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(v) n G

LaCasa Y ElVecindario


(v) n G

(v) n G

- -"

La Casa V El Vecindario CUaderno

Instrucciones:UsandoLosCuadernos Parte Uno Actividades
Ejercicios Examen Respuestas

9 .12 .16 ..18 23 26 30 32 37 40 45 47 49

Parte Dos Actividades

Ejercicio s Examen Respuestas Parte Tres Actividades Ejercicios Examen Respuestas. Examen Final

(v) n G

(v) n G

Usando'~-"Los CuaClernos
Ingls Sin Barreras es principalmente un curso en videocassettes. Los manuales y cuadernos debern ser usados como gua para entender y recordar las lecciones de los videos. Tambin le dar la oportunidad de practicar la lectura y escritura en ingls, as como ejercicios adicionales para reforzar su comprensin.
La sig}1ientees una descripcin de las secciones en sus cuadernos y como usar1as.

La seccin de actividades es una oportunidad de practicar, recordar y escribir sistemticamente 10que ha aprendido. Cada actividad enfatiza una estructura o un dato especficode la leccin. Las respuestas son generalmente cortas. Lea cuidadosamente las instrucciones para cada actividady escriba las respuestas en su cuaderno. Puede referirse a la seccin de vocabulario o a la seccin del texto en su manual si no recuerda algo. Lo importante es que 10aprenda ahora. Despus de terminar con las actividades, revise sus respuestas, incluyendo maysculas y puntuacin, en la seccin de respuestas.


Los ejercicios tambin repasan sistemticamente el material, pero esta vez sus respuestas sern en oraciones completas. Tome el tiempo de escribir completamente cada oracin aunque parezca superfluo. Recuerde, la prctica hace al maestro. Lea cuidadosamente las instrucciones para cada ejercicio y escriba las respuestas en su cuaderno. Estudie los ejemplos y asegrese que sus respuestas usan las mismas estructuras. Como siempre, puede 3

(v) n G

referirse a las secciones de vocabulario o texto para revisar lo que no le est claro. Tambin preste atencin a la ortografa:a la correcta escritura de las palabras, el uso de maysculas y puntuacin. Despus

de completar-Ios-ejercicios, revisesus-contestleiones-ealaseccirde
respuestas. Es buena idea marcar las correcciones con un lpiz de diferente color para que las pueda repasar con mayor facilidad posteriormente.

El examen comprobar el avance de su aprendizaje de la parte correspondiente. Tmelo despus de haber completado todas las otras secciones en su manual. Siga las instrucciones y conteste todas las preguntas cuidadosamente. Sugerimos que lo haga lo mejor que pueda sin consultar las otras: secciones del manual. De esta forma tendr una buena idea de 10bien que domina el material. Cuando termine el examen, corrjalo refirindose a la seccin de respuestas.
La presente tabla es para que usted pueda evaluar su examen:

Nmero de Respuestas Correctas

10 9 8 7 6 o menos

Calificacin Superior Excelente Bien Regular Deficiente

Si ha logrado un buen nmero de aciertos, eso ~ignificaque ha puesto mucho empeo y ha seguido paso a paso las instrucciones. Si no es as, no se desanime. Revisecuales han sido sus principales errores e impngase la tarea de repasar con determinacin todas las partes que no le quedaron claras.

Las respuestas para las actividades,los ejercicios y el examen aparecen en esta seccin de cada parte. Uselas para revisar sus respuestas 4

(v) n G

despus de completar esas secciones. Si no est seguro de alguna respuesta al hacer las actividades o ejercicios, es mejor volver al vocabulario o al texto y tratar de contestar la pregunta antes de buscar la respuesta en esta-seccin. No revise las secciones anteriores o las respuestas cuando toma los exmenes. Use la seccin de respuestas nicamente despus de haber contestado todas la preguntas por s .


Examen Final
El examen finalcubre todo el material presentado en las tres partes de cada volumen. El formato es el mismo que el de los exmenes individualesque vienen al final de cada parte, as es que si usted ha completado estos cuidadosamente no tendr problemas entendiendo y contestando las preguntas. Tome el examen finalnicamente despus de haber estudiado todo el material y considere que lo domina. Como las respuestas no estn provistas en sus cuadernos, usted debe enviamos su examen final a la direccin indicada en esa seccin para que lo corrijamos y se 10 retornemos. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para que juzgue su progreso en forma efectivae imparcial. Le esperamos.


(v) n G

(v) n G

La Casa V El Vecindario
Dnde vive? En qu vive? Qu hace en casa?


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Write the name of each place on the lines below the pictures. EscnDa el nombre de cada lugar en las lneas debajo de los dibujos.




- --



6. 9


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11!llllllllilll.:JI~:llllli:I'I:!!~ ............................................

......... ...................... .....................

Write the name o each type o house on the lines below the pictures. Escriba el nombre de cada tipo de vivienda en las lneas debajo de los








...2./ ......






(v) n G

Fill in the blanks using the words "in", "on" or "at". llene los espaciosen blancousandolas palabras"in","on" o "at".
1. 1live

San Antonio.

2. Do you live 3. Antonia cooks

a fann?

horne. horne.
a trailer

4. Enrique watches 1V

5. Raullives
6. Nicolaslives 7. He reads books

the beach.

the rnountains.

the country?

8. DoesDaniellive 9. He lives
10. Sara lives

a hotel
an apartment

the city.
San Diego.


(v) n G

Exercises Ejercicios
Answer the questions in complete sentences using the words in parentheses. Conteste las preguntas con oraciones completas usando las palabras entre parntesis. Example: Where do you live? (city)

1. Where do you live? (mountains)

2. What do you live in? (trailer)

3. What do you do at home? (watchTV)

.- -

4. Where do you live? (farm)

5. What do you live in? (house)


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6. What do you do at horne? (cook and eat)

7. Where live? {LosAngeles)

8. Where do you livein Los Angeles? (beach)

9. What do you live in? (apartment building)

10. What do you do at horne? (sleep)

Answer the questions in complete sentences beginning with the word "Yes". Conteste las preguntas con oraciones completas empezando con la palabra "Yes". ~me: Qo.YQU live in a city?

1. Do you live in the mountains?

2. Do you cook at home?


(v) n G

3. Do you livein a tent?

4. Do you eat at home?

5. Do you live in the count:ry?

Answer the questions in two complete sentences. Begin the first sentence with the word "No" and use the words in parentheses to write the second sentence.

las preguntas con dos oraciones completas. Empiece la

primera oracin con la palabra "No"y use las palabras entre parntesis para escribir la segunda oracin. Example: Do you live in a city? (country)

-1Zo)J da>it k& ~ ~~~&~,

a- &q .

1. Do you live in fue mountains? (beach)

2. Do you live in an apartment building? (rooming house)


(v) n G

3. Do yon read books at horne? (watch TV)

4. Do yon livein Texas? (California)

5. Do yon live on a farm? (town)

6. Do yon cook and eat at horne? (shower and sleep)

7. Do yon live in a honse? (trailer)

8. Do yon livein a tent? (hotel)

9. Do yon live in Dallas? {SanJose)

10. Do yon live in the conntry? (city)


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Write the letter 01the correct answer on the line to the left 01 each question. Escriba la letra cOlTespondientea la respuesta correcta en la lnea a la izquierda de cada pregunta.


Cmo se dice en ingls "Yo vivo en- ~na casa en Los Angeles. "1

A) 1 live in the house on Los Angeles. B) 1live on a house in Los Angeles. C) 1live in a horne on Los Angeles. D) 1 live in a house in Los Angeles. E) 1 live on a house in Los Angeles.


Cmo se pregunta en ingls M ive usted en un apartamento V

en Miami?"?

A) Do you livein a apartment in Miami? B) Do you live in an apartment in Miami? C) Do you lives in a apartment in Miami? D) Do you livein a apartment on Miami? E) Do you lives in an apartment on Miami?


Cul es la forma negativa de "Yo desayuno en casa."1

A) You don't-eat at horne.- --_H

- m__'


B) 1don't eat in horne. C) 1 eat breakfast in the horne. D) 1 don't eat breakfast in horne. E) 1don't eat breakfast at horne.


Cmo se dice en ingls "Yo vivo en una granja. "1 A) 1 live at a farm. B) y ou lives at a farm. C) 1live on a farm. D) You lives on a fatrIL E) 1 live a farm.


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Cmo se pregunta en ingls "Dnde vive usted?"? A) Where do you live? B) Where does you live? C) Where do 1live? D) Where live you? E) Where live I? . Cul es la forma negativa de "Yo me ducho en mi casa rodante."? A) 1 not shower in rny trailer. B) 1do shower in rny trailer. C) 1don't shower in my trailer. D) 1 doesn't shower in rny trailer. E) 1 don't showers in my trailer. Cmo ~edice en ingls "No vivo en las montaas. Vivo en la playa."?



A) 1doesn't lives in the rnountains. 1liv~the beach. B) 1don't live in the rnountains. 1live at the beach. C) 1don't lives in the rnountains. 1live in the beach. D) 1don't live in the rnountain. 1live the beach. E) 1doesn't live in the rnountains. 1lives at the beach.


Cmo se pregunta en ingls "Cocina usted en casa?"? A) y ou cook at horne? B) Cook you at horne? C) Do cook you at horne? D) Do cook you at horne? E) Do you cook at horne?


Cmo sediceeningls"Yovivoenun edificiodeapartamentosnSan e

Diego. ? " A) 1live in a apartment buil4~g <?n Diego. San B) 1lives in an apartment building in San Diego. C) 1lives in a apartment building on San Diego D) 1live in an apartment building in San Diego. E) 1live in an apartment building on San Diego. Qu quiere decir ""Mtatdoyou livein?"? A) Dnde vive? B) En qu vive? C) Con quin vive? D) Qu hace dnde vive? E) Quin vive con usted? 17


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Answers Respuestas
Activities Actividades A 1. the mountains 2. a town 3. acity 4. a farm 5. the countIy 6. the beach
B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a hotel a trailer a house an apartmentbuilding a roominghouse a tent

e 1. in 2. on 3. at 4. at 5. in at 6. in 7. at 8. in 9. in in 10. in in


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Exercises Ejercicios A 1. 1live in the rnountains. 2. 1live in a trailer. 3. 1watch TV at horne. 4. 1live on a farm. 5. 1live in a house. 6. 1cook and eat at horne. 7. 1live in Los Angeles. 8. 1live at the beach (in Los e
1. No, 1don't live in the rnountains. 1live at the beach. 2. No, 1don't live in an apartrnent building. 1live in a rooming house. 3. No, 1don't read books at horne. 1watch TV at horne. 4. No, 1don't live in Texas. 1live in California. 5. No, 1don't live on a farm. 1live in a town. 6. No, 1don't cook and eat at horne. 1 shower and sleepat horne. 7. No, 1don't live in a house. 1live in a trailer. 8. No, 1don't live in a tent. 1live in a hotel. 9. No, 1don't live in Dallas. 1live in SanJose. 10.No, 1don't live in the country. 1live in a city.

Angeles) . 9. 1live in an apartmentbuilding. 10.1sleepat horne.

B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Yes,1livein thernountains. Yes,1cookathorne. Yes,1live in a tent Yes,1eatathorne. Yes,1livein the country.


2. 3. 4. 5. D B E C A 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. C B E D B


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La CasaY ElVecindario
Parte Dos
Labores del Hogar Qu estn haciendo?

- ---

-- -_...

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---(v) n G

Write the name of each object on the lines under the pictures using the words below. Escriba el nombre de cada objeto en las lneas debajo de los dibujos usando las palabras escritas abajo.



~. --




window refrigerator oyen floor
plates bed

9. furniture .-: 23

rug clothes

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.................. I::::j

Draw lines from tbe activities to tbe corresponding objects. Haga lneas desde las actividades. hasta los objetos cOITespondientes. -....

polishing lfonmg drying mopping washing making c1eaning vacuuming

the windows the plates fue floor therug the c10thes fue refrigerator the furniture fue bed

--- -- - -


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........................................ /::~::::f...

................. ..................
. ..::::~:j::~:~::~

........ ................. ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ..................... ....................

........ ................... .................. ...........-............

Fill in tbe blanks. Llene los espacios en blanco. 1. She is polishingthe 2. What they doing?

3. He is
4. She is sweeping the 5.

the oven.

she drying the plates? .

6. No, she 7. She is

drying the plates. the carpet


8. She is 9. He ~b~

the clothes.

the bed. windows?


(v) n G

-- ---


Answer 1he questions in complete sentences using the words in paren1heses. Conteste las preguntas con oraciones completas usando las palabras entre parntesis. Example: . What is Ana cleaning? (oven)

elMn .J?tl;t/u; .


1. What is Jose washing? (windows)

2. What is Alberto sweeping? (floor)

3. What are Aliciaand Juana drying? (plates)

4. What is Patricio vacuuming? (carpet)

5. What is Maria making? (bed)


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6. What are Manuel and Javier mopping? (floor)

7. What is Elena polishing? (fumiture)


8. What is Patricia folding? (clothes)

. .
9. What are Aliciaand Isabel cleaning? (refrigerator)

10.What is Jose washing? (plates)

Answer the questions in complete sentences beginning the answers with the word "No". Conteste las preguntas con oraciones completas empezando las respuestas con la palabra "No". Example: Is she drying the plates?

2. Are they sweeping the floors?

1. Is he making the bed?


(v) n G

3. Is she washing the windows?

4. Are they folding the c1othes?

5. Is she vacuuming the carpets?

Rewrite the sentences replacing the words in bold with the words in parentheses. Make all other necessmy changes. Escriba de nuevo las oraciones sustituyendo las palabras en negrita por las palabras entre parntesis. Haga los cambios necesarios. Example: What is she doing? (they)

1. Is Juan washing the windows? (they)

2. What are they washing? (she)

3. What is she sweeping? (he)


4. Are tbey deaning fue oyen? (she)


(v) ---- n G

5. Is Mario mopping the floor? a ose and Luis)

6. Is she drying the plates? (he)

7. Are they making the beds? (she)

8. What is she folding? (they)

9. Are they polishing the furniture? (she)

10.Is she folding the clothes? (they)


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Write tbe letter of tbe correct answer on tbe line to tbe left of each question. Escriba la letra cOITespondiente la respuesta COITectan la lnea a la a e izquierda de cada pregunta.
1. Cmo sediceen ingls"Marta estbarriendoel piso."? A) Marta is sweping bis floor. B) Marta sweeping bis fIoor. C) Marta is sweeping the fIoor. D) Marta is sweeping a fIoor. E) Marta is sweping the fIoor.


Cmo sediceen ingls"El estlavando la ropa."? A) He is cleaning the clothes. B) He's washing c1othes. C) He's c1eaning clothes. D) He washing the c1othes. E) He's washing the c1othes.


Cmo sediceeningls"Luisay Pedroestnlimpiandoelhorno."?

A) Luisa and Pedro's polishing the oyen. B) Luisa and Pedro're washing an oyen. C) Luisa and Pedro are cleaning the oyen. D) Luisa and Pedro are cleaning and oyen. E) Luisa and Pedro is c1eaningthe oyen.


Cmo sediceen ingls "Mansela esthaciendola cama."?

A) Marisela B) Marisela C) Marisela D) Marisela is doing the bed. is making it bed. is making the be.d. is doing this. bed. -_.:..-:.- ... .-

E) Marisela is doing a bed.


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C6mo se pregunta en ingls "Qu estn Pedro y Lus haciendo ?''? A)What'sPedro andLuismaking? - -

B) What Pedro and Luis making? C) What's Pedro and Luis doing? D) What are Pedro and Luis doing? E) What Pedro and Luis are doing?


Cul es la forma negativa de "Marta y Rosa estn limpiando las ventanas. "?

A) Marta and Rosa don't c1eaningthe window. B) Marta and Rosa are not c1eaningthe windows. C) Marta and Rosa do not c1eaningthe windows. D) Marta and Rosa isn't washing the windows. E) Marta and Rosa aren't washing the window.


Cmo se pregunta en ingl$ "Est ella planchando la ropa?"?

A) Is she ironing the c1othes?

B) Does she ironing the c1othes? C) Do she ironing the c1othes? D) Are she ironing the c1othes? E) Was she ironing the c1othes?


Conteste la pregunta "Isshe washing the plates?".

A) Yes, she is washing the clothes. B) No, she isn't cooking. C) Ves, she's drying the plates. D) Ves, she's washing the plates. E) No, she's washing the plates.


Cmo se pregunta en ingls "Est Luca doblando la ropa?"? A) Lucia's folding the--clothe? B) Does Lucia folding the clothes? C) Is Lucia folding the c1othes? D) Lucia folding the c1othes? E) Are Lucia folding the clothes?

Cmo se pregunta en ingls "Est usted limPiando la casa?"? A) y ou do c1eaning the house? B) Do you cleaning the house? C) Are you cleaning the house? D) Do your c1eaning ffie house? E) Does you cleaning the house?


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Actividades A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. window clothes furniture plates oven floor rug bed refrigerator
the windows

ironing dryingmopping washing makingcleaning.

the plates the floor therug the clothes the refrigerator the furniture the bed

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. is making

furniture are cleaning floor Is isn't vacuuming ~ ironing folding..


10. washingthe

(v) n G

Exercises Ejerccios
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Re's washing the windows. Re's sweeping the floors. They're drying the plates. Re's vacuuming the carpet She's making the bed. They're mopping the floor. She's polishing the fumiture. She's folding the clothes. They're cleaning the refrigerator. 10.Re's washing the plates.

1. Are they washing the windows? 2. What is she washing? 3. What is he sweeping? 4. Is she cleaning oven? 5. Are Jose and Luis mopping the floor? 6. Is he drying the plates? 7. Is she making the beds? 8. What are they folding? 9. Is she polishing the furniture? 10.Are they folding the clothes?

B 1. No, he isn't making the bed. 2. No, they aren't sweeping the floors. 3. No, she isn't washing the windows. 4. No, they aren't folding the clothes. 5. No, she isn't vacuuming the carpet


Examen 1.
2. 3.


6. 7.


9. 10.






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La Casa Y El Vecindario Parte Tres

El Vecindario Dnde est?

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Write the complete word next to each abbreviation. Escribala palabracompletajunto a cadaabreviatura.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th N u.S. Ave. St


s E

9th . 10th


(v) n G

:;:~:;:~:r~:~.::::f;::~::::::::. .....................

Fill in the blanks with the names o the directions. Llene los espacios en blanco con los nombres de los puntos cardinales.

Where should 1 gol This man needs help. Read bis questions and ten him where to go. A dndedeboir? Este hombre necesita ayuda. Lea sus preguntas y dgale a donde ir.

1. 1need gas for my caro


2. 1 need a bus to Dallas.

3. 1 need to cash a check.
u -.

4. 1need to learn English.



5. 1need to mail a letter.


------ (v) n G

6. 1 need to buy fruit.

7. 1need a policeman. Goto


..- -~-

8. 1 need a book.

9. 1need to buy milk, bread and meato

10. 1 need to rest



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Exercises 'Ejerdcios
Answer the questions in complete sentences using tbe words in parentheses. Conteste las preguntas con oraciones completas usando las palabras entre parntesis. Example: Where's the Catbolic Church? (Sixtb Avenue)

1. Where'sthe library? (Fourth Avenue)

2. Where's the fue station? (WilshireBoulevard)

3. Where's the Mobil Gas Station? (AlvaradoStreet)

4. Where's the post office? (F"Ifth venue) A

5. Where's the bank? (F"lrst venue) A ... ..


(v) n G

Answer the quesuons in complete sentences using the words in parentbeses. Conteste las preguntas con oraciones completas usando las palabras entre parntesis. Example: Whafs close to fue lake? (bus stauon)

dhr? ~~~



1. What's close to fue shopping mall? (park)

2. }Vhat'snear fue church? (post office)

3. What's far from fue bus station? (bank)

4. What's close to fue police department? (gas station)

5. What's close to the public libraty? (fruit store)

6. What's far from the post office? (school)

7. What's close to the Von's Supermarket? (fire station)



(v) n G

8. What's far from the bank? (park)

9. What's near the bank? (school)

10. What's fal' from the Mobil Gas Station? (shopping mall)

Answer the questions in complete sentences beginning with the word "Yes". Conteste las preguntas con oraciones completas empezando con la palabra "Yes". Example: Is the bank close to the school?

1. Is the post officeclose to the police department?

2. Is the library on Fourth Avenue?

3. Is the Von's Supennarketfarfrom the shopping mal!?

4. Is the fire station on "!yV'llshire Boulevard?


(v) n G

5. Is the bus station c10seto the park?

6. Is the Arco Gas Station near the Mobil Gas Station?

7. Is the lake far from the bank?

8. Is the lake in the park?

9. Is the LexiconSchool on First Avenue?

10. Is the school c10se to Manhattan Street?

I i


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Rewrite tbe sentences replacing tbe words in bold with tbe words in parentheses. Make all other necessmy changes. Escriba de nuevo las oraciones sustituyendo las palabras en negrita poi las palabras entre parntesis. Haga los .cambiosnecesarios. Example: The school is on First Avenue. (school and bank)

~ ~.


a;~ tm-:J~

1. The bus station is on Seventh Avenue. (bus station and mall)

2. The supermarket and tbe fcuit store are onAlvaradoStreet


3. The police department is on Wilshire Boulevard. (police department and post office)

4. The librmy is on Fourth Avenue. (library and Mobil Gas Station)

5. The park and tbe church are on Sixth Avenue. (park)

tI I !


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Examination Examen
Write the letter of the correct answer on the line to the left of each question. Escriba la letra cOITespondientea la respuesta correcta en la lnea a la izquierda de cada pregunta.


C6mo sedieeen ingls "Esteparque estcercade mi vecindario."?

A) It's ptk is near rny neighbor. B) That park is close to rny neighbor. C) This park is close rny neighborhood. D) That park is close frorn rny neighborhood. E) This park is close to rny neighborhood.


Cul es la forma negativa de "Lafrutera est lejos de la oficina de correos. ? " A) Fruit store is far of the post office. B) The fruit sto re is not far of the post office. C) The fruit store is not far frorn the post office. D) The fruit's store far frorn the post office. E) The fruit's store isn't far of the post office.


C6mo sediceeningls"Martaviveenla cuartacalle."?

A) Marta live in Fourth Street B) Marta lives on Fourth Street C) Marta lives in Four Street D) Marta live in Fourth Street E) Marta lives on Four Street.


4. Complete oraci6nlhe churchis_from la

A) first B) close C) far D) near E) to

the park."


(v) n G


Conteste la pregunta "What is close to the bank?~

.A) The B) The C) The D) The E) The

post office is far from the bank. post office is far from the supennarket bank is far from the post office. supermarket is c10se to the bank. supermarket is c10se to the post office.


Cmosepregunta en ingls"Dndeestla gasolinerar? A) Is there the gas station? B) Does there the gas station? C) Where the gas station? D) Where's the gas station? E) Where is there the gas station?
Cmo se pregunta en ingls "Vive Luca cerca de la biblioteca pblicar? A) Where Lucia lives near from the pubIic Iibray? B) Do Lucia Iives near from the public Iibray? C) Does Lucia Iive near the pubIic Iibrary? D) Does Lucia Iives near the pubIic Iibray? E) Do Lucia Iives c10se to the pubIic Iibrary?



Cul es el opuesto de "El centro comercial est cerca del lago. "?

A) The shopping's far to a lake. B) The shoping mall is near from a lake. C) The shopping mall is c10sefrom the lake. D) The shopping mall is far from the lake. E) The shoping mall is far to the lake.


Cmosediceeningls"Laiglesia la escuela y estnenla dcimacalle."? A) The church and the school are on Tent Street B) The churcn and a school's in Tenth Street C) The church and the school are on Tenth Street D) The church and the school on Tenth Street E) The church's and the school's on Tenth Street. Cmosediceen ingls "Mi casaestcerca del supermercado la quinta en avenida."? A) My house's near the supermarket in Fiveth Avenue. B) My house's c10se to the supermarket in Fifth Avenue. C) My house is c10se of the supennarket on Fifth Avenue. D) My house is near the supennarket on FIftb Avenue. E) My is house near the supennarket in FIftb Avenue.


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Actividades A First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth
B North West South East Avenue Street Boulevard
United States

North South East West

1. the gas station 2. the bus station 3. the bank 4. (the) school 5. the post office 6. the fruitstore 7. the policedepartment 8. the (public)library 9. the supermarket 10. the park

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Exercises Ejercicios
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The librffiy is on Fourth Avenue. The fire statiori is on Wilshire Boulevard. The Mobil GasStation is on Alvarado Street The post office is on Fifth Avenue. The bank is on First Avenue.

B 1. The park is c10seto the shopping mall. 2. The post office is near the church. 3. The bank is far from the bus station. 4. The gas station is c10se the police department to 5. The fruit store is c10seto the public library. 6.: The school is far from thepos:office. 7. The fire station is c10se the Von's Supermarket to 8. The park is far from the bank. 9. The school is near the bank. 10.The shopping mall is far from the Mobil GasStation.

1. Yes,the post office is c10se the police department to 2. Yes,the library is on Fourth Avenue. 3. Yes, the Von's Supermarket is far from the shopping mallo 4. Yes, the fire stationis on Wdshire Boulevard. 5. Yes, the bus station is c10seto the park. 6. Yes, the Arco GasStationis near the Mobil Gas station. 7. Yes, the lake is farfrom the bank. 8. Yes,the lake is in the park. 9. Yes,the Lexicon School is on First Street. 10.Yes,the school is c10se Manhattan Street. to D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The bus station and--the'mall-are on-&venth Avenue. The supermarket is on Alvarado Street. The police department and the post office are'on Wdshire Boulevard. The library and the Mobil GasStation are on Fourth Avenue. The park is on Sixth Avenue.

Examination Examen
1. 2. E

48 4. 5.

e D





9. 10.

(v) n G

ill!IB!!!!!!. La Casa
Y El Vecindario Escriba la letra cOITespondiente a la respuesta COITectaen la lnea a la izquierda de cada pregunta.


Qu hace uno con la televisin?


A) do B) read C) sleep D) watch E) shower


Completela oracin '1live A) at the B) in a C) on a D) on the E) ata


Cmosediceen ingls 1uan y Luis estn pasandola aspiradorapor la alfombray yo estoy trapeandoel piso."? A) Juan and Luis is vacuuming the carpets and I'rn rnopping the floors. B) Juan and tuis is vacuuming the carpet nd I'rn rnopping the floor. C) Juan and Luis are vacuuming the carpet and I mopping the floor. D) Juan and Luis are vacuuming the carpet and I'm mopping the floor. E) Juan and Luis are vacuuming a carpet and I am mopping a floor.


Cmo se dice en ingls "Qu hace usted en

casar? A) Where's you horne? B) What's you do at the house? C) What do you do at horne? D) What do you does at the house? E) What does you do at horne?

Cul es la forma negativa de "Maria esta limpiando el refrigerador. "?

A) Maria doesn't c1eaning the refrigerator. B) Maria's notwashing the refrigerator. C) Maria is not c1eaning the refrigerator. D) Maria doesn't c1eaning the refrigerator. E) Maria's don't c1eaning the refrigerator.


Cmosediceen ingls "En Los Vegas yo duermo en un hotel.n? A) In Las Vegas, 1sleeps in the hotel. B) In Las Vegas, 1sleep in a hotel. C) On Las Vegas, 1 sleep in a hotel. D) At Las Vegas, 1sleeps in a hotel. E) In Las Vegas, 1 sleep on a hotel.


- -Cmo sepreguntaen ingls "EstAlicia

secandolosplatosr? A) Alicia's driyng the plates? B) Does Alicia driyng the plates? C) Is Alicia drying the plates? D) Does Alicia drying the plates? E) Does Alicia's driyng the plates?


Cmosediceen ingls "Yococinoy comoen casa."? A) 1eat and cooks at the horne. B) I cooks and eat in her house. C) 1cook and eats at horne. D) I cook and eat at horne. E) I cook and eats at the horne.


Qu quiere decir "What are they doing at

A) Qu estn B) Qu estn C) Qu estn D) Qu estn E) Qu estn comiendo en casa? haciendo en casa? limpiando en casa? lavando en casa? secando en casa?

(v) n G

Cmo se dice en ingls "Mi mam est en casa cocinando. ''1

Cmo sediceen ingls"El supermercado est

enla sexta avenida.''1 '
A) The B) The C) The D) The E) The supermarket is in Sixth Street. supermarkets on Sixth Avenue. supennarket is at Sixth Avenue. supermarkets is on Sixth Avenue. supermarket is on Sixth Street.

A) My mother is on the house cooking. B) My mother is cooking the house. C) My mothetis--the home cooking. D) My mother is at home cooking. E) My mother is cooking on the home.


Cmo se dice en ingls "Yo como en un parque

cerca del banco. "'1

Cul es la forma negativa de "Ramiro vive cerca de la frurerla. "?

A) 1eats on the park near a bank.

B) 1eat in the park near bank. .

C) 1eat on a park close from the bank. D) 1eat in a park near from a bank. E) 1 eat in a park close to the bank.

A) Ramiro isn't live close from the fruit store. B) Ramiro's not near the fruit store. C) Ramiro not lives close to the fruit store. D) Ramiro don't lives near to the fruit store. E) Ramiro doesn't live close to the fruit store.

Cmo se dice en ingls "La estacin de bomberos

no est lejos de la estacin de autobuses. "'1

Cmosediceen ingls jorge y jun viven en

un hotelen la avenidaAlvarado."'1 A) Jorge and Juan lives in the hotel in the Alvarado Avenue. B) Jorge and Juan live in a hotel on Alvarado Avenue. C) Jorge and Juan's live in a hotel in Alvarado Avenue. D) Jorge and Juan lives in the hotel on Alvarado Avenue. E) Jorge and Juan live at the hotel from Alvarado Avenue.

A) The fue station's close from the buses station. B) The fue station is not near to the bus station. C) The fue station's not close from the bus station. D) The fue station isn't far from the bus station. E) The fue station doesn't far from the bus station.

Cu~do termine el examen, seprelo y remtaIo. Lo corregiremos y se lo regresaremos.


Profesores de Ingls sin Barreras 3807 WIlshire Blvd. #200 Los Angeles, CA 90010

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(v) n G

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