z; tA a H @t @i@z; tA a Gv@z; tA C C @v@z; tA @z @t @i @i @ v a R @z C L @z@t @t

2 2 2


gomining iqutions @PAD @QA nd @RA yieldsX

@v @ @t i a G @v C C @z@t @z
2 2 2

@ 2v @v @ 2v a RGv C @RC C LGA C LC 2 @z 2 @t @t sn similr wyD you n otinX

@ 2i @i @ 2i a RGi C @RC C LGA C LC 2 @TA @z 2 @t @t he solutions to iqutions @SA nd @TA re trveling wves long the z diretions whose mplitudes dey with z F

1.1 Equations in Phasor Domain

sn phsor dominD we hveX

v@z; tA a e V @z Aej! t
iqutions @SA yieldsX

i@z; tA a e I @z Aej! t

sn similr wyX

d2 V @z A a RGV @z A C j!@RC C LGA !2 LCV @z A dz 2 d2 V @z A a @R C j!LA@G C j!C AV @z A dz 2


d2 I @z A a @R C j!LA@G C j!C AI @z A dz 2 hene propagation constant X a C j ,


@R C j!LA@G C j!C A

@m1 A

olutions for iqutions @UA nd @VAX

V @z A a V0+ e z C V0 e+ z

+ I @z A a I0 e z C I0 e+ z

where V0+ e z is the net sum of ll individul wves tht trvel to the rightD nd V0 e z is the net sum of ll individul wves tht trvel to the leftF sf V @z A a V0+ e z then the timeEdomin solution isX

v@z; tA a e V @z Aej! t a V0+ e z os@!t z A

sf V @z A a V0 e+ z then the timeEdomin solution isX

v@z; tA a e V @z Aej! t a V0 e z os@!t C z A

herefore the generl solution for v@z; tA isX

v@z; tA a V0+ e z os@!t z A C V0 e z os@!t C z A

end the generl solution for i@z; tA isX
+ i@z; tA a I0 e z os@!t z A C I0 e z os@!t C z A

1.2 Characteristic Impedance

he hrteristi impedne of v in the z C diretion isX

Z0 a

V0+ + I0

o determine Z0 we do the followingX iqution @IA yieldsX @ dVdzzA a RI @zA C j!LI @zA
+ vet V @z A a V0+ e z nd I @z A a I0 e z D then + + + V0+ e z a RI0 e z C j!LI0 e z a @R C j!LAI0 e z


V + R C j!L Z0 a 0 a a + I0

R C j!L G C j!C

Z0 a
Exercise 1

R C j!L G C j!C

The reader should show that V0 a Z0 I0 .

1.3 Lossless Transmission Line

por lossless vD we hve R a G a HF he dierentil equtions @SA nd @TA will eomeX

@ 2v @ 2v a LC 2 @z 2 @t @ 2i @ 2i a LC 2 @z 2 @t he stedy stte sinusoidl timeEdomin solutions reX v@z; tA a V0+ os@!t z A C V0 os@!t C z A
+ i@z; tA a I0 os@!t z A C I0 os@!t C z A


a C j a j! LC aA a H; a ! LC r I L ! Z0 a up a a p C LC xote tht for the ox le nd the twinEled trnsmission linesD we hve LC a ;
Example 1

up a


A 1.0-mm-diameter copper wire is surrounded by a 1.0-mm thickness of Te on, then jacketed by copper. For Te on r a P:I. For copper:  a 0 : We want to nd the propagation speed up and the characteristic impedance Z0 .

up a Z0 a
Exercise 2


a P:I IH8 m/s P:I ln@I:S=H:SA a RT @A

TH p

ln@b=aA a


In the above example, what outer radius of Te on dielectric is required to give the line a 50- characteristic impedance.
Exercise 3

Show that the general solution to Equation (10) is:

where u a I= LC and f1 and f2 are twice-di erentiable with respect to t and z .

v@z; tA a c1 f1 @t z=uA C c2 f2 @t C z=uA

1.4 Low-Loss Transmission Line sn lowEloss lineX R ( j!L nd G ( j!C F

@R C j!LA@G C j!C A  p  R 1=2  G 1=2 a j! LC I C IC j!L j!C    p R G $ j! LC I C IC a Pj!L Pj!C  ! p I R G $ j! LC I C C a Pj! L C   $ I pLC R C G C j!pLC a P L C   p I Ip R G ! C $ ! LC $ LC up a $ p a a a P L C LC

a C j a

Z0 a R0 C jX0 a

R C j!L a G C j!C

L R 1=2 G a IC IC C j!L j!C r    L R G $ IC I a C Pj!L Pj!C r  ! $ L IC I R G a C Pj! L C r r   L I L R G R0 $ X0 $ a a C P! C L C

v  u u j!L R j!L u  t G j!C j!C 1=2



1.5 Distortionless Transmission Line

e hve distortionless trnsmission line if R G a L C sn tht se we hveX

a C j a

RC @R C j!LA@ C j!C A a L a ! LC


Z0 a

R C j!L a G C j!C


C @R C j!LA L

up a

! I ap LC R0 a

R C j!L RC C j!C a L



X0 a H

1.6 Power Loss Along In nite Transmission Line

oltge nd urrent rry power on trnsmission lineF por timeEhrmoni wvesD the verge power t ny point z long the line is I P @z A a eV @z AI @z A P gonsider

I @z A a I0 e z I P0 , P @z Ajz=0 a eV0 I0 P I I P @z A a e V0 I0 e z e z a e V0 I0 e2e( )z P P P @z A a P0 e2 z

V @z A a V0 e z


Power Gain and Decibel

uppose z1 < z2 < z3 X

P1 a P0 e2 z1
xow dene power gain sX xote thtX

P2 a P0 e2 z2 P q , ln jjP jj
12 2 1

P3 a P0 e2 z3


a P @z2 z1 A a q12 C q23

herefore power gin is n dditive quntityX

hene dB power gain sX


P q @dB A , IH log jjP jj

12 2 10 1

@deielsA a R:QRQq12

IH q12@dB A a ln IH edvntges of using deielsX

elso note thtX


IF sing deiels redues the size of numers needed to express very lrge or very smll vluesF PF ingineers n quikly determine the overll gin of multiple loks y dding the individul ginsF U

Terminated Transmission Line

pigure RX erminted v xow we nlyze v tht is terminted with generl lod ZL F et ny point on the lineD we hve @IPA V @z A a V + @z A C V @z A a V0+ e z C V0 e+ z
+ I @z A a I + @z A C I @z A a I0 e z C I0 e+ z V+ V Z0 a 0 a 0 + I0 I0


2.1 Re ection Coecient

he ondition t terminl lod isX

VL , V @HA
e n then writeX

IL , I @HA

VL a ZL IL V0+ 0 V0 + 0 e e Z0 Z0

VL a V0+ e 0 C V0 e+ 0
e onlude thtX

IL a

V0+ C V0 V0+ C V0 V0+ C V0 ZL a + a V + V a Z0 + I0 C I0 V0 V0 0 0

Z0 Z0

efter rerrnging we hveX hene the re ection coecient sX

V0 a

ZL Z0 + V ZL C Z0 0
@IRA L a I L a CI

L , xote thtX

V0 ZL Z0 a V0+ ZL C Z0

hortEiruited lodX ZL a H ypenEiruited lodX ZL a I V


wthed lodX ZL a Z0

L a H

he reetion oeient t ny point z long the v isX @z A ,

V @z A V0 e+ z a + z a L e+2 z + V @z A V0 e
@z A a L e2 `


he reetion oeient t point z a ` is

2.2 Input Impedance

pigure SX erminted v

V @z A j I @z A z=` V + e+ ` C V e ` V + e+ ` C V0 e ` Zin a 0+ + ` ` a Z0 0+ + ` 0 ` I0 e C I0 e V0 e V0 e Zin ,

a Z0

e+ ` C ZL Z0 e ` 0 a Z0 + ` ZL +Z0 ` ZL Z0 e e+ ` V0+ e ` ZL +Z0 e V0 Z @e+ ` C e ` A C Z0 @e+ ` e ` A a Z0 L + ` ` ZL @e e A C Z0 @e+ ` C e ` A

e+ ` C V0+ e ` V

Zin a Z0
por lossless lineD we hveX

ZL C Z0 tnh ` Z0 C ZL tnh ` ZL C jZ0 tn ` Z0 C jZL tn `


Zin a Z0

Plot of Zin 100

50 R and Z
in in


0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Transmission line length (in wavelength)


pigure TX

in and

in for a TL with

= 0:01, G = 0:001, L = 105 , C = 108 , f = 100 MHz

he following wevef funtion omputes the input impedneF

function Zin=Zinput(Zo,ZL,gamma,length) %enter Zinput(Zo, ZL,, gamma, length) where % Zo = complex char imp of line, ohms % ZL = complex load imp, ohms % gamma = propagation constant, 1/m % length = T-line length, m %returns Zin, the input impedance num = ZL + Zo * tanh(gamma*length); den = Zo + ZL * tanh(gamma*length); Zin = Zo * num / den;

he following wevef mEle ws used to plot the input impedne versus length of the v in pigure @TAF
% M-file to plot clear n = 1000 R = 0.01; G = 0.001; L = 10^(-6); C = 10^(-8); f = 100*10^(6); ZL = 100; Zin versus transmission line length % % % % % % % number of plot points line resistance (ohm/m) line conductance (S/m) line inductance (H/m) line capacitance (F/m) operating frequency load impedance (ohm)

omega = 2*pi*f; gamma = sqrt((R+j*omega*L)*(G+j*omega*C));


Zo = sqrt((R+j*omega*L)/(G+j*omega*C)) lambda = (2*pi)/imag(gamma) for i=1:n length(i) = i*(lambda/n); Zin(i) = Zinput(Zo,ZL,gamma,length(i)); end plot(length,real(Zin),length,imag(Zin)) xlabel('Transmission line length (in wavelength)') ylabel('R_{in} and X_{in}') title('Plot of Z_{in}')

2.3 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)

uperposition of the inident nd reeted wve retes standing wave pttern s in pigure @UAF

pigure UX tnding wve pttern @V0+ a I:H nd V0 a H:SA gonsider lossless v with n inident voltge wve s followsX

v+ @z; tA a V0+ os@!t z A

uppose there is lod mismth t z a H suh tht the reeted voltge wve isX

v @z; tA a V0 os@!t C z A
he superposition of the inident nd reeted wves is

v@z; tA a V0+ os@!t z A C V0 os@!t C z A


he mximum nd minimum voltges on the v reX

Vmax a jV0+ j C jV0 j;

he voltage standing wave ratio is dened , a xotie thtX wthed lodX ZL a Z0 hort iruitX ZL a H ypen iruitX ZL a I

Vmin a jV0+ j jV0 j

Vmax jV0+ j C jV0 j a Vmin jV0+ j jV0 j

C jj a I I

I C jL j I jL j


a H; a I a I; a I a CI; a I

wesuring is useful wy to mesure unknown lod impednesF

pigure VX tnding wve pttern for ZL a H

2.4 Transmission Lines as Circuit Elements

gonsider lossless vX R a G a HF

a j a j! LC
e use iqution @IUAF IP

Z 0 a R0 a

L : C

pigure WX tnding wve pttern for ZL a I

Case 1. Open-Circuit Termination:

ZL a I

Zin a jXin a Zlim R0 3I


R ZL C jR0 tn ` a j 0 a jR0 ot ` R0 C jZL tn ` tn `

herefore the input impedne is pure retive nd dependent on the line length ellF ZL a I A L a I a I

xotie thtX

V @z A a V0+ e z C e+ z a PV0+ os z V+ PjV0+ sin z I @z A a 0 e z e+ z a Z0 Z0 `a  V

ZL a H

Zin a jR0 Zin a H Zin a I

 R  `a P `a
Case 2. Short-Circuit Termination:

Zin a jXin a R0

H C jR0 tn ` a jR0 tn ` R0 C j H tn `

herefore the input impedne is pure retive nd dependent on the line length ellF ZL a H A L a I a I
V @z A a V0+ e z e+ z a PjV0+ sin z


I @z A a
xotie thtX

V0+ z + z PV0+ e Ce a os z Z0 Z0 Zin a jR0 Zin a I Zin a H

Case 3. Matched

 A V  `a A R  A `a P Termination: ZL a R0 `a Zin a R0

R0 C jR0 tn ` a R0 R0 C jR0 tn `

regrdless of ell

herefore the input impedne is independent of the line length ellF

ZL a Z0

L a H

a I
+ 0 + 0

V @z A a V0+ e z V+ I @z A a 0 e z Z0
Case 4. Quarter-wave TL:

jV @zAj a jV j jI @zAj a jI j



` a

P   a  R P

tn ` a I

Zin a R0
Case 5. Half-wave TL:

2 ZL C jR0 @IA R0 a R0 C jZL @IA ZL



` a

P  a  P

tn ` a H

Zin a R0
ee pigures @VAD @WAF
2.4.1 Measuring

ZL C jR0 @HA a ZL R0 C jZL @HA



IF et ZL a HD nd mesure the input impedne Zis a Z0 tnh `F PF et ZL a ID nd mesure the input impedne Zio a Z0 oth `F QF gompute Z0 a Zio Zis RF gompute a `1 tnh1

Zis Zio


pigure IHX he omplete iruit

2.5 The Complete Circuit

uppose the voltge soure is Vs D the soure impedne is Zs D nd the urrent drwn from the voltge soure is Is F e hveX Vin a Zin Iin Z C Z0 tnh ` Zin a Z0 L Z0 C ZL tnh ` Vs Iin a Is a I @`A a Zs C Zin Zin Vin a V @`A a Zin I @`A a Vs Zs C Zin he verge power delivered to the v isX I Pin a eVin Iin P he verge power output y the soure isX I Ps a eVs Is P e know from iruit theory tht if Zs a ZL then mximum power is trnsferred to the lodF xow we determine V @sA nd I @sA in terms of the iruit nd v prmetersF et ny point on the v we hveX

V @z A a V0+ e z C V0 e+ z a V0+ @e z C L e+ z A
ivluting t z a `X

V @`A a Vin a V0+ @e ` C L e ` A V Zin Vs V0+ a ` in ` a ` C L e ` e C L e Zs C Zin e


hereforeD the voltge t ny point z < H on the v isX

V @z A a Vs
et ny point on the v we hveX
+ I @z A a I0 e z C I0 e+ z a

Zin e z C L e+ z Zs C Zin e ` C L e `

V0+ z V0 + z V0+ z e e a @e L e+ z A Z0 Z0 Z0

hereforeD the urrent t ny point z < H on the v isX

I @z A a
et lod @z a HA we hveX

Vs Zin e z L e+ z Z0 Zs C Zin e ` C L e `

I C L Zin ` C L e ` Zs C Zin e I IL a VL =ZL PL a eVL IL P

VL a Vs

2.6 Impedance Matching

uppose tht voltge soure is onneted to lod through lossless v nd lossless mthing deviesF xone of the power is lost in the trnsmission systemF sf the output of the soure is onjugteEmthed to the vD the mximum power ows to the lodF hen if the system is opened t ny pointD the impedne looking in opposite diretions must e the onjugte of eh otherF ee pigure @IIAF hereforeD mthing devies re used t oth ends of the trnsmission to stisfy the mximum power trnsfer onditionF

pigure IIX e ompletely mthed v system


Quarter-wave Impedance Transformer

rolemX sn pigure @IPAD nd Z1 suh tht Zin a Z0 F olutionX R C jZ1 tn ` Zin a Z1 L Z1 C jRL tn ` IT

pigure IPX urterEwve trnsformer he length of the mthing v setion is ` a  F herefore tn ` a I nd 4

Zin a

2 Z1 a Z0 RL

Z1 a
Shunt-Stub Matching



sn shorted shuntEstu mthing @pigure IQA nd openEended shuntEstu mthing @pigure IRAD the prolem is to determine d nd ` so tht the lod is perfetly mthed to the trnsmission line with hrteristi impedne is Z0 F

pigure IQX horted huntEstu wthing sn shorted doule shuntEstu mthing @pigure ISAD he distne from the lod to the rst stu is d0 nd the sping etween the stus is dF hese distnes re preset nd xedF he prolem is to determine `1 nd `2 so tht the lod is perfetly mthed to the trnsmission line with hrteristi impedne is Z0 F


pigure IRX ypenEended huntEstu wthing

pigure ISX horted houle huntEstu wthing

Transient Analysis

sn this setionD we onsider the trnsients on lossless v @R a G a HAF prom iqutions @IA nd @PAD we hveX @z; z; @v@z tA a L @i@@t tA @i@z; tA a C @v@z; tA @z @t nd @ 2v @ 2v @ 2i @ 2i a LC 2 ; a LC 2 @z 2 @t @z 2 @t he wve solutions in the z C diretion re

v+ @z; tA a fv @t z LC A

z @fv @t z LC A a L @fi@t @t LC A @z

i+ @z; tA a fi @t z LC A

hene hereforeX

LCfv @t z LC A a Lfi @t z LC A

fi @t z LC A a

p C fv @t z LC A L r L + v+ @z; tA a i @z; tA C p

I up a p LC

R0 a


v+ @z; tA a R0 i+ @z; tA v @z; tA a R0 i @z; tA

sn similr wyD for wve trveling in the z diretionD we otinX

hereforeD in generlX

v@z; tA a v+ @z; tA C v @z; tA I i@z; tA a i+ @z; tA C i @z; tA a v+ @z; tA v @z; tA R0

3.1 Transients on an Unlimited Line

uppose hg voltge soure Vs is suddenly onneted to n innite v t t a HF

v+ @H; HA a Vs
he wve trvels t speed up D thereforeX

i+ @H; HA a Vs =R0

v@z; tA a

Vs if z up t H if z > up t

p to the point z a up tD every length z of the v rries n energy equl toX I I V i a C zVs2 C Lz s P P R0 he totl energy stored on the line t time t is a C zVs2

i a C @uptAVs
he rte t whih this energy is inresing isX

di C V2 a Cup Vs2 a p Vs2 a s dt R0 LC

his is of ourse the power ontinuously supplied y the tteryF IW

3.2 Transients on a Terminated Line

uppose hg voltge soure Vs with n internl resistne Rs is suddenly onneted to v t t a HF he v hs length `D hrteristi resistne R0 nd is terminted in resistne RL F he time it tkes for n eletri wve to trvel from one end of v to the other end is ` , up e hveX R0 v@`; HA a V0 a Vs R0 C Rs et the termintion of the line we hveX v+ @H tA C v@H; tA a RL i@H; tA A RL a R0 v+@H;; tA v@H;; tA v @H tA

et the sending endX

L a

v @H; tA RL R0 a v+ @H; tA RL C R0


v+ @`; tA RS R0 S a a v @`; tA RS C R0

pigure ITX rnsient for voltge step funtion

v@`; HA a V0 a VS

R0 R0 C RS

he reeted voltges reX

V1+ a V0 V2+ a S L V0 V3+ a 2 2 V0 S L V4+ a 3 3 V0 S L

V1 a L V0 V2 a S 2 V0 L V3 a 2 3 V0 S L

k Vk+ a k1 L1 V0 S n k=1

V4 a 3 4 V0 S L

Vk a k1 k V0 L S
k @S1 k1 C k1 k A L L S

efter n roundEtrips of the voltge wveD the voltge on the line will eX

Vn a

@Vk+ C Vk A a V0
n k=1

n k=1

a V0 @I C L A

@S L Ak1 a V0 @I C L A

I @S L An I S L

he stedy stte voltge on the line isX I C L Vsteadystate a nlim Vn a V0 3I I S L ustituting from @IVA nd @IWAD

Vsteadystate a V0
a VS

I C RL R0 RL +R0

RS R0 RL R0 RS +R0 RL +R0

a V0


RL R0 RL @RS C R0 A a Vs R0 C RS R0 @ RL C RS A RL C RS


iletromgneti pields nd ves

pll IQVU hrF ied rosseini

Assignment 1
perdowsi niversity of wshhd

IF glulte the distriuted prmeters t IFH wrz for twinEled le onsisting of eq PT opper ondutors with enters seprted y IFH mF he dieletri is polystyreneF @A hetermine the hrteristi impedneD propgtion speed nd df power loss per meter for the leF @A ht seprtion is required etween these wires to hieve USEohm impednec @A hetermine the frequeny t whih the le eomes distortionlessF PF he impedne nd propgtion onstnt t IHH wrz for v re determined to e Z0 a IV:T j H:PSQ ; nd a H:HTQV C j R:TV m1 : glulte the distriuted prmetersF QF qESVG is spei type of oxil le often used for lowEpower signl onneE tionsF st ws one widely used in hin4 ithernet @IHfeiPAF he qESVG le hs n inner ondutor rdius of HFRS mmD nd n outer ondutor tht goes from rdius of IFRU mm to PFR mmF olyethylene is the dieletri nd opper is the ondutorF epet the following prts for operting frequenies f a IHH wrz nd f a I qrzF ulte your resultsF @A pind the distriuted prmeters R; L; G; C F @A pind ; up nd Z0 for this leF @A sf n p signl soure delivers I tt power to one end of the leD @IA nd the length of the le t whih the reeived power is HFS ttD @PA nd the length of the le t whih the reeived power is I mF @dA ht is the power loss per meter of this le in df slec RF gommunition engineers usully represent solute power levelsin the  m sleD df P where the referene is hosen s I mF hen P @dfm A a IH log 1 m : e le hs H:I dfGm power lossF he output of IHHEmeter le of this type is IH dfm F row muh input power ws pplied @in ttsAc SF e soure with SHEohm soure impedne drives SHEohm v tht is IGV of wveE length longD terminted in lod ZL a SH j PS : glulte L ; nd the input impedne seen y the soureF PP

TF sn this prolemD you will ompre three types of stndrd lesF he physil speitions of the les re given in the following tleF
RG-58/U RG-214 Twin-lead = 0:45 mm a = 2:21 mm a = 0:405 mm

= 1:47 mm polyethylene copper b = 7:24 mm te on copper d = 10:0 mm polystyrene copper


se wevef to plot Z0 D D nd up for eh of the lesX ginst frequenyF se logrithmi sle for frequenies @ngeX f a IHk rz for k a I; P; ; IHAF ih prmeter is to e inserted in the one plot for the three lesF gompre the les nd determine the est frequeny nds for eh type of leF UF e SEv VHHEwrz voltge soure with PEohm soure impedne drives SHEmeter long qEPIR leF he le is terminted in IHHEohm resistive lodF hetermine the mgnitude of the voltge ross the lodF VF e voltge soure @vs @tA a R os@PIH9 tA V A is onneted to =V v with Z0 a SH ohmsF he line is terminted in ZL a RH C j!LH with RH a SH ohms nd LH a T:QU nrF hetermine L D D nd Zin seen y the soureF glulte the instntneous voltge ross the lodF WF e pulse genertor trnsmits periodi pulse trin into n qESVG leF he pulse trin hs frequeny f a IHH wrz nd duty yle 7PHF he line is properly mthed t oth endsF lot the shpe of n output pulse if the length ` of the le is I meterD S metersD IH metersD SH metersD nd IHH metersF IHF e shorted shuntEstu mthing network shown in pigure IQ is onstrutedF he lod is ZL a PH j SS ohmsF he v9s hrteristi impedne is Z0 a SH ohmsF hetermine d nd ` suh tht the lod is ompletely mthed to the trnsmission lineF IIF en openEended shuntEstu mthing network shown in pigure IR is onstrutedF he lod is ZL a ISH C j IHH ohmsF he v9s hrteristi impedne is Z0 a SH ohmsF hetermine d nd ` suh tht the lod is ompletely mthed to the trnsmission lineF IPF e shorted doule shuntEstu mthing network shown in pigure IS is onstrutedF he lod is ZL a PSC j S ohmsF he v9s hrteristi impedne is Z0 a US ohmsF he distne from the lod to the rst stu is d0 a =ITF he sping etween the stus is d a =ITF hetermine `1 nd `2 suh tht the lod is ompletely mthed to the trnsmission lineF IQF e lod impedne ZL a PHH C j ITH ohm is to e mthed to IHHEohm line using shorted shuntEstu mthing networkF pind the solution tht minimizes the stu lengthF PQ

Appendix: Smith Chart

he mith hrt is grphil for use with trnsmission line iruits nd mirowve elementsF st ws reted in IWQH9s y hilip rF mithD n engineer t fell elephone vsF he mith hrt is onforml mpping from ll possile vlues of reetion oeient to impedne vlues nd vie versF hene normlized impedneX zL a ZL : et ny point on the vD we hveX Z0

Z Z0 a a Z C Z0
vet z a r C jx nd a u C jvF hen

Z Z0 Z Z0

I zI a


u C jv a
iliminting x givesX

r C jx I : r C jx C I rv C x@u IA a v

r@u IA xv a @u C IA;


u2 @r C IA Pur C v2 @r C IA a I r r u rCI
C v2 a I @r C IA2

1 he ove is irle in the uvEplne with rdius r+1 nd enter t xow if we eliminting r insted of xD we otinX

r r+1 ; H F

@u IA2 C @v I=xA2 a I=x2

pigure IUX gonstnt resistne irles prom mthemtil point of viewD the mith hrt is REh representtion of ll possile omplex impednes with respet to oordintes dened y the omplex reetion oeientF he mith hrt solves the following prolems for lossless trnsmission linesF IF qiven Zin @lAD nd @lA PR

pigure IVX gonstnt retne irles PF qiven @lAD nd Zin @lA QF qiven L ; ZL D nd @lA; Zin @lA RF qiven @lA; Zin @lAD nd L ; ZL SF pind the mximum nd minimum lotions for the voltge stnding wve ptternF TF pind the oltge tnding ve tio @AF UF qiven Zin @lAD nd Yin @lA VF qiven Yin @lAD nd Zin @lA efer to stndrd textooks on rnsmission vine heory for detiled explntion of the mith ghrt tehniquesF


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