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The Quadrants, Succedents and the Cadents

------ Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary

Kendras (quadrants): 1, 4, 7, 10 Support/pillars/vishnu sthanas

The angular houses, 1, 4, 7, 10, are called kendra s (centers) in Sanskrit, and give the power to initiate action. These are pivotal centers or pillars that support the chart. When planets are located in these houses they are in an active, dynamic, creative phase and are able to manifest energy and power. Since the angular houses represent the four pillars of the chart, their activating quality has a tangible impact on the foundation of one's life - the self/body, 1. the inner life/mind/home, 2. the others/spouse/relationships, and 3. the social life/public position/career/work. The kendras are the most self-motivated centers of action. These are the strongest house placements and relate to the cardinal or movable signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Cap rico rn. When planets predominate in these houses the person will be outgoing, strong, assertive and good at initiating projects. He or she could also be aggressive, impulsive, restless, and insensitive depending on the planets placed here. The 4th house is the weakest in this group because it's also a moksha (liberation) house. The 10th house is the strongest. Benefics or Soumya (Soma-based) planets are preferred here. Malefics in Kendras can be bad for health especially if it is not offset by any other benefic influence .

Panapharas (succedents): 2, 5, 8, 11 If you understand the four angular houses than it's easier to understand the other eight houses. This is because the angular houses, as the four pillars of the chart, are their pivotal points. The 2nd house from the angular house represents the gains, accumulations, or further fulfillment of the indications of that house. For instance, the 2nd house represents money, earning, wealth, assets, and the accumulation of resources because it represents the 'accumulated assets/resources/wealth' of the self (1st house). Likewise, the 11th house represents the gains from career (10th house), and the 8th house represents the resources/wealth/finances of the spouse (7th house), or other gains from other people like inheritances, insurance policies etc. Apoklimas (cadents): 3, 6, 9, 12 The cadent houses, 3, 6, 9, 12, are called apoklima in Sanskrit, and give decrease, decline, and decay, as well as the ability to adapt to change. Cadent literally means to 'fall away,' and the cadent houses represent the losses of the angular houses. These are the weakest house placements and relate to the mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. The 12th house or the previous house to any quadrant represents the losses, endings, or the undoing of the indications of that house. Thus t he 12th house represents debts, expenses, isolation, and illnesses because it represents the 'losses' of the self (1st house). Likewise, the 6th house represents conflicts and loss of relationship (7th house), and the 3rd house represents communication and networking with others or the loss of one's private inner life

(4th house). The 12th house is the weakest (in terms of material results) in this group because it's also a moksha and dusthana house. The 9th house is the strongest and almost an exception since: it is the house of sadhana (spiritual practice), it is the polar opposite of the 3 rd house of efforts), it signifies expansion of the mind and finally since it is the highest of the three fire trines or dharma houses (trines are benefic houses that bring prosperity). Yet the 9 th house can bring loss of or loss to career related matters though it is good for financial gains. The key point to remember is that the cadents are change-oriented . When planets are located in these houses they are in a dispersing, unstable, dissolution phase, but are also flexible, and adaptable to change. Depending on the planetary nature one could be could be:

lazy, impressionable, and indecisive (one could have a hard time getting anything started, or seeing something through to completion) or flexible, adaptable, introspective, sensitive, and good at assessing and modifying change in a project.

The 9 th house being more positive the second possibility is higher for the 9 th house

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