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Title: The Modern Education And Corporate Expectations


Arun Prakash. J Student, RVS Institute Of Management Studies, Coimbatore.

Abstract Good education system is fundamental to a nation that wants to be economically and otherwise independent. In my view, India still has a long way to go to reach this goal. As students, all have seen many improvements in our school curriculum. Through the years, we have seen the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and other systems try to provide "balanced textbooks" and helpful supplementary texts. Yet problems like emphasis on memorizing certain paragraphs from books and evaluation on the basis of "bookish knowledge" still persist. These dilemmas need to be amended with the help of educators, parents, and teachers. What can be done to alleviate the crisis? Every year thousand of students appear for the entrance exams. From the last few decades the demand of management students rises at a very massive rate. Management students hold a very important position in any organization. They have played a vital role in handling various types of clients issues, resource issues, employees and employers issues, company's goodwill and reputation issues and lots more. Management students are on the middle of every task, they have act as joining point between employees - employers and employers clients. Organizational structure and multinational trends makes all these responsibilities more complex that needs more planning and hard working in an efficient manner.


Corporate world always lacks efficient and capable management employees. To meet this demand top business schools of the world plays an important role where they have gain excellence of providing wide verities of MBA degree courses, certification, post graduate diplomas and other management programs. These top b schools also offers awesome exposure to their students during their internship programs. Where they learnt how best they can deal with international clients, fully utilization of resources, quality of timely decision making, to know more about business skills, how to tackle ever changing trends of international market. Though it is very hard to get complete track of complete market one can get analyzes after reading past section of changed market. Therefore, pre planning on the basis complete analyzing is very important, that makes your question solved. Previous downfall of share market is one of the

biggest and true example of analyzes. In this you cannot track the whole market, only need to read the few moments of the past situation and analyzes what is to be get in future and how. All these types of cases can be find while studying in the top business schools where student must enter after getting relevant experience so that student's mind should be matured enough to understand the typical graphs of the ever changing trends of the international business market. Student's previous academic and experience records has played very important role in getting admission to top business schools of the world. After completing education from any well reputed b school one can expect more than enough from the corporate sectors, as it business market always welcomes efficient and capable players of management. A good education system is fundamental to a nation that wants to be economically and otherwise independent. India still has a long way to go to reach this goal. Through the years, National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) try to provide "balanced textbooks" and helpful supplementary texts. Yet problems like emphasis on memorizing certain paragraphs from books and evaluation on the basis of "bookish knowledge" still persist.The issue is not only about doing away with evaluation on the basis of bookish knowledge and memory but what to do in its place? Even mystics like Osho and Krishnamurthy have said that through Education alone, social transformation is possible and both also stressed the need for education to fulfill its real purposehelp the child find his vocation in life. "The primary purpose of a school is to guide the childs discovery of herself and her world and to identify and mature the childs talents. Just as each seed contains the future tree, each child is born with infinite potential. In the article he suggests that many teachers and parents try to be potters instead of Gardners in moulding their childrens future. Imagine a school in which sees children as seeds to be nurtured-here the teacher is a gardner who tries to bring out the potential already present in the child. This is very different from the current view which sees the child as clay to be moulded where the teachers and parents are potters deciding what shape the clay should take. There is an old Chinese saying , Give a seed to a potter and you shall have a bonsai." In a nutshell, as a teacher and parent, be a gardner, not a potter.

Natural talent often manifests well without any formal coaching. I played lawn Tennis for several years but was not satisfied with the backhand(bane of many racquet games). My younger brother got it right in the first week itself without any coaching in such a brilliant manner that many players complimented him. My wife is qualified in English hons but it is me, an MBA who has written articles and poems for magazines and newspapers. Similarly, she does certain business work much better than I do. My father does much better trading in shares than me despite not having any formal training in Technical analysis(graphs) which I have. I once worked in a company where the rise of one person was much faster than four others though all of them were from the same batch from the same institute. Talent is more important than the tool(knowledge). J.Krishnamurthy has even advocated small schools for the purpose of detecting the childs potential . It is very important that each teacher should also be trained as a vocational

psychologist and talent scout so that the student does not choose the wrong profession and suffer for life- "The person who has found his vocation is life is a blessed human being. Let him ask for no other blessedness"- Thomas Carlyle. Practical knowledge is best-Osho specified that there is a difference between knowledge(Bookish) and knowing(expereience). With role plays and group dynamics, the latter can be imparted in some disciplines and not lleft to the vagaries of practical experience. The twenty first century is expected to be stressful and therefore yoga and meditation should also be taught properly in schools. Physical fitness was stressed by Swami Vivekanand and we have a lot to learn from the western world just the way they learn yoga from us. Unfourtnately, Education has become a business and nobody is bothered about the real purpose of education and one ends up paying more in donation and not getting any real education. Its a loss both ways like "Heads I win, Tails you lose". Whether it is education or anything else, unless there is a continous and consistent monitering mechanism, nobody shall be accountable and nothing shall have lasting success. This may seem an exaggerated answer but I am trying to answer the word "bookish" and trying to give a practical alternative in totality both from readings and practical experience(without that one cannot relate with what one reads) from diverse perspectives. Many examples(my own family disbelived without them) are given to substantiate views with conviction since I am not an expert on education.

The Indian educational system is mainly theoretical. The education should also be pratically good. Indian students are lacking practical knowledge. For a good education, students should be provided with equal weightage for both theory and practical. Theory alone won't make him/her a good student. As concerned with the teachers, they have a bit ego problem with the students. They always go against the students and never want to be with them. The schools and colleges should be free and not like a jail. For a good education we need good staff, those on whom the students can trust on. Parents should also be free with their children. Along with the basic education, children should also be given time to participate in the co-curricular activities like games, sports etc. the main thing is that the teachers and parents sholud not put pressure on the students. The student gets tensed up and may even commit student. So for improving the education system, the people has to change. The books should provide some extra knowledge to build up iq of the students

What we lack in our educational system is nothing but the "VALUE"-both material and non material. There are many loopholes in our present education system. Our present education system is leading us to the materialistic world. There is no ethics and morals in our students. They just want to achieve success by hook or by crook

Rejuvenating the Education System We have been working on Education reforms for almost 10 years without any success. The apathy in todays education System is clearly evident from the fact that after 60 years of Independence we dont have a program for every child going to School. India boasts about 65% literacy; Education in the Urban world is much better compared to what happens in the rural world. I have heard the opportunity of visiting a lot of middle schools in te rural area, I was moved by the effort some teachers put in without any government support, I was equally annoyed by some of the teachers who are not bothered about teaching but the money the Government pays them. But finally, when thinking back, I am a convent educated kid, had access to the best of education toys and gears, I was wondering why we are not able to provide the same kind of education to the Poor in the rural areas? The drop out in the schools in rural areas are so high, I also realised it was because of the teachers in the schools and nonexistent toys or gears to create the Interest, cant blame the teachers as they are also not trained to keep the child motivated nor to teach effectively.. The Government in the name of Education cess, takes so much of money out of us, wondering if there was so much of money available for Education why is the Government not providing quality Education which matches the Private Schools? What is lacking? why is that we as citizens dont care about what happens in the Education set-up in India? Education is the key to changing the Society, basic primary education should be a right, and Government should provide state of the art Education Systems, gadgets, infrastructure to the Government Schools to match up with the rural Schools.

Still trying to understand if this is a inability of the Government or is it a systematic failure of Governance? How does one get this correct? Can we take this issue up, which is one of the most key issues Plaguing our country? How does one correct it? What is the solution to better Education in this country? Can we get all your views?

Conclusion Children of today are much smarter than children of yesteryears. They have begun questioning their parents and teachers with innocent yet thought provoking questions which the parents or teachers themselves would not know the answer for. The indian educational system lacks teachers who have a concept based approach to a subject simply because they do not know it themselves. I believe the real education of a student takes place during the primary and high school level. Training of these class teachers is atmost essential making them understand the concept of by this i mean quoting examples about the application and the relevance of each chapter in our day to day life. This helps children to understand better at school and apply the same at home and recall the principle easily rather than mugging. Parents must be encouraged to give children their deserved playtime and not force their dreams on their children. Parents must be made to attend the parent teacher meetings and the teachers must ask the parents to quiz their children regarding the subjects they learnt in school.examinations must be based not on writing exactly what is there in the textbook or teachers notes but must be based on the extent the child has thought out of the book. Slow learners must be identified and must be given enough time to learn at their own pace and not be taunted. The education system in india has still a long way to go implementations of better ideas being made starting from a few schools and extending based on the analysis and evaluation of the data and progress of the children into a larger scale.

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