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Curriculum planning chart Generative Topic (Blythe et al, 1998):The Relationship between Geography and Climate Subject: S.S.

Concept* ("The student will understand") (The big idea, the "enduring understanding" [Wiggins, 1998]; a broad way of making sense of the world, or a life lesson) Where a person lives has a profound effect on how they live. Standard Assessment (How will you have evidence that they know it?) 4.3.4.A Identify ways humans depend on natural resources for survival. Identify resources used to provide humans with energy, food, employment, housing, and water. 7.3.3.A Identify the effect of local geography on the residents of the region (food, clothing, industry, trade, types of shelter, etc). 7.3.3.B Identify the human characteristics of places and regions using the following criteria: population, culture, settlement, economic activities, political activities. Create a page for a class Social Studies book that describes one of the most important things they learned that they want next years class to know. Participation and observation: a verbal comment or written explanation demonstrating link between geography and climate or a causal relationship between the land and its people. Facts ("The students will know") Know where their parents grew up and what their life was like in terms of the jobs of their parents, the land, and the weather. Where you live determines what people do and how they live. Building foundation for learning about culture in the next unit. Any place is affected by geography and climate. Skills ("The students will be able to") Problems to pose ("Guiding questions" or "unit questions") Where did your parents grow up? How were their lives affected by the place in which they grew up? How does living in Philadelphia shape your lives? How does geography and climate influence one another? Activities:

Understand the relationship between geography and climate. Comparing and contrasting different places. Searching for similarities and differences. Incidental: working together in groups toward a common goal.

Partner exchange: report findings from conversation with parents. Concept mapping of what geography and climate are. Read Alouds: Thank You, World by Alice mcGinty and Wendy Halperin Introduce and begin KWL to identify prior knowledge, learning goals and to emphasize continuous learning.

Central problem / issue / or essential question (intended to "get at" the concept; the motorvator) How are land and weather related?

Curriculum planning chart Generative Topic (Blythe et al, 1998): Geography

Concept* ("The student will understand") (The big idea, the "enduring understanding" [Wiggins, 1998]; a broad way of making sense of the world, or a life lesson) Geography determines how people live and what they do. Geography is the study of land and the people that live there. Central problem / issue / or essential question (intended to "get at" the concept; the motorvator) What is geography? How does geography affect people Standard Assessment (How will you have evidence that they know it?) Create 3D model of a common type of home from one of the nations we are studying. 7.2.2.A Identify physical characteristics of places. Be able to match the natural resource with where it comes from. Label the significant geographical features on blank maps of China, Mexico, and Cambodia. Worksheets following learning activites ex: worksheet after research of a natural resource from China, Cambodia, or Mexico.

Subject: S.S./Science
Facts ("The students will know") Skills

Name: Ariana Minella

Problems to pose ("Guiding questions" or "unit questions") Activities:

("The students will be able to") Identify and define landforms from a visual representation. Draw visual representation of the different geographic regions of the U.S. Compare geographical features in the U.S. to geographical features of other nations.

Pennsylvania is a combination of forest and grassland. Significant geographical features of China: Gobi Desert, Tibetan Plateau, Himalayan Mtns, Yangzi River Cambodia: Cardamom Mtns, Dangret Mtns, Tonle Sap Lake, Mekong River, Eastern Highlands Mexico: Mexican Plateau, Yucantan Peninsula, Sierra Madre Oriental Mtns, Sierra Madre Occidental Mtns, Sierra Madre del Sur, Pacific Coast, Gulf of California

What is the study of geography and why do we study it? What are the primary landforms? How does geography change by region in the United States? What kind of geography do we have in Pennsylvania? How does the geography of other nations compare to the U.S.?

Part of unit KWL about geography. Research geography of other nations using prepared information from the internet. Think/Pair/Share about similarities of geographical features. Present topographical maps of China, Mexico, Cambodia. Work in groups to create a 3D model topographical map. Describe regions in geographic reference using physical features.

Curriculum planning chart Generative Topic (Blythe et al, 1998): Climate

Concept* ("The student will understand") (The big idea, the "enduring understanding" [Wiggins, 1998]; a broad way of making sense of the world, or a life lesson) Countries have different kinds of climates within their borders. Climate describes the weather patterns of a particular place. Central problem / issue / or essential question (intended to "get at" the concept; the motorvator) What is climate? How does climate affect the people living in an area? Standard Assessment (How will you have evidence that they know it?) 3.3.4.A.5 Describe basic weather elements and identify weather patterns over time. 4.3.4.A Identify ways humans depend on natural resources. Identify resources used to provide humans with energy, food, employment, housing, and water. Daily group work recording weather data by observation and with internet resources. Participation and observation. Multiple choice and short answer quiz about climate and seasons.

Subject: S.S./Science
Facts ("The students will know") Skills

Name: Ariana Minella

Problems to pose ("Guiding questions" or "unit questions") What is the temperature today? Compare temperatures in our nations of study with the temperature in Philadelphia. Video on Natural Hazards: tornados, hurricanes, typhoons. Research climate features in groups using prepared information. Share out and present climate features on posters. Activities:

("The students will be able to")

Definitions of Climatic words: arid, temperate, humid, tropical. Mexico: desert, tropical, Savannah and the typical temperatures found in these areas Cambodia:Humid Long dry season/short dry season China: Humid Subtropical, Highlands, SemiArid (Steppe)

Locate Philadelphia. Locate country of family origin. Locate China, Mexico, Cambodia. Describe climatic characteristics. Record temperatures in degrees Celsius. Describe definitions of Climate descriptors.

What kind of climate do we have here in Philadelphia? What are the primary climate areas in China, Cambodia, Mexico? How does climate affect what people can do? How does climate affect how people live?

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