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TEST DE EVALUARE INITIAL Anul scolar 2011-2012 Limba englez Clasa a VII- a L2 Numele si prenumele elevului:________________________________ Data susinerii

Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute. PARTEA I ( 60 de puncte )

A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous: 1. I can't help you now. I __________________ 1(write) an important report. 2. They always _______________ 2 (spend) a week in the mountains. 3. He _________________ 3(do) all the housework while his wife is away. 4. Water __________________ 4(freeze) at 00C. 5. An elephant never _________________ 5(forget) being treated badly. 6. Scientists ________________6(bring) great contributions to the development of computer technology. 7. This is how you ____________ 7(make) a cake : first you ___________ 8(take) some eggs and _____________ 9(break) them. 8. Listen ! He _________________ 10(speak) about the new budget. (10x2p=20p) B. Use the verbs given in the Past tense to fill in the blanks: chase, feel, be, shout, drive, stop, begin, try, take, come Gordon and Celine decided to go to Red Rock Safari Park. First, they 1) ___________ into the park and Gordon 2)____________ the car. He 3)____________ some pictures of the lions. After that, he 4)___________ to start the car again. Suddenly, smoke 5)_______________ to come aut of the engine. A few minutes later, the front of the car 6)__________ on fire, so Celine beeped the horn and 7)____________ for help. Just then, a park ranger 8)______________ along in his jeep to help them. Finally, another jeep arrived and 9)____________ the lions away. Gordon and Celine 10)_____________ very lucky to be alive. (10x2p=20p)

C. Underline the correct adjective: a. The streets in Los Angeles are very crowded/heavy. b. Big cities are often quiet/noisy and polluted. c. The street was too narrow/wide. Tom couldnt drive his new jeep along it. d. He couldnt buy the shoes because they were too expensive/cheap. e. Hes a very clever/silly child. He knows all the answers. f. Dont go near the river, its very safe / dangerous! g. That is a(n) difficult/easy question. I cant answer it. h. It was a boiling cold/hot day, so we went to the beach. i. He wasnt scared when the fire started. He was very brave/blind. j. I like my teacher. Her lessons are very interesting / dull. (10x1p=10p) D. Circle the correct option . 1. It / There was very sunny here yesterday. 2. There is / are too much violence in the media. 3. What day is it / there tomorrow ? 4. It / There is a good film on Channel 4 tonight. 5. How many people was / were there watching the match ? (5x2p=10p) PARTEA a II-a 30 de puncte

E. Write a letter to a friend of yours telling him/her about your summer holiday. You should include information about the places you visited, the weather, the activities, the location, food and people you met. Do not use more than 60 words.

TEST DE EVALUARE INIIAL Anul scolar 2011-2012 Limba englez Clasa a VII- a L2 BAREM DE EVALUARE SI DE NOTARE Se puncteaz oricare alte formulri/ modaliti de rezolvare corect a cerinelor. Nu se acord punctaje intermediare, altele dect cele precizate explicit prin barem. Nu se acord fraciuni de punct. Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota final se calculeaz prin mprirea punctajului total acordat pentru test la 10. PARTEA I (60 de puncte) A. 10 x 2p=20 points 1. am writing. 2.spend doing 4. freezes 5. forgots 6. bring 7. make 8. take 9. break 10. is speaking B. 10 x 2p= 20 points (1 point for each verb placed in the correct gap + 1 point for each correct form of the verb) 1. drove; 2. stopped; 3. took; 4. tried; 5. began; 6. was; 7. shouted; 8. came; 9. chased; 10. felt. C. 10 x 1p= 10 points a. crowded; b. noisy; c. narrow; d. expensive; e. clever; f. dangerous; g. difficult; h. hot; i. brave; j. interesting. D. 5x2p=10 points 1. it ,2. is , 3. it ,4. There, 5. were PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte) E. 4 points for appropriately beginning and ending the letter: - 2 points the beginning: Dear + the friends name - 2 points the ending: Best wishes / Love / Lots of love /Yours + the senders name 6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors 5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary 10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task 3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content, conclusion) 2 points for the general impression

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