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To my parents for giving me all the weapons to succeed, for being my inspiration.

My older brother for teaching me the value of support groups,for all those who believed me cuanod apoyodo he would not

They thank .



This album is a compilation of data describing the geographical, customs, traditions, historical sites, important places, typical food, vestiges and Nearest places with beautiful adjoining the Tehuacan.


Geographic location*

Puebla is one of the 32 states of Mexico. It is located in the centraleastern Mexico. Bordered on the east by the state of Veracruz, on the west by the states of Hidalgo, Mexico, Tlaxcala and Morelos and south by the states of Oaxaca and Guerrero.


Mexican state of Puebla, located 130 km from the city of Puebla, 257 kilometers from Mexico City and 321 km from the city of Oaxaca, at an altitude of 1,676 meters above sea level, climate and semi semiwarm. The population according to the 2010 census, is of 274.906 inhabitants Added to this the city has a small metropolitan area formed by the boards of San Pedro Acoquiaco Auxiliary, San Nicols Tetitzintla, Teotiplico San Lorenzo, Santa Maria Coapan, San Diego Chalma, Santa Cruz and San Pablo Tepetzingo Acapa which with a population of 316.533 inhabitants should be remembered that Teloxtoc Santa Ana, Santa Catarina Otzolotepec, San Cristbal Tepeteopan, Cuayucatepec Magdalena and San

Marcos Necoxtla also part of the city but are geographically more remote.






This is the currently accepted glyph city of Tehuacn. It is based on the work of Felipe Franco's 1946 Geographic Indonimia Puebla State, same as inferred from the word Teohuacan, ie instead of gods or the sun.(From "La Fortaleza del Cerro Colorado Tehuacan Puebla," Galvez Mauricio Rosales) The glyph is interpreted as follows: At the bottom you can see a gum with teeth, which means "place". The album is a solar symbol,

or sacred. Hence, to be known as Tehuacn "City of Gods", "Place of those gods", "Place of those with God" or more currently "Sun City". must take into account several points. Tehuacn was not always known by that name. In the Mixtec codices alluded to Cerro Colorado as "Tiger Hill" or "the beast" (Yucutoaa) the existence of ocelots in the area or because as you know, on top of the Cerro Colorado hexisti an ancient fortress a temple, and ocelot had a sacred segnificado. It is not known how this hill was called popoloca possibly was called jna adjnchn (red hill) or jna Uxaxi (Tiger Hill). In Santiago Canvas Ihuitln Teyouaca mentions, represented by a hill town with a tiger on its summit. Apparently this hill gave identity to the entire population. In the early years of the colony, here was remarkable the many stone idols, destroyed by the friars, which influenced why he was known as "place of the gods". Furthermore, the circle of glyph is a sun symbol in the old context. The name and concept of Tehuacn has changed over time. The current interpretation of the word "Tehuacn" is just a contemporary acceptance has been made official. Even a student of the subject I heard the story that the original word comes not from TEO but tetl

(stone), but it's something I can not say for now. The name "City of the Sun" came as a result of the discovery of the ruins of an ancient ceremonial center on the slopes of Cerro Colorado. I guess you had to call in some way and to distinguish him from the current Tehuacn validates the meaning "City of the Sun" by the characteristics of the glyph



Tehuacn (from Nahuatl "theo" = God, "hua" = possessive, "can" = place, meaning "place of the gods") is a city, municipality and municipal seat located in the southeast of the Mexican state of Puebla, located 130 km of the city of Puebla, 257 kilometers from Mexico City and 321 km from the city of Oaxaca, at an altitude of 1,676 meters above sea level, climate and semi semiwarm. The population according to the 2010 census, is of 274.906 inhabitants Added to this the city has a small metropolitan area formed by the boards of San Pedro Acoquiaco Auxiliary, San Nicols Tetitzintla, Teotiplico San Lorenzo, Santa Maria Coapan, San Diego Chalma, Santa Cruz and San Pablo Tepetzingo Acapa which with a population of 316.533 inhabitants should be remembered that Teloxtoc Santa Ana, Santa Catarina Otzolotepec, San Cristbal Tepeteopan, Cuayucatepec Magdalena and San Marcos Necoxtla

also part of the city but are geographically more remote. History Figure of the Water God found in Tehuacan Tehuacn was part of the Royal Road that connected the port of Veracruz to the Great Tenochtitlan, which influences to Carmelita Temple construction is intended in the present location. Archaeological finds show that it was inhabited by village communities 8500 years before Christ. He had a major role in the process of domestication and cultivation of plants. In Tehuacn found the oldest fossil of corn in the world.In 1454 Moctezuma invaded and conquered the place to be a strategic point for further conquests. The population fled to the hill where they were finally defeated Colorado, and after the defeat of the Aztecs on August 13, 1521 was submitted to the Spanish.

On 16 March 1660 the Indians of the region acquire the title of "City Indians", earning him his offer to the Spanish at the time.During the War of Independence, the city was used as barracks by the illustrious leader Trujano Valerio.In March 1862, the French army invaded Mexican territory, staying in Tehuacn. The entire state of Puebla was under the rule of the imperialists of Maximilian of

Hapsburg to the year 1867.2


Tehuacn (del nhuatl "teo" = Dios, "hua" =posesivo, "can" = lugar , es decir "lugar de dioses") es una ciudad, municipio y cabecera municipal ubicada en el sureste del Estado mexicano de Puebla, ubicada a 130 km de la Ciudad de Puebla, a 257 km de laCiudad de Mxico y a 321 km de la Ciudad de Oaxaca, a una altitud de 1.676 msnm, de clima semiclido y semiseco. La poblacin segun el censo del 2010, es de 274,906 habitantes aunado a ello la ciudad cuenta con una pequea zona metropolitana formada por las juntas auxiliares de San Pedro Acoquiaco, San Nicols Tetitzintla, San Lorenzo Teotiplico, Santa Mara Coapan, San Diego Chalma, Santa Cruz Acapa y San Pablo Tepetzingo las cuales suman una poblacin de 316,533 habitantes cabe recordar que Santa Ana Teloxtoc, Santa Catarina Otzolotepec, San Cristbal Tepeteopan, Magdalena Cuayucatepec, as como San Marcos Necoxtla tambin forman parte de la ciudad aunque geogrficamente se encuentran mas alejadas.

Figure of the Water God found in Tehuacan

Tehuacn was part of the Royal Road that connected the port of Veracruz to the Great Tenochtitlan, which influences to Carmelita Temple construction is intended in the present location.Archaeological finds show that it was inhabited by village communities 8500 years before Christ. He had a major role in the process of domestication and cultivation of plants. In Tehuacn found the oldest fossil of corn in the world. In 1454 Moctezuma invaded and conquered the place to be a strategic point for further conquests. The population fled to the hill where they were finally defeated Colorado, and after the defeat of the Aztecs on August 13, 1521 was submitted to the Spanish.

On 16 March 1660 the Indians of the region acquire the title of "City Indians", earning him his offer to the Spanish at the time.During the War of Independence, the city was used as barracks by the illustrious leader Trujano Valerio.In March 1862, the French army invaded Mexican territory, staying in Tehuacn. The entire state of Puebla was under the rule of the imperialists of Maximilian of Hapsburg to the year 1867.2 The town of Tehuacan is located in the southeastern part of the state of Puebla. Its geographic coordinates are the parallels 18 22 '6 and 18 36' north longitude 12, and

meridians 97 15 '24 and 97 37' west latitude 24. North Tehuacn Tepanco Lopez, Santiago Miahuatlan, Vicente Guerrero, Nicols Bravo, Tlacotepec of Benito Juarez (Tecamachalco) and Xochitln Todos Santos (Tecamachalco) South Tehuacn, San Antonio Caada Ajalpan, San Gabriel Chilac, Zapotitln, San Antonio Texcala and Altepexi, Zapotitln, San Martn Atexcal, John N. Mendez.

Tehuacn Township occupies 1.15% of the state's area, which is about 390.36 km , that puts you in the place 18 with respect to the other municipalities in the state of Puebla, in extension. Within its boundaries are the hills of Las Chivillas, Wet, The Dead, Cerro Viejo, Coatepec, La Tarantula, Ocotempa, Maguey, The Hawk, the Plaza de Armas and the Cerro Colorado.

The municipality belongs to the basin of the Papaloapan. It is watered by streams from the mountains surrounding the Valley of Tehuacan. Sierra de Zongolica highlights the river's Huertilla which joins the Rio Salado and Tehuacan and form the river of the same name that eventually reaches the Dominguillo and download in the Papaloapan.

The area has a lot of mineral springs, such as El Riego Garci-Crespo, San Lorenzo, Penafiel, San Miguelito and others. As there are a lot of springs, infiltration galleries escurrimentos and subsurface water, which pass through much of the city of Tehuacn.

Because of its location, has a variety of climates ranging from temperate to hot ones. The climatic zones can be summarized as follows: Temperate subhumid with summer rains, is located at the western end of the raised part of the Sierra de Zapotitln. Semi warm dry climate with summer rains and low throughout the year, is identified in the southern part of town, in the Valley of Tehuacan.Semidry warm summer rains and low throughout the year, is the climate in the area corresponding to the Valley of Tehuacan. Semidry temperate climate with summer rains and low throughout the year, is the weather that occurs between the eastern part of the Tehuacan Valley and the foothills of the Sierra de Zongolica El municipio pertenece a la cuenca del Papaloapan. Es regado por las corrientes provenientes de las sierras aledaas al Valle de Tehuacn. De la Sierra de Zongolica destaca el ro La Huertilla, que

se une al Ro Salado y Tehuacn y forma el ro del mismo nombre que al final llega al Dominguillo y descarga en el Papaloapan. En la zona hay una gran cantidad de manantiales de aguas minerales, como los de El Riego Garci-Crespo, San Lorenzo, Peafiel, San Miguelito y otros. Como existe una gran cantidad de manantiales, escurrimentos y de galeras filtrantes de agua del subsuelo, los cuales atraviesan gran parte de la Ciudad de Tehuacn. The municipality belongs to the basin of the Papaloapan. It is watered by streams from the mountains surrounding the Valley of Tehuacan. Sierra de Zongolica highlights the river's Huertilla which joins the Rio Salado and Tehuacan and form the river of the same name that eventually reaches the Dominguillo and download in the Papaloapan. The area has a lot of mineral springs, such as El Riego Garci-Crespo, San Lorenzo, Penafiel, San Miguelito and others. As there are a lot of springs, infiltration galleries escurrimentos and subsurface water, which pass through much of the city of Tehuacn. Because of its location, has a variety of climates ranging from temperate to hot ones. The climatic zones can be summarized as follows: Temperate subhumid with summer rains, is located at the western end of the raised part of the Sierra de Zapotitln. Dry climate with summer rains semiwarm and low throughout the year, is identified in the southern part of town, in the Valley of Tehuacan.


semi warm weather and low summer rainfall throughout the year, is the climate in the area corresponding to the Valley of Tehuacan.

semidry temperate climate with summer rains and low throughout the year, is the weather that occurs between the eastern part of the Tehuacan Valley and the foothills of the Sierra de Zongolica.

Vegetation * The municipality has a great diversity in this area. In areas of the valley where the ground is not too flat but not too rough, there are areas of mesquite. In the mountains of Zapotitln and Zongolica, the vegetation consists mainly of desert scrub, scrub and

low forest vegetation. To the northwest, where the municipality reaches higher and the climate is milder, are pine-oak forests. In the Tehuacn-Cuicatln road (211 km) predominate cacti, including many cacti are and jasmine.

Create eight mineral water soft drink companies Tehuacan*


The existence of springs that have healing properties allowed Tehuacn was recognized as the first American hydromineral center under the slogan "Tehuacn, health city". His fame transcended borders and hundreds of people came from several states and abroad to consume natural or bottled water and thus cure their illnesses. The abundance of water in various parts of the municipality came eight bottling of mineral water and refreshing flavor that had great height in the domestic market, where consumers by saying "give me a Tehuacn" knew distributors related to product is bottled at this place. The boom in the soft drink industry was from the forties and continued until the eighties, when the bottlers, mostly local and national entrepreneurs, became the main source of employment for

male workers, achieving some nearby towns inhabitants emigrated to what was used in one of the highest paid activities and better employment benefits. BACKGROUND The phrase "Water I ask my God" was used to adorn histrionic figures which represented an Indian imploring the sky the presence of this vital liquid that is the basis of life of ancient Mexico.

Joaquin Historian Colin Walls, noted in his book "Historical Sketches of Tehuacn" that due to the permeability of the subsoil, rainwater and friticas that drain from the melting of the volcano Pico de Orizaba Citlatpetl or formed from undercurrents through the mountains come to feed the springs and infiltration galleries Valley. Without it being possible to determine the date, the Indians were aware of the healing properties of mineral water. "Legend collection by the Spanish arrival in the region, which used it to heal the liver and kidneys and that the emperor Moctezuma sent to bring this water to be used for the same purpose." The fact is that when the Spanish arrived in Tehuacan, Indians used it for medicinal purposes and, as such in colonial times followed exploiting the properties of these waters. The historian Nicetas of Zamacois, in his "General History of Mexico" talks about the virtues of water to cure the disease Tehuacn:

"Stone urine cure" broadcast this fact, thousands of people began arriving in Tehuacn to bathe and taking water from the springs to get relief from their diseases. Scientists have devoted their studies to corroborate the water properties of Tehuacn. Carlos Beristain, the Institute of Geology of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the following results of the analysis made by the water on June 18, 1951. Water clear, colorless, odorless, taste of carbonated water. Total Residue 654.8 mgr per liter Silica, SiO2, 43.6 mgr per liter Chlorine, Cl, 57.7 Sulfuric SO4, 40.3 Bicarbobnico, HCO3, 591.2 Fosofrico HPO4, 0.04 Nitric, NO3, 4.0 Tetraboric B4 O7, 0.0 Fierro, Fe, 0.1 Manganese, Mn, 0.0 Calcium, Ca, 114.4 Magnesium, Mg, 36.6 Sodium, Na, 36.6 Potassium, K, 6.3

Lithium, Li, 2.4

OTHER RESEARCH Other researchers who analyzed the waters of Tehuacn, was Rafael Martinez Freg representing National Medical Institute in 1901 published a booklet containing both the analysis of the waters of Tehuacn, his observations on the treatment of cholelithiasis with mineral water .

In 1902, Dr. Eduardo Armendariz, chief of the Section of Experimental Physiology at the National Medical Institute published a book called "Study of Tehuacn Waters", which deals extensively with the results obtained by the treatment of gallstones through the use of mineral water.

We also offer Dr. Carlos Castro, former head of the laboratory of Chemistry, National University, has conducted studies on water and has published in the pamphlet "Brief Notes on the waters of Tehuacn", published in 1935, where he exhibited analysis and studies of groundwater as the previous checking its healing properties, concluding that are unmatched in the treatment of diseases of liver and kidneys.


From boom to financial problems

Colin Joaquin Paredes refers in his research, which was Juan Pita who began bottling spring water called San Miguelito, originally known by the name of Coyatl, which was located at the foot of the plateau of El Riego, where then treated with water Red Cross markings and irrigation, which are mainly sold in drugstores and had its lead agency in a drugstore that was opposite the Teatro Principal in Mexico. In the early twentieth century, Juan Revuelta, Trinidad and Enrique Acosta Bonilla Angeles founded another bottling at the spring Axoxopan or San Lorenzo, which soon sold it to Leo Fleishman, who gave a strong boost and sent tanks to bottled water throughout the Republic in order to make it known. Deposits established pharmacies that used as agencies, also referred to the United States and Cuba, where he had a strong consumption.

In 1914 small bottlers were established in the city. In 1915, in the era revolutionary, on November 13 arrived in Tehuacan Zapatista forces under General Mendoza, who was unable to take the city, retreating looted and burned the mineral water bottling plants Red Cross and San Lorenzo Mineral Water Co., causing their disappearance.

From 1918 to 1927 were established bottlers Aguilar Miguel Cacho, who bottled brands "Purity of Tehuacn" and "Guadalupe", Arturo de la Llave, marked "Llerier" Cipriano Ruiz de Aguirre, with "Triumph"; ngel Herrero Gonzalez, "San Rafael" Joaquin Cordova, with "Covadonga" Jos Garci-Crespo, with the mark of his name, and it was he who initiated this activity in the city and later moved to the auxiliary board Tetitzintla San Nicolas, where he founded the negotiation that after successive social reasons, was given the name Peafiel Springs, which is still valid today and its owners have been General Abelardo L. Rodriguez Monterrey VISA group, which also owned brands Peafiel, Balseca and Blue Label, who sold the company to British capital CadburySchweppes.

In 1933, another plant that started operations in the area known as Calzada de Las Palmas, where the spring was "Virgin of Light", and soon after formed a company called "Springs El Riego" SA.

Balseca Francisco began in 1938 the construction of the bottling plant where the spring is born Axoxopan or San Lorenzo, where he remained until 1942.

Among other bottlers that existed is Aguas de Tehuacn, founded in


August 1947, located next to the railway station, in the San Lorenzo Exhacienda owned Balseca Product society.

So, Tehuacn reached 1980 with the following soft drink bottlers: Peafiel Springs, Garci-Crespo, San Lorenzo plant 1 and 2; Balseca, Aguas de Tehuacn, irrigation and San Francisco.

The competition that emerged in the domestic market with the arrival and strengthening of foreign companies, the first that was closed down Water Tehuacn, followed Garci-Crespo, Balseca, San Lorenzo with its two plants and finally two years ago, Springs San Francisco, owned by Marco Antonio Romero Balseca, all because of financial problems.

Currently soft drink industries remain Peafiel Springs, irrigation and Bright, the latter is the only one that its owner is a native of this city, of the other two, the irrigation was acquired by a foreign company.

High costs prevent gridlock in the place of origin

The synergy of the globalization of trade has made several of the bottlers were closed. Today there are only three soft drink, the rest

had to sell their businesses stronger groups to have the national and international competitive level and in this study are not very important marketing promote or enhance the source of that mineral water is the center hydromineral Latin America.

So once you have the registration of the mark, the township will seek a rapprochement with local businesses to include their products logo slogan "Tehuacan Mineral Water" and give it the recognition it should get products that are bottled in the city, because there are cases like that not only Peafiel packaged soft drinks, but other brands and should not take the place of origin, because the product is bottled in other states for transportation costs.

The municipal authority will ask the companies that bottle their product in this city and in a glass bottle will include the origin of "Tehuacn mineral water."

Their lack of presence in the market gave the same global economic competition that exists, that has forced businesses to be more competitive to survive the onslaught or global, have to enter the dynamic globalize their brands, because you adecuas or perish.


Still, Tehuacn is one of the producers of soda that appears on the national map as providers of first level, for the quality of its mineral water and because its products are recognized unlike those in other states have.

Tehuacn register as a trademark, a benefit

For the importance to have a record Tehuacn brand products made in the city and sold in the domestic and international market, the Economic Development area in the municipality initiated proceedings before the National Institute of Property Industrial to record "Agua Mineral Tehuacn" which will add value to the companies that bottle water in the municipality.

Gerardo Gonzlez Ramrez, Minister of Economic Development, said that in some cities when they hear the word Tehuacn, thinks only in bottled mineral water in the city, so to take advantage of this positioning is looking to have the trademark as part of its heritage.


On the significance of the soft drink industry, which has placed the two companies that are currently held in the domestic market, can

be added to local entrepreneurs engaged in the sale of mineral water to increase sales and promote tourism, said Canacintra president in Tehuacn, Germn Reyna and Herrero.

Ensures to publicize the brand Tehuacn with support from the authorities and business and special features of your product, you can make arrangements with Peafiel and San Lorenzo, to spread its springs, offering visitors a tourism corridor.

When seeking registration with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) is looking to turn a pole Tehuacn economic development and usher in foreign capital.


Tourism Tehuacan*



J u a re z P a rk M a i n P l a z a J u a re z P a rk o r v i s i to rs s h e l te r i n g i n th e s h a de o f h i s l a u re l s r o bu s t, l i s t e n i n g to Me xi c a n m u s i c a s p l e a s a n t a n d be a u ti f u l cl a s s i c th a t s o l e m n k i o s k Mu n i ci pa l Ba n d pe rf o r m s e v e ry Th u rs da y n i gh t a n d S u n da y a t n o o n a n d i n th e a f te rn o o n .



Es alimentado por una corriente subterrnea que tiene su origen en el Pico de Orizaba o Citlaltpetl (Cerro de la Estrella) debido a los deshielos glaciares de sus nieves, otra maravilla hidrolgica de Tehuacn y su valle rido es el trabajo de las galeras filtrantes que datan de la poca de la Colonia y que an en la actualidad algunas de ellas siguen produciendo agua. UBICACIN: Avenida Jos Garci -Crespo carretera federal Tehuacn Orizaba

Museum of Mineralogy*
60 million years ago the valley of Tehuacn was sea, rocks and fossils are evidence of marine life. The water that flows from our springs Peafiel is the result of the melting of "The Holy Mountain" or "Pico de Orizaba" at various mileage of the water filters through layers of sub-soil water emerging as pure and rich in minerals before mineral water gushing from the region tells the story that the emperor Moctezuma I carried in vessels of Tehuacn mineral water to Tenochtitlan, to benefit from its properties. This mountain has remained faithful to this arises the name Pea-faithful.

In 1928-1937 the company was founded "TEHUACAN springs, SA", to bottle and distribute bottled water in Mexico and abroad. In the same year installed a bottling room in the tunnels where spring water to 11 meters deep located in San Nicolas Tetitzintla Tehuacn worked with 20 plant workers and two bottling machines pedal 3 bottles per minute once the product is bottled up by pulleys to the surface to be labele manually and done that took the rail for distribution in Tehuacn and regions. They end up bottling plant works two trains are installed bottling. In 1980 the Monterrey Peafiel acquires new systems and drafting work. In November relocates to the surface of the land where currently stand and pedal machines are replaced by a semiautomatic line with capacity of 60 bottles per minute 20 times faster than before with this team started producing flavored soda made with mineral water, those were the first brand QUEMON, EXTRA-POMA, PINOCCHIO AND GINGER ALE. In 1948 change to "MANANTIALES PEAFIEL SA" with an installed capacity of 280 bottles per minute 3 bottling lines 150 workers and 15 employees. In these years is nationwide with distribution in 50% in country In the 60's is recognized as the national leader in production and distribution of natural mineral water and flavored.


In 1992 the English group Cadbury Beverages, acquires the company and started the final moderation process dynamics, organization that ranks third in the world in the production and marketing of soft drinks within which is Peafiel. Hours: Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Located at the foot of the plateau irrigation. In the middle of the seventeenth century had a great flow, as supplied the extensive grounds of the estate of the same name, which was adjacent to the Auxiliary Board of St. Mary Coapan. A half of the nineteenth century this property was the family Acquire Mont.

This source is considered to be the cradle of the bottling industry in Tehuacn in 1901 as Mr. Joaqun Pita's first factory installed same year produced two thousand boxes of mineral water brand diamond with the help of a steam-engine of 15 horsepower. A year later Mr.

Pita was associated with Anacharsis Peralta Requena to produce the brand Red Cross. This company was sold in 1903 to Mr. Lucindo Carriles from 1924 who joined forces with Joaquin Cordoba to produce the brand Covadonga. In 1933, this source would industrialize its waters under the signature of Arturo and Andrs de la Llave Zaplana, after the company was able to Tehuacn Irrigation



Located 117 km. From the city of Puebla and 2 km. before reaching Tehuacn, currently is the only mineral water spas surviving.


It has two natural pools whose main characteristic is that the water that is being born and it provides power at all times, an Olympic pool, diving pit, wading pools, basketball courts, playground, soda fountain, dining area, locker , sprinklers, slides, plus spacious wooded and flowery gardens with bougainvillea, pine and jacaranda trees that offer shade and a very pleasant sight to visitors.

Currently as an additional service is being offered applying facial masks of clay extracted from the springs.


Two natural pools of 2 meters deep 1 Olympic pool with diving pit 3 chapoteaderos 3 slides 4 slides to edge of pool cafeteria confectionery dressing Bathrooms with showers Grilling Area

Multipurpose courts Playground $ 30.00 general admission $ 15.00 children $ 15.00 Seniors



Stunning landscape of columnar cacti frame the way to the Sierra de Zapotitln leading to spectacular botanical garden and cactus nursery where bodies still lord it over, complete with a wide variety of species such as

agaves, barrel cacti, and some even endemic garambullos as sotoln or elephant foot, are some of the many attractions that nature gathered in one place. Open every day of the week



Population highlighting its importance as fossil site. Was determined from 1830 due to scans performed by the Belgian Enrique Galeotti. Here you can see the time series of geological time corresponding to the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era that their biology is called age of reptiles. Its museums feature the remains of snails, sponges, hard corals and oysters among almost 180 species of fossils that provide evidence that San Juan Raya was part of a coastline makes about 60 to 125 million years.

Museum of Mineralogy


This museum was opened on July 31, 1998 and represents a scientist's dream come true and sinking into one of colors and shapes to visit this museum. Its creator, a man of great erudition won theCarnegie Medal awarded by the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, discovered two mineralsMexicans and Ojuelaita Malpimita, humanist greatly advance d by the time we opened the door ofknowledge and awareness of the raw material and forms around us: the minerals


Ex Convento de San Francisco*

The former convent of San Francisco was built in 1592, before this temple was erected in Calcahualco(Tehuacn old), but twenty years later had to move the current place for a malaria-endemic problemhad been sick monks and the plague of ants and rattlesnakes that she could not progress. In the year 1535 or 1536 the inhabitants of Tehuacn with the desire to have permanently assisted by the Franciscan friars who had to go to a temple and Huejotzingo convent built over an area of 10000 square meters at the foot of Cerro Colorado. In Calcahualco (Tehuacn old) began construction on a site chosen by the clergy themselves and who lived close to the main town and the road to Oaxaca and Guatemala. Twenty years later had to move to the current location by a malaria endemic problem had sick friars and the plague of ants and rattlesnakes that she was not allowed to progress. Although not known for sure the year of change the people, the order was given between 1569 and 1570 and in the early years of the eighties an earthquake caused the final change Tehuacn village to its present location.


The former convent of San Francisco was completed in the sixteenth century. Next to the temple of San Francisco is located the former convent, after a fairly wide cobblestone courtyard. The gateway has two shields above anagrams, on the left has the letters JHS and a cross between them and the right has the letters MA entwined with a crown above them. In the keystone is another cross on a skull and up on the wall there are remains of wall paintings of angels playing flutes.


On August 21, 1724 during the celebrations to commemorate the 203 years since the fall ofTenochtitlan foundation stone was laid and the efforts of the inhabitants of the city, four years later itwas over, its main entrance framed by the towers Renaissance style. More than 130 angels adorn thechurch. It is located at 1 East and 2nd. of Morelos. Religious building dating from the eighteenthcentury, dedicated to the Virgen de la Concepcin, has characteristics of Baroque architecture,Neoclassical style inside Herreriano


EX CONVENTO DEL CARMEN In the year of 1669 in Oaxaca was founded the Convent of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and being forced step Tehuacn, came Carmelite monks and visitors. Fifty years later, he admired the deep blue sky and mild climate of the valley, one of the monks traveling from Oaxaca met with Don Juan del Moral and persuaded him to a Carmelite convent was founded It's the end of the next decade, in 1747 when Mr. del Moral had died, that King Philip V delivered through the Viceroy of New Spain, Conde de Revillagigedo, licenses and certificates authorizing the foundation of the Carmelite convent. Five years earlier, in 1742, the monks built an adobe chapel in the hospice, but apparently it was private property had doors that opened onto the street and for its inauguration and blessing were major celebrations. Since no one is exempt from succumbing to human weaknesses the other religious order that was settled for nearly two hundred years,

and which had matched the first evangelical work with the authorities denounced the Carmelite chapel as an open area for public worship. This was a curious time of jealousy between Carmelites and Franciscans but the issue failed because the chapel was deeded to the family name of Moral and was strictly a particular property. When the October 14, 1747, by legal authorization was made public, the heir and executor of Domingo del Moral gave Pedro de Teresa writing that protected an area of thirteen lots that had been purchased between 1730 and 1737 to complete ideal terrain for the convent and measured 150 and 212 yards against the background. Designed by Valentin fray of the Virgin, was until November 24, 1748 when the foundation stone was laid by the Fray Nicols de Santa Maria, it is noted that the surface of the convent was more than double what is currently known, were about 20,000 square meters, the east came to what is now North 3rd Street.

The paintings that adorned the convent were made by Jose Maria Mendoza, Mixtec, and Jos Ibez. The cost of the convent was seventy-five thousand dollars, not including images. Its architecture is Baroque Mexican typical eighteenth century, with a square cloister north of the church, which is one story, with two the rest of the convent, its interior spaces are very large downstairs

deck vaults barrel vaults and dim lighting, the Franciscan style ceilings, beam were made of wood and roof. A grand staircase, in which appears an arc starting mixtilneo leading to the second floor which was the wing of the cells that faces the east and is about 55 meters long. This convent carries several stories and events within which ended after Independence movement gave way to a fateful period for the country, where the convent served as a prison in which one of the rooms of the currently occupied by the Red Cross delegation, was confined Lic Benito Juarez, who was exiled by Santa Anna to Cuba, a plaque commemorates that event.

The former convent of Carmen has gone through several stages, having completed the railway concession, was used as barracks covering space now occupied by the Red Cross delegation hosting Cavalry Battalion 26th and 37 Infantry Battalion Also at the time took care as shelter. To date keeps part of its atrium and have rebuilt the rectory and offices that now occupy some directions of the current council as well as the municipal library. LOCATION: 2 North East and Reform Hours: 10:00 to 17:00 every day.


The son of the founder of the Convent of Carmen, Don Joaquin del Moral and enthusiasm Beristain several neighbors who avocaran Tehuacn for the construction of an ordeal, having made the request on June 30, 1757. The idea was to build Calvary chapels and stations or of the Sacred Way, as it happens often the idea was greeted with more enthusiasm than the practice of providing the money needed to carry out the work, so your own pocket Don Joaquin del Moral did all expenses. This earned for a century later, in the Reformation, not building became part of the Federal Heritage and was left as the private property of the mulberry family, under the Bishop of Puebla Don Pantaleon Alvarez de Abreu Dongo granted the Board of Calvary, February 11, 1760, and with it the power to appoint successors.The first stone was laid on June 21, 1759 and was blessed by the parish

priest of San Antonio Caada, Don Juan Felipe Cardona In 1914, during the armed movement of Guadalupe shrines and Via Sacra were destroyed by revolutionaries. On August 20, 1921 the Federal Government returned the Guadalupe Shrine Father Manuel Diaz who received cuts in ruins.

Data del siglo XIX y era conocido como casa de los altos, por h aber sido el primer edificio de dos pisos de la ciudad. En 1855 fue convertido en recinto de los poderes municipales. Edificio de inspiracin morisca en cuya entrada precede un soportal con plafn de bovedilla y arcos trilobulados, cubierto al interior en su totalidad por un mural en el que se encuentra plasmada la evolucin de Tehuacn y de sus cinco regiones desde la p oca prehispnica hasta nuestros das, realizado por Lus, Rutilio y Santiago Carpinteyro y que lleva por nombre "Tehuacn y sus cinco regiones". Al interior en la escalinata se encuentra otro mural denominado "Un mundo nuevo" realizado por el maestro Fe rnando Ramrez Osorio donde se plasmo a los personajes ms importantes de la historia en Tehuacn. 1 Nada hay que introduzca tanto al error como el conocimiento


superficial de las cosas y muy especialmente de los hombres, la verdad es la meta lejana hacia la cual marcha la humanidad a travs de las sangrientas vicisitudes de su propia historia, a veces ha pensado que ya la ha posedo porque alcanz uno de los 1000 ptalos la corona que la decoran y que con esto es suya de una vez y para siempre, pretensi n vana y absurda cuando aparecen ante el humano; eterno aprendiz en el camino de la vida, sus dos principales maestros: el tiempo y el dolor que en el libro de la historia nuevamente le abren las puertas a la humildad ante lo lejano de las paginas doradas del conocimiento y del saber La misin del hombre empieza al despertar de su conciencia. Cuando reconoce el valor de su albedro, donde asoma el respeto de la libertad del pensamiento manifiesto en la pluralidad de las doctrinas. Antonio Gerard Zubia y Ramiro Girn Rubn Alczar Dic-02-1983 2 Tehuacn es el primer centro hidromineral de Amrica cuna de las primitivas mazorcas del maz cultivado. La ciudad de Tehuacn est situada en un valle rodeado por la sierra madre oriental (zongolica y ajusco) y la sierra mixteca; se localiza al sureste del estado de Puebla a 127 Km. de su capital a los 182720 de latitud norte y 27 23 20 de longitud oeste del meridiano de Greenwich O sea los 182757 de latitud norte y 14434 de longit ud este del mer. de Mxico. Esta edificada sobre el segundo escaln de un valle descendiente en direccin noroeste. La ciudad de Tehuacn cuenta con una superficie de 125 km2, el valle, de clima desrtico y seco, es surtido en su mayor parte de por aguas procedentes de corrientes subterrneas provenientes de glaciares del Pico de Orizaba (Citlaltepetl). Como formacin geolgica es la base de calizas, estas corrientes se saturan en su paso por el valle de CO3 que convierten las aguas dulces en bicarbonatadas, clcicas y cloruro sdicas, atribuyndoseles ciertas propiedades medicinales. La temperatura en el Valle de Tehuacn es bastante uniforme durante el ao con un promedio anual de 22.


La sociedad humana se ha sometido durante muchsimos siglos a leyes corruptas hasta el grado en que ya no se comprende el significado de las leyes superiores y eternas La enfermedad espiritual se transmite de una generacin a otra hasta que llega a formar parte de la gente que no la considera una enfermedad sino un don natural otorgado por el creador al primer hombre, si esta misma gente encontrara a quien est libre de los grmenes de este padecimiento lo veran con desprecio y vergenza El exdistrito de Tehuacn est formado de las siguientes cinco regiones: La La La La La regin regin regin regin regin de la Mixteca del Altiplano del Valle de la Sierra de la Montaa


Typical food
The "Cactus Toro" has become a typical dish of the popular regional cuisine and is characteristic of San Cristobal Tepeteopan, auxiliary board of the Municipality of Tehuacan. Although its origin is unknown, its history dates back to prehispanic times and was named in reference to that when the bulls are brave, they leak thedribble, then we say that the cactus is brave as a bull.

The ingredients are: Nopales Wild, which some call "quinhuiti", "cuicuite" or "heart"and they reach their maturity between the months of November and December -coastal Chile (for the gravy dry), cinnamon, cumin, cloves, garlic, dried epazote (for

sprinkling), chopped onion and stones "blue" or special are enduring the heat of the fire and no thunder. The preparation starts with the collection of cactus andthe very stones that once selected, are placed over hot coals to heat up to hightemperatures for about an hour or two, while making tortillas by hand to takethe heat.

Exquisite Colesho*
The town of Tehuacan is located in the valley of the same name. This valley is the east by the Sierra de Zongolica, which is part of the Sierra Madre Oriental, and on the west by the mountains of

Zapotitlan, which is part of the Sierra Mixteca. The northwest adjacent to the valley and south Tecamachalco Glen Oaxaca. Located in the southeastern part of the State of Puebla. Its geographic coordinates are the parallels 18 22 '6 and 18 36' 12 north longitude and the meridian 97 15 '24 and 97 37' 24 west longitude. Bordered on the north Tepanco Lopez, Santiago Miahuatln, Vicente Guerrero and Nicolas Bravo, east to Vicente Guerrero, San Antonio Caada and Ajalpan the south by San Gabriel Chilac, Zapotitln, San Antonio Texcala and Altepexi; and west Zapotitln

Mole de Caderas*
The months of October and November are the party for more than 286,000 peoplein Tehuacan, as it revives an old tradition that has its origins in the colonial era"The Ritual Cultural and Ethnic Festival Hip Mole. " The "City Indians" or "Corn Crib", as known Tehuacn, attracts thousands offamilies and friends to a festival environment that smells of incense and flower of the dead, and combining past and present with the religious and pagan; andsatisfies the craving fo r a year again enjoy a delicious bowl of "Hip Mole. " The characteristic flavor of the dish is the meat of the goats that are taken fora ride a year grazing throughout the regions of

the state and northern Mexicocattle fed only with grass in the region and avoiding large amounts of salt at all costs that the animals drink water and stay hydrated only by those who provide them with the vegetables consumed. In practice this type of breeding you getmeat from a strong and distinctive taste with which they prepare traditional dishes. The meat is completely absorbedThe Hips Mole is a traditional dish of goat meat in the region of Tehuacan, Puebla, and also from the

region of Huajuapan de Leon, Oaxaca in Mexico. The mass of hips is considered one of the most important dishes in the states of Puebla and Oaxaca, due to the long aging and care in the preparation of the animal, which takes advantage of all the meat-and the Festival killing of accompanying and begins the sacrifice of farm animals for food preparation and preservation and subsequent curing of meat. In preparing the bulk of the meat is used hips and hip bone, saltbased seasonings, chile and a dip in lemon to give it a special touch with a broth of boiled red meat hips and wild beans. The characteristic flavor of the dish is the meat of the goats that are taken for a ride of a year grazing through the southern regions of the state of Puebla and northern Oaxaca, feeding livestock with

grass only in the region which are kept hydrated by water obtained only by plants and herbs consumed. In practice this type of breeding is obtained meat a strong flavor and characteristic with which they prepare traditional dishes.


Speaking of Tehuacn can not fail to mention the famous Donkey and tasty bread. Apparently this bread is from the San Jose Miahuiatln. The donkey bread is also made in San Sebastin Zinacatepec and even in the city of Tehuacn. San Jose bread Miahuatln can be differentiated from San Sebastin bread for the following reasons: In San Jose Miahuatln bread is made in the traditional more. The preparation of the dough is entirely by hand, not using yeast in your recipe, which makes the bread obtained more compact, heavier and harder consistency than San Sebastian Zinacatepec, which are preferably used as mixers and yeast in your formula. As a result, the San Sebastian bread is fluffy and light more than San Jose, but is

attributed to the bread taste better than San Jose. The name "Pan de Burro" was given by way of transporting packaged and tied on donkeys from their place of production to consumer sites. At the top bring a brand which clearly represents a burrito. But today you are all donkey bread round bread that was made with a traditional recipe in the production sites that deserve the title of panburreras. The donkey bread is usually white interior but there panela bread, which is brown. A purpose of this popular mode of transportation, until half a century ago could still be seen on the streets of Tehuacn caravans and traders carrying goods brought in carts and on backs of donkeys. The places where camping out pack trains were called "Mesones", of which there is still memory in elderly people over the city of Tehuacn.

The mixture of wheat flour, shortening, milk, egg, brown sugar and honey,resulting in 78 years ago a nutritious cookie mugano now known as, well

as forits taste like friends and strangers and has become Tehuacn typical sweet, building a regional tradition that has been transferred at least four generations. Born in San Martin Texmelucan back in 1905 according to recipes that Doa Flora Alvarez wrote a day that began experimenting with the flour to make a different kind of bread to pastries traditionally sold. Sought to offer their customers something different and was weaving ideas and applying them in practice until they came to a biscuit which he named mugano.At first it was round, had a cover with a light honey flavor anise, covered with a thin wafer of flour and diced fractionated to sell well. The taste was different from the traditional bread and cakes sold, this new cookie began to like people, and began to popularize in this population. Over the years, Mrs. Flora left his bakery "Dalia" his son Pioquinto Bustamante Alvarez, besides making the cakes was the "strong" to survive, continue with muganos, however in 1938 he decided to leave his land homelands and move to Tehuacan in search of better luck.

I come here and settled in East 9th Street corner Paseo Hidalgo, where he was 48, then started making muganos marketed not only him, created a network of vendors that were installed in the main

corners of the city, where a small wooden table displaying the product, at nightfall, in a part of the table had a hole, then placed a Chinese paper lantern covered with red and yellow, the dim lighting consumers indicated that there was one mueganero. Others who also took their lamps, they decided to walk the streets of the city and to be heard among the people proclaimed, "I'm already your mueganero that comes to taste, flour and egg muganos your brand golden eagle." They had this type of lighting because Tehuacn then did not have enough coverage in the electrical service and not so opted for the lanterns that had a candle inside.For taste and affordable price, the demand began to have muganos, the people of this city was gradually adopted as their own, because there was a cookie handcrafted out of town and that will be offered in public, but on everything that people liked. Pioquinto was how Don Bustamante in 1980 involved in this activity your child Facundo Bustamante Cervantes, who took as his recipe inherited by his grandmother, took his team to make a change in your presentation, rather than the cookie is round, began making the rectangular.



Pulque is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermentation of the juice or agave or maguey Mead, especially pulque maguey (Agave salmiana). Currently production is mainly in the state of Hidalgo. It is a very traditional alcoholic beverage of central Mexico, its consumption is prevalent in rural areas and less so in the cities of central Mexico. Ecuador is also a drink that is called in Quechua as chaguarmishqui and has been used since pre-Hispanic times as in Mexico and Central America. Otomi language is known as Nogi and purhpecha as urapi.


Santa Maria Coapan, auxiliary board is deeper cultural roots that distinguish it from the 12 towns of this county subaltern, indigenous inhabitants mostly not easily influenced easily by trends emerge daily to replace traditions give identity to the people. The town is located 5 minutes south of the city, for years it has become the main supplier of handmade tortillas in markets, restaurants, hotels and colonies of the urban area, texture and size set it apart from the rest, that are still in great demand. "The coapeitas" as popularly told, are women who are responsible for feeding supplement tehuacaneros hundred, that from 10 in the morning can enjoy taking tortillas that distribute heat even clay griddle using for cooking; this is achieved by the traditional way as the van saved since doing, the multiple wrapped in cloth napkins placed inside containers and palm fabrics are known as "tenates" have a height of about 45 to 50 centimeters, these thermo make it retains heat for more than one hour.Like everything in life changes, to transport the tables above that population to Tehuacan, made long and arduous treks, with the advent of urban transport that changed, what has remained is how to take these containers from home to POS, load holding them with her shawl on her back, there are women who make their journey by an hour or more lugging 20 or 30 kilos of tortillas that distribute in different homes, in several of these have direct access, ie come even if the homeowner is not because there is trust and honesty by So behave. as they are called industrial and tortilla dough, the "coapeitas" still retain their sales, so women with this activity are mostly pillars in the home economy. For the quality and taste of the tortilla is prepared with 100% white corn, led them to start working on a project that some described as "dreamy", but they were about to realize, exporting to the U.S. tortilla and for this we met a group of women and developed this plan, approached the Ministry of Economic Development and presented their proposal, precooked tortilla tested, the package was designed in order to be moved and they were a few months to achieve it, the group led by Victoria Gudelia Albino Mndez, began to disintegrate and all the work that was done nearly two years, collapsed when disagreements began to arise between them



The atole*
(Nahuatl atolli 'watered down' by water and tol atl, derogatory diminutive), atol also known in some regions as it is a pre-Hispanic beverage consumed mainly in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and

other Central American countries. In its original form is a sweet corn cooking water in proportions such that at the end of cooking and have a moderate viscosity which serves as hot as possible. It is very common that the drink is flavored with spices (cocoa, vanilla, cinnamon, anise, orange blossom, orange leaves) and other flavors (chocolate, juice or fruit pulp candy), to increase its palatability Traditionally it is sweetened with brown sugar, sugar or honey. Also usually prepared with milk instead of water. Today you can find many flavors including: strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, guava, pineapple, blackberry, plum, mango, coconut, cinnamon, nutmeg and cheese.Originally made only on the basis of corn dough, but now is made with cornmeal or ready to make formulas, based grits, wheat or rice. The porridge is the basis for another drink, the chilate.



The tacos are a Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla wrapping various types of meat (steak, sausage, etc.). It is a basic recipe, but with multiple variations, since the blocks can be filled with a myriad of dishes. It is eaten with bare hands and usually accompanied with green sauce or red sauce, usually, but that it can be served with any of the infinite types of sauces and dressings raw or cooked own traditional Mexican cuisine. On cue, like any other manifestation of Mexico's culinary culture is directly associated with the ingredients used in each geographic region of the country.

Today tacos have spread worldwide as a type of fast food, and for

reasons marketers are often confused with other cooking styles (notably with variants) Tex-Mex and several U.S. fast food chains where the tortilla is fried oil industrially producing a U-shaped toast, which in essence does not correspond to a true plug.


The memelas is a typical dish from Veracruz, is based on a tortilla big enough, like a sope, but of a larger size, this seat is made with pork, which is removed from the bottom of which is fried pork rinds . This is also known as a saucer; bent (s)The memelas are handmade tortillas are thick and prepared on the griddle like quesadillas, the seat memelas seasoned with pork, green or red sauce, with chopped raw onion and cheese granules.




Chile en Nogada*

This dish was created in Puebla Poor Clares Convent of Santa Monica as a tribute to Agustin de Iturbide when signing back in Cordoba-Veracruz-independence Mexico.1 This dish essentially consists of a poblano chile stuffed with a stew of beef and pork, all mixed with fruit (banana, apple, pear, peach, etc..) Inter cosas.3 chiles en nogada are considered a saucer seasonal, served during the months of July, August and September, under the feature that distinguishes them is the use of nogada is a sauce that is made with walnuts, ingredient that is harvested during these months. While it is true that the nut is a product that can be stored and used at any time of year, is of great importance that the nut which is used to prepare this recipe is of recent vintage, as this enhances the flavor of the nogada, this situation affects the high cost of the dish.

[edit] Symbolism

According to tradition, the place where Agustn de Iturbide entertained on his birthday, was decorated with the three colors of the Mexican flag rising devised by the character himself: green (independence), white (religion), and red (union). 2 The nuns of Puebla, infected the spirit and patriotic fervor that reigned in those days, decided to prepare a dish that contained the three colors of

the flag and mixed sweet and savory flavors with over twenty ingredients, but the sophistication of the plate requires today fifty.


Reaching the fall begin to abound the fruits of pomegranate, pomegranate (or scarlet, as we call it in the south), a food that is not widely used but has many properties for our health. In case you did not know, Spain produces 95% of all Europe. It is a so-called "superfruits" by chemical

compounds possessing positive action: it is rich in antioxidants and potassium (where more points), calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc and vitamins C, B, E. The pomegranate is used in traditional medicine: In gargles, relieves cough, and is effective for fever, diarrhea, colic and can also serve as a vermifuge. Has slight diuretic and antihypertensive. It is a potent antioxidant anticancer, even better than green tea. Stresses in preventing prostate cancer, reduces cardiovascular risks, helps diabetics and hypertensives, and many of the virtues he possesses When purchasing, select grenades presenting a deep red to brown. The grenades are usually small dry, woody and inedible acres. While the fruit is larger, the pulp is juicy. The skin should be well smooth and shiny, free of marks. It is said that the fruit is ripe when slightly pressing issues a clank.


The chileatole can refer to two kinds of Mexican beverages:

The oldest is the typical preparation of chocolate among Mexican prehispanic consisting of roasted and ground cocoa beans for chocolate paste, which is added to a gruel. This is seasoned with pepper, vanilla and sometimes sweetened with honey, was taken as a drink. Hernan Cortes in his Letters of Relation distinguished him as a very energy drink. For its bitter taste and pungent Europeans did not accept it, prompting the creation of champurrado. In its most common, chileatole refers to a modern dish of Mexico, which is basically a salty corn atole (instead of candy), flavored with other ingredients, and consumed as a soupThe basic ingredients are usually chileatole: Corn dough. Water. Grains of corn (maize) tender. Chile, usually ancho chile.

Epazote (flavoring plant). Onions and other spices. Also often included some meat, usually poultry such as chicken or turkey. Sometimes it takes cheese. In the region of Orizaba chileatole usually prepare the red, with shrimp or crab and green with chito.

In cold seasons served in earthenware pots to keep warm.

This dish is from the east-central part of the country, and they are more easily found in the states of Puebla, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Morelos and Oaxaca.



Typical food*
- Mole poblano (considered as a national symbol). - Tonnage of hips - Barbecue - Chiles en nogada are stuffed with meat and are covered with a white sauce made with nuts and are flavored with pomegranate seeds that give a touch of Mexican color. - Cuetla - Turkey mole - Enfrijoladas - Carnitas - Chalupitas small tortillas are golden with lard and accompanied with shredded chicken, cheese and green sauce and / or red. - Nopales - Molotes are quesadillas poblanas - memelas - Tostadas - Enchiladas - Ponteduros - Pozole - Soup parish that tomato broth with fried cheese balls - Tlatapas is yellow bean stew with sausage and ancho chile - Chicken Tinga pork sausage pieces

- Tempexquiztles - Tamales - Butaquitos steak rolls that are filled with fruit and species - Pan donkey - Ribs smothered in pulque - Tlacoyos - Maguey worms

Typical drinks - Pulque - Tepache - Spirits - Chumiate - Zacualpan - Lapo - Liqueurs and fruit - Eggnog - Champurrado - Atole - Hot Chocolate


Desserts and sweets - Camotes poblanos - Actual syrup and yolks are cooked in a double boiler - Sweet almond almonds like hotcakes - Milk jamoncillos - Candy tejocote - Doughnuts - Angel Mechita - muganos - Coconut filled Lemons - Polvorones - Waffles meringue


5REGIONES* Regin de la Mixteca*

This region is distinguished as semi-desert, is located south-west of the town of Tehuacan and where populations are: SAN JOSE Miahuatlan This name comes from the words miahuatl Azteca, ear of corn, and tlan between or next, which means "between the ears of corn stalk." It is made of bread or bread round donkey whose specific feature is the name that is assigned by the peculiar form of consumption. Architectural Historical Monument: St. Joseph's Church, dating from the XVI century, located in the

county seat. Crafts: reed baskets are manufactured. Zapotitlan It is a place for a year feeding the goats that will be slaughtered for the traditional slaughter season, which starts in mid-October and ends in midNovember. Another feature of one of the populations of this region is San Juan Raya where thousands of years ago was an arm of the sea, and in it you can admire countless marine fossils. Crafts: In San Antonio Texcala (Population Zapotitlan), are made of different pieces of marble and onyx stones in most of the area. SAN GABRIEL Chilac It is a community located near the city of Tehuacn. This population was popoloca home and was later conquered by the Spanish. Its name means Place of chile. The Day of the Dead are armed colorful flower arrangements to decorate the candles that people put in the offering and on the grave of their dead. We found the tenates full of fruits, flowers, bread donkey and confetti adorning Chilac offerings. Caltepec


Regin del altiplano*

It is located northeast of the city of Tehuacn and where populations are: Tepanco of Lopez The name of this town has two possible translations. It can be derived from the word tepantli (or boundary wall) and-co (locative particle). In this case, as can be seen in the boundary. The other possibility is when derived from tepan (scree) and-co, from which can be translated as In the scree. The Lopez family name was added in 1861, by decree of the State Congress of Puebla. Historic Landmark: eighteenth-century parish church dedicated to San Juan Bautista. Crafts: They are crafted, woven palm and reed. Chapulco Name consisting of the Mexica, "or chapulli chapollin" from which the aztequismo chapulin, lobster and "co" in, meaning "The Locusts or Grasshoppers". Architectural Historic Landmark: parish church in honor of St. Peter built in the XVI century, located in the county seat. Crafts: tilled timber and tissues are made of palm and reed. SANTIAGO Miahuatlan Nahuatl word derived from "miahuatl" ear of corn, "tlan" among or alongside and make meaning "between the ears of corn stalks." Architectural Historical Monument: The parish church built in the sixteenth century, dedicated to Lord James. Crafts: Worked palm and reed. Hand embroidered dresses.


Valley Region*
It is located at the ends of the north and southeast of the city of Tehuacn, which include the following towns: TEHUACN Its meaning as Fray Juan de Torquemada is "Place of the Gods", "Land of Gods" or "place of those who have God" and is derived from the Nahuatl teo: God hua: his or her and can: place. Also known as "Tehuacn of Pomegranates" or as the "First Latin American Hydromineral Center", also known as "Tehuacn, health city".


Sierra region*
In this particular region are virgin forests of the area and where vanilla is grown in a place called River Tezinzintepetl Tonto is as specified production that occurs in that area the rum, like the liquor "Lapo". This region is located east of the town of Tehuacan and where populations are: Zoquitlan From the voices Mexica "zoquitla" quagmire, (from "zoquitl", mud, silt) and "tla" the abundance and the ending "tlan" indicating together, between what we have the meaning "between the mud and mire , site full of mud. " Landmarks: The Church of St. Paul built in the sixteenth century. Effigies of San Pedro and San Pablo carved wood. Crafts: wood carving, manufacturing of wooden spoons, reed

baskets, blowers triangular palm, and in small quantities making wool clothing. Eloxochitln Word composed of the words Mexica "eloxochitl" corn flower and "tlan" Tan changed, which means together, from which it appears "Corn Among the flowers." Architectural Historic Monument: Temple parish dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel, located in the county seat. Crafts: Woven palm and reed. Coyomeapan It originates from the Nahuatl voices "cayome", plural of Coyotl, Coyote, "atl" water and "bread" in, on, forming compound "Coyomea-pan, which means" water of coyotes ". Architectural Landmarks: Temple parish dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the City Hall with a life of 100 years, located in the county seat. works of art: the literary genre" Criticn criticized "," give advice " "Money is the only happiness factor", "Anchorman", "In dwelling", "children's theater comedy," Don Ambrosio Chzares Nieto. Crafts: needlework are made of wool, (cotons and Nahua embroidered) palm tissues and reeds. Diaz Tlacotepec Nahuatl word, from "tlahco" half and half, "tepetl" hill and "c" for co: in, meaning "in the middle or the middle of the hill."

Architectural Historic Landmark: Parish Church dedicated to St. Sebastian Martyr XVI century. Crafts: tissues are made of bamboo and palm.

This region is in the highest place and cold in the municipality and is patron of the region "Our Lady of the Snows" and extensive vegetation dominated and most of the people who live there are engaged in the lumber yard, which most of this wood is pine and fir as well as its other activity is the embroidery and textiles. This region is located north of the town of Tehuacan and where

populations are: SAN ANTONIO GLEN Tepectln, Nahuatl name from the radical "tepetl" hill stone "tln", that means "between mountains". Architectural Historical Monument: The parish church dedicated to San Antonio dating from the XVI century, located in the county seat. Crafts: They do work and reed palm tissue. VICENTE GUERRERO Cuautln is the word of Nahuatl origin, formed by the radical "cuahuitl" tree and "tlan" instead, which means "place of trees". Architectural Historical Monument: Parish church dedicated to the Virgin Mary dates from the sixteenth century. Crafts: Woven palm and reed. NICOLAS BRAVO Cuauhitln: Nahuatl cuauhitl from tree: tlan together, they mean: "By the trees" or "place of wood or trees." Architectural Historical Monument: Temple XVI century parish dedicated to St. Philip the Apostle, located at the head.



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