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Chapter 2: Strategic Problem Solving

To compare the difference between: Routine, & Non-routine problem.

IPG Kampus Rajang

Routine Problem:
Routine problems are those that merely involved an arithmetic operation with the characteristics: Presents a question to be answered, Gives the facts or numbers to use, Can be solved by direct application of previously learned algorithms and the basic task is to identify the operation appropriate for solving problem.
IPG Kampus Rajang

Routine Problem:
Example problems: What is the area of a 100m x 1000m car lot? An employee makes RM8.50 per hour. How much will the employee makes in 40 hours?

IPG Kampus Rajang

NonNon-Routine Problem:
It occurs when an individual is confronted with an unusual problem situation, and is not aware of a standard procedure for solving it. The individual has to create a procedure. To do so, he or she must become familiar with the problem situation, collect appropriate information, identify an efficient strategy, and use the strategy to solve the problem.
IPG Kampus Rajang

NonNon-Routine Problem:
Non-routine problems are those that call for the use of processes far more than those of routine problems with the characteristics: Use of strategies involving some nonalgorithmic approaches, Can be solved in many distinct ways requiring different thinking processes.

IPG Kampus Rajang

NonNon-Routine Problem:
The non-routine problem is a kind of unique problem solving which requires the application of skills, concept or principle which have been learned and mastered. It is also meant that whenever we are facing an unusual problem or situation which we dont know the procedures to solve it, we are facing the non-routine problem.
IPG Kampus Rajang

NonNon-Routine Problem:
Example of a non-routine problem: Approximately how many hairs are there on your head?

IPG Kampus Rajang

Routine & Non-Routine Problem NonSolving:

Non-routine problem solving serves a different purpose than routine problem solving. While routine problem solving concerns solving problems that are useful for daily life (in the present / in the future), nonroutine problem solving concerns that only indirectly.

IPG Kampus Rajang

Routine & Non-Routine Problem NonSolving:

Non-routine problem solving is mostly concerned with developing students mathematical reasoning power and fostering the understanding that mathematics is a creative endeavour (usaha / ikhtiar). Non-routine problem solving can be seen as evoking an I tried this and I tried that, and eureka, I finally figured it out. reaction.
IPG Kampus Rajang

Routine & Non-Routine Problem NonSolving:

That involves a search for heuristics (strategies seeking to discover). There is no convenient model / solution path that is readily available to apply to solving a problem. That is in sharp contrast to routine problem solving where there are readily identifiable models (the meanings of the arithmetic operations and the associated templates) to apply to problem situations.
IPG Kampus Rajang

BM Version

IPG Kampus Rajang

Masalah Rutin: Rutin:

Masalah2 yg melibatkan hanya satu operasi aritmetik sahaja dalam penyelesaiannya dikategorikan sbg masalah rutin. Masalah2 rutin hanya memerlukan pelajar memahami masalah, memilih operasi yg sesuai serta mempraktikkan algoritma2 yg telah dipelajari. Prosedur penyelesainya diketahui oleh pelajar Masalah rutin adalah masalah yg diketahui jalan penyelesaiannya dgn satu strategi mudah.
IPG Kampus Rajang

Masalah Rutin: Rutin:

Apabila menyelesaikan masalah-masalah rutin, pelajar perlu mengenalpasti: Apakah soalannya yg perlu digunakan, Fakta2 / nombor2 yg perlu digunakan, Operasi-operasi matematik yg sesuai digunakan, Anggaran nilai penyelesaian.

IPG Kampus Rajang

Masalah bukan Rutin: Rutin:

Sudah tentu masalah-masalah bukan rutin memerlukan proses-proses yg lebih tinggi drp yg terlibat dlm penyelesaian masalah2 rutin. Kejayaan dlm penyelesaian masalah2 bukan rutin bergantung kpd kebolehan pelajar menggunakan pelbagai strategi penyelesaian masalah bersama dgn fakta2 & maklumat dlm pertimbangan.
IPG Kampus Rajang

Masalah bukan Rutin: Rutin:

Prosedur menyelesaikannya adalah tidak diketahui pelajar. Masalah2 bukan rutin biasanya diselesaikan dgn pelbagai cara yg memerlukan proses pemikiran yg berbeza2. Nyata sekali pelajar dikehendaki menggunakan kemahiran secara kritis dan kreatif dlm penyelesaianya masalah bukan rutin.
IPG Kampus Rajang

Rujukan: Rujukan:
Modul OUM, n-routine-problems.html

IPG Kampus Rajang

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