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Exposing the Myths Homosexuality in America:
The reality of homosexuality Exposing the Myths
What ever happened to
“live and let live?” .................................. 2 INTRODUCTION
The definition of homosexuality ............... 3
Identity or behavior? .................................. 3 The reality of homosexuality
Origin ......................................................... 4 I hadn’t thought much about homosexuality, so, for the most part, I hadn’t developed a theory
Homosexual activist groups ...................... 4 of what homosexuality was, what caused it, or what, if anything, should be done about it. I was
Political/social agenda ............................... 5 simply repulsed by it and thought it was immoral.
No neutrality .............................................. 5 Will (not his name) was a good friend. Though he seemed somewhat effeminate, it never
The effects of homosexuality .................... 6 crossed my mind that he might be homosexual. He never made a pass at me or gave any indication
that he considered himself different. Our friendship revolved around our common interest and
PART 2 participation in music, and, more importantly, our relationship to Christ. You see, Will claimed
The myths about homosexuality ................ 9 to be a Christian.
The response to homosexuality ............... 15 After our friendship had developed to the point where Will trusted me, he confided that he
had had homosexual “struggles” since his pre-teen years. Because of his Christian commitment,
SIDEBARS Will at first didn’t try to justify his homosexuality to himself or to me. It wasn’t long, however,
Insight: homosexuality and evolution ....... 6 before his struggles returned and he found himself vacillating among periods of control, periods
Insight: What does the Bible say? ........... 13 of indulgence with its attendant guilt and periods of comfortably practicing his homosexuality.
by Bob Davies I believed that homosexuality was wrong. I believed that it could not be justified from a
Ministries to homosexuals ......................... 4 Christian perspective, but I found myself inadequate to understand and help him. After a while,
because of school commitments, Will and I went our separate ways, and I lost contact with him.
Notes ........................................................ 22 Some years later he returned and we quickly began to catch up on each other’s lives. We went
for a walk one evening and he must have known that the question on my mind was how he finally
■ THE HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT, had come to terms with his homosexuality. Up to this point in our reunion, Will had been
A Response by the Ramsey excitedly filling me in on the wonderful ministry opportunities he had had with his music.
Colloquium ................................. 16 Will was also eager to tell me how he was doing regarding his homosexuality and I was eager
to hear. To my delight, Will told me that his homosexuality was finally over. Gone were the days
when he would try to justify what he knew all along was an abomination before God. He had
■ HOMOSEXUALS AND THE CHURCH finally learned that homosexuality was a violation of God’s created order, and the love he thought
by Bob Davies ............................. 20 he was experiencing was nothing but a sinful substitute for what God had intended.
Since that time, I have known several homosexuals. Some were professing Christians; some
■ THE EROSION OF HETEROSEXUALITY were not. Some struggled with their homosexuality; some did not. So I would be irresponsible
by Charles W. Socarides .............. 23 if I allowed my conclusions about homosexuality to come solely from the few homosexuals I
have known.
To truly understand homosexuality we must avail ourselves of the analysis of the issue
■ Additional copies of Homosexuality afforded by those who have brought to bear the tools of research and examination politically,
in America: Exposing the myths: socially, scientifically, philosophically, and theologically.
$2 for a single copy This work is an attempt to synthesize the tremendous amount of information on the subject
$1.50 each for 2-9 copies (with primary concern about homosexuality as a social phenomenon), critically analyze that
$1 each for 10-49 copies information and advance the claim that homosexuality is not normal or benign, and should not
$.50 each, 50 or more copies. be given preferential treatment by law. My critical analysis of homosexuality will be interspersed
throughout this work, but will mainly be in the section “The myths about homosexuality.”
Order from: AFA I make no pretense of being unbiased. I do not think that is possible. I am convinced that
P.O. Drawer 2440 homosexuality is morally wrong and is personally and socially destructive. I am convinced that
Tupelo, MS 38803 the Bible is clear on the subject, and that an empirical analysis of homosexuality will corroborate
the biblical assessment that homosexuality is not what God intends for individuals or society.
© 1994 by The American Family Association However, that opinion – once held as a consensus in our country – has come under attack as
Homosexuality in America: Exposing the Myths the homosexual community in America has made major strides into public policy.1 Today
Published by: homosexuality is becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore. Homosexuality is being forced
The American Family Association upon us through legislation, taught to our children in school and promoted in the powerful arts/
P.O. Drawer 2440 entertainment complex.
Tupelo, MS 38803 If it is true that homosexuality has the destructive effects on the individual and society that
many believe, then it behooves us to know our enemy and forestall any further advance of
homosexuality by understanding what it is, what the homosexual community is up to, and how
to answer their arguments in the open marketplace of ideas.


PART 1 ciple and a historical and empirical perspec- ten the terms “homosexual” and “gay” refer
tive. specifically to homosexual males, while the
What ever happened to The Biblical case against homosexuality term “lesbian” refers to homosexual females.
“live and let live?” will be discussed later. Regarding the histori- The term “bi-sexual” or “bi” refers to males or
Why all the bother? What ever happened cal perspective, it is beyond the scope of this females who have sexual relations with both
to the old adage of “live and let live?” If some- work to fully advance the practical arguments sexes.
one wants to be homosexual, why is that any- to prove that homosexuality is socially de- Sometimes the distinction is made between
one else’s business? If you’ve asked yourself structive, though in an overall argument homosexuality and homosexual actions, i.e.,
questions like these, perhaps it would help to against the legitimacy of homosexuality, the between being a homosexual (having a homo-
alert you to what homosexuality is all about. historical perspective is important.3 sexual orientation) and engaging in homo-
Though it is true that individual homosexu- However, we don’t have to look at the vast sexual activity. While the distinction is rel-
als may differ in their opinions regarding pub- spans of history to know that the contempo- evant in theological and social contexts, for
lic policy, there is a strong movement in our rary state of decay in America and the break- the most part the focus should remain on ho-
country whose agenda is specific and whose down of the family is due, at least in part, to the mosexuality as an action when we are discuss-
effect is spilling beyond the homosexual com- presence of homosexuality. As Linda Chavez, ing public policy.
munity. Its agenda is forcing homosexuality former Executive Director of the U.S. Com-
upon many who reject the notion that homo- mission on Civil Rights, says: Identity or behavior?
sexuality is a legitimate lifestyle. Not forcing Historically, virtually all societies Today the homosexual community is cast-
in the sense that people are being coerced to have condemned incest, adultery, and ing the debate along the lines of one’s identity
become homosexual themselves. Rather, the homosexuality because such practices, as being a homosexual rather than one’s ac-
homosexual agenda is radically affecting pub- in distinctive ways, threaten the family. tions as engaging in homosexual activity. This
lic policy in ways that those who oppose ho- …[O]ver the last 25 years, we have be- makes it easier for the debate to be construed
mosexuality cannot ignore. come increasingly tolerant of sexually as a civil rights debate, and consequently more
The issue of homosexuality is not simply a permissive behavior. But that tolerance difficult for those who oppose homosexual ac-
matter of what goes on between consenting has had consequences. We face epi- tivities in the public arena to argue their case.
adults in the privacy of the bedroom. Basic demics in sexually transmitted diseases, It is easier for the homosexuals to preclude a
elements of society are targets of change. teenage pregnancies, abortions, illegiti- debate when the focus is on the more abstract
There are issues that defy neutrality. Consider macy, rape, and sexual abuse. Marriage issue of one’s personal nature rather than the
these goals that the homosexual community rates are on the decline, and divorce is more concrete issue of one’s behavior.
seeks to achieve.2 on the increase, especially among Homosexual activists understand that the
❚ The implementation of homosexual, bi- younger couples. The American family vast majority of Americans are repulsed by
sexual, and transgendered curriculum at may not yet be an endangered species, homosexual acts. As Congressman William
all levels of education. but it is far from thriving.4 Dannemeyer comments:
❚ The lowering of the age of consent for ho- [H]omosexuals were…diverting at-
mosexual and heterosexual sex. tention from the one aspect of their
❚ The legalization of homosexual marriages. We resist the fact that cause that was most vulnerable: their
❚ Custody, adoption and foster care rights for sexual habits. Most people simply
homosexuals, lesbians, and the homosexual commu- found the idea of homoerotic behavior
transgendered people. disgusting …But the homosexuals were
❚ The redefinition of family to include the nity is seeking to establish well aware of how ignorant the general
full diversity of all family structures. public was concerning their practices,
❚ The access to all programs of the Boy their lifestyle as legitimate. and their campaign to establish the pre-
Scouts of America. determined nature of their “sexual ori-
❚ Affirmative action for homosexuals. The empirical arguments against homo- entation.”8
❚ The inclusion of sex-change operations sexuality are discussed in the section “The
under a universal health care plan. myths about homosexuality.” Special consid- Our argument focuses on homosexual ac-
eration is given to the medical consequences tions, i.e., whether there should be laws regu-
Those who oppose homosexuality are of homosexuality.5 lating them.9
fighting for the prevention of social sanctions, In addition, video tapes such as The Gay
either concretely or in principle, for homo- Agenda and the testimony of those who have Recent history and organization
sexual acts. We want to outlaw public homo- come out of homosexuality, give clear testi- Is it possible to talk about homosexuality
sexuality. We want the right not to have ho- mony of the destructive effects of homosexu- as a social entity? Are homosexuals in
mosexuality imposed upon our sentiments by ality on the individual.6 America banded together in order to advance
having it treated in public school curricula as Again, not every individual homosexual some social agenda? While not all homosexu-
if it were a normal alternative lifestyle. We necessarily favors each one of these social and als are part of one political movement, there is
want the right not to have homosexuality im- political goals. But the movement is there and no doubt that there exist powerful, politically
posed upon our sentiments by being forced to it is gaining inroads into the fabric of society. organized groups. As homosexual rights ac-
hire someone because he is a homosexual. We The information offered here is your weapon tivist Dick Michaels said near the beginning of
resist the effort of the homosexual community to fight the homosexual agenda. the homosexual movement:
to establish their lifestyle as legitimate. Homosexuals could be a very potent
We believe that homosexuality is immoral The definition of homosexuality economic and political force – if united.
and leads ultimately to personal and social Simply put, homosexuality is sexual rela- The time has come for new leadership
decay. We argue both from a Biblical prin- tions between members of the same sex.7 Of- to rise from the wreckage of the past.

About the author Here and there are signs of a new move- improve the public image of homosexuality as
Richard G. Howe is president of The ment – dedicated to achieving a place in a viable lifestyle and others seek to effect
Issachar Institute, Inc., an apologetics ministry the sun for all homosexuals.10 change in public policy.
in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Richard is a graduate of Mississippi Because of this, it is imperative that those NGLTF – The National Gay and Lesbian
College with a B.A. in Bible. He received his who oppose the homosexual agenda be in- Task Force (NGLTF), formerly The National
M.A. in Philosophy from the University of formed about the main characters and their Gay Task Force, was founded in October,
Mississippi. Richard has completed the course political strategies. 1973, by former New York City health
work for the Ph.D. in Philosophy at Marquette administrator Dr. Howard J. Brown.14 The
University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Origin current Executive Officer is Ms. Urvashi Vaid.
For information on cults, the occult, the Though homosexuality has existed in the The NGLTF is a political lobbying – or as
New Age Movement and Christian world throughout history, it has been only re- homosexuals call it, civil rights – group and is
apologetics, or to request a speaker for your cently that society has tolerated homosexual- one of the most influential in America.
Church or group write: The Issachar Institute, ity as a social movement. Many organizations Membership is estimated at about 18,000 with
P.O. Box 221583, Charlotte, NC 28224, phone have emerged in recent decades to advance the an annual budget of over $1 million.15
704-527-5870. homosexual agenda and to provide informa- Some credit the effort of NGLTF with per-
tion and services to the homosexual commu- suading the American Psychiatric Association
nity, including legal, political, medical, and to officially take homosexuality from its list of
MINISTRIES TO HOMOSEXUALS religious. mental illnesses,16 making the White House
No doubt the turbulent 1960s laid the accessible to the leadership of the homosexual
Exodus International of North America
groundwork for the homosexual community community during the Carter administration
P. O. Box 2121
to organize itself into a social movement by with their meeting with White House aide
San Rafael, CA 94912 • 415-454-1017
the 1970s. Dennis Altman says: Midge Constanza,17 and influencing the intro-
Founded in 1976, Exodus is a Christian
The ’70s saw the beginning of the duction of several pro-homosexual statutes in
organization which seeks to equip and unify
large-scale transition in the status of ho- the U.S. Congress.18
agencies and individuals to effectively com-
municate the message of liberation from ho-
mosexuality from a deviance or perver- NGLTF publications include the semian-
mosexuality through repentance and faith in sion to an alternate lifestyle or minority. nual Campus Organizing Newsletter, the
Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. …Along with this change, homosexu- quarterly National Gay and Lesbian Task
Exodus provides resource lists for books als were being cast increasingly in the Force – Task Force Report, and various bro-
and tapes. Publishes the magazine The Exo- role of the vanguard of social and sexual chures, fact sheets, and information packets
dus Standard, available by subscription. In- change, worthy of considerable media including Dealing with Violence: A Guide for
formation about ministries to homosexuals attention.11 Gay and Lesbian People; Anti-Gay Violence:
was provided for this work by Exodus Inter- Causes, Consequences, Responses; and Gay
national. This is the place to start for informa- Some mark June, 1969, as the beginning of and Lesbian Rights Protections in the U.S.19
tion on ministry to homosexuals. the homosexual movement. On the heels of Though the NGLTF is not as large as its
the police raid at the Stonewall Inn in Green- opponents, it nevertheless is a formidable po-
Transforming Congregation wich Village in June (which was met immedi- litical organization. As Dannemeyer com-
724 Niles St. ately with a riot), groups of homosexuals gath- ments:
Bakersfield, CA 93305 • 805-325-0785 ered for what homosexual activist Leigh W. But you can’t quarrel with success.
Mainline churches with a pro-change Rutledge called “the first ‘Gay Power’ meet- Regardless of the relatively small size
stance (instead of pro-homosexual) ing” on July 9, 1969.12 Other meetings were of the NGLTF, it has taken on the most
soon to follow, and the sentiments which had well organized and powerful adversar-
Courage been seething underground for perhaps de- ies, including the federal government
St. Michael’s Rectory • 424 W. 34th St. cades began to find their way into public ex- itself, and come out the winner. …They
New York, NY 10001 • 212-421-0426 pression. have operated on the national stage with
A Catholic network During the 1970s the movement spread an effectiveness that few, if any, lobby-
Homosexuals Anonymous into other areas of expression besides protest. ing groups have surpassed over the past
P. O. Box 7881 Organized efforts were under way to change fifteen years.20
Reading, PA 19603 • 215-376-1146 existing sodomy laws, magazines such as The
Uses a modified 12-step program Advocate were born, “gay” bookstores began Lambda Legal Defense and Education
to emerge, and indeed, an entire industry tar- Fund, Inc. – The Lambda Legal Defense and
Pure Life Ministries geting the homosexual community began to Education Fund, Inc. is “one of the oldest and
P. O. Box 410
flourish.13 Homosexuals were beginning to be largest gay legal organizations in the United
Dry Creek, KY 41035 • 606-824-4444
viewed as a segment of society with its atten- States.”21 Its self description says that “Lambda
Deals with sexual addiction
dant interests in entertainment, fashion, and was founded in 1973 to advance the rights of
New Creation Ministries public policy. gay people and lesbians. …Lambda pursues
1020 E. McKinley Avenue test-case litigation in all parts of the country,
Fresno, CA 93728 • 209-264-6125 Homosexual activist groups and in all areas of concern to gay men and
A number of groups exist for the purpose of lesbians. Case by case, its efforts strip away
advancing the cause of homosexual special any respectability afforded sexual orientation
P.O. Box 9830
interests. These organization range from pub- discrimination, bringing gay people closer to
Baltimore, MD 21284-9830 • 401-661-0284
lic relations and anti-defamation, to legal and equal citizenship under the law.”22
political, to social and religious. Some seek to Currently headed by Kevin M. Cathcart,

membership is around 22,000, with a budget Its publications include Annual Report, the agenda, Andrew Kopkind comments:
of $1.8 million.23 bimonthly newsletter Capital Hill Update, Responding to the rigidity of the old
and the quarterly Momentum.34 order, younger gay men and “baby
ACT UP – The AIDS Coalition to Unleash dykes” have created a queer culture that
Power is a “direct-action organization dedicat- The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against is rapidly reconfiguring American val-
ed to confronting the issues of discrimination Defamation – The Gay and Lesbian Alliance ues, redesigning sensibilities and re-
against people with HIV infection and access Against Defamation (GLAAD) was founded modeling politics. The gay movement,
to experimental AIDS drugs.”24 ACT UP was in 1985, and has 10,000 members with 13 re- broadly construed, is the movement.38
founded in 1987 by author and playwright gional groups. GLAAD seeks to:
Larry Kramer “to force the government, …oppose media and public defama- Kopkind goes on to boast about the extent
businesses, and the public to confront the tion of gay and lesbian individuals to which homosexuals have influenced enter-
AIDS crisis.” This civil disobedience through education [and] replace “big- tainment, journalism and publishing, law,
organization, with more than a hundred oted and misinformed representations” academia, medicine and psychiatry, and the
chapters in the United States and abroad, has of lesbians and gays with positive im- arts and creative professions.
succeeded in pressuring the Food and Drug ages of the gay community.35 All of this, of course, is supposed to strike
Administration to speed up the process of us as long overdue, since it is ostensibly noth-
testing and releasing potentially useful AIDS GLAAD’s publications include the bi- ing more than recognizing the minimal “hu-
drugs, and focused public and media attention monthly GLAAD Bulletin, and the weekly man” or “civil” rights of a portion of the
on the worldwide health crisis.25 GLAAD Tidings.36 American population who have been denied
Currently headed by Robert Rygr, ACT UP these rights for too long.
“conducts rallies and demonstrations aimed at The American Civil Liberties Union – The However, understanding that the majority
public figures or institutions that the group American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is of people do not consider homosexuality a
feels should be doing more to combat not a homosexual organization, but is commit- legitimate lifestyle and certainly not a civil
AIDS.”26 Its publications include the quar- ted to homosexual “rights” legislation. Ac- right, homosexuals often understate their so-
terly newsletter ACT UP Reports.27 cording to one homosexual publication, the cial goals. Thus, when the homosexual
local ACLU “may, in fact, function as the gay community’s agenda is cast in terms of “civil
Queer Nation – Queer Nation was founded in rights organization in some cities.”37 rights” or “rights to privacy” it not only makes
1990 in New York City by members of ACT it difficult to speak out against such an agenda
UP. According to one of the group’s founders: Others – The Encyclopedia of Associations: without sounding bigoted, but it hides the co-
We wanted to do direct action, to get National Organizations of the U.S. lists a vert agenda. Peter LaBarbera in Human
out on the streets, to scream and yell, to number of other national organizations Events comments:
stage very visible protests against anti- dedicated to the special interests of Unfortunately, much of the real ho-
gay violence and discrimination.28 homosexuals. Entries include the American mosexual agenda – and the realities of
Library Association/Social Responsibilities “gay” life – remains buried in the ho-
According to Eric Marcus, author of Is It a Round Table/Gay and Lesbian Task Force (a mosexual subculture to which the aver-
Choice? Answers to 300 of the Most Fre- division of the American Library Association); age American is seldom exposed.
quently Asked Questions about Gays and Les- the Association for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual
bians, Queer Nation has many chapters across Issues in Counseling; the Association of Gay Prominent homosexual leaders and publi-
the country. and Lesbian Psychiatrists; the Center for Gay cations have voiced support for pedophilia,
and Lesbian Studies; Custody Action for incest, sadomasochism, and even bestiality.39
The Human Rights Campaign Fund – The Lesbian Mothers; the Gay and Lesbian Parents It is clear that “civil rights” are not the only
Human Rights Campaign Fund is a homosexual Coalition International; the Gay Nurses things that the movement is seeking. Regard-
political action committee, or PAC. The Alliance; the Hetrick-Martin Institute; the ing the lifting of the ban on homosexuals in the
Executive Director is Tim McFeeley. Founded Homosexual Information Center; the military, the National Gay and Lesbian Task
in 1980, HRCF currently has 62,000 members International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Force said:
and an annual budget of $4.5 million.29 As a Commission; the Lesbian Feminist Liberation; It is not just about dropping the mili-
PAC, the HRCF is able to collect and distribute the National Center for Lesbian Rights; tary ban. Indeed, the issue is far greater.
funds for the election of specific candidates Affirmation/Gay and Lesbian Mormons; What is at stake is the hearts and minds
for public office. Since 1987, it has maintained Affirmation/United Methodists for Lesbian, of American people.40
at least three lobbyists in Washington. 30 Under Gay and Bisexual Concerns; American
its former director, Vic Basile, in 1986 the Baptists Concerned; American Gay/Lesbian Civil rights or rights to privacy are far from
HRCF was ranked the sixteenth largest Atheists; Brethren/Mennonite Council for the minds of homosexual activists. Clearly
independent PAC in the nation.31 By 1988 it Lesbian and Gay Concerns; Conference for the movement seeks not only tolerance for
was ranked ninth and had raised over $1 million Catholic Lesbians; Presbyterians for Lesbian their lifestyle, but endorsement.
“for an election-year war chest.”32 According and Gay Concerns; Dignity, Inc.; and many
to the Encyclopedia of Associations, the HRCF more. Truly, the homosexual community is No neutrality
seeks to: organized. In the face of the movement’s real goals, it
“…advance the cause of lesbian and is impossible to remain neutral. If a conflict
gay civil rights by lobbying Congress Political/social agenda arises because an employee wishes not to hire
and political candidates who support There is no doubt that the homosexual someone because he is gay, then the conflict
gay and lesbian civil rights and increased community is actively promoting a specific will have to be resolved in one of two ways.
funding for women’s health concerns social and political agenda. In The Nation, a Either the employee will maintain his right to
and AIDS research and treatment.”33 publication sympathetic to the homosexual reject homosexuality as a viable lifestyle and

by Richard Howe make his hiring policy align with his convic- sexuality.”45
tions, or the homosexual will be given the en- 5. Homosexuals seek “institute training for

titlement of the job when the government for- all personnel on the acceptance of homosexual
bids the employer the right to refuse to hire or bisexual personnel in the military.”46
him. There is no middle ground. Thus, homo- 6. Homosexuals seek to undercut the social
sexuals are seeking more than a “live and let authority of churches. “We can undermine the
Homosexuality and evolution live” society. They are on the advance. moral authority of homophobic churches by
I do not believe in the theory of evolu- In May, 1993, hundred of thousands of ho- portraying them as antiquated backwaters,
tion. Most evangelical Christians do not. I mosexuals and those sympathetic to their badly out of step with the times and with the
think it is safe to say that most non-evan- cause marched in Washington during the latest findings of psychology. …Such an un-
gelical Christians, however, do believe in “Lesbian, Gay, and Bi-Equal Rights and Lib- holy alliance [science and public opinion] has
the theory of evolution. Since it is the case eration March.” If the behavior of the homo- worked before [against institutional religion]
that most people who are sympathetic to sexuals during the march is representative of on such topics as divorce and abortion. With
homosexuality are non-evangelical Chris- the whole movement, then it is alarming to see enough open talk about the prevalence and ac-
tians, then it follows that most of the people what the movement wants to achieve socially ceptability of homosexuality, that alliance can
who are sympathetic to homosexuality and politically. work again here.”47
believe in the theory of evolution. LaBarbera notes several of the “goals” of 7. Homosexuals seek to make their homo-
There are ultimately only two options the homosexual community taken from their sexuality more accepted by society. “The first
concerning the origin of the world as we own literature:41 order of business is desensitization of the
know it: creation and evolution. If one is to 1. Homosexuals “demand passage of a Les- American public concerning gays and gay
be reasonable, this means any given fact bian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender civil rights. …You can forget about trying to per-
about our world must be compatible with rights bill” and the “repeal of all sodomy laws suade the masses that homosexuality is a good
the theory to which one is committed. Does and other laws that criminalize private sexual thing. But if you can get them to think that it
it make sense for one who believes in evo- expression between consenting adults.”42 is just another thing with a shrug of their shoul-
lution also to argue that homosexuality is It is important to identify the far-reaching ders, then your battle for legal and social rights
genetically endowed or “natural?” implications of the repeal of such laws against is virtually won.”48
For the evolutionist, the word “natural” certain sexual behaviors or the implementa-
means “the result of an evolutionary pro- tion of laws protecting such sexual behavior as These examples illustrate that acceptance
cess.” According to the theory of evolution a “civil right.” What would happen, for ex- of the homosexual agenda would restructure
the characteristics of species are geneti- ample, to a church that fired a minister be- America in fundamental areas including pub-
cally passed on because of their ability to cause of homosexual activity? What would lic policy regarding sexual behavior, family
lead to reproductive success. Evolution- take precedence, the rights of the church to issues such as family structure, custody laws,
ists maintain that genes mutate over eons maintain that homosexuality, even between adoption, foster care, educational issues, gov-
of time, and those mutations which enable consenting adults, is morally wrong and that ernment policy, and military.
the species to better survive are preserved their ministers should be held to such a stan-
and passed on to successive generations. dard, or the “civil rights” of the minister to The effects of homosexuality
This notion of reproductive success is the engage in such activity? Over the past few decades numerous ho-
whole basis of the theory of evolution. But It is not enough for the homosexual com- mosexual special interest groups have orga-
surely homosexuality, by definition, can- munity to claim that all they want is for the nized to address various areas of society rang-
not promote reproductive success. Even if activity not to be criminalized. To treat homo- ing from public policy to education.
it were possible that certain genes mutated sexuality as a civil right is to enable the courts There is nothing wrong in principle with
which endowed an organism with homo- to allow the activity wherever civil rights are special interest groups seeking to affect soci-
sexuality, how could this possibly be protected. ety in the way it perceives to be in its own best
passed on? By its very design, homosexu- 2. Homosexuals “demand legislation to interest. Our quarrel with the homosexual
ality, if it were genetic, would be elimi- prevent discrimination against Lesbians, movement is not at that level. Our argument
nated from the gene pool.* Gays, Bisexuals and Transgendered people in is that to the degree that the homosexual move-
Creationism has an explanation for ho- the areas of family diversity, custody, adop- ment changes society in its favor, (1) it will
mosexuality. In Christianity, which em- tion and foster care and that the definition of inevitably lead to an improper violation of the
braces creationism, homosexuality is the family includes the full diversity of all family moral and religious sentiments of millions of
result of the moral fall of the human race. structures.”43 Americans who oppose homosexuality, and
Simply put, it is the willful sin of human 3. Homosexuals “demand full and equal (2) it will contribute to the overall decay of
beings which causes homosexuality. This inclusion of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and society.
means that it is not a natural occurrence, Transgendered people in the educational sys- Of course the mere fact that a group vio-
but rather a moral one. Since there are only tem, and inclusion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual lates the moral and religious sentiments of
two options for explaining the world as we and Transgender studies in multicultural cur- another group is not sufficient reason to disal-
know it, and neither can account for homo- ricula.”44 low the group from making changes in public
sexuality as “natural,” then it follows that 4. Homosexuals seem to favor leniency re- policy if they are able. For example, a person’s
homosexuality cannot be natural. garding pedophilia. According to one of San atheism may very well violate someone else’s
*For a defense of homosexuality as compatible with the theory of
Francisco’s newspapers for homosexuals, religious sentiments. However, it is not
evolution see, Edward O. Wilson, On Human Nature (Cambridge, MA: “NAMBLA’s [North American Man/Boy merely the fact that our sentiments are vio-
Harvard University Press, 1978): 142-147. To read Wilson’s account is to Love Association] position on sex is not un- lated that makes us claim that we have the right
see its flaws. His argument is hopelessly ad hoc.
reasonable, just unpopular. The love between to prevent the homosexual movement from
men and boys is at the foundation of homo- having its way. It is that our sentiments are

agenda is impacting public education, politics, A controversy in New York City over cur-
Those who oppose homo- medicine and science, and religion. riculum involved two pro-homosexual books,
Daddy’s Roommate and Heather Has Two
sexuality should have the Public education Mommies (part of a bibliography included in
Homosexual activists have pushed their the “Children of the Rainbow” curriculum).56
right not to have homo- agenda into many public schools under the The dispute “ultimately resulted in the ouster
auspices of sex education. Robert H. Knight, of Joseph Fernandez from his position as
sexuality forced upon their Director of Cultural Studies for the Family Re- School Chancellor.”57
search Council, says one of the goals of the Recently, the Governor of Massachusetts,
sentiments. homosexual agenda is to implement curricula William Weld, signed into law a bill which
that regards homosexuality on par with hetero- ostensibly ends discrimination against homo-
sexuality.50 sexual students. Among other things, the bill
violated in such a way that homosexuality is The “family-life curriculum” entitled Val- would require the schools to allow homo-
forced upon us. ues in Sexuality has the students role play both sexual student organizations. David
Those who oppose homosexuality should sides of homosexual situations such as “You LaFontaine, head of the Governors Commis-
have the right not to have homosexuality feel whatever anyone does sexually is their sion on Gay and Lesbian Youth and director of
forced upon their sentiments. Its imposition business, but you feel very sad that your friend the state Coalition of Gay and Lesbian Civil
upon us constitutes an improper violation of has closed off lots of options,” and “You are a Rights, hoped the bill’s passage would “signal
our moral and religious sentiments. devout Fundamentalist Christian and feel ho- a whole new frontier in the gay rights move-
This is a common principle in our society. mosexuality is a serious sin.” The students are ment.”58 What remains unanswered, accord-
For example, our society has laws preventing then asked to come to a consensus about which ing to Weld, is whether gay students could sue
someone from uttering public profanities. Re- attitudes are the most constructive.51 It is clear the school “upon alleging that the atmosphere
gardless if one believes uttering profanity is that the message that is supposed to come at a school had become intolerable.”59
protected by the first amendment as “free across, in the interest of “understanding” and One can only imagine the implications for
speech,” there are laws preventing someone “tolerance” is that homosexuality is a viable such a law. If the courts decide that an atmo-
from indiscriminately uttering profanities lifestyle, just as legitimate as heterosexuality. sphere of intolerance is actionable, would this
anywhere he chooses. Others have the right Another effort within the public schools to mean that the government could step in and
not to have their sentiments violated by being promote homosexuality is Project 10, a coun- begin to “desensitize” those who oppose ho-
forced to hear such utterances. Thus, even if seling program developed at Fairfax High mosexuality? What about those of us who
a case could be given that homosexuality School in the Los Angeles Unified School oppose homosexuality on religious grounds;
should be allowed among consenting adults in District by Virginia Uribe. The target group how would government seek to address our
the privacy of their own homes, it does not “consists of students who self-identify as gay “intolerance?” The prospects are horrific.
follow that society must introduce informa- or lesbian or students who express conflicts It is not enough for homosexual activists to
tion about homosexuality into the educational over sexual orientation.”52 In a letter to sup- debate these issues among adults in the open
system. porters of Project 10, Uribe reported how far marketplace of ideas. The homosexual com-
The current rage over “political correct- the organization had come in promoting ho- munity has engaged the power of government
ness” evidences the fact that some believe mosexuality; including a library of “gay and in what some regard as brainwashing our chil-
speech and behavior can have far reaching lesbian literature” of over 500 books; the dis- dren. More and more Christians will find their
effects upon society as a whole. Why are we tribution of over 3,000 pamphlets offering in- values assaulted by the government through
being told that certain words or phrases should formation on “the special needs of gay and the public schools.
not be used?49 Because, as some believe, cer- lesbian youth” to every junior and senior high
tain words or phrases can have a harmful ef- school in the district; and an essay contest “en- Politics
fect on others. If we are expected to believe, titled ‘Homophobia and Racism – A Common According to John Preston, there are a
for example, that the use of the masculine pro- Thread.’”53 number of public officials who have openly
noun in gender inclusive contexts leads to the One incident involving an encounter with acknowledged their homosexuality, offering
oppression of women, why are some surprised Project 10 found Elizabeth Ramos, 16, sub- sympathetic, if not active, support of the ho-
by our claim that the overhauling of societal jected to a lecture on homosexuality. Her class mosexual agenda. These officials include,
mores regarding homosexuality could have a was brought into the library. There, according Congressman Barney Frank from Massachu-
debilitating effect on society? to a number of students, they heard Virginia setts; Congressman Gerry Studds from Mas-
It is clear that there is nothing flawed in Uribe, a lesbian teacher, tell them she practices sachusetts; California Superior Court Judge
principle with our argument that the institu- “safe sex,” that it is okay for them to have Donna Hitchens; Maine State Senator Dale
tionalizing of homosexuality will cause soci- sexual feelings for other people of the same McCormick; Minnesota State Senator Alan
etal decay. The debate is not about the prin- sex, and, based on research, that 10% of them Spear; New York State Assembly Member
ciple of whether activities have effects on so- probably are gay.54 Deborah Glick; Oregon State Legislator Gail
ciety, but rather the debate is about whether a When some students voiced their disagree- Shibley; Washington Representative Calvin
particular activity has an unwanted effect on ment, Uribe changed the subject. According Anderson; and numerous local officials
society. Thus, when we argue that laws allow- to Valley Magazine, parental consent was not around the country.60
ing homosexual marriages will have a destruc- obtained for the students to attend the speech The current Clinton administration is
tive effect on society, we are employing a prin- by Uribe. In addition to the offense of having clearly courting homosexual support. The
ciple which itself is not in dispute. The argu- to be subjected to such content, Project 10’s November 13, 1993, issue of World finds a
ment then becomes one not of philosophy, but presence in the school, being a school-spon- picture of President Clinton with a “roll call of
of empirical analysis. sored program, utilized taxpayer dollars to do all the openly homosexual members of the
Here is a quick look at how the homosexual its counseling.55 Clinton government.”61 According to World,

Clinton lauded the “tireless efforts” of the Gay ent race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, CELEBRATES PRIDE WEEK.63
and Lesbian Victory Fund. In addition, one of age, physical and mental ability and other per- The article reports that similar groups exist
the most volatile issues immediately after sonal characteristics.” at companies such as AT & T and Xerox. Plant
Clinton’s election revolved around the contro- Achtenberg is an open lesbian and long manager at Xerox, Al Lewis, who is active in
versy of removing the ban on homosexuals in time radical homosexual activist. She served his company’s homosexual employees’ orga-
the military. The fact that this issue reached as executive director of the National Center nization says that “there’s a group in every
such a high level of public debate demon- for Lesbian Rights, directing attorney of the large company in the U. S.”64
strates the clout of the homosexual lobby. Lesbian Rights Project of Equal Rights Advo- Mainline companies such as AT&T, Con-
Supervisors and managers at Roberta cates, Inc., and was a national co-chair of the tinental Airlines, Miller Brewing and Walt
Achtenburg’s U. S. Department of Housing Clinton for President Campaign. While in San Disney are also courting the lucrative homo-
and Urban Development have been told if they Francisco she led the fight to force the Boy sexual consumer market through sponsorship
want career advancement, take every opportu- Scouts of America to appoint homosexual of homosexual events or advertisements di-
nity in and out of the workplace to promote leaders. rected at homosexuals.
homosexuality. Homosexual groups on the state level have
The mandate comes in the form of new also been successful in challenging Medicine and science
guidelines for administrators to evaluate the longstanding laws which prohibit sodomy. Since AIDS and homosexuality are insepa-
performance of their managers and supervi- In addition, there have been examples rably connected, homosexuals are active in
sors specifically in the area of promoting a where people have been forced to undergo promoting their cause in the world of medi-
“diversified work force.” Managers and su- cine and science.
“sensitivity training courses” for openly op-
pervisors are encouraged to be “proactive” in posing homosexuals in various public According to a recent report in the Wash-
addressing issues of “cultural diversity” and spheres.62 The fact that an opposition against
ington Times scientists at the federally funded
giving special consideration to others of “di- homosexuality within governmental arenas National Cancer Institute have put basic can-
verse backgrounds” – common euphemisms brings such a response again evidences the cer research on the back burner in favor of
which equate homosexuality with racial mi- significant impact of the homosexual agenda hunting for a genetic link for homosexuality.65
norities, women and persons with disabilities. in the public sphere. The research is being led by a homosexual
In a letter to the principal staff, regional scientist – a fact that has gone largely unre-
administrators and regional housing commis- Business ported.66
sioners of HUD, Achtenberg, assistant secre- The homosexual influence in the corporate Molecular biologist Dean H. Hamer is the
tary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, world merited a cover story by Fortune maga- research leader and an acknowledged homo-
and Marilynn Davis, assistant secretary for zine. The article describes how homosexuals sexual. Hamer has been a speaker for several
are rapidly forming employee groups like the
Administration, wrote that it is the policy of pro-homosexual groups. He also appeared as
the department “to increase the awareness andone whose huge banner greeted all those on a key expert witness for the legal coalition
their way to the elevators at Levi Strauss’ San
knowledge of all employees, and the clients it fighting Colorado’s Amendment 2, the state
serves and supports, about the benefits of Francisco headquarters in June: LESBIAN initiative to deny protected minority class sta-
working harmoniously with persons of differ- AND GAY EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION tus on the basis of sexual orientation. The di-
rector of the lesbian side of the
research project is Angela M.
L. Pattatucci, herself an ac-
AIDS gets big bucks in research knowledged homosexual.67
The Washington Times re-
ported that the genetic hunt in-
7.5 times more per patient than cancer this year volves four of the six research-
ers in the Institute’s Section on
The table below shows selected Federal spending on research and prevention for 1992 (actual),
Gene Structure and Regulation
1993 (estimate) and 1994 (estimate). The spending figures represent the sum of Public Health
in the Laboratory of Biochem-
Service (PHS) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) spending. For the complete
Average per istry.
report call your Congressman and ask for 93-631 SPR from the Congressional
patient The story also indicated
Research Service, The Library of Congress.
spending – that NCI rejected repeated re-
in millions a. no. of new b. no. c. no. of 1994 quests from the newspaper for
na = not available cases yearly currently deaths funding ÷ budget information. However,
1992 1993 1994 infected annually a+b+c the newspaper did report
AIDS $3010 $3151 $3963 47,106 81,558 29,763 $3,421.02 $419,000 in taxpayer money
was spent on a controversial
HIV infection na 1 million na two-year study published in
1993. The research made a du-
Cancer $4003 $4071 $4420 1.2million 8 million 526,000 $454.45 bious genetic link for homo-
sexuality. The report was en-
Heart Disease $1460 $1484 $1460 na 20 million 720,000 $70.46
thusiastically embraced by ho-
Diabetes $576 $599 $592 650,000 13 milion 160,000 $42.87 mosexual activists.

Alzheimer’s $562 $588 $579 na 4 million na $144.75 Entertainment/arts

Movie reviewer Michael
Medved comments:

No one could deny that the formi- touched by the homosexual agenda: educa- What are we to do in the face of such a seem-
dable gay presence in the entertainment tion, public policy, all levels of government, ingly ominous threat? The first thing to do is
business encourages industry leaders to business, science, entertainment, media, and to learn to dispel the myths by which the ho-
take a far more sympathetic view of ho- religion. Clearly, the homosexual community mosexual agenda survives.
mosexuality than does the public at is making an impact on American society.

Beginning in the early 1980s the major PART 2

television networks offered a steady progres-
sion of pro-homosexual characters and
themes. The 1993-94 series which featured
The myths about homosexuality
regular or recurring homosexual characters in- THE ISSUE OF HOMOSEXUALITY has become population is gay. In the book Is It a Choice?
clude Melrose Place (Fox), Birdland (ABC), a political, social, and theological rage in re- Eric Marcus uses the Kinsey studies to suggest
Roseanne (ABC), Roc (Fox), Northern Ex- cent years. Gone are the times when extended that one in ten people is gay.74 Even the public
posure (CBS) and Sisters (NBC). arguments needed to be advanced to dissuade school counseling curriculum Project 10 gets
In non-commercial television the Public the practice of homosexuality. No doubt be- its name from the Kinsey 10% figure.
Broadcasting Network has a long history of cause of the presence of the Christian world But Kinsey’s findings, as inflated as they
promoting homosexuality through broadcasts view, homosexuality was generally regarded were, did not go so far as to claim that 10% of
such as Tongues Untied, Tales of the City in society as an unacceptable lifestyle. Those the population of the United States is homo-
and One Nation Under God. who were homosexual were compelled either sexual. Kinsey said that 10% of white males
The National Endowment for the Arts, a to seek help for their condition or practice it in are more or less exclusively homosexual (a 5
taxpayer-funded arts agency, has pumped mil- secret. on a scale from 1 to 6; 6 being exclusively
lions of dollars into homosexual and homo- Today the homosexual community is seek- homosexual) for at least three years between
erotic arts projects. ing not only the right to practice and celebrate the ages of 15 and 65, and 4% are exclusively
As already noted, the Gay and Lesbian their homosexuality openly, but is in many homosexual throughout life after the onset of
Alliance Against Defamation, or GLAAD, ways seeking the endorsement from the rest of adolescence. Thus, it is inaccurate to use
exists for the purpose of applying the muscle society for its lifestyle. There is no way to Kinsey as an authority in trying to make a
of the homosexual community to the media remain neutral on this issue. To allow for ho- “10%” argument.
for its public relations image. mosexuality in public life is tacitly to concede Not only did Kinsey not have the figures
its legitimacy. Those who oppose homosexu- that high, there is reason to believe that the real
Religion ality and regard it as socially and personally percentage is not even as high as he did have
Although traditionally seen as an abomina- destructive must prepare for ideological, po- it. In their book Kinsey, Sex, and Fraud, Dr.
tion to God and against the teaching of all di- litical, sociological and theological battles. Judith A. Reisman and Edward W. Eichel
visions of Christianity and Judaism, homo- The success of the homosexual community demonstrate why it is evident that the Kinsey
sexuality is finding growing acceptance in in advancing its cause is due to a number of report is inflated.
some mainline religious groups. myths about homosexuality. These untruths The test of any theory, perhaps especially
The Re-Imagining Conference, held in are making it easier for the homosexual com- of human sexuality, is how it stacks up in the
November, 1993, promoted lesbianism and munity to gain ground in the ideological, po- real world. By this yardstick, Kinsey’s data on
feminism. The convocation was funded pri- litical, social, and theological arenas. the prevalence of homosexuality in society…
marily by the Presbyterian Church USA. Par- We must face these claims head on and see now appears to be inaccurate.75
ticipants included United Methodists, Roman if they can stand up under the scrutiny of sci- Reisman and Eichel’s argument that
Catholics, Episcopals, Baptists, American entific, theological, and philosophical analy- Kinsey’s numbers are too high falls along
Baptists, Quakers, Moravians, Mennonites sis. We can only stop the advancement of ho- three lines: First, the actual number of AIDS
and members of the Evangelical Lutheran mosexuality in our society to the extent to cases fell far below the projected number of
Church of America, United Church of Christ, which we can dispel these myths. Hopefully AIDS cases calculated on the basis of these
Church of the Bretheren, Church of God in it is not too late to rescue America from total estimates of the number of homosexuals in the
Christ, United Church of Canada and the Pres- moral collapse. United States. Thus, if there had been as many
byterian Church in Canada. The following are the most important and homosexuals as Kinsey estimated, then, given
In addition, the Encyclopedia of Associa- common myths propagated by those promot- the known percentage of homosexuals who
tions lists a number of “concern” groups ing the homosexual agenda. have contracted AIDS, health care profession-
within major denominations.69 als should have been able to accurately project
The central focus of the Universal Fellow- Myth #1 – 10% of the population is the number of AIDS cases that would erupt in
ship of Metropolitan Community Churches homosexual. a given community. This was not the case.
(UFMCC), founded by Troy Perry, is the le- The issue of how many people in the United The actual number of cases was far lower. The
gitimacy of homosexuality. According to States are homosexual is again in the news. number of AIDS cases indicated that only 1%
Dannemeyer, UFMCC congregations number Ever since the famous Kinsey reports,72 the - 3% of the population is homosexual.
267 worldwide, with a membership of ap- most popular statistic used about the preva- Second, the methods of research which
proximately 35,000.70 Perry himself boasts, lence of homosexuality is that around 10% of lead Kinsey to his conclusions were faulty
“We’re now the largest organization touching the population of the United States is homo- because his studies focused on a sample of
the lives of gays and lesbians in the world. Our sexual. In the widely acclaimed pro-homo- men whose homosexual experience was cer-
membership is contributing approximately $6 sexual video On Being Gay: A Conversation tainly higher than normal. Kinsey’s analysis
million a year now.”71 with Brian McNaught,73 McNaught cites the was on a study group in which 20% to 25% had
Virtually every area of society has been Kinsey report as evidence that 10% of the prison experience and 5% may have been male

prostitutes. This would be like trying to esti- analysis. At least, we have no obligation to animal kingdom is futile.
mate the percentage of Americans who are think that behavior can be physically ex-
religious and then taking a survey on the street plained unless we have reason to hold this. Myth #3 – Homosexuality is genetically
in front of a church at noon on Sunday. The Whether or not the behavior of human be- endowed, and therefore is not only natural,
sampling would have an over representation ings is the proper subject of scientific or em- but one should not be “punished” or forbidden
of religious people. Statistics are hard to pirical analysis is ultimately not a medical or from expressing his homosexuality.
achieve. But if the statistics are to be accurate scientific question, but, rather, is a philosophi- There has been much controversy recently
nationwide, then the sample must be as close cal and theological one. How one regards the surrounding the issue of the causes of homo-
to a cross section of the country as possible. nature of human behavior presupposes how sexuality. It is not surprising that the secular
Even the National Research Council acknowl- one regards human nature itself. Are human world has sought to establish the notion that
edges that his methods were flawed.76 beings strictly physical, or is there a spiritual homosexuality is physically caused. Indeed,
Third, there is reason to believe that aspect? If it is true that human beings are more it is tacitly assumed by the secular or naturalist
Kinsey’s interviewees, from whom he gath- than just their physical bodies, then by defini- community that every aspect of human activ-
ered additional information upon which he tion, human behavior is more than an empiri- ity or experience can be explained along
based his statistical analysis, were certainly cal issue, and therefore science is inadequate physical lines.85
biased. The chance that those who were inter- to deal with the question. Thus, we have no As long as any direct physical evidence
viewed were biased was even suggested to obligation to allow this type of argument was lacking in the debate, there would be room
Kinsey at the time by the eminent psycholo- which assumes that animal behavior is a for the anti-homosexuals to challenge the no-
gist Abraham Maslow.77 proper model for conclusions about human tion that homosexuality is physically caused.
In addition to the problems with the Kinsey behavior. Now, however, it is becoming increasingly
report itself, there is counter evidence from But, let us assume, for the sake of argu- more popular to explain virtually every hu-
other studies which suggests the percentage of ment, that animal behavior is a proper model man sin, including homosexuality, as the in-
homosexuals in the United States to be around for conclusions about human behavior. The evitable result of one’s genetic endowment,
1% to 3%.78 Researchers at the Battelle Hu- problem becomes, second, that the argument brain chemistry, or any number of physical
man Affairs Research Centers in Seattle found proves too much. Cannibalism is found within conditions. There are several problems, how-
that 2.3% of American men report having sex the animal kingdom, but surely no one would ever, with the genetic cause theory.
with another man and that 1.1% consider want to argue that cannibalism is “natural” and First of all, there is no scientific evidence
themselves exclusively homosexual.79 The therefore should be allowed among humans. which demonstrates that homosexuality is
Washington Post reported that the Battelle- So, even if it were the case that homosexuality genetically endowed. It is true that some stud-
Temple “scores high marks with most sex re- was natural within the animal kingdom, one ies have been construed in the popular press as
searchers.”80 Even some pro-homosexual lit- would be wise to be cautious in his conclu- lending credence to the genetic cause theory.
erature is starting to admit that the long stand- sions about human behavior on the basis of A study from the National Cancer Institute
ing Kinsey figures are exaggerated.81 Thus, it this. conducted by Dr. Dean Hamer and others sup-
is time to lay the “10%” myth to rest. A third problem with this argument is that posedly finds “a genetic link to homosexual-
it is not proper to equate human homosexual- ity.” The study reported that families of 76 gay
Myth #2 – Homosexuality occurs in the ity with the seemingly “homosexual” acts that men included a much higher proportion of ho-
animal kingdom and is therefore natural. occur among some animals. Brian McNaught, mosexual male relatives than found in the
Simply put, if animals do it, it must be in his video On Being Gay, makes the outra- general population, with the frequency ap-
“natural.” There are several problems with geous statement that “In every species of pearing on the mother’s side of the family
this argument. mammal, from the sea horse to the baboon, tree.86
First, this line of thinking assumes without there is homosexual behavior, whether in cap- The research team focused on an examina-
further argument that animals are a proper tivity or in the wild.”82 This is clearly wrong. tion of the X chromosome and discovered that
model for conclusions regarding humans. Ad- Human sexual activity is quite different, even “33 out of 40 pairs of brothers who were both
mittedly there are areas where animals and physiologically speaking, and certainly emo- gay had a similar genetic structure in the Xq28
humans are sufficiently alike to warrant con- tionally and spiritually speaking, than that of area of the X chromosome.”87 Thus, some
clusions about one on the basis of an analysis animals. As Robert Knight comments: have concluded that there is a biological orien-
of the other. We are all familiar with how Anthropologists and sexologists in- tation to homosexuality.88
medical research is conducted on “laboratory terested in promoting the sexual revolu- Several comments can be made regarding
rats” and how conclusions are drawn about tion often interpret the sexual behavior this conclusion. First, some researchers argue
humans. of animals as analogous to human be- that to link specific behavior with a specific
There are areas, however, where this type havior. Scholars of animal sexuality gene “is generally considered highly unlikely
of cross argument certainly cannot hold. It is rarely make that mistake because they by geneticists.”89 Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, direc-
one thing to examine clear physiological as- know that animals are aroused in en- tor of the Thomas Aquinas Psychological
pects common between animals and humans. tirely different ways than are humans.83 Clinic, comments:
It is quite another thing to assume that behav- Homosexuality is much more com-
ioral aspects are equally as common between A study done by the U. S. Department of plex than mere behavior and includes
animals and humans. Agriculture on the sexual behavior in sheep is many complex dimensions, including
The only way we can discover those com- sometimes cited as evidence of homosexual thoughts, feelings, fantasies, specific
mon physiological aspects is that the data re- behavior in animals. According to interviews attractions and identity.90
garding those common physiological aspects with the researcher, however, there was abso-
submits itself to rigorous scientific (i.e., em- lutely no relationship between the conduct of A second comment to be made regarding
pirical or physical) analysis. Behavior, how- the sheep and human sexual conduct.84 Thus, the Hamer conclusion is, since it is the case
ever, certainly does not submit itself to such to argue for homosexuality by appealing to the that psychologists and ministers are treating

homosexuality with success, then the genetic Myth #4 – It has been discovered that the teresting. The homosexual community was
cause theory must be suspect. This is the argu- hypothalamus is different in homosexuals, likely not impressed when the American Psy-
ment of Dr. Charles W. Socarides, president of which suggests that there is a physiological chiatric Association at one time designated
the National Association for Research and cause of homosexuality. that homosexuality was abnormal and a men-
Therapy of Homosexuality.91 Another theory claiming a physical basis tal illness in their Diagnostic and Statistical
A third comment to be made regarding the of homosexuality is a theory based on the sup- Manual of Psychiatric Disorders. Are we
Hamer conclusion is, there are criticisms to be posed differences in the brains of homosexu- now supposed to be impressed that they no
made against the study itself. Robert H. als and heterosexuals. In the August, 1991, longer consider it so? It is true that sometimes
Knight makes a number of criticisms of the issue of Science, Dr. Simon LeVay reported the “latest” scientific opinions are regarded as
study including:92 on the differences in the neuron group INAH3, the most accurate. This is only the case, how-
The small sample size,…the re- which is next to the hypothalamus, between ever, if there is reason to believe that the
searchers’ bias that homosexuality is “a homosexuals and heterosexuals. He claimed changes in the scientific opinion were due to
naturally occurring variation” of sexu- that the neuron group was smaller in homo- new scientific evidence, and not due to irrel-
ality; the fact that no heterosexual con- sexuals. In his research, LeVay supposedly evant non-scientific factors.
trol group was used; and the large num- discovered from 41 autopsies that 19 subjects It is clear that the change in the APA des-
ber of exceptions that were recorded.93 were homosexual (including one bisexual), ignation was not due to new findings, but had
having apparently died from complications of everything to do with the lobbying pressure
According to Knight, 14 of the 80 who al- AIDS; 16 were presumed heterosexual men; and tactics of the homosexual community.
legedly were homosexual did not have the and six were presumed heterosexual women.95 When the change was made, “only one-quar-
marker, and Hamer offers no explanation for Though this research was heralded in the ter of the proposed members of the APA voted
the deviation. Additionally, there are a num- popular press as collaborating other research on the proposed change.”99 It came after in-
ber of studies critical of biologic theories in claiming a physical cause of homosexuality, it tense pressure was brought on the group.
general.94 Thus, it is unwarranted to argue for can be shown to be faulty. Grant and Horne Ronald Bayer comments:
a genetic theory of homosexuality based on comment: There was a shift in the role of dem-
any supposedly conclusive studies. To say that this experiment is ex- onstrations from a form of expression to
ceedingly dubious is a gross understate- a tactic of disruption. In this regard gay
The second problem with the genetic cause ment. LeVay is attempting to tell us that activists mirrored the passage of a con-
theory is, even if it were the case that homo- he has found a difference between the frontation politics that had become the
sexuality is genetically endowed, it does not brains of homosexuals and heterosexu- cutting edge of radical and antiwar stu-
follow that therefore there should be no regu- als when he actually has no idea if there dent groups. The purpose of the protest
lations regarding homosexual behavior. The are really any heterosexuals in his was no longer to make public a point of
most one could conclude is that one could not group.96 view, but rather to halt unacceptable
be held morally responsible for being a homo- activities. With ideology seen as an in-
sexual. But even this would not mean that one They also point out that even homosexuals strument of domination, the traditional
would not be morally responsible for homo- were critical of LeVay’s claims. The Bay Area willingness to tolerate the views of
sexual actions. If we discovered that being a Reporter accused LeVay of having “a sloppy one’s opponents was discarded.100
serial killer or a sociopath was genetic, though control group” and of engaging in circular
we might not blame the serial killer or socio- reasoning.97 Scientists also criticized his re- According to Richard Isay, M.D., Clinical
path for being so, we certainly would not al- search. Dr. Paul Cameron wrote: Professor of Psychiatry at Cornell Medical
low him to act upon his serial killing or Three out of the 19 homosexuals College and chair of APA’s Committee on
sociopathological disposition. have a larger INAH3 than the mean size Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues, there is a
Similarly, the propensity to become an al- for “heterosexuals” (the second largest “continuing conviction among most, although
coholic is genetic, but no one suggests that INAH3 belonged to a gay) and three of not all, dynamically oriented psychiatrists in
there be no regulations regarding the actions sixteen “heterosexuals” had a smaller general and psychotherapists in particular,
of alcoholics. It wouldn’t make sense for an INAH3 than the mean size for that homosexuality can and should be changed
alcoholic to say, “I should be allowed to drive homosexuals…According to LeVay’s to heterosexuality….”101 Thus, the change in
while drunk since my alcoholism is geneti- theory, three of the “heterosexuals” the APA’s classification cannot be construed
cally endowed. And not only that, but we should have been homosexual, and to mean that there is anything close to a con-
should introduce into the public schools cur- three of the “homosexuals” should have sensus among mental health professionals re-
ricula informing the children of the lifestyle of been heterosexual. When you com- garding the normalcy of homosexuality.
alcoholism. After all, statistically, a number pletely misclassify six of 35, you don’t
of them are alcoholics.” have much of a theory.98 Myth #6 – Homosexuals cannot change to
Thus, the genetic argument, even if it had being heterosexual.
some warrant, is useless in establishing that Thus, there is no reason to believe that ho- This is perhaps one of the most destructive
homosexual activity should not be regulated. mosexuality has anything to do with the hypo- myths about homosexuality, for it can lead to
Since no study establishes a genetic theory of thalamus. the abandonment of all hope for deliverance.
homosexuality, and a genetic theory of homo- The truth is that a tremendous number of ho-
sexuality would not necessarily preclude regu- Myth #5 – The American Psychiatric mosexuals have changed.102
lations on homosexual behavior even if it was Association changed its designation of Likely there are two major reasons why
established, then arguments for the homo- homosexuality to normal, therefore the medical militant homosexuals propagate this myth.
sexual agenda based on a genetic theory are community recognizes that homosexuality is First, to admit that any homosexual would
useless. normal. want to change is tacitly to admit that there are
Appeals to authority can sometimes be in- those in the homosexual community who, af-

ter careful thought, have concluded that it is from Schrenck-Notzing on have found trying to relate to other men in a differ-
wrong to be homosexual and that it does not positive effects, virtually regardless of ent way; it begins with coming into a
lead to personal happiness and fulfillment. the kind of treatment used…a consider- relationship with God.… Jesus
Focusing on those homosexuals who want to able percentage of overt homosexuals Christ…is the only means of access to
change continues to emphasize the immoral- became heterosexual.107 the God in whose presence the long pur-
ity and personal destructiveness of homosexu- suit is fulfilled.110
ality. Other professionals cited by Rogers and
Second, to admit that homosexuals can Medinger include Dr. John Money, Dr. Thus, whether one examines the issue
change is to deny that homosexuality is physi- Charles W. Socarides, Dr. Robert from a medical psychiatric perspective or a
cally caused. However, we all know that there Kronemeyer, and Dr. Edmund Bergler.108 spiritual perspective, there can be no question
are things about us that are physically deter- that homosexuals can and do change.
mined and we are still able to change. Just Another major approach to homosexual
because one can change his weight doesn’t change is spiritual. Many homosexuals who Myth #7 – More sexual crimes against
mean that his weight was not physically have changed from homosexuality to hetero- children are committed by heterosexuals
caused. sexuality have done so through the work of than homosexuals, therefore a heterosexual
Why, then, would we claim that the homo- Jesus Christ in their lives. Despite the seem- is more likely to be a pedophile than a homo-
sexuals would want to deny that they could ingly unbreakable hold that homosexuality sexual is.
change as if change were incompatible with can have on someone, more and more homo- There are two problems with this myth.
being physically caused? What is the differ- sexuals are finding that change is possible. First, this “statistic” is misleading. Of course
ence between one’s weight and homosexual- Here are excerpts from testimonies pub- there are more sexual crimes against children
ity? Simply, that the causal factors affecting lished in Exodus International’s journal The committed by heterosexuals than homosexu-
weight are easily manipulated, whereas the Exodus Standard: als, just as there are more heterosexual Nobel
supposed causal factors of homosexuality There is a…way, also difficult, that Prize winners, more heterosexual Ph.D.’s,
(i.e., genes) are not. As far as the homosexual some of us have found – the way of more heterosexual star athletes, more success-
community is concerned, their homosexuality change – to move from homosexuality ful heterosexual businessmen, and just about
is so much a part of their identity that it is towards heterosexuality.… From more heterosexual anything. The reason is
beyond the ability of anyone to change it. where many of us stand who have gone obvious: There are more heterosexuals than
The more the homosexual community can down that road, it was difficult, but it homosexuals. What is relevant is not whether
convince the general public that their homo- was worth it a hundred times over, be- there are more or less in absolute numbers, but
sexuality is beyond their or anyone else’s con- cause it has been the way to joy, free- whether there are more or less in proportion to
trol, the more tolerance or even preferential dom, and personal fulfillment.109 the group.
treatment they can gain in public policy. Is it true that a greater percentage of hetero-
Probably the most famous psychologist They have discovered that Jesus Christ is sexuals commit sex crimes against children
who holds to a pro-change position is Dr. Jo- sufficient to make that difference. than homosexuals? No. The fact that some
seph Nicolosi.103 Not only has Nicolosi pub- [T]he…road begins not with just have successfully been able to promote this
lished material on homosexual change and giving up on the gay life, not with trying myth is another way in which the “10%” fal-
done extensive counseling with homosexuals, to relate with a woman, not with just lacy is utilized (although even given the
but he is also part of an organization of clinical
psychologists who believe that homosexual-
ity can be changed.
The National Association for Psychoana- Average income among homosexuals
lytic Research and Therapy of Homosexuality average % prof. % with
[NARTH] “was founded in March, 1992, by household % college and mgmt. overseas
psychoanalysts and psychoanalytically in- income graduates positions vacations
formed individuals who believe that obliga-
tory homosexuality is a treatable developmen-
tal disorder.”104 The organization is headed by
Charles W. Socarides, M.D., Clinical Profes- HOMOSEXUALS $55,430 60% 49% 66%
sor of Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein Col-
lege of Medicine in New York City. It was
formed to counter what NARTH called “dis-
turbing recent movements within the psychi-
atric and psychological professions.”105
There are numerous other professionals
who claim that homosexuals can change. In
NATIONAL $32,286 18% 16% 14%
their article, Sy Rogers and Alan Medinger
have gathered extensive research evidence of
the reality of homosexual change.106 For ex-
ample, Dr. Reuben Fine, director for the New
York Center for Psychoanalytic Training says: Records compiled by The Wall Street Journal show that homo-
It is paradoxical that even though po- sexuals are one of the most affluent groups in America.
litically active homosexual groups deny Freedom Heritage Forum
the possibility of change, all studies

“10%” figure, the percentage is still less). The by Bob Davies

greater the number of homosexuals in
America, the less of a percentage the number
of homosexual pedophiles is of the total.
Given the fact that only 1% to 3% of the popu-
lation is homosexual, statistically speaking, a
homosexual is more likely to be a pedophile
than a heterosexual is. A study in 1985 con-
What does the Bible say? (reprinted from Moody magazine, 5/94)
cluded that “homosexual acts [sic] were in- Religious trends during the past few decades have made today’s debate over homosexu-
volved in 25% to 40% of the cases of child ality almost inevitable. In a growing number of denominations, the Bible’s moral statements
molestation.”111 are increasingly seen as irrelevant to our culture. The latest findings of science and an
Second, when making this argument the individual’s personal experiences are treated as higher authorities than the Scriptures.
data is interpreted inconsistently. What is of Discussions about homosexuality frequently center around a few isolated Bible passages.
concern are homosexual actions, not whether Often overlooked is the foundational teaching on human sexuality found in Genesis 1: “So
someone is a homosexual. Thus, it confuses God created man in his own image...male and female he created them” (v. 27).
the debate to argue, as some homosexuals have Jesus based His teachings against divorce on this passage (Matt. 19:4-6). God created man
done, that simply because a male adult sexu- and woman for each other, and ordained sex only in the context of a lifetime commitment.
ally assaults a male child doesn’t mean that the The opening chapter of Genesis explains why fornication, adultery, and prostitution – as well
male adult is a homosexual. In this way, ac- as “homosexual marriage” – are all distortions of God’s original plan for sex.
cording to the homosexuals, acts of pedophilia Some scholars have offered new interpretations for specific biblical passages that prohibit
would never be interpreted as homosexual homosexual acts. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19), Lot’s visitors demand to
crimes. “know” the angelic visitors (v. 5, KJV). The explanation that they wanted merely “to get
This line of reasoning, however, is incon- acquainted with” the strangers makes Lot’s response most puzzling: “Don’t do this wicked
sistent with the line of reasoning used by ho- thing” (v.7). The context supports the traditional interpretation of homosexuality, and other
mosexuals to establish the percentage of ho- biblical passages link Sodom with sexual immorality and perversion (2 Peter 2:7; Jude 7).
mosexuals in America based on the Kinsey In Leviticus 18:22, God clearly commands, “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a
data. Since Kinsey’s research group contained woman; that is detestable.” Pro-homosexual scholars argue that Christians are no longer
a disproportionate number of prisoners, and under the Mosaic law. But we must carefully distinguish the dietary or ceremonial laws
prisoners have a disproportionate number of (abolished in the New Testament – Mark 7:19; Heb. 10:8-10) from the moral laws (reinforced
homosexual experiences, the Kinsey research in the New Testament and still applicable today – Mark 7:20-23; Matt. 5:27, 28).
yielded a disproportionate percentage of men Differentiating the two types of laws answers the question, “Why do Christians quote the
who had had a homosexual experience. Here Old Testament on homosexuality, then ignore the commands that prohibit eating shellfish or
homosexuals argued that these men who had wearing clothing of mixed fibers?”
had these homosexual experiences are homo- The important distinction between these laws is reflected in the Old Testament penalties
sexuals. The inconsistency is this: They for breaking them: Disobedience to the ceremonial laws resulted in uncleanness (Lev. 11:24,
refuse to count the pedophilia as examples of etc.), while breaching the moral law meant death (Lev. 20).
homosexuals, though they are examples of The first chapter of Romans is usually considered the most thorough and clear condem-
sexual acts between members of the same sex, nation of homosexuality in the Bible. It also contains the only specific reference to lesbianism.
while counting the prison experiences as ho- But some people claim that Paul’s statements are “culturally bound,” addressed to first-
mosexuals, though they are examples of century believers and therefore not applicable today. But God declares that His moral laws
sexual acts between members of the same sex. do no change and that His Word “stands forever” (Isa. 40:8).
What did Paul mean when he stated that homosexual acts are “unnatural” (Rom. 1:26, 27)?
Myth #8 – Homosexuals are an oppressed Contrary to what a person feels is natural? Not necessarily. Many homosexuals say that they
minority and should have the same civil have always felt attracted to others of their own gender. But we live in a fallen world; sin has
rights extended to them regarding their distorted our perception of truth (Rom. 1:18). So what someone feels is “natural” can still be
homosexuality as other minorities. wrong. Paul was referring to the natural order as God originally created it.
With this myth homosexuals seek not only Those who practice homosexual acts receive “in themselves the due penalty for their
to affect public policy, but also to determine perversion” (Rom. 1:27). Homosexuals reap a bitter harvest of emotional and physical suf-
the terms of the debate. The more the homo- fering. Though AIDS is not necessarily a direct judgment from God, it certainly is a devas-
sexual community is able to construe the issue tating consequence of sin.
of homosexuality and public policy along the First Corinthians 6:9 mentions “homosexual offenders” in a long list of people who will
lines of “civil rights,” the more success it will not inherit the kingdom of God. This passage seems clear – until the discussions begin about
have in achieving its agenda. Early observers the exact meaning of the original Greek word.
likened the homosexual movement to other Does arsenokoitai refer to lustful, uncommitted male prostitution or to a loving, perma-
social movements such as the anti-war move- nent relationship? The literal meaning is “a male who lies with a male.” There are no quali-
ment. Now it is compared to the civil rights fications. All homosexual behavior is forbidden, no matter what degree of love or lust is
movement of racial minorities. involved.
There are several things wrong with re- What about Jesus’ silence on this issue? There are many sexual behaviors that He did not
garding homosexuality as a civil right. First, address (incest, rape, bestiality). That doesn’t mean they are permissible. Jesus always upheld
the law already protects the civil rights of citi- the Old Testament law (Matt. 5:17-19), which strictly condemned homosexual acts. And He
zens. Homosexuals now enjoy these civil affirmed celibacy as the only legitimate alternative to heterosexual marriage (Matt. 19:12).
rights as everyone else does. It is true that
individual homosexuals have had certain

rights deprived at times (just as anybody

could), and it may be because of their homo- The homosexual lifestyle and sexual practices
sexuality, but this is nothing that the law does
not already address. ❚ A 1972 study by the U.S. Centers for ❚ 29% report urinating on or in their
For example, it is already against the law to Disease Control revealed that 50% of partners.
beat someone up. If a homosexual is beaten up male homosexuals have had over 500 ❚ 37% report sadomasochism.
by someone who hates homosexuals, the of- different sexual partners. For AIDS ❚ 42% report “handballing” or “fisting”
fending party is already culpable by law. To victims the average is 1,100 different where the hand or arm is inserted into
extend protection to a homosexual on the basis
sexual partners. the rectum of their partner.
of his homosexuality is unnecessary and un-
fair. One’s behavior should not be the subject ❚ In one study, two homosexual research- ❚ 32% report bondage.
of civil rights laws. If I believe that homo- ers found that 73% of adult male ❚ 12% report giving or receiving of
sexuality is immoral, why should I not have homosexuals had had sex with boys enemas for sexual pleasure.
the right to avoid homosexuals? (No one could age 19 or younger. ❚ 15% report sex with animals.
ever argue that they have the right to beat up ❚ 93% report anal sexual relations.
homosexuals.) If homosexuality is a civil ❚ 92% report oral/anal sexual activity. Published by The Berean League, June,
right, does that mean that a church could not ❚ 17% report eating and/or rubbing 1991, 2875 Snelling Ave. N., St.
deny a job to a homosexual because of his ho- Paul, MN 55113.
themselves with the feces of their
mosexuality? partners.
Second, homosexuality is not a benign fac-
tor like race. Everyone should condemn rac-
ism and any generalizations about a particular More than three times as many ho- those who have come out of the homosexual
race of people. By definition, however, all ho- mosexuals as average Americans are lifestyle as well as video accounts of events
mosexuals are alike in terms of the factors college graduates. Three times as many such as gay rights parades116 evidence the fact
relevant to any debate about homosexuality. homosexuals as average Americans that the homosexual lifestyle is characterized
For example, no one is interested in the obser- hold professional or managerial by anonymous sexual encounters and celebra-
vation that blacks tend to have darker skin than positions.…some 65.8% of homosexu- tion of sexual obsession and perversion unpar-
whites. This trivial observation is irrelevant to als are overseas travelers – four times alleled in any other social group.117
any debate concerning race. However, the the national average.113 Are homosexuals as healthy as everyone
claim that all blacks are lazy is an irrational 2) Protected classes should exhibit obvi- else?118 It is not uncommon to call such prac-
racist belief because there is no connection ous, immutable, or distinguishing characteris- tices as smoking or drug abuse harmful. This
between a person’s laziness and his race. tics, like race, color, gender, that define them is because the harmful effects of these prac-
When it comes to the behavior of homosexu- as a discrete group. It should be clear that this tices have been demonstrated in the medical
als, it is exactly what makes them homosexu- does not apply to the homosexual community. research, and the life span of those who smoke
als that is relevant to the debate about homo- 3) Protected classes should clearly demon- or abuse drugs is shorter on the average than
sexuality. Why would anyone oppose strate political powerlessness. Again, it that of non-smokers and non-drug abusers.
someone’s homosexuality? Precisely because should be clear from the impact the homo- What do we know about the average health
of their homosexuality. In this regard, by defi- sexual agenda is having on America, that the and life span of homosexuals?119
nition, all homosexuals behave alike. homosexual community is far from politically Dr. Paul Cameron and colleagues con-
Although it is irrational for one to hate a powerless. Thus, there is no reason to regard ducted research on 6,714 obituaries from 16
race, since the factors that one hates are not homosexuals as an oppressed minority. United States homosexual journals from
related to the race as a race, it is not irrational 1981-1993 as compared to a large sample of
for one to oppose homosexuality, since the Myth #9 – Homosexuals are normal, obituaries from regular newspapers.120 The
factor that one opposes is related to the homo- healthy, everyday people. sampling from the newspapers matched the
sexuals as homosexuals. Homosexuality can- There can be no doubt that most Americans U.S. averages for longevity. The median age
not be treated in the same way as one’s race. would be repulsed if they could see the deca- of death of married men was 75, 80% of whom
Third, the criteria to judge whether or not a dence within the homosexuality community. died at 65 or older. The median age of death
group is an oppressed minority do not apply to The slick and somewhat successful public re- of unmarried or divorced men was 57, 32% of
the homosexual community. Tony Marco, in lations campaign hides the true face of the whom died at 65 or older.
his book Special Class Protection for Gays: A homosexual lifestyle. This can be demon- The median age of death of married women
Question of Behavior and Consequences, strated from two incontrovertible sources: was 79, 85% of whom died at 65 or older. The
notes the three criteria that the Supreme Court former homosexuals who reveal what the typi- median age of death of unmarried or divorced
established in awarding special protected sta- cal homosexual lifestyle is like, and video tape women was 71, 60% of whom died at 65 or
tus:112 of the homosexuals themselves in certain pub- older.
1) There must be a history of discrimina- lic gatherings. A comparison of these statistics to the ho-
tion evidenced by a lack of ability to obtain Unfortunately for their public relations mosexual population is startling. According
economic mean income, adequate education campaign, homosexuals characteristically to Cameron, the median age of death of homo-
or cultural opportunity. Friedeman observes don’t behave themselves when they gather in sexuals was virtually the same nationwide.
that this certainly does not apply to homosexu- public. One only has to view the video tape Less than 2% of homosexuals survived to 65.
als. Homosexuals have an average annual The Gay Agenda produced by The Report114 to This statistic is so extreme, no doubt because
income of $55,430, over $20,000 more than see the disgusting truth. of the disparate percentage of homosexuals
the general population. In addition, Despite what homosexual advocates with AIDS, as compared to the rest of society.
Friedeman observes: would like us to believe,115 testimony from For those homosexuals with AIDS, the me-

dian age of death was 39. For those homo- demned by the Law of Moses (Leviticus in the open marketplace of ideas, in like man-
sexuals whose death was from other factors 18:22; 20:13), that the male and female rela- ner within the church we also must take a stand
besides AIDS, the median age of death was 42, tionship is the only sexual relationship al- for righteousness, and convince others by
9% died at 65 or older. The survey found that lowed by Jesus (Matthew 19:4-6), and that sound doctrine that homosexuality is not
140 lesbians had a median age of death of 45, homosexuality (as well as lesbianism) is con- God’s plan for human beings. Second Corin-
23% survived to 65. demned by Paul (Romans 1:24-27). thians 5:10-11 says:
Other factors about the homosexual com- One may argue that homosexuality is not For we must all appear before the
munity are alarming. Homosexuals were 116 immoral and that the Bible is wrong. Indeed, judgment seat of Christ, that each one
times more likely to be murdered and 24 times this would be a more intellectually honest may receive the things done in the body,
more likely to commit suicide.121 The disgust- position, but it is clear that the Bible condemns according to what he has done, whether
ing details of the homosexual lifestyle explain homosexuality. good or bad. Knowing, therefore, the
why so many diseases are present in the homo- terror of the Lord, we persuade men;
sexual community. The response to homosexuality
There can be no doubt that the homosexual When asking ourselves the question “What Third, we need to have a heart of love and
lifestyle is a dangerous one. should we do?” there are at least two distinct compassion for those who profess Christ who
issues before us that we shouldn’t confuse. are overtaken in such sin. Galatians 6:1-2
Myth #10 – The Bible doesn’t condemn First, there is the concern about how we can says:
homosexuality, per se, only promiscuity. forestall the further advance of the homo- Brethren, if a man is overtaken in
It should come as no surprise that the Bible sexual agenda. Second, there is the concern any trespass, you who are spiritual re-
is unambiguous on the matter of homosexual- about what we can do for homosexuals them- store such a one in a spirit of gentleness,
ity. In this respect, the Judeo-Christian tradi- selves. The first concern is a social/political considering yourself lest you also be
tion is not unlike practically every other reli- issue. The second concern is a theological/ tempted. Bear one another’s burdens,
gious tradition in the world in condemning ho- ministerial issue. and so fulfill the law of Christ.
mosexuality. Amazingly, there are those in
the homosexual community who advance the Social/political action Fourth, offer the hope that is only in Jesus
notion that the Bible is either indifferent on the First, become informed about the homo- Christ. Nothing short of regeneration will
subject, or actually allows for the expression sexual movement. To the extent that we are solve the problem of homosexuality. Having
of homosexual love.122 Those who hold the ignorant of the homosexual agenda and un- offered the salvation that is in Christ, for those
view that the Bible does not condemn homo- able to intelligently debate the issues, we will who trust in Him, we must be willing to help
sexuality advance illogical lines of argument: be unable to stop their advance. Hosea 4:6 the recovering homosexual grow in his rela-
that the Bible as a whole has very little to say says, “My people are destroyed for lack of tionship with Christ.
about the subject, and what it does seem to say knowledge.” NOTES
is probably referring to something other than Second, work to change as many minds to 1For the most part, when I use the expression ‘homosexual community’ I am
homosexuality. a proper understanding of this issue as we can. referring to that element of the American homosexual population which
seeks to advance a particular agenda in the social sphere and public policy.
Several comments can be made. First, it is Homosexuality can no longer be an issue that Thus, it may be possible that one be a homosexual, and not consider himself
irrelevant to argue that because the Bible has we are too shy to confront publicly. a part of this activist population.
2These goals are taken from the 62 platform demands of the 1993 March on
little to say about a topic, therefore the topic is Third, become involved in the political Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi-Equal Rights and Liberation. The Plat-
unimportant from a biblical perspective or that process. God has given us a country where the form can be found in its entirety of pages 17 and 18 of the Official 1993
the Bible is indifferent to the topic. A thor- process of government and the implementa- March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, and Bi-Equal Rights and Liberation
Program Guide published by The Committee for the March on Washington,
ough search of the Bible will reveal that it has tion of public policy is in our hands as citizens. Inc., P. O. Box 34607, Washington, DC 20005-3406.
very little to say about cannibalism, but surely Our involvement in the political process is a 3For a brief discussion on the history of sexual ethics, see George Grant and Mark
no one would argue that the practice of canni- matter of stewardship before the Lord. Hav- Horne, Legislating Immorality (Chicago: Moody Press, 1993): 23-47.
4Linda Chavez, “Homosexuality and the Moral Order,” First Things (April 1993):
balism is unimportant or that the Bible is indif- ing become informed on the issues, while per- 15.
ferent about cannibalism. suading those around us, write letters to public 5See Myth #9.
6See the section “Sources” for a listing of the video tapes.
Second, it is a mistake to suppose that one officials regarding public policy, vote our con- 7I try not to use the term gay because I consider gay to be a euphemism, i.e., a
has analyzed all the Bible has to say about sciences, and/or run for public office. Prov- nice sounding substitute term designed to hide the true nature of something.
homosexuality simply because one has exam- erbs 29:2 says “When the righteous are in au- I believe the term gay was introduced to prejudice the debate in favor of
homosexuality. To call someone gay connotes notions of happiness. I avoid
ined all the passages that deal directly with thority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked the term gay because I do not believe homosexuality is happy.
homosexuality. A biblical doctrine of homo- man rules, the people groan.” 8William Dannemeyer, Shadow in the Land: Homosexuality in America (San
sexuality is subsumed under the broader bib- Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1989): 140-141.
9The homosexual orientation issue is not without its public application, however,
lical doctrine of sexuality. Thus, to discover Helping the homosexual since it is certainly the case that one is more likely to engage in homosexual
what the Bible teaches about homosexuality, Our responsibilities are not unlike our re- actions if one is a homosexual than if one is not. Thus, we would argue for
the right to avoid those who are homosexuals. Should the law, for example,
one must examine what the Bible teaches sponsibilities concerning other areas of sin. forbid one from renting to a tenant if the tenant is homosexual? Should a
about sexuality as a whole, including hetero- Our plan of action in this area is similar to our Church be allowed to refuse to hire someone if he is homosexual?
sexuality. It is beyond the scope of this work plan in the public arena. First, we need to be 10Dick Michaels, June 1, 1969, as cited in Leigh W Rutledge, The Gay Decades:
From Stonewall to The Present; The People and Events that Shaped Gay Lives
to thoroughly examine the biblical doctrine of informed about what the Bible, as our author- (New York: A Plume Book, 1992): xiii, emphasis in original.
sexuality. But it is sufficient to say that any ity on matters spiritual, teaches on homosexu- 11Dennis Altman, The Homosexualization of America (New York: n.p., 1982): 2,
fair reading of the creation account, as well as ality. There has been a tremendous amount of as cited in Dannemeyer, Shadow, p. 123.
12Rutledge, The Gay Decades, p. 3. Eric Marcus, however, specifically argues that
the Scriptures dealing with marriage, proves work done in helping us understand what the the movement had its origin in the 1950’s, though the Stonewall Riots were
that homosexuality is not allowed by a biblical Scriptures have to say about this issue. a significant turning point. (Eric Marcus, Is It a Choice? Answers to 300 of
the Most Frequently Asked Questions about Gays and Lesbians (San Fran-
doctrine of sexuality. Second, persuade others that God’s word is cisco: Harper San Francisco, 1993): 180-181.)
Third, it is clear that the sin of Sodom was unambiguous on the matter. Just as in the 13Dannemeyer, Shadow, p. 124.
homosexuality,123 that homosexuality is con- social/political sphere we confront this issue CONTINUED ON PAGE 19


sored by the Institute on Religion and Public
Life. The Colloquium is a group of Jewish
The Homosexual Movement
and Christian theologians, ethicists, philoso-
phers and scholars who meet periodically to ■ A response by the Ramsey Colloquium
consider questions on morality, religion and
public life. It is named after Paul Ramsey The new thing new thing in our public life.
(1913-1988), the distinguished Methodist Homosexual behavior is a phenomenon We are not a “representative group” of
ethicist. with a long history, to which there have been Americans, nor are we sure what such a group
various cultural and moral responses. But to- would look like. No group can encompass the
HADLEY ARKES, Amherst College day in our public life there is something new, maddening and heartening diversity of sex,
MATTHEW BERKE, First Things a novum, which demands our attention and race, class, cultural background, and ideologi-
GERARD BRADLEY, Notre Dame Law School deserves a careful moral response. cal disposition that is to be found among the
RABBI DAVID DANIN, University of Hartford The new thing is a movement that variously American people. We are who we are. As
ERNEST FORTIN, Boston College presents itself as an appeal for compassion, as such, we offer this product of our study, reflec-
JORGE GARCIA, Rutgers University an extension of civil rights to minorities, and tion, and conversation in the hope that others
RABBI MARC GILLMAN, Hebrew Union College as a cultural revolution. The last of these seems may find it helpful.
ROBERT GEORGE, Princeton University to us the best description of the phenomenon; Our aim is to present arguments that are
THE REV. HUGH HAFFENREFFER, Emanuel Lutheran indeed, that is what its most assertive and pas- public in character and accessible to all rea-
Church, Hartford, Connecticut sionate defenders say it is. The Nation, for sonable persons. In doing so, we draw readily
JOHN HITTINGER, College of Saint Francis example, asserts (May 3, 1993): on the religious and moral traditions that have
RUSSELL HITTINGER, Catholic University of America “All the crosscurrents of present- shaped our civilization and our own lives. We
ROBERT JENSON, St. Olaf College day liberation struggles are subsumed are confident that arguments based, inter alia,
GILBERT MEILAENDER, Oberlin College in the gay struggle. The gay movement on religious conviction and insight cannot le-
JERRY MULLER, Catholic University of America is in some ways similar to the move- gitimately be excluded from public discourse
FR. RICHARD JOHN NEUHAUS, Institute on Religion ment that other communities have ex- in a democratic society.
and Public Life perienced in the nation’s past, but it is In discussing homosexuality, homosexu-
RABBI DAVID NOVAK, University of Virginia also something more, because sexual als, and the gay and lesbian movement, it is
JAMES NUECHTERLEIN, First Things identity is in crisis throughout the popu- necessary to make certain distinctions. Homo-
MAX STACKHOUSE, Princeton Theological Seminary lation, and gay people – at once the most sexuality is sometimes considered a matter of
PHILLIP TURNER, Berkeley Divinity School (Yale Uni- conspicuous subjects and objects of the sexual “orientation,” referring to those whose
versity) crisis—have been forced to invent a erotic desires are predominantly or exclu-
GEORGE WEIGEL, Ethics and Public Policy Center complete cosmology to grasp it. No one sively directed to members of the same sex.
ROBERT WILKEN, University of Virginia says the changes will come easily. But Many such persons live lives of discipline and
it’s just possible that a small and de- chastity. Others act upon their homosexual
spised sexual minority will change orientation through homogenital acts. Many
America forever.” in this second group are “in the closet,” al-
Although some date “the movement” from though under the pressure of the current move-
the “Stonewall Riot” of June 1969, we have ment, they may be uneasy about that distinc-
more recently witnessed a concerted and in- tion between public and private. Still another
tense campaign, in the media and in leading sector of the homosexual population is public
cultural institutions, to advance the gay and about its orientation and behavior and insists
lesbian cause. Despite the fact that the Jewish that a gay “lifestyle” be not simply tolerated
and Christian traditions have, in a clear and but affirmed. These differences account for
sustained manner, judged homosexual behav- some of the tensions within the “movement.”
ior to be morally wrong, this campaign has not Some aim at “main streaming” homosexual-
left our religious communities unaffected. The ity, while others declare their aim to be a cul-
great majority of Americans have been sur- tural, moral, and political revolution.
prised, puzzled, shocked, and sometimes out- We confront, therefore, a movement of
raged by this movement for radical change. At considerable complexity, and we must respect
the same time, the movement has attracted the diversity to be found among our homo-
considerable support from heterosexual sexual fellow citizens and fellow believers.
Americans who accept its claim to be the Some want no more than help and understand-
course of social justice and tolerance. ing in coping with what they view as their
We share a measure of ambivalence and problem; others ask no more than that they be
confusion regarding this remarkable insur- left alone.
gency in our common life. We do not present The new thing, the novum, is a gay and
ourselves as experts on the subject of homo- lesbian movement that aggressively proposes
sexuality. We are committed Christians and radical changes in social behavior, religion,
Jews and we try to be thoughtful citizens. In morality, and law. It is important to distin-
this statement, we do our best to respond to the guish public policy considerations from the
claims made by the gay and lesbian movement judgment of particular individuals. Our state-
and to form a moral judgment regarding this ment is directed chiefly to debates over public

policy and what should be socially normative. tent and style of seminary education and the body is little more than an instrument for the
We share the uneasiness of most Americans ordination of practicing homosexuals – will fulfillment of desire, and that the fulfillment of
with the proposals advanced by the gay and give it an effective hold upon the primary in- desire is the essence of the self. On biblical and
lesbian movement, and we seek to articulate stitutions of moral legitimation in our popular philosophical grounds, we reject this radical
reasons for the largely intuitive and pre-ar- culture. The movement also correctly per- dualism between the self and the body. Our
ticulate anxiety of most Americans regarding ceives that our churches and synagogues have bodies have their own dignity, bear their own
homosexuality and its increasing impact on typically been inarticulate and unpersuasive truths, and are participant in our personhood in
our public life. in offering reasons for withholding the bless- a fundamental way.
ing that is sought. This constellation of movements, of which
New thing/old thing: One reason for the discomfort of religious the gay movement is part, rests upon an an-
The sexual revolution leaders in the face of this new movement is the thropological doctrine of the autonomous self.
While the gay and lesbian movement is past and continuing failure to offer supportive With respect to abortion and the socialization
indeed a new thing, its way was prepared by, and knowledgeable pastoral care to persons of sexuality, this anthropology has gone a long
and it is in large part a logical extension of, coping with the problems of their homosexu- way toward entrenching itself in the jurispru-
what has been called the “sexual revolution.” ality. Without condoning homogenital acts, it dence of our society as well as in popular hab-
The understanding of marriage and family is necessary to recognize that many such per- its of mind and behavior. We believe it is a
once considered normative is very commonly sons are, with fear and trembling, seeking as false doctrine that leads neither to individual
dishonored in our society and, too frequently best they can to live lives pleasing to God and flourishing nor to social well-being.
in our communities of faith. Religious com- in service to others. Confronted by the vexing
munities and leaderships have been, and in too ambiguities of eros in human life, religious The heterosexual norm
many cases remain, deeply complicit in the communities should be better equipped to sup- Marriage and the family – husband, wife,
demeaning of social norms essential to human port people in their struggle, recognizing that and children, joined by public recognition and
flourishing. we all fall short of the vocation to holiness of legal bond – are the most effective institutions
Thus moral criticism of the homosexual life. for the rearing of children, the directing of
world and movement is unbalanced, unfair, The sexual revolution is motored by pre- sexual passion, and human flourishing in com-
and implausible if it is not, at the same time, suppositions that can and ought to be effec- munity. Not all marriages and families
criticism of attitudes and behaviors that have tively challenged. Perhaps the key presuppo- “work,” but it is unwise to let pathology and
debased heterosexual relations. The gay and sition of the revolution is that human health failure, rather than a vision of what is norma-
lesbian insurgency has raised a sharp moral and flourishing require that sexual desire, un- tive and ideal, guide us in the development of
challenge to the hypocrisy and decadence of derstood as a “need,” be acted upon and satis- social policy.
our culture. In the light of widespread changes fied. Any discipline of denial or restraint has Of course many today doubt that we can
in sexual mores, some homosexuals under- been popularly depicted as unhealthy and de- speak of what is normatively human. The
standably protest that the sexual license ex- humanizing. We insist, however, that it is de- claim that all social institutions and patterns of
tended to “straights” cannot be denied to them. humanizing to define ourselves, or our behavior are social constructions that we may,
We believe that any understanding of sexu- personhood as male and female, by our desires if we wish, alter without harm to ourselves is
ality, including heterosexuality, that makes it alone. Nor does it seem plausible to suggest a proposal even more radical in origin and im-
chiefly an arena for the satisfaction of personal that what millennia of human experience have plication than the sexual revolution.
desire is harmful to individuals and society. taught us to regard as self-command should That the institutions of marriage and fam-
Any way of life that accepts or encourages now be dismissed as mere repression. ily are culturally conditioned and subject to
sexual relations for pleasure or personal satis- At the same time that the place of sex has change and development no one should doubt,
faction alone turns away from the disciplined been grotesquely exaggerated by the sexual but such recognition should not undermine our
community that marriage is intended to en- revolution, it has also been trivialized. The ability to discern patterns of community that
gender and foster. Religious communities that mysteries of human sexuality are commonly best serve human well-being. Judaism and
have in recent decades winked at promiscuity reduced to matters of recreation or taste, not Christianity did not invent the heterosexual
(even among the clergy), that have solemnly unlike one’s preferences in diet, dress, or norm, but these faith traditions affirm that
repeated marriage vows that their own con- sport. This peculiar mix of the exaggerated norm and can open our eyes to see in it impor-
gregations do not take seriously, and that have and the trivialized makes it possible for the tant truths about human life.
failed to concern themselves with the devas- gay and lesbian movement to demand, simul- Fundamental to human life in society is the
tating effects of divorce upon children cannot taneously, a respect for what is claimed to be creation of humankind as male and female,
with integrity condemn homosexual behavior most importantly and constitutively true of which is typically and paradigmatically ex-
unless they are also willing to reassert the het- homosexuals, and tolerance for what is, after pressed in the marriage of a man and a woman
erosexual norm more believably and effec- all, simply a difference in “lifestyle.” who form a union of persons in which two
tively in their pastoral care. In other words, It is important to recognize the linkages become one flesh – a union which, in the Bib-
those determined to resist the gay and lesbian among the component parts of the sexual revo- lical tradition, is the foundation of all human
movement must be equally concerned for the lution. Permissive abortion, widespread adul- community. In faithful marriage, three impor-
renewal of integrity, in teaching and practice, tery, easy divorce, radical feminism, and the tant elements of human life are made manifest
regarding “traditional sexual ethics.” gay and lesbian movement have not by acci- and given support.
It is a testimony to the perduring role of dent appeared at the same historical moment. (1) Human society extends over time; it has
religion in American life that many within the They have in common a declared desire for a history. It does so because, through the mys-
gay and lesbian movement seek the blessing liberation from constraint – especially con- terious participation of our procreative pow-
of religious institutions. The movement cor- straints associated with an allegedly oppres- ers in God’s own creative work, we transmit
rectly perceives that attaining such formal sive culture and religious tradition. They also life to those who will succeed us. We become
approbation – through, for example, the con- have in common the presuppositions that the a people with a shared history over time and

with a common stake in that history. Only the honored tradition of friendship between men convincingly discredited. Current research
heterosexual norm gives full expression to the and men, women and women, women and suggests that the percentage of males whose
commitment to time and history evident in men. In the current climate of sexualizing and sexual desires and behavior are exclusively
having and caring for children. politicizing all intense interpersonal relation- homosexual is as low as 1% or 2% in devel-
(2) Human society requires that we learn to ships, the place of sexually chaste friendship oped societies. In any case, the statistical fre-
value difference within community. In the and of religiously motivated celibacy is quency of an act or desire does not determine
complementarity of male and female we find gravely jeopardized. In our cultural moment its moral status. Racial discrimination and
the paradigmatic instance of this truth. Of of narrow-eyed prurience, the single life of child abuse occur frequently in society, but
course, persons may complement each other chastity has come under the shadow of suspi- that does not make them “natural” in the moral
in many different ways, but the comple- cion and is no longer credible to many people. sense. What is in accord with human nature is
mentarity of male and female is grounded in, Indeed, the non-satisfaction of sexual “needs” behavior appropriate to what we are meant to
and fully embraces, our bodies and their struc- is widely viewed as a form of deviance. be – appropriate to what God created and calls
ture. It does not sever the meaning of the per- In this context it becomes imperative to us to be.
son from bodily life, as if human beings were affirm the reality and beauty of sexually chaste In a fallen creation, many quite common
simply desire, reason, or will. The relationships of deep affectional intensity. We attitudes and behaviors must be straightfor-
complementarity of male and female invites do not accept the notion that self-command is wardly designated as sin. Although we are
us to learn to accept and affirm the natural an unhealthy form of repression on the part of equal before God, we are not born equal in
world from which we are too often alienated. single people, whether their inclination be terms of our strengths and weaknesses, our
Moreover, in the creative complementarity heterosexual or homosexual. Put differently, tendencies and dispositions, our nature and
of male and female we are directed toward the choice is not limited to heterosexual mar- nurture. We cannot utterly change the hand we
community with those unlike us. In the com- riage on the one hand, or relationships involv- have been dealt by inheritance and family cir-
munity between male and female, we do not ing homogenital sex on the other. cumstances, but we are responsible for how
and cannot see in each other mere reflections we play that hand. Inclination and temptation
of ourselves. In learning to appreciate this The claims of the movement are not sinful, although they surely result from
most basic difference, and in forming a marital We turn our attention now to a few of the humanity’s fallen condition. Sin occurs in the
bond, we take both difference and community important public claims made by gay and les- joining of the will, freely and knowingly, to an
seriously. (And ultimately, we begin to be pre- bian advocates (even as we recognize that the act or way of life that is contrary to God’s
pared for communion with God, in Whom we movement is not monolithic). As we noted purpose. Religious communities in particular
never find simply a reflection of ourselves.) earlier, there is an important distinction be- must lovingly support all the faithful in their
(3) Human society requires the direction tween those who wish to “mainstream” homo- struggle against temptation, while at the same
and restraint of many impulses. Few of those sexual life and those who aim at restructuring time insisting that precisely for their sake we
impulses are more powerful or unpredictable culture. This is roughly the distinction be- must describe as sinful the homogenital and
than sexual desire. Throughout history societ- tween those who seek integration and those extramarital heterosexual behavior to which
ies have taken particular care to socialize sexu- who seek revolution. Although these different some are drawn.
ality toward marriage and the family. Mar- streams of the movement need to be distin- Many in our society – both straight and gay
riage is a place where, in a singular manner, guished, a few claims are so frequently en- – also contend that what people do sexually is
our waywardness begins to be healed and our countered that they require attention. entirely a private matter and no one’s business
fear of commitment overcome, where we may Many gays argue that they have no choice, but their own. The form this claim takes is
learn to place another person’s needs rather that they could not be otherwise than they are. often puzzling to many people – and rightly
than our own desires at the center of life. Such an assertion can take a variety of forms so. For what were once considered private acts
Thus, reflection on the heterosexual norm – for example, that “being gay is natural for are now highly publicized, while, for the same
directs our attention to certain social necessi- me” or even that “God made me this way.” acts, public privilege is claimed because they
ties: the continuation of human life, the place We cannot settle the dispute about the roots are private. What is confusedly at work here is
of difference within community, the redirec- – genetic or environmental – of homosexual an extreme individualism, a claim for au-
tion of our tendency to place our own desires orientation. tonomy so extreme that it must undercut the
first. These necessities cannot be supported by When some scientific evidence suggests a common good.
rational calculations of self-interest alone; genetic predisposition for homosexual orien- To be sure, there should in our society a
they require commitments that go well beyond tation, the case is not significantly different wide zone for private behavior, including be-
the demands of personal satisfaction. Having from evidence of predispositions toward other havior that most Americans would deem
and rearing children is among the most diffi- traits – for example, alcoholism or violence. In wrong. Some of us oppose anti-sodomy stat-
cult of human projects. Men and women need each instance we must still ask whether such a utes. In a society premised upon limited gov-
all the support they can get to maintain stable predisposition should be acted upon or ernment there are realms of behavior that
marriages in which the next generation can whether it should be resisted. Whether or not ought to be beyond the supervision of the state.
flourish. Even marriages that do not give rise a homosexual orientation can be changed – In addition to the way sexual wrongdoing
to children exist in accord with, rather than in and it is important to recognize that there are harms character, however, there are often
opposition to, this heterosexual norm. To de- responsible authorities on both sides of this other harms involved. We have in mind the
pict marriage as simply one of several alterna- question – we affirm the obligation of pastors alarming rates of sexual promiscuity, depres-
tive “lifestyles” is seriously to undermine the and therapists to assist those who recognize sion, and suicide and the ominous presence of
normative vision required for social well-be- the value of chaste living to resist the impulse AIDS within the homosexual subculture. No
ing. to act on their desire for homogenital gratifica- one can doubt that these are reasons for public
There are legitimate and honorable forms tion. concern. Another legitimate reason for public
of love other than marriage. Indeed, one of the The Kinsey data, which suggested that concern is the harm done to the social order
goods at stake in today’s disputes is a long- 10% of males is homosexual, have now been when policies are advanced that would in-

crease the incidence of the gay lifestyle and blessing of our religious communities – be- contribute to turning that agitation into civil
undermine the normative character of mar- lieve that theirs is the only form of love, under- conversation about the kind of people we are
riage and family life. stood as affection and erotic satisfaction, of and hope to be.
Since there are good reasons to support the which they are capable. Nor do we doubt that ___________________
heterosexual norm, since it has been devel- they have found in such relationships some-
oped with great difficulty, and since it can be thing of great personal significance, since NOTES…FROM PAGE 15
maintained only if it is cared for and supported, even a distorted love retains traces of love’s 14Rutledge, The Gay Decades, p. 60.
we cannot be indifferent to attacks upon it. grandeur. Where there is love in morally dis- 15According to Dannemeyer (Shadow, p. 147), membership figures have fluctu-
The social norms by which sexual behavior is ordered relationships we do not censure the ated considerably over the years, being estimated by Rueda (see footnote
below) around 10,000 in 1982, 5,000 in 1986, and then 10,000 again in
inculcated and controlled are of urgent impor- love. We censure the form in which that love 1987. According to the Encyclopedia of Associations 28th edition, 1994, the
tance for families and for the society as a seeks expression. To those who say that this membership is 18,000 with a budget of $1,039,350. (Peggy Kneffel Daniels
and Carol A. Schwartz, eds., Encyclopedia of Associations, 28th ed. vol. 1:
whole. Advocates of the gay and lesbian disordered behavior is so much at the core of National Organizations of the U.S. (Detroit: Gale Research, 1993), s.v.
movement have the responsibility to set forth their being that the person cannot be (and “National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.”)
publicly their alternative proposals. This must should not be) distinguished from the behav- 16Enrique T. Rueda, The Homosexual Network (Old Greenwich, CT: n.p., 1982):
157, as cited in Dannemeyer, Shadow, p. 143.
mean more than calling for liberation from ior, we can only respond that we earnestly 17Rutledge, The Gay Decades, p. 101
established standards. They must clarify for hope they are wrong. 18Reuda, The Homosexual Network, p. 157 as cited in Dannemeyer, Shadow, p.
all of us how sexual mores are to be inculcated We are well aware that this declaration will 143.
19Encyclopedia of Associations, s.v. “National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.”
in the young, who are particularly vulnerable be dismissed by some as a display of “ho- 20Dannemeyer, Shadow, p. 147.
to seduction and solicitation. Public anxiety mophobia,” but such dismissals have become 21John Preston, The Big Gay Book: A Man’s Survival Guide for the 90’s (New York:
A Plume Book, 1991): 36.
about homosexuality is preeminently a con- unpersuasive and have ceased to intimidate. 22Preston, The Big Gay Book, p. 36.
cern about the vulnerabilities of the young. Indeed, we do not think it a bad thing that 23Encyclopedia of Associations, s.v. “Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund.”
This, we are persuaded, is a legitimate and people should experience a reflexive recoil 24Marcus, Is It a Choice? p. 183-184.
25Marcus, Is It a Choice? p. 184.
urgent public concern. from what is wrong. To achieve such a recoil 26Encyclopedia of Associations, s.v. “Act Up.”
Gay and lesbian advocates sometimes is precisely the point of moral education of the 27Encyclopedia of Associations, s.v. “Act Up.”
claim that they are asking for no more than an young. What we have tried to do here is to 28Marcus, Is It a Choice? p. 184.
29Encyclopedia of Associations, s.v. “Human Rights Campaign Fund.”
end to discrimination, drawing an analogy bring this reflexive and often pre-articulate 30Dannemeyer, Shadow, p. 148.
with the earlier civil rights movement that recoil to reasonable expression. 31Dannemeyer, Shadow, p. 148.
32Dannemeyer, Shadow, p. 148.
sought justice for black Americans. The anal- Our society is, we fear, progressing pre- 33Encyclopedia of Associations, s.v. “Human Rights Campaign Fund.”
ogy is unconvincing and misleading. Differ- cisely in the manner given poetic expression 34Encyclopedia of Associations, s.v. “Human Rights Campaign Fund.”
ences of race are in accord with – not contrary by Alexander Pope: 35Encyclopedia of Associations, s.v. “Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defama-
tion/New York.”
to – our nature, and such differences do not 36Encyclopedia of Associations, s.v. “Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defama-
provide justification for behavior otherwise Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, tion/New York.”
unacceptable. It is sometimes claimed that As to be hated needs but to be seen; 37Preston, The Big Gay Book, p. 42.
38Andrew Kopkind, “The Gay Movement,” The Nation (May 3, 1993): 590,
homosexuals want only a recognition of their Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, emphasis in original.
status, not necessarily of their behavior. But in We first endure, then pity, then embrace. 39Peter LaBarbera, “In Their Own Words: What Gay Activists are Demanding,”
Human Events 53 (May 1, 1993): 1.
this case the distinction between status and 40Martina Navratilova, fund raising letter for the National Gay and Lesbian Task
behavior does not hold. The public declaration To endure (tolerance), to pity (compas- Force, p. 2.
of status (“coming out of the closet”) is a dec- sion), to embrace (affirmation): that is the se- 41The following are taken from LaBarbera’s article.
42The 1993 March on Washington Demand #1, as cited in LaBarbera, p. 1.
laration of intended behavior. quence of change in attitude and judgment that 43Demand #3, as cited in LaBarbera, p. 1.
Certain discriminations are necessary has been advanced by the gay and lesbian 44Demand #4, as cited in LaBarbera, p. 7.
within society, it is not too much to say that movement with notable success. We expect 45From the editorial “No Place for Homo-Homophobia,” San Francisco Sentinel,
March 26, 1992, as cited in LaBarbera, p. 7.
civilization itself depends on the making of that this success will encounter certain limits 46Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Military Freedom Project Recommendations for
such distinctions (between, finally, right and and that what is truly natural will reassert it- Accepting Homosexuals and Bisexuals into the U.S. Armed Forces, as cited in
LaBarbera, p. 7.
wrong). In our public life, some discrimina- self, but this may not happen before more dam- 47Paul Gibson, “Gay Male and Lesbian Youth Suicide,” paper in the Health and
tion is in order – when, for example, in educa- age is done to innumerable individuals and to Human Services Task Force on Youth Suicide (Jan. 1989): 3-135, as cited
tion and programs involving young people the our common life. in LaBarbera, p. 7.
48Marshall Kirk and Erastes Pill, “The Overhauling of Straight Answers,” Guide
intent is to prevent predatory behavior that can Perhaps some of this damage can be pre- (Oct.-Nov. 1987), as cited in LaBarbera, p. 7, emphasis in original.
take place under the guise of supporting young vented. For most people marriage and family 49I know of a major university where one department requires “gender neutral”
people in their anxieties about their “sexual is the most important project in their lives. For language in the doctoral dissertation. I abhor this requirement, but it serves
as an illustration of a principle our opponents tacitly endorse, i.e., that what
identity.” It is necessary to discriminate be- it they have made sacrifices beyond number- people do can affect society as a whole. For a good discussion of the fallacies
tween relationships. Gay and lesbian “domes- ing; they want to be succeeded in an ongoing, and dangers of “political correctness” see David Thibodaux, Political Correct-
ness: The Cloning of the American Mind (Lafayette, LA: Huntington House,
tic partnerships,” for example, should not be shared history by children and grandchildren; 1992).
socially recognized as the moral equivalent of they want to transmit to their children the be- 50Robert H. Knight, “The Homosexual Agenda in Schools,” Insight no. 11 (June
marriage. We note again that marriage and the liefs that have claimed their hearts and minds. 1993): 1.
51Grant and Horne, Legislating Immorality, p. 71-72.
family are institutions necessary for our con- They should be supported in that attempt. To 52Project 10 literature, as cited in Dannemeyer, Shadow, p. 182-183.
tinued social well-being and, in an individual- that end, we have tried to set forth our view and 53From a letter by Virginia Uribe sent to “Friends of Project 10”, as cited in
istic society that tends to liberation from all the reasons that inform it. Whatever the inad- Dannemeyer, Shadow, p. 183.
54Manley Witten, Valley Magazine (August 1988), as cited in Judith A. Reisman
constraint, they are fragile institutions in need equacies of this declaration, we hope it will be and Edward W. Eichel, Kinsey, Sex and Fraud (Lafayette, LA: Huntington
of careful and continuing support. useful to others. The gay and lesbian move- House Publishers, 1990): 227.
55Witten, Valley Magazine, as cited in Reisman and Eichel, Kinsey, Sex and Fraud,
ment, and the dramatic changes in sexual atti- p. 277.
Conclusion tudes and behavior of which that movement is 56According to Lambda Report (June/July 1993), p. 12, the publishing company
We do not doubt that many gays and lesbi- part, have unloosed a great moral agitation in which produces these books also produces material catering to pedophiles,
ans – perhaps especially those who seek the our culture. Our hope is that this statement will CONTINUED ON PAGE 22

■ Will we offer hope? movement, whose leaders have discovered the

effectiveness of offering practical help – such
as crisis counseling and emergency housing
Homosexuals and the Church for pregnant women – in addition to saying,
“Don’t kill your unborn child.”

By BOB DAVIES (originally published in Moody magazine, 5/5/94) Waging the battle
Some Christians have turned to politics to
stem the growing international homosexual-

J ohn Paulk will never forget the 1986 Gay

Pride Parade in Columbus, Ohio. A well-
known female impersonator, he was
riding in the back of a red Mustang convertible
“Therefore go and make disciples of all na-
tions.” The word nations means “people
groups.” Today, the homosexual population is
among the last of the unreached people groups.
rights movement. Mary Heathman has felt the
tension throughout Colorado over Amend-
ment 2, a state constitutional amendment de-
signed to prevent homosexual-rights ordi-
dressed in a white linen suit and blond wig. And this people group even includes some nances. As director of Where Grace Abounds,
“Candi, we love you,” a man yelled. who are in our churches. a redemptive ministry to homosexuals in Den-
“You’re the most gorgeous drag queen in Co- Stories of those struggling with homosexu- ver, Heathman has heard angry remarks from
lumbus.” John smiled and waved. ality are rarely as sensational as John Paulk’s. both church members and pro-gay leaders as
Suddenly, John heard chanting and Often, those who struggle are sitting quietly in they tangle over this amendment, which was
screaming ahead and spotted a small crowd of the pew on Sunday morning, not involved in passed by voters but later overturned in the
people waving Bibles over their heads. Some the homosexual subculture or a homosexual courts.
held signs with such messages as “God hates relationship. They hurt alone as they experi- “Church people get into politics for various
fags” and “Turn or burn.” ence the internal chaos of conflicting desires. reasons,” Heathman says. “Some are very lov-
“Why don’t you hateful people leave us “Almost 100% of people who come into ing and don’t lose sight of the individual, but
alone? We’re not hurting you,” John thought, my office have a church background, but they others are fighting the battle with the world’s
as an eerie sickness gripped his stomach. Then couldn’t find help for their same-sex attrac- mindset rather than remembering the spiritual
another thought struck him: “Who would want tion within the local church,” says Rick warfare involved.”
to follow a God like the one they’re display- Hughes, director of Eleutheros Ministry in Heathman says one of the biggest prob-
ing?” Winter Park, Florida. lems with some legislation intended to combat
Six months later, a pastor who had be- Hughes is attempting to reverse that trend. homosexual rights is that it isolates one par-
friended John at the print shop where he When he speaks at conferences on the subject, ticular sin. “If we’re going to be balanced, we
worked invited himself to John’s apartment. he is often met with indifference and intoler- need to be talking about sexual sin in general,
Although John suspected the minister was ance. Once, he wanted to conduct a short semi- not just homosexuality.”
coming to talk about God, he consented. nar on homosexuality for a local congrega- Joe Dallas remembers how the fight looked
That night, they prayed together as John tion, but the pastor refused. from the other side of the fence. Ten years ago,
committed his life to Christ. He soon left his “We don’t have that problem here,” the Dallas was a homosexual-rights activist and a
homosexual lifestyle as he became deeply in- pastor said. Unfortunately, he was unaware student minister at a pro-gay Metropolitan
volved in the church. Today, John and his that three of his church members, as well as Community Church in Southern California.
wife, Anne (a former lesbian), live in Port- someone on his staff, were in counseling at “The gay churches are full of men and women
land, Oregon, where he is preparing for a ca- Eleutheros for their homosexual tendencies. who know better,” Dallas says. “But they feel
reer in Christian counseling. Churches that do realize the need to ad- they have nowhere else to go. And nobody has
Though John still occasionally struggles dress homosexuality are often confused about ever shown them convincingly that there is a
with temptations and memories of the lifestyle how to handle a problem that has become so way out of this particular sin.”
he left, with the help of God and his Christian emotionally and politically charged. Homo- Few evangelical Christians, Dallas adds,
community he is well on his way to whole- sexuality is tearing apart many denominations are willing to “stop and listen for a moment to
ness. across the country. A growing number of con- a homosexual’s pain.” The pro-gay church
Thousands of other men and women – all servative denominations have pro-gay groups movement, which offers loving acceptance of
of them previously involved in homosexuality that attempt to promote a theology that affirms both the person and his or her behavior, is an
– have experienced similar changes in their their homosexual activities. Even some con- attractive alternative to some members of the
lives. And almost all of them say that it was a servative Christians are faltering in their con- homosexual community who perceive the
group of Christians, demonstrating genuine victions as they discover homosexuality evangelical church as judgmental and “ho-
love and concern, who made the difference. among family members and church friends. mophobic.”
“Homosexuality is the divisive issue of the Dallas says that too few conservative
Half the Gospel ’90s,” says author and speaker Joe Dallas, who churches acknowledge the high price paid by
“The church of the 1990s must decide if it directs Genesis Counseling Services in Or- many homosexuals who become evangelical
wants to meet the relevant needs of today’s ange, California. And, he believes, many con- believers. Suddenly these men and women are
society,” said Sy Rogers of Exodus Interna- gregations are presenting only a “partial gos- confronted with the reality of leaving close
tional during a seminar at Park Avenue Bap- pel” to men and women who are involved in friends, long-term partners, a supportive com-
tist Church in Titusville, Florida, on minister- gay relationships. munity, and perhaps even a gay-related job or
ing to homosexuals. “If your church is “Homosexual behavior is pronounced career to follow Christ. And too often they get
equipped to minister to the needs of your so- unbiblical, but no one offers a solution,” Dal- no sympathy from church friends who think
ciety, you will be relevant; if not, you will be las says. “We cannot preach against a particu- they should “just repent and be done with it.”
irrelevant.” lar sin without offering an alternative.” Dallas Jeff Konrad still remembers the anguish of
In Matthew 28:19, Jesus tells His disciples, compares this situation with the pro-life leaving his homosexual partner almost 10

years ago. “I ached physically from all the cepted by other men in the church, a huge ing attitudes and becoming aware of the sen-
emotional turmoil. But several Christian het- amount of healing occurs.” sitivities of those struggling with homosexu-
erosexual men made themselves available any Other congregations throughout the coun- ality. “I’ve been around people in the church
time of the day or night. I’m alive today be- try have had similar success in ministering to who have made jokes about people who are
cause those guys loved me.” homosexual men and women. During the past gay,” says Brad Grammer, who directs Face-
After receiving Christ, a homosexual des- two decades, Church of the Open Door in San to-Face, a ministry to homosexuals at First
perately needs church support to stay free from Rafael, California, has earned a widespread Evangelical Free Church on Chicago’s North
sin. A conversion experience doesn’t immedi- reputation as “the church where homosexuals Side. “It really hurt, because they didn’t know
ately erase homosexual desires. As with any find healing.” I have struggled with homosexuality.”
Christian who struggles with temptation and This fellowship of 100 adults located 20 Grammer says that another way churches
who bears the consequences of a troubled past, miles north of San Francisco is a spiritual can help is to offer discipleship relationships.
accepting Christ is only the first step in the home base for Love In Action, one of the old- He believes that if the church is functioning as
journey toward wholeness. est ex-homosexual ministries (founded in it should by offering honest, encouraging rela-
Many who have been away from the homo- 1973). LIA runs a two-year discipleship pro- tionships to those struggling with homosexu-
sexual lifestyle for years still struggle with gram that attracts participants from around the ality or any other sin, there may be less of a
temptation, though usually less frequently. world. Many become permanent members of need for formal groups. People also need more
Many get married and identify more with het- Open Door, having left churches where they information about homosexuality to help them
erosexuals, but that doesn’t guarantee com- felt no support for resolving their sexual iden- understand those who struggle with the issue,
plete freedom from occasional homosexual tity issues. Grammer says.
desires. One recent program graduate, an attorney
The majority, who remain single, have the and former bank vice-president from Virginia, Unwanted harvest
added struggle of remaining celibate. That’s stood in front of the congregation to extend his Mona Riley, wife of Open Door’s senior
why continued encouragement and account- thanks for their support. “This is a church pastor, says there is potential for a great spiri-
ability from the church is so important to keep where you don’t have to whisper the word tual harvest in the homosexual community,
them on the path toward wholeness. homosexual,” he said. “I know my life will but “it’s an unwanted harvest. We don’t want
never be the same because of the love I’ve to reap it. Christians aren’t sure if they want to
Breaking the sound barrier experienced here.” spend eternity with these people.” Revival has
Churches can provide a supportive atmos- At the beginning of each program, mem- to happen in the church first, she says, “before
phere by being willing to break the silence that bers are introduced to the congregation in a it’s going to happen in the gay community.”
surrounds this issue in many evangelical con- special evening service. Afterward, church Riley sees a “hardness in the heart of the
gregations. When Ken Korver, associate pas- members are encouraged to come forward and American church” toward people who have
tor of Emmanuel Reformed Church in Para- commit to pray for one or more ex-homosexu- been involved in homosexual behavior. “We
mount, California, realized that several men in als. Program leaders recognize that many need to be trained in compassion,” she says.
his singles group were dealing with homo- church members want to offer support, but “We have judged this particular sin to be worse
sexuality, he confronted the issue head-on don’t know how. So prayer cards are distrib- than every other, but I don’t see that in the
from the pulpit uted, giving specific suggestions: Send the Scriptures.”
Korver preached a sermon on 1 Corin- program member a birthday card, invite him to Leaders of ex-gay ministries around the
thians 6:9-11, where the apostle Paul identi- your house for dinner, phone him periodically country recognize hidden barriers that prevent
fies homosexual behavior as sin, but a sin that to offer encouragement, include him on a fam- churches from embracing those struggling
can be forgiven. “This church is a place where ily outing, have him bring a potluck item to with homosexuality. The foremost one con-
broken people are welcome,” Korver told his your house for a holiday meal. cerns AIDS, says Chuck Therrien, director of
congregation. “But we are not to remain in At Discovery Church in Orlando, Florida, ReCreation Ministries in Manchester, New
brokenness; we must move forward into church members, elders, and church counse- Hampshire. Church members fear contracting
God’s design.” Then he requested anyone lors are trained to minister to ex-homosexuals the disease by casual contact, such as touching
fighting homosexual temptations to talk to one by praying for them and providing strict ac- an infected individual or sharing restroom fa-
of the pastoral staff. countability. “We generally set [those strug- cilities. Despite assurances from health ex-
“We let people know we’d walk with them gling with homosexuality] in a same-sex min- perts, these fears persist.
through the process of healing,” Korver re- istry group with two or three trained people,” Therrien says church members also fear
calls. Soon a group of ex-homosexual men says elder Barry Johnston. “The leaders offer that former homosexuals will molest their
were meeting weekly. encouragement, practical help, and friend- children or seduce young people into the ho-
Then Korver took the healing process a ship. This also affirms their gender identifica- mosexual lifestyle. “But why would they re-
step further: He set up a mentoring program in tion in a non-threatening way. cruit someone into a lifestyle they despise and
the church, holding three-hour training ses- “We require strict accountability, too. In a are desperately trying to overcome?” he rea-
sions for straight men who wanted to better secure environment, we ask about their sons. Therrien also points out that most adult
understand homosexuality. The names of 50 thought life, their reading materials, the mov- homosexuals are sexually drawn to other
“graduates” of these sessions were made ies they see.” The leaders also ask them, “Are adults, not children. And though such abuse is
available to the former homosexuals, who you staying free and moving in the direction unlikely, churches should already be equipped
could request an accountability partner to be- God created for you?” Then they place them in to prevent any kind of child sexual abuse,
friend them. the mainstream of the church by discreetly and homosexual or heterosexual. Such precau-
“Forming this kind of mentoring relation- wisely directing them into a place where they tions should ease the fears of church members
ship is essential to getting beyond an ‘ex-gay’ can minister. and leave them free to minister to whoever
mind set,” Korver explains. “When the men Beyond formal ministries, churches can walks through the church doors.
who are overcoming homosexuality are ac- often minister to ex-homosexuals by chang- Church leaders who have taken the risk of

venturing into this type of ministry have seen Traditional Values (New York: HarperCollins, 1992): 312-313, as cited in 103Joseph Nicolosi, Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality (Northvale, NJ:
Grant and Horne, Legislating Immorality, p. 54. Jason Aronson, Inc., 1991).
their churches affected positively. “Our 69Encyclopedia of Associations, s.v. “Religious Organizations.” 104“Psychoanalysts Say Change is Possible,” The Exodus Standard vol. 9 no. 2
people are proud that we are a church that is 70Dannemeyer, Shadow, p. 101. (1992): 4.
true to the Bible, but living it out in progres- 71Troy Perry, Dallas Voice (July 19, 1989): 24, as cited in Dannemeyer, Shadow, 105“Psychoanalysts Say Change is Possible,” p. 4.
p. 102-103. 106Sy Rogers and Alan Medinger, Homosexuality and the Truth: Can Homosexu-
sive ways,” says Ken Korver. “We are not 72Alfred C. Kinsey, Wardell B. Pomeroy, and Clyde E. Martin, Sexual Behavior in als Change? A Surprising Number of Leading Psychiatrists and Researchers
compromising truth, but the congregation is the Human Male (Philadelphia: W. B. Sounders Company, 1948), and Alfred Say ‘Yes’ (San Rafael, CA: Exodus International, 1991).
C. Kinsey, Wardell B. Pomeroy, Clyde E. Martin, and Paul H. Gebhard, Sexual 107Reuben Fine, Psychoanalytic Theory, Male and Female Homosexuality: Psy-
thrilled that we are living out grace.” Behavior in the Human Female (Philadelphia: W. B. Sounders Company, chological Approaches (n.c.: n.p., 1987): 84, as cited in Rogers and
There is also widespread support at Church 1953). Medinger, Homosexuality and the Truth, pp. 1-2.
of the Open Door for the Love In Action pro- 73On Being Gay: A Conversation with Brian McNaught (TRB Productions, 1986). 108Rogers’ and Medinger’s bibliographic references include: John W. Money,
74Marcus, Is It a Choice? p. 8. However, Marcus goes on to say, “While I suspect “Sexual Dimorphism and Homosexual Gender Identity,” Perspectives in
gram. “Our people are excited to be on the the 10 percent figure is high, there are nonetheless millions of gay and Human Sexuality ed. Nathaniel W. Wagner (New York: Behavioral Publica-
cutting edge of this issue,” says senior pastor lesbian Americans.” (p. 8, emphasis added). tions, 1974); Charles W. Socarides, “Homosexuality: Basic Concepts and
75Reisman and Eichel, Kinsey, Sex and Fraud, p. 177. Psychodaynamics,” International Journal of Psychiatry, 1972; Edmund
Michael Riley. Bergler, Homosexuality: Disease or Way of Life? (n.c.: Collier Books, 1962);
76Charles F. Turner, Heather G. Miller, and Lincoln E. Moses, eds. AIDS: Sexual
The staff of these churches and specialized Behavior and Intravenous Drug Use (n.c.: National Academy Press, n.d.), p. Elizabeth Moberly, Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic (n.c. Attic Press,
ministries to homosexuals insist that they are 86, as cited in Robert H. Knight, “Video ‘On Being Gay’ Twists the Facts,” 1983).
Insights 14 (July 1993): 2. According to Knight, the National Research 109No Easy Way, brochure by Regeneration (Baltimore: Regeneration, Inc.,
not doing anything different or unusual from Council was once a Kinsey supporter. 1991). “Regeneration is a non-profit, interdenominational Christian minis-
the ordinary discipleship offered in any evan- 77For a full discussion of the details of these arguments see, Reisman and Eichel, try for men and women seeking a way out of homosexuality.” (from the
gelical church. “All you need to know is how pp. 177-196, as well as Appendix A which is an excerpt from a letter written brochure) For information on contacting Regeneration and other ministries
by Maslow. and services for help for homosexuals, see sidebar “Ministries Homosexu-
to love and speak the truth,” Joe Dallas says, 78Knight lists the following sources in support of the 1% - 3% figures: J. Gordon als” on page 4.
“and you’ve got all the tools necessary for Muir, “Homosexuals and the 10% Fallacy,” Wall Street Journal, March 31, 110No Easy Way, brochure by Regeneration.
ministry to these people.” 1993; Tom W. Smith, “Adult Sexual Behavior in 1989: Number of Partners, 111Paul Cameron, W. Coburn, Jr. et. al, “Child Molestation and Homosexuality,”
Frequency of Intercourse and Risk of AIDS,” Family Planning Perspectives Psychological Reports 58 (1986): 327-337, as cited in Knight, “Video ‘On
John Paulk, the former female imperson- (May/June 1991): 102; John O. G. Billy, Koray Tanfer, William R. Grady, Being Gay’ Twists the Facts,” p. 6.
ator, agrees. After becoming a Christian, John and Daniel H. Klepinger, “The Sexual Behavior of Men in the United States,” 112These criteria from Marco’s book are discussed in Matt Friedeman, “Homo-
Family Planning Perspectives, The Alan Guttmacher Institute, vol. 25, no. 2 sexuals Steal National Interest at the Expense of Black America,” Jackson
moved to California to be come part of LIA. (March/April 1993). (MS) Clarion-Ledger, Wed. May 12, 1993, sec. A, p. 11.
He attended Church of the Open Door and 79“Dispelling the 10 Percent Myth,” The Exodus Standard vol. 10 no. 2 (1993): 113Friedeman, “Homosexuals Steal National Interest at the Expense of Black
found unconditional support, especially from 9. America.”
80“Dispelling the 10 Percent Myth,” p. 9. 114The Report was founded by Ty & Jeannette Beeson. Their video tape “The Gay
the men in the church. “Heterosexual men 81Gregory M. Herek of the University of California, Davis says, “Gays and lesbians Agenda: The March on Washington” can be ordered by calling 1-800-462-
befriended me, prayed for me, and invited me have been playing right into the hands [of conservative Christians] by quot- 4700.
into their homes for fellowship. They treated ing Kinsey’s numbers uncritically. They have been defending an indefensible 115The video On Being Gay: A Conversation with Brian McNaught is a polished
position.” The Advocate (June 1, 1993) as cited in “Dispelling the 10 Percent attempt to portray the “typical” homosexual as a clean cut, well mannered,
me with genuine respect and affection. It’s Myth,” The Exodus Standard vol. 10 no. 2 (1993): 9. articulate, intelligent, sensitive individual.
really that simple. They loved me into whole- 82For evidence he cites a study done in 1951 by Ford and Beach. 116See, for example The Gay Agenda. The Report, Lancaster, CA., 1992; and The
83Knight, “Video ‘On Being Gay’ Twists the Facts,” p. 4. Gay Agenda: The March on Washington. The Report, Lancaster, CA, 1993
ness.” 84“Homosexual Sheep?” Parade (March 8, 1992): 8, as cited in Knight, “Video for uncut, uncensored video footage of certain gay rights parades. The
‘On Being Gay’ Twists the Facts,” p. 4 -5. imagery speak for itself. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. These videos
Bob Davies is executive director of Exo- 85What I mean here by ‘naturalist’ is one who denies the reality of the supernatu- are not for children.
ral, spiritual, or non physical realm. Most naturalists hold that all of reality 117Even Brian McNaught admits in the video that homosexuals have more sex
dus International (San Rafael, California), a is physical in essence. Thus, it is not surprising when naturalists suggest a than heterosexuals.
worldwide coalition of redemptive ministries physical cause for something. It is unavoidably the only option open to them. 118The following material summarizes data from Paul Cameron, Medical Conse-
86“New Gene Study: Homosexuality Inborn?” The Exodus Standard vol. 10 (Fall quences of What Homosexuals Do, a Family Research Institute educational
to men and women overcoming homosexual- pamphlet (Washington, DC: Family Research Institute, 1993).
1993): 9.
ity. He is also co-author, with Lori Rentzel, of 87“New Gene Study: Homosexuality Inborn?” p. 9. 119One has to be careful when making conclusions based upon statistical corre-
Coming Out of Homosexuality (InterVarsity 88In the article “New Gene Study: Homosexuality Inborn?” Charles Krauthammer lations. The fact that X and Y are statistically correlated in their relative
in the July 23 Washington Post, regarding the media reports on the study, frequency might suggest a causal connection between X and Y, or it might
Press, 1994). Melody Schiaing, a free-lance is quoted as saying that they are “a triumph of hype, another vivid demon- suggest a causal connection of X and Y to a third factor. The fact that people
writer from Titusville, Florida, and Karen stration of what can come from that volatile combination of scientific igno- more often wear raincoats when carrying umbrellas does not suggest that
Beattie, associate editor, also contributed to rance and journalistic sensationalism.” somehow carrying an umbrella causes one to wear a raincoat. Rather, the
89Joseph Nicolosi, interview in “New Gene Study: Homosexuality Inborn?” p. 9. presence of rain causes one to both wear a raincoat and carry an umbrella.
this article. 90Nicolosi, interview in “New Gene Study: Homosexuality Inborn?” p. 9. When making causal conclusions, one has to base his conclusions upon a
To contact Exodus International regarding 91Charles W. Socarides, interview in “New Gene Study: Homosexuality Inborn?” reasonable reading of the evidence by sufficiently eliminating other factors
homosexual ministries in your area, write P. 0. p. 9. as possible causes. When it comes to these statistical correlations between
92Robert H. Knight, “New Genetic Study Not What It’s Cracked Up to Be,” In Focus the homosexual lifestyle and longevity, it seems reasonable to conclude a
Box 2121, San Rafael, CA 94912 or call (415) (Washington, DC: Family Research Council, n.d.). causal connection between homosexuality and premature death. This con-
454-1017. 93“New Gene Study: Homosexuality Inborn?” p. 9. clusion seems all the more justified when the statistical evidence of the
94Knight refers to William Byne and Bruce Parsons, “Human Sexual Orientation: disparate amount of disease present within the homosexual community is
____________________ The Biologic Theories Reappraised,” Archives of General Psychiatry 50 considered.
NOTES…FROM PAGE 19 (March 1993): 228-239. 120Cameron; Playfair; and Wellum, “The Lifespan of Homosexuals,” a paper
95Grant and Horne, Legislating Immorality, p. 120. presented at the Eastern psychological Association Convention, April 17,
including the erotic fiction Macho Sluice, the nonfiction The Age Taboo, and 1993, as cited in Cameron, Medical Consequences.
96Grant and Horne, Legislating Immorality, p. 120.
the nonfiction Gay Sex: A Manual for Men Who Love Men. 121Though it may be the case that some of the dangers for homosexuals (e.g.,
97Bay Area Reporter, Sep. 5, 1991, as cited in Grant and Horne, Legislating
57Grant and Horne, Legislating Immorality, p. 78-79. murder rates) stem from the fact that the overwhelming majority of homo-
Immorality, p. 120.
58“Mass. First to Enact Gay Youth Rights Law,” Jackson (MS) Clarion-Ledger, 11 sexuals are concentrated in large metropolitan areas with its attendant
98Cameron’s comments are from Tony Marco, Gay Rights: A Public Health Disaster
December, 1993, sec. A, p. 14. hazards, it remains that these medical dangers have everything to do with
and Civil Wrong (Ft. Lauderdale: Coral Ridge Ministries, 1992): 45, as cited
59“Mass. First to Enact Gay Youth Rights Law.” the homosexual lifestyle and not with where homosexuals happen to live.
in Grant and Horne, Legislating Immorality, pp. 120-121, emphasis in Grant.
60Preston, The Big Gay Book, p. 34. 122Eric Marcus betrays his lack of biblical knowledge when he says, “The Bible
99Charles Socarides, “The Sexual Deviations and the Diagnostic Manual,” Ameri-
61“The Internal Philosophical War…and How to Go Down in History,” World 8 really doesn’t say all that much about sex between men and says absolutely
can Journal of Psychotherapy 32 (July 1978), as cited in Knight, “Video ‘On
(Nov. 13, 1993): 8, ellipses in original. nothing about sex between women.” (Marcus, Is It a Choice? p. 131, empha-
Being Gay’ Twists the Facts,” p. 6.
62Grant and Horne, Legislating Immorality, p. 91. sis added). The Bible most certainly says something about sex between
100Ronald Bayer, Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diag-
63“Gay in Corporate America: What It’s Like, and How Business Attitudes are women in Romans 1:26.
nosis (New York: Praeger’s, 1981): 36, as cited in Grant and Horne, Leg-
Changing,” Fortune (Dec. 16, 1991): 43. 123The argument that the sin was inhospitability is clearly wrong. The men of
islating Immorality, p. 117.
64“Gay in Corporate America.” p. 43. Sodom wanted to “know” Lot’s friends. Though the term ‘know’ (Hebrew
101Richard Isay “Homosexuality and Psychiatry,” Psychiatric News (Feb. 7,
65“Federal Cancer Lab Hunts for Gay Gene,” Washington (DC) Times, 3 March, yadha) is mostly used in a non sexual way, it is clearly the meaning here, as
1992): 3, as cited in Knight, “Video ‘On Being Gay’ Twists the Facts,” p. 7.
1994, sec. A, p. 1. evinced by Lot’s response. First, he cried “Please, my brethren, do not do so
102Surprisingly, Eric Marcus says, “But no matter what anyone claims, you cannot
66“Media Spike Gay Gene Researcher’s Homosexuality,” Lambda Report, Oct., wickedly!” and then offered his daughters, who are described as having not
change a person’s sexual orientation. In other words, you cannot eliminate
1993, p. 12. known (yadha, clearly a sexual use of the term) a man, in place of his friends,
a person’s feelings of attraction for the same sex.” (Marcus, Is It a Choice?
67“Doctor Angela Patattucci, Not Your Typical Government Scientist,” Deneuve, exclaiming “do to them as you wish, only do nothing to these men.” (Genesis
p. 12.) Marcus is clearly wrong. There are many homosexuals who testify
Nov./Dec., 1993, p. 44. 19:7-8) The meaning clearly is sexual.
to becoming heterosexual.
68Michael Medved, Hollywood vs. America: Popular Culture and the War on



■ Psychiatry falters, America sleeps The Advocate Survey – 1994

The erosion of heterosexuality This information on homosexual activity is

taken from The Advocate, a national maga-
zine for homosexuals. The study included
By CHARLES W. SOCARIDES, M.D. (originally published in The Washington Times) 2500 homosexual men. Results were pub-
The author is a clinical professor of psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical lished in the August 23, 1994, issue.
Center in New York. He is president of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality.
Sex acts men say they love
A significant portion of society today holds they can be lost – a disillusioning warning that Insertive oral intercourse 72%
the belief that homosexuality is a normal form unless we make no exceptions to science, we Receptive oral intercourse 71%
of sexual behavior different from, but equal to, are subject to the snares of political factional- Insertive anal intercourse 46%
that of heterosexuality. Many religious lead- ism and to the propagation of untruths to an Receptive anal intercourse 43%
ers, public officials, educators, social and unsuspecting and uninformed public, to the Receptive anilingus
mental health agencies – including those at the rest of the medical profession, and to the be- (tongue in the anus) 45%
highest level of government, departments of havioral sciences. Insertive anilingus 29%
psychiatry and psychology, and mental health The devastating clinical fallout from this Sex acts (last five years)
clinics – have been taken in by a wide spread decision was yet to follow. Those who would Three-way sex 48%
sexual egalitarianism and by accusations of prefer to retain homosexuality as a valid diag- Group sex (four or more) 24%
being undemocratic or prejudiced if they do nosis have been essentially silenced in lec- Bondage & discipline sex 20%
not accept certain assertions that are thrust tures, meetings, and publications; a silencing Use of nipple clamps 19%
upon them, as if they were deprived of all in- that originates both within our association and Sadomasochism 10%
tellectual capacity to judge and reason. from other sources as well. Political parties Where partners met (last five years)
This revolutionary change in our sexual and religious leaders have been utilized to re- Bar/disco 65%
mores and customs has been ushered in by a inforce this silence. The press has been influ- Bathhouse, sex club 29%
single act of considerable consequence: The enced in addition to the electronic media. Tele- Adult bookstore 27%
removal of homosexuality from the category vision and movies promote homosexuality as Park, bathroom 26%
of aberrancy by the American Psychiatric an alternative lifestyle and censor movies that Roadside rest area 15%
Association in 1973. It is, furthermore, a fate- might show homosexuality as a disorder. Ho-
ful consequence of our disregard for estab- mosexual sex education has entered our ■ Most (57%) report having had more than
lished psychoanalytic knowledge of human schools and colleges; pro-gay activists – ho- 30 partners over their lifetime, and about a
sexual behavior. mosexual or otherwise – portray their way of third (35%) report more than 100 partners.
This act was naively perceived by many life as normal and as “American as apple pie,” ■ About one quarter (26%) of HIV-posi-
psychiatrists as the “simple” elimination of a while intimidating those with different views. tive men who have had insertive oral inter-
scientific diagnosis in order to correct injus- In essence, this movement has accomplished course have ejaculated in another man’s
tices. In reality, it created injustices for the what every other society, with rare exceptions, mouth, most typically with someone they
homosexual and his family, as it belied the would have trembled to tamper with: a revi- have just met.
truth and prevented the homosexual from sion of the basic code and concept of life and ■ Among men who have had insertive anal
seeking and receiving help. At the social, biology, that men and women normally mate intercourse in the past year, 44% ejaculated
group, and community level, it proved to be with those of the opposite sex and not with in a partner without a condom. Among
the opening phase of a two-phase sexual each other. those who had receptive anal intercourse in
radicalization; the second phase being the rais- This psychiatric nonsense and social reck- the past year, 58% had a partner ejaculate
ing of homosexuality to the level of an alterna- lessness bring with it many individual trag- without a condom.
tive lifestyle – an acceptable psychosexual in- edies, as men and women who no longer ap- ■ Among HIV-infected men who have had
stitution – alongside heterosexuality as a preciate their own appropriate sexual roles insertive anal intercourse in the past year,
prevailing norm of behavior. The motivating create confusion in the very young for genera- 19% ejaculated without wearing a condom.
force behind this movement was the wish to tions to come. Gender identity disturbance is They most typically did this with long-term
protect the homosexual against injustices and bound to increase, and more true homosexual partners or with men with whom they had
persecution. This could have been legiti- deviations result as parents distort the male- a purely sexual encounter rather than
mately effected by the demand for equal rights ness or femaleness of their infants and chil- within the context of a relationship.
for the homosexual, a demand arising from the dren. ■ Anilingus (tongue on or in the anus) is
humanitarian philosophy so deeply embedded Currently, homosexuals who are in therapy fairly common: 41% have performed it in
in our humanistic science. Instead, the false have developed tremendous resistance, which the past year, and 47% have received it.
step of removing homosexuality from our retards their progress, while others are dis- When engaging in insertive and receptive
manual was substituted. This amounted to a suaded even from seeking appropriate help. anilingus, only 4% to 5%, respectively,
full approval of homosexuality and an encour- Other medical specialists, such as pediatri- have used dental dams to prevent the
agement to aberrancy by those who should cians and internists, are baffled by spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
have known better, both in the scientific sense psychiatry’s folly. Residents in psychiatry ■ Among men who had had a positive re-
and in the sense of the social consequences of have very little interest in going into an area of sult from an HIV antibody test, 11% have
such removal. To many American psychia- psychiatric research where they will be at- said or implied that they were HIV-nega-
trists, this action remains a chilling reminder tacked, belittled, demeaned, and where their tive in order to have sex.
that if scientific principles are not fought for knowledge of sexual development will cease

to grow. Above all, however, it is the indi-

vidual homosexual wishing to change who AMERICAN FAMILY ASSOCIATION
suffers the most.
Young men and women with relatively
minor sexual fears are led with equanimity by
some psychiatrists and non-medical counse- P.O. Drawer 2440
lors into a self despising pattern and lifestyle. Tupelo, Mississippi 38803
Adolescents, nearly all of whom experience
some degree of uncertainty as to sexual iden-
tity, are discouraged from assuming that one
form of gender identity is preferable to an-
other. Those persons who already have a ho-
mosexual problem are discouraged from find-
ing their way out of self destructive fantasy –
discouraged from learning to accept them-
selves as male or female, discouraged from
following those often painful but necessary
courses that allow people to function as rea-
sonable and participating individuals in a co-
operating society.
After all, homosexuality cannot create a
society or keep one going for very long. It
operates against the cohesive elements of so-
ciety. The sexes are driven in opposite direc-
tions, and no society can long endure when
either the child is neglected or the sexes war political leaders, public officials, and others or “irresponsible, homophobic, and preju-
with each other. Those who reinforce the dis- with vested interests, ransack literature for bits diced,” are leveled at those who would ques-
integrating elements in our society will get no of fact and theory that can be pieced together tion the normality of homosexuality. These
thanks from future generations. into a pro-homosexual or bisexual concept of accusations are then reinforced by the media
Individuals who adamantly insist that ho- nature, humanity, and society. Some individu- and motion pictures, and render the ordinary
mosexuality is an alternative lifestyle have not als say that homosexuals are healthy, society citizen who disapproves of such practices (as
been stopped by appeals to tradition, enlight- is sick, and that science should cure society. well as faint-hearted members of the psychiat-
ened self-interest, or even the established find- Others raise false or outdated scientific issues ric and psychological professions) mute be-
ings of psychoanalysis. Threats about what to do battle with traditional values. fore their onslaught.
would happen to society do not have much Many of our values could use some change, The counteraction for such forces is the
effect – no one considers himself society’s but polemical pseudoscience and genetics knowledge that heterosexuality has self-evi-
guardian. Average citizens say they don’t without corroboration is not the way. No soci- dent, adaptive value. Man is not only a sexual
quite know what these social interests are, and ety has accepted preferential homosexuality. animal, but a care-bonding, group-bonding,
after all, aren’t personal decisions about sex a Nowhere is homosexuality, or so called “bi- and child-rearing animal. The male female
private matter? The answer to that question, sexuality,” a desired end in itself. Nowhere do design is taught to the child from birth and
contrary to popular opinion, is no. parents say, “It’s all the same to me if my child culturally ingrained through the marital order.
Psychoanalysis reveals that sexual behav- is heterosexual or homosexual.” Nowhere are The male female design is thus perpetually
ior is not an arbitrary set of rules set down by homosexuals more than a small minority at the maintained and it is only overwhelming fear
no-one-knows who, for purposes which no present time. Nowhere does homosexuality or man’s false pride and misdirected indi-
one understands. Our sexual patterns are a per se place one in an enviable position. vidual enterprise that can disturb or divert it.
product of our biological past, a result of Some pro-homosexual proponents within All of this is enough “to make the angels
humanity’s collective experience in its long the behavioral sciences state that mental ill- weep.” I borrow the phrase from one of Wil-
biological and social development. They ness is simply a product of social definition, liam Shakespeare’s bitter comedies, Measure
make possible the cooperative coexistence of and that sexual behavior considered normal in for Measure. One of my patients brought the
human beings with one another. At the indi- one society may be deviant in another. Exami- quote to my attention some time ago, as he
vidual level, these patterns create a balance nation of the facts shows that this is not true of himself mused about his condition. (He is a
between the demands of sexual instinct and all illness and all behavior. Some behaviors homosexual and a distinguished scholar, but
the external realities surrounding each of us. are universally deviant and every society con- he is learning about the dynamic forces behind
Not all cultures survive – the majority have siders them destructive. Incest, rape, and psy- his homosexuality and how to gain control of
not – and anthropologists tell us that serious chopathic (apparently unmotivated) violence them.) Here’s the entire quote:
flaws in sexual codes and institutions have are considered taboo in all societies. So is pre- But man, proud man
undoubtedly played a significant role in many dominant or exclusive homosexuality or even Dress’d in a little brief authority,
a culture’s demise. When masses of people bisexuality. While homosexuals can and Most ignorant of what he’s
think similarly about long-standing customs, should be protected by all the laws of society, most assur’d,
their collective behavior will, in the last analy- homosexuality should not be encouraged. His glassy essence like an angry ape
sis, have a profound impact on the whole of The forces allied against heterosexuality Plays such fantastic tricks before high
society. are formidable and unrelenting. Charges of heaven
Scientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, being “undemocratic,” “cruel and inhuman,” As makes the angels weep.

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