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I. General Information Course Title Term Department Coordinator Numeric Analysis Lecture Hours: 2 Spring Industrial Engineering Assistant Prof. Yusuf TEKN Credits: 2 ECTS: 4

Erciyes University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 38039 Kayseri, TURKEY Web Page : II. Course Information CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Circuit elements and Kirchhoffs laws. Analysis of resistive circuits. Network theorems. Analysis of first and second order circuits. Operational Amplifiers. COURSE PRECONDITIONS: Finite differences. Interpolation and extrapolation. Solution of nonlinear alge

1. To introduce the fundamentals of numerical methods used for the solution of eng

COURSE STRUCTURE: The class meets for two lectures a week, each consisting of two 50-minute sessions and a Problem session of 50-minute duration. 6-7 sets of homework problems are assigned per semester. Homework is not collected but similar problems are asked in announced quizzes. There are two in-class mid-term exams and a final exam. TEXTBOOK: Numerical Methods for Engineers, S. C. Chapra and R. P. Canale, McGraw-Hill, Third Edition. Numerical Methods for Engineers, B. M. Ayyub and R. H. McCuen, Prentice Hall, First Edition GRADING:
1. 2. 3.

Homework and quizzes (10%) Midterm 1 (30%) Final exam (60%)

TOPICS: (14 Weeks) Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . Subject INTRODUCTION: Numerical methods used for problem solving. Steps in solving a pr ROOTS OF EQUATIONS: Graphical methods. Bracketing methods: Bisection and falseROOTS OF EQUATIONS: Open methods: Simple one-point iteration, Newton-Raphson, s SYSTEMS OF LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS: Introduction. Methods for solving system SYSTEMS OF LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS: Matrix inversion method. Gauss-Seidel me CURVE FITTING: Introduction. Least square regression: Linear regression, polyno CURVE FITTING: Interpolation methods: Newton Interpolation, Lagrange interpolat MIDTERM EXAM. CURVE FITTING: Cubic spline interpolation. Extrapolation. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION: Introduction. Numerical integration methods: Newton-Cote NUMERICAL INTEGRATION: Simpson's rules: Simpson's 1/3 rule, Simpson's 3/8 rule. NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION: Introduction. Finite difference approximations of th NUMERICAL DIFFERENTIATION: Introduction. Finite difference approximations of th NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Euler's method, Runge-Ku NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS:

OUTCOME COVERAGE: Apply math, science and engineering knowledge. The course deals first with resistive circuits which can be solved by linear algebra methods and secondly with circuits containing energy sources which can be solved using methods of differential equations. The solutions of differential equations are obtained by finding the homogenous solution and the particular solution separately and finally applying initial conditions to the total solution. Complex calculus is used for the sinusoidal steady-state analysis. After completion of the course, students are expected to be able to apply basic

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