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Academia de tiine a Moldovei

Biblioteca tiinific Central Andrei Lupan

Academia de tiine a Moldovei

Biblioteca tiinific Central Andrei Lupan

Fasc. 6
Alctuitor : Lidia Zasavichi

Chiinu, 2008


Problemele generale ale ecologiei.............................6 Poluarea i protecia mediului ambiant 15 Ecologia microorganismelor ...............34 Ecologia plantelor 40 Ecologia animalelor ...........................................................54 Ecologia omului ................68 Stresul i adaptarea omului i a animalelor....................71

Consecvena i operativitatea informaiei, reflectarea noilor direcii ale cercetrilor tiinifice fac din bibliografia tematic curent o form preferabil de informare. Practic toate instituiile tiinifice ale Academiei de tiine efectueaz cercetri n diverse aspecte ale ecologiei. n anul 1987 n BC a AM a fost ntocmit primul numr al buletinului tematic informativ Ecologia, stresul, adaptarea. Pe parcursul urmtorilor 20 de ani acumularea informaiei a continuat, lundu-se n consideraie noile aspecte ale cercetrilor n domeniu. n procesul selectrii documentelor se ine cont de urmtoarele criterii: noutatea, actualitatea, importana tiinific. Prioritate se acord materialelor care se refer la problemele ecologice ale Moldovei; lucrrile teoretice, metodologice i de sintez despre biocenoze, agroecosisteme, agrolandafturi, conservarea biodiversitii, crearea reelei ecologice, contiina ecologic ca form a contiinei sociale etc. Compartimentul Poluarea i protecia mediului ambiant include publicaii referitoare la problemele polurii cu substanele toxice ale solurilor, apelor naturale i reziduale, atmosferei; modificarea agrolandaftelor i influena acestora asupra condiiilor de via i activitate uman; cercetarea proceselor chimice i fizico-chimice n protecia mediului nconjurtor. n compartimentul Ecologia plantelor accentul se pune pe stres, pe rezistena plantelor la cldur i la frig, protecia plantelor, conservarea resurselor genetice ale plantelor de cultur. n compartimentul Ecologia microorganismelor, n special, se acumuleaz materiale despre microorganismele, care influeneaz asupra fertilitii solului i care purific solul de polurile antropogene, despre interlegtura microorganismelor cu plante. Compartimentul Ecologia animalelor include documentele despre biodiversitatea i

ocrotirea faunei, problemele ecologice ale hidrobiologiei, entomologiei, ornitologiei, teriologiei, parazitologiei etc. Temele Ecologia omului i Stresul i adaptarea omului i a animalelor sunt evideniate n compartimente de sine stttoare i includ publicaii despre dereglrile biologice ale organismului uman sub influena polurii mediului ambiant, funcionarea i adaptarea sistemelor fiziologice n condiiile de stres, elaborarea bazelor tiinifice ale direciei noi n biomedicin sanocreatologia. n scopul extinderii listei literaturii de peste hotare, alctuitor realizeaz cutarea n bazele de date ale revistelor tiinifice electronice i n descrierea bibliografic indic adresa electronic a sursei.

Information consistency and efficiency, reflection of new directions of scientific research make the current thematic bibliography a preferable form of report. Actually, all the scientific institutions of the Academy of Science research different aspects of ecology. In 1987, in the Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Science of Moldova was worked out the first issue of the thematic informative bulletin Ecology, stress, adaptation. During the following 20 years, information accumulation has continued, considering the new aspects of the domain research. The following criteria are considered in the process of selecting the documents: innovation, up-to-dateness, scientific importance. The priority is given to materials regarding ecological problems of Moldova; theoretical, methodological and synthesis works about boicenosis, agroecosystem, agrolandscape, conservation of biodiversity, creation of ecological network, ecological consciousness as a form of social consciousness etc. The compartment The environmental pollution and protection includes publications regarding pollution with toxic substances of soils, natural and residual water, atmosphere; modification of agrolandscapes and their influence on human life and activity conditions; research of chemical and physicochemical processes in the environmental protection. In the compartment The ecology of plants the accent is put on: stress, plants resistance to heat and cold, protection of plants, genetical resources conservation of crops. In the compartment The ecology of microorganisms, there are acumulated materials about the microorganisms, which influence the soil fertility and which purify the soil from anthropogenic pollution, about interrelation of microorganisms with plants. The compartment The ecology of animals includes documents about fauna biodiversity and protection, ecological problems of: hydrobiology, entomology, ornithology, theriology, parasitology etc. The themes Human ecology and Stress and adaptation of people and animals are marked out in the independent compartments and include publications about biological defects of the human organism influenced by environmental pollution, functioning and adaptation of physiological systems in stress conditions, elaboration of scientific basis of a new direction in biomedicine sanocreatology. For extending the list of foreign literature, compiler search in the data bases of the electronic scientific reviews and indicate the electronic address of the source in the bibliographical description.

Problemele generale ale ecologiei

1. Aspecte privind perfecionarea metodicii cercetrilor ecosistemice i de optimizare a proceselor de solificare a cernoziomurilor / A. Coronovschi, A. Tr, M. Rusu, V. Jabin // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 2 (38). P. 27-30. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. 2. Bioetica, Filosofia, Economia i Medicina n strategia de asigurare a securitii umane : materialele conf. a XIII-a t., int., 26-27 martie 2008 / red. resp. : Teodor N. rdea. Ch. : CEP Medicina, 2008. 250 p. ISBN 978-9975-9684-1-6. M26 / B-60. 3. Boboc, Nicolae. Potenialul turistic i recreativ al reliefului / Nicolae Boboc, Tudor Casrave // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 10-13. Bibliogr. : 9 tit. 4. Boincean, Boris. Agricultura ecologic o ans de dezvoltare durabil a sectorului agrar ... / Boris Boincean // Consultant. 2008. Nr 4. P. 34-40. Idem n lb. englez, rus. 5. Boschetti, Fabio. Mapping the complexity of ecological models / Fabio Boschetti // Ecological Complexity. 2008. Vol. 5, Nr 1. P. 37-47. Bibliogr. : 27 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.661 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 6. Calenge, Clment. A general framework for the statistical exploration of the ecological niche / Clment Calenge, Mathieu Basille // Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2008. Vol. 252, Nr 4. P. 674-685. Bibliogr. : 44 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.323 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 7. Cercetarea ecosistemelor forestiere din rezervaia Plaiul Fagului: Rdenii Vechi / N. Doni, A. Ursu, P. Cuza, Ch. : Universul, 2007. 176 p. Bibliogr. p. 153-157 (67 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-47-009-4. M37 / C-41. 8. Cheyne, Ilona. Environmental Ethics and Proportionality: Hunting for a Balance / Ilona Cheyne, John Alder // Environmental Law Review. 2007. Vol. 9, Nr 3. P. 171-189. Bibliogr. : 99 tit. 9. Climenco, Vitalie. Relational databases used in ecomonitoring can be additionally optimized / Vitalie Climenco // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 234-236. M36 / D-64. 10. Cocr, Petru. Actualizarea actelor legislativ-normative ale Republicii Moldova n domeniul apelor / Petru Cocr // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 43-46. Bibliogr. : 14 tit. 11. Cocr, Petru. Educaia i instruirea ecologic n Republica Moldova realiti i perspective / Petru Cocr // Educaia ecologic n contextul dezvoltrii durabile : (Omagiu savantului filosof-ecolog-bioetician Teodor N. rdea 70). Ch., 2008. P. 15-26. Bibliogr. : 5 tit. M38 / E-25. 12. Codreanu, Igor. Aspectul ecologic al educaiei generaiei noi spre dezvoltarea durabil / Igor Codreanu // Educaia ecologic n contextul dezvoltrii durabile : (Omagiu savantului

filosof-ecolog-bioetician Teodor N. rdea 70). Ch., 2008. P. 26-33. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. M38 / E-25. 13. Concepia bioetico-ecologic reper pentru economie, medicin i biologie uman i animal / Aurelia Crivoi, Grigore Stasiev, Iurii Bacalov, ... // Bioetica, Filosofia, Economia i Medicina n strategia de asigurare a securitii umane : materialele conf. a XIII-a t., int., 26-27 martie 2008. Ch., 2008. P. 23-26. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. M26 / B-60. 14. Constantinov, Tatiana. Sistemele informaionale geografice instrument al cercetrii geografice / Tatiana Constantinov, Ghenadii Srodoev // Akademos : Rev. de tiin, Inovare, Cultur i Art. 2008. Nr 1-2 (9). P. 80-82. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. 15. Convenia Ramsar i zonele umede de importan internaional n Republica Moldova / Soc. Ecologic BIOTICA. Ch. : S. n., 2008. 84 p. ISBN 978-9975-78-612-6. M 38 / C-76. 16. de Freitas, C. R. A second generation climate index for tourism (CIT): specification and verification / C. R. de Freitas, Daniel Scott, Geoff McBoyle // International Journal of Biometeorology. 2008. Vol. 52, Nr 5. P. 399-407. Bibliogr. : 35 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.562 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 17. Dediu, Ion I. Ecologia populaiilor / Ion I. Dediu. Ch. : Ed. Phoenix, 2007. 178 p. Bibliogr. p. 149-173. ISBN 978-9975-9759-2-6. 577.4 / D-29. 18. Dediu, Ion I. Ecologie sistemic, sau ecosistemologie / Ion I. Dediu. Ch. : Ed. Phoenix, 2007. 296 p. Bibliogr. p. 265-289. ISBN 978-9975-9934-9-4. 577.4 / D-29. 19. Dediu, Ion I. Tratat de ecologie teoretic: studiu monografic de sintez / Ion I. Dediu. Ch. : Ed. Phoenix, 2007. 558 p. Bibliogr. p. 519-545. ISBN 978-9975-9759-3-3. 577.4 / D-29. 20. Dewar , Roderick C. Statistical mechanics unifies different ecological patterns / Roderick C. Dewar , Annabel Port // Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2008. Vol. 251, Nr 3. P. 389-403. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.323 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 21. Donea, Victor. Educaia i instruirea ecologic n nvmntul preuniversitar naional / Victor Donea // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 5 (35). P. 33-35. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. 22. Donea, Victor. Excursiile i plimbrile formele eficiente de instruire i educaie ecologic a tinerei generaii / Victor Donea, Ludmila Nicorici // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 8-9. 23. Dresner, Marion. Using research projects and qualitative conceptual modeling to increase novice scientists understanding of ecological complexity / Marion Dresner // Ecological Complexity. 2008. Vol. 5, Nr 3. P. 216-221. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.661 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).

24. Duca, Gheorghe. Sporirea contribuiei comunitii tiinifice la dezvoltarea societii bazate pe cunoatere / Gheorghe Duca // Akademos : Rev. de tiin, Inovare, Cultur i Art. 2008. Nr 1-2 (9). P. 3-7. 25. Duca, Gheorghe. tiina i inovarea n dezvoltarea durabil / Gheorghe Duca // Consultant. 2008. Nr 6. P. 22-28. Idem n lb. englez, rus. 26. Duda, Jeffrey J. Ecology in the information age: patterns of use and attrition rates of internet-based citations in ESA journals, 19972005 : review / Jeffrey J. Duda, Richard J. Camp // Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 3. P. 145-151. Bibliogr. : 18 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.269 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 27. Dumbrveanu, Andrei. Mediul i mass-media : suport de curs / Andrei Dumbrveanu. Ch. : CEP USM, 2007. 235 p. Bibliogr. p. 228-232 (81 tit.) ISBN 978-9975-70-113-6. M38 / D-89. 28. Economo, Evan P. Species diversity in neutral metacommunities: a network approach / Evan P. Economo, Timothy H. Keitt // Ecology Letters. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 1. P. 52-62. Bibliogr. : 58 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 8.204 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 29. Educaia ecologic n contextul dezvoltrii durabile : (Omagiu savantului filosofecolog-bioetician Teodor N. rdea 70) / Isidor Doctoreanu (coord.), P. Cocr, I. Codreanu, Chiinu : Ed. Universul, 2008. 104 p. (Ser. Cultur Americano-European i Unitate n Credin; Nr 3). ISBN 978-9975-47-014-8. M38 / E-25. 30. Fath, Brian D. The relevance of ecological pyramids in community assemblages / Brian D. Fath, Megan C. Killian // Ecological Modelling. 2007. Vol. 208, Nr 2/4. P. 286-294. Bibliogr. : 31 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.077 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 31. Fowler, Charles W. Maximizing biodiversity, information and sustainability / Charles W. Fowler // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2008. Vol. 17, Nr 4. P. 841-855. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.421 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 32. Global analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus limitation of primary producers in freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems / James J. Elser, Matthew E. S. Bracken, Elsa E. Cleland, ... // Ecology Letters. 2007. Vol. 10, Nr 12. P. 1135-1142. Bibliogr. : 33 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 8.204 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 33. Gll, Edgar. Institutions for a sustainable development-experiences from EU-countries / Edgar Gll, Sie Liong Thio // Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2008. Vol. 10, Nr 1. P. 69-88. Bibliogr. : 42 tit. 34. Green, L. A statistical theory for sampling species abundances / L. Green, Joshua B. Plotkin // Ecology Letters. 2007. Vol. 10, Nr 11. P. 1037-1045. Bibliogr. : 50 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 8.204 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).

35. Guvir, Stela. Exist certificate ecologice n Republica Moldova? / Stela Guvir // Consultant. 2008. Nr 4. P. 64-67. Idem n lb. englez, rus. 36. Haapio, Appu. A critical review of building environmental assessment tools / Appu Haapio, Pertti Viitaniemi // Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2008. Vol. 28, Nr 7. P. 469-482. Bibliogr. : 68 tit. 37. Haegeman, Bart. Relaxing the zero-sum assumption in neutral biodiversity theory / Bart Haegeman, Rampal S. Etienne // Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2008. Vol. 252, Nr 2. P. 288-294. Bibliogr. : 18 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.323 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 38. Hirzel, Alexandre H. Habitat suitability modelling and niche theory : review / Alexandre H. Hirzel, Gwenalle Le Lay // Journal of Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 45, Nr 5. P. 13721381. Bibliogr. : 122 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.22 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 39. Hodges, Karen E. Defining the problem: terminology and progress in ecology / Karen E. Hodges // Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 1. P. 35-42. Bibliogr. : 53 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.269 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 40. Ioan, Petru. De la bioetic, la ecosofie / Petru Ioan // Bioetica, Filosofia, Economia i Medicina n strategia de asigurare a securitii umane : materialele conf. a XIII-a t., int., 26-27 martie 2008. Ch., 2008. P. 18-23. Bibliogr. : 22 tit. M26 / B-60. 41. Jigu, Gheorghe. Abordarea i coninutul studiilor pedologice n cadrul practicilor agricole ecologice / Gheorghe Jigu, Iurie Senic // Consultant. 2008. Nr 4. P. 53-63. Idem n lb. englez, rus. 42. Jones-Walters, Lawrence. Pan-European Ecological Networks / Lawrence JonesWalters // Journal for Nature Conservation. 2007. Vol. 15, Nr 4. P. 262-264. 43. Legislaia cu privire la agricultura ecologic n Republica Moldova / Iurie Senic, Valentin Crmaru, Gheorghe Jigu, Natalia Chiriac. Ch. : UASM, 2008. 77 p. ISBN 9789975-64-103-6. M225 / L-49. 44. Mace, Georgina M. The 2010 Biodiversity Indicators: Challenges for Science and Policy / Georgina M. Mace, Jonathan E. M. Baillie // Conservation Biology. 2007. Vol. 21, Nr 6. P. 1406-1413. Bibliogr. : 38 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.934 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 45. Matsuoka, Tsutomu. Ecological balance in the native population dynamics may cause the paradox of pest control with harvesting / Tsutomu Matsuoka, Hiromi Seno // Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2008. Vol. 252, Nr 1. P. 87-97. Bibliogr. : 33 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.323 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 46. Modelling scenarios towards a sustainable use of natural resources in Europe / Stefan Giljum, Arno Behrens, Friedrich Hinterberger, // Environmental Science & Policy. 2008.

Vol. 11, Nr 3. P. 204-216. Bibliogr. : 42 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.415 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 47. Natura i sntatea n tradiiile populare / Asoc. Obteasc Mediul i Sntatea, Min. Ecologiei i Resurselor Naturale. Ch., 2007. 143 p. ISBN 978-9975-9901-9-6. M5 / N-28. 48. Nkhata, Abraham B. Resilient social relationships and collaboration in the management of socialecological systems / Abraham B. Nkhata, Charles M. Breen, Wayne A. Freimund // Ecology and Society. 2008. Vol. 13, Nr 1. Bibliogr. : 52 tit. [online]. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.215 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 49. Niemeijer, David. A conceptual framework for selecting environmental indicator sets / David Niemeijer, Rudolf S. de Groot // Ecological Indicators. 2008. Vol. 8, Nr 1. P. 14-25. Bibliogr. : 42 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.576 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 50. Politici n sfera tiinei i inovrii n sectorul agroindustrial n contextul dezvoltrii durabile a agriculturii i integrrii europene / Teodor Furdui, Gheorghe Duca, Anatol Gorodenco, Anatolie Spivacenco, Simion Toma // Akademos : Rev. de tiin, Inovare, Cultur i Art. 2008. Nr 1-2 (9). P. 48-54. 51. Priscaru, Ion. Agricultura ecologic n promovare moldoveneasc / Ion Priscaru // Consultant. 2008. Nr 4. P. 3-8. Idem n lb. englez, rus. 52. Progress towards halting the loss of biodiversity by 2010 / European Environment Agency. Copenhagen, 2006. 100 p. ISBN 92-9167-846-5. 53. Pueyo, Salvador. The maximum entropy formalism and the idiosyncratic theory of biodiversity / Salvador Pueyo, Fangliang He, Tommaso Zillio // Ecology Letters. 2007. Vol. 10, Nr 11. P. 1017-1028. Bibliogr. : 64 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 8.204 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 54. Reni, Alecu. Natura: trecut, prezent, viitor sau comoara fr de pre a pmntului moldav / Alecu Reni // Akademos : Rev. de tiin, Inovare, Cultur i Art. 2008. Nr 1-2 (9). P. 104-105. 55. A review of tools for incorporating community knowledge, preferences, and values into decision making in natural resources management / T. Lynam, W. De Jong, D. Sheil, // Ecology and Society. 2007. Vol. 12, Nr 1. Bibliogr. : 39 tit. [online]. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.215 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 56. Rezervaia Codrii: diversitatea biologic / tefan Manic, Andrei Negru, Tudor Cozari, ...; Agenia pentru silvicultur Moldsilva. Ch. : .E.P. tiina, 2006. 92 p. ISBN 978-9975-67-590-1. M-37 / R-50. 57. Richards, Shane A. Dealing with overdispersed count data in applied ecology / Shane A. Richards // Journal of Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 45, Nr 1. P. 218-227. Bibliogr. : 33 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.22 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).


58. Robert, Alexandre. Integration of demography and genetics in population restorations / Alexandre Robert, Denis Couvet, Franois Sarrazin // Ecoscience. 2007. Vol. 14, Nr 4. P. 463-471. Bibliogr. : 94 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.333 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 59. Ruddy, Thomas F. Impact assessment and policy learning in the European Commission / Thomas F. Ruddy, Lorenz M. Hilty // Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2008. Vol. 28, Nr 2-3. P. 90-105. Bibliogr. : 84 tit. 60. Social learning in European river-basin management: barriers and fostering mechanisms from 10 river basins / Erik Mostert, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Yvonne Rees, // Ecology and Society. 2007. Vol. 12, Nr 1. Bibliogr. : 56 tit. [online]. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.215 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 61. Soils: A Contemporary Perspective / Cheryl Palm, Pedro Sanchez, Sonya Ahamed, Alex Awiti // Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2007. Vol. 32. P. 99-129. Bibliogr. : 122 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.036 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 62. A standardized procedure for surveillance and monitoring European habitats and provision of spatial data / R. G. H. Bunce, M. J. Metzger, R. H. G. Jongman, ... // Landscape Ecology. 2008. Vol. 23, Nr 1. P. 11-25. Bibliogr. : 51 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.061 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 63. Starea mediului n Republica Moldova n a. 2006 : (raport naional) / Min. Ecologiei i Resurselor Naturale ale Rep. Moldova. Ch. : S. n., 2007. 103 p. ISBN 978-9975-9642-5-8. M38 / S-81. 64. A statistical approach to quasi-extinction forecasting : review / Elizabeth Eli Holmes, John L. Sabo, Steven Vincent Viscido, William Fredric Fagan // Ecology Letters. 2007. Vol. 10, Nr 12. P. 1182-1198. Bibliogr. : 83 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 8.204 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 65. Steyaert, P. The European Water Framework Directive: how ecological assumptions frame technical and social change / P. Steyaert, G. Ollivier // Ecology and Society. 2007. Vol. 12, Nr 1. Bibliogr. : 50 tit. [online]. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.215 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 66. uu, Gheorghe. Agricultura ecologic condiie de baz pentru prosperarea rii / Gheorghe uu // Consultant. 2008. Nr 4. P. 41-52. Idem n lb. englez, rus. 67. rdea, Teodor N. Existena uman din perspectiva paradigmei biosferocentriste / Teodor N. rdea // Om : revista t.-popular. 2008. Nr 1. P. 50-52. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. 68. rdea, Teodor N. Problema asigurrii securitii umane din perspectiva principiului biosferocentrist i paradigmei noosferice: analiz teoretico-metodologic / Teodor N. rdea // Bioetica, Filosofia, Economia i Medicina n strategia de asigurare a securitii umane : materialele conf. a XIII-a t., int., 26-27 martie 2008. Ch., 2008. P. 8-13. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. M26 / B-60.


69. rdea, Teodor N. Strategia de supravieuire a omenirii din perspectiva paradigmelor informaionale, bioetice i noosferice / Teodor N. rdea // Educaia ecologic n contextul dezvoltrii durabile : (Omagiu savantului filosof-ecolog-bioetician Teodor N. rdea 70). Ch., 2008. P. 58-74. Bibliogr. : 25 tit. M38 / E-25. 70. Ursu, Andrei. Vertisolurile i solurile vertice / Andrei Ursu // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 2 (38). P. 1-5. Bibliogr. : 24 tit. 71. Vasseur, David A. Environmental fluctuations can stabilize food web dynamics by increasing synchrony / David A. Vasseur, Jeremy W. Fox // Ecology Letters. 2007. Vol. 10, Nr 11. P. 1066-1074. Bibliogr. : 42 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 8.204 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 72. Volociuc, Leonid. Strategia Tehnologic i de Cercetare Baza Succesului n Promovarea Agriculturii Ecologice / Leonid Volociuc // Consultant. 2008. Nr 4. P. 28-33. Idem n lb. englez, rus. 73. Water and the Environment : proc. of the Working Group, 12-14 Novemb. 2005 / Pontificiae Acad. Scientiarum. Vatican City, 2007. 234 p. 5(069) / W-31. 74. Williams, Richard J. Effects of network and dynamical model structure on species persistence in large model food webs / Richard J. Williams // Theoretical Ecology. 2008. Vol. 1, Nr 3. P. 141-151. Bibliogr. : 70 tit. 75. Wright, Christopher K. Ecological community integration increases with added trophic complexity / Christopher K. Wright // Ecological Complexity. 2008. Vol. 5, Nr 2. P. 140145. Bibliogr. : 26 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.661 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 76. Zimmer, Richard K. Dynamic Scaling in Chemical Ecology : review / Richard K. Zimmer, Cheryl Ann Zimmer // Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2008. Vol. 34, Nr 7. P. 822836. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.941 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 77. , . . / . . , . . , . . // . 2008. Nr 4. P. 454-466. Bibliogr. : 36 tit. 78. , . . / . . // . 2007. Nr 11. P. 29-37. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. 79. , . . / . . // . . . 2007. Nr 6. P. 9-15. 80. , . - / . // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 2 (38). P. 24-26. 81. , . . : / . . // -. . 11. . 2007. Nr 5. P. 27-53. Bibliogr. : 95 tit.


82. - / . . , . . , . . , . . // . . . . 2007. Nr 6. P. 7-18. Bibliogr. : 40 tit. 83. , . . ( ) / . . // . 2006. . 40, Nr 6. P. 483-495. Bibliogr. : 21 tit. 84. , . . / . . // . . . . 2007. Nr 3. P. 7-17. Bibliogr. : 6 tit. 85. , . / // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 31-33. M35 / A-18. 86. , . . / . . , . . // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 73-76. Bibliogr. : 6 tit. M35 / A-18. 87. / . . , . . , . . , . . // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 127-137. Bibliogr. : 15 tit. 88. / . . , . . , . . , // . 2008. . 128, Nr 1. P. 21-34. Bibliogr. : 55 tit. 89. , . . / . . , . . // . . 2007. . 77, Nr 11. P. 974-986. Bibliogr. : 47 tit. 90. , . . / . . // . 2007. . 43, Nr 6. P. 3-17. Bibliogr. : 32 tit. 91. , . . / . . // . 2007. Nr 3. P. 88-95. Bibliogr. : 34 tit. 92. , . . / . . , . // . 2007. . 41, Nr 3. P. 197-206. Bibliogr. : 40 tit. 93. , . . / . . // . 2007. Nr 3. P. 84-88. Bibliogr. : 22 tit. 94. , . . / . . // . 2007. . 127, Nr 5. P. 435-444. Bibliogr. : 94 tit.

95. , . . / . . // . . 2007. Nr 6. P. 56-59. Bibliogr. : 9 tit. 96. , . . / . . , . . // . -. 2007. . 139, Nr 5. P. 22-31. Bibliogr. : 27 tit. 97. , . . - [ ] / . . , . // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 47-48. 98. . - / . , . , . // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 101-106. Bibliogr. : 5 tit. M35 / A-18. 99. , . . / . . , . . // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 106-111. Bibliogr. : 31 tit. M35 / A-18. 100. , . . - / . . // . 2007. . 34, Nr 5. P. 515-526. Bibliogr. : 14 tit. 101. , . . / . . , . . , . . // Bioetica, Filosofia, Economia i Medicina n strategia de asigurare a securitii umane : materialele conf. a XIII-a t., int., 26-27 martie 2008. Ch., 2008. P. 13-18. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. M26 / B-60. 102. , . . : / . . // -. . 5. . 2007. Nr 3. P. 11-17. Bibliogr. : 105 tit. 103. , . . / . . // . . 2007. . 77, Nr 10. P. 927-937. Bibliogr. : 21 tit.


Poluarea i protecia mediului ambiant

104. Aerosol climate effects and air quality impacts from 1980 to 2030 / Surabi Menon, Nadine Unger, Dorothy Koch, // Environmental Research Letters. 2008. Vol. 3, Nr 2. Bibliogr. : 38 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.2 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 105. Allelopathic agents from aquatic ecosystems: potential biopesticides models / Francisco A. Macas, Jos L. G. Galindo, Mara D. Garca-Daz, Juan C. G. Galindo // Phytochemistry Reviews. 2008. Vol. 7, Nr 1. P. 155-178. Bibliogr. : 139 tit. 106. Allison, Stuart K. You Cant Not Choose: Embracing the Role of Choice in Ecological Restoration / Stuart K. Allison // Restoration Ecology. 2007. Vol. 15, Nr 4. P. 601-605. Bibliogr. : 26 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.928 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 107. Amarfii, Ion. Ghidul operaional al Portalului de biosecuritate n Republica Moldova / Ion Amarfii, Angela Lozan; Fondul Global de Mediu, Programul Naiunilor Unite pentru Mediu, Min. Ecologiei i Resurselor Naturale. Ch. : S. n., 2008. 104 p. ISBN 978-9975-66-033-4. M38 / A-46. 108. Andrie, Serafim. Procesele i formele de degradare a solurilor : rspndirea i combaterea / Serafim Andrie, Valerian Cerbari, Vladimir Filipciuc // Intellectus. 2007. Nr 4. P. 58-67. 109. Aplicarea ngrmintelor n agricultura durabil : (ndrumar practic) / coord. : Simion Toma. Ch. : S. n., 2008. 212 p. Bibliogr. p. 180 (13 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-62-216-5. M464 / A-66. 110. Assessing Management Regimes in Transboundary River Basins: Do They Support Adaptive Management? / G. T. (Tom) Raadgever , Erik Mostert , Nicole Kranz, // Ecology and Society. 2008. Vol. 13, Nr 1. Bibliogr. : 63 tit. [online]. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.215 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 111. Assmuth, Timo. The significance of information frameworks in integrated risk assessment and management : a review / Timo Assmuth, Mikael Hildn // Environmental Science & Policy. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 1. P. 71-86. Bibliogr. : 93 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.415 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 112. Bacal, Petru. Economia proteciei mediului : (note de curs) / Petru Bacal; ASEM. Ch. : ASEM., 2007. 414 p. Bibliogr. p. 406-414 (30 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-75-214-5. M40 / B12. 113. Begu, Adam. Aspecte privind realizarea monitoringului biologic pasiv i activ n ecosistemele forestiere i urbane / Adam Begu, Nina Liogchii, Ala Donica // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 5 (35). P. 1-4. Bibliogr. : 15 tit.

114. Beregoi, Elena. Impactul alunecrilor de teren asupra strii ecologice / Elena Beregoi // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culegere de articole t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 18-21. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. M35 / A-18. 115. Bernic, Vladimir. Evaluarea igienic a calitii apei potabile folosite de copii din localitile rurale / Vladimir Bernic // Sntate public, economie i management n medicin. 2008. Nr 1. P. 29-31. Bibliogr. : 8 tit. 116. Boboc, Nicolae. Consideraii cu privire la evoluia peisajelor silvice pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova / Nicolae Boboc, Iurie Bejan, Pavel u // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 137-144. Bibliogr. : 16 tit. 117. Bogdan, Octavia. Probleme contemporane ale variabilitii sistemului climatic / Octavia Bogdan // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 32-39. Bibliogr. : 26 tit. 118. Boian, Ilie. Caracterizarea condiiilor meteorologice i agrometeorologice din toamna anului 2007 / Ilie Boian, Tatiana Bugaev // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 41-42. 119. Boian, Ilie. Condiiile meteorologice i agrometeorologice ale iernii 2007-2008 / Ilie Boian,Lidia Trecilo // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 2 (38). P. 47-48. 120. Boian, Ilie. Depunerile de ghea n Republica Moldova / Ilie Boian // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 40-43. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. 121. Borrvall, Charlotte. Biodiversity and persistence of ecological communities in variable environments / Charlotte Borrvall, Bo Ebenman // Ecological Complexity. 2008. Vol. 5, Nr 2. P. 99-105. Bibliogr. : 48 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.661 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 122. Brus, D. J. Bayesian Maximum Entropy prediction of soil categories using a traditional soil map as soft information / D. J. Brus, P. Bogaert, G. B. M. Heuvelink // European Journal of Soil Science. 2008. Vol. 59, Nr 2. P. 166-177. Bibliogr. : 14 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.73 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 123. Bulimaga, C. Depozitele de stocare a deeurilor menajere solide surse de poluare a mediului / C. Bulimaga // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 2 (302). P. 156-166. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. 124. Bulimaga, C. Dezavantajele ecologice i chimico-tehnologice ale sistemului de gestionare a deeurilor n Republica Moldova / C. Bulimaga, V. Bobeic, V. Bulimaga // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 28-31. Bibliogr. : 9 tit. M35 / A-18. 125. Bulimaga, C. Elaborarea schemei conceptuale de gestionare i aplicarea unor criterii de evaluare a deeurilor toxice / C. Bulimaga // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 145-151. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. 126. Bulimaga, C. Elaborarea schemei de realizare practic a conceptului de management al deeurilor n Republica Moldova / C. Bulimaga // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 2 (302). P. 150-156. Bibliogr. : 23 tit.


127. Cazac, V. Caracterizarea condiiilor meteorologice i agrometeorologice din vara anului 2007 / V. Cazac, I. Boian, T. Mironov // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 5 (35). P. 44-45. 128. Ceban, Crisrina. Protecia mediului n activitatea de exploatare a atmosferei i a cosmosului / Cristina Ceban // Revista Moldoveneasc de Drept Internaional i Relaii Internaionale. 2007. Nr 1/2. P. 16-20. Bibliogr. : 8 tit. 129. Changing feedbacks in the climate biosphere system : a review / F. Stuart Chapin III, James T. Randerson, A. David McGuire, // Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 6. P. 313-320. Bibliogr. : 43 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.269 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 130. Characterisation of urban inhalation exposures to benzene, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in the European Union : Comparison of measured and modelled exposure data / Yuri Bruinen de Bruin, Kimmo Koistinen, Stylianos Kephalopoulos, // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2008. Vol. 15, Nr 5. P. 417-430. Bibliogr. : 51 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.894 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 131. Charafeddine, Rana. Does income inequality modify the association between air pollution and health? / Rana Charafeddine, Leslie I. Boden // Environmental Research. 2008. Vol. 106, Nr 1. P. 81-88. Bibliogr. : 53 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.962 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 132. Climate change and evolution: disentangling environmental and genetic responses / P. Gienapp, C. Teplitsky, J. S. Alho, // Molecular Ecology. 2008. Vol. 17, Nr 1. P. 167178. Bibliogr. : 145 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 5.169 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 133. Climate change and the world's river basins: anticipating management options : review / Margaret A. Palmer, Catherine A. Reidy Liermann, Christer Nilsson, // Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 2. P. 81-89. Bibliogr. : 37 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.269 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 134. Cobalt and secondary poisoning in the terrestrial food chain : Data review and research gaps to support risk assessment / Judit Gl, Andrew Hursthouse, Paul Tatner, // Environment International. 2008. Vol. 34, Nr 6. P. 821-838. Bibliogr. : 164 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.797 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 135. Cod de bune practici agricole / Min. Agriculturii i Industriei Alimentare, Min. Ecologiei i Resurselor Naturale. Proiectul Controlul Polurii n Agricultur; elab. : Serafim Andrie, ; red. t. : Gheorghe Duca. Chiinu : Mediul Ambiant, 2007. 108 p. Bibliogr. p. 95-97 (40 tit.). ISBN 9975-9774-5-6. M46 / C-66 Fond Duca. 136. Codreanu, Igor. Condiiile climatice ca factor al modificrilor de mediu n bazinul rului Prut / Igor Codreanu, Valentin Sofroni // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 7. P. 201-204. Bibliogr. : 9 tit.


137. Comparison of different toxic effect sub-models in ecosystem modelling used for ecological effect assessments and water quality standard setting / Frederik De Laender, Karel A. C. De Schamphelaere, Peter A. Vanrolleghem, Colin R. Janssen // Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2008. Vol. 69, Nr 1. P. 13-23. Bibliogr. : 50 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.014 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 138. Conceptual model for improving the link between exposure and effects in the aquatic risk assessment of pesticides : a review / J. J. T. I. Boesten, H. Kpp, P. I. Adriaanse, // Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2008. Vol. 66, Nr 3. P. 291-308. Bibliogr. : 19 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.014 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 139. Coroli, Marat. Exist valori mai preioase ca petrolul i gazul / Marat Coroli // Consultant. 2008. Nr 4. P. 68-75. Idem n lb. englez, rus. 140. Coronovschi, A. Impactul regimurilor de umiditate a solului asupra direciei procesului de solificare a cernoziomului tipic moderat humifer / A. Coronovschi, A. Tr, V. Jabin // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 166-174. Bibliogr. : 18 tit. 141. Courchesne, Franois. Relevance of Rhizosphere Research to the Ecological Risk Assessment of Trace Metals in Soils / Franois Courchesne, Benot Cloutier-Hurteau, MarieClaude Turmel // Human & Ecological Risk Assessment. 2008. Vol. 14, Nr 1. P. 54-72. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.912 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 142. Critical loads as a policy tool for protecting ecosystems from the effects of air pollutants / Douglas A. Burns, Tamara Blett, Richard Haeuber, Linda H. Pardo // Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 3. P. 156-159. Bibliogr. : 24 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.269 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 143. Critical Loads of Sulphur and Nitrogen for Terrestrial Ecosystems in Europe and Northern Asia Using Different Soil Chemical Criteria / G. J. Reinds, M. Posch, W. de Vries, ... // Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2008. Vol. 193, Nr 1-4. P. 269-287. Bibliogr. : 78 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.224 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 144. Current status and perspectives of accelerated carbonation processes on municipal waste combustion residues / Giulia Costa, Renato Baciocchi, Alessandra Polettini, ... // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2007. Vol. 135, Nr 1/3. P. 55-75. Bibliogr. : 73 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.885 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 145. Darie, Valerian. Industria furajelor: de la cercetri tiinifice la agricultura ecologic / Valerian Darie // Consultant. 2008. Nr 6. P. 22-28. Idem n lb. englez, rus. 146. Daz-Cruz, M. Silvia. Trace organic chemicals contamination in ground water recharge : a review / M. Silvia Daz-Cruz, Dami Barcel // Chemosphere. 2008. Vol. 72, Nr 3. P. 333-342. Bibliogr. : 69 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).

147. DiBattista, Joseph D. Patterns of genetic variation in anthropogenically impacted populations / Joseph D. DiBattista // Conservation Genetics. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 1. P. 141156. Bibliogr. : 45 tit. 148. Dioxin- and POP-contaminated sites contemporary and future relevance and challenges : Overview on background, aims and scope of the series / Roland Weber, Caroline Gaus, Mats Tysklind, // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2008. Vol. 15, Nr 5. P. 363-393. Bibliogr. : 228 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.894 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 149. Dulam, Eliza Maria. Organismele modificate genetic din perspectiva dezvoltrii durabile (premise, motive, scopuri) / Eliza Maria Dulam // Educaia ecologic n contextul dezvoltrii durabile : (Omagiu savantului filosof-ecolog-bioetician Teodor N. rdea 70). Ch., 2008. P. 33-47. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. M38 / E-25. 150. Ecological Networks as Conceptual Frameworks or Operational Tools in Conservation / Luigi Boitani, Alessandra Falcucci, Luigi Maiorano, Carlo Rondinini // Conservation Biology. 2007. Vol. 21, Nr 6. P. 1414-1422. Bibliogr. : 98 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.934 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 151. An ecological perspective in aquatic ecotoxicology: Approaches and challenges / M. Schmitt-Jansen, U. Veit, G. Dudel, R. Altenburger // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 4. P. 337-345. Bibliogr. : 46 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.247 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 152. Ecological theory meets soil ecotoxicology: Challenge and chance / J. Filser, H. Koehler, A. Ruf, // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 4. P. 346-355. Bibliogr. : 69 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.247 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 153. Ecologie i protecia mediului cercetare, implementare, management : materialele conf. jubiliare INECO 15 ani, 29 dec. 2005 / com. t. : Adam Begu, ... Ch. : S. n., 2006. 326 p. ISBN 978-9975-62-033-8. M-38 / E-20. 154. Ecology of Increasing Diseases: Population Growth and Environmental Degradation / D. Pimentel, S. Cooperstein, H. Randell, ... // Human Ecology. 2007. Vol. 35, Nr 6. P. 653668. 155. Ecotoxicity test methods and environmental hazard assessment for engineered nanoparticles / Mark Crane, Richard D. Handy, John Garrod, Richard Owen // Ecotoxicology. 2008. Vol. 17, Nr 5. P. 421-437. Bibliogr. : 61 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.405 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 156. Ecotoxicological characterization of hazardous wastes / B.-M. Wilke, F. Riepert, Christine Koch, T. Khne // Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2008. Vol. 70, Nr 2. P. 283-293. Bibliogr. : 39 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.014 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).


157. Ericksen, Polly J. Conceptualizing food systems for global environmental change research / Polly J. Ericksen // Global Environmental Change. 2008. Vol. 18, Nr 1. P. 234245. Bibliogr. : 64 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.915 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 158. Estimation of the natural water self-purification capacity from the kinetic sandpoint / / Gheorghe Duca, Elena Bunduchi, Viorica Gladchi, // Chemistry Journal of Moldova. General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry. 2008. Vol. 3, Nr 1. P. 10-21. Bibliogr. : 44 tit. 159. Evoluia debitelor Prutului i Dunrii inferioare pe parcursul ultimelor decenii / Constantin Mihailescu, Valeriu Cazac, Ilie Boian, Gavril Glc // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 35-40. Bibliogr. : 9 tit. 160. Exposure of European biodiversity to changes in human-induced pressures / M. B. Arajo, D. Nogus-Bravo, I. Reginster, ... // Environmental Science & Policy. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 1. P. 38-45. Bibliogr. : 70 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.415 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 161. Falkenmark, Malin. Heading Towards Basin-Level Hydrosolidarity Goal for Land/Water/Ecosystem Coordination / Malin Falkenmark // Water and the Environment : proc. of the Working Group, 12-14 Novemb. 2005 / Pontificiae Acad. Scientiarum. Vatican City, 2007. P. 178-190. Bibliogr. : 18 tit. 5(069) / W-31. 162. Feedbacks of Terrestrial Ecosystems to Climate Change / Christopher B. Field, David B. Lobell, Halton A. Peters, Nona R. Chiariello // Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2007. Vol. 32. P. 1-29. Bibliogr. : 162 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.036 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 163. Finke, Jens. A simulation framework for modeling anthropogenic disturbances in habitat networks / Jens Finke, Martin Strein, Michael Sonnenschein // Ecological Informatics. 2008. Vol. 3, Nr 1. P. 26-34. Bibliogr. : 23 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.268 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 164. Framework for Metals Risk Assessment : Frontier Article / Anne Fairbrother, Randall Wenstel, Keith Sappington, William Wood // Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2008. Vol. 68, Nr 2. P. 145-227. Bibliogr. : 404 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.014 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 165. Friptuleac, Grigore. Calitatea apei i sntatea populaiei / Grigore Friptuleac // Revista apelor. 2008. Nr 3. P. 19-21. 166. Fuchs, Christian. The implications of new information and communication technologies for sustainability / Christian Fuchs // Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2008. Vol. 10, Nr 3. P. 291-309. 167. Furtunile de praf surs de poluare a aerului atmosferic: cauze i consecine / Raisa Lozan, Anatol Tr, Maria Sandu, Ilie Boian // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 3234. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. 168. Galupa, Dumitru. Practicile agroforestiere n Moldova i schimbarea climei = Agroforestry Practices in Moldova and Climate Change / Dumitru Galupa, Ion Talmaci, Liliana

pitoc. Ch. : .E.P. tiina, 2008. 96 p. Bibliogr. : 47 tit. ISBN 978-9975-67-438-6. M465.7 / G-15. 169. Georgopoulos, Panos G. A Multiscale Approach for Assessing the Interactions of Environmental and Biological Systems in a Holistic Health Risk Assessment Framework / Panos G. Georgopoulos // Water, Air, & Soil Pollution : Focus. 2008. Vol. 8, Nr 1. P. 3-21. Bibliogr. : 49 tit. 170. Gomiero, T. Energy and Environmental Issues in Organic and Conventional Agriculture / T. Gomiero, M. G. Paoletti, D. Pimentel // Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2008. Vol. 27, Nr 4. P. 239-254. Bibliogr. : 184 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.477 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 171. Haber, Wolfgang. Energy, food, and land The ecological traps of humankind / Wolfgang Haber // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2007. Vol. 14, Nr 6. P. 359-365. Bibliogr. : 30 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.894 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 172. Hendriks, A. Jan. A new twist on an old regression: Transfer of chemicals to beef and milk in human and ecological risk assessment / A. Jan Hendriks, Hana Smtkov, Mark A.J. Huijbregts // Chemosphere : Science for Environmental Technology. 2007. Vol. 70, Nr 1. P. 46-56. Bibliogr. : 45 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 173. Hepburn, Cameron. Carbon Trading : A Review of the Kyoto Mechanisms / Cameron Hepburn // Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2007. Vol. 32. P. 375-393. Bibliogr. : 53 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.036 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 174. Holvoet, Katrijn M. A. Monitoring and modeling pesticide fate in surface waters at the catchment scale : a review / Katrijn M. A. Holvoet, Piet Seuntjens, Peter A. Vanrolleghem // Ecological Modelling. 2007. Vol. 209, Nr 1. P. 53-64. Bibliogr. : 118 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.077 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 175. Ichim, Maria. Algalizarea apelor reziduale de la complexele zootehnice ca metod biologic de autoepurare / Maria Ichim // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 7. P. 190-192. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. 176. Imam, Bisher. Water Distribution and Nailability : an Overview of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources / Bisher Imam, Soroosh Sorooshian // Water and the Environment : proc. of the Working Group, 12-14 Novemb. 2005 / Pontificiae Acad. Scientiarum. Vatican City, 2007. P. 65-78. Bibliogr. : 40 tit. 5(069) / W-31. 177. Kampa, Marilena. Human health effects of air pollution / Marilena Kampa, Elias Castanas // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 151, Nr 2. P. 362-367. Bibliogr. : 56 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 178. Katsoyiannis, Athanasios. The fate of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the wastewater treatment process and its importance in the removal of wastewater contaminants /

Athanasios Katsoyiannis, Constantini Samara // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2007. Vol. 14, Nr 5. P. 284-292. Bibliogr. : 33 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.894 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 179. Kemper, Nicole. Veterinary antibiotics in the aquatic and terrestrial environment : review / Nicole Kemper // Ecological Indicators. 2008. Vol. 8, Nr 1. P. 1-13. Bibliogr. : 113 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.576 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 180. Klaschka, Ursula. The infochemical effecta new chapter in ecotoxicology / Ursula Klaschka // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2008. Vol. 15, Nr 6. P. 452-462. Bibliogr. : 76 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.894 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 181. Kozlowski, Gregor. Is the global conservation status assessment of a threatened taxon a utopia? / Gregor Kozlowski // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2008. Vol. 17, Nr 3. P. 445448. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.421 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 182. Kulkarni, Madhura V. Solving the global nitrogen problem: it's a gas! : a review / Madhura V. Kulkarni, Peter M. Groffman, Joseph B. Yavitt // Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 4. P. 199-206. Bibliogr. : 53 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.269 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 183. Kulkarni, Prashant S. Dioxins sources and current remediation technologies : a review / Prashant S. Kulkarni, Joo G. Crespo, Carlos A. M. Afonso // Environment International. 2008. Vol. 34, Nr 1. P. 139-153. Bibliogr. : 129 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.797 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 184. Leach, A. W. Pesticide Environmental Accounting : A method for assessing the external costs of individual pesticide applications / A. W. Leach, J. D. Mumford // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 151, Nr 2. P. 139-147. Bibliogr. : 30 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 185. Letan, Domen. The use of chelating agents in the remediation of metal-contaminated soils : a review / Domen Letan, Chun-ling Luo, Xiang-dong Li // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 153, Nr 1. P. 3-13. Bibliogr. : 104 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 186. Lie, John. Global climate change and the politics of disaster / John Lie // Sustainability Science. 2007. Vol. 2, Nr 2. P. 233-236. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. 187. Lipkovich, Ilya. Detecting pattern in biological stressor response relationships using model based cluster analysis / Ilya Lipkovich, Eric P. Smith, Keying Ye // Environmental and Ecological Statistics. 2008. Vol. 15, Nr 1. P. 71-78. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.86 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).

188. Lohman, Ulrike. Impact of Aerosols on the Hydrological Cycle / Ulrike Lohman // Water and the Environment : proc. of the Working Group, 12-14 Nov. 2005 / Pontificiae Acad. Scientiarum. Vatican City, 2007. P. 104-111. Bibliogr. : 32 tit. 5(069) / W-31. 189. Lozan, Angela. Biosafety Concerns in the Republic of Moldova : Opportunities and Challenges / Angela Lozan; Min. of Ecology and Natural Resources, Global Environment Facility, United Nations Environment Programme. Ch. : S. n., 2008. 52 p. Bibliogr. : 25 tit. ISBN 978-9975-66-068-6. M34 / L-95. 190. Lozan, Angela. Biosecuritatea : Cadrul Instituional Legislativ / Angela Lozan, Inesa Galitschi, Olga Scorpan; Fondul Global de Mediu, Programul Naiunilor Unite pentru Mediu, Min. Ecologiei i Resurselor Naturale. Ch. : S. n., 2008. 252 p. Bibliogr. : 43 tit. ISBN 978-9975-66-067-9. M34 / L-95. 191. Lozan, Angela. Organisme modificate genetic i sntatea uman / Angela Lozan, Victoria Holostenco; Fondul Global de Mediu, ... Ch. : S. n., 2008. 72 p. Bibliogr. p. 66-71 (76 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-66-034-1. M34 / L-95. 192. Lupei-Prodan, Maria. Impactul apei potabile asupra sntii populaiei / Maria LupeiProdan // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 7. P. 14-18. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. 193. Manoli, E. The removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the wastewater treatment process: Experimental calculations and model predictions / E. Manoli, C. Samara // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 151, Nr 3. P. 477-485. Bibliogr. : 39 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 194. McDonald, Robert I. Global urbanization: can ecologists identify a sustainable way forward / Robert I. McDonald // Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 2. P. 99-104. Bibliogr. : 53 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.269 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 195. McLaughlin, Paul. Structure, agency and environment: Toward an integrated perspective on vulnerability / Paul McLaughlin, Thomas Dietz // Global Environmental Change. 2008. Vol. 18, Nr 1. P. 99-111. Bibliogr. : 134 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.915 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 196. Mihailescu, C. Hazardurile climatice / C. Mihailescu, I. Boian, I. Galichi // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 5 (35). P. 39-43. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. 197. Miretzky, Patricia. Phosphates for Pb immobilization in soils : a review / Patricia Miretzky, Alicia Fernandez-Cirelli // Environmental Chemistry Letters. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 3. P. 121-133. Bibliogr. : 98 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.08 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 198. Mitigation of Diffuse Phosphorus Pollution during Rewetting of Fen Peat Soils: A Trans-European Case Study / R. Meissner, P. Leinweber, H. Rupp, ... // Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2008. Vol. 188, Nr 1-4. P. 111-126. Bibliogr. : 56 tit. (Impact factor of this


journal 2007 : 1.224 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 199. Modeled interactive effects of precipitation, temperature, and [CO2] on ecosystem carbon and water dynamics in different climatic zones / Yiqi Luo, Dieter Gerten, Guerric Le Maire, // Global Change Biology. 2008. Vol. 14, Nr 9. P. 1986-1999. Bibliogr. : 69 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.786 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 200. Moe, S. Jannicke. REBECCA databases: experiences from compilation and analyses of monitoring data from 5,000 lakes in 20 European countries / S. Jannicke Moe, Bernard Dudley, Robert Ptacnik // Aquatic Ecology. 2008. Vol. 42, Nr 2. P. 183-201. Bibliogr. : 36 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.925 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 201. Mukhin, V. M. The role of activated carbon in solving ecological problems / V. M. Mukhin, T. G. Lupashcu // Chemistry Journal of Moldova. General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry. 2008. Vol. 3, Nr 1. P. 62-66. Bibliogr. : 6 tit. 202. Nanoparticle analysis and characterization methodologies in environmental risk assessment of engineered nanoparticles / Martin Hassellv, James W. Readman, James F. Ranville, Karen Tiede // Ecotoxicology. 2008. Vol. 17, Nr 5. P. 344-361. Bibliogr. : 86 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.405 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 203. The Nature and Value of Ecosystem Services: An Overview Highlighting Hydrologic Services / Kate A. Brauman, Gretchen C. Daily, T. Kaeo Duarte, Harold A. Mooney // Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2007. Vol. 32. P. 67-98. Bibliogr. : 185 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.036 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 204. Negru, Maria. Expertiza ecologic a apelor subterane din com. Mndreti, jud. Orhei / Maria Negru, Ludmila Marcoci, Cristina Negru // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 271-275. Bibliogr. : 8 tit. M36 / D-64. 205. Nelson, Donald R. Adaptation to Environmental Change: Contributions of a Resilience Framework / Donald R. Nelson, W. Neil Adger, Katrina Brown // Annual Review of Environment and Resources. 2007. Vol. 32. P. 395-419. Bibliogr. : 115 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.036 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 206. Neufeldt, Henry. Mitigation strategies for greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture using a regional economic-ecosystem model / Henry Neufeldt, Michael Schfer // Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2008. Vol 123, Nr 4. P. 305-316. Bibliogr. : 44 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.308 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 207. A new hazard index of complex mixtures integrates bioconcentration and toxicity to refine the environmental risk assessment of effluents / Simn Gutirrez, Carlos Fernndez, Beate I. Escher, Jose Vicente Tarazona // Environment International. 2008. Vol. 34, Nr 6. P. 773-


781. Bibliogr. : 46 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.797 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 208. Nicolescu, Valeriu-Norocel. Concepii i tehnologii pentru reconstrucia ecologic a pdurilor deteriorate din Europa / Valeriu-Norocel Nicolescu // Academica. 2007. Nr 64-65. P. 61-65. Bibliogr. : 23 tit. 209. Niemeijer, David. Framing environmental indicators: moving from causal chains to causal networks / David Niemeijer, Rudolf S. de Groot // Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2008. Vol. 10, Nr 1. P. 89-106. Bibliogr. : 32 tit. 210. Nivelurile polurii mediului cu metale grele i indicii de nocivitate i toxicitate a ecosistemelor / Vladimir Brega, Nina Liogchi, Grigore Stasiev // Bioetica, Filosofia, Economia i Medicina n strategia de asigurare a securitii umane : materialele conf. a XIII-a t., int., 2627 martie 2008. Ch., 2008. P. 186-187. M26 / B-60. 211. Norman, Catherine. The Montreal Protocol at 20: Ongoing opportunities for integration with climate protection / Catherine Norman, Stephen DeCanio, Lin Fan // Global Environmental Change. 2008. Vol. 18, Nr 2. P. 330-340. Bibliogr. : 56 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.915 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 212. Novk, Ji. Disruption of retinoid transport, metabolism and signaling by environmental pollutants / Ji Novk, Martin Benek, Klra Hilscherov // Environment International. 2008. Vol. 34, Nr 6. P. 898-913. Bibliogr. : 169 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.797 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 213. Pahl-Wostl, Claudia. The growing importance of social learning in water resources management and sustainability science / Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Erik Mostert, David Tbara // Ecology and Society. 2008. Vol. 13, Nr 1. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. [online]. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.215 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 214. Park, Richard A. AQUATOX: Modeling environmental fate and ecological effects in aquatic ecosystems : a review / Richard A. Park, Jonathan S. Clough, Marjorie Coombs Wellman // Ecological Modelling. 2008. Vol. 213, Nr 1. P. 1-15. Bibliogr. : 101 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.077 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 215. Pertoldi, Cino. Conservation genetics in a globally changing environment: present problems, paradoxes and future challenges / Cino Pertoldi, R. Bijlsma, Volker Loeschcke // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2007. Vol. 16, Nr 14. P. 4147-4163. Bibliogr. : 140 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.421 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 216. Plngu, Victor. Protecia biodiversitii n legislaia Republicii Moldova / Victor Plngu, Regina Fasola // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 92-93. M35 / A-18. 217. Practici agricole prietenoase mediului : ndrumar / Valentin Ungureanu, Valerian Cerbari, Andrei Magdl, Evelina Gherman; Proiectul Controlului Polurii n Agricultur; Agenia

Na. de Dezvoltare Rural. Ch. : .S.F.E.-P. Tipografia Central, 2006. 96 p. ISBN 9789975-9710-8-9. M-46 / P-90. 218. Puuntic, Anatolie. Vulnerabilitatea teritoriului Republicii Moldova fa de depunerile complexe de ghea / Anatolie Puuntic // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 11-12. 219. Quantification and control of microbial pollution from agriculture: a new policy challenge? / D. Kay, J. Crowther, L. Fewtrell, // Environmental Science & Policy. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 2. P. 171-184. Bibliogr. : 72 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.415 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 220. Ranjan, Ran. The future of global warming: will it be emissions control or environmental damages? / Ram Ranjan // Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 2008. Vol. 13, Nr 4. P. 401-418. Bibliogr. : 29 tit. 221. Reconsidering environmental effects assessment of chemicals: Proposal for a dynamic testing strategy / Marion Junghans, Maike Schaefer, Wiebke Drost, // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 4. P. 356-364. Bibliogr. : 37 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.247 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 222. Rezervaia peisagistic pova / Nicolae Boboc, Tudor Castrave, Vasile Cozma, // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 47-48. 223. Rezultatele inventarierii emisiilor de gaze cu efect de ser de la producerea crmizii n Republica Moldova n perioada 1988-2005 / Marius ranu, Vladimir Brega, Vasile Scorpan, Violeta Pgnu // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 5 (35). P. 36-38. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. 224. Risbey, James S. The new climate discourse: Alarmist or alarming? / James S. Risbey // Global Environmental Change. 2008. Vol. 18, Nr 1. P. 26-37. Bibliogr. : 78 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.915 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 225. Rocovan, Dumitru. Ecologia i protecia mediului. Practica de teren : suport didactic / Dumitru Rocovan, Tatiana Dudnicenco, Victor Donea. Ch. : CEP USM, 2006. 153 p. Bibliogr. p. 148 (108 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-70-627-8. M-38 / R-79. 226. Sala, Serenella. GIS-based procedure for site-specific risk assessment of pesticides for aquatic ecosystems / Serenella Sala, Marco Vighi // Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2008. Vol. 69, Nr 1. P. 1-12. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.014 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 227. Sarigiannis, Dimosthenis A. Multi-objective optimization of air quality monitoring / Dimosthenis A. Sarigiannis, Michaela Saisana // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2008. Vol. 136, Nr 1/3. P. 87-99. Bibliogr. : 33 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.885 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 228. Scherrer, S. C. Changes and inter-model spread in 21st century scenarios for temperature and precipitation extremes as seen with the climate change index (CCI) / S. C. Scherrer, M. B. Baettig // Environmental Research Letters. 2008. Vol. 3, Nr 3. Bibliogr.


: 19 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.2 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 229. Schramm, K.-W. Hair-biomonitoring of organic pollutants : a review / K.-W. Schramm // Chemosphere : Science for Environmental Technology. 2008. Vol. 72, Nr 8. P. 11031111. Bibliogr. : 59 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 230. Schwab, A. P. Influence of organic acids on the transport of heavy metals in soil / A. P. Schwab, D. S. Zhu, M. K. Banks // Chemosphere : Science for Environmental Technology. 2008. Vol. 72, Nr 6. P. 986-994. Bibliogr. : 32 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 231. Shaw, Peter. Influence of a parking area on soils and vegetation in an urban nature reserve / Peter Shaw, Nigel Reeve // Urban Ecosystems. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 1. P. 107-120. Bibliogr. : 37 tit. 232. Sillmann, J. Indices for extreme events in projections of anthropogenic climate change / J. Sillmann, E. Roeckner // Climatic Change. 2008. Vol. 86, Nr 1/2. P. 83-104. Bibliogr. : 34 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.89 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 233. Sitaras, Ioannis E. The role of primary and secondary air pollutants in atmospheric pollution: Athens urban area as a case study : a review / Ioannis E. Sitaras, Panayotis A. Siskos // Environmental Chemistry Letters. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 2. P. 59-69. Bibliogr. : 49 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.08 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 234. Srodoev, Igor G. Vulnerability to water scarcity in Moldova: identification of the regions / Igor G. Srodoev, C. Gregory Knigth // // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 159-166. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. 235. Sderholm, Patrik. Policy effectiveness and acceptance in the taxation of environmentally damaging chemical compounds : a review / Patrik Sderholm, Anna Christiernsson // Environmental Science & Policy. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 3. P. 240-252. Bibliogr. : 55 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.415 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 236. Srogi, K. Levels and congener distributions of PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs in environmental and human samples : a review / K. Srogi // Environmental Chemistry Letters. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 1. P. 1-28. Bibliogr. : 240 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.08 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 237. Srogi, K. Monitoring of environmental exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: a review / K. Srogi // Environmental Chemistry Letters. 2007. Vol. 5, Nr 4. P. 169-195. Bibliogr. : 223 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.08 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 238. Stan, Victor. Activitatea uman i factorii ce influineaz clima / Victor Stan, Ion Croitoru // Bioetica, Filosofia, Economia i Medicina n strategia de asigurare a securitii umane


: materialele conf. a XIII-a t., int., 26-27 martie 2008. Ch., 2008. P. 149-154. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. M26 / B-60. 239. Stan, Victor. Chimia straturilor atmosferice inferioare : manual / Victor Stan; Univ. de Stat din Moldova. Ch. : CEP USM, 2007. 238 p. Bibliogr. p. 233-236 (84 tit.). ISBN 9789975-70-165-5. 551.5 / S-81. 240. Standardele de calitate a apelor de suprafa // Revista apelor. 2007. Nr 2. P. 1112. 241. Street, Paul. Trading in Pollution: Creating Markets for Carbon and Waste / Paul Street // Environmental Law Review. 2007. Vol. 9, Nr 4. P. 260-278. Bibliogr. : 70 tit. 242. Stringer, Lindsay. Can the UN Convention to Combat Desertification guide sustainable use of the world's soils : a review / Lindsay Stringer // Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 3. P. 138-144. Bibliogr. : 41 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.269 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 243. The study of redox conditions in the Dniester River / Viorica Gladchi, Nelli Goreaceva, Gheorghe Duca, // Chemistry Journal of Moldova. General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry. 2008. Vol. 3, Nr 1. P. 70-76. Bibliogr. : 33 tit. 244. alaru, Victor. Troficitatea unor lacuri din municipiul Chiinu / Victor alaru, Tatiana Dudnicenco, Ana Tincu // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 7. P. 196-199. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. 245. Tbara, David J. Sustainability Learning in Natural Resource: Use and Management / J. David Tbara, Claudia Pahl-Wostl // Ecology and Society. 2007. Vol. 12, Nr 2. Bibliogr. : 69 tit. [online]. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.215 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 246. Talmaci, Ion. Emisii/sechestrri de ges n cadrul sectorului Utilizarea terenurilor, schimbri n utilizarea terenurilor i gospodria silvic n Republica Moldova n perioada 19902005 / Ion Talmaci, ranu Marius, Vasile Scorpan // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 41-42. 247. Tison, J. Evaluating the ecological status of rivers using an index of ecological distance: An application to diatom communities / J. Tison, J.-L. Giraudel, M. Coste // Ecological Indicators. 2008. Vol. 8, Nr 3. P. 285-291. Bibliogr. : 23 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.576 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 248. Toxicophores and Quantitative structure-toxicity relationschips for some environmental pollutants / N. N. Gorinchoy, I. Ya. Ogurtsov, A. Tihonovschi, // Chemistry Journal of Moldova. General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry. 2008. Vol. 3, Nr 1. P. 94-104. Bibliogr. : 25 tit. 249. urcanu, Carolina. Premisile apariiei cooperrii internaionale n domeniul proteciei mediului / Carolina urcanu // Revista Moldoveneasc de Drept Internaional i Relaii Internaionale. 2007. Nr 3/4. P. 36-39. Bibliogr. : 8 tit.

250. Urwin, Kate. Does public policy support or undermine climate change adaptation? Exploring policy interplay across different scales of governance / Kate Urwin, Andrew Jordan // Global Environmental Change. 2008. Vol. 18, Nr 1. P. 180-191. Bibliogr. : 59 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.915 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 251. The use of the multivariate Principal Response Curve (PRC) for community level analysis: a case study on the effects of carbendazim on enchytraeids in Terrestrial Model Ecosystems (TME) / Thomas Moser, Jrg Rmbke, Hans-Joachim Schallnass, Cornelis A. M. Van Gestel // Ecotoxicology. 2007. Vol. 16, Nr 8. P. 573-583. Bibliogr. : 39 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.405 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 252. Using phytoremediation technologies to upgrade waste water treatment in Europe / Peter Schrder, Juan Navarro-Avi, Hassan Azaizeh, // Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2007. Vol. 14, Nr 7. P. 490-497. Bibliogr. : 55 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.894 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 253. Utilizarea cmpului electric n procesul de ardere a gazului natural / Lucian Punescu, Gheorghe Duca, Aurel Gaba, ... // Mediul Ambiant : rev. t. de informaie i cultur ecologic. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 1-6. 254. Vaillancourt, Kathleen. The Role of Abatement Costs in GHG Permit Allocations: A Global Stabilization Scenario Analysis / Kathleen Vaillancourt, Richard Loulou, Amit Kanudia // Environmental Modeling and Assessment. 2008. Vol. 13, Nr 2. P. 169-179. Bibliogr. : 28 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.279 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 255. van Aalst, Maarten K. Community level adaptation to climate change: The potential role of participatory community risk assessment / Maarten K. van Aalst, Terry Cannon, Ian Burton // Global Environmental Change. 2008. Vol. 18, Nr 1. P. 165-179. Bibliogr. : 62 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.915 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 256. van den Elshout, Sef. Comparing urban air quality in Europe in real time : a review of existing air quality indices and the proposal of a common alternative / Sef van den Elshout, Karine Lger, Fabio Nussio // Environment International. 2008. Vol. 34, Nr 5. P. 720-726. Bibliogr. : 16 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.797 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 257. Verdonck, Frederik A. M. An intelligent data collection tool for chemical safety/risk assessment / Frederik A. M. Verdonck, Patrick A. Van Sprang, Peter A. Vanrolleghem // Chemosphere : Science for Environmental Technology. 2008. Vol. 70, Nr 10. P. 18181826. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 258. Zacca, Edwin. Assessing the role of consumers in sustainable product policies / Edwin Zacca // Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2008. Vol. 10, Nr 1. P. 51-67. Bibliogr. : 42 tit.


259. Zubcov, Elena. Starea ecologic a rurilor Cahul, Ialpug, i a unor lacuri din bazinul hidrografic al acestor ruri / Elena Zubcov, Laurenia Ungureanu, Igor ubernekii // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 147-153. M35 / A-18. 260. , . . / . . // . 2007. . 43, Nr 6. P. 50-64. Bibliogr. : 27 tit. 261. , . . / . . , . . // . 2007. Nr 11. P. 3-9. Bibliogr. : 9 tit. 262. , . . : / . . , . . // . 2007. Nr 4. P. 259-267. Bibliogr. : 14 tit. 263. , . . / . . , . . // . 2008. . 35, Nr 1. P. 110-122. Bibliogr. : 18 tit. 264. , . . , / . . // . . . . 2007. Nr 5. P. 98-106. Bibliogr. : 35 tit. 265. / . . , . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 43, Nr 4. P. 25-42. Bibliogr. : 21 tit. 266. , . . , : / . . , . . // . 2007. . 76, Nr 6. P. 725-741. Bibliogr. : 64 tit. 267. , , , / . . , . . , . . , . . // . 2008. Nr 4. P. 448-453. Bibliogr. : 16 tit. 268. / . . , . . , . . , // . 2007. Nr 10. P. 67-75. Bibliogr. : 17 tit. 269. , . . As, Zn, Pb : / . . // . 2008. Nr 1. P. 83-91. Bibliogr. : 42 tit. 270. , . . / . . , . . // . 2008. Nr 1. P. 52-56. Bibliogr. : 23 tit. 271. , . . . : / . . , . . , . . // . 2007. Nr 6. P. 483-493. Bibliogr. : 30 tit.

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Ecologia microorganismelor
309. Benson, Erica E. Cryopreservation of Phytodiversity : A Critical Appraisal of Theory & Practice / Erica E. Benson // Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2008. Vol. 27, Nr 3. P. 141-219. Bibliogr. : 276 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.477 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 310. Butenschoen, Olaf. Response of soil microorganisms and endogeic earthworms to cutting of grassland plants in a laboratory experiment / Olaf Butenschoen, Sven Marhan, Stefan Scheu // Applied Soil Ecology. 2008. Vol. 38, Nr 2. P. 152-160. Bibliogr. : 56 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.81 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 311. Cavagnaro, Timothy R. The role of arbuscular mycorrhizas in improving plant zinc nutrition under low soil zinc concentrations: a review / Timothy R. Cavagnaro // Plant and Soil. 2008. Vol. 304, Nr 1-2. P. 315-325. Bibliogr. : 85 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.821 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 312. Chloride concentration affects soil microbial community / Milan Gryndler, Jana Rohlenov, Jan Kopeck, Miroslav Matucha // Chemosphere : Science for Environmental Technology. 2007. Vol. 71, Nr 7. P. 1401-1408. Bibliogr. : 26 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 313. Courchesne, Franois. Relevance of Rhizosphere Research to the Ecological Risk Assessment of Trace Metals in Soils / Franois Courchesne, Benot Cloutier-Hurteau, MarieClaude Turmel // Human & Ecological Risk Assessment. 2008. Vol. 14, Nr 1. P. 54-72. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.912 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 314. Effects of pesticides on community composition and activity of sediment microbes responses at various levels of microbial community organization / Anneli Widenfalk, Stefan Bertilsson, Ingvar Sundh, Willem Goedkoop // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 152, Nr 3. P. 576-584. Bibliogr. : 42 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 315. Exposure and effects assessments of Bt-maize on non-target organisms (gastropods, microarthropods, mycorrhizal fungi) in microcosms / Annette de Vaufleury, Paulina E. Kramarz, Philippe Binet, ... // Pedobiologia. 2007. Vol. 51, Nr 3. P. 185-194. Bibliogr. : 44 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.383 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 316. Ficobiotehnologie cercetri fundamentale i realizri practice / Valeriu Rudic, Angela Cojocari, Liliana Cepoi, ... Ch. : S. n., 2007. 365 p. Bibliogr. p. 325-362 (680 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-9892-5-1. M34 / F-48. 317. Field, Jim A. Microbial degradation of chlorinated dioxins : review / Jim A. Field, Reyes Sierra-Alvarez // Chemosphere : Science for Environmental Technology. 2007. Vol. 71, Nr 6. P. 1005-1018. Bibliogr. : 86 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).

318. Field, Jim A. Microbial degradation of chlorinated phenols : a review / Jim A. Field, Reyes Sierra-Alvarez // Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology. 2008. Vol. 7, Nr 3. P. 211-241. Bibliogr. : 249 tit. 319. Field, Jim A. Microbial transformation of chlorinated benzoates dioxins : a review / Jim A. Field, Reyes Sierra-Alvarez // Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology. 2008. Vol. 7, Nr 3. P. 191-210. Bibliogr. : 147 tit. 320. Garbeva, P. Rhizosphere microbial community and its response to plant species and soil history / P. Garbeva, J. D. van Elsas, J. A. van Veen // Plant and Soil. 2008. Vol. 302, Nr 1-2. P. 19-32. Bibliogr. : 37 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.821 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 321. Grigorcea, Pavel. Efectul cuprului asupra metabolismului proteic i glucidic al bacteriei rizosferice Pseudomonas aureofaciens / P. Grigorcea, E. Emnova, O. Ganea // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 1. P. 129-134. Bibliogr. : 15 tit. 322. Hckelhoven, Ralph. Transport and secretion in plant-microbe interactions : a review / Ralph Hckelhoven // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2007. Vol. 10, Nr 6. P. 573-579. Bibliogr. : 44 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 323. Impact of Ectomycorrhizosphere on the Functional Diversity of Soil Bacterial and Fungal Communities from a Forest Stand in Relation to Nutrient Mobilization Processes / Christophe Calvaruso, Marie-Pierre Turpault, Elisabeth Leclerc, Pascale Frey-Klett // Microbial Ecology. 2007. Vol. 54, Nr 3. P. 567-577. Bibliogr. : 49 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.558 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 324. In situ collection of endangered arbuscular mychorrhizal fungi in a Mediterranean UNESCO Biosphere Reserve / Alessandra Turrini, Luciano Avio, Stefano Bedini, Manuela Giovannetti // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2008. Vol. 17, Nr 3. P. 643-657. Bibliogr. : 58 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.421 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 325. Low amounts of herbivory by root-knot nematodes affect microbial community dynamics and carbon allocation in the rhizosphere / Julia Poll, Sven Marhan, Susan Haase, ... // FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2007. Vol. 62, Nr 3. P. 268-279. Bibliogr. : 54 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.039 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 326. Mes, Ted H. M. Microbial diversity insights from population genetics / Ted H. M. Mes // Environmental Microbiology. 2008. Vol. 10, Nr 1. P. 251-264. Bibliogr. : 69 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.929 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 327. Microbial and microfaunal community structure in cropping systems with genetically modified plants / Bryan S. Griffiths, Sandra Caul, Jacqueline Thompson, ... // Pedobiologia. 2007. Vol. 51, Nr 3. P. 195-206. Bibliogr. : 36 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 :


1.383 Journal Citation







328. Microbial Diversity During Cellulose Decomposition in Different Forest Stands: I. Microbial Communities and Environmental Conditions / Ariana Kubartov, Judical Moukoumi, Thierry Bguiristain, ... // Microbial Ecology. 2007. Vol. 54, Nr 3. P. 393-405. Bibliogr. : 31 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.558 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 329. Microbial dynamics and litter decomposition under a changed climate in a Dutch heathland / M. J. M. van Meeteren, A. Tietema, E. E. van Loon, J. M. Verstraten // Applied Soil Ecology. 2008. Vol. 38, Nr 2. P. 119-127. Bibliogr. : 45 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.81 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 330. A microcosm system and an analytical protocol to assess PAH degradation and metabolite formation in soils / Lida Arias, Jorge Bauz, Joana Tobella, // Biodegradation. 2008. Vol. 19, Nr 3. P. 425-434. Bibliogr. : 29 tit. 331. Negru, Maria. Bacterioplanctonul unor lacuri din lunca Prutului Inferior / Maria Negru, Igor ubernekii // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 276-278. M36 / D-64. 332. Negru, Maria. Diversitatea i efectivul numeric a bacteriilor planctonice din heleteiele piscicole din bazinul Nistrului / Maria Negru, Igor ubernekii // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 84-86. M35 / A-18. 333. Nocker, Andreas. Genotypic Microbial Community Profiling : A Critical Technical Review / Andreas Nocker, Mark Burr, Anne K. Camper // Microbial Ecology. 2007. Vol. 54, Nr 2. P. 276-289. Bibliogr. : 139 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.558 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 334. Physical resilience of soil to field compaction and the interactions with plant growth and microbial community structure / A. S. Gregory, C. W. Watts, W. R. Whalley, ... // European Journal of Soil Science. 2007. Vol. 58, Nr 6. P. 1221-1232. Bibliogr. : 39 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.73 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 335. Ray, Sujata. Changes in microbiological metabolism under chemical stress / Sujata Ray, Catherine A. Peters // Chemosphere : Science for Environmental Technology. 2007. Vol. 71, Nr 3. P. 474-483. Bibliogr. : 40 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 336. Rhizosphere bacteria affect growth and metal uptake of heavy metal accumulating willows / Melanie Kuffner, Markus Puschenreiter, Gerlinde Wieshammer, ... // Plant and Soil. 2008. Vol. 304, Nr 1-2. P. 35-44. Bibliogr. : 31 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.821 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 337. Rhizosphere microbial community and hexachlorocyclohexane degradative potential in contrasting plant species / P. S. Kidd, A. Prieto-Fernndez, C. Monterroso, M. J. Acea // Plant

and Soil. 2008. Vol. 302, Nr 1/2. P. 233-247. Bibliogr. : 41 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.821 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 338. Rousk, Johannes. Fungal and bacterial growth in soil with plant materials of different C/N ratios / Johannes Rousk, Erland Bth // FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2007. Vol. 62, Nr 3. P. 258-267. Bibliogr. : 50 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.039 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 339. Salvaudon, Lucie. Genetic diversity in natural populations: a fundamental component of plant microbe interactions : a review / Lucie Salvaudon, Tatiana Giraud, Jacqui A Shykoff // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 2. P. 135-143. Bibliogr. : 73 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 340. The Social Lives of Microbes / Stuart A. West, Stephen P. Diggle, Angus Buckling, // Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 2007. Vol. 38. P. 53-77. Bibliogr. : 131 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 10.34 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 341. Sludge population optimisation in biological nutrient removal wastewater treatment systems through on-line process control : a review // Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology. 2008. Vol. 7, Nr 3. P. 243-254. Bibliogr. : 47 tit. 342. atrova, G. Studiul interaciunii Arthrobotrys oligospora Fres cu nematoda tulpinilor i bulbilor Ditylenchus dipsaci Khn / G. atrova, M. Melnic, L. Coroban // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 225-226. M36 / D-64. 343. Temporal variability in detritus resource maintains diversity of bacterial communities / Teppo Hiltunen, Jouni Laakso, Veijo Kaitala, // Acta Oecologica. 2008. Vol. 33, Nr 3. P. 291-299. Bibliogr. : 35 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.306 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 344. Travis, Emma R. Microbial and plant ecology of a long-term TNT-contaminated site / Emma R. Travis, Neil C. Bruce, Susan J. Rosser // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 153, Nr 1. P. 119-126. Bibliogr. : 39 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 345. The use of molecular techniques to characterize the microbial communities in contaminated soil and water : a review / Seidu Malik, Michael Beer, Mallavarapu Megharaj, Ravi Naidu // Environment International. 2008. Vol. 34, Nr 2. P. 265-276. Bibliogr. : 167 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.797 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 346. Wagner, Markus. Fungal effects on seed bank persistence and potential applications in weed biocontrol : a review / Markus Wagner, Nadine Mitschunas // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 3. P. 191-203. Bibliogr. : 105 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.247 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).


347. , , , / . . , . . , . . , . . // . 2008. Nr 4. P. 448-453. Bibliogr. : 16 tit. 348. , . . : () / . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 72, Nr 10. P. 1342-1364. Bibliogr. : 208 tit. 349. , . . : : / . . , . . // . 2007. . 76, Nr 5. P. 581-593. Bibliogr. : 82 tit. 350. , . . : , , / . . // . 2008. . 69, Nr 1. P. 10-18. Bibliogr. : 47 tit. 351. , . / . , . , . // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 1. P. 84-87. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. 352. - / . . , . . , . . , . . // . 2007. Nr 9. P. 1095-1103. Bibliogr. : 43 tit. 353. / . . , . . , . . , // . 2007. Nr 12. P. 44-48. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. 354. , . . : : / . . , . . // . 2007. Nr 4. P. 47-60. Bibliogr. : 94 tit. 355. , . . : / . . // . 2008. . 128, Nr 1. P. 3-20. Bibliogr. : 265 tit. 356. , . . : / . . , . . // . 2007. . 39, Nr 6. P. 463-475. Bibliogr. : 73 tit. 357. 132: , / . . , . , . , // . 2007. Nr 9. P. 1086-1094. Bibliogr. : 28 tit. 358. ? / . . , . . , . . , // . 2007. . 52, Nr 6. P. 1136-1140. 359. , . . : , , : / . . , . . // . 2007. . 72, Nr 10. P. 1413-1424. Bibliogr. : 117 tit.


360. , . . : / . . // . 2007. Nr 11. P. 85-96. Bibliogr. : 100 tit. 361. , . . - / . . , . . , . . // . 2008. . 44, Nr 1. P. 12-28. Bibliogr. : 110 tit. 362. / . . , . . , . . , // . 2007. . 76, Nr 5. P. 632-638. Bibliogr. : 16 tit. 363. , . . : / . . , . . // . 2007. . 127, Nr 4. P. 339-357. Bibliogr. : 116 tit. 364. - / . . , . . , . . , // . . 2007. . 417, Nr 2. P. 283-285. Bibliogr. : 15 tit. 365. , . . Pseudomonas / . . // . 2008. Nr 4. P. 35-42. Bibliogr. : 19 tit. 366. , . / . , . // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 279-282. Bibliogr. : 5 tit. M36 / D-64.


Ecologia plantelor
367. Abiotic stress response in plants: When post-transcriptional and post-translational regulations control transcription : a review / Elisabetta Mazzucotelli, Anna M. Mastrangelo, Cristina Crosatti, // Plant Science. 2008. Vol. 174, Nr 4. P. 420-431. Bibliogr. : 132 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.795 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 368. Aciunea erbicidului Basta asupra proteosintezei la tutunul transgenic / Maria Duca, Aliona Gligin, Victor Lupacu, Martha L. Orozco-Cardenas // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 26-33. Bibliogr. : 31 tit. 369. Andrie, Serafim. Optimizarea regimurilor nutritive ale solurilor i productivitatea plantelor de cultur / Serafim Andrie; Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. Ch. : Pontos, 2007. 374 p. Bibliogr. p. 356-374 (285 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-102-23-0. M464 / A-55. 370. Aria protejat Bxani / Gheorghe Postolache, tefan Lazu, Aliona Miron, Victoria Covali // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 30-31. 371. Aria protejat Poiana Curtura / Gheorghe Postolache, tefan Lazu, Victoria Covali, Aliona Miron // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 14-19. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. 372. Auer, Carol. Ecological Risk Assessment and Regulation for Genetically-Modified Ornamental Plants / Carol Auer // Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2008. Vol. 27, Nr 4. P. 255-271. Bibliogr. : 115 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.477 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 373. Begu, Adam. Argument tiinific privind protecia ecosistemului forestier Rdiul de Jos, raionul Fleti / Adam Begu, Nina Liogchii //Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 1518. Bibliogr. : 16 tit. M35 / A-18. 374. Benson, Erica E. Cryopreservation of Phytodiversity : A Critical Appraisal of Theory & Practice / Erica E. Benson // Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2008. Vol. 27, Nr 3. P. 141-219. Bibliogr. : 415 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.477 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 375. Bruce, Toby J. A. Plant defence signalling induced by biotic attacks / Toby J. A. Bruce, John A. Pickett // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2007. Vol. 10, Nr 4. P. 387-392. Bibliogr. : 49 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 376. Bucarciuc, Victor. Genofondul pomicol al Republicii Moldova: nsemntatea i perspectivele ameliorrii sortimentului cultivat / Victor Bucarciuc // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 24-27. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. M35 / A-18. 377. Butenschoen, Olaf. Response of soil microorganisms and endogeic earthworms to cutting of grassland plants in a laboratory experiment / Olaf Butenschoen, Sven Marhan, Stefan Scheu // Applied Soil Ecology. 2008. Vol. 38, Nr 2. P. 152-160. Bibliogr. : 56 tit.


(Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.81 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 378. Caracteristica unor cultivare de Helianthus annuus L. dup rezistena general i specific la factori nefavorabili de provenien climatic din timpul vegetaiei / A. tefr, V. Pojoga, L. Brnz, S. Buceaceaia // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 2 (302). P. 22-30. Bibliogr. : 5 tit. 379. Cavagnaro, Timothy R. The role of arbuscular mycorrhizas in improving plant zinc nutrition under low soil zinc concentrations: a review / Timothy R. Cavagnaro // Plant and Soil. 2008. Vol. 304, Nr 1-2. P. 315-325. Bibliogr. : 85 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.821 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 380. Cercetarea ecosistemelor forestiere din rezervaia Plaiul Fagului: Rdenii Vechi / N. Doni, A. Ursu, P. Cuza, Ch. : Universul, 2007. 176 p. Bibliogr. p. 153-157 (67 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-47-009-4. M37 / C-41. 381. Chandler, Stephen. Gene Flow, Risk Assessment and the Environmental Release of Transgenic Plants / Stephen Chandler, Jim M. Dunwell // Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2008. Vol. 27, Nr 1. P. 25-49. Bibliogr. : 332 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.477 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 382. Classifying aquatic macrophytes as indicators of eutrophication in European lakes / W. Ellis Penning, Marit Mjelde, Bernard Dudley, // Aquatic Ecology. 2008. Vol. 42, Nr 2. P. 237-251. Bibliogr. : 37 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.925 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 383. Competition among plants: Concepts, individual-based modelling approaches, and a proposal for a future research strategy / Uta Berger, Cyril Piou, Katja Schiffers, Volker Grimm // Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 3/4. P. 121135. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.043 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 384. Contribution to biomonitoring of some trace metals by deciduous tree leaves in urban areas / M. Tomaevi, Z. Vukmirovi, S. Raji, ... // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2008. Vol. 137, Nr 1/3. P. 393-401. Bibliogr. : 27 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.885 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 385. Covali, Victoria. Diversitatea floristic i fitocenotic a ariei protejate Zberoaia Lunca / Victoria Covali // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 13-18. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. 386. Crmaru, V. Plantele modificate genetic i legislaia n domeniu / V. Crmaru; Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. Agenia pentru Inovare i Transfer Tehnologic. Ch. : IEFS, 2007. 15 p. Bibliogr. p. 15-16 (11 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-9562-4-6. 387. uza, Petru. Influena desimii de plantare asupra creterii n nlime a puieilor de gorun (Quercus petraea Liebl.) sub masiv de pdure / Petru Cuza // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 7-10. Bibliogr. : 16 tit.


388. uza, Petru. Variabilitatea populaional a stejarului pufos (Quercus pubescens Wild.) din Republica Moldova / Petru Cuza // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 5 (35). P. 19-23. Bibliogr. : 9 tit. 389. Dascaliuc, Alexandru. Determinarea termotoleranei la gorun i +stejarul pedunculat cu ajutorul metodei de scurgere a electroliilor / Alexandru Dascaliuc, Petru Cuza // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 27-31. Bibliogr. : 16 tit. 390. Dascaliuc, Alexandru. Determinarea termotoleranei la Quercus robur L. cu ajutorul metodei de scurgere a electroliilor / Alexandru Dascaliuc, Petru Cuza, L. cu // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 40-47. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. 391. Dulam, Eliza Maria. Organismele modificate genetic din perspectiva dezvoltrii durabile (premise, motive, scopuri) / Eliza Maria Dulam // Educaia ecologic n contextul dezvoltrii durabile : (Omagiu savantului filosof-ecolog-bioetician Teodor N. rdea 70). Ch., 2008. P. 33-47. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. M38 / E-25. 392. Environmental behavior and ecotoxicity of engineered nanoparticles to algae, plants, and fungi / Enrique Navarro, Anders Baun, Renata Behra, // Ecotoxicology. 2008. Vol. 17, Nr 5. P. 372-386. Bibliogr. : 146 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.405 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 393. Ermolaev, Evghenii. Astragalus daszanthus Pall. as a model for wild plant species conservation: current status / Evghenii Ermolaev // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 1. P. 80-83. Bibliogr. : 20 tit. 394. Evaluation of the terrestrial carbon cycle, future plant geography and climate-carbon cycle feedbacks using five Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) / S. Sitch , C. Huntingford, N. Gedney, ... // Global Change Biology. 2008. Vol. 14, Nr 9. P. 2015-2039. Bibliogr. : 110 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.786 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 395. Facilitation in plant communities: the past, the present, and the future : a review / Rob W. Brooker, Fernando T. Maestre, Ragan M. Callaway, // Journal of Ecology. Vol. 96 Nr 1. P. 18-34. Bibliogr. : 158 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.422 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 396. Felton, Gary W. Plant insect dialogs: complex interactions at the plant insect interface : a review / Gary W. Felton, James H. Tumlinson // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 4. P. 457-463. Bibliogr. : 62 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 397. Flora ierboas din parchetele de la Cernoleuca (Dondueni) / Mihail Mrza, Victor Donea, Ludmila Nicorici, // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 7. P. 119-120. Bibliogr. : 6 tit. 398. Foolad, Majid R. Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Late Blight and Early Blight Resistance in Tomato / Majid R. Foolad, Heather L. Merk, Hamid Ashrafi // Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2008. Vol. 27, Nr 2. P. 75-107. Bibliogr. : 276 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.477 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).

399. Ganea, Anatol. Problemele conservrii in situ a sorbului torminal n Republica Moldova / Anatol Ganea // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 1. P. 135-139. Bibliogr. : 19 tit. 400. Garbeva, P. Rhizosphere microbial community and its response to plant species and soil history / P. Garbeva, J. D. van Elsas, J. A. van Veen // Plant and Soil. 2008. Vol. 302, Nr 1-2. P. 9-32. Bibliogr. : 37 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.821 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 401. Glutamate kinase as a potential biomarker of heavy metal stress in plants / Daniela Pavlkov, Milan Pavlk, Ludmila Staszkov, // Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2008. Vol. 70, Nr 2. P. 223-230. Bibliogr. : 43 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.014 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 402. Goggin, Fiona L. Plantaphid interactions: molecular and ecological perspectives / Fiona L. Goggin // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2007. Vol. 10, Nr 4. P. 399-408. Bibliogr. : 119 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 403. Grabco, N. Contribuii la studiul algoflorei rezervorului Rezeni (Rep. Moldova) / N. Grabco, P. Obuh, D. Gurulea // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 44-52. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. M35 / A-18. 404. Grican, Sava. Studiu privind componena speciilor de buruieni n agroecosistemele pomicole / Sava Grican // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 2 (38). P. 35-46. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. 405. Gurel, Ekrem. Biotechnology Applications for Sugar Beet / Ekrem Gurel, Songul Gurel, Peggy G. Lemaux // Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2008. Vol. 27, Nr 2. P. 108140. Bibliogr. : 407 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.477 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 406. Heavy metals effects on proteolytic system in sunflower leaves / Liliana B. Pena, Myriam S. Zawoznik, Mara L. Tomaro, Susana M. Gallego // Chemosphere. 2008. Vol. 72, Nr 5. P. 741-746. Bibliogr. : 31 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 407. Hckelhoven, Ralph. Transport and secretion in plant-microbe interactions : a review / Ralph Hckelhoven // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2007. Vol. 10, Nr 6. P. 573-579. Bibliogr. : 44 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 408. Impact of Ectomycorrhizosphere on the Functional Diversity of Soil Bacterial and Fungal Communities from a Forest Stand in Relation to Nutrient Mobilization Processes / Christophe Calvaruso, Marie-Pierre Turpault, Elisabeth Leclerc, Pascale Frey-Klett // Microbial Ecology. 2007. Vol. 54, Nr 3. P. 567-577. Bibliogr. : 49 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.558 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).


409. Indicators for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes: a pan-European study / R. Billeter, J. Liira, D. Bailey, // Journal of Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 45, Nr 1. P. 141 150. Bibliogr. : 62 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.22 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 410. Intawongse, Marisa. Use of the physiologically-based extraction test to assess the oral bioaccessibility of metals in vegetable plants grown in contaminated soil / Marisa Intawongse, John R. Dean // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 152, Nr 1. P. 60-72. Bibliogr. : 14 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 411. Iriti, Marcello. Oxidative Stress, the Paradigm of Ozone Toxicity in Plants and Animals / Marcello Iriti, Franco Faoro // Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2008. Vol. 187, Nr 14. P. 285-301. Bibliogr. : 151 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.224 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 412. Jacot, A. Genotipic correlations and some peculiar features of cold resistance trait inheritance at different ontogenetic stages in tomato/ A. Jacot, L. Polesskaya, M. Gherman // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 48-55. Bibliogr. : 8 tit. 413. Jongejans, Eelke. Dispersal, demography and spatial population models for conservation and control management / Eelke Jongejans, Olav Skarpaas, Katriona Shea // Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 3/4. P. 153170. Bibliogr. : 160 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.043 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 414. Kliebenstein, Daniel J. Ecological costs of biotrophic versus necrotrophic pathogen resistance, the hypersensitive response and signal transduction : a review / Daniel J. Kliebenstein, Heather C. Rowe // Plant Science. 2008. Vol. 174, Nr 6. P. 551-556. Bibliogr. : 78 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.795 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 415. Klimesov, Jitka. Bud banks and their role in vegetative regeneration A literature review and proposal for simple classification and assessment / Jitka Klimesov, Leos Klime // Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2007. Vol. 8, Nr 3. P. 115-129. Bibliogr. : 148 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.043 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 416. Kolb, Annette. Ecological and evolutionary consequences of spatial and temporal variation in pre-dispersal seed predation / Annette Kolb, Johan Ehrln, Ove Eriksson // Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2007. Vol. 9, Nr 2. P. 79-100. Bibliogr. : 104 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.043 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 417. Lazu, tefan. Fitocenotaxonomia pajitilor de lunc din Republica Moldova / tefan Lazu, Alexandru Teleu // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 67-72. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. M35 / A-18. 418. Lazu, tefan. Structura floristic a pajitilor de lunc din Republica Moldova / tefan Lazu, Tatiana Izverschi, Alexandru Teleu // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg.

de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 72-73. Bibliogr. : 6 tit. M35 / A-18. 419. Lebeau, Thierry. Performance of bioaugmentation-assisted phytoextraction applied to metal contaminated soils : a review / Thierry Lebeau, Armelle Braud, Karine Jzquel // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 153, Nr 3. P. 497-522. Bibliogr. : 172 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 420. Letan, Domen. The use of chelating agents in the remediation of metal-contaminated soils : a review / Domen Letan, Chun-ling Luo, Xiang-dong Li // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 153, Nr 1. P. 3-13. Bibliogr. : 104 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 421. McKinney, Michael L. Effects of urbanization on species richness: a review of plants and animals / Michael L. McKinney // Urban Ecosystems. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 2. P. 161-176. Bibliogr. : 137 tit. 422. McSorley, R. Suppression of root-knot nematodes in natural and agricultural soils / R. McSorley, K.-H. Wang, G. Church // Applied Soil Ecology. 2008. Vol. 39, Nr 3. P. 291298. Bibliogr. : 47 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.81 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 423. Merging methods in molecular and ecological genetics to study the adaptation of plants to anthropogenic metal-polluted sites: implications for phytoremediation / Maxime Pauwels, Glenda Willems, Nancy Roosens, ... // Molecular Ecology. 2008. Vol. 17, Nr 1. P. 108-119. Bibliogr. : 73 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 5.169 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 424. Microbial and microfaunal community structure in cropping systems with genetically modified plants / Bryan S. Griffiths, Sandra Caul, Jacqueline Thompson, ... // Pedobiologia. 2007. Vol. 51, Nr 3. P. 195-206. Bibliogr. : 36 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.383 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 425. Microbial Diversity During Cellulose Decomposition in Different Forest Stands: I. Microbial Communities and Environmental Conditions / Ariana Kubartov, Judical Moukoumi, Thierry Bguiristain, ... // Microbial Ecology. 2007. Vol. 54, Nr 3. P. 393-405. Bibliogr. : 31 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.558 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 426. Mieleitner, Johanna. Modelling functional groups of phytoplankton in three lakes of different trophic state / Johanna Mieleitner, Peter Reichert // Ecological Modelling. 2008. Vol. 211, Nr 3/4. P. 279-291. Bibliogr. : 35 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.077 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 427. Miron, Aliona. Flora i vegetaia pajitilor din lunca rului Lpuna / Aliona Miron // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 20-23. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. 428. Nealeand, David B. Population, quantitative and comparative genomics of adaptation in forest trees : a review / David B. Nealeand, Pr K. Ingvarsson // Current Opinion in Plant

Biology. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 2. P. 149-155. Bibliogr. : 40 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 429. Parasitism proteins in nematode plant interactions : a review / Eric L. Davis, Richard S. Hussey, Melissa G. Mitchum, Thomas J. Baum // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 4. P. 360-366. Bibliogr. : 52 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 430. Patterns of vegetation biodiversity: The roles of dispersal directionality and river network structure / Rachata Muneepeerakul, Enrico Bertuzzo, Andrea Rinaldo, Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe // Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2008. Vol. 252, Nr 2. P. 221-229. Bibliogr. : 32 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.323 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 431. Physical resilience of soil to field compaction and the interactions with plant growth and microbial community structure / A. S. Gregory, C. W. Watts, W. R. Whalley, ... // European Journal of Soil Science. 2007. Vol. 58, Nr 6. P. 1221-1232. Bibliogr. : 39 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.73 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 432. Plankton community patterns across a trophic gradient: The role of zooplankton functional groups / Jingyang Zhao, Maryam Ramin, Vincent Cheng, George B. Arhonditsis // Ecological Modelling. 2008. Vol. 213, Nr 3/4. P. 417-436. Bibliogr. : 73 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.077 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 433. Plant indicator values as a tool for land mollusc autecology assessment / Michal Horsk, Michal Hjek, Lubomr Tich, Lucie Jurickov // Acta Oecologica. 2007. Vol. 32, Nr 2. P. 161-171. Bibliogr. : 62 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.306 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 434. Plant traits relate to whole-community litter quality and decomposition following land use change / H. Quested, O. Eriksson, C. Fortunel, E. Garnier // Functional Ecology. 2007. Vol. 21, Nr 6. P. 1016-1026. Bibliogr. : 63 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.157 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 435. Postolache, Gheorghe. Aria protejat Cpriana-Scoreni / Gheorghe Postolache, tefan Lazu, Ruslan Ceban // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 5 (35). P. 24-29. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. 436. Postolache, Gheorghe. Aria protejat Lucceni / Gheorghe Postolache, tefan Lazu // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 2 (38). P. 33-34. 437. Postolache, Gheorghe. Speciile de plante rare din flora Moldovei incluse n Convenia de la Berna / Gheorghe Postolache, Stela Drucioc // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 44-46. 438. Predicting global change impacts on plant species distributions: Future challenges / Wilfried Thuiller, Ccile Albert, Miguel B. Arajo, // Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 3/4. P. 137-152. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.043 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).

439. Relationships among levels of biodiversity and the relevance of intraspecific diversity in conservation a project synopsis / F. Gugerli, T. Englisch, H. Niklfeld, // Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2008. Vol. 10, Nr 4. P. 259-281. Bibliogr. : 90 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.043 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 440. Rhizosphere microbial community and hexachlorocyclohexane degradative potential in contrasting plant species / P. S. Kidd, A. Prieto-Fernndez, C. Monterroso, M. J. Acea // Plant and Soil. 2008. Vol. 302, Nr 1/2. P. 233-247. Bibliogr. : 41 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.821 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 441. Roioru, Ion. Importana Hippophae rhamnoides L. n ecosistemele terestre degradate din Republica Moldova / Ion Roioru, Petru Obuh // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 9396. Bibliogr. : 8 tit. M35 / A-18. 442. Salvaudon, Lucie. Genetic diversity in natural populations: a fundamental component of plant microbe interactions : a review / Lucie Salvaudon, Tatiana Giraud, Jacqui A Shykoff // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 2. P. 135-143. Bibliogr. : 73 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 443. Smith, Richard G. Effects of Crop Diversity on Agroecosystem Function: Crop Yield Response / Richard G. Smith, Katherine L. Gross, G. Philip Robertson // Ecosystems. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 3. P. 355-366. Bibliogr. : 48 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.684 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 444. Soil management for sustainable crop disease control : a review / R. Ghorbani, S. Wilcockson, A. Koocheki, C. Leifert // Environmental Chemistry Letters. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 3. P. 149-162. Bibliogr. : 115 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.08 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 445. The state of plant population modelling in light of environmental change / Florian Jeltsch, Kirk A. Moloney, Frank M. Schurr, // Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 3/4. P. 171-189. Bibliogr. : 221 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.043 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 446. Strengers, Bart J. The role of carbon plantations in mitigating climate change: potentials and costs / Bart J. Strengers, Jelle G. Van Minnen, Bas Eickhout // Climatic Change. 2008. Vol. 88, Nr 3/4. P. 343-366. Bibliogr. : 46 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.89 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 447. Tenaillon, Maud I. The quest for adaptive evolution: a theoretical challenge in a maize of data : a review / Maud I. Tenaillon, Peter L Tiffin // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 2. P. 110-115. Bibliogr. : 54 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 448. Tison, J. Evaluating the ecological status of rivers using an index of ecological distance: An application to diatom communities / J. Tison, J.-L. Giraudel, M. Coste // Ecological

Indicators. 2008. Vol. 8, Nr 3. P. 285-291. Bibliogr. : 23 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.576 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 449. Travis, Emma R. Microbial and plant ecology of a long-term TNT-contaminated site / Emma R. Travis, Neil C. Bruce, Susan J. Rosser // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 153, Nr 1. P. 119-126. Bibliogr. : 39 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 450. Ungureanu, Laurenia. Evaluarea structurii fitoplanctonului sectorului medial al fluviului Nistru sub influena factorilor antropici / Laurenia Ungureanu // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 286-290. Bibliogr. : 5 tit. M36 / D-64. 451. Ursu, A. Morfologia, ecologia i geografia bumbcriei (Eriophorum latifolium) n Codrii Moldovei / A. Ursu, Ecaterina Barcari, N. Sturza, I. Marcov // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 5 (35). P. 30-32. Bibliogr. : 8 tit. 452. Using aquatic macrophyte community indices to define the ecological status of European lakes / W. Ellis Penning, Bernard Dudley, Marit Mjelde, // Aquatic Ecology. 2008. Vol. 42, Nr 2. P. 252-263. Bibliogr. : 38 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.925 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 453. Wagner, Markus. Fungal effects on seed bank persistence and potential applications in weed biocontrol : a review / Markus Wagner, Nadine Mitschunas // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 3. P. 191-203. Bibliogr. : 105 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.247 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 454. When population genetics serves genomics: putting adaptation back in a spatial and historical context : a review / Maxime Pauwels, Nancy Roosens, Hlne Frrot, Pierre SaumitouLaprade // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 2. P. 129-134. Bibliogr. : 48 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 455. Winter, Christina. Determinants of reproductive success: A comparative study of five endangered river corridor plants in fragmented habitats / Christina Winter, Silke Lehmann, Martin Diekmann // Biological Conservation. 2008. Vol. 141, Nr 4. P. 1095-1104. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.296 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 456. Zooplankton interactions with toxic phytoplankton: Some implications for food web studies and algal defence strategies of feeding selectivity behaviour, toxin dilution and phytoplankton population diversity / A. Barreiro, C. Guisandea, I. Maneiroa, ... // Acta Oecologica. 2007. Vol. 32, Nr 3. P. 279-290. Bibliogr. : 57 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.306 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 457. , . . / . . , . . , . . // . . . . 2007. Nr 6. P. 682-690. Bibliogr. : 22 tit.

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471. , . . / . . // . 2007. . 72, Nr 10. P. 1365-1370. Bibliogr. : 37 tit. 472. , . . / . . // . 2007. Nr 9. P. 1112-1119. Bibliogr. : 22 tit. 473. , . . / . . , . . , . . // . 2008. . 69, Nr 1. P. 3-9. Bibliogr. : 22 tit. 474. , . - / // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 2 (38). P. 13-17. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. 475. , . / // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 19-22. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. 476. , . . : : / . . , . . // . 2007. Nr 4. P. 47-60. Bibliogr. : 94 tit. 477. , . . : / . . , . . // . 2007. . 39, Nr 6. P. 463-475. Bibliogr. : 73 tit. 478. , . . ( ) / . . , . . // . . . . 2008. Nr 1. P. 77-83. Bibliogr. : 22 tit. 479. 132 : , / . . , . , . , // . 2007. Nr 9. P. 1086-1094. Bibliogr. : 28 tit. 480. , . , . / , // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 64-67. Bibliogr. : 6 tit. M35 / A-18. 481. , . . / . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 127, Nr 5. P. 445-451. Bibliogr. : 38 tit. 482. , . . : / . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 68, Nr 6. P. 435-443. Bibliogr. : 46 tit.


483. , . . / // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 265-267. M36 / D-64. 484. , . , Clorella vulgaris / // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 267-271. Bibliogr. : 5 tit. M36 / D-64. 485. / . . , . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 43, Nr 4. P. 49-61. Bibliogr. : 19 tit. 486. , . . : / . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 68, Nr 6. P. 444-458. Bibliogr. : 98 tit. 487. , . . / . . , . . // . 2008. Nr 4. P. 481-493. Bibliogr. : 32 tit. 488. , . . / . . , . . , . . // . 2008. Nr 4. P. 20-30. Bibliogr. : 18 tit. 489. / . . , . . , . . , // . 2007. . 39, Nr 6. P. 496-505. Bibliogr. : 22 tit. 490. , . . : / . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 17, Nr 2. P. 262-272. Bibliogr. : 46 tit. 491. , . . / . . // . 2008. . 128, Nr 1. P. 89-94. Bibliogr. : 55 tit. 492. , . . ? / . . // . 2008. . 53, Nr 1. P. 107112. Bibliogr. : 42 tit. 493. , . . / . . , . . // . 2007. . 43, Nr 5. P. 36-50. Bibliogr. : 41 tit. 494. , . . / . . , . . , . . // . 2008. Nr 4. P. 82-86. Bibliogr. : 27 tit.


495. , . . / . . // . 2007. Nr 10. P. 50-61. Bibliogr. : 34 tit. 496. / , , , // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 33-39. Bibliogr. : 9 tit. 497. , . . ii i i / . . // . 2008. . 40, Nr 1. P. 3-14. Bibliogr. : 39 tit. 498. , . . [] / . . // . 2007. Nr 12. P. 1422-1430. Bibliogr. : 41 tit. 499. , . . : / . . , . . // . 2007. . 127, Nr 4. P. 339-357. Bibliogr. : 116 tit. 500. / . . , . . , . . , // . 2008. Nr 4. P. 59-72. Bibliogr. : 21 tit. 501. / . , . , . , // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 21-23. M35 / A-18. 502. , . . Pseudomonas / . . // . 2008. Nr 4. P. 35-42. Bibliogr. : 19 tit. 503. , . . / . . , . . , . . // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 119-126. Bibliogr. : 19 tit. M35 / A-18. 504. , . . / . . , . . , . . // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 114-119. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. M35 / A-18. 505. , . . / . . // . 2007. Nr 10. P. 44-49. Bibliogr. : 11 tit.


506. , . . / . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 43, Nr 3. P. 67-80. Bibliogr. : 14 tit.


Ecologia animalelor
507. Andreev, Nadejda. Date preliminare privind impactul colectrilor pentru export asupra populaiilor speciei Helix pomatia L. (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) n Moldova / Nadejda Andreev // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 198-199. M36 / D-64. 508. Arcan, Elena. Partenogeneza i rolul ei n formarea productivitii secundare la rotifere (Nemathelmintthes, Rotatoria) / Elena Arcan // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 295-297. M36 / D-64. 509. Assessing the impact of climate variation on survival in vertebrate populations / V. Grosbois, O. Gimenez, J.-M. Gaillard, ... // Biological Reviews. 2008. Vol. 83, Nr 3. P. 357-399. Bibliogr. : 182 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 8.833 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 510. Baban, Elena. Analiza sinecologic a cenozelor de coleoptere (Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Silphidae) din rezervaia tiinific Pdurea Domneasc / Elena Baban // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 199-202. M36 / D-64. 511. Baitchorov, Vladimir. Ecological risk value assessment as an index of water quality (on the example of Dnieper river) / Vladimir Baitchorov, Ion Todera, Adriana Miron // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 75-82. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. 512. Bioaccumulation of metals and effects of a landfill in small mammals. Part II. The wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus / Alejandro Snchez-Chardi, Cristina Pearroja-Matutano, Ciro Alberto Oliveira Ribeiro, Jacint Nadal // Chemosphere : Science for Environmental Technology. 2007. Vol. 70, Nr 1. P. 101-109. Bibliogr. : 46 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 513. Bumachiu, Galina. Distribution of springtails in the diffrent types of biotopes / Galina Bumachiu // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 204-205. M36 / D-64. 514. Bumachiu, Galina. Speciile genului Pseudosinella din Republica Moldova / Galina Bumachiu, Maria Manuela da Gama Assalino // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 202-203. M36 / D-64. 515. Calestru, Livia. Varietatea specific a crizomelidelor (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) din Republica Moldova / Livia Calestru // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 205208. M36 / D-64. 516. Crlig, Tatiana. Caracteristica biomorfometric a populaiei oprlei de cmp (Lacerta taurica Pall.) de pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova / Tatiana Crlig, V. Crlig, Natalia Bejenaru // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 5 (35). P. 10-12. Bibliogr. : 5 tit.


517. Crlig, T. Comportamentul reproductiv al speciei Rana dalmatina Bonap. (Amphibia, Anura) n condiiile Codrilor Centrali / T. Crlig, T. Cozari, V. Crlig // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 85-86. M36 / D-64. 518. Crlig, T. Fenologia i structura populaional a speciei Rana dalmatina Bonap. (Amphibia, Anura) n Codrii Centrali / T. Crlig, T. Cozari, V. Crlig // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 83-84. M36 / D-64. 519. Cercetarea ecosistemelor forestiere din rezervaia Plaiul Fagului: Rdenii Vechi / N. Doni, A. Ursu, P. Cuza, Ch. : Universul, 2007. 176 p. Bibliogr. p. 153-157 (67 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-47-009-4. M37 / C-41. 520. Climenco, Vitalie. Species structure and abundance of zooplankton in the Dubasari reservoir and the adjacent Dniester stretches under human impacts / Vitalie Climenco, A. Naberejni // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 302-305. M36 / D-64. 521. Community and ecosystem responses to a pulsed pesticide disturbance in freshwater ecosystems / Amy L. Downing, Kristen M. DeVanna, C. Nichole Rubeck-Schurtz, // Ecotoxicology. 2008. Vol. 17, Nr 6. P. 539-548. Bibliogr. : 33 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.405 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 522. Comomparison of Metal Bioavailability in Frogs from Urban and Rural Sites of Western Ukraine / O. V. Stolyar, N. S. Loumbourdis, H. I. Falfushinska, L. D. Romanchuk // Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2008. Vol. 54, Nr 1. P. 107113. Bibliogr. : 52 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.62 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 523. Comparative biodiversity of aquatic habitats in the European agricultural landscape / Bella Davies, Jeremy Biggs, Penny Williams, // Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2008. Vol. 125, Nr 1/4. P. 1-8. Bibliogr. : 34 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.308 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 524. Cozari, Tudor. Diversitatea i unele aspecte evolutive ale mecanismelor de comunicaie acustic a amfibienilor ecaudai / T. Cozari, T. Crlig, V. Crlig // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 86-88. M36 / D-64. 525. Cozari, Tudor. Particularitile influenei anumitor factori limitativi asupra parametrilor structurali i temporali ai semnalelor de reclamare la amfibienii ecaudai / T. Cozari // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 23-29. 526. Cozari, Tudor. Principiile de formare i emitere a sunetelor de reclamare la amfibienii ecaudai: concepte generale / T. Cozari // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 5 (35). P. 5-9. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. 527. Culicova, Ludmila. Fauna acarienilor plantelor din rezervaiile Pdurea Domneasc i Plaiul Fagului / Ludmila Culicova // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii

animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 110113. M36 / D-64. 528. Danil, Anatol. Structura cenozelor de Carabidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) n culturile de gru, lucern de vi de vie / Anatol Danil // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 113-119. Bibliogr. : 21 tit. M36 / D-64. 529. Daufresn, Martin. Climate change impacts on structure and diversity of fish communities in rivers / Martin Daufresn, Philippe Boet // Global Change Biology. 2007. Vol. 13, Nr 12. P. 2467-2478. Bibliogr. : 58 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.786 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 530. Diektter, Tim. Effects of landscape connectivity on the spatial distribution of insect diversity in agricultural mosaic landscapes / Tim Diektter, Regula Billeter, Thomas O. Crist // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 3. P. 298-307. Bibliogr. : 38 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.247 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 531. Diversitatea comunitilor de vertebrate terestre de puni i terenuri degradate / A. Munteanu, N. Zubcov, A. Savin, ... // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 95-97. M36 / D-64. 532. Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova / col. red. : Ion Todera (red.-ef), ... Ch. : CEP USM, 2006. 362 p. Bibliogr. la sfritul art. ISBN 978-9975-70-664-3. M36 / D-64. 533. Do wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus L.) use food selection as a means to reduce heavy metal intake / Joke Beernaert, Jan Scheirs, Greet Van Den Brande, // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 151, Nr 3. P. 599-607. Bibliogr. : 42 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 534. The early warning of aquatic organophosphorus pesticide contamination by on-line monitoring behavioral changes of Daphnia magna / Zongming Ren, Jinmiao Zha, Mei Ma, ... // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2007. Vol. 134, Nr 1/3. P. 373-383. Bibliogr. : 40 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.885 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 535. Ecotoxicity of engineered nanoparticles to aquatic invertebrates: a brief review and recommendations for future toxicity testing / A. Baun, N. B. Hartmann, K. Grieger, K. O. Kusk // Ecotoxicology. 2008. Vol. 17, Nr 5. P. 387-395. Bibliogr. : 40 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.405 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 536. Effects of river pollution on the colonisation of artificial substrates by macrozoobenthos / Sara Bonzini, Antonio Finizio, Elisa Berra, ... // Aquatic Toxicology. 2008. Vol. 89, Nr 1. P. 1-10. Bibliogr. : 21 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.975 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).


537. Eliseev, Serghei E. Some peculiarities of ecology and zoogeography of spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) / Serghei E. Eliseev // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 208210. M36 / D-64. 538. Evaluating the use of gel-based sub-sampling for assessing responses of terrestrial microarthropods (Collembola and Acari) to different slurry applications and organic matter contents / G. A. J. M. Jagers op Akkerhuis, W. J. Dimmers, P. C. J. van Vliet, ... // Applied Soil Ecology. 2008. Vol. 38, Nr 3. P. 239-248. Bibliogr. : 28 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.81 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 539. Evaluation of some sources of variability in using small mammals as pollution biomonitors / X. I. Gonzlez, J. R. Aboal, J. A. Fernndez, A. Carballeira // Chemosphere. 2008. Vol. 71, Nr 11. P. 2060-2067. Bibliogr. : 34 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 540. Exposure and effects assessments of Bt-maize on non-target organisms (gastropods, microarthropods, mycorrhizal fungi) in microcosms / Annette de Vaufleury, Paulina E. Kramarz, Philippe Binet, ... // Pedobiologia. 2007. Vol. 51, Nr 3. P. 185-194. Bibliogr. : 44 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.383 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 541. Fahrig, Lenore. Non-optimal animal movement in human-altered landscapes / Lenore Fahrig // Functional Ecology. 2007. Vol. 21, Nr 6. P. 1003-1015. Bibliogr. : 158 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.157 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 542. Fath, Brian D. The relevance of ecological pyramids in community assemblages / Brian D. Fath, Megan C. Killian // Ecological Modelling. 2007. Vol. 208, Nr 2/4. P. 286-294. Bibliogr. : 31 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.077 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 543. Felton, Gary W. Plant insect dialogs: complex interactions at the plant insect interface : a review / Gary W. Felton, James H. Tumlinson // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 4. P. 457-463. Bibliogr. : 62 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 544. Furtun, Dorian. Gradul de agresivitate al albinei melifere Apis mellifera la urdinus la diferite ore ale zilei / Dorian Fortun // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 119122. Bibliogr. : 9 tit. M36 / D-64. 545. Furtun, Dorian. Manifestarea gradului de agresivitate la Apis mellifera n ajunul culesului principal i dup finisarea acestuia / Dorian Fortun // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 122-124. Bibliogr. : 8 tit. M36 / D-64. 546. Garden bird feeding predicts the structure of urban avian assemblages / Richard A. Fuller, Philip H. Warren, Paul R. Armsworth, // Diversity and Distributions. 2008. Vol.

14, Nr 1. P. 131137. Bibliogr. : 50 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.965 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 547. Gheorghic, Liliana. Unele particulariti ale reproducerii Tritonului crestat (Tritonul cristatus Laur.) n Codrii Centrali / Liliana Gheorghic // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 88-89. M36 / D-64. 548. Goggin, Fiona L. Plantaphid interactions: molecular and ecological perspectives / Fiona L. Goggin // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2007. Vol. 10, Nr 4. P. 399-408. Bibliogr. : 119 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 549. Gutirrez, David. Regional hotspots of butterfly diversity in a protected area: Are they indicators of unique assemblages and areas with more species of conservation concern? / David Gutirrez, Rosa Menndez // Acta Oecologica. 2007. Vol. 32, Nr 3. P. 301-311. Bibliogr. : 49 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.306 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 550. Habitat structure mediates top down effects of spiders and ants on herbivores / Dirk Sanders, Herbert Nickel, Thomas Grtzner, Christian Platner // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 2. P. 152-160. Bibliogr. : 34 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.247 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 551. Hashemi, Shodja. The effect of starving and feeding on copper toxicity and uptake in Cu acclimated and non-acclimated carp / Shodja Hashemi, Ronny Blust, Gudrun De Boeck // Aquatic Toxicology. 2008. Vol. 86, Nr 2. P. 142-147. Bibliogr. : 38 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.975 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 552. Indicators for biodiversity in agricultural landscapes: a pan-European study / R. Billeter, J. Liira, D. Bailey, // Journal of Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 45, Nr 1. P. 141 150. Bibliogr. : 62 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.22 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 553. Iordosopol, Elena. Spectrul ecologic [al acarienilor i insectelor] n plantaia de mr / Elena Iordosopol // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 141-146. M36 / D-64. 554. Iriti, Marcello. Oxidative Stress, the Paradigm of Ozone Toxicity in Plants and Animals / Marcello Iriti, Franco Faoro // Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2008. Vol. 187, Nr 14. P. 285-301. Bibliogr. : 151 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.224 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 555. Jalb, Liliana. Triturus cristatus dobrogicus (Kiritzescu, 1903) o nou subspecie a tritonului crestat (Triturus cristatus Laurenti, 1768) n Codrii Centrali / Liliana Jalb // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 5-7. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. 556. Jeschke, Jonathan M. Predicting and testing functional responses: an example from a tardigrade nematode system / Jonathan M. Jeschke, Karin Hohberg // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 2. P. 145-151. Bibliogr. : 23 tit. (Impact factor of this journal

2007 : 2.247 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 557. Jrgensen, Helene Bracht. Life-history traits of soil collembolans in relation to food quality / Helene Bracht Jrgensen, Katarina Hedlund, Jrgen Aagaard Axelsen // Applied Soil Ecology. 2008. Vol. 38, Nr 2. P. 146-151. Bibliogr. : 41 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.81 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 558. Kobelt, Manuel. Alien spider introductions to Europe supported by global trade / Manuel Kobelt, Wolfgang Nentwig // Diversity and Distributions . 2008. Vol. 14, Nr 2. P. 273280. Bibliogr. : 71 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.965 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 559. Lidar: shedding new light on habitat characterization and modeling / Kerri T. Vierling, Lee A. Vierling, William A. Gould, // Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 2. P. 90-98. Bibliogr. : 43 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.269 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 560. Low amounts of herbivory by root-knot nematodes affect microbial community dynamics and carbon allocation in the rhizosphere / Julia Poll, Sven Marhan, Susan Haase, ... // FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2007. Vol. 62, Nr 3. P. 268-279. Bibliogr. : 54 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.039 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 561. McKinney, Michael L. Effects of urbanization on species richness: a review of plants and animals / Michael L. McKinney // Urban Ecosystems. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 2. P. 161-176. Bibliogr. : 137 tit. 562. McNeely, Jeffrey A. A zoological perspective on payments for ecosystem services / Jeffrey A. McNeely // Integrative Zoology. 2007. Vol. 2, Nr 2. P. 68-78. Bibliogr. : 35 tit. 563. McSorley, R. Suppression of root-knot nematodes in natural and agricultural soils / R. McSorley, K.-H. Wang, G. Church // Applied Soil Ecology. 2008. Vol. 39, Nr 3. P. 291298. Bibliogr. : 47 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.81 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 564. Microbial and microfaunal community structure in cropping systems with genetically modified plants / Bryan S. Griffiths, Sandra Caul, Jacqueline Thompson, ... // Pedobiologia. 2007. Vol. 51, Nr 3. P. 195-206. Bibliogr. : 36 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.383 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 565. Morrella, Lesley J. Mechanisms for aggregation in animals: rule success depends on ecological variables / Lesley J. Morrella, Richard Jamesb // Behavioral Ecology. 2008. Vol. 19, Nr 1. P. 193-201. Bibliogr. : 56 tit. 566. Moshu, Alexander. On the Myxobolus drjagini (Achmerov, 1954) (Cnidospora: Myxobolidae) infestation of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Val.) in Moldova / Alexander Ia. Moshu // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale :


materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 253-265. Bibliogr. : 35 tit. M36 / D-64. 567. Moshu, Alexander. Two new cnidosporean species (Cnidospora: Sphaerosporidae, Myxobolidae) parasities of the European mudminnow (Umbra krameri) from lower Dniester river / Alexander Moshu, Ilia Trombitsky // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 2 (302). P. 81-88. Bibliogr. : 32 tit. 568. Mou, Alexandru. Date privind cnidosporidiile (Cnidospora: Myxosporea) petilor din spaiul hidrografic interriveran Prut-Nistru / Alexandru Mou // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culegere de articole t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 76-79. M35 / A-18. 569. Mou, Alexandru. Semnalarea petelui Perccottus glenii Dubowski, 1877 (Perciformes: Odontobutidae) n cursul fluviului Nistru / Alexandru Mou, Andrei Guzun // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 307-308. M36 / D-64. 570. Munteanu, Andrei. Cercetri privind modul de frecventare a sectoarelor individuale ale speciilor Microtus arvalis i Microtus rossiaemeridionalis / Andrei Munteanu, Veaceslav Stnic // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 94-95. M36 / D-64. 571. Munteanu, Andrei. Comportamentul de nutriie i de protecie al speciilor Microtus arvalis i Microtus rossiaemeridionalis / Andrei Munteanu, Veaceslav Stnic // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 93-94. M36 / D-64. 572. Munteanu, Andrei. Contribuii privind studiul distribuiei i densitii speciilor genului Sylvia (Sylviidae) pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova / Andrei Munteanu, Larisa Bogdea, Ludmila Buciuceanu // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 24-26. Bibliogr. : 8 tit. 573. Munteanu, Andrei. Psri / Andrei Munteanu, Tudor Cozari, Nicolae Zubcov; red. t. : Mina Lozanu; com. na. pentru ed. col. : Gheorghe Duca (pre.), ... Chiinu : .E.P. tiina, 2007. 215 p. (Lumea animal a Moldovei. Vol. 3.). ISBN 978-9975-67-164-4. M36 / M95. 574. Neculiseanu, Zaharia. Carabidele genului Carabus L. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) din rezervaia tiinific Codrii / Zaharia Neculiseanu // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 216-217. M36 / D-64. 575. Neculiseanu, Zaharia. Diversitatea coleopterelor din diferite tipuri de pduri ale rezervaiilor tiinifice Pdurea Domneasc, i Plaiul Fagului / Zaharia Neculiseanu, Elena Baban // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 214-215. M36 / D-64. 576. Neculiseanu, Zaharia. Insectele rare i ameninate cu dispariia din zonele de centru i de nord ale Republicii Moldova / Zaharia Neculiseanu, Elena Baban // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 215-216. M36 / D-64.


577. Nevertebrate / aut. coord. : Ion Todera, Mihail Vladimirov, Zaharia Neculiseanu; com. na. pentru ed. col. : Constantin Mihailescu, Gheorghe Duca, ... Chiinu : .E.P. tiina, 2007. 195 p. (Lumea animal a Moldovei. Vol. 1.). ISBN 978-9975-67-597-0. M36 / N-51. 578. A new hazard index of complex mixtures integrates bioconcentration and toxicity to refine the environmental risk assessment of effluents / Simn Gutirrez, Carlos Fernndez, Beate I. Escher, Jose Vicente Tarazona // Environment International. 2008. Vol. 34, Nr 6. P. 773781. Bibliogr. : 46 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.797 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 579. ckinger, Erik. Do corridors promote dispersal in grassland butterflies and other insects? : a review / Erik ckinger, Henrik G. Smith // Landscape Ecology. 2008. Vol. 23, Nr 1. P. 27-40. Bibliogr. : 65 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.061 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 580. Parasitism proteins in nematode plant interactions : a review / Eric L. Davis, Richard S. Hussey, Melissa G. Mitchum, Thomas J. Baum // Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 2008. Vol. 11, Nr 4. P. 360-366. Bibliogr. : 52 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 9.189 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 581. Pieper, Silvia. Interactions between isopods and collembolans modulate the mobilization and transport of nutrients from urban soils / Silvia Pieper, Gerd Weigmann // Applied Soil Ecology. 2008. Vol. 39, Nr 2. P. 109-126. Bibliogr. : 88 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.81 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 582. Plant indicator values as a tool for land mollusc autecology assessment / Michal Horsk, Michal Hjek, Lubomr Tich, Lucie Jurickov // Acta Oecologica. 2007. Vol. 32, Nr 2. P. 161-171. Bibliogr. : 62 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.306 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 583. Plankton community patterns across a trophic gradient: The role of zooplankton functional groups / Jingyang Zhao, Maryam Ramin, Vincent Cheng, George B. Arhonditsis // Ecological Modelling. 2008. Vol. 213, Nr 3/4. P. 417-436. Bibliogr. : 73 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.077 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 584. Poiras, Larisa. Nematode diversity in forest ecosystems / Larisa Poiras // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 219-220. M36 / D-64. 585. Postolachi, Vlad. Structura demografic a speciilor de erpi din complexul naturalteritorial Trebujeni / Vlad Postolachi // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 42-43. M36 / D-64. 586. Potential impacts of climate change on the distributions and diversity patterns of European mammals / Irina Levinsky, Flemming Skov, Jens-Christian Svenning, Carsten Rahbek // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2007. Vol. 16, Nr 13. P. 3803-3816. Bibliogr. : 58 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.421 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).


587. Presul antropic asupra hidrofaunei i productivitii piscicole a ecosistemelor acvatice ale Moldovei / Ion Todera, M. Vladimirov, M. Vicol, // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 282-286. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. M36 / D-64. 588. Quaternary climate changes explain diversity among reptiles and amphibians / Miguel B. Arajo, David Nogus-Bravo, Jos Alexandre F. Diniz-Filho, // Ecography. 2008. Vol. 31, Nr 1. P. 815. Bibliogr. : 48 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.066 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 589. Reynaud, Stphane. Interactions between immune and biotransformation systems in fish : a review / Stphane Reynaud, Muriel Raveton, Patrick Ravanel // Aquatic Toxicology. 2008. Vol. 87, Nr 3. P. 139-145. Bibliogr. : 69 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.975 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 590. Rusu, Vadim. Particularitile sistemelor parazit-gazd cu participarea mermitidelor i a insectelor cu larve acvatice / Vadim Rusu, Andrei Silitrari // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 300-302. M36 / D-64. 591. Snchez-Moreno, Sara. Role of tardigrades in the suppressive service of a soil food web / Sara Snchez-Moreno, Howard Ferris, Noem Guil // Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 2008. Vol. 124, Nr 3/4. P. 187-192. Bibliogr. : 29 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.308 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 592. Savin, Anatol. Distribuia speciilor genului Apodemus n cenozele Republicii Moldova / Anatol Savin // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 100-101. M36 / D-64. 593. Savin, Anatol. Structura spacial i activitatea speciilor sible Apodemus sylvaticus i Apodemus uralensis (Rodentia, Muridae) n agrocenoze / Anatol Savin // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 101-103. M36 / D-64. 594. Schtz, Kirsten. Effects of Collembola and fertilizers on plant performance (Triticum aestivum) and aphid reproduction (Rhopalosiphum padi) / Kirsten Schtz, Michael Bonkowski, Stefan Scheu // Basic and Applied Ecology. 2008. Vol. 9, Nr 2. P. 182-188. Bibliogr. : 34 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.247 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 595. Silitrari, Elena. Aspecte ale cercetrii influenei substanei APISPIR asupra parametrilor populaionali ai Paramecium caudatum Ehrnb. / Elena Silitrari, Elena Arcan // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 294-295. M36 / D-64. 596. Starea populaiilor unor specii de animale de vntoare n Republica Moldova / A. Munteanu, A. Savin, N. Corcimaru, V. Stnic // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 91-93. M36 / D-64.


597. Statzner, Bernhard. Conservation of taxonomic and biological trait diversity of European stream macroinvertebrate communities: a case for a collective public database / Bernhard Statzner, Nria Bonada, Sylvain Doldec // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2007. Vol. 16, Nr 12. P. 3609-3632. Bibliogr. : 75 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.421 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 598. Stratan, Veniamin. Legturile trofice ale unor specii de apoide (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) cu plantele entomofile din Republica Moldova / Veniamin Stratan // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 170-189. Bibliogr. : 5 tit. M36 / D-64. 599. atrova, G. Studiul interaciunii Arthrobotrys oligospora Fres cu nematoda tulpinilor i bulbilor Ditylenchus dipsaci Khn / G. atrova, M. Melnic, L. Coroban // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 225-226. M36 / D-64. 600. urcanu, Vladimir. Distribuia spaial a comunitilor de erpi i factorii care o determin / Vladimir urcanu // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 103-104. M36 / D-64. 601. urcanu, Vladimir. Structura complexelor serpentofaunistice n diverse tipuri de ecosisteme / Vladimir urcanu // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 71-75. M36 / D64. 602. Ursu, Andrei. Activitatea pedogenetic a unor mamifere / Andrei Ursu // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 3-4. Bibliogr. : 5 tit. 603. Vitellogenin as a biomarker of exposure to estrogenic compounds in aquatic invertebrates : a review / Valerio Matozzo, Franois Gagn, Maria Gabriella Marin, // Environment International. 2008. Vol. 34, Nr 4. P. 531-545. Bibliogr. : 128 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.797 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 604. Vition, Pantelei. Aspecte de pronosticare relativ a gradului de poluare al ecosistemelor terestre i acvatice cu ajutorul olighochetelor / Pantelei Vition // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 229-230. M36 / D-64. 605. Vition, P. Biodiversitatea mezofaunei pedobionte i hidrobionte din ecosistemele forestiere ale Moldovei / P. Vition // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 231232. M36 / D-64. 606. Vition, Pantelei. Pronosticarea relativ a estimrii despgubirilor pentru prejudiciile cauzate regnului animal de ctre activitiile antropogene / Pantelei Vition // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 75-83. M36 / D-64. 607. Vod, Larisa. Contribuii la studierea cromaiei i morfometriei Tritonului comun (Trituris vulgaris L.) n Codrii Centrali / Larisa Vod // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i

protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 107-108. M36 / D-64. 608. Weisse, Thomas. Distribution and diversity of aquatic protists: an evolutionary and ecological perspective / Thomas Weisse // Biodiversity and Conservation. 2008. Vol. 17, Nr 2. P. 243-259. Bibliogr. : 121 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.421 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 609. Zagmajster, Maja. Species richness patterns of obligate subterranean beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) in a global biodiversity hotspot effect of scale and sampling intensity / Maja Zagmajster, David C. Culver, Boris Sket // Diversity and Distributions . 2008. Vol. 14, Nr 1. P. 95105. Bibliogr. : 50 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.965 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 610. Zooplankton interactions with toxic phytoplankton: Some implications for food web studies and algal defence strategies of feeding selectivity behaviour, toxin dilution and phytoplankton population diversity / A. Barreiro, C. Guisandea, I. Maneiroa, ... // Acta Oecologica. 2007. Vol. 32, Nr 3. P. 279-290. Bibliogr. : 57 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.306 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 611. Zubcov, Elena. Coninutul de microelemente n speciile dominante de nevertebrate bentonice n rurile Rut i Bc / Elena Zubcov, Nina Boicenco, Lucia Bilechi // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 290-294. M36 / D-64. 612. , . . / . . , . . , . . // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 83-92. Bibliogr. : 20 tit. 613. (1988-1990 .) / . . , . . , . . , ... // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 59-71. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. M36 / D-64. 614. , . . / . . , . . // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 227-228. M36 / D-64. 615. , . . / . . // . 2008. . 69, Nr 1. P. 44-56. Bibliogr. : 110 tit. 616. , . . striata Rana (Amphibia, Anura) / . . // . 2008. . 69, Nr 1. P. 72-77. Bibliogr. : 57 tit.


617. , . . / . . , . . // . . 2007. . 417, Nr 3. P. 427-429. Bibliogr. : 15 tit. 618. , . (Aphelenchoides fragariae) / // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 210-213. M36 / D-64. 619. , . () / , // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 136-141. Bibliogr. : 19 tit. M36 / D-64. 620. , . . , : / . . // . 2007. . 43, Nr 10. P. 12991310. Bibliogr. : 98 tit. 621. , . . / . . , . . // . 2007. . 127, Nr 4. P. 387-395. Bibliogr. : 42 tit. 622. , . . . . 2. : [] / . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 43, Nr 4. P. 3-24. Bibliogr. : 43 tit. 623. , . . / . . // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 23-26. M36 / D-64. 624. , . . , / , . . // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 26-34. Bibliogr. : 5 tit. M36 / D-64. 625. , . / // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 297-300. Bibliogr. : 5 tit. M36 / D-64. 626. , . . - / . . , . . // . 2007. . 127, Nr 5. P. 502-513. Bibliogr. : 67 tit. 627. , . . / . . , . . , . . // . . . . 2007. Nr 6. P. 728-737. Bibliogr. : 73 tit. 628. , . . : Mus musculus


/ . . , . . // . 2007. . 127, Nr 5. P. 514-528. Bibliogr. : 120 tit. 629. , . / // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 7. P. 45-49. Bibliogr. : 16 tit. 630. , . / // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 2 (302). P. 89-95. Bibliogr. : 20 tit. 631. , . / // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 92-97. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. 632. , . . / . . , . . -, . . // . 2007. . 43, Nr 2. P. 23-36. Bibliogr. : 43 tit. 633. , . . Turdus pilaris / . . // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 90-91. M36 / D-64. 634. / . . , . . , . . , ... // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 153-160. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. M35 / A-18. 635. , . . Moina macrocopa Straus (Crustacea, Cladocera) / . . // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 309-311. M36 / D-64. 636. . / . . , . . , . . , // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 193-198. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. M36 / D-64. 637. . / . . , . . , . . , // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 105106. M36 / D-64. 638. , . . (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) / . . // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 220-222. M36 / D-64. 639. , . . / . . // . 2007. Nr 12. P. 17-23.


640. , . . ( Rattus norvegicus Berk.) : / . . // . 2007. Nr 10. P. 76-87. Bibliogr. : 87 tit. 641. , . . , / . . , . . // . 2007. . 68, Nr 5. P. 323-331. Bibliogr. : 65 tit. 642. , . - / . , , . , ... // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 313-314. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. M36 / D-64. 643. , . . / . . , . . , . . // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 305-307. M36 / D-64. 644. . . 1. / . . , . . , . . , // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 2 (302). P. 102-114. Bibliogr. : 40 tit. 645. , . . / . . // . 2007. . 68, Nr 6. P. 424434. Bibliogr. : 14 tit. 646. , . . / . . , . . // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 128-133. M35 / A-18. 647. , . Hurido medicinalis / . , . // Diversitatea, valorificarea raional i protecia lumii animale : materialele conf. a V-a a Zoologilor din Republica Moldova. Ch., 2006. P. 311-312. M36 / D-64. 648. , . / . // Academicianul P. M. Zhukovskii 120 ani : culeg. de art. t. = . . 120 : . . . Ch., 2008. P. 133-135. M35 / A-18.


Ecologia omului
649. An Integrated Framework for Risk Management and Population Health / Daniel Krewski, Victoria Hogan, Michelle C. Turner, ... // Human & Ecological Risk Assessment. 2007. Vol. 13, Nr 6. P. 1288-1312. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.912 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 650. Bernic, Vladimir. Evaluarea igienic a calitii apei potabile folosite de copii din localitile rurale / Vladimir Bernic // Sntate public, economie i management n medicin. 2008. Nr 1. P. 29-31. Bibliogr. : 8 tit. 651. Charafeddine, Rana. Does income inequality modify the association between air pollution and health? / Rana Charafeddine, Leslie I. Boden // Environmental Research. 2008. Vol. 106, Nr 1. P. 81-88. Bibliogr. : 53 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.962 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 652. Doug, Brugge. Near-highway pollutants in motor vehicle exhaust : a review of epidemiologic evidence of cardiac and pulmonary health risks / Brugge Doug, Durant John L. Rioux Christine // Environmental Health : A Global Access Science Source. 2007. Vol. 6, Nr 1. P. 1-12 653. Ebi, Kristie L. Healthy people 2100: modeling population health impacts of climate change / Kristie L. Ebi // Climatic Change. 2008. Vol. 88, Nr 1. P. 5-19. Bibliogr. : 45 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.89 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 654. Ecology of Increasing Diseases: Population Growth and Environmental Degradation / D. Pimentel, S. Cooperstein, H. Randell, ... // Human Ecology. 2007. Vol. 35, Nr 6. P. 653668. 655. Friptuleac, Grigore. Calitatea apei i sntatea populaiei / Grigore Friptuleac // Revista apelor. 2008. Nr 3. P. 19-21. 656. Georgopoulos, Panos G. A Multiscale Approach for Assessing the Interactions of Environmental and Biological Systems in a Holistic Health Risk Assessment Framework / Panos G. Georgopoulos // Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus. 2008. Vol. 8, Nr 1. P. 3-21. Bibliogr. : 49 tit. 657. Hendriks, A. Jan. A new twist on an old regression: Transfer of chemicals to beef and milk in human and ecological risk assessment / A. Jan Hendriks, Hana Smtkov, Mark A.J. Huijbregts // Chemosphere : Science for Environmental Technology. 2007. Vol. 70, Nr 1. P. 46-56. Bibliogr. : 45 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 658. Jaakkola, Jouni J. K. The Role of Exposure to Phthalates from Polyvinyl Chloride Products in the Development of Asthma and Allergies : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis / Jouni J. K. Jaakkola, Trudy L. Knight // Environmental Health Perspectives. 2008. Vol. 116, Nr 7. P. 845-853. Bibliogr. : 58 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 5.636 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).


659. Janssen, Marco A. An update on the scholarly networks on resilience, vulnerability, and adaptation within the human dimensions of global environmental change / Marco A. Janssen // Ecology and Society. 2007. Vol. 12, Nr 2. Bibliogr. : 55 tit. [online]. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.215 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 660. Kampa, Marilena. Human health effects of air pollution / Marilena Kampa, Elias Castanas // Environmental Pollution. 2008. Vol. 151, Nr 2. P. 362-367. Bibliogr. : 56 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 3.135 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 661. Lozan, Angela. Organisme modificate genetic i sntatea uman / Angela Lozan, Victoria Holostenco; Fondul Global de Mediu, ... Ch. : S. n., 2008. 72 p. Bibliogr. p. 66-71 (76 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-66-034-1. 662. Lupei-Prodan, Maria. Impactul apei potabile asupra sntii populaiei / Maria LupeiProdan // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 7. P. 14-18. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. 663. Lupei-Prodan, Maria. Interaciunea factorilor de mediu i starea funcional a organismului / Maria Lupei-Prodan // Bioetica, Filosofia, Economia i Medicina n strategia de asigurare a securitii umane : materialele conf. a XIII-a t., int., 26-27 martie 2008. Ch., 2008. P. 154-157. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. 26 / -60. 664. Monitoring concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in the general population: the international experience / Miquel Porta, Elisa Puigdomnech, Ferran Ballester, // Environment International. 2008. Vol. 34, Nr 4. P. 546-561. Bibliogr. : 90 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.797 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 665. Monitoringul agenilor chimici asupra strii de sntate a copiilor / Aurelia Crivoi, Natalia Curea, Iurie Bacalov, ... // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 1. P. 3-8. Bibliogr. : 22 tit. 666. Negatively-charged air conditions and responses of the human psycho-neuroendocrino-immune network / Kazuaki Takahashi,Takemi Otsuki, Akinori Mase, // Environment International. 2008. Vol. 34, Nr 6. P. 765-772. Bibliogr. : 45 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.797 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 667. Opopol, Nicolae. Human dimensions of current environmental change / Nicolae Opopol, Roman Corobov // Akademos : Rev. de tiin, Inovare, Cultur i Art. 2008. Nr 12 (9). P. 91-96. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. 668. Organochlorine contaminants in hair of adolescents from Iassy, Romania / Adrian Covaci, Carmen Hura, Adriana Gheorghe, // Chemosphere. 2008. Vol. 72, Nr 1. P. 1620. Bibliogr. : 25 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.739 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 669. Pavaliuc, Petru. Produsele apicole ecologic pure bogate n proteine i sntatea omului / Petru Pavaliuc, Anatolie Mantoptin, tefan Condratiuc // Mediul Ambiant. 2007. Nr 6 (36). P. 1-2. Bibliogr. : 8 tit.

670. Pentachlorobenzene, hexachlorobenzene, and pentachlorophenol in children's serum from industrial and rural populations after restricted use / Daniel Carrizo, Joan O. Grimalt, Nuria Ribas-Fito, // Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2008. Vol. 71, Nr 1. P. 260266. Bibliogr. : 35 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.014 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 671. Popp, I. Eva-Maria. Influena unor factori ecologici asupra sistemului cardio-vascular / I. Eva-Maria Popp // Bioetica, Filosofia, Economia i Medicina n strategia de asigurare a securitii umane : materialele conf. a XIII-a t., int., 26-27 martie 2008. Ch., 2008. P.160162. Bibliogr. : 10 tit. M26 / B-60. 672. Sntatea n relaie cu mediul de existen : raport perfectat n baza datelor acumulate de reeaua de Monitoring Socio-Igienic (a. 2006) / V. Pantea, N. Opopol, I. Bahnarel, ...; red. t. : N. Opopol. Ch. : S. n., 2007. 84 p. ISBN 978-9975-9668-2-5. M5 / S-20. 673. Srogi, K. Levels and congener distributions of PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs in environmental and human samples : a review / K. Srogi // Environmental Chemistry Letters. 2008. Vol. 6, Nr 1. P. 1-28. Bibliogr. : 240 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.08 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 674. , . / // Mediul Ambiant. 2008. Nr 1 (37). P. 19-22. Bibliogr. : 11 tit.


Stresul i adaptarea omului i a animalelor

675. Accuracy of the StressEraser in the Detection of Cardiac Rhythms / Keri J. Heilman, Mika Handelman, Gregory Lewis, Stephen W. Porges // Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 2008. Vol. 33, Nr 2. P. 83-89. Bibliogr. : 8 tit. 676. The changes in the energy metabolism of human muscle induced by training / V. A. Selivanov, P. de Atauri, J. J. Centelles, ... // Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2008. Vol. 252, Nr 3. P. 402-410. Bibliogr. : 40 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 2.323 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 677. College student stress: the influence of interpersonal relationships on sense of coherence / Carol Anderson Darling, Lenore M. McWey, Stacy N. Howard, Spencer B. Olmstead // Stress and Health. 2007. Vol. 23, Nr 4. P. 215-229. Bibliogr. : 50 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.721 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 678. Coping with Stress: The Effectiveness of Different Types of Music / Elise Labb, Nicholas Schmidt, Jonathan Babin, Martha Pharr // Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 2007. Vol. 32, Nr 3-4. P. 163-168. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. 679. Corlteanu, Alexandr. Impactul mecanismului de reglare parahipovizar asupra strii morfofuncionale a glandei tiroide la influena diferitelor condiii termice / Alexandr Corlteanu // Studia Universitatis. Ser. tiine ale naturii / Univ. de Stat din Moldova. 2007. Nr 1. P. 914. Bibliogr. : 41 tit. 680. Chronic Traffic Related Air Pollution and Stress Interact to Predict Biologic and Clinical Outcomes in Asthma / Edith Chen, Hannah M. C. Schreier, ... // Environmental Health Perspectives. 2008. Vol. 116, Nr 7. P. 970-975. Bibliogr. : 41 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 5.636 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 681. Effect of flavour components in lemon essential oil on physical or psychological stress / Syuichi Fukumoto, Aya Morishita, Kohei Furutachi, // Stress and Health. 2008. Vol. 24, Nr 1. P. 3-12. Bibliogr. : 32 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.721 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 682. The effect of passive heating and head cooling on perception, cardiovascular function and cognitive performance in the heat / Shona E. Simmons, Brian K. Saxby, Francis P. McGlone, David A. Jones // European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2008. Vol. 104, Nr 2. P. 271-280. Bibliogr. : 42 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.752 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 683. Haulica, Ion. Noi achiziii cognitive privind stresul ntre sntate i boal / Ion Haulica // Academica. 2007. Nr 66-67. P. 60-63. 684. Hsieh, Yao-Jen. Using risk factors, myoelectric signal, and finger tremor to distinguish computer users with and without musculoskeletal symptoms / Yao-Jen Hsieh, Chiung-Yu Cho // European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2008. Vol. 104, Nr 1. P. 9-17. Bibliogr. : 28


tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.752 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 685. Human tendon behaviour and adaptation, in vivo / S. Peter Magnusson, Marco V. Narici, Constantinos N. Maganaris, Michael Kjaer // The Journal of Physiology. 2008. Vol. 586, Nr 1. P. 71-81. Bibliogr. : 80 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.58 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 686. Ibez, Agustn. Moving Beyond Computational Cognitivism: Understanding Intentionality, Intersubjectivity and Ecology of Mind / Agustn Ibez, Diego Cosmelli // Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. 2008. Vol. 42, Nr 2. P. 129-136. Bibliogr. : 52 tit. 687. The Influence of Respiration on Biofeedback Techniques / Montserrat Conde Pastor, F. Javier Menndez, M. Teresa Sanz, Enrique Vila Abad // Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 2008. Vol. 33, Nr 1. P. 49-54. Bibliogr. : 18 tit. 688. Iriti, Marcello. Oxidative Stress, the Paradigm of Ozone Toxicity in Plants and Animals / Marcello Iriti, Franco Faoro // Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. 2008. Vol. 187, Nr 14. P. 285-301. Bibliogr. : 151 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.224 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 689. Karademas, Evangelos C. Optimism, self-efficacy and information processing of threat- and well-being-related stimuli / Evangelos C. Karademas, Konstantinos Kafetsios, Georgios D. Sideridis // Stress and Health. 2007. Vol. 23, Nr 5. P. 285-294. Bibliogr. : 57 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.721 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 690. Maina, Giovanni. Relationship between self-reported mental stressors at the workplace and salivary cortisol / Giovanni Maina, Antonio Palmas, Francesca Larese Filon // International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 2008. Vol. 81, Nr 4. P. 391-400. Bibliogr. : 40 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.476 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 691. Modulation of adrenergic receptors and adrenergic functions in cold adapted humans / Ladislav Jansk, Stanislav Vybral, Miloslava Trubaov, Jan Okrouhlk // European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2008. Vol. 104, Nr 2. P. 271-280. Bibliogr. : 24 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.752 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 692. Nagurney, Alexander J. The effects of relationship stress and inmitigated communion on physical and mental health outcomes / Alexander J. Nagurney // Stress and Health. 2007. Vol. 23, Nr 4. P. 267-273. Bibliogr. : 24 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.721 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 693. Nielsen, Anne M. Associations between adolescents health, stress and sense of coherence / Anne M. Nielsen, Kjell Hapsson // Stress and Health. 2007. Vol. 23, Nr 5. P. 331-341. Bibliogr. : 30 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.721 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 694. Performance may predict natural killer cell activity after an acute time-limited stressor / Donald M. Lamkin, Christopher M. Bloom, Zachary J. Michaels, ... // Stress and Health. 2007.

Vol. 23, Nr 3. P. 169-173. Bibliogr. : 21 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.721 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 695. Psychophysiological Effects of Breathing Instructions for Stress Management / Ansgar Conrad, Anett Mller, Sigrun Doberenz, ... // Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 2007. Vol. 32, Nr 2. P. 89-98. Bibliogr. : 37 tit. 696. Pulmonary adaptations to swim and inspiratory muscle training / Timothy D. Mickleborough, Joel M. Stager, Ken Chatham, // European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2008. Vol. 103, Nr 6. P. 635-646. Bibliogr. : 58 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.752 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 697. Savi, Brigita Skela. Individual involvement in health care organizations: differences between professional groups, leaders and employees / Brigita Skela Savi, Milan Pagon // Stress and Health. 2008. Vol. 24, Nr 1. P. 71-84. Bibliogr. : 47 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.721 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 698. Similar metabolic adaptations during exercise after low volume sprint interval and traditional endurance training in humans / Kirsten A. Burgomaster, Krista R. Howarth, Stuart M. Phillips, // The Journal of Physiology. 2008. Vol. 586, Nr 1. P. 151-160. Bibliogr. : 37 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 4.58 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 699. Sokhadze, Estate M. Effects of Music on the Recovery of Autonomic and Electrocortical Activity After Stress Induced by Aversive Visual Stimuli / Estate M. Sokhadze // Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 2007. Vol. 32, Nr 1. P. 31-50. Bibliogr. : 116 tit. 700. Sokhadze, Tato M. EEG Biofeedback as a Treatment for Substance Use Disorders : Review, Rating of Efficacy, and Recommendations for Further Research / Tato M. Sokhadze, Rex L. Cannon, David L. Trudeau // Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. 2008. Vol. 33, Nr 1. P. 1-28. Bibliogr. : 256 tit. 701. Sympathetic cardiovascular control during orthostatic stress and isometric exercise in adolescent chronic fatigue syndrome / Vegard Bruun Wyller, J. Philip Saul, Lars Walle, Erik Thaulow // European Journal of Applied Physiology. 2008. Vol. 102, Nr 6. P. 623-632. Bibliogr. : 43 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 1.752 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 702. Toda, Masahiro. Effect of snack eating on salivary -amylase, a novel stress marker / Masahiro Toda, Kanehisa Morimoto // Stress and Health. 2007. Vol. 23, Nr 4. P. 243-247. Bibliogr. : 33 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.721 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters). 703. Vincent, Wilson. Headache Treatment with Pulsing Electromagnetic Fields : A Literature Review / Wilson Vincent, Frank Andrasik, Richard Sherman Vischer, Jacqueline C. The effects of the physical environment on job performance: towards a theoretical model of workspace stress / Jacqueline C. Vischer // Stress and Health. 2007. Vol. 23, Nr 3. P. 175184. Bibliogr. : 74 tit. (Impact factor of this journal 2007 : 0.721 Journal Citation Reports 2008, published by Thomson Reuters).

704. Voelcker-Rehage, Claudia. Motor-skill learning in older adults a review of studies on age-related differences / Claudia Voelcker-Rehage // European Review of Aging and Physical Activity. 2008. Vol. 5, Nr 1. P. 5-16. Bibliogr. : 70 tit. 705. / . . , . . , . . , // . . 2007. . 144, Nr 12. P. 624-628. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. 706. , . . , / . . , . . . ., 2005. 215 . Bibliogr. . 210-214. 707. , . . / . . // . . 2007. . 144, Nr 11. P. 590-593. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. 708. / . . , . . , . . , // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 2 (302). P. 4-7. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. 709. , . . / . . // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 1017. Bibliogr. : 22 tit. 710. -- / . . , . . , . . , . . // . . 2007. . 144, Nr 11. P. 574-577. Bibliogr. : 11 tit. 711. , . . / . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 33, Nr 4. P. 33-40. Bibliogr. : 7 tit. 712. , . . : ( 100- ) / . . // . 2007. . 38, Nr 4. P. 100-102. 713. , . . / . . // . 2007. Nr 10. P. 23-29. Bibliogr. : 16 tit. 714. - / . . , . . , . . , // . . 2007. . 144, Nr 10. P. 387-390. Bibliogr. : 13 tit. 715. , . . / . . // . 2007. . 33, Nr 5. P. 54-62. Bibliogr. : 25 tit.

716. , . / . Ch. : S. n., 2007. 168 p. Bibliogr. p. 158-164 (128 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-62181-6. 636.04 / -565. 717. , . . / . . , . . , . . // . . 2007. . 144, Nr 12. P. 376-379. 718. , . . 10-11 / . . // . 2007. . 33, Nr 5. P. 74-81. Bibliogr. : 30 tit. 719. / . . , . . , . . , // . 2007. . 72, Nr 10. P. 1330-1341. Bibliogr. : 92 tit. 720. / . . , . . , . . , // . . 2007. . 144, Nr 12. P. 699-702. 721. . / . . , . . , . . , // Bul. Medicina tradiional i sanocreatologia / Asociaia Medicin Tradiional din Republica Moldova. 2007. Vol. 12. P. 31-43. Bibliogr. : 27 tit. 722. , . . / . . // . 2007. . 127, Nr 5. P. 435-444. Bibliogr. : 94 tit. 723. / . . , . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 52, Nr 6. P. 1112-1119. Bibliogr. : 21 tit. 724. , . . / . . // . . 2007. . 77, Nr 10. P. 875-880. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. 725. HSP70 / . . , . . , . . , // . . 2007. . 144, Nr 12. P. 613-616. Bibliogr. : 12 tit. 726. - / . . , . . , . . , . . // . 2007. . 33, Nr 6. P. 88-93. Bibliogr. : 16 tit. 727. , - / . . , . .


, . . , // . 2007. . 33, Nr 6. P. 66-70. Bibliogr. : 24 tit. 728. , . . = The Basis of Sanogenic Nutrition / . . ; . . - . Ch. : S. n., 2007. 340 p. Bibliogr. p. 312-337 (333 tit.). ISBN 978-9975-62-184-7. 729. , . . : / . . , . . , . . . Ch. : S. n., 2007. 392 p. Bibliogr. p. 377-390. ISBN 978-9975-62-203-5. 61 / -95. 730. 10-14 - / . . , . . , . . , // . 2007. . 33, Nr 4. P. 4653. Bibliogr. : 37 tit. 731. , . . / . . , . . // . 2007. . 127, Nr 5. P. 471-481. Bibliogr. : 120 tit. 732. , . . / . . // Bul. Acad. de tiine a Moldovei. tiinele vieii. 2007. Nr 3 (303). P. 4-9. Bibliogr. : 48 tit.


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