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Poor integration of parts of figure Immature, overly aggressive, brain injured,, instability, , poorly integrated personality, poor coordination,

or impulsivity, , immaturity may be result of less, neurological, impairment, regression due to severe emotional disturbance, or all of these. Organicity in adults, mental retardation, Shading Manifestation of anxiety Shading of the face; Valid for 5 12 years Overtly aggressive, who steel, Shading on entire face Seriously disturbed children, who were overcome by anxiety and who had a very poor self concept. Shading on parts of face; (e.g., mouth, nose, eyes) Anxiety about shaded features, or about their functions, Shading of body or lower limbs; valid for 8 y girls and 9 years boys Body anxiety, psychosomatic complaints and who steel Shading on arms; Reflect guilt feelings for aggressive impulses or masturbatory activities Shading on legs Anxiety about size, and physical growth or concerns about sexual impulses Shading of hands and /or neck; Valid for 7 years girls, 8 years boys Who steel shy, aggressive anxiety over some or real or imagined activities involving the hands, Shading of necks, Struggle to control their impulses, rigid and precarious control over impulses or long as they were expressed to too much strain, and stress, vacillated between impulsivity and over control, and went from one extreme to another. Gross asymmetry of limbs Aggressive, brain injured, poor coordination and impulsive, who has history of neurological malfunctioning, neurotic manifestation, in coordination, physical awkwardness, physical inadequacy, confusion of lateral dominance Figure slanting by 25 degree or more Brain injured, poor students, both aggressive, and shy, psychosomatic complaints, who steel, general instability and lack of balance, feeling of mental imbalance and a personality, in flux, pre schizophrenics, unstable nervous system of children, labile personality, child lacks secure footings. Tiny figure Brain injured children, shy youngsters, extreme insecurity, withdrawals, depression, not for all depression patients, feeling of inadequacy, shirinken age, and concerns over dealing with the environment Big figure, 9 or more in height; valid 8 years of age Aggressive and who steel, expressiveness, immaturity in children, poor inner controls, Narcissism, paranoid, delusion of grandiosity., which are covering feelings of inadequacy, psychopathic tendencies, organicity, history of cortical malfunctioning Transparencies Children who steel and overtly aggressive, psychosomatic complaints, immaturity, impulsivity, and acting out behaviors. Skeleton figure and clothes around More immature, concretistic youngsters, poor judgment, impulsive, youngster with cortical mal functioning. Transparencies limited on particular focused Acute anxiety and control, anxiety about particular part of body, pathological aggressiveness,

Tiny head Maladjusted children, intense feeling of intellectual inadequacy, the conscious wish of obsessive compulsive individuals who want to ignore the control of their brain and long to follow the dictates of their impulses. Grossed eyes Reflection of rebellion and anger, things are out of focus to him, does not review the world in the same manners as other do. Teeth Overtly aggressive, sadistic tendencies, can not be considered a sign of emotional disturbance if not other emotional indicators are present, infantile oral aggression, simple schizophrenics, emotionally flat adults, hysterics, low grade defective. Short arms Psychosomatic complaints, shy, special class youngsters, difficulty in reaching out into the world and towards other, tendency to withdrawn, to turn inward toward self, inhibit his impulses. Long arms Overtly aggressive, externally directed aggressive needs, ambitions, achievements, or for acquisitions including striving for love and affection, Arms clinging to the side of the body Rigid inner control, difficulty in relating toward others, lacking in flexibility, poor interpersonal relationships, passive and defensive individuals, deep seated conflicts, brittle control, paranoid and schizophrenics, tendency to reserve and withdrawal, (if it found only emotional indicators, without any of others, it can not considered as a sign of serious pathology. Big hands Special class youngsters, Overtly aggressive and who steel, acting out behavior and compensatory behaviors for feelings of inadequacy, manipulatory insufficiency, difficulty in making contact with others, boys who are compensating for physical weakness, or who feels guilty over the use of their Hands cut off; (Arms without hands) Brain injured, special class pupil, shy, who stole, psychosomatic complaints, feelings of inadequacy, guilt over failure to act correctly, guilt over inability to act at all, guilt for poor school achievement, possible castration anxiety. Legs pressed together Psychosomatic complaints, tenseness, rigid attempts on his parts to control his own sexual impulses, or his concern over a sexual attack by others, the girls who had been exposed to sexual trauma, at the hands of older man, rejection of sexual approach by others, rigidity and brittle control. Genitals Overtly aggressive, seriously psychopathology, involving acute body anxieties, and poor impulse control. Monster or a grotesque figure Feelings of intense inadequacy, poor self concept. Draw a non human monster Perceive themselves as being different from others as not being quite human. Draw clowns and tramps Thinks of themselves of rather ridiculous individuals who are laughed at and who are not fully accepted by others. Drawing figures of prehistoric or members of minority group Feel though as they are outsiders, who do not fully belongs to society.

Drawings of grotesque or monster Hostility toward himself. Three or more figures Poor school achievements, children of limited ability, culturally deprived families, brain injured, neurological impairment, lack of feelings of identity. Clouds rain snow Poorly adjusted pupils, very anxious children with somatic complaints, do not dare to strike at others and who instead turned their aggression inward toward themselves, child threaten by the adult world, especially by parents. Omission of eyes Socially isolated, tended to deny their problems, refused to face the world, escape into fantasy. Omission of nose Shy with drawn behaviors, lack of overt aggressiveness, poor social interest, masturbatory guilt or castration anxiety, feelings of immobility and helplessness, inability to go forward with self assurance, tendency to with drawn and shyness, body anxiety. Omission of mouth Anxiety, insecurity, withdrawal including passive resistance, inability or his refusal to communicate others, depression, special class people, psychosomatic complaints, poor students. Omission of body Brain injured, mental retardation, cortical malfunctioning, severe immaturity due to developmental delay, emotional disturbance with acute body anxiety and castration fears Omission of arms Anxiety and guilt over socially unacceptable behaviors, involving the arms and hands, guilt over hostility or sexuality, depression and withdrawal from people and the world of objects. Omission of legs Intense anxiety and insecurity, anxiety related to the legs Omission of feet; Valid 7 years girls, 9 years boys Shy, general sense of insecurity, and helplessness Omission of the neck Brain injured children who steel, immaturity, impulsivity, poor inner control, lack of rational control and poor coordination of impulses and behaviors.

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