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(The Subjunctive)
Cum se identifica
Subjonctivul se foloseste cand avem : o actiune posibila in viitor o actiune nerealizata (ireala) in trecut sau prezent o recomandare, un sfat

It is necessary that the work be done. (recomandare, sfat, deci AVEM subjonctiv) He speaks as if he were not from Bucharest. (situatie ireala in prezent, deci AVEM subjonctiv) El vorbeste ca si cum nu ar fi din Bucuresti, dar e din Bucuresti. He speaks as if he is not from Bucharest. (situatie reala in prezent, deci NU AVEM subjonctiv) El vorbeste ca si cum nu ar fi din Bucuresti, dar nici nu e din Bucuresti. It's time you went to bed. (recomandare, sfat, deci AVEM subjonctiv)

Subjonctivul in engleza se formeaza cu : a) infinitivul scurt al verbului 1) dupa constructii ca: It is necessary, It is advisable, It is recommendable, It is possible, It is unsure, It is probable ( ca si formularile de genul "He recommends", "He advices", "He requests" ); 2) in propozitii de scop (so that ...); ex.: Come earlier so that you find him at home. (forma americana) Come earlier so that you can find him at home. (forma britanica) 3) in propozitii concesive ( however ... ); ex.: I go there however difficult it be. 4) in exclamatii afective: ex.: Bless you ! 5) In formulas (short infinitive):
Long live the queen. (Triasc regina!) So be it. (Aa s fie.) Come what may. (Fie ce o fi.) Suffice it to say. (Este suficient de zis.)

Be that as it may. (Fie ce o fi.) Say what you will. (Spune ce vrei.)

b) forma de "Past Tense" a verbului, pentru a exprima: 1) un regret prezent I wish I knew her address. ( ... nu-i stiu adresa si regret);
If only he was faithful to me! (Dac mi-ar fi fidel!) If only I had known about her mischance! (Dac a fi tiut de ghinionul ei!)

2) ceva ce e ireal in prezent (cu constructiile "as if", "as though"); 3) preferinta (cind se folosesc constructiile "would rather/ sooner", "it is time", "had
better", "I'd prefer"). You had better go home. (Mai bine ai merge acas.) Id prefer if you didnt go. (A prefera s nu mergi.)

c) forma de "Past Perfecte Tense" a verbului, pentru a exprima un regret vis-a-vis de o actiune anterioara timpului din propozitia principala: ex.: I wish(ed) you had written to him. (As dori/ As fi dorit ca tu sa-i fi scris lui.) d) alte forme de imperativ:
Somebody bring me a glass of water! (Cineva s mi aduc un pahar cu ap!) Come on everybody, leave the room! (Haidei, toat lumea s prseasc ncperea!)

e) After verbs expressing a desire that someone should do something: ask, advise, desire, intend,
order, recommend, request, require, suggest, urge, want; after verbs expressing plans: arrange, leave word, pland; after adjectives expressing feelings: anxious, willing, eager, pleased, glad. They demanded that the meeting be held in our new conference room. (Au cerut ca ntlnirea s se in n sala nou de conferine.)

We planned that they should see the room beforehand. (Am plnuit s vedem camera nainte.) She was anxious that they should see her dancing. (Era emoionat c o vor vedea dansnd.) f) cu "may/might"

May you live long! (S trieti mult!) However tired might he be, he must come down. (Orict de obosit ar fi, trebuie s vin jos.)

Alte comentarii: i) Forma de "Past Tense" a lui "to be" este "were"; ii) in constructiile cu "for + subiect" se foloseste forma lunga a infinitivului: It's time for you to go to bed. iii) Pentru a vedea cum se formeaza subjonctivul in propozitiile conditionale dati click pe linkurile de mai jos: Conditional in Trecut (Ireal) Conditional in Prezent (Ireal) Conditional in Viitor (Ireal) iv) In engleza americana, in propozitia subordonata introdusa de "that" cand propozitia principala
exprima o recomandare, decizie, cerere, speranta, intentie sau surprindere. They recommended that he pay more attention to class. (I-au recomandat s fie mai atent la lecie.) They hoped that he be elected President. (Au sperat s fie ales preedinte.) They suggested that our flowers be put into a vase. (Au sugerat ca florile noastre s fie puse n vaz.) v) if need be inseamna if it is necessary If need be she can always tell him the truth. (La nevoie, i poate spune oricnd adevrul.)

Completati spatiile libere in propozitiile de mai jos: It's time for you to bed. E timpul sa te duci in pat. (forma cu FOR) It's time you to bed. E timpul sa te duci in pat. (forma fara FOR) Come earlier so that you Tom at home. Vino devreme ca sa-l gasesti acasa pe Tom. (forma americana) Come earlier so that you Tom at home. Vino devreme ca sa-l gasesti acasa pe Tom. (forma britanica)

It is necessary that the work done. E necesar ca munca sa fie facuta. He speaks as if he from Bucharest. El vorbeste de parca nu ar fi din Bucuresti. (dar e din Bucuresti) I wish Dave here. Mi-ar fi placut ca Dave sa fie aici. I wish you to him. Mi-ar fi placut ca tu sa-i fi scris lui.

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