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Module 26 Bonus Points Assignment Answers i) Sexual Orientation and Types Sexual orientation: An enduring sexual attraction toward

members of either ones own sex (homosexual orientation) or the other sex (heterosexual orientation). Today, most psychologists view sexual orientation like handedness: Most people are one way, some the other, and very few are ambidextrous. It is not willfully chosen or changed. Some individuals may attempt to change their sexual orientation through prayer, willpower, or psychotherapy; however, the feelings persist in homosexual individuals just as in heterosexual individuals. 3-4% of men and 1-2% of women identify as exclusively homosexual. Homosexuality can be viewed as a continuum rather than a dichotomy many people who identify as gay have had heterosexual experiences/partners and many people who identify as straight have had homosexual experiences/partners. Compared with mens sexual orientation, a womens orientation tends to be less strongly felt and has more potential for variability; they are more likely to feel and act on bisexual attractions. *Homosexual experiences do not necessarily indicate a homosexual orientation. ii) Development of Sexual Orientation Studies found that both heterosexuals and homosexuals report similar backgrounds, being raised by a gay or lesbian parent does not significantly affect sexual orientation. There are also no differences in family composition, sex hormones, or sexual victimization history (molestation, rape, etc.). Homosexuality does not correlate with hatred toward the opposite gender. If environmental factors do influence sexual orientation, those factors as of now are unknown. However, prenatal environment is thought to play a role, as males with older brothers born of the same mother have increased likelihood to identify as homosexual. This is called the fraternal birth-order effect. iii) Mental Health and Sexual Orientation Gays and lesbians have higher rates of depression and risk of suicide attempts, likely due to their experience of harassment, bullying, and discrimination. However, it is important to note that homosexuality is not a mental, social, or emotional disorder. The American Psychiatric Association dropped homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses in 1973. iv) Gender Differences and Sexual Orientation Compared with mens sexual orientation, a womens tends to be less strongly felt and has more potential for variability; they are more likely to feel and act on bisexual attractions. v) Biology and Sexual Orientation Research has found some minor structural differences in the brains of heterosexual versus homosexual deceased subjects, specifically differences in a section of the hypothalamus. However, the cause and timing of this difference is unknown (the homosexual sample and part of

the heterosexual sample was taken from deceased AIDS patients, and AIDS is known to change the brain). Identical twins are more likely than fraternal twins to both have a homosexual orientation. There is a 52% chance of an identical twin being gay if one already identifies as being gay, versus a 22% chance of a fraternal twin being gay if one already identifies as being gay.

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