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Vitamin A

Functions: Vitamin A is known for benefiting our eyesight. It counteracts night-blindness and weak sight by allowing the retina to adapt to darkness. Vitamin A is also essential for good health of the epithelial tissues, bone and tooth growth. It is needed for the growth and repair or body tissues. Vitamin A also play a role in supporting the immune system as it helps protect the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat & lungs, thereby reducing susceptibility to infections; helps maintain smooth, soft diseasefree skin; protects against air pollutants; Vitamin A is also involved in the synthesis of certain hormones such as progesterone. Deficiency: May result in increased susceptibility to infections, night blindness; rough, dry, scaly skin; loss of smell & appetite; frequent fatigue; lack of tears; defective teeth & gums; retarded growth and keratinisation of the epithelial tissues in the nasal and respiratory passages. Overdose Can result in joint pain, cracked lips, dry and itchy skin, nausea and vomiting, weight loss

Roles Vitamin A fills a variety of important roles, but it is best known as being essential for vision. It supports your immune system and helps resist infection by making white blood cells that fight bacteria. Vitamin A is needed for healthy skin and to maintain cells lining the eyes and the respiratory and intestinal tracts. Bones continually replace worn out cells by building new bone and that process depends on the presence of vitamin A. Development of the limbs, heart, eyes and ears rely on the presence of vitamin A.
Vitamin D is vital for cardiovascular, bone, mental health, and plays a role in cancer prevention

Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol)
Food sources: Vitamin D is commonly found in fish liver oil, fatty fish, enriched milk and eggs. Provitamin D can also be converted into vitamin D when the skin is exposed to sunlight. It is the only vitamin that can be produced by the human body. Functions: It increases calcium and phosphorus absorption, which promotes bone and teeth formation and normal growth. Deficiency: Can lead to rickets, osteomalacia and bone reabsorption. Overdose excessive calcium intake, calcification, urinary stones, some nerve symptoms and certain muscle symptoms.

Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Food sources: wheat germ, cottonseed, palm and rice oils, grain, liver and lettuce, pure vegetable oils, whole meal bread and cereals, egg yolk, nuts and sunflower seeds. Functions: maintains good oxygen levels in membranes and DNA, helps red blood cell formation, normal growth and contributes to good immunity. It can also protect tissues from damage, and can act as an antioxidant, reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease. Deficiency: can lead to hemolysis of red blood cells (bursting of the cells) and possibly muscular dystrophy. Overdose this is considered to be an intake exceeding 400 mg in one day. However, there has been no proof that this is dangerous. Suggested Daily Intake: 15 mg

Vitamin K (Phylloquinone)
Food sources: alfalfa, liver, spinach, vegetable oils, intestinal bacteria, many green vegetables (e.g. spinach, cabbage), vegetables such as cauliflower and soybeans. Some fruits such as kiwi and avocadoes also contain Vitamin K. Functions: helps synthesis blood clotting Deficiency: excessive bleeding (due to delayed clotting and lack of clotting factors). This can be seen by bruises (internal bleeding) and nosebleeds. Overdose When in excess, Vitamin K can interfere with anti-clotting medications such as Warfarin (Coumadin)

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