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Samiul Haque History of the Americas Magistra Winterich May 6, 2012 Declamation Rozema, Vicki.

"That Paper Called a Treaty." In Voices from the Trail of Tears. WinstonSalem, N.C.: J.F. Blair, 2003. 62-63. Good afternoon, Today I will be declaiming the report of Major William M. Davis to Secretary of War Lewis Cass. In this report, he describes how the treaty of New Echota is actually not a treaty at all because it was not agreed upon by the majority of the Cherokee Indians and exposes how they used deceit and trickery to get the few Indians who did sign it to go according to their plans. I chose to declaim this piece because it reveals how the Cherokees were taken advantage of and were unjustly robbed of their lands. That paper called a treaty is no treaty at all because it is not sanctioned by the great body of the Cherokees and was made without their participation or assent. I solemnly declare to you that upon its reference to the Cherokee people it would be instantly rejected by nine-tenths of them and I believe nineteen-twentieths of them. There were not present at the conclusion of the treaty more than one hundred Cherokee voters, and not more than three hundred, including women and children, although the weather was everything that could be desired. The Indians had long been notified of the meeting, and blankets were promised to all who would come and vote for the treaty. The most cunning and artful means were resorted to to conceal the paucity of numbers present at the treaty. No enumeration of them was made by Schermerhorn. The business of making the treaty was transacted with a committee appointed by the Indians present, so as not to expose their numbers. The power of attorney under which the committee acted was signed only by the president and secretary of the meeting, so as not to disclose their weakness Mr. Schermerhorns apparent design was to conceal the real number present and to impose on the public and the Government upon this point. The Cherokees are a peaceable, harmless people, but you may drive them to desperation, and this treaty cannot be carried into effect except by the strong arm of force.

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