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MEDIOS DE VERIFICACIN a. Fotografa area y estadsticas oficiales de las autoridades ambientales (ANAM y MINAE) Estadsticas socioeconmicas MIDEPLAN-MEF Estadsticas MIDEPLANMEF Reporte de los monitoreos de aguas y suelos Reportes de monitoreo de la biodiversidad del Sistema de Informacin Territorial (SIT).


FIN: Contribuir al mejoramiento de la salud e integridad de los ecosistemas y as como al bienestar de la poblacin de la Cuenca Binacional del Ro Sixaola

PROPSITO: Contribuir al uso sostenible y la conservacin de los recursos biodiversidad, aguas y suelo, a travs de la creacin de un entorno favorable para el manejo integral e intersegmental (crosscutting) de la cuenca binacional del Ro Sixaola

Despus de 3 aos de finalizado el proyecto: a. El rea de cobertura forestal es la misma o se increment en comparacin con el nivel de inicio del proyecto (Lnea de Base: XX ha ser establecida durante el ao 1). b. EL IDS (Costa Rica) y el IDH (Panam) en la cuenca se mantienen iguales respecto a la lnea de base de inicio del proyecto (Lnea de Base: IDS 0, y IDH 0,608). c. La inversin pblica anual para el manejo binacional integrado de ecosistemas en la Cuenca ha aumentado en comparacin con las contribuciones marginales de inicio del proyecto (Lnea de Base: ha ser establecida en el ao 1). d. La calidad del agua de la cuenca del Sixaola es estabilizada como lo muestra, el mantenimiento, en nivel regular del ndice de Integridad Bitica en el ro Yorkn (3 en una escala de 1-5, donde 1 es pobre y 5 excelente) el cual es el nivel al inicio del proyecto1. e. Las poblaciones de especies claves de ecosistemas representativos en la cuenca se mantienen estables con sus niveles de final del ao 1 del proyecto. ( Lnea base: a ser establecida durante el ao 1) Al final del proyecto: a. La Comisin Binacional de la Cuenca del Ro Sixaola est funcionando eficientemente y toma decisiones en forma participativa y basada en informacin tcnica fidedigna (Lnea base: al comienzo del Proyecto la Comisin habr sido formalmente establecida, pero no tendr experiencia prctica en la toma de decisiones, y el Sistema de Informacin Territorial es utilizado marginalmente) b. Los conflictos en el uso del suelo definidos en trminos de uso ptimo vs uso actual del suelo, han sido reducidos en un tercio en comparacin con el nivel existente al final del ao

Se mantiene la prioridad de los actores en ambos pases, respecto al desarrollo sostenible de la Cuenca Binacional del ro Sixaola


c. d. e.

General para todos: Las evaluaciones de medio trmino y final del proyecto, los Reportes de Desempeo del Proyecto (BID) y los Reportes de Implementacin del Proyecto (GEF) a. Minutas de las reuniones de la Comisin Binacional de Cuenca; POAs Comisin Binacional Cuenca y SIT

Se mantiene la prioridad de los actores en los dos pases respecto al desarrollo sostenible de la Cuenca Binacional del ro Sixaola Los gobiernos de ambos pases colaboran en el desarrollo y promulgacin del marco legal, polticas y regulatorio para el manejo integrado de la Cuenca Propietarios privados y productores dentro de la Cuenca

Este indicador puede ser complementado con otros indicadores costo-efectivos.


INDICADORES VERIFICABLES 1 (Lnea de Base a ser establecida durante el Ao 1) Fuentes de financiamiento sostenible alternativas apalancadas en el nivel nacional y local cubren al menos el 10% de los costos recurrentes relacionados con el manejo binacional integrado de la Cuenca, en comparacin con las asignaciones domsticas marginales existentes al inicio del proyecto. Al menos el 20% del territorio dedicado a la produccin de banano con uso intensivo de agroqumicos al inicio del Proyecto se transforma en produccin orgnica (Lnea base: 12,400 hectreas de produccin de banano con uso intensivo de plaguicidas al inicio del Proyecto) Elementos crticos de los planes de manejo de las reas protegidas transfronterizas son armonizados y las acciones de manejo son ejecutadas de acuerdo a estos planes armonizados (Lnea base: al principio del Proyecto los sectores de costarricenses y panameos del PILA, San San Pond Sak y Gandoca Manzanillo tienen planes separados)

MEDIOS DE VERIFICACIN b. actualizado Fotografas reas o satelitales y/o sobrevuelos del rea Reportes financieros de la Comisin Binacional de la Cuenca del Ro Sixaola Visitas de campo e informes del Sistema de Informacin Territorial Informes de las Comisiones de reas Protegidas y las evaluaciones de la implementacin de los planes de manejo

SUPUESTOS perciben beneficios derivados del desarrollo de actividades de manejo sostenible. El co-financiamiento se entrega en forma oportuna







MEDIOS DE SUPUESTOS VERIFICACIN OBJETIVO 1: Fortalecer el marco institucional binacional para el manejo integrado y el incremento de las capacidades tcnicas y operativas de las instituciones involucradas, las organizaciones indgenas y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil Actividad 1.a: Fortalecimiento tcnico y operativo de actores claves de la Cuenca (instituciones pblicas regionales y locales y actores sociales) a. Al final del ao dos, 10 funcionarios ANAM-MINAE capacitados (y equipados) en control de calidad de aguas y manejo de reas protegidas (Lnea base: capacidad limitada y falta de equipo en la cuenca al inicio del proyecto). b. Al final del ao dos, 12 funcionarios MAG- MIDA /Ministerio de Salud capacitados (y equipados) para control y uso de agroqumicos. (Lnea base: capacidad limitada y falta de equipo en la cuenca al inicio del proyecto). c. Al final de ao dos, 16 funcionarios (MIDA-MAG-ANAM Municipalidades) entrenados en planificacin y gestin ambiental territorial. (Lnea base: capacidad limitada y falta de equipo en la cuenca al inicio del proyecto). d. Al final de ao uno, SIT Instalado y operativo en 6 instituciones clave, y establecido el protocolo de actualizacin interinstitucional (Lnea base: sistema no est completamente instalado). e. Al final del proyecto, creadas y equipadas 2 unidades ambientales dentro de los Gobiernos Indgenas (Lnea Base: las unidades ambientales no estn establecidas). f. 15 lderes comunitarios capacitados en normativa e instrumentos para el monitoreo y proteccin de RRNN (Lnea base: los lideres no estn entrenados en el monitoreo, proteccin y manejo de los RRNN). g. Realizados 20 talleres 20/30 asistentes- para promocionar y capacitar comunidades para que colaboren en acciones de supervisin y monitoreo (ambiental y calidad de aguas) (Lnea base: no hay talleres formales sistemticos llevados a cabo en la cuenca) h. 10 organizaciones por ao (ASADAS-Acueductos Comunitarios) fortalecidas en aspectos tcnicos para gestin de micro cuencas. (lnea base: a ser establecida en el ao 1).



a. Documentos de evaluacin del progreso en la implementacin de los Planes de Fortalecimiento de las instituciones. b. Documentos de evaluacin del progreso en la implementacin de los Planes de Fortalecimiento de las instituciones. c. Actas de recepcin de equipos y suministros. d. Visitas a las ADIs para comprobar la localizacin fsica y los medios tcnicos y humanos con los que cuentan las Unidades Ambientales creadas e. Registros de asistencia e informe de evaluacin de las capacitaciones. f. Memorias de talleres, evaluaciones de los eventos y listados de asistentes g. Reportes de las capacitaciones h. Reportes de las capacitaciones

Instituciones, organizaciones indgenas y organizaciones de la sociedad civil perciben beneficios derivados del desarrollo del proyecto Responsabilidades especificas de las instituciones y otros actores son establecidas para mantener y actualizar el SIT

Existe voluntad de las ADI en asignar el equipo de personal como contrapartida para las unidades ambientales

MEDIOS DE SUPUESTOS VERIFICACIN OBJETIVO 1: Fortalecer el marco institucional binacional para el manejo integrado y el incremento de las capacidades tcnicas y operativas de las instituciones involucradas, las organizaciones indgenas y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil



Actividad 1.b: Fortalecimiento del marco de coordinacin binacional

a. La Comisin Binacional de Cuenca se habr reunido al menos 2 veces al ao (Lnea de base: Comisin no existe). b. Desarrollados instrumentos legales basados en el Convenio Binacional (Comisin Binacional Permanente) para facilitar la gestin futura de proyectos binacionales (Lnea de Base: Convenio presenta debilidades para implementacin de proyectos); c. Al final del ao 2, elaborada base de datos de proyectos que operan en la cuenca y pagina Web elaborada (Lnea de base: base de datos no existe) d. Organizacin de al menos 1 taller-simposio /ao para informacin coordinacin de donantes y ejecutores de proyectos en la cuenca (Lnea de base: no existe) e. Al final del ao 1 definidos Planes de Accin de Comisiones Binacionales PILA y Humedales; y analizada viabilidad de integracin de ambas en una sola comisin de ASPT (Lnea de base: Existen comisiones PILA y de Humedales no coordinadas entre ellas)

a. b. c.

d. e.

Informes de la Comisin Binacional de Cuenca Documento de Anlisis Legal Base de datos de proyectos y pgina web operando en la cuenca Memorias de los forossimposios Memorias de los avances de implementacin de los Planes de Accin de la Comisin Binacional del PILA y Humedales

Los Gobiernos de Costa y Panam mantiene su voluntad de asignar recursos a la Cuenca La prioridad con respecto a la relevancia de la Cuenca Binacional del Ro Sixaola se mantiene por parte los actores de ambos pases Los financiadores y ejecutores de proyectos en la cuenca estn dispuestos a colaborar y compartir informacin

Actividad 1.c: Mejoramiento de la sostenibilidad financiera para el manejo de la cuenca

a. a. Al final del proyecto, 2 instrumentos escogidos y en fase piloto para la consolidacin de un sistema seleccionado, permitirn cubrir los costos recurrentes asociados al manejo y proteccin de los RRNN ( cobro de entradas en reas protegidas, cobro de canon por contaminacin, contribuciones voluntarias) (Lnea base: en algunas reas protegidas se estn cobrando entradas) Al final del ao 3, anlisis de viabilidad y estrategia financiera para el establecimiento de un fideicomiso para la cuenca ( lnea base: no existe al inicio del proyecto)


Documento de anlisis de viabilidad del Fondo y acuerdos para la creacin y gestin del mismo Informes de Progreso del Proyecto y evaluaciones de medio trmino y final

Base legal existente para crear el fondo de fideicomiso binacional Voluntad se mantiene de los pases en establecer el fondo binacional y compartir sus recursos


MEDIOS DE SUPUESTOS VERIFICACIN OBJETIVO 1: Fortalecer el marco institucional binacional para el manejo integrado y el incremento de las capacidades tcnicas y operativas de las instituciones involucradas, las organizaciones indgenas y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil Actividad 1.d: Sensibilizacin de la poblacin y capitalizacin del conocimiento sobre uso sostenible y conservacin de la biodiversidad, agua y suelo a. Al final del proyecto, 20 escuelas y colegios en la cuenca participan en programas interactivos de sensibilizacin ambiental Al final del proyecto 100 indgenas jvenes (entre 15 y 25 aos) habrn participado en talleres de capacitacin en conocimiento tradicional con abuelos y abuelas de la comunidad (lnea base: ha ser establecidos en primer ao) Al final del proyecto se cuenta: boletines, pgina Web, y otros medios para divulgacin de resultados y lecciones aprendidas del proyecto (lnea base: no existen ninguna de las anteriores) Al final del Proyecto 10 miembros de la Comisin Binacional de Cuencas habrn participado en diverso foros para intercambio experiencias de manejo de cuencas.( Lnea Base: no ha habido participacin de habitantes de la cuenca en foros donde se intercambien experiencias en manejo binacional de cuencas); 300 productores capacitados en tcnicas y experiencias exitosas en produccin orgnica, agro ecolgica y manejo sostenible de los RRNN. (Lnea de Base: ha ser establecida en el ao 1) a. Informes de Progreso del Proyecto y evaluaciones de medio trmino y final Reportes orales de los beneficiarios. Documentos de eventos y actividades ejecutadas Visita de comprobacin al Sitio Web, revisin de boletines informativos y documentacin acreditativa de participacin en Foros Internacionales en el Manejo del Agua Reportes de asistencia al Foro. Reportes de evaluacin de efectividad de los talleres. Sector educativo formal e informal anuente a colaborar con el Proyecto. Se logra colaboracin y apoyo de medios de comunicacin




b. c. d.









OBJETIVO 2 Promover la adopcin de modelos productivos que compatibles con la conservacin y uso sostenible de los recursos suelo y agua Actividad 2.a: Desarrollo de mecanismos de incentivos que promuevan prcticas productivas ambientalmente sostenibles a. Al final del proyecto, cdigo de buenas prcticas y mecanismos de certificacin concertado con al menos 3 asociaciones de productores independientes y 2 compaas bananeras. (Lnea base: ha ser establecido en el ao 1); Al final del ao 2, diseados y/o adaptados incentivos (premios) de reconocimiento pblico para la adopcin de buenas prcticas en la cuenca Al segundo ao de proyecto se habr creado una mesa de dilogo (2 reuniones anuales) con instituciones crediticiasfinancieras y/0 programas de crdito para la consideracin de criterios ambientales en la asignacin de recursos (Lnea base: ha ser definida durante el ao 1 ) Al final del proyecto, desarrollados instrumentos (legaleconmico) de aplicacin binacional para reduccin de la contaminacin de las aguas.(Lnea base: ha ser redefinido en el primer ao). Al final del proyecto fortalecido sistema para aplicacin de incentivos establecidos en Ley de Uso, Manejo y Conservacin de Suelo (CR) y la Ley General Ambiental (PN) (Lnea de base: ha ser definida en el primer ao). Al final del proyecto, al menos 200 pequeos productores han participado en intercambios-visitas a fincas modelo en prcticas sostenibles y modelos integrales.( Lnea base: ha ser establecida en el ao 1) Al final del ao 3, se ha establecido fondo semilla (250.000 U$D) para incentivar la adopcin de prcticas sostenibles las cuales al final del proyecto, al menos 150 productores que han estado involucrados en actividades del proyecto, han adoptado o ampliado la superficie destinada a cultivos con prcticas ambientalmente amigables o tradicionales (Lnea de Base: 1080 productores orgnicos asociados APTA se beneficiaran de este fondo el cual todava no existe) a. b. Compromisos con compaas y productores Evidencia de Proyecto y evaluaciones de medio trmino y final Memoria de los acuerdos con entidades crediticias y manual de procedimientos. Reporte Binacional sobre la viabilidad de los instrumentos y los planes de accin. Publicacin de instrumentos aplicados.








Actividad 2.b: Facilitacin para la adopcin y replicacin de la produccin sostenible



b. c.


Informes-memoria de acciones de capacitacin horizontal y evaluacin de su efectividad Informe de reportes financieros y su efectividad. Visitas a fincas integrales establecidas en la cuenca baja

Productores y compaas bananeras, sistemas bancarios y programas de crdito pueden predecir los beneficios de su participacin en las actividades del proyecto. Los mercados internacionales que comercian con bienes y servicios ambientales continan creciendo El gobierno de Panam fortalece el marco legal, permitiendo el funcionamiento de pagos por servicios ambientales. Los gobiernos de ambos pases colaboran en la redaccin de un marco legal, poltico y regulatorio para el manejo integrado de la cuenca. Disposicin de asociaciones de productores y empresas productoras para participar en el proyecto Productores perciben beneficios tangibles Co-financiamiento de los PDS se concretiza en forma oportuna


INDICADORES VERIFICABLES) Experiencias piloto implementadas en la cuenca baja de sustitucin de cultivos intensivos en uso de agroqumicos por procesos ambientalmente amigables (fincas integrales), por lo menos 2,440 ha lo que representa un cambio del 20% del total de rea bajo esta forma de produccin. (lnea base: 12,200 ha con uso de agroqumicos intensivos) d. Por lo menos 240 km2 de sistemas agroforestales indgenas establecidos, contribuyendo con los corredores biolgicos (lnea base: 1,200 ha.) a. Elaboracin de lnea de base calidad de agua y suelos ( Lnea de base: no existe) b. Realizacin de al menos dos monitoreos anuales con participacin comunitaria a partir del ao 3 (Lnea de base: poca actividad de monitoreo se lleva a cabo con participacin comunitaria). c. Registro Binacional de Agroqumicos establecido al final del ao 3 (lnea base: no hay un registro binacional de agroqumicos, solo nacional). a. Al menos dos Planes (o instrumentos de gestin territorialambiental) elaborados y aprobados por instituciones claves ( Ao 3) (Lnea base: no existe un plan de usote suelos binacional) Planes ordenamiento de al menos dos reas crticas de los territorios indgenas elaborados (ao 2) e implementados por UA indgena impulsada por el proyecto. (Lnea de Base: estado incipiente de planes de manejo de territorios indgenas). Los planes de manejo de la cuenca formulados al final del proyecto (Lnea Base: no existe un plan de manejo binacional). Inventario, diagnstico y criterios de intervencin en micro cuencas elaborados al final del ao 3 (lnea base: no existe al inicio del proyecto) Al menos 3 proyectos participativos de manejo de micro cuenca en proceso de implementacin al final del 4 ao ( Lnea base: No existe al inicio del Proyecto)



Actividad 2.c: Consolidacin de un sistema de monitoreo integral de la calidad del suelo y el agua


Lnea de base publicada y actualizacin de los Sistemas Informacin Territorial. b. Reportes de Operacin y documentos de monitoreo c. Reportes del establecimiento de registros.

Actividad 2 d.: Fortalecimiento del ordenamiento territorial funcional de la cuenca

a. b. c.


Planes elaborados y actas de aprobacin Planes elaborados y actas de aprobacin Planes elaborados y actas de aprobacin

Los habitantes, productores, asociaciones, perciben beneficios al estar involucrados en la cuenca binacional del sistema de calidad de aguas. Responsabilidades especficas son asignadas por las instituciones y otros actores para mantener y actualizar los sistemas. Mecanismos innovadores para mantener el dialogo entre las instituciones y las comunidades indgenas. Actores colaboran en el desarrollo de un marco legal, poltico y regulatorio para un plan de manejo territorial.


Actividad 2.f: Mejoramiento del manejo de micro cuencas con participacin comunitaria





Informe sobre inventarios, diagnosis y criterios de manejo de micro cuencas. Reportes de progreso del proyecto.

Participacin de las comunidades y las autoridades responsables de la administracin del acueducto





OBJETIVO 3: Promover la conservacin y uso sostenible de biodiversidad de importancia global Actividad 3.a: Harmonizacin e implementacin de planes de manejo de reas protegidas transfronterizas a. Marco legal y poltico para el co-manejo de las reas protegidas transfronterizas se ha definido y armonizado al final del ao 3. (Lnea base: ha ser establecida al inicio del proyecto) Por lo menos dos convenios de co-manejo de algunos sectores del PILA elaborado y en negociacin con Autoridades Indgenas al final del proyecto. (Lnea base: no hay convenios formales existentes en al cuenca). Elementos crticos de los planes de manejo de las reas protegidas transfronterizas son harmonizados entre ambos pases, incluyendo los criterios de zonificacin y manejo ( con inters particular en las reas fronterizas, marinas e indgenas) (Lnea base: PILA CR y PILA PN, Gandoca Manzanillo y San San Pon Sak tiene planes de manejo por pas, pero no estn harmonizados) Al final del proyecto el 10% de las actividades prioritarias formuladas en los planes de accin PILA y la comisin binacional de humedales (por ejemplo: monitoreo y supervisin conjunta) sern llevadas a cabo. (Lnea base: PILA CR y PILA PN, Gandoca Manzanillo y San San Pond Sak tiene planes de manejo por pas, pero no estn harmonizados) Al final de ao 1, Lnea de Base establecida y el sistema de monitoreo puestos en funcionamiento conjuntamente en ambos pases con la participacin de los actores, (incluyendo la harmonizacin de mtodos y bases de datos) (Lnea Base: no existe al principio del proyecto) AL final del proyecto, sistema de monitoreo integrado de la biodiversidad diseado (ao 1), integra e incorpora metodologa y experiencias de monitoreo (aisladas) existentes actualmente.(Lnea de base: Monitoreo parcial de segmentos particulares -manat, pero no en forma sistemtica e integral) a. Reportes del marco legal y poltico b. Convenios, documentos y plan de manejo, reportes de los avances. c. Documentos y harmonizacin de criterios y mapas de zonificacin d. Reportes de progreso e implementacin de planes de accin Las prioridades de los actores de la cuenca continan relacionadas a los objetivos establecidos conjuntamente en la ERDS Los gobiernos de ambos pases colaboran en la redaccin de un marco legal, poltico y regulatorio para el manejo integrado de la cuenca.




Actividad 3.b: Establecimiento de un sistema de monitoreo integral de la biodiversidad acutica y terrestre



Uso de la informacin de lneas de base y actualizacin de registros Informes de monitoreo de la biodiversidad



Panam y Costa Rica adoptan los mismos protocolos en el monitoreo de la biodiversidad, con apoyo de las organizaciones ambientalistas, indgenas y otros proyectos que operan en la cuenca





Actividad 3.c: Promocin de la conectividad de ecosistemas mediante corredores biolgicos



Propuesta de Plan de Accin para recuperacin de corredores biolgicos concretado en forma participativa en ambos pases al final del primer ao y aprobado por las autoridades competentes en el ao 2. Al menos 50 productores localizados en reas crticas para restauracin, son capacitados (talleres-capacitacin horizontal) y reciben asistencia tcnica para implementar proyectos susceptibles de ser apoyados por el PDS (Ej; recuperacin de riberas; adopcin de prcticas sostenibles en fincas localizadas en corredores( al menos a 1 km2 ) (Lnea base: no existe al principio del proyecto) Sistematizacin de experiencias en usos sostenibles de la biodiversidad y sus resultados compartidos entre los productores de al cuenca. Guas interactivas en medios de vida alternativos basados en el uso sostenible de la biodiversidad, preparados de forma participativa con al menos 300 habitantes de la cuenca habrn participado en talleres informativos y de capacitacin orientados a la promocin y apoyo de iniciativas basadas en el uso sostenible de la biodiversidad.(Lnea base: no existe al inicio del proyecto) Al tercer ao, se habr generado un dilogo con instituciones financieras y programas de crdito para el desarrollo de instituciones de crdito innovadoras para la promocin de actividades productivas y el uso sostenible de la biodiversidad.( Lnea base: no hay dilogo entre instituciones, los programas de crdito existen) Al final del proyecto, se habrn realizado al menos 10 estudios de viabilidad ambiental de las iniciativas propuestas por beneficiarios de las capacitaciones, de las cuales al menos 5 sern implementadas con apoyo del PDS (lnea de base: no existen al inicio del proyecto)

a. b.

Documentos del plan accin Documentos de talleres proyectos piloto.

de y

Voluntad e inters de los dueos de tierra en colaborar y proveer contrapartida ya sea en especie o directa

Actividad 3.d Promocin de medios de vida alternativos basados en el uso sostenible de la biodiversidad


a. b.





Sistematizacin de documentos pblicos Publicacin de guas interactivas y reportes de evaluacin de la efectividad de la capacitacin Memoria de reuniones y manual de procedimientos y nuevos instrumentos financieros. Estudios de factibilidad accesibles al pblico as como reportes de avance del proyecto.

Las alternativas propuestas al uso sostenible de la biodiversidad tienen buena acogida. Las fuentes de crdito con condiciones especiales estn disponibles para los productores que requieren de financiar sus iniciativas.







Asociacin de Amigos y Vecinos de la Costa y la Naturaleza rea de Conservacin La Amistad-Caribe Atributos Ecolgicos Clave de los Objetos de Conservacin Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente de Panam reas Silvestres Protegidas Convencin sobre el comercio internacional de especies amenazadas de fauna y flora silvestre Comisin Nacional de Prevencin de Riesgos y Atencin de Emergencias de Costa Rica Estrategia Regional de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Cuenca Binacional del Ro Sixaola Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal Global Environment Facility (Fondo Ambiental Mundial) ndice de Integridad Bitica ndice de Concentracin de la produccin ndice de Desarrollo Humano ndice de Desarrollo Social Instituto de Fomento y Asesora Municipal Instituto Mixto de Ayuda Social Instituto Nacional de Estadsticas y Censos (Costa Rica) Instituto de Vivienda y Urbanismo de Costa Rica ndice de Pobreza Humana Ministerio de Economa y Finanzas de Panam Ministerio de Planificacin Econmica de Costa Rica Ministerio del Ambiente y Energa de Costa Rica Ministerio de la Vivienda de Panam Metros de altura sobre el nivel del mar del Caribe Parque Internacional La Amistad Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Pago por Servicios Ambientales Convenio Internacional para la proteccin de los humedales de importancia internacional Sistema Nacional de Proteccin Civil de Panam Sistema de Informacin Territorial The Nature Conservancy Unin Mundial para la Naturaleza Dlar de los Estados Unidos de Norteamrica

EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS Georreferencias de la cuenca binacional INDICADOR Superficie total de la cuenca hidrogrfica Superficie de la cuenca hidrogrfica en Costa Rica Superficie de la cuenca hidrogrfica en Panam Superficie de las subcuencas (Alta, media y baja) Cota altitudinal ms alta de la cuenca Poblacin total de la cuenca Poblacin total y densidad en cuenca alta Poblacin total y densidad en cuenca media Poblacin total y densidad en cuenca baja Composicin tnica de la poblacin de la cuenca binacional Etnias indgenas en la cuenca binacional Aspectos socioeconmicos Indicadores socio econmicos de sntesis (Costa Rica): ndices Desarrollo Humano; ndice de Desarrollo/Rezago Social VALOR 2.848,3 km2 2.316,8 km2 (81%) 531.5 km2 (19%) Alta: 2.040 km2 Media: 510 km2 Baja: 340 km2 Cerro Chirrip: 3.820 msnm 33.581 personas (19.390 -58%- en Costa Rica y 13.927 -42%- en Panam) 848 habitantes (0,42 hab/ km2) 8.375 habitantes (16,36 hab/ km2) 24.358 habitantes (72,48 hab/ km2) Indgenas: 58% Latinos 38% Afodescendientes: 4% Nativas (3): Bri Bri, Cabcar y Teribe No Nativas (1): Ngbe-Bugl en cuenca alta del Yorkin (sector panameo) IDH Costa Rica 0,82 IDS IDSTalamanca: 0 IDS Cahuita: 32 IDS Bratsi: 0,9 IDS Sixaola: 27 IDH Changuinola: 0.643 IDH Panam: 0.707 IPH Bocas del Toro 21.3 IPH Changuinola 19.1 49.7% pobres en Talamanca (IFAM) 43.7% pobreza 20.3% pobreza extrema (en Bocas del Toro). Costa Rica Panam FUENTE SIT de la ERDS SIT de la ERDS SIT de la ERDS SIT de la ERDS Costa Rica: Censo de Poblacin y Vivienda. INEC.


Panam: Contralora General de la Repblica de Panam


Indicadores socio-econmicos de sntesis Panam): ndice de Pobreza Humana ndices de pobreza y extrema pobreza: Costa Rica ndices de pobreza y extrema pobreza: Panam Demografa


EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS INDICADOR Tasa de crecimiento de la poblacin ndice de Juventud Tasa de dependencia Poblacin Urbana-Rural Tasa de cobertura de agua potable (% de poblacin sin agua potable) VALOR Crecimiento interanual: Guabito: 2.6% Poblacin menor de 15 aos: 46% Poblacin urbana 0% FUENTE Poblacin y Vivienda. INEC Panam: Contralora General de la Repblica de Panam Costa Rica: Censo de Poblacin y Vivienda. INEC. Panam: Contralora General de la Repblica de Panam Costa Rica: Censo de Poblacin y Vivienda. INEC. Panam: Contralora General de la Repblica de Panam Costa Rica: Censo de Poblacin y Vivienda. INEC. Panam: Contralora General de la Repblica de Panam Costa Rica: Cantones e INVU Panam: Distritos y MIVI

Crecimiento interanual: Bratsi 7.4% Sixaola 11.4%; Poblacin menor de 15 aos: 44%; Poblacin mayor de 60 aos:4.32% Poblacin urbana 6%; Costa Rica Cuenta Alta: 83% Cuenca Media: 47% Cuenca Baja: 13% Total de la Cuenca del Sixaola: 27% Costa Rica Cuenca Alta: 7% Cuenca Media: 5% Cuenca Baja: 3% Total de la Cuenca del Sixaola: 5%

Servicios bsicos asociados a la salud ambiental del territorio y de la poblacin

Panam Cuenca Alta: 66% Cuenca Media: 30% Cuenca Baja: 0% Total de la Cuenca del Sixaola: 32% Panam Total de la Cuenca del Sixaola: 21%

Tasa de cobertura de sistemas de eliminacin de excretas (% de poblacin sin sistemas de eliminacin de excretas)

Sin sistemas de recoleccin de basuras

Costa Rica Solo Bribri y Sixaola tienen servicio de recogida de basuras

Panam Servicio de recogida de basuras parcial en Changuinola, ausente en Guabito. BFC brinda servicio a sus empleados (38500 hab) Panam 0

Urbanismo y Ordenacin del Territorio

Nmero de Planes Reguladores Urbanos y Costeros Cantidad de construcciones desarrolladas en los ltimos cinco aos en la cuenca # reas Silvestres Protegidas en la cuenca binacional

Costa Rica 0 Permisos de construccin emitidos Consultar en en la municipalidad

Gestin de reas Silvestres Protegidas

(7) Parque Nacional Chirrip (Costa Rica) Parque Internacional La Amistad-Talamanca (Costa Rica) Parque Internacional La Amistad (Panam) Reserva Biolgica Hitoy Cerere (Costa Rica) Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo (Costa Rica) Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sack (Panam) Bosque Protector Palo Seco (Panam)


EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS INDICADOR # SP Transfronterizas en la cuenca binacional VALOR (4) Parque Internacional La Amistad-Talamanca (Costa Rica) Parque Internacional La Amistad (Panam) Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo (Costa Rica) Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sack (Panam) Parque Nacional Chirrip (Costa Rica): 50.150 ha Parque Internacional La Amistad-Talamanca (Costa Rica): 174.881 ha Parque Internacional La Amistad (Panam): 207.000 ha Reserva Biolgica Hitoy Creer (Costa Rica): 9.154 ha Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo (Costa Rica): 4.876 ha Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sack (Panam): 20.025 ha Bosque Protector Palo Seco: 244.000 ha Parque Nacional Chirrip (Costa Rica): 12.448,37 ha Parque Internacional La Amistad-Talamanca (Costa Rica): 115.252,03 ha Parque Internacional La Amistad (Panam): 16.836,43 ha Reserva Biolgica Hitoy Cerere (Costa Rica): 1.267,71 ha Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo (Costa Rica): 2.387,68 ha Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sack (Panam): 4.403,53 ha Bosque Protector Palo Seco (Panam): 762,84 ha 143.358,59 ha 121.355,79 ha 22.002,80 ha Costa Rica 11.819 ha-Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo Panam 0 ha (se encuentra en fase de estudio proteger el cuerpo de agua y fondos marinos del mar Caribe en el mbito del Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sack (ANAM) Parque Nacional Chirrip (Costa Rica): Pblica Parque Internacional La Amistad-Talamanca (Costa Rica): Pblica SIT de la ERDS Costa Rica: Plan de Manejo (ACLAC-MINAE) Panam: Plan de Manejo (ANAM-Bocas del Toro) FUENTE MINAE-ANAM

Superficie total de cada ASP Transfronteriza y no transfronteriza

SIT de la ERDS

Superficie de las ASP Transfronterizas y no Transfronterizas en el mbito de la cuenca binacional del ro Sixaola

SIT de la ERDS

Superficie de ASP Transfronterizas y no Transfronterizas en el mbito de la cuenca Superficie de SP Transfronterizas y no Transfronterizas en el sector costarricense de la cuenca Superficie de SP Transfronterizas y no Transfronterizas en el sector panameo de la cuenca Superficie de cuerpo de agua y fondos marinos del mar Caribe protegido por alguna categora de manejo de reas Silvestres Protegidas

SIT de la ERDS SIT de la ERDS

Titularidad de la tierra en las ASP Transfronterizas y no Transfronterizas

EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS INDICADOR VALOR Parque Internacional La Amistad (Panam): Pblica Reserva Biolgica Hitoy Cerere (Costa Rica): Pblica Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo (Costa Rica): Pblica y privada Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sack (Panam) Pblica y privada Bosque Protector Palo Seco (Panam): 7 (todas las ASP cuentan con Plan de Manejo) 1 (Parque Internacional La Amistad-Talamanca) 3 Parques Nacionales (Chirrip, PILA Panameo y PILA-Talamanca Costa Rica) 1 Humedal (San San Pond Sak) 1 Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre (Gandoca-Manzanillo) 1 Reserva Biolgica (Hitoy Cerere) 1 Bosque Protector (Palo Seco) 2 Humedales en Convenio RAMSAR (San San Pond Sack Panam- y Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo Costa Rica-) 7 ASP que forman parte de la Reserva de la Biosfera Amistad. Reserva dela Biosfera Amistad posee el ttulo de Sitio Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO (todas las ASP de la cuenca) Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo: US$54.780 Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sack (Panam): US$9.500 Parque Internacional La Amistad-Talamanca (Costa Rica): sin presupuesto Parque Internacional La Amistad (Panam): US$ 70.000 Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo: 5-0 Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sack (Panam): 3-12 Parque Internacional La Amistad-Talamanca (Costa Rica): 0-0 Parque Internacional La Amistad (Panam): 2-30 Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo: No se cobra Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sack (Panam): 3 Balboas extranjeros y 1 Balboa nacionales Parque Internacional La Amistad-Talamanca (Costa Rica): No se cobra Parque Internacional La Amistad (Panam): 3 Balboas extranjeros y 1 Balboa nacionales Nacionales Extranjeros Total FUENTE MINAE (ACLAC)-ANAM (Bocas del Toro)

# de Planes de Manejo de ASP en la cuenca binacional # de Planes de Manejo de ASP en revisin en la cuenca binacional Tipologa de manejo de las ASP


ASP de la cuenca en Convenios y Programas Internacionales


Presupuesto de las ASP Transfronterizas de la cuenca (2006) Staff permanente y temporal (voluntarios) de las ASP Transfronterizas de la cuenca (2006) Pago por acceso a ASP Transnacionales de la cuenca (2006)

MINAE (ACLAC)-ANAM (Bocas del Toro) MINAE (ACLAC)-ANAM (Bocas del Toro) MINAE (ACLAC)-ANAM (Bocas del Toro)

# de turistas que ingresaron en las ASPT en:

EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS INDICADOR 2004 2005 Ingresos obtenidos (US$) en las ASPT por llegada de turistas en 2004 y 2005 Parque Internacional La Amistad Humedal San San Pond Sack Participacin de la sociedad civil organizada en el manejo de las ASP Parque Internacional La Amistad Humedal San San Pond Sack Parque Internacional La Amistad Humedal San San Pond Sack VALOR 180 46 9 167 2004 385 393 105 70 84 78 2005 182 439 285 116 401 93 245 338 FUENTE

ANAM-Bocas del Toro

Corredores Biolgicos (Corredor Biolgico Mesoamericano)

# de Corredorres Biolgicos en la cuenca

Cobertura boscosa Territorios Indgenas

Superficie de Corredor Biolgico TalamancaCaribe (Costa Rica) Superficie de Corredor Biolgico AtlnticoPanameo Superficie de Corredor Local de Desarrollo Sostenible Altitudinal Teribe-San San Pond Sack Superficie total de Corredores Biolgicos en la cuenca Cubierta boscosa en cuenca Tasa de deforestacin # de territorios indgenas en la cuenca

-Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo (Costa Rica): La poblacin participa a travs del Comit Asesor, que se divide en los Comits Zonales de Gandoca y Manzanillo (Comits legalmente establecidos en el Plan de Manejo) -Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sack (Panam): Se encuentra en estudio el sistema de comanejo del humedal -Parque Internacional La Amistad-Talamanca (Costa Rica): los pueblos indgenas Bri Bri y Cabcar participan de forma intensa en el aporte de sugerencias a los gestores del PILA (ACLAC) y en la vigilancia del mismo (guardarecursos indgenas) -Parque Internacional La Amistad (Panam): la poblacin indgena Naso-Teribe participa con aporte de sugerencias en la gestin del Parque (3) Corredor Biolgico Talamanca Caribe (Costa Rica) Corredor Biolgico Atlntico Panameo (Panam) Corredor Local de Desarrollo Sostenible Altitudinal Teribe-San San Pond Sack 48.401 ha (36.581 ha de mbito continental y 11.819 ha de mbito marino) 52.731 ha 40.190 ha 141.322 ha 261.704,50 ha (88,88%) Buscar datos en INBIo y FONAFIFO 6 (4 en Costa Rica y 2 en Panam)

MINAE (ACLAC)/ANAMBocas del Toro Planes de Manejo de las ASP


EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS INDICADOR VALOR Bri Bri de Talamanca (Costa Rica) Bri Bri de Kekldi (Costa Rica) Cabcar de Talamanca (Costa Rica) Cabcar de Telire Costa Rica) Bri Bri (Panam no constituye legalmente comarca-) Naso-Teribe (Panam no constituye legalmente comarca-) Bri Bri de Kekldi y Talamanca, Cabcar de Talamanca y Telire: 86.698,63 ha Bri Bri y Naso-Teribe. 26.090,92 ha (bh-T) Bosque Hmedo Tropical (bmh-T) Bosque muy Hmedo Tropical (bmh-P) Bosque muy Hmedo Premontano (bmh-P^) Bosque muy Hmedo Premontano Transicin a Basal (bp-P) Bosque Pluvial Premontano (bp-MB) Bosque Pluvial Montano Bajo (bp-M) Bosque Pluvial Montano (pp-SA) Pramo Pluvial Subalpino Humedal de San San Pond Sack (Panam) The World Conservation Union (UICN): Flora: Cerillo (Symphonia globulifera), catalogada como vulnerable. Apndice 1 del Consenio CITES: Mamferos: mono araa colorado (Ateles geoffroyi) y mono aullador (Alouatta palliata). Apndice 2 del Convenio CITES: Flora: Las orqudeas, Brassavola nodosa, Encyclia cordigera, Encyclia alata, Epidendrum nocturnum, Epidendrum sp, Triginidium egertonianum, Vanilla sp, Sobralia sp; aves: amazilia colirrufo (Amazilia tzacatl), colibr pechicanelo (Glaucis hirsuta), ermitao colilargo (Phaethornis superciliosus),l barbita colibandeada (Threnetes ruckeri)., gaviln zancn (Geranospiza caerulescens), halcn reidor (Herpetotheres cachinnans), bho moteado (Ciccaba virgata), gaviln aludo (Buteo platypterus), guila pescadora (Pandion haliaetus), loro cabeciazul (Pionus menstruus), perico azteca (Aratinga nana), loro cabecipardo (Pionopsitta haematotis) y el amazona frentirrojo (Amazona autumnalis). Parque Internacional La Amistad The World Conservation Union (UICN): FUENTE SIT de la ERDS


Superficie de Territorios Indgenas en Costa Rica Superficie de Territorios Indgenas en Panam (no constituidos legalmenca como comarca) Zonas de vida en la cuenca

SIT de la ERDS SIT de la ERDS

SIT de la ERDS

Especies amenazadas y en peligro de extincin que se encuentran catalogadas por UICN y en los Apndices 1 y 2 del Convenio CITES

EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS INDICADOR VALOR Flora: zamia (Zamia skinneri) y Eschweilera calyculata, como especies vulnerables; platanillo (Heliconia xanthovillosa) como especie rara. Mamferos: tigre o jaguar (Pantera onca), bajo riesgo. Apndice 1 del Convenio CITES: Mamferos: mono cariblanco (Cebus capucinus), mono aullador (Alouatta palliata), tigre o jaguar (Pantera onca), manigordo, ocelote o tigrillo (Leopardus pardalis), tigrillo congo o jaguarundi (Herpailurus yaguarondi). Aves: queztal resplandeciente (Pharomachrus mocinno) Apndice 2 del Convenio CITES: Flora: helechos:Alsophila cuspidata y Alsophila erinacea; orqudeas: Catasetum sp. Maxillaria sp., Pleurothallis sp., Scaphyglottis sp., Scaphyglottis sp., Scaphyglottis sp. Sobralia sp., Stelis sp. Epidendrum sp. Pleurothallis sp., Scaphyglottis sp., Stelis sp., Maxillaria sp.,Pleurothallis sp. Mamferos: sano (Tayassu tajacu). Aves: perico aliamarillo (Pyrrhura hoffmanni), ermitao verde (Phaethornis guy), ermitao chico (Phathornis longuemareus), brillante coroniverde (Heliodoxa jacula), elanio tijereta (Elanodes forficatus), elanio bidentado (Harpagus bidentatus), paloma piquigorda (Columba nigrirostris), pico de hoz puntiblanco (Eutoxeres aquila), ninfa coronada (Thaluronia colombica), picolanza frentiverde (Doryfera ludoviciae), alasable violaceo (Campylopterus hemileucurus), orejiviolaceo verde (Colibri thalassinus), colibr colirayado (Eupherusa eximia), colibr-montax gorgimorado (Lampornis calolaema), tucn pico iris (Ramphastos sulfuratus). Anfibios: rana venenosa (Dendrobates pumilio) y rana verdinergra (Dendrobates auratus). 1.500 nidadas anuales entre las dos ASP, que se corresponden con 160 tortugas 1999-2000: 80% 2005: 20% 1986: 100% 2002: 2% 150 individuos en 2005 FUENTE

SIT de la ERDS

# de anidamientos y # de tortugas baula en el Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sak (Panam) y en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo (Costa Rica) Tasa de saqueo de nidos de tortuga baula (Dermochelys coriacea) en el Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sak (Panam) Tasa de saqueo de nidos de tortuga en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre GandocaManzanillo (Costa Rica) # de manates en el Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Pond Sak (Panam)



EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS INDICADOR Especies pisccolas del Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo Especies y cantidad de delfines en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo Indicadores de monitoreo de los Objetos de Conservacin del mbito del Parque Internacional La Amistad (En fase de construccin por parte de TNC y las autoridades ambientales de Costa Rica (MINAE) y Panam (ANAM) VALOR Obtener datos en ANAI Obtener los datos de Fundacin Delfines Objetos de conservacin Jaguar (Panthera onca) Pjaro campanero Pramos y sabanas de altura Bosques con distribucin altitudinal > a los 1 500 msnm Bosques con distribucin altitudinal < a los 1 500 msnm Ecosistemas lnticos (lago y lagunas) Ecosistemas lticos (humedales y ecosistemas acuticos) Atributos Ecolgicos Clave (AEC) (En fase de construccin por parte de TNC y las autoridades ambientales de Costa Rica (MINAE) y Panam (ANAM) GEF Sixaola FUENTE ANAI FUNDACIN DELFINES The Nature Conservancy (TNC)/ANAM-MINAE

Servicios ambientales

Potencial de mitigacin de emisiones de C02 en la cuenca binacional por prcticas de uso de la tierra y cubierta forestal Ha sometidas a PSA-Proteccin hasta el ao 2005 en la cuenca binacional Ha sometidas a PSA-Reforestacin hasta el ao 2005 en la cuenca binacional # de rboles sembrados en sistema PSA-Sistema Agroforestal en la cuenca binacional Puntos o Lugares de Inters Geocultural en la cuenca Superficie (km2) de las subcuencas hidrogrficas de la cuenca del ro Sixaola

Geodiversidad Hidrologa

Longitud (km) de los ros principales de la cuenca del ro Sixaola

647.444 toneladas de carbono, lo que equivale a 2.373.961 toneladas de dixido de carbono (CO2) 6.567,91 ha (2.886 ha en la cuenca baja y media y el resto en la cuenca alta) en el sector Costa Rica No se aplica el sistema en el sector Panam 232 ha en el sector Costa Rica No se aplica el sistema en el sector Panam 38.000 rboles en el sector Costa Rica No se aplica el sistema en el sector Panam - Arrecifes coralinos y efectos de sismos en la costa del Caribe - Sistema de meandros del ro Sixaola - Huellas glaciares en torno a los cerros Chirrip Grande, Pirmide y Truncado Ro Yorkn: 293 km2 Ro Uren: 328 Km2 Ro Lari: 347,7 km2 Ro Con: 407,6 km2 Ro Telire: 1.037,0 km2 Ro Sixaola: 435,0 km2 Ro Yorkn: 33 km Ro Uren: 43 Km


EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS INDICADOR VALOR Ro Lari: 50 km Ro Con: 52 km Ro Telire: 90 km Ro Sixaola: 75 km Pluviometra media anual en la cuenca del ro Sixaola Calidad de las aguas Caudal promedio anual del ro Sixaola Puntos de monitoreo de calidad de aguas -Ro Telire aguas abajo de la poblacin de Suretka (Territorio Indgena Bri Bri de Costa Rica) -Ro Sixaola, poco antes y poco despus de las poblaciones de Bri Bri y Las Delicias -Ro Sixaola, poco antes y poco despus de las poblaciones de Guabito y Sixaola -Ro Sixaola en las proximidades de su desembocadura en el mar Caribe -Humedal San San Pond Sack ndice de Integridad Bitica o de salud de los ecosistemas acuticos (IBI) de cursos fluviales de la cuenca del Sixaola (2003) (El gradiente de valor del IBI oscila entre muy pobre, pobre, regular, bueno y excelente) 2.685 mm 172 m3/s (5.456 millones de m3/ao) Parmetros Fsicos: ph, temperatura, conductividad, oxgeno disuelto, slidos totales. Parmetros Qumicos: Demanda Biolgica de Oxigeno (DBO); Demanda Qumica de Oxigeno (DQO); Fosfatos (Po4); Nitratos (NO3); Nitritos (NO4); Amonia (NH4). Parmetros Bacteriolgicos: Coliformes Fecales. Parmetros Parasitolgicos: Huevos del helmintos FUENTE SIT de la ERDS

SIT de la ERDS SIT de la ERDS

GEF Sixaola

Rio Watsi (arriba del puente Chase): pobre Rio Watsi en Rancho Grande: pobre Rio Sheuab. Escuela Sheuab: bueno Rio Bris arriba boca: bueno Rio Tscui arribe puente en Yorkin: bueno Quebrda Spendid, arriba potrero Rigoberto Morales: bueno Quebrada Bratsi arriba carretera, Bratsi: regular Quebrada Amubri, arriba camino Katsi en Amubri: regular Rio Cocolis en Suretka: regular Ro Shiroles. Suretka: muy pobre Ro Shiroles. Shiroles: pobre Rio Chumuri (R. Shiroles) arriba carreterra Sibuju: excelente En Changuinola (sector panameo de la cuenca) se aplican 75 kg/ha/ao de biocidas para el control de plagas en las plantaciones bananeras Licencias entregadas para el manejo de agroqumicos (Costa Rica):


Contaminacin difusa

Uso de biocidas para el control de plagas en la agricultura


EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS Amenazas naturales-antrpicas INDICADOR Periodo de retorno de inundaciones extraordinarias en la cuenca Inundaciones registradas y documentadas en la cuenca VALOR Cantidad aplicada de agroqumicos/ha (Costa Rica): 32 aos 10/04/1970 3-5/12/1970 29/01/1988 13/08/1991 12-14/02/1996 15/01/2000 29/11-1/12/2002 12/2003 05/2004 11/2004 9-18/01/2005 29/11-1/12/2002 9-18/01/2005 12-15 horas Comunidades bajo alto riesgo: Sixaola, Finca 96, Daytonia, Celia, Catarina, San Miguel, Margarita, Olivia, Bribri, Chase, Bratsi Shiroles, Suretka, Coroma, Amubri, Boca Urn, Gandoca y Bris (11.480 personas) 2.245 personas Incremento de la temperatura (mes de mayo): 3,5 Reduccin de la precipitacin (mes de marzo): -46% Incremento del nivel del mar en los prximos 100 aos: 0,30 m (escenario optimista) a 1,0 m (escenario pesimista) Costa Rica: 70,48% 3.354 ha (2% de la superficie de la cuenca) Panam: 71,27% FUENTE CNE-SINAPROC


Inundaciones extraordinarias en los ltimos 35 aos Control natural de la amenaza de inundacin: tiempo de viaje de la onda de inundacin del ro Sixaola con la actual cubierta boscosa Poblacin en reas vulnerables a amenazas naturales en Costa Rica Poblacin en reas vulnerables a amenazas naturales en Panam Incidencia del cambio climtico en la cuenca binacional (escenario ao 2100) Uso de la tierra Actividades econmicas de base territorial (agricultura y ganadera) Superficie en conflicto de uso de la tierra en 2006 Poblacin ocupada en la agricultura

CNE-SINAPROC SIT de la ERDS Estudios y estadsticas de la CNE Estudios y estadsticas del SINAPROC

MINAE-ANAN GEF Sixaola, 2006 Costa Rica: Censo Agropecuario. INEC Panam: Censo Agrario

Superficies ocupadas por cultivos agrcolas y potreros

Banano intensivo: 12.422,57 ha Banano orgnico: 2.450,61 ha

EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS INDICADOR VALOR Banano y cacao orgnico: 3.607,39 ha Cultivos mixtos: 2.476,00 ha Cultivos mixtos, potreros y fincas sin cultivar: 4.493,45 ha Pltano: 2.964,16 ha Pltano entremezclado con bosque: 1.060,57 ha Potreros: 1.065,57 ha Superficie por cultivo: Banano: 2.902 ha, Pltano exp: 1.700 ha, Pltano merc.nac. 3.000 ha; Banano orgnico: 2,000 ha Cacao orgnico: 1,700 ha Volumen de produccin: Banano: 1800 cajas/ha, Pltano exp: 588cajas/ha/ao, Pltano merc.nac: 5 TM/ha Volumen de produccin orgnica: Banano: 3.5 TM/ha, Cacao: 0.11 TM/ha Superficie por cultivo Banano: 10,000 ha, Yuca: 60.80 ha, ame 69.5 ha, Maz: 352 ha, Frijol: 56.02 ha, azcar: 60.8 ha, Arroz 320 ha Volumen de produccin; Banano: 10 millones de racimos, Cacao 281470 lb , Yuca: 2724, quintales, ame: 8772 quintales, Maz: 4025 cientos, Frijol: 171 quintales, Azcar: 324 toneladas, Arroz: 7427 quintales 3.351 personas (agosto 2003-julio 2004) 2.987 personas (agosto 2004-julio 2005) 2004 2005 Parque Internacional La Amistad (Panam): Humedal San San Pond Sack: 285 116 401 93 245 338 FUENTE SIT de la ERDS

ndice de concentracin de la produccin (IC); Produccin Orgnica (Costa Rica)

Censo Agropecuario. INEC.

ndice de concentracin de la produccin (IC); Produccin Orgnica (Panam)

Censo Agrario.

Visitacin turstica en la cuenca Red de Talamanca de Turismo Comunitario

# de turistas que visitan la cuenca binacional

ANAM-Bocas del Toro

EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


VALORES DE LOS INDICADORES DE LA LNEA DE BASE (CUENCA BINACIONAL DEL RO SIXAOLA) TEMAS INDICADOR # de ecoturistas que participan en el manejo de torugas en el Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre Gandoca-Manzanillo y beneficios econmicos obtenidos por las comunidades locales VALOR 260 turistas. US$ 57.000 (2003) FUENTE ANAI

EPYPSA-INCLAM en colaboracin con CEDARENA


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El agua es un recurso natural que cada da se vuelve ms escaso, debido a que su demanda cada vez es mayor; debido al incremento en la poblacin, el aumento de los campos agrcolas asociado a nuevos sistemas de cultivos mas extensivos y el desarrollo de industrial en los ltimos aos, lo cual a su vez a incrementado el deterioro de la calidad de las aguas. Esto no solamente afecta la calidad de aguas superficiales, sino, cada da se hace mas difcil la recarga de los mantos freticos, debido a la deforestacin y la aparicin de grandes y complejos sistemas agrcolas que no existan antes en las zonas de recargas de aguas subterraneas. El agua es un componente imprescindible en la vida del planeta; tomando en cuenta que por definicin, la calidad es la expresin de un conjunto de caractersticas de un bien o servicio para enfrentar la satisfaccin de un usuario o consumidor. Considerando estos aspectos, podramos definir por contaminacin de las aguas superficiales, como la incorporacin de elementos extraos de naturaleza los cuales podran ser de carcter fsico, qumico o biolgico, los cuales hacen intil o riesgoso su uso para beber, vida acutica, recreacin, riego, en industria, energa, transporte1. La cuenca binacional del ro Sixaola se ubica en la vertiente Caribe del istmo centroamericano, y se encuentra compartida por las vecinas Repblicas de Panam y Costa Rica; esta cuenca esta conformada por 294,692 ha de extensin en donde el 80% pertenece a la republica de Costa Rica y 20% a Panam. En la cuenca no existe una estacin seca bien definida, con muy pocas variaciones entre los meses lluviosos. La precipitacin media anual de la cuenca es en promedio de 2,685 mm, lo que se traduce en un aporte multianual promedio de la cuenca al Mar Caribe de 5,456 millones de m3 de agua por ao2; lo que la convierte a la cuenca del Sixaola en unas de las ms importantes de la regin Centroamrica; la que por las caractersticas fsicas de reas y zonas de influencia de sus afluentes hacen de esta regin una de las mas importantes de la Costa Caribe. Sin embargo, es importante considerar que el alto caudal del ro y la fuerza de sus crecientes provocan importantes daos humanos y econmicos, que afectan principalmente a la parte media y baja de la cuenca (Bratsi, Chase, Bribri, Sixaola y Guabito), en donde se ubican las planicies inundables de este ro, estas zonas de inundacin coinciden peligrosamente con las zonas de cultivos (bananos, pltanos, etc.) las cuales no son capaces de fijar el suelo y retener los nutriente y agroqumicos aplicados a los cultivos, por que con las crecidas se socava el mrgenes de los cultivos y arrastrando con ellos nutrientes orgnicos y biocidas de los suelos, los que al final terminan alterando los ciclos bioenergticos en las desembocaduras del ro en las zonas de incidencias dentro del mar Caribe; los que se ven incrementados por el volumen anual de las descargas que aporta esta cuenca a la regin. Con los aos, este problema a tendido poco a poco a agudizarse, este incremento ha ido de la mano de los proceso de colonizacin de los mrgenes del ro, en donde se ha deforestado el fin de incrementar las reas de cultivos; el aumento en el uso de plaguicidas en las plantaciones bananeras y plataneras, adems del incremento paulatino de las descargas de aguas residuales por la evacuacin de aguas domesticas. Considerando estos aspectos, podramos definir y caracterizar la cuenca de acuerdo a la condicin y a la calidad del agua que aportan cada una de las microcuencas y sus principales afluentes al sistema. Sin embargo, esto solamente se podr lograr a travs del desarrollo de un Plan de Saneamiento Integral de las aguas de la cuenca del ro Sixaola diferenciando las problemticas de la cuenca alta, media y baja; en el que se considere la ejecucin de un estudio del uso de biocidas para el control de plagas en la agricultura y sus repercusiones en la salud humana y los ecosistemas hmedos3.


Organizacin Mundial de la Salud. Guas para la evaluacin de aguas potable de la OMS. EPYSA-INCLAM. Resumen Ejecutivo. Estrategia Regional de Desarrollo Sostenible. 3 EPYSA-INCLAM. Avance de los Criterios de Intervencin. Calidad del Agua/Resumen Ejecutivo/ Estrategia Regional de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Cuenca Binacional de Ro Sixaola.

Sobre la base de esta propuesta es en donde se enmarca esta consultora, ya que la misma esta orientada a llenar los vacos de la informacin asociadas a determinar la calidad de las aguas en la cuenca del ro Sixaola; adems de la elaboracin y el diseo de una metodologa que permita establecer la lnea de base en donde no solamente se identifiquen las fuentes, sino los tipos y las formas de los contaminantes, que permita monitorear y evaluar en el tiempo cada una de las acciones desarrolladas para conservar y mejorar la calidad de las aguas del ro Siaxola.

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OBJETIIIVOS OBJET VOS BJET VOS Identificar y caracterizar las fuentes de emisin de contaminantes fijas y difusas en la cuenca del ro Sixaola. Determinar los vacos den la informacin que permitan desarrollar la lnea base de la calidad de las aguas de la cuenca del Sixaola. Establecer la lnea de base sobre la calidad de las aguas del ro Sixaola que permitan monitorear la calidad del agua a partir de la lnea de base.

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4 de Marzo de 1983 se suscribi en Cartagena de Indias el Convenio para la Proteccin y el Desarrollo del Medio Marino de la Regin del Gran Caribe; Convenio de Cartagena, es el nico tratado ambiental vigente para la Regin del Gran Caribe. El Convenio de Cartagena cuenta con 21 Estados como Partes Contratantes de entre los 28 de la Regin. Es un Convenio marco que invita a sus Partes Contratantes a desarrollar protocolos y otros acuerdos para facilitar la implementacin efectiva del mismo. El Convenio y sus Protocolos constituyen un compromiso legal de estos pases para proteger, desarrollar y manejar sus aguas comunes, individualmente y conjuntamente4. En 1994, el Programa Ambiental del Caribe (PAC) del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) complet un estudio sobre las fuentes terrestres puntuales de contaminacin marina en la Regin del Gran Caribe. El informe final del estudio, indic que las aguas residuales domsticas son la mayor fuente contribuyente por volumen en la Regin del Gran Caribe. A las aguas residuales domsticas le siguen seis categoras industriales: refineras de petrleo, refineras de azcar y destileras, procesamiento de alimentos, fabricacin de licores y otras bebidas, industria de la pulpa y el papel e industrias qumicas. Aunque no fue parte del estudio de 1994 que se enfoc sobre las fuentes puntuales, las fuentes de contaminacin urbana y agrcola no puntuales, son generalmente reconocidas como contribuyentes significantes a la contaminacin de la Regin del Gran Caribe5. El alcance de esta propuestas se basa sobre el marco legal que le asiste a los estado al ser signatarios del protocolo de Cartagena; para establecer los requerimientos necesarios que le permitirn garantizar la sostenibilidad ecolgica del ecosistema acutico. Este nuevo concepto de manejo y restauracin de ecosistemas acuticos, permite desarrollar el enfoque de manejo desde la perspectiva de sostenibilidad Hidromorfologia y Ecologa de Sistemas Estuarinos6, la cual considera su recuperacin y manejo adecuado la que solamente se podr garantizar a travs de alcanzar los tres aspectos de sostenibilidad Hidromorfologica. Sostenibilidad Geomorfolgica: La cual garantiza las subidas relativas del mar y el dficit sedimentarios. Sostenibilidad Ecolgica: La cual garantiza los niveles mnimos de contaminacin, fragmentacin del habitad y los aspectos relacionados el cambio climtico. Sostenibilidad Socioeconmica: La cual esta garantiza a travs de un uso de suelos adecuados y las polticas de desarrollo del estado en la zona.
Protocolo relativo a la contaminacin Procedentes de fuentes y actividades Terrestres del convenio para la proteccin y el desarrollo del medio marino de la regin del Gran Caribe. 5 UENP 2002. Un Protocolo en Accin. Fuentes Terrestres de Contaminacin Marina en el Gran Caribe. 6 Carles Ibaes. IRTA/Barcelona Espaa. Hidromorfologa y Ecologa de Sistemas Estuarinos. Bases para su Recuperacin y Gestin Sostenible.

Al evaluar los aspectos relacionados con la propuesta de desarrollo de la cuenca binacional del ro Sixaola, vemos entonces que las actividades propuestas se enmarcan desde este punto de vista, Considerando estos aspectos, podemos observar a simple vista que el alcance de la sostenibilidad ecolgica en la cuenca hidrogrfica es punto central que permitir definir las estrategias y evaluar los resultados de las actividades desarrolladas en la cuenca. En este sentido; es importante entonces definir claramente el estado actual y establecer las bases que permitan monitorear a travs de una metodologa establecida; las normas de manejo y uso de los recursos acuferos de la cuenca integrando adems los conceptos sociales que garanticen el aprovechamiento racional y el manejo del recurso hdrico. Sobre la base del manejo propuesto para la cuenca binacional; no solo se garantizar el uso racional del recurso, sino los compromisos y el cumplimiento de acuerdos tendientes a asegurar el mantenimiento en la calidad de las aguas de la cuenca y por ende asegurar el mantenimiento de los ecosistemas costero marinos que forman parte del mar Caribe. Estos acuerdos basados en el hecho primordial de asumir el rol dentro del sistema en donde se pueda identificar quien, cuando y donde contamine; y luego asumir su rol de acuerdo con las normativa vigente en cada pas; lo que para el caso especifico del sector de la cuenca Panamea; se garantizar a travs de la aplicacin de la norma Primaria de Calidad Ambiental de las Aguas Marinas Costeras, la cual esta en el proceso de conformacin de ley como producto de los acuerdos internacionales y los compromisos adquiridos para asegurar la calidad del agua costeras en la regin.

1.2.1 Anlisis y Diagnstico. La conservacin de la calidad del agua es un factor determinante para que se pueda aprovechar en los distintos usos potenciales que posee: abastecimiento de poblaciones, bao, soporte para la vida acucola, usos recreativos e incluso, paisajsticos y medioambientales. El objetivo es el de definir para cada tramo de ro y embalse los objetivos de calidad que deben cumplir en funcin de su uso7. Bsicamente existen tres metodologas aplicadas principalmente para establecer la calidad de las aguas superficiales; Mtodo Tradicional Fsico Qumico: Este mtodo evala la condicin de la calidad de las aguas a travs de los aspectos fsicos y qumicos; sin embargo, la desventaja de este tipo de estudio es el elevado costo de las pruebas, que se ve incrementado por los constantes cambios por la propia dinmica de los ros. Mtodos Biolgicos: El cual provee un diagnostico del entorno a travs de la presencia de especies que pueden considerarse como indicadores biolgicos que brindan una informacin general sobre la condicin del medio. Mtodo Integral: ntegra los aspectos contemplados en los mtodos tradicionales y biolgicos. Aunque se conoce que las actividades agrcolas, que se llevan a cabo cerca de los cuerpos de aguas de las regiones costeras, influencian los ecosistemas de agua dulce y en consecuencia los ecosistemas marinos con residuos de plaguicidas; principalmente porque las grandes extensiones de terrenos son dedicados a los cultivos que utilizan grandes cantidades de plaguicidas, los cuales son aplicados cerca de o sobre los ecosistemas acuticos, casi en todas la etapas del ciclo de cultivo, dando como resultado un uso intenso, extenso y sostenido de sustancias toxicas a lo largo del ao; no se ha valorado en los impactos que estos sistemas hayan causado a los ecosistemas acuticos costeros en la cuenca del ro Sixaola.

1992 American Public Health Association. Examen de aguas y aguas residuales; dcima octava edicin.

Por tal razn y teniendo en cuenta los aportes que esta cuenca hace al mar caribe y su influencia sobre ecosistemas acuticos que forman parte de la reserva de la biosfera mundial, es que se pretende caracterizar las aguas superficiales y subterrneas de cuenca, con el fin de lograr el nivel que permita a los tomadores de desiciones tener la base para lograr al fin una Gestin de Cuenca que garantice la sostenibilidad hdrica y social de este recurso. Analisis y Disganistico de la Calidad de las aguas Superficiales de la Cuenca del ro Sixaola. Para el ao 2000, la Asociacin ANAI y el Corredor Biolgico Talamanca/Caribe (CBTC) iniciaron el proyecto de Biomonitoreo de ros y quebradas, el cual abarcaba la totalidad de las cuencas medias de los ros Sixaola y Estrella. Previo a esta iniciativa; no existen reportes de estudios orientados a evaluar la condicin de las aguas superficiales en la cuenca y en la regin8, lo cual produce un gran vaco en la informacin para caracterizacin la calidad de las aguas. En este sentido y considerando los criterios tcnicos emitidos en el informe Tcnico del PAC No, 33 del PNUMA en donde se hace nfasis a que las aguas residuales domsticas son la mayor fuente de contribuyentes por volumen en la Regin del Gran Caribe9. Al considerar estos aspectos estos aspectos podemos asumir de manera directa que la calidad de las aguas de la cuenca alta de los tributarios principales de la cuenca del Sixaola mantiene una buena calidad de agua; considerando el hecho que las poblaciones aun se mantienen como asentamientos dispersos; los cuales mantienen un sistema tradicional de agricultura orgnica de subsistencia, con poco y ningn impacto sobre las zonas de amortiguamiento de los ros. Comparada con casi cualquier otra parte de las cuencas Sixaola y Estrella, la cuenca del Yorkin ha sufrido mnimos impactos por el hombre. La condicin de estabilidad y de la calidad en las aguas de los tributarios en las sub cuenca del Sixaola se logr estimar a travs del ndice Biological Monitoring Party modificado para Costa Rica BMWP-CR y la valoracin del habitad por medio del sistema Stream Visual Assessment Protocol (SVAP); con lo que se pudo verificar los cambios fsicos que ocurren antropognicamente en cada uno de los afluentes. Como resultado de este estudio, se pudo determinar que la calidad de las aguas superficiales para los tributarios ms importantes de las cuencas de la Estrella, Yorkin; mantienen todava su estabilidad, garantizando con esto la calidad de las aguas aportada de sus tributarios a la cuenca del ro Sixaola; en donde adems las condiciones asociada a la estructura de los mrgenes de los ros garantizan el desarrollo de los procesos ecolgicos necesarios para garantizar la integridad Bitica del sistema. Sin embargo; aunque los ndices indican que se mantienen en buen estado la salud de los tributarios en la cuenca alta y media; es indispensable garantizar y corroborar a travs de la realizacin de estudios Fsico-Qumicos que permitan integrar los conceptos y garantizar efectivamente la integridad y la calidad de las aguas que aportan estas cuencas a ro Sixaola. El concepto de gestin de cuenca no encierra la idea de homogeneidad, por lo tanto al interior de esta unidad hdrica se requiere delimitar unidades ambientales homogneas, en donde se podran utilizar enfoques tales como el anlisis de paisaje, uso de suelo o distribuciones geopolticas y territoriales10. Para el caso especifico de la cuenca del ro Sixaola, hemos dividido las cuencas considerando los aspectos relacionados al uso del suelo; ya que al igual que con el ro Sixaola la degradacin de las fuentes de agua superficiales, se inicia con los asentamientos humanos y se agrava con el crecimiento de las poblaciones y la intensificacin productiva11, los cuales se agudizan con la alta utilizacin de fertilizantes, herbicidas, insecticidas y otros agroqumicos, creando problemas de riesgo de contaminacin hdrica, deterioro de las condiciones biolgicas y la salud humana.

Maribel Mafla; 2005. Gua para Evaluaciones Ecolgicas Rpidas con Indicadores Biolgicos en ros de Tamao Mediano Talamanca-Costa Rica. 9 UENP 2002. Un Protocolo en Accin. Fuentes Terrestres de Contaminacin Marina en el Gran Caribe. 10 Instituto Nacional de Ecologa Mxico; 2004. Gestin Integral en Cuencas Hdricas: teora y prctica 11 CONICET. Sostenibilidad de la Produccin Agropecuaria y Forestal: Anlisis y Manejo de Agro Ecosistemas

En la actividad agrcola existen dos tipos de fuentes de contaminacin; la Contaminacin No Puntual, la cual ocurre cuando la utilizacin de plaguicidas se realiza se extensiones grandes de terrenos (Preparacin de terrenos, control de vectores de enfermedades) en donde se facilita la contaminacin de cuerpos de agua; ya que las actividades agrcolas desarrolladas en la cuenca se realizan cerca de los cuerpos de agua. Por otro lado la Contaminacin Puntual ocurre cuando la manipulacin del plaguicida esta confinada a un rea pequea, como por ejemplo las empacadoras, los sitios de preparacin de semillas y los lugares de almacenamiento y mezcla. En este sentido; podramos definir que en la cuenca media del ro Sixaola podramos encontrar contaminacin No Puntual en las zonas destinadas principalmente para el cultivo de pltano y en las plantaciones de banano; en donde se confirmo la utilizacin de plaguicidas rganos fosforados como los nematicidas, como counter- etrophos y el producto Vidate, utilizados en las plataneras sin ningn tipo de control; mientras que la Contaminacin Puntual, la podramos encontrar principalmente asociadas a los canales de drenajes de las fincas bananeras en drenan el excedente de las aguas en las plantaciones y los drenajes en las empacadoras que contienen un alto contenido de cloro, detergentes y ltex del banano12. Los sistemas de cultivos, generan un gran impacto sobre los cuerpos de aguas de la cuenca, principalmente por: 1. Las plantaciones Bananeras se encuentran en la cuenca media y baja del Ro Sixaola, cerca de las zonas costeras. 2. Son cultivos que utilizan grandes extensiones de terrenos. 3. En estos sistemas de cultivos existe poca o ninguna proteccin a los ecosistemas acuticos. 4. Son cultivos que dependen de exclusivamente del uso de agroqumicos. 5. Los plaguicidas utilizados generalmente suelen ser muy txicos para la vida acutica, lo cual genera mortalidades en distintos periodos al ao. 6. Estos plaguicidas son aplicados generalmente cerca o sobre los sistemas acuticos. 7. La forma de aplicacin de los plaguicidas favorece la dispersin, si es area las corrientes de viento los pueden transportar hasta los cuerpos de agua y si es manual los procesos de escorrenta y erosin los transportan a travs de los sistemas de canales y drenajes de las plantaciones a los sistemas fluviales, los estuarios y por ultimo al mar. Al considerar todos estos factores y al correlacionarlos con las frecuentes e intensos periodos de lluvia que caracterizan a esta cuenca, facilita el transporte de estas sustancias a los ecosistemas acuticos. En condiciones similares De la Cruz y Castillo (1998-1999) han reportado en reas con plantaciones bananeras en la regin de Tortuguero en la costa Atlntica; residuos de cipremetrina, edifenfos, metamidofos, oxadiaxon, quinclorac, ametrina y propanil, ademas de nematicidas; fenamifos, carbofurn, etopofos y cadusafos; adems del fungicida propiconazol, de acuerdo con los valores del ndice de toxicidad crnica , casi todos los plaguicidas encontrados en la desembocadura del ro Suerte presentaron un nivel de riesgo alto13; situacin que podra considerarse como similar considerando que las condiciones y los sistemas de cultivos son similares. Condiciones similares se ha reportado por Castillo y Ruepert (1993)14 y Castillo y Ruepert (1998)15 en donde los efectos de los biocidas producen efectos negativos en la reproduccin y sobrevivencia de los Juveniles (similar a los eventos reportados en las lagunas de San San Pond Sak), variacin y cambios en el comportamiento y metabolismo para los peces, crustceos, insectos acuticos y algas; que adems podran considerarse un riesgo latente para la salud humana, considerando el hecho que estas zonas, las
Caja de Seguro Social. Informe del Programa de Salud Ocupacional. Elba M. de la Cruz y Luisa Castillo, 1998-1999. Presencia de Agroqumicos en Ecosistemas Acuticos de las Zonas Costeras y Anlisis Preliminares del Riesgo Ambiental 14 Castillo; L.E y C. Ruepert. 1993. Impacto en el uso de Plaguicidas; Evaluacin del Impacto ambiental en la fase de II proyecto de riego Arenal-Tempisque sobre el parque Nacional Palo Verde. 15 Castillo; L.E y C. Ruepert. 1998. Study of the fate and impact of organic and inorganic pollutansts in the Costa Rican coastal zone
13 12

desembocaduras de los ros, coinciden con zonas de pesca y recoleccin destinados para el consumo humano. Conclusin A traves de la recopilacin informacin primaria y secundaria se logro Analisar y Elaborar un Disgnostico de la Calidad de las aguas Superficiales de la Cuenca del ro Sixaola; por lo que podriamos emitir las siguientes concluciones: Utilizando el metodologia de Gestin de Cuenca; se caracterizo la calidad de agua dividiendo las zonas considerando el uso de suelo y el paisaje de la regin; estableciendo con esto la cuenca Alta, Cuenca Media; Cuenca Baja. A traves de los resultados de la evaluacin de las microcuencas utilizando los indices BMWP-CR y el protocolo SVAP se pudo determinar que la calidad del agua de la cuenca alta es Buena; al igual que en la cuenca media; sin embargo; esta puede cambiar sino se logra establecer un proyecto integral de manejo de la cuenca que permita minimizar los impactos generados por el aumento de la poblacin y el uso del suelo. A diferencia, la Cuenca Baja es impactada por el aumento en la poblacin y los sistemas de cultivos presentes en la zona; los cuales vierten las aguas residuales directamente al ro; sin embargo; se conoce muy poco de la realidad actual y pasada de la calidad de agua en este sector. Las tecnicas de produccin y sistemas de cultivos favorecen o facilitan el traslado de las aguas servidas contaminadas a ro. Las zonas ms afectadas por la acumulacin de los agroquimicos, coinciden generalmente en las desembocaduras de los ros, zonas que por sus caracticas fisicoquimicas generalmente son utilizadas por las especies acuicolas para la reproducin y crecimiento. La contaminacin de las aguas por agroquimicos y su acumulacin posterior en las desembocaduras son un potencial peligro para la salud humana; ya que las mismas coiciden con las zonas de pesca de especies de valor comercial. La calidad de las aguas superficailes del ro Sixaola; inpactan directamente a dos de las principales areas protegidas de la regin (REGAMA/HSSPS) y de manera indirecta a el paque Nacional Cahuita y el Parque Nacional Marino Islas Bastimentos; lugares que por su diversidad biologica son reconocidos como reserva de la bisfera mundial; areas que podrian verse afectadas por el deterioro en la estructura y la calidad del agua que aporta esta cuenca en la regin.

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas

Section One: Project General Information

1. Project name: Integrated Ecosystem Management of the Sixaola Binational River Basin 2. Country (ies): Costa Rica and Panama National Project:_______ Regional Project

Global Project:_________

3. Name of reviewers completing tracking tool and completion dates:

Name Work Program Inclusion

1. Nelson Elizondo Torres 2. Benigno Villamonte 3. Jos Masif 4. Hernndez Bonilla

1. Director PILA Costa Rica 2. Director PILA Panama 3. Director. Gandoca Manzanilla Wildlife Refuge (Costa Rica) 4. Director San San Pond Sak RAMSAR Site (Panam) 1. 2. 3.


(in consultation with consultant team and the IDB) Project Midterm Final Evaluation/proje ct completion 4. Funding information GEF support:_____________3.500.000___ Co-financing:____________16,555,000___ Total Funding:__________21,125,000___ 5. Project duration: Planned


Actual _______ years

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas

6. a. GEF Agency: (X) AfDB





6. b. Lead Project Executing Agency (ies):


7. GEF Operational Program: drylands (OP 1) coastal, marine, freshwater (OP 2) forests (OP 3) mountains (OP 4) agro-biodiversity (OP 13) X integrated ecosystem management (OP 12) sustainable land management (OP 15) Other Operational Program not listed above:__________________________ 8. Project Summary (one paragraph):

The proposed Project will contribute to address a series of interrelated and emerging threats to the biodiversity, water and land resources in the Sixaola Binational River Basin shared by Costa Rica and Panama. This will be achieved by promoting an integrated ecosystem management approach, involving and empowering stakeholders in the two countries. The proposal is consistent with the Regional Sustainable Development Strategy (RSDS) for the binational Sixaola River Basin which has been formulated jointly and in a participatory manner by the involved stakeholders. The Strategy will be implemented through two national programs, the Sustainable Development Program of Bocas del Toro in Panama, and the Sustainable Development Program for Sixaola in Costa Rica, both financed by loans from the Inter-American Development Bank. The GEF resources will serve to cover the incremental costs related to the global benefits of integrated management of the Basin, and each national program will serve to cover the investments necessary to create a true, sustainable development model for the benefit of local populations as well as the two countries as a whole.
9. Project Development Objective:

Contribute to the improvement of the health and integrity of the ecosystems, as well as the wellbeing of the population in the Sixaola Binational River Basin

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas

10. Project Purpose/Immediate Objective:

Contribute to the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity, water, and soil resources, through the creation of an enabling environment and integral, crosscutting management of the Sixaola Binational River Basin
11. Expected Outcomes (GEF-related): The project consists of three Outcomes as follows: Outcome 1: strengthen the binational institutional framework for integrated basin management and enhance the required technical and operational capacities of the involved institutions, indigenous organizations, and civil society organizations Outcome 2: promote the adoption of productive models that are compatible with

the conservation and sustainable use of the water and soil resources
Outcome 3: promote the conservation and sustainable use of globally important

12. Types of Protected Area Activities Supported: 12. a. Please select all activities that are being supported through the project.

X Enabling Environment (please check each activity below) X Policy, legislation, regulation X Capacity building
Capacity building budget:____560.000 US$ (of the GEF resources) (Please record budgets for capacity building if they are clearly identified as a discrete budget line.) The technical and operational capacities of the regional branches of eight key public institutions involved in the management of the basin will be strengthened in the following manner: (i) based on existing strengthening plans1; the technical and operational capacities of MINAE and ANAM will be strengthened, particularly in the areas of water pollution control and protected area management, both through on-the-job training of technical staff and the provision of monitoring, mobilization, communication and surveillance

In the case of MINAE, the recent recommendations from the General Controllers Office, as well as the Financial Strategy for the PILA, will be followed. In the cases of ANAM y MIDA, the IDB-funded 1439/OC-PN Program has elaborated a strengthening plan.

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas

equipment2; (ii) technical staff from MAG-MIDA and the respective Ministries of Health will receive practical training on the control of agro-chemical use, and equipment will be provided for the establishment of a modern binational agrochemical registry; (iii) technical staff of MAG-MIDA, the Municipalities of Talamanca and Changuinola and ANAM will receive practical training on landuse planning3; and (iv) installation of the Territorial Information System4 (incl. basic hardware and software that enables inter-institutional communication). Recognizing the need for enhanced capacities amongst social actors to actively participate in the sustainable management of natural resources, the following activities will be financed: (i) facilitating the development of environmental management capacities of the Indigenous Authorities5; (ii) technical training of personnel from aqueduct associations (ASADAS) in watershed management practices; and (iii) awareness raising of local actors (civil society, indigenous communities) on the legal and regulatory framework for natural resources management, as well as practical training on participatory environmental monitoring, conflict resolution and surveillance.

X Education and awareness raising X Institutional arrangements X Finance and incentives X Replication and scaling up X Management practices related to status of biodiversity

12. b. Is carbon sequestration an objective of the project (This question is included for purposes related to the GEF-3 targets for the Climate Change focal area) ____Yes __ X __No

The estimated amount of carbon sequestered is:

13. Project Replication Strategy 13. a . Does the project specify budget, activities, and outputs for implementing the replication strategy? Yes_ X __ No___

It is expected that this equipment will be managed by ANAM and MINAE, but part of the equipment will likely also be used by local actors involved in monitoring and surveillance activities. Including awareness raising on the existence and utility of the Indicative and Functional Land Use Plan developed during the formulation of the RSDS), in particular methodologies for the development and application of corresponding management, legal and regulatory instruments. The Territorial Information System was designed as a strategic planning tool during the formulation of the RSDS. Including technical capacity building that embraces traditional knowledge and methods, as well as the introduction of pertinent outside approaches, and the provision of basic equipment required for the functioning of environmental units. These activities will be coordinated with the Integrated Ecosystem Management in Indigenous Communities Project.

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority One: Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Areas

13. b. For all projects, please complete box below. An example is provided. Replication Quantification Measure Replication Target Foreseen at project start
100 ha 120 ha 1200 ha 2

Achievement at Mid-term Evaluation of Project

Achievement at Final Evaluation of Project

Hectares of restored landscape contributing to biological corridors Hectares of new indigenous agroforestry systems Hectares of agro-chemically intensive agriculture shifted to sustainable production Protected area co-management contracts under operation

14. Scope and Scale of Project: Please complete the following statements. 14.a. The project is working in: ___a single protected area _ X __multiple protected areas ____national protected area system 14.b. The level of the intervention is: ____ global _ X ___regional ____national ____subnational 14. c. Please complete the table below. An example is completed. Targets and Timeframe Foreseen at project start Achievement at Mid-term Evaluation of Project Achievement at Final Evaluation of Project

Project Coverage Gandoca-Manzanillo National Wildlife Refuge San San-Pond Sak Wetland of International Importance La Amistad International Park (PILA) in both CR and PN

Land: 4,876 Ha Sea: 4,500 Ha Land: 20,025 Ha Sea: 4,500 Ha Land: 382,000 Ha

14. d. Please complete the table below for the protected areas that are the target of the GEF intervention. Use NA for not applicable. Examples are provided below.

Name of Protected Area

Gandoca-Manzanillo Wildlife Refuge (RAMSAR Site) San San Pond Sak Wetland of International Importance La Amistad International Park (PILA) in both CR and PN

Is this a new protected area? Please answer yes or no. No

Area in Hectares

Global designation or priority lists (E.g., Biosphere Reserve, World Heritage site, Ramsar site, WWF Global 200, , etc.) 4,876 RAMSAR

Local Designation of Protected Area (E.g, indigenous reserve, private reserve, etc.)

IUCN Category for each Protected Area6 I II III IV V


National Wildlife Refuge Wetland of International Importance National Park (in both Costa Rica and Panama) x


20,025 RAMSAR


382,000 Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site

I. Strict Nature Reserve/Wilderness Area: managed mainly for science or wilderness protection II. National Park: managed mainly for ecosystem protection and recreation III. Natural Monument: managed mainly for conservation of specific natural features IV. Habitat/Species Management Area: managed mainly for conservation through management intervention V. Protected Landscape/Seascape: managed mainly for landscape/seascape protection and recreation VI. Managed Resource Protected Area: managed mainly for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems

Section Two: Site-Level Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool for Protected Areas
Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet 1
Name of protected area Gandoca-Manzanillo National Wildlife Refuge (REGAMA) Salamanca Ecoregion, Southeast Costa Rica (Limon Province) Agreed Executive Decree #16614-MAG 29/10/85 Ownership details (i.e. owner, tenure rights etc) Management Authority Size of protected area (ha) Number of staff Annual budget (US$) Private properties and State Gazetted Gazette # 206 of 29/10/1985

Location of protected area (country, ecoregion, and if possible map reference) Date of establishment (distinguish between agreed and gazetted*)

La Amistad-Caribbean Conservation Area (ACLA-C) of the Nacional Conservation Area System (SINAC) of the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) 4.876 ha Temporary:

Permanent: 5 54.780 RAMSAR

Designations (IUCN category, World Heritage, Ramsar etc) Reasons for designation

Protect and conserve habitats of species, with special interest in migratory aquatic birds of transcontinental importance

Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects in PA Brief details of WWF funded project or projects in PA Brief details of other relevant projects in PA

Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. Protection and monitoring of turtles on behalf of the NGO (ANAI). Dolphin study on behalf of Fundacin Delfn

List the two primary protected area objectives Objective 1 Objective 2 Protection of wetlands and flooded forests. Protection of bird species of transcontinental importance

List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen) Threat 1 Threat 2 Tourism in the buffer zone and within the refuge Pollution from solid and liquid wastes

List top two critical management activities Control of construction development Activity 1 Activity 2 Pollution control

Name/s of reviewer (including people consulted): Jos Masis (Administrator), Earl Junier Libdo, Olman Morales and Ceidi Melndez (La Amistad-

Caribbean Conservation Area (ACLA-C) of the Nacional Conservation Area System (SINAC) of the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE)
Contact details (email etc.): Jos Masis: Telephone: 00 506 759 90 01 Earl Junier: Telephone: 00 506 795 31 70. Olman Morales: Telephone: 00 506 755 04 55 Ceidi Melndez: Telephone: 00 506 795 31 70 Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year): Earl Junier: 7 March 2006 Olman Morales: 9 March 2006 Ceidi Melndez: 6 March 2006


Issue 1. Legal status

Criteria The protected area is not gazetted

Score 0 1 2

Note: see fourth option for private

Next steps

reserves Does the The government has agreed that the protected area protected area should be gazetted but the have legal status? process has not yet begun The protected area is in the process of being gazetted but the process is still incomplete Context The protected area has been legally gazetted (or in the case of private reserves is owned by a trust or similar)

3 (x) The Wildlife Refuge is officially established by

Executive Decree , Oficial Gazette of the Republic of Costa Rica #206 de 29/10/1985

2. Protected area regulations Are inappropriate land uses and activities (e.g. poaching) controlled?


There are no mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist but there are major problems in implementing them effectively Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist but there are some problems in effectively implementing them

2 (x)
La poblacin local participa en la gestin del ASP a travs del Comit Asesor, el cual se subdivide en el Comit Zonal Manzanillo y el Comit Zonal de Gandoca. An existiendo mecanismos de control de los usos y actividades, organizaciones ambientalistas que no forman parte del Comit Asesor , discrepan de la intensidad de uso humano que el Plan de Manejo permite en el Refugio (REGAMA)

Internal zoning is required, development of management criteria and land-use criteria need to be harmonized with nearby San San Pond Sak RAMSAR Site (see next protected area)


3. Law enforcement

Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist and are being effectively implemented The staff have no effective capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations

3 0

Possible issue for comment: What

happens if people are arrested?

Can staff enforce protected area rules well enough?

There are major deficiencies in staff capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, no patrol budget) The staff have acceptable capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations but some deficiencies remain

2 (x) Los guardaparques pueden detener a


Provide operational resources to personas que realicen actividades delictivas facilitate enforcement. en el ASP. Existen garantas procesales para el detenido. Tan solo se pude detener a una persona por 24 horas, por lo que es importante la rpida actuacin de la fiscala

The staff have excellent capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and Regulations


Issue 4. Protected area objectives Have objectives been agreed? Planning

Criteria No firm objectives have been agreed for the protected area The protected area has agreed objectives, but is not managed according to these Objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, but these are only partially implemented

Score 0


Next steps

2 (x) La falta de medios tcnicos y humanos

impiden alcanzar plenamente los objetivos planteados

Development of action plans, technical capacity building of staff

5. Protected area design Does the protected area need enlarging,

The protected area has agreed objectives and is managed to meet these objectives Inadequacies in design mean achieving the protected areas major management objectives of the protected area is impossible Inadequacies in design mean that achievement of major objectives are constrained to some extent

3 0 1 Possible issue to comment: does PA contain different management zones and are these well maintained?

corridors etc to meet its objectives? Planning

Design is not significantly constraining achievement of major objectives, but could be improved Reserve design features are particularly aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area

3 (x) El diseo del ASP es adecuado para los

No need to enlarge.

6. Protected area boundary

The boundary of the protected area is not known by the management authority or local

objetivos planteados. Adems, incorpora no slo espacios terrestres, sino el cuerpo de agua y fondos marinos del mar Caribe, lo que asegura la regulacin de los usos humanos y la proteccin de los recursos marinos Possible issue to comment: are there tenure disagreements affecting PA?



residents/neighbouring land users

Is the boundary known and demarcated? Context

The boundary of the protected area is known by the management authority but is not known by local residents/neighbouring land users The boundary of the protected area is known by both the management authority and local residents but is not appropriately demarcated

2 (x) Los lmites del Parque son conocidos por las Internal zoning needs to be improved.
autoridades ambientales, locales y Awareness raising required comunidades locales, aunque no estn Enhanced collaboration with San San demarcados fsicamente. Existe demarcacin Pond Sak in Panama en planos con coordenadas, por lo que se conocen perfectamente los lmites. Cualquier persona que desee realizar compraventas de terreno solicita al MINAE certificado de constancia de que no se afectan los lmites del ASP

The boundary of the protected area is known by the management authority and local residents and is appropriately demarcated


Issue 7. Management plan Is there a management plan and is it being implemented? Planning

Criteria There is no management plan for the protected area A management plan is being prepared or has been prepared but is not being implemented An approved management plan exists but it is only being partially implemented because of funding constraints or other problems An approved management plan exists and is being implemented

Score 0


Next steps

2 (x) El Plan de Manejo se encuentra aprobado Internal zoning needs to be harmonized


e implementado con participacin de la with San San Pond Sak, joint monitoring poblacin local a travs del Comit Asesor, with San San Pond Sak

Additional points


The planning process allows adequate opportunity for key stakeholders to influence the management plan There is an established schedule and process for periodic review and updating of the management plan The results of monitoring, research and evaluation are routinely incorporated into planning No regular work plan exists

+1 (x) El Plan de Manejo se elabor y se revisar

en su momento con la participacin de los agentes sociales clave +1 (x) Existe un proceso peridico de revisin del Plan de Manejo

+1 (x) Los resultados del monitoreo y evaluacin Strengthen monitoring activities and
rutinaria sirven de lecciones aprendidas para incorporarlos a Plan de Manejo en sus posteriores revisiones

collaborate with San San Pond Sak on binational monitoring efforts.

8. Regular work plan

0 1

A regular work plan exists but activities are not Is there an annual monitored against the plan's targets work plan? A regular work plan exists and actions are monitored against the plan's targets, but many activities are not completed

2 (x) Existe plan regular de trabajo (Plan Anual Support the development of action plans,
Operativo) y las acciones se monitorean in collaboration with San San Pond Sak con respecto a las metas del trabajo, pero algunas actividades no estn completadas, debido a la falta de recursos econmicos para abordarlas


A regular work plan exists, actions are monitored against the plan's targets and most or all prescribed activities are completed


9. Resource inventory Do you have enough information to manage the area?

There is little or no information available on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area Information on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is not sufficient to support planning and decision making

1 (x) Falta investigacin, monitoreo y estudios deBinational monitoring should take place
hbitats crticos, especies y valores culturales, que permita tener informacin cualificada para planificar y ayudar a la toma de decisiones en la gestin del rea silvestre protegida. Hasta el momento, la informacin disponible es parcial y los estudios cientficos se han centrado en aspectos muy puntuales (tortugas, bioprospeccin de moluscos marinos INBIo More data required on water and soil quality Data on management effectiveness need to be improved. Development integrated information system Disseminate information La asociacin ANAI colabora en proceso de monitoreo de tortuga marina, que aporta datos valiosos para el manejo de los quelonios La asociacin ANAI ha comenzado un proyecto de monitoreo de peces, que aportar datos valiosos para el manejo de poblaciones pisccolas Se est haciendo un estudio de delfines por parte de la Fundacin Delfines, que tambin aportar datos valiosos para su manejo)




10. Research Is there a programme of managementorientated survey and research work?

Criteria Information on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient for key areas of planning/decision making but the necessary survey work is not being maintained Information concerning on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained There is no survey or research work taking place in the protected area

Score 2


Next steps

There is some ad hoc survey and research work

1 (x) No existe un Plan de Investigacin propio Targeted research grants program to

impulsado por la autoridad ambiental. A promote research on topics that will travs de ONG,s se hacen investigaciones facilitate adaptive management. muy focalizadas en determinados elementos de conservacin, faltando investigacin en ms elementos de conservacin, sobre todo ecosistemas

Inputs 11. Resource management

There is considerable survey and research work but it is not directed towards the needs of protected area management There is a comprehensive, integrated programme of survey and research work, which is relevant to management needs Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed

2 3 0


Is the protected area adequately managed (e.g. for fire, invasive species, poaching)?

Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are known but are not being addressed Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are only being partially addressed Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are being substantially or fully addressed

2 (x) La autoridad ambiental conoce las

necesidades para el manejo activo, pero slo se han implementado en parte por falta de medios tcnicos y humanos

Binational collaboration should be enhanced and technical training of staff and additional operational resources required.



Issue 12. Staff numbers

Criteria There are no staff

Score 0


Next steps

Are there enough people employed to manage the protected area?

Staff numbers are inadequate for critical management activities

1 (x) La dotacin de personal es escasa para

poder abordar el manejo de las actividades Technical and operational capacities will crticas y no crticas. Tan slo hay adscritos 5be strengthened. personas

Staff numbers are below optimum level for critical management activities Inputs 13. Personnel management Are the staff managed well enough? Process Staff numbers are adequate for the management needs of the site Problems with personnel management constrain the achievement of major management objectives Problems with personnel management partially constrain the achievement of major management objectives Personnel management is adequate to the achievement of major management objectives but could be improved Personnel management is excellent and aids the achievement major management objectives Staff are untrained Staff training and skills are low relative to the needs of the protected area Staff training and skills are adequate, but could be further improved to fully achieve the objectives of management Staff training and skills are in tune with the management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs

2 3 0

2 (x) Se puede mejorar la situacin del personal Technical and operational capacities will
de manejo adscrito al rea protegida be strengthened. 3 0 1

14. Staff training Is there enough training for staff?

2 (x) Son necesarias ms capacitaciones para

que el personal se encuentre mejor entrenado, sobre todo en el sector de guardaparques

Technical and operational capacities will be strengthened.



15. Current budget Is the current budget sufficient? Inputs

There is no budget for the protected area The available budget is inadequate for basic management needs and presents a serious constraint to the capacity to manage

1 (x) El presupuesto asignado al ASP es

Innovative financial mechanisms will be inadecuado y escaso para atender las designed and implemented for supporting necesidades de manejo. Tan solo se tiene PA management. plata para operacin, lo que constituye una importante limitante

16. Security of budget

The available budget is acceptable, but could be further improved to fully achieve effective management The available budget is sufficient and meets the full management needs of the protected area There is no secure budget for the protected area and management is wholly reliant on outside or year by year funding

2 3

Is the budget secure?

There is very little secure budget and the protected area could not function adequately without outside funding

1 (x) Es escasa la seguridad del presupuesto.

Adems, se va pidiendo dinero a MINAE central, en funcin de los gastos operativos que se necesita ejecutar, lo que dificulta la accin de la autoridad del ASP

The project will promote enhanced Government commitment for allocated resources for the management of the PA and sustainable financing alternatives will be developed.


There is a reasonably secure core budget for the protected area but many innovations and initiatives are reliant on outside funding
There is a secure budget for the protected area and its management needs on a multiyear cycle

3 0

17. Management of budget Is the budget managed to

Budget management is poor and significantly undermines effectiveness Budget management is poor and constrains effectiveness

1 (x) El presupuesto asignado al ASP es muy

Development of more targeted action pobre, lo que dificulta la efectividad del plans and improve planning capacities of manejo del rea. El presupuesto se usa para staff. gastos operativos


meet critical management needs? Process 18. Equipment

Budget management is adequate but could be improved Budget management is excellent and aids effectiveness There are little or no equipment and facilities

There are some equipment and facilities but these are wholly inadequate Are there adequate equipment and facilities? There are equipment and facilities, but still some major gaps that constrain management

2 (x) El equipamiento y facilidades son escasos, Operational capacities need to be

lo que dificulta el manejo (algunas seales strengthened, including visitation en Manzanillo, zona de pic nic en Manzanillo infrastructure. y edificios administrativos y de albergue de guardarecursos, policas y voluntarios en Manzanillo y Gandoca)

There are adequate equipment and facilities


Issue 19. Maintenance of equipment

Criteria There is little or no maintenance of equipment and facilities

Score 0


Next steps

Is equipment adequately maintained?

There is some ad hoc maintenance of equipment and facilities There is maintenance of equipment and facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well maintained There is no education and awareness programme

2 (x) Se mantienen los equipamientos del ASP, Develop and put in place a more rigorous
pero algunos de ellos pasa tiempo hasta maintenance plan, with clear que se reponen o renuevan (sealizacin) responsibilities and timetables. 3

Process 20. Education and awareness programme

0 (x) No hay un programa educativo formalizado The project will support a locally adapted
y en ejecucin por parte de la autoridad ambiental del ASP por falta de presupuesto. Las organizaciones ambientalistas CBTC y ANAI ejecutan algunas acciones de educacin ambiental (escuelas de Gandoca, Mata Limn y Manzanillo), pero no es un programa continuado en el tiempo

environmental awareness raising program, as well as an interactive program for children and youth developed in association with primary and secondary schools, as well as civil society

Is there a planned There is a limited and ad hoc education and education awareness programme, but no overall programme? planning for this There is a planned education and awareness Process programme but there are still serious gaps There is a planned and effective education and awareness programme fully linked to the objectives and needs of the protected area 21. State and There is no contact between managers and commercial neighbouring official or corporate land users

1 2 3


neighbours Is there cooperation with

There is limited contact between managers and neighboring official or corporate land users

1 (x) El contacto entre la autoridad ambiental

Involve as many stakeholders as possible que maneja el ASP y los dueos de la during the Project lifetime (and beyond) tierra del entorno del Refugio es espordico aims to increase contacts between pero existe environmental authorities and land-owners for collaborative management.

adjacent land users? Process

22. Indigenous people

There is regular contact between managers and neighboring official or corporate land users, but only limited co-operation There is regular contact between managers and neighboring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management Indigenous and traditional peoples have no input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area

2 3

0 (x) Tan slo un pequeo sector del ASP

Enhance collaboration with nearby colinda con el territorio indgena Bri Bri de indigenous communities. Kekldi. No se suele consultar con la autoridad indgena, aunque sta participa en el Comit Forestal


Issue Do indigenous and traditional peoples resident or regularly using the PA have input to management decisions?

Criteria Indigenous and traditional peoples have some input into discussions relating to management but no direct involvement in the resulting decisions


1 (x)

Comments Next steps Tan slo un pequeo sector del ASP Enhance collaboration with nearby colinda con el territorio indgena Bri Bri de indigenous communities. Kekldi. No se suele consultar con la autoridad indgena, aunque sta participa en el Comit Forestal

Process 23. Local communities Do local communities resident or near the protected area have input

Indigenous and traditional peoples directly contribute to some decisions relating to management Indigenous and traditional peoples directly participate in making decisions relating to management Local communities have no input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area Local communities have some input into discussions relating to management but no direct involvement in the resulting decisions Local communities directly contribute to some decisions relating to management

2 3 0 1 2


Local communities directly participate in making decisions relating to management

3 (x)

The Project aims to continue strengthening liaisons between local En el wildlife refuge existen terrenos privados y pblicos, lo que ha hecho que communities and environmental exista una estructura organizativa en la authorities in decisions related to management. que la poblacin local participa en el manejo del ASP. La estructura de REGAMA est conformada por la autoridad gubernamental nacional de medio ambiente, el MINAE, Municipalidad de Talamanca y las Asociaciones de Desarrollo de Gandoca y Manzanillo y por tres ONGs presentes en la zona, ANAI, APROGAN y ADECOMAGA. Estas organizaciones conforman el Comit Asesor, el cual se subdivide en el Comit Zonal Manzanillo y el Comit Zonal de Gandoca. La funcin de los Comits Zonales es la de aplicar y velar por el cumplimiento del Plan de Manejo del Refugio, otorgando o denegando los permisos de uso de los recursos, entre otras cosas.

Additional points

There is open communication and trust between local stakeholders and protected area managers


Hay comunicacin constante y fluida entre Special attention to improve autoridad ambiental del ASP y la poblacin communication with indigenous local communities and local inhabitants will be considered.

Programs to enhance local community welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented 24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and services Outputs

+1 0 Possible issue for comment: Do visitors damage the protected area?


Visitor facilities and services are Are visitor facilities Inappropriate for current levels of visitation or are under construction (for tourists, pilgrims etc) good enough? Visitor facilities and services are adequate for current levels of visitation but could be improved

2 (x)

Las facilidades que encuentran los Promotion of tourism development visitantes del ASP se limitan a afiches y creating production chains between the brochures e informacin meteorolgica en coastal area and the middle and upper la pagina web del MINAE, siendo necesario sub-basins will improve the enabling mejorar las facilidades conditions for tourism (including facilities). Los impactos que suelen causar los turistas se limitan al movimiento por el sendero existente, algunas hogueras y algn vertido de basuras

Outputs 25. Commercial tourism

Visitor facilities and services are excellent for current levels of visitation There is little or no contact between managers and tourism operators using the protected area

3 0 Possible issue for comment: examples of contributions


Issue Do commercial tour operators contribute to protected area management? Process

26. Fees If fees (tourism,

Criteria There is contact between managers and tourism operators but this is largely confined to administrative or regulatory matters There is limited co-operation between managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected area values There is excellent co-operation between managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts Although fees are theoretically applied, they are not collected

Score 1


Next steps

3 (x)

Existe una buena cooperacin entre Continue collaboration between authorities autoridad ambiental del ASP y los agentes and tourism operators. tursticos externos y locales No se cobra tarifa por ingresar en el ASP Development of a financial plan , including an analysis of the possibility to charge an entrance fee and pilot. it.

0 (x)

fines) are applied, do they help protected area management? Outputs 27. Condition assessment Is the protected area being managed consistent to its objectives?

The fee is collected, but it goes straight to central government and is not returned to the protected area or its environs The fee is collected, but is disbursed to the local authority rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the protected area that helps to support this and/or other protected areas Important biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are being severely degraded Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are being severely degraded

1 2 3 Possible issue for comment: It is important to provide details of the biodiversity, ecological or cultural values being affected

Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are being partially degraded but the most important values have not been significantly impacted

2 (x) Los valores de biodiversidad, ecolgicos y The integrated monitoring and evaluation

culturales importantes no se encuentran system to be developed by the Project will degradados, aunque existen discrepancias contribute to shed light on this issue. en la intensidad de uso humano que permite el Plan de Manejo y la opinin de algunas organizaciones ambientalistas locales


Biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are


predominantly intact Additional points Outputs 28. Access assessment There are active programmes for restoration of degraded areas within the protected area and/or the protected area buffer zone Protection systems (patrols, permits etc) are ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives

3 +1 0


Issue Is access/resource use sufficiently controlled? Outcomes

Criteria Protection systems are only partially effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are moderately effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are largely or wholly effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives The existence of the protected area has reduced the options for economic development of the local communities The existence of the protected area has neither damaged nor benefited the local economy

Score 1


Next st

2 (x) Se pueden mejorar los sistemas de

Operational proteccin para hacer ms efectivo el strengthening for control de acceso y uso, incrementando los enhanced access medios tcnicos y humanos que ahorrita control. son escasos

29. Economic benefit assessment Is the protected area providing

0 1

Possible issue for comment: how does national or regional development impact on the protected area?

economic benefits to local communities? Outcomes

There is some flow of economic benefits to local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy There is a significant or major flow of economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc)

3 (x) La poblacin local se beneficia de forma

New alternative importante de la existencia del ASP, ya que livelihoods based on el manejo de los turistas est en manos de: the sustainable use of biodiversity should tour operadores tursticos de la vecina localidad de Puerto Viejo; las comunidades be developed (incl. eco-tourism) locales controlan el alojamiento, alimentacin (Gandoca y manzanillo) y el transporte; los guas son pobladores locales; las lanchas de avistamiento de delfines son de pobladores locales, etc.. Cada ao acuden a Gandoca como voluntarios-turistas para el manejo de tortugas 300 personas que dejan unos beneficios de 57.000 US$

30. Monitoring and evaluation

There is no monitoring and evaluation in the protected area


Are management activities monitored against performance?

There is some ad hoc monitoring and evaluation, but no overall strategy and/or no regular collection of results There is an agreed and implemented monitoring and evaluation system but results are not systematically used for management A good monitoring and evaluation system exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management

1 2


3 (x) Existe un sistema de monitoreo y

Monitoring systems evaluacin del desempeo de la for biodiversity, water Administracin de las ASP de Costa Rica and land will be que se emplea en el REGAMA. Los improved. pobladores locales participan en dicho sistema aportando su visin a travs del Comit Asesor. Los resultados del sistema de monitoreo y evaluacin se usan en el manejo del ASP




Issue Is access/resource use sufficiently controlled? Outcomes

Criteria Protection systems are only partially effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are moderately effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives

Score 1


Next steps

2 (x) Se pueden mejorar los sistemas de

Operational strengthening for enhanced proteccin para hacer ms efectivo el access control. control de acceso y uso, incrementando los medios tcnicos y humanos que ahorita son escasos

Are management activities montored 29. Economic benefit assessment Is the protected area providing against performance?/ economic benefits to local communities? Outcomes

Protection systems are largely or wholly effective in controlling access or use of the There is some ad hoc monitoring and reserve in accordance with designated evaluation, but no overall strategy and/or no objectives regular collection theresults The existence of of protected area has reduced the options for economic development of the local communities The existence of the protected area has neither damaged nor benefited the local economy There is an agreed and implemented monitoring and evaluation system but results There is some flow of economic benefits to are not systematically used for management local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy There is a significant or major flow of economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated A good monitoring and evaluation system commercial tours etc) exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management

3 1 0 1 Possible issue for comment: how does national or regional development impact on the protected area?

2 2

3 (x) La poblacin local se beneficia de forma

Planning Process

3 (x)

New alternative livelihoods based on the importante de la existencia del ASP, ya que sustainable use of biodiversity should be el manejo de los turistas est en manos de: developed (incl. eco-tourism) tour operadores tursticos de la vecina Existe un de Puerto Viejo; las comunidades Monitoring systems for biodiversity, water localidad sistema de monitoreo y evaluacin del desempeo de la and land will be improved. locales controlan el alojamiento, Administracin de las ASP de Costa y el alimentacin (Gandoca y manzanillo)Rica que se emplea en el REGAMA. Los transporte; los guas son pobladores pobladores locales de avistamiento de locales; las lanchasparticipan en dicho sistema son de pobladores locales, etc.. delfines aportando su visin a travs del Comit Asesor. Los resultados del sistema Cada ao acuden a Gandoca como de monitoreo y evaluacin manejo de el voluntarios-turistas para el se usan en manejo del ASP sonas que dejan unos tortugas 300 per beneficios de 57.000 US$

TOTAL SCORE 30. Monitoring and evaluation

There is no monitoring and evaluation in the protected area



Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet

Name of protected area Humedal de Importancia Internacional San San Poond Sack (HIISSPS) Panam. Provincia de Bocas del Toro. Distrito de Changuinola Agreed Gazetted

Location of protected area (country, ecoregion, and if possible map reference) Date of establishment (distinguish between agreed and gazetted*)

Resolucin de la Junta Directiva 02094 del 2 de agosto Gaceta Oficial #22617 del 7 de septiembre de 1994 de 1994 de la Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente (ANAM), Ownership details (i.e. owner, tenure rights etc) Management Authority Size of protected area (ha) Existen propiedades privadas y estatales Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente de Panam (ANAM) 20.025 ha

Number of staff

Permanent: 3

Temporary: 12 voluntarios de la Asociacin de Amigos de la Costa y la Naturaleza (AAMVECONA)

Annual budget (US$) Designations (IUCN category, World Heritage, Ramsar etc) Reasons for designation

9.500 Humedal RAMSAR, Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage site

Proteger y conservar hbitats de muchas especies silvestres con especial inters en av acuticas migratorias de importancia transcontinental

Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects in PA Brief details of WWF funded project or projects in PA Brief details of other relevant projects in PA

Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. Not necessary for GEF-funded projects.

La asociacin AAMVECONA con apoyo de la asociacin ambientalista Conservacin Internacional tienen implementado un programa de monitoreo del manat y de la calidad de las aguas, este ltimo en colaboracin con la Universidad Nacional de Panam (Regional de Changhuinola). La inversin de Conservacin Internacional es de 250.000 S $ List the two primary protected area objectives Objective 1 Objective 2 Proteccin de una rica variedad de humedales Conservacin de la Playa de Changuinola, como sitio de importancia para el desove de las tortugas marinas, as como del manat

List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen) Contaminacin de las aguas por agroqumicos y desechos. Se ha escogido esta amenaza debido a la Threat 1 fragilidad que presenta el recurso agua a su contaminacin por agroqumicos.


Threat 2

Extraccin de Madera, cacera y expolio de huevos de Tortuga. Esta segunda amenaza afecta a elementos de conservacin claves del humedal.

List top two critical management activities Minimizar la contaminacin de las aguas Activity 1 Activity 2 Potenciar actividades que generen ingresos a los pobladores del Humedal y a la Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente de Panam, al objeto de tener fondos para atender los problemas del Humedal

Name/s of assessor (including people consulted): Hernndez Bonilla. Coordinador Regional de reas Protegidas de la Autoridead Nacional del Ambiente de Panam (ANAM) Contact details (email etc.): Telfono: 00 507 758 66 03. Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year): 6, 8 y 10 de marzo de 2006

* Or formally established in the case of private protected areas


Issue 1. Legal status

Criteria The protected area is not gazetted

Score 0 1 2

Note: see fourth option for private

Next steps

reserves Does the The government has agreed that the protected area protected area should be gazetted but the have legal status? process has not yet begun The protected area is in the process of being gazetted but the process is still incomplete Context The protected area has been legally gazetted (or in the case of private reserves is owned by a trust or similar) 2. Protected area regulations Are inappropriate land uses and activities (e.g. poaching) There are no mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist but there are major problems in implementing Them effectively

3 (x) El rea Silvestre Protegida (ASP) cuenta

con Acuerdo de creacin publicado en la Gaceta Oficial de la Repblica de Panam: # 22617 del 07/09/1994



Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist but there are some problems in effectively implementing them Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist and are being effectively implemented The staff have no effective capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations

2 (x) Existen mecanismos de control ,pero la

extensin del ASP, las dificultades de movimiento (humedal) y la falta de medios humanos, tcnicos y materiales provocan que stos no puedan implementarse de forma eficaz

Internal zoning is required development of management criteria and a land-use need to be harmonized with nearby GandocaManzanillo National Wildife Refuge (see previous protected area)

3. Law enforcement

Possible issue for comment: What

happens if people are arrested?


Can staff enforce protected area rules well enough?

There are major deficiencies in staff capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, no patrol budget)

1 (x)

Provide operational resources to facilitate humedal es La escasez de recursos enforcement humanos y tcnicos para aplicar las determinaciones de la normativa reguladora del rea Silvestre Protegida es una restriccin importante que se debe superar Los guardaparques pueden detener a personas que realicen actividades delictivas en el ASP. Existen garantas procesales para el detenido


The staff have acceptable capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations but some deficiencies remain The staff have excellent capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and Regulations


Issue 4. Protected area objectives Have objectives been agreed? Planning

Criteria No firm objectives have been agreed for the protected area The protected area has agreed objectives, but is not managed according to these Objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, but these are only partially implemented

Score 0


Next steps

2 (x) Los objetivos de preservacin del humedalDevelop action plans, technical capacity
se cumplen en parte, ya que la falta de recursos econmicos impiden el pleno cumplimiento de los objetivos Se est trabajando con agencias y con organizaciones no gubernamentales ambientalistas para captar recursos y cumplir de forma ms eficiente los objetivos de conservacin building of staff

5. Protected area design

The protected area has agreed objectives and is managed to meet these objectives Inadequacies in design mean achieving the protected areas major management objectives of the protected area is impossible

3 0 Possible issue for comment: does the protected area contain different management zones and are these well maintained?


Does the protected area need enlarging,

Inadequacies in design mean that achievement of major objectives are constrained to some extent

1 (x)

El diseo de los lmites del humedal no es del todo adecuado, ya que habra que incluir en su mbito protector reas que hoy da se encuentran fuera del rea Silvestre Protegida, para as facilitar el movimiento del manat. Tampoco hay buen diseo en relacin a la superficie marina, ya que el Humedal no contempla en su mbito territorial cuerpo de agua del Caribe y fondos marinos El Humedal cuanta con zonificacin interna. Las propias caractersticas del Humedal, con amplias zonas con cuerpos de agua posibilitan que se mantengan en buen estado de conservacin

Se est estudiando la posibilidad de ampliar el mbito protector del Humedal al ro San San, al objeto de conectar el rea Silvestre Protegida con el Parque Internacional La Amistad. De esta forma se posibilitara proteger el rea de movimiento del manat

corridors etc to meet its objectives? Planning 6. Protected area boundary demarcation Is the boundary known and demarcated?

Design is not significantly constraining achievement of major objectives, but could be improved Reserve design features are particularly aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area The boundary of the protected area is not known by the management authority or local residents/neighbouring land users The boundary of the protected area is known by the management authority but is not known by local residents/neighbouring land users

3 0 Possible issue for comment: are there tenure disagreements affecting the protected area?



The boundary of the protected area is known by both the management authority and local residents but is not appropriately demarcated

2 (x) Los lmites del humedal son conocidos por Existe el proyecto de demarcar el rea

las autoridades ambientales, locales y por silvestre protegida a travs de un proyecto PRONAT, pero al da de hoy no los residentes. Al da de hoy no est se ha podido hacer realidad demarcado, aunque s se conocen las coordenadas geogrficas del rea Silvestre Protegida. Los propietarios que Internal zoning needs to be improved Awareness raising required viven en su entorno solicitan a la Autoridad Nacional Ambiental de Panam Enhanced collaboration with Gancoca(ANAM) certificados que demuestren que Manzanillo in Costa Rica sus propiedades no estn en el mbito del rea Silvestre, cuando lo necesitan para transacciones de las propiedades Existen algunos problemas de compraventa ilegal de terrenos del Estado panameo. Los que ejecutan este tipo de acciones estn identificados y denunciados a la autoridad judicial

The boundary of the protected area is known by the management authority and local residents and is appropriately demarcated


Issue 7. Management plan Is there a management plan and is it being implemented?

Criteria There is no management plan for the protected area A management plan is being prepared or has been prepared but is not being implemented An approved management plan exists but it is only being partially implemented because of funding constraints or other problems

Score 0


Next steps

2 (x) El Plan de Manejo no se encuentra

Internal zoning needs to be harmonized implementado en su totalidad, sino en parte with Gandoca-Mazanillo, joint monitoring Se busca el apoyo de agencias with Gandoca Manzanillo ambientales interesadas en ayudar a implementar el Plan de Manejo

Planning Additional points

An approved management plan exists and is being implemented The planning process allows adequate opportunity for key stakeholders to influence the management plan There is an established schedule and process for periodic review and updating of the management plan The results of monitoring, research and evaluation are routinely incorporated into planning No regular work plan exists

+1 (x) El Plan de Manejo se elabor y aprob

hace poco tiempo. Se revisar en su momento con la participacin de los agentes sociales clave



Planning 8. Regular work plan

0 1

A regular work plan exists but activities are not Is there an annual monitored against the plan's targets work plan? A regular work plan exists and actions are monitored against the plan's targets, but Many activities are not completed

2 (x) Existe plan regular de trabajo y las

Support to the development of action acciones se monitorean con respecto a las plans, in collaboration with Gandocametas del trabajo, pero muchas actividades Manzanillo no estn completadas debido a la falta de recursos econmicos para abordarlas

Planning/Outputs 9. Resource inventory

A regular work plan exists, actions are monitored against the plan's targets and most or all prescribed activities are completed There is little or no information available on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area

3 0


Do you have enough information to manage the area?

Information on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is not sufficient to support planning and decision making

Falta investigacin, monitoreo y estudios de Binational monitoring processes will take place hbitats crticos, especies y valores culturales, que permita tener informacin More data required on water and soil cualificada para planificar y ayudar a la toma de decisiones en la gestin del rea quality silvestre protegida. Hasta el momento la Data on management effectiveness could informacin disponible es parcial y los be improved estudios cientficos se han centrado en aspectos muy puntuales (monitoreo de Development integrated information tortuga y manat) Disseminate information Con financiamiento de donantes se contina apoyando el monitoreo del manat (Conservacin Internacional y Fundacin Natura)




10. Research Is there a programme of managementorientated survey and research work?

Criteria Information on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient for key areas of planning/decision making but the necessary survey work is not being maintained Information concerning on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained There is no survey or research work taking Place in the protected area

Score 2


Next steps

There is some ad hoc survey and research Work

1 (x) Existe un plan de trabajo relacionado con el Targeted research grants program to
monitoreo e investigacin de las tortugas marinas y del manat. Falta investigar y monitorear ms elementos de conservacin (por ejemplo aves) promote research on tropics that will facilitate adaptive management

Inputs 11. Resource management Is the protected area adequately managed (e.g. for fire, invasive species, poaching)?

There is considerable survey and research work but it is not directed towards the needs of protected area management There is a comprehensive, integrated programme of survey and research work, Which is relevant to management needs Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are known but are not being addressed Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are only being partially addressed

2 3 0 1

2 (x) Se conocen las necesidades de manejo,

pero slo parcialmente se consiguen, siempre por falta de personal y presupuesto

Binational collaboration should be enhanced and technical training of staff and additional operational resources required



Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are being substantially or fully addressed


Issue 12. Staff numbers Are there enough people employed to manage the protected area?

Criteria There are no staff Staff numbers are inadequate for critical management activities Staff numbers are below optimum level for critical management activities

Score 0 1


Next steps

2 (x) Tan solo hay tres personas asignadas al

Technical and operational capacities will rea protegida, apoyadas por unos 12 be strengthened voluntarios de AAMVECONA Se necesita ms personal para mejorar los objetivos de conservacin. Se estima que el ptimo estara entre 10-12 personas ((educador ambiental, coordinador rea protegida, encargado de investigacin y guardaparques)

Inputs 13. Personnel management Are the staff managed well enough?

Staff numbers are adequate for the management needs of the site Problems with personnel management constrain the achievement of major management objectives Problems with personnel management partially constrain the achievement of major management objectives

3 0 1


14. Staff training Is there enough training for staff?

Personnel management is adequate to the achievement of major management objectives but could be improved Personnel management is excellent and aids the achievement major management objectives Staff are untrained Staff training and skills are low relative to the needs of the protected area

2 (x) El personal de manejo del Humedal esta

capacitado, aunque puede mejorarse su eficiencia 3 0 1

Technical and operational capacities will be strengthened


Staff training and skills are adequate, but

2 (x) El personal que maneja el Humedal est

could be further improved to fully achieve the objectives of management

Technical and operational capacities will entrenado, aunque siempre son necesarios be strengthened cursos de capacitacin para mejorar su formacin y cumplir con los objetivos de manejo

Inputs/Process 15. Current budget Is the current budget sufficient?

Staff training and skills are in tune with the management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs There is no budget for the protected area The available budget is inadequate for basic management needs and presents a serious constraint to the capacity to manage

3 0

1 (x) Existe presupuesto (9.500 US$ en 2006), Innovate financial mechanisms will be

pero es muy insuficiente para atender las designed and implemented for supporting necesidades de conservacin del Humedal PA management Se requieren fondos para financiar necesidades. Fundacin Natura va a apoyar a partir de 2006 en el monitoreo del manat. TNC va a apoyar en la compra de un terreno para la construccin del centro de recepcin de visitantes e interpretacin del Humedal

The available budget is acceptable, but could be further improved to fully achieve effective management


Issue Inputs

16. Security of budget

Criteria The available budget is sufficient and meets the full management needs of the protected area There is no secure budget for the protected area and management is wholly reliant on outside or year by year funding There is very little secure budget and the protected area could not function adequately without outside funding

Score 3


Next steps

Is the budget secure?

1 (x) Existe seguridad en cuanto al presupuesto The Project will promote enhanced

que se recibe del fideicomiso FIDECO Govemment commitment for allocated (Fondo a nivel nacional para AP), aunque resources for the management of the PA es un presupuesto muy escaso and sustainable financing alternatives will to developed


There is a reasonably secure core budget for the protected area but many innovations and initiatives are reliant on outside funding
There is a secure budget for the protected area and its management needs on a multiyear cycle

17. Management of budget

Budget management is poor and significantly undermines effectiveness

0 (x) El presupuesto es extremadamente pobre Develop more targeted action plans and
para las importantes necesidades de gestin que tiene el Humedal improve planning capacities of staff

Is the budget managed to meet critical management needs? Process

Budget management is poor and constrains effectiveness Budget management is adequate but could be improved Budget management is excellent and aids effectiveness


18. Equipment

There are little or no equipment and facilities

0 (x) El equipamiento y facilidades son muy

Operational capacities need to be strengthened, including visitation pobre. Se necesita mejorar ostensiblemente el equipamiento terrestre y infrastructure marino. Existe un refugio con habitaciones, pero no se encuentra adecuado para su uso por el personal de manejo y turistas TNC va a apoyar en la compra de un terreno para la construccin del centro de recepcin de visitantes e interpretacin del Humedal, as como pequeo embarcadero de canoas para personal de manejo y turistas

Are there adequate equipment and facilities? Process

There are some equipment and facilities but these are wholly inadequate There are equipment and facilities, but still some major gaps that constrain management There are adequate equipment and facilities

2 3


Issue 19. Maintenance of equipment Is equipment adequately maintained?

Criteria There is little or no maintenance of equipment and facilities There is some ad hoc maintenance of equipment and facilities There is maintenance of equipment and facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well maintained There is no education and awareness programme


0 (x)

Comments Next steps El mantenimiento del equipamiento es muy Develop and put in place a more rigorous pobre, debido al escaso presupuesto maintenance plan, with clear existente responsibilities and timetables

2 3

Process 20. Education and awareness programme

0 (x) No existe un plan formalizado de educacinThe project will support a locally adapted

Is there a planned There is a limited and ad hoc education and education awareness programme, but no overall programme? planning for this There is a planned education and awareness Process programme but there are still serious gaps There is a planned and effective education and awareness programme fully linked to the objectives and needs of the protected area 21. State and There is no contact between managers and commercial neighbouring official or corporate land users neighbours There is limited contact between managers Is there coand neighbouring official or corporate land operation with users adjacent land There is regular contact between managers users? and neighbouring official or corporate land users, but only limited co-operation

por falta de personal. Existen acciones de environmental awareness raising capacitacin aislada en funcin de los program, as well as an interactive program recursos. Con los escasos recursos se for children and youth developed in emiten programas en la radio apoyados por association with primary and secondary el fideicomiso de FIDECO schools, as well as civl society

1 2 3 0 1

2 (x) Existe contacto y colaboracin con los

Involve as many stakeholders as possible usuarios de la tierra colindantes con el during the Project lifetime (and beyond) Humedal ( grupos comunitarios, pequeos pretends to increase contacts between productores, bananeras (Bocas Fruit environmental authorities and land owners Company), aunque estos contactos podran incrementarse



22. Indigenous people

There is regular contact between managers and neighbouring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management Indigenous and traditional peoples have no input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area

0 (x) No existen pueblos indgenas en el interior

o entorno del humedal San San Pond Sack. En el entorno de San San existen familias de etnia indgena Ngbe-Bugle que viven fuera de su comarca


Issue Do indigenous and traditional peoples resident or regularly using the PA have input to management decisions? Process 23. Local communities

Criteria Indigenous and traditional peoples have some input into discussions relating to management but no direct involvement in the resulting decisions Indigenous and traditional peoples directly contribute to some decisions relating to management Indigenous and traditional peoples directly participate in making decisions relating to management Local communities have no input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area

Score 1


Next steps

2 3 0

Do local communities resident or near the protected area have input to management decisions? Process

Local communities have some input into discussions relating to management but no direct involvement in the resulting decisions Local communities directly contribute to some decisions relating to management

1 Las comunidades locales formulan sugerencias y se les consulta, influyendo en parte en la toma de decisiones The Project aims to continue strengthening liaisons between local communities and environmental authorities in decisions related to management

2 (x)

Local communities directly participate in making decisions relating to management Additional points There is open communication and trust between local stakeholders and protected area managers Programmes to enhance local community welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented

+1 (x)

Existe Buena comunicacin entre la Continue this communication, with special autoridad que maneja el Humedal y los attention to improve communication with agentes sociales y productivos del entorno communities



24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and services

Possible issue for comment: Do visitors damage the protected area?

Promotion of tourism development creating production chains between the coastal area ad the middle and upper subNo hay condiciones mnimas ni servicios basins will improve the enabling conditions para la atencin de los turistas for tourism (including facilities) Los turistas no provocan ningn dao ambiental

Visitor facilities and services are Are visitor facilities Inappropriate for current levels of visitation or are under construction (for tourists, pilgrims etc) good Visitor facilities and services are adequate for enough? current levels of visitation but could be improved Visitor facilities and services are excellent for Outputs current levels of visitation 25. Commercial There is little or no contact between tourism managers and tourism operators using the protected area

0 (x)

Possible issue for comment: examples of contributions

Projects activities will promote the collaboration between authorities and Los turistas que acuden a San San van a tourism operators ttulo personal. No operan tour operadores por ahora


Issue Do commercial tour operators contribute to protected area management? Process

26. Fees If fees (tourism,

Criteria There is contact between managers and tourism operators but this is largely confined to administrative or regulatory matters There is limited co-operation between managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected area values There is excellent co-operation between managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts Although fees are theoretically applied, they are not collected

Score 1 2


Next steps

fines) are applied, do they help protected area

The fee is collected, but it goes straight to central government and is not returned to the protected area or its environs

1 (x)

Se cobra una tasa de visita de 3 Balboas a El Proyecto apoyar el desarrollo de un extranjeros y 1 Balboa a los nacionales. La plan financiero para asegurar mayores plata no se queda en la Administracin del ingresos econmicos Humedal, sino que va a la caja central del gobierno, sin que se reciba parte alguna por parte de la autoridad ambiental del Humedal

management? Outputs 27. Condition assessment Is the protected area being managed consistent to its objectives?

The fee is collected, but is disbursed to the local authority rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the protected area that helps to support this and/or other protected areas Important biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are being severely degraded Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural

2 3 Possible issue for comment: It is important to provide details of the biodiversity, ecological or cultural


values are being severely degraded Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are being partially degraded but the most important values have not been significantly impacted

values being affected

2 (x) El recurso agua es el que ms se

encuentra afectado por los vertidos de aguas del drenaje de las plantaciones de banano y vertidos de aguas residuales urbanas El agua es contaminada por las aguas de drenaje de las plantaciones bananeras. Tambin hay ciertos daos en los manglares

The integrated monitoring and evaluation system to be developed by the Project will contribute to shed Light on this issue

Outcomes Additional points Outputs 28. Access assessment

Biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are predominantly intact There are active programmes for restoration of degraded areas within the protected area and/or the protected area buffer zone Protection systems (patrols, permits etc) are ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives

+1 (x) 0 (x)

No se aplican sistemas de recuperacin de Se apoyar la recuperacin de las reas ecosistemas degradados degradadas del humedal a travs de proyectos especficos En la actualidad es muy deficiente el Operational strengthening for enhanced sistema de control de accesos humano al access control. humedal, aunque las propias caractersticas fsicas del humedal (amplias zonas encharcadas) contribuyen a su proteccin, ya que dificulta el acceso humano


Issue Is access/resource use sufficiently controlled? Outcomes

29. Economic benefit assessment Is the protected area providing

Criteria Protection systems are only partially effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are moderately effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are largely or wholly effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives The existence of the protected area has reduced the options for economic development of the local communities The existence of the protected area has neither damaged nor benefited the local economy

Score 1 2 3


Next steps

0 1

Possible issue for comment: how does national or regional development impact on the protected area?

economic benefits to local communities?

There is some flow of economic benefits to local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy

2 (x) La mayor parte de las comunidades del

Desarrollo de un plan de mercadeo que entorno de San San trabajan en las permita posicionar a San San en el plantaciones de banano. Algunas mercado turstico organizaciones de habitantes del entorno y del interior de San San se benefician del Humedal obteniendo donaciones que les permiten aplicarlas a la conservacin del mismo. Hoy por hoy, debido a que se publicita poco a San San y al nulo equipamiento existente para atender al turista, no se est generando actividad econmica que beneficie a la poblacin


30. Monitoring and evaluation

There is a significant or major flow of economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc) There is no monitoring and evaluation in the protected area

Are management activities monitored There is some ad hoc monitoring and evaluation, but no overall strategy and/or no regular collection of results 1

against performance?

There is an agreed and implemented monitoring and evaluation system but results are not systematically used for management

2 (x) Existe un sistema de monitoreo y

Monitoring systems for biodiversity, wat evaluacin de la gestin del humedal and land will be improved. desde hace 5 aos. En el participan las comunidades, ONG, empresas privadas etc. Se hace un taller anual con la sociedad civil para analizar la gestin realizada. Los resultados so incorporados al manejo del ASP

Planning/Process TOTAL SCORE

A good monitoring and evaluation system exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management



Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet

Name of protected area Parque Internacional La Amistad (PILA) Ecoregin Talamanca, Sureste de Costa Rica, provincia de Limn (rea de Location of protected area (country, ecoregion, and if possible map reference) Conservacin Amistad-Caribe) Gazetted Date of establishment (distinguish between Agreed: Decreto agreed and gazetted*) Ejecutivo #13324-A 22-02-82 Ao 1982. Semestre 1. Tomo 1. Pg. 110 (Creacin) Decreto Ejecutivo # 16848MAG 20-02-86 (Ampliacin)

Gaceta # 36 de 02/02/186

Decreto Ejecutivo #21199MIRENEM 23-04-92 (Cambia a Parque Nacional Gaceta # 78 de 23/04/1991 Talamanca)

Ownership details (i.e. owner, tenure rights etc) Management Authority Size of protected area (ha)

Terrenos del Estado costarricense rea de Conservacin La Amistad-Caribe (ACLA-C) del Sistema Nacional de reas de Conservacin (SINAC) del Ministerio del Ambiente y Energa (MINAE) de Costa Rica 174.881 ha

Number of staff

Permanent: 0 6

Temporary: 0

Annual budget (US$)

No hay presupuesto para atender especficamente al PILA desde ACLA-C

Designations (IUCN category, World Heritage, Ramsar etc) Reasons for designation Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects in PA Brief details of WWF funded project or projects in PA Brief details of other relevant projects in PA

Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site La gran biodiversidad de importancia internacional que posee. Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. Las ONGs ambientalistas apoyan determinados aspectos de la conservacin del PILA. TNC apoya a la Comisin Binacional Costa Rica-Panam del PILA; diseo del monitoreo de los elementos de conservacin, etc. Esta ONG invierte en el conjunto de la Reserva de la Biosfera Amistad unos 200.000 USD. La ONG Conservacin Internacional ha realizado monitoreos de danta


List the two primary protected area objectives Objective 1 Objective 2 Conservacin de la biodiversidad (vegetal, florstica y faunstica) Proteccin del recurso agua

List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen) Segn el anlisis de amenazas de TNC la principal amenaza son las actividades agropecuarias que se Threat 1 realizan en las reas de amortiguamiento en el sector pacfico del parque. Threat 2 En la cuenca del ro Yorkn, se dan movimientos migratorios y de ocupacin del espacio, que poco a poco incursionan dentro del parque (Anlisis de amenazas de TNC)

List top two critical management activities Activity 1 Activity 2 Control de actividades ilegales (extraccin de fauna y flora) Monitoreo de la biodiversidad

Name/s of assessor (including people consulted):

Earl Junier Libdo y Carlos Vargas (rea de Conservacin La Amistad Caribe ACLA-C-, del Sistema Nacional de reas de Conservacin (SINAC) del Ministerio del Ambiente y Energa (MINAE) de Costa Rica

Contact details (email etc.):

Eartl Junier Libdo: Telfono: 00 506 795 31 70.

Carlos Vargas: Telfono:00 506 795 31 70

Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year):

Earl Junier Libdo: 7 y 10 de marzo de 2006

Carlos Vargas: 10 de marzo de 2006

Or formally established in the case of private protected areas


Issue 1. Legal status

Criteria The protected area is not gazetted

Score 0 1 2

Note: see fourth option for private

Next steps

reserves Does the The government has agreed that the protected area protected area should be gazetted but the have legal status? process has not yet begun The protected area is in the process of being gazetted but the process is still incomplete Context The protected area has been legally gazetted (or in the case of private reserves is owned by a trust or similar)

3 (x) El rea Silvestre Protegida (ASP) cuenta

con Decretos de creacin y ampliacin y han sido publicados en la Gaceta Oficial de la Repblica de Costa Rica Los Decretos Ejecutivos de creacin, ampliacin y de creacin del Parque Nacional Talamanca aparecen en las siguientes Gacetas de la Repblica de Costa Rica: .Creacin del PILA: Ao 1982. Semestre 1. Tomo 1. Pg. 110 . Ampliacin: Gaceta # 36 de 02/02/1986 . Creacin Parque Nacional de Talamanca: Gaceta # 78 de 23/04/1992

2. Protected area Regulations Are inappropriate land uses and activities (e.g. poaching)

There are no mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist but there are major problems in implementing them effectively

1 (x) Existen mecanismos de control ,pero el

Internal zoning is required development of intrincado relieve, la falta de accesos y management criteria and land-use criteria equipamientos en el Parque, as como la need to be harmonized with nearby Pila`s escasez de medios materiales y humanos Panama hacen que no se implementen efectivamente




3. Law Enforcement Can staff enforce protected area rules well enough?

Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist but there are some problems in effectively implementing them Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist And are being effectively implemented The staff have no effective capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations There are major deficiencies in staff capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, no patrol budget)

3 0

Possible issue for comment: What

happens if people are arrested?

1 (x) El problema fundamental del PILA es la

escasez de recursos humanos y tcnicos para aplicar las determinaciones de la normativa reguladora del rea Silvestre Protegida (ASP) Los guardaparques pueden detener a personas que realicen actividades delictivas en el rea Silvestre protegida (ASP). Existen garantas procesales para el detenido. Tan solo se pude detener a una persona por 24 horas, por lo que es importante la rpida actuacin de la fiscala

Provide operational resources to facilitate enforcement


The staff have acceptable capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations but some deficiencies remain The staff have excellent capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and Regulations


Issue 4. Protected area Objectives Have objectives been agreed? Planning

Criteria No firm objectives have been agreed for the protected area The protected area has agreed objectives, but is not managed according to these Objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, but these are only partially implemented

Score 0


Next steps

2 (x) El objetivo de preservacin del recurso

Se encuentra en proyecto el incremento agua, a travs de la preservacin de los del nmero de guarda-recursos bosques, se est cumpliendo. Sin indgenas, mediante transferencia de embargo, el objetivo de preservacin de la personal del IDA al MINAE y del MINAE biodiversidad se cumple en parte, ya que a la Asociacin de Desarrollo Integral del existen problemas de cacera ilegal y Territorio Indgena Bri Bri de Talamanca extraccin ilegal de especies de flora y (ADITIBRI), para que ejerzan tareas de fauna, por falta de recursos humanos y vigilancia del PILA (responsabilidad tcnicos. compartida)

5. Protected area Design Does the protected area corridors etc to meet its objectives?

The protected area has agreed objectives and is managed to meet these objectives Inadequacies in design mean achieving the protected areas major management objectives of the protected area is impossible Inadequacies in design mean that achievement of major objectives are Design is not significantly constraining achievement of major objectives, but could be improved

3 0 1 Possible issue for comment: does the protected area contain different management zones and are these well maintained? hacer efectiva la zonificacin interna del objetivos planteados, ya que abarca la PILA y concertar las superposiciones superficie nuclear de lo bosques productores de agua y las estructuras de existentes conexin biolgica para el movimiento de la fauna. Sin embargo existe problema de superposicin entre PILA y territorios indgenas Bri Bri de Talamanca (sector de La Isla) y Cabcar de Telire. Estas superposiciones necesitan de procesos de concertacin entre la autoridad ambiental de Costa Rica (MINAE) y las organizaciones indgenas No existe zonificacin interna, aunque sta s se contempla en el Plan de Manejo

2 (x) El diseo del parque es adecuado para losDesarrollo de un plan de accin para


Planning 6. Protected area boundary demarcation Is the boundary known and demarcated?

Reserve design features are particularly aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area The boundary of the protected area is not known by the management authority or local residents/neighbouring land users The boundary of the protected area is known by the management authority but is not known by local residents/neighbouring land users

3 0 Possible issue for comment: are there tenure disagreements affecting the protected area? Los lmites del Parque no han sido Internal zoning needs to be improved demarcados. Son relativamente conocidos Awareness raising required por la autoridad ambiental de manejo del Enhanced collaboration with PILA`s Parque y difcilmente conocibles por parte Panam de las autoridades locales y comunidades indgenas. Existen problemas de superposicin entre el Parque y los territorios indgenas Bri Bri de Talamanca y Cabcar de Telire. Existen dos problemas en relacin con la tenencia de la tierra: 1.En el extremo noreste del PILA hay 2 pequeos finqueros que se han metido en el Parque. No se ha iniciado proceso de actuacin en contra de ellos. 2. Existe problema de superposicin entre PILA y territorios indgenas Bri Bri de Talamanca (sector de La Isla) y Cabcar de Telire. Estas superposiciones necesitan de procesos de concertacin entre la autoridad ambiental de Costa Rica (MINAE) y las organizaciones indgenas, que todava no se ha iniciado

1 (x)



The boundary of the protected area is known by both the management authority and local residents but is not appropriately demarcated

The boundary of the protected area is known by the management authority and local residents and is appropriately demarcated


Issue 7. Management plan

Criteria There is no management plan for the protected area


0 (x)

Comments Next steps En la actualidad se est revisando el Plan Terminar de revisar el Plan de Manejo de Manejo. El anterior Plan de Manejo para su posterior implementacin nunca fue implementado Internal zoning needs to be harmonized with PILA in Panam, joint monitoring with PILA in Panam

Is there a management plan and is it being implemented? Planning Additional points

A management plan is being prepared or has been prepared but is not being implemented An approved management plan exists but it is only being partially implemented because of funding constraints or other problems An approved management plan exists and is being implemented The planning process allows adequate opportunity for key stakeholders to influence the management plan There is an established schedule and process for periodic review and updating of the management plan The results of monitoring, research and evaluation are routinely incorporated into planning No regular work plan exists

1 2 3

+1 (x) El Plan de Manejo se est revisando con la

participacin de los actores sociales clave, sobre todo indgenas que han tenido una amplia participacin Plan de Manejo

+1 (x) Existe proceso de revisin peridica del


Planning 8. Regular work plan

0 (x) No existe plan de trabajo regular, sino

actuaciones espordicas y puntuales 1 2

Support development of action plans, in collaboration with PILA in Panam

A regular work plan exists but activities are not Is there an annual monitored against the plan's targets work plan? A regular work plan exists and actions are monitored against the plan's targets, but many activities are not completed A regular work plan exists, actions are monitored against the plan's targets and most or all prescribed activities are completed



9. Resource inventory Do you have enough information to manage the area?

There is little or no information available on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area Information on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is not sufficient to support planning and decision making

1 (x) Falta de investigacin, monitoreo y estudiosBinacional monitoring should take place

de hbitats crticos, especies y valores culturales, que permita tener informacin cualificada para planificar y ayudar a la toma de decisiones en la gestin del rea silvestre protegida. Hasta el momento la informacin disponible es parcial y los estudios cientficos se han centrado en aspectos muy puntuales More data required on water and soil quality Data on management effectiveness could be improved Development integrated information system

Con apoyo de TNC se est diseando un sistema de monitoreo de 6 elementos de Disseminate information conservacin del PILA. Este diseo se encuentra en fase de consenso entre TNC, comunidad cientfica panamea y costarricense y las autoridades ambientales (MINAE y ANAM)




10. Research Is there a programme of managementorientated survey and research work?

Criteria Information on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient for key areas of planning/decision making but the necessary survey work is not being maintained Information concerning on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained There is no survey or research work taking place in the protected area

Score 2


Next steps

0 (x) No existe un Plan de Investigacin propio Targeted research grants program to

impulsado por la autoridad ambiental. A tras de ONGs se hacen investigaciones muy focalizadas hacia determinados elementos de conservacin (tapir Meralvis-), faltando investigacin en elementos de conservacin crticos promote research on tropics that will facilitate adaptive management

En el Plan de Manejo se contempla la investigacin y la realizacin de un taller con cientficos mundiales que han estudiado determinados elementos de conservacin del Parque. La falta de presupuesto impiden poner en marcha el programa de investigacin contemplado en el Plan de Manejo There is some ad hoc survey and research work There is considerable survey and research work but it is not directed towards the needs of protected area management There is a comprehensive, integrated programme of survey and research work, which is relevant to management needs 1 2 3



11. Resource management

Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed

Is the protected area adequately managed (e.g. for fire, invasive species, poaching)? Process

Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are known but are not being addressed Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are only being partially addressed Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are being substantially or fully addressed

1 (x) Se conocen los requisitos para poder

Binational collaboration should be manejar la biodiverisidad, pero no se han enhanced and technical training to staff podido establecer por falta de presupuesto and additional operational resources y medio tcnicos y humanos required

2 3


Issue 12. Staff numbers

Criteria There are no staff


0 (x)

Comments Next steps No hay personal asignado al Parque El Projecto apoyar los mecanismos para Nacional que pueda ser asignado personal al En ocasiones personal del rea de Parque Conservacin La Amistad-Caribe (ACLA-C) realizan operativos

Are there enough people employed to manage the protected area? Inputs 13. Personnel management Are the staff managed well enough? Process

Staff numbers are inadequate for critical management activities Staff numbers are below optimum level for critical management activities Staff numbers are adequate for the management needs of the site Problems with personnel management constrain the achievement of major management objectives Problems with personnel management partially constrain the achievement of major management objectives Personnel management is adequate to the achievement of major management objectives but could be improved Personnel management is excellent and aids the achievement major management objectives Staff are untrained

2 3

0 (x) No hay personal asignado al Parque

Nacional 1 2 3

El Proyecto apoyar los mecanismos para que pueda ser asignado personal al Parque

14. Staff training

0 (x) No hay personal asignado al Parque


El Proyecto apoyar los mecanismos para que pueda ser asignado personal capacitado al Parque

Is there enough training for staff?


Staff training and skills are low relative to the needs of the protected area Staff training and skills are adequate, but could be further improved to fully achieve the objectives of management Staff training and skills are in tune with the management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs

1 2 3


15. Current

There is no budget for the protected area

No hay presupuesto asignado para atender especficamente al PILA desde ACLA-C. La ONG TNC apoya determinados aspectos de conservacin del Parque Internacional

Innovative financial mechanisms will be designed and implemented for supporting PA management

budget Is the current budget sufficient? The available budget is inadequate for basic management needs and presents a serious constraint to the capacity to manage The available budget is acceptable, but could be further improved to fully achieve effective management 1 2


Issue Inputs

16. Security of budget

Criteria The available budget is sufficient and meets the full management needs of the protected area There is no secure budget for the protected area and management is wholly reliant on outside or year by year funding

Score 3


Next steps

0 (x) No hay presupuesto asignado al Parque

Internacional La Amistad (PILA)

The project will promote enhanced Govemment commitment for allocated resources for the management of the PA and sustainable financing alternatives will be developed

Is the budget secure?


There is very little secure budget and the protected area could not function adequately without outside funding There is a reasonably secure core budget for the protected area but many innovations and initiatives are reliant on outside funding
There is a secure budget for the protected area and its management needs on a multiyear cycle

1 2

17. Management of budget

Budget management is poor and significantly undermines effectiveness Budget management is poor and constrains effectiveness Budget management is adequate but could be improved Budget management is excellent and aids effectiveness There are little or no equipment and facilities

0 (x) No hay presupuesto asignado al Parque

Internacional La Amistad (PILA) 1

Develop more targeted action plans and improve planning capacities of staff

Is the budget managed to meet critical management needs? Process 18. Equipment

0 (x) No existe equipamiento y facilidad alguna Operational capacities need to be

strengthened, including visitation infrastructure 1

Are there adequate equipment and facilities?

There are some equipment and facilities but these are wholly inadequate There are equipment and facilities, but still some major gaps that constrain management



There are adequate equipment and facilities


Issue 19. Maintenance of equipment

Criteria There is little or no maintenance of equipment and facilities


0 (x)

Comments Next steps No hay ningn tipo de equipamiento ni El proyecto apoyar las condiciones para otras facilidades, tanto para la autoridad la creacin del equipamiento y facilidades ambiental que maneja el PILA como para bsicas los turistas

Is equipment adequately maintained?

There is some ad hoc maintenance of equipment and facilities There is maintenance of equipment and facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well maintained There is no education and awareness programme

2 3

Process 20. Education and awareness programme

0 (x) No hay planes de educacin

The project will support a locally adapted environmental awareness raising program, as well as an interactive program for children and youth developed in association with primary and secondary schools, as well as civil society

Is there a planned There is a limited and ad hoc education and education awareness programme, but no overall programme? planning for this There is a planned education and awareness Process programme but there are still serious gaps There is a planned and effective education and awareness programme fully linked to the objectives and needs of the protected area 21. State and There is no contact between managers and commercial neighbouring official or corporate land users neighbours There is limited contact between managers Is there coand neighbouring official or corporate land operation with users adjacent land There is regular contact between managers users? and neighbouring official or corporate land users, but only limited co-operation

1 2 3

0 1 2



There is regular contact between managers and neighbouring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management

3 (x) La autoridad ambiental del PILA (rea de Seguirn los contactos entre autoridad

Conservacin Amistad-Caribe ACAL-C-) ambiental y pueblos indgenas para mantiene contactos constantes y fluidos profundizar en el manejo sostenible del con las comunidades indgenas Bri Bri de PILA Talamanca y Cabcar de Talamanca y Telire, que colindan con el Parque, para el manejo sustentable del mismo

22. Indigenous people

Indigenous and traditional peoples have no input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area


Issue Do indigenous and traditional peoples resident or regularly using the PA have input to management decisions?

Criteria Indigenous and traditional peoples have some input into discussions relating to management but no direct involvement in the resulting decisions


1 (x)

Comments Next steps Los pueblos indgenas que viven en el rea El ACLA-C (MINAE) est fortaleciendo la de amortiguamiento del PILA (Bri Bri de participacin de los pueblos indgenas Bri Talamanca y Cabcar de Talamanca y Bri y Cabcar en materia de vigilancia del Telire) participan de forma intensa en la PILA. Se est materializando un Convenio toma de decisiones sobre el manejo del entre MINAE y la Asociacin de Desarrollo Parque. De echo la estrategia de la Integral Bri Bri de Costa Rica, para autoridad ambiental (rea de Conservacin transferir 5 ttulos de guardarecursos a La Amistad-Caribe ACLA-C-) es que los dicha Autoridad Indgena, para posibilitar pueblos indgenas compartan la la vigilancia de los territorios indgenas y responsabilidad del manejo del PILA del PILA involucrndolos en la toma de decisiones La autoridad ambiental del PILA (ACLAC), est diseando una estructura que permita un mejor manejo compartido del Parque

Process 23. Local communities

Indigenous and traditional peoples directly contribute to some decisions relating to management Indigenous and traditional peoples directly participate in making decisions relating to management Local communities have no input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area Local communities have some input into discussions relating to management but no direct involvement in the resulting decisions Local communities directly contribute to some decisions relating to management Local communities directly participate in making decisions relating to management There is open communication and trust between local stakeholders and protected area managers Programmes to enhance local community welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented

2 3 Salvo los territorios indgenas Cabcar de Telire y Cabcar y Bri Bri de Talamanca, no hay comunidades locales asentadas o cercanas al PILA

0 (x)

Do local communities resident or near the protected area have input to management decisions? Process Additional points

1 2 3

+1 (x)

Hay bastante confianza y buena relacin entre lderes indgenas y la autoridad de ambiental de manejo del PILA



24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and services

0 (x)

Possible issue for comment: Do visitors damage the protected area? El proyecto crear las condiciones para establecer los servicios y facilidades No hay ningn tipo de facilidad y servicios mnimos para atencin de los visitantes para que los visitantes puedan acceder al Parque. De hecho no hay afluencia de visitantes al PILA Los visitantes se circunscriben a los territorios indgenas (unos 200 anualmente), con penetraciones espordicas en los bordes del PILA

Visitor facilities and services are Are visitor facilities Inappropriate for current levels of visitation or are under construction (for tourists, pilgrims etc) good Visitor facilities and services are adequate for enough? current levels of visitation but could be improved Visitor facilities and services are excellent for Outputs current levels of visitation 25. Commercial There is little or no contact between tourism managers and tourism operators using the protected area

0 (x)

Possible issue for comment: examples of contributions No llegan turistas al PILA

El proyecto crear las condiciones para establecer los mecanismos de atraccin de turistas hacia el PILA


Issue Do commercial tour operators contribute to protected area management? Process

26. Fees If fees (tourism,

Criteria There is contact between managers and tourism operators but this is largely confined to administrative or regulatory matters There is limited co-operation between managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected area values There is excellent co-operation between managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts Although fees are theoretically applied, they are not collected

Score 1 2


Next steps

0 (x)

No se tiene diseada una tarifa por acceso The development of a financial plan, al PILA including an analysis of the possibility to charge an entrance fee and pilot it.

fines) are applied, do they help protected area management? Outputs 27. Condition assessment Is the protected area being managed consistent to its objectives?

The fee is collected, but it goes straight to central government and is not returned to the protected area or its environs The fee is collected, but is disbursed to the local authority rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the protected area that helps to support this and/or other protected areas Important biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are being severely degraded Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are being severely degraded Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are being partially degraded but the most important values have not been significantly impacted

1 2 3 Possible issue for comment: It is important to provide details of the biodiversity, ecological or cultural values being affected



Biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are

La biodiversidad, la ecologa y los valores culturales se mantienen en bastante buen estado de conservacin, debido a las dificultades de acceso humano y a la existencia de extensos territorios indgenas en la zona de amortiguamiento, lo que hace que los impactos humanos no penetren en el PILA, sino que se focalizan en los territorios indgenas

Additional points Outputs 28. Access assessment

predominantly intact There are active programmes for restoration of degraded areas within the protected area and/or the protected area buffer zone Protection systems (patrols, permits etc) are ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives

3 (x)
+1 0 Hay programas de restauracin de reas degradadas en el rea protegida o en zonas de amortiguamiento?


Issue Is access/resource use sufficiently controlled? Outcomes

Criteria Protection systems are only partially effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are moderately effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are largely or wholly effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives

Score 1 2


Next steps

3 (x) Las grandes dificultades de acceso al PILA

y el tener que atravesar en primera instancia los territorios indgenas, constituyen un eficaz sistema de proteccin del Parque, lo que permite alcanzar los objetivos de conservacin Possible issue for comment: how does national or regional development impact on the protected area?

29. Economic benefit assessment Is the protected area providing economic benefits to local communities? Outcomes

The existence of the protected area has reduced the options for economic development of the local communities The existence of the protected area has neither damaged nor benefited the local economy There is some flow of economic benefits to local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy There is a significant or major flow of economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc)

0 1 2

3 (x) En el caso del PILA los beneficios

econmicos que reciben las poblaciones indgenas colindantes no hay que entenderlos de forma clsica. Las comunidades indgenas Bri Bri y Cabcar se ven beneficiadas por todos los bienes y servicios ambientales que brinda el Parque, y que penetran en los territorios indgenas: agua de buena calidad, fauna de valor gastronmico, dispersin de plantas, etc. Estos beneficios son intangibles, no se pueden cuantificar en primera instancia, pero los estn recibiendo evaluacin del desempeo en el Parque Nacional Apoyo a la aplicacin del sistema de monitoreo en el PILA

30. Monitoring and evaluation Are management activities monitored against performance? Planning/Process TOTAL SCORE

There is no monitoring and evaluation in the protected area There is some ad hoc monitoring and evaluation, but no overall strategy and/or no regular collection of results There is an agreed and implemented monitoring and evaluation system but results are not systematically used for management A good monitoring and evaluation system 77 exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management

0 (x) No existe sistema de monitoreo y

1 2 3

Reporting Progress in Protected Areas: Data Sheet

Name of protected area Parque Internacional La Amistad (PILA) Panam (Provincia de Bocas del Toro. Distrito de Changhinola y Provincia de Chiriqu). Agreed: Gazetted:

Location of protected area (country, ecoregion, and if possible map reference) Date of establishment (distinguish between agreed and gazetted*)

Resolucin de Junta Gaceta Oficial #21129 del 9 de septiembre de 1998 Directiva 21-88 del 2/9/88 Terrenos del Estado, con presencia de comunidades humanas en fase de regularizacin de su situacin Autoridad Nacional Ambiental de Panam (ANAM) 207,000 ha Temporary: 30 voluntarios

Ownership details (i.e. owner, tenure rights etc) Management Authority Size of protected area (ha) Number of staff Annual budget (US$)

Permanent: 2 70.000

Designations (IUCN category, World Heritage, Ramsar etc) Reasons for designation Brief details of World Bank funded project or projects in PA Brief details of WWF funded project or projects in PA Brief details of other relevant projects in PA

Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site La gran biodiversidad de importancia internacional que posee.

Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. Not necessary for GEF-funded projects. La organizacin ambientalista TNC apoya distintos aspectos del PILA que ronda los 200.000 US$ de inversin

List the two primary protected area objectives Conservacin de la regin con el mayor potencial de agua del pas Objective 1 Objective 2 Esfuerzo binacional (Panam-Costa Rica) para conservacin de las tierras altas de la Cordillera Talamanca-Central, de gran biodiversidad de importancia mundial

List the top two most important threats to the PA (and indicate reasons why these were chosen) Ganadera extensiva, penetracin de grupos humanos (indgenas) y futuros proyectos hidroelctricos Threat 1 Threat 2 Extraccin de biodiversidad: madera, especies de flora (orqudeas) y fauna de valor comercial

List top two critical management activities Control de actividades ilegales Activity 1 Activity 2 Comanejo en el Parque con la poblacin Indgena Naso


Name/s of assessor (including people consulted): Benigno Villamonte Alvarez. Autoridad Nacional Ambiental de Panam. Regional de Bocas del Toro. Jefe del Parque Internacional La Amistad (sector Caribe) Contact details (email etc.): Telfono 00 507 758 66 03. Date assessment carried out (Day/Month/Year): 6 y 7 de marzo de 2006

Or formally established in the case of private protected areas


Issue 1. Legal status

Criteria The protected area is not gazetted

Score 0 1 2

Note: see fourth option for private

Next steps

reserves Does the The government has agreed that the protected area protected area should be gazetted but the have legal status? process has not yet begun The protected area is in the process of being gazetted but the process is still incomplete Context The protected area has been legally gazetted (or in the case of private reserves is owned by a trust or similar) 2. Protected area There are no mechanisms for controlling regulations inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area Are inappropriate Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land land uses and use and activities in the protected area exist activities (e.g. but there are major problems in implementing poaching) them effectively controlled? Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist but there are some problems in effectively implementing them

3 (x) Se public el acuerdo de creacin del rea


protegida en la Gaceta Oficial:l # 21129 del 09/09/1988

2 (x) Existen mecanismos de control de los usos Internal zoning is required, development of
inapropiados del suelo y actividades. El management criteria and land use criteria problema surge de la dificultad de acceso need to be harmonized with nearby PILA de los equipos de vigilancia al PILA. Los in Costa Rica indgenas Naso-Teribe, de la vecina rea protegida Bosque Protector Palo Seco colaboran en la vigilancia para que no se desarrollen usos inapropiados


3. Law enforcement

Mechanisms for controlling inappropriate land use and activities in the protected area exist and are being effectively implemented The staff have no effective capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations

Possible issue for comment: What

happens if people are arrested?


Can staff enforce protected area rules well enough?

There are major deficiencies in staff capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations (e.g. lack of skills, no patrol budget)

1 (x) El problema fundamental del PILA es la

escasez de recursos humanos y tcnicos para aplicar las determinaciones de la normativa reguladora del rea Silvestre Protegida Los guardaparques pueden detener a personas que realicen actividades delictivas en el ASP. Existen garantas procesales para el detenido

Provide operational resources to facilitate enforcement


The staff have acceptable capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and regulations but some Deficiencies remain The staff have excellent capacity/resources to enforce protected area legislation and Regulations


Issue 4. Protected area objectives Have objectives been agreed? Planning

Criteria No firm objectives have been agreed for the protected area The protected area has agreed objectives, but is not managed according to these Objectives The protected area has agreed objectives, but these are only partially implemented

Score 0


Next steps

2 (x) La falta de presupuesto adecuado y de

Develop action plans, technical capacity personal dificultan el cumplimiento pleno building of staff de los objetivos planteados en el Plan de Manejo

5. Protected area design Does the protected area need enlarging, corridors etc to meet its objectives?

The protected area has agreed objectives and is managed to meet these objectives Inadequacies in design mean achieving the protected areas major management objectives of the protected area is impossible Inadequacies in design mean that achievement of major objectives are constrained to some extent Design is not significantly constraining achievement of major objectives, but could be improved

3 0 1 Possible issue for comment: does the protected area contain different management zones and are these well maintained?

2 (x) El diseo del parque es adecuado para los

objetivos planteados, ya que abarca la superficie nuclear de lo bosques productores de agua y las estructuras de conexin biolgica para el movimiento de la fauna

Planning 6. Protected area boundary demarcation Is the boundary known and demarcated?

Reserve design features are particularly aiding achievement of major objectives of the protected area The boundary of the protected area is not known by the management authority or local residents/neighbouring land users The boundary of the protected area is known by the management authority but is not known by local residents/neighbouring land Users

3 0 1 Possible issue for comment: are there tenure disagreements affecting the protected area?



The boundary of the protected area is known by both the management authority and local residents but is not appropriately demarcated

2 (x) Una parte importante del PILA se

Internal zoning needs to be improved encuentra demarcado y esta demarcacin Awareness raising required. Enhanced es conocida por autoridades ambientales, collaboration with PILA in Costa Rica locales y comunidades, sin embargo parte de los materiales que lo delimitan (mojones, carteles, etc.) se han deteriorado lo que dificulta ver con exactitud la demarcacin En lugares crticos se est mejorando la delimitacin del PILA (sector del Yorkn), mediante la instalacin de carteles sealizadores

The boundary of the protected area is known by the management authority and local residents and is appropriately demarcated


Issue 7. Management plan Is there a management plan and is it being implemented?

Criteria There is no management plan for the protected area A management plan is being prepared or has been prepared but is not being implemented An approved management plan exists but it is only being partially implemented because of Funding constraints or other problems An approved management plan exists and is being implemented The planning process allows adequate opportunity for key stakeholders to influence the management plan There is an established schedule and process for periodic review and updating of the management plan The results of monitoring, research and evaluation are routinely incorporated into planning No regular work plan exists

Score 0


Next steps

2 (x) El Plan de Manejo se encuentra

Internal zoning needs to be harmonized implementado en algunas de sus partes, ya with PILA in Costa Rica, joint monitoring que falta capacidad econmica para with PILA in Costa Rica implementarlo totalmente

Planning Additional points

+1 (x) El Plan de Manejo se elabor hace poco


tiempo y se revisar en su momento con la participacin de los agentes sociales clave


Planning 8. Regular work plan

0 1

A regular work plan exists but activities are not Is there an annual monitored against the plan's targets work plan? A regular work plan exists and actions are monitored against the plan's targets, but many activities are not completed A regular work plan exists, actions are monitored against the plan's targets and most or all prescribed activities are completed There is little or no information available on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area

2 (x) Existe plan regular de trabajo y las

Support development of action plans, in acciones se monitorean con respecto a las collaboration with PILA in Costa Rica metas del trabajo, pero algunas actividades no estn completadas

3 0

Planning/Outputs 9. Resource inventory


Do you have enough information to manage the area?

Information on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is not sufficient to support planning and decision Making

1 (x) Falta de investigacin, monitoreo y estudiosBinational monitoring should take place

de hbitats crticos, especies y valores culturales, que permita tener informacin cualificada para planificar y ayudar a la toma de decisiones en la gestin del rea silvestre protegida. Hasta el momento la informacin disponible es parcial y los estudios cientficos se han centrado en aspectos muy puntuales More data required on water and soil quality Data on management effectiveness could be improved Development integrated information system

Con apoyo de TNC se est diseando un sistema de monitoreo de 6 elementos de Disseminate information conservacin del PILA. Este diseo se encuentra en fase de consenso entre TNC, comunidad cientfica panamea y costarricense y las autoridades ambientales (MINAE y ANAM)




10. Research Is there a programme of managementorientated survey and research work?

Criteria Information on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient for key areas of planning/decision making but the necessary survey work is not being maintained Information concerning on the critical habitats, species and cultural values of the protected area is sufficient to support planning and decision making and is being maintained There is no survey or research work taking place in the protected area

Score 2


Next steps

0 (x) No hay un plan de investigacin

propiamente dicho, aunque el Plan de Manejo si lo plantea. No obstante lo anterior se apoya a los cientficos con medios logsticos

Targeted research grants program to promote research on topics that will facilitate adaptive management

Inputs 11. Resource management Is the protected area adequately managed (e.g. for fire, invasive species, poaching)? Process

There is some ad hoc survey and research Work There is considerable survey and research work but it is not directed towards the needs of protected area management There is a comprehensive, integrated programme of survey and research work, which is relevant to management needs Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values have not been assessed Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are known but are not being addressed Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are only being partially addressed Requirements for active management of critical ecosystems, species and cultural values are being substantially or fully addressed

1 2 3 0 1

2 (x) Se poseen requisitos para manejar

adecuadamente la biodiversidad, pero se han logrado aplicar parcialmente

Binational collaboration should be enhanced and technical training of staff and additional operational resources required


Issue 12. Staff numbers Are there enough people employed to manage the protected area?

Criteria There are no staff Staff numbers are inadequate for critical management activities

Score 0


Next steps

1 (x) Tan solo hay 2 personas asignadas al rea Technical and operational capacities will
protegida, apoyadas por unos 30 voluntarios. El personal asignado es claramente insuficiente para atender las necesidades del PILA Se sigue implementando el Plan de Vigilantes Voluntarios a travs de convenios con ONGs, que tiene como objetivo mejorar la falta de personal, fortalecer las actividades de educacin ambiental, ecoturismo y proteccin del PILA be strengthened

Inputs 13. Personnel management Are the staff managed well enough?

Staff numbers are below optimum level for critical management activities Staff numbers are adequate for the management needs of the site Problems with personnel management constrain the achievement of major management objectives Problems with personnel management partially constrain the achievement of major management objectives

2 3 0

1 (x) El problema fundamental con el personal Technical and operational capacities will
deriva de de la debilidad e insuficiencias be strengthened. tcnicas (tanto en el personal gerencial como operativo). Se necesita seleccionar mejor al personal y capacitarle adecuadamente, al objeto de contribuir a manejar con mayor eficiencia los objetivos de manejo


Personnel management is adequate to the achievement of major management objectives but could be improved Personnel management is excellent and aids the achievement major management objectives

2 3


14. Staff training Is there enough training for staff?

Staff are untrained Staff training and skills are low relative to the needs of the protected area Staff training and skills are adequate, but could be further improved to fully achieve the objectives of management

0 1

2 (x) El personal que maneja el PILA est

Technical and operational capacities will entrenado, aunque siempre son necesarios be strengthened. cursos de capacitacin para mejorar su formacin y cumplir con los objetivos de manejo

Inputs/Process 15. Current budget Is the current budget sufficient?

Staff training and skills are in tune with the management needs of the protected area, and with anticipated future needs There is no budget for the protected area The available budget is inadequate for basic management needs and presents a serious constraint to the capacity to manage The available budget is acceptable, but could be further improved to fully achieve effective management

3 0

1 (x) S hay presupuesto anual asignado al rea Innovative financial mechanisms will be

silvestre protegida (70.000 USD en 2006), designed and implemented for supporting pero es insuficiente para atender todas las PA management necesidades de manejo del PILA.


Issue Inputs

16. Security of budget Is the budget secure?


Criteria The available budget is sufficient and meets the full management needs of the protected Area There is no secure budget for the protected area and management is wholly reliant on Outside or year by year funding There is very little secure budget and the protected area could not function adequately without outside funding There is a reasonably secure core budget for the protected area but many innovations and initiatives are reliant on outside funding

Score 3


Next steps

0 1

2 (x) Si hay seguridad en el presupuesto anual The project will promote enhanced

para el Parque, pero es escaso, vara Govemment commitment for allocated anualmente. La estabilidad deriva de que la resources for the management of the PA plata proviene de un fideicomiso FIDECO and sustainable financing alternatives will be developed

There is a secure budget for the protected area and its management needs on a multiyear cycle

3 0

17. Management of budget Is the budget managed to meet critical management needs? Process

Budget management is poor and significantly undermines effectiveness Budget management is poor and constrains effectiveness Budget management is adequate but could be improved Budget management is excellent and aids effectiveness

1 (x) El presupuesto es pobre y limita la


efectividad de las acciones que han de ejecutarse para asegurar la conservacin

Develop more targeted action plans and improve planning capacities of staff


18. Equipment

There are little or no equipment and facilities

El equipamiento y las facillidades son muy Operational capacities need to be strengthened, including visitation pobres. En la vecina rea silvestre protegida Bosque Protector Palo Seco, en infrastructure la poblacin de Wetso hay un centro ecolgico que no forma parte del PILA, pero su equipamiento se usa para el PILA En Guabo (Yorkn) en el sector de Boca Chica hay refugios, pero adolecen de mantenimiento. La inexistencia de caminos obliga a los guardaparques y tcnicos a ir a pie por el PILA, ya que no hay acceso vehicular y no se cuenta con semovientes

Are there adequate equipment and facilities? Process

There are some equipment and facilities but these are wholly inadequate There are equipment and facilities, but still some major gaps that constrain management There are adequate equipment and facilities

2 3


Issue 19. Maintenance of equipment Is equipment adequately maintained?

Criteria There is little or no maintenance of equipment and facilities There is some ad hoc maintenance of equipment and facilities There is maintenance of equipment and facilities, but there are some important gaps in maintenance Equipment and facilities are well maintained There is no education and awareness programme


0 (x)

Comments Se da poco mantenimiento al escassimo equipamiento existente

Next steps Desarrollar un plan para dar sostenibilidad al mantenimiento del equipo existente.

2 3

Process 20. Education and awareness programme

0 (x) No hay programa educativo

The project will support a locally adapted environmental awareness raising El programa educativo se va a disear en program, as well as an interactive program el presupuesto de 2006, para ser for children and youth developed in implementado el prximo ao 2007, el association with primary and secondary presupuesto para el programa educativo ha schools, as well as civil society sido asignado por parte de FIDECO, para ser aplicado a comunidades, docentes, escuelas y voluntarios. Se estima que los fondos no van a ser suficientes

Is there a planned There is a limited and ad hoc education and education awareness programme, but no overall programme? planning for this There is a planned education and awareness Process programme but there are still serious gaps There is a planned and effective education and awareness programme fully linked to the objectives and needs of the protected area 21. State and There is no contact between managers and commercial neighbouring official or corporate land users

1 2 3


neighbours Is there cooperation with

There is limited contact between managers and neighbouring official or corporate land Users

1 (x) Los contactos se limitan fundamentalmente Involve as many stakeholders as possible

a la poblacin indgena Naso-Teribe de la during the Project lifetime (and beyond) vecina rea protegida Bosque potector pretends to increase contacts between Palo Seco. La poblacin Naso son environmental authorities and land-owners colaboradores plenos con la Administracin del PILA Se estn iniciando contactos con la poblacin indgena Bri Bri de Panam (sector del Yorkn).

adjacent land users? Process

22. Indigenous people

There is regular contact between managers and neighbouring official or corporate land users, but only limited co-operation There is regular contact between managers and neighbouring official or corporate land users, and substantial co-operation on management Indigenous and traditional peoples have no input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area


Issue Do indigenous and traditional peoples resident or regularly using the PA have input to management decisions?

Criteria Indigenous and traditional peoples have some input into discussions relating to management but no direct involvement in the resulting decisions


1 (x)

Comments El pueblo indgena Naso que vive en el rea de amortiguamiento del PILA formula sugerencias a la administracin del PILA, aunque no participan directamente en la toma de decisiones

Next steps Co-management activities, as well as others (horizontal exchanges, land-use planning) are intended to involve indigenous communities deeply in the integrated management of the protected area

Process 23. Local communities

Indigenous and traditional peoples directly contribute to some decisions relating to management Indigenous and traditional peoples directly participate in making decisions relating to management Local communities have no input into decisions relating to the management of the protected area Local communities have some input into discussions relating to management but no direct involvement in the resulting decisions Local communities directly contribute to some decisions relating to management

2 3 0

Do local communities resident or near the protected area have input to management decisions? Process

1 Las comunidades locales contribuyen algo Co-management activities, as well as en las decisiones, formulando ideas, others horizontal exchanges, land-use sugerencias planning) are intended to involve indigenous communities deeply in the integrated management of the protected area

2 (x)

Local communities directly participate in Making decisions relating to management Additional points There is open communication and trust between local stakeholders and protected area managers Programmes to enhance local community welfare, while conserving protected area resources, are being implemented

+1 (x)

Existe buena comunicacin entre la Continue this communication, with special autoridad ambiental del PILA y las attention to improve communication with comunidades indgenas, sobre todo con la indigenous communities etnia Naso Teribe



24. Visitor facilities There are no visitor facilities and services

0 (x)

Promotion of tourism development creating production chains between the upper sub-basins and the middle and No hay facildades para el uso de visitantes. coastal area will improve the enabling conditions for tourism (including facilities) En la vecina poblacin de Wetso (rea protegida del Bosque Protector Palo Seco) existe un centro ecolgico manejado por la poblacin indgena Naso-Teribe que pala esas deficiencias Possible issue for comment: Do visitors damage the protected area? No se producen daos por parte de los turistas, salvo los derivados del uso de senderos

Visitor facilities and services are Are visitor facilities Inappropriate for current levels of visitation or are under construction (for tourists, pilgrims etc) good enough? Visitor facilities and services are adequate for current levels of visitation but could be improved Visitor facilities and services are excellent for Outputs Current levels of visitation 25. Commercial There is little or no contact between managers tourism and tourism operators using the protected area

0 (x)

Possible issue for comment: examples of Creation of collaboration between contributions authorities and tourism operators No hay contacto entre operadores de turismo y la administracin del PILA, ya que los turistas que llegan lo hacen sin acudir a estos tour operadores Operadores de costa Rica han visitado a la administracin del PILA para explorar posibilidades de colaboracin en esta materia


Issue Do commercial tour operators contribute to protected area management? Process

26. Fees If fees (tourism,

Criteria There is contact between managers and tourism operators but this is largely confined to administrative or regulatory matters There is limited co-operation between managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences and maintain protected area values There is excellent co-operation between managers and tourism operators to enhance visitor experiences, protect values and resolve conflicts Although fees are theoretically applied, they are not collected

Score 1 2


Next steps

fines) are applied, do they help protected area management? Outputs

The fee is collected, but it goes straight to central government and is not returned to the protected area or its environs The fee is collected, but is disbursed to the local authority rather than the protected area There is a fee for visiting the protected area that helps to support this and/or other protected areas

1 2

3 (x)

Se cobra entrada al PILA (3 Balboas a extranjeros y 1 Balboa a nacionales.

La tarifa de entrada al PILA va a verse incrementada en breve para conseguir ms recursos econmicos: 5 Balboas a La plata no se queda en la Administracin extranjeros y 2 Balboas a nacionales. del parquet, sino que va a la caja central del gobierno, sin que se reciba parte alguna por parte de la Administracin de PILA Possible issue for comment: It is important to provide details of the biodiversity, ecological or cultural values being affected

27. Condition assessment Is the protected area being managed

Important biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are being severely degraded Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are being severely degraded


Some biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are being partially degraded but the most important values have not been significantly impacted

2 (x) De las 16,836 ha del PILA que forman

The integrated monitoring and evaluation parte de la Cuenca Binacional del ro system to be developed by the Project will Sixaola, 4.000 ha han sido taladas y contribute to shed Light on this issue convertidas en potreros, afectando a bosques, fauna, suelo y agua La potrerizacin ha sido efectuada por parte de latinos (la mayora) y alguna poblacin indgena de etnia Ngbe-Bugl


Biodiversity, ecological and cultural values are predominantly intact 3 Al da de hoy no se han implementado programas de restauracin de reas degradadas en el interior del PILA y su rea de amortiguamiento Apoyar la puesta en marcha de planes de restauracin de ecosistemas degradados

Additional points

There are active programmes for restoration of degraded areas within the protected area and/or the protected area buffer zone


+1 (x)

28. Access assessment

Protection systems (patrols, permits etc) are ineffective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives


Issue Is access/resource use sufficiently controlled? Outcomes

Criteria Protection systems are only partially effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives Protection systems are moderately effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives

Score 1


Next steps

2 (x) El nico sistema de proteccin existente

para controlar el acceso al PILA y evitar que se desarrollen usos inadecuados de la tierra son los guardarrecursos y la participacin de voluntarios e indgenas Naso Teribe del rea de amortiguamiento. La efectividad de este sistema es alto

29. Economic benefit assessment Is the protected area providing economic benefits to local communities?

Protection systems are largely or wholly effective in controlling access or use of the reserve in accordance with designated objectives The existence of the protected area has reduced the options for economic development of the local communities The existence of the protected area has neither damaged nor benefited the local economy There is some flow of economic benefits to local communities from the existence of the protected area but this is of minor significance to the regional economy

0 1

Possible issue for comment: how does National or regional development impact on the protected area?

2 (x) La poblacin indgena Naso-Teribe se ve New alternative livelihoods based on

favorecida econmicamente por la the sustainable use of biodiversity existencia del PILA, aunque no de forma should be developed (incl. eco-tourism) intensa. Los propios indgenas son los que venden los productos alimenticios a los turistas y trabajan en la ejecucin de infraestructura que se ejecutan en el PILA


30. Monitoring and evaluation Are management activities monitored against performance? Planning/Process

There is a significant or major flow of economic benefits to local communities from activities in and around the protected area (e.g. employment of locals, locally operated commercial tours etc) There is no monitoring and evaluation in the protected area There is some ad hoc monitoring and evaluation, but no overall strategy and/or no regular collection of results There is an agreed and implemented monitoring and evaluation system but results are not systematically used for management A good monitoring and evaluation system exists, is well implemented and used in adaptive management

0 1 2

3 (x) El PILA cuenta con una estrategia de 98

monitoreo y evaluacin que se realiza todos los aos, en estrecho contacto con los actores sociales principales, calificndose como se avanza en la consecucin de objetivos.

Monitoring systems for biodiversity, water and land will be improved.


Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

I. Project General Information

1. Project name: Integrated Ecosystem Management of the Sixaola Binacional River Basin 2. Country (ies): Costa Rica and Panam National Project:_______ Regional Project:__X__ Global Project:_________ 3. Name of reviewers completing tracking tool and completion dates: Name Work Program Inclusion Consulting firm (EPYPSA/INCLAM/CEDARENA) and IDB Project Team, in consultation with stakeholders Title Agency



Project Mid-term Final Evaluation/project completion 4. Funding information GEF support:_____________3,500,000___ Co-financing:____________16,555,000___ Total Funding:__________21,125,000___

5. Project duration: Planned___4____ years 6. a. GEF Agency:

Actual _______ years ADB AfDB



Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

6. b. Lead Project Executing Agency (ies):


7. GEF Operational Program: drylands (OP 1) coastal, marine, freshwater (OP 2) forests (OP 3) mountains (OP 4) agro-biodiversity (OP 13) X integrated ecosystem management (OP 12) sustainable land management (OP 15) Other Operational Program not listed above:__________________________ 8. Project Summary (one paragraph):

The proposed Project will contribute to address a series of interrelated and emerging threats to the biodiversity, water and land resources in the Sixaola Binational River Basin shared by Costa Rica and Panama. This will be achieved by promoting an integrated ecosystem management approach, involving and empowering stakeholders in the two countries. The proposal is consistent with the Regional Sustainable Development Strategy (RSDS) for the binational Sixaola River Basin which has been formulated jointly and in a participatory manner by the involved stakeholders. The Strategy will be implemented through two national programs, the Sustainable Development Program of Bocas del Toro in Panama, and the Sustainable Development Program for Sixaola in Costa Rica, both financed by loans from the Inter-American Development Bank. The GEF resources will serve to cover the incremental costs related to the global benefits of integrated management of the Basin, and each national program will serve to cover the investments necessary to create a true, sustainable development model for the benefit of local populations as well as the two countries as a whole.
9. Project Development Objective: Contribute to the improvement of the health and integrity of the ecosystems, as well as the wellbeing of the population in the bi-national Sixaola River basin 10. Project Purpose/Immediate Objective:

Contribute to the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity, water, and soil resources, through the creation of an enabling environment and integral, cross-cutting management of the bi-national Sixaola River basin

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

11. Expected Outcomes (GEF-related): The project consists of three Outcomes as follows: Outcome 1: strengthen the binational institutional framework for integrated basin management and enhance the required technical and operational capacities of the involved institutions, indigenous organizations, and civil society organizations Outcome 2: promote the adoption of productive models that are compatible with the

conservation and sustainable use of the water and soil resources

Outcome 3: promote the conservation and sustainable use of globally important

12. Production sectors and/or ecosystem services directly targeted by project: 12. a. Please identify the main production sectors involved in the project. Please put P for sectors that are primarily and directly targeted by the project, and S for those that are secondary or incidentally affected by the project. Agriculture: P Forestry: P Tourism: S 12. b. For projects that are targeting the conservation or sustainable use of ecosystems goods and services, please specify the goods or services that are being targeted, for example, water, genetic resources, recreational, etc: 1. Water 2. Soils 3. Recreation 4. Biodiversity

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

II. Project Landscape/Seascape Coverage

13. a. What is the extent (in hectares) of the landscape or seascape where the project will directly or indirectly contribute to biodiversity conservation or sustainable use of its components? An example is provided in the table below. Targets and Timeframe (Ver nota explicative) Foreseen at project start Achievement at Mid-term Evaluation of Project Achievement at Final Evaluation of Project

Project Coverage Landscape/seascape1 area directly2 covered by the project (ha)

Landscape: Sixaola Binational Basin: 290,000 ha Seascape: 9,000 ha (corresponding to the marine areas of Gandoca Manzanillo and San San Pond Sak

Landscape/seascape area indirectly3 covered by the project (ha)

For projects working in seascapes (large marine ecosystems, fisheries etc.) please provide coverage figures and include explanatory text as necessary if reporting in hectares is not applicable or feasible. 2 Direct coverage refers to the area that is targeted by the projects site intervention. For example, a project may be mainstreaming biodiversity into floodplain management in a pilot area of 1,000 hectares that is part of a much larger floodplain of 10,000 hectares. 3 Using the example in footnote 5 above, the same project may, for example, indirectly cover or influence the remaining 9,000 hectares of the floodplain through promoting learning exchanges and training at the project site as part of an awareness raising and capacity building strategy for the rest of the floodplain. Please explain the basis for extrapolation of indirect coverage when completing this part of the table.

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

13. b. Are there Protected Areas within the landscape/seascape covered by the project? If so, names these PAs, their IUCN or national PA category, and their extent in hectares.




Name of Protected Areas La Amistad International Park (PILA) (Costa Rica) Gandoca-Manzanillo National Wildlife Refuge) (Costa Rica) La Amistad International Park (PILA) (Panam) San San-Pond Sak Wetland of International Importance

IUCN and/or national category of PA II. National Park/National Park in Costa Rica V. Protected Landscape/Seascape /Refugio Nacional de Vida Silvestre in Costa Rica II. National Park/ National Park in Panam VI. Managed Resource Protected Area/ Wetland of International Importance in Panam

Extent in hectares of PA 174,881 ha

Land: 4,876 ha Sea: 4,500 ha 207,000 ha

Land: 20,025 ha Sea: 4,500 ha

III. Management Practices Applied

14.a. Within the scope and objectives of the project, please identify in the table below the management practices employed by project beneficiaries that integrate biodiversity considerations and the area of coverage of these management practices? Note: this could range from farmers applying organic agricultural practices, forest management agencies managing forests per Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) guidelines or other forest certification schemes, artisanal fisherfolk practicing sustainable fisheries management, or industries satisfying other similar agreed international standards, etc. An example is provided in the table below.
Targets and Timeframe Area of coverage foreseen at start of project Achievement at Mid-term Evaluation of Project Achievement at Final Evaluation of Project

Specific management practices that integrate BD 1.Agroforesty system 1.200 hectares of new agroforestry systems involving indigenous communities in the middle sub-basin 120 ha of agrochemically intensive cultivation converted to sustainable production

2.Organic cacao, plantain and banana

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

14. b. Is the project promoting the conservation and sustainable use of wild species or landraces? __X_Yes___No If yes, please list the wild species (WS) or landraces (L): Species (Genus sp., and common name) (*) 1. Ctenosaura quiquecarinata and Ctenosaura similis (Iguana) 2 Cuniculus paca (Tepezcuintle) Orqudeas Heliconias Wild Species (please check if this is a wild species) Yes Landrace (please check if this is a landrace) No

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

(*) These are species that are currently being subject to pressure from unsustainable human explotation, for which sustainable use initiatives will be developed (eg. breeding of fauna, ornamental plant production). The Project will also have a positive conservation impact on other species of fauna and flora (for example by improving management of protected areas) 14. c. For the species identified above, or other target species of the project not included in the list above (E.g., domesticated species), please list the species, check the boxes as appropriate regarding the application of a certification system, and identify the certification system being used in the project, if any. An example is provided in the table below.


Species 1. Ctenosaura quiquecarinata and Ctenosaura similis (Iguana) 2 Cuniculus paca (Tepezcuintle) Orchids Heliconias

A certification system is being used No

A certification system will be used

Name of certification system if being used

A certification system will not be used




No No

No No

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

14. d. Is carbon sequestration an objective of the project? Yes

(X) No

If yes, the estimated amount of carbon sequestered is:

IV. Market Transformation and Mainstreaming Biodiversity

15. a. For those projects that have identified market transformation as a project objective, please describe the project's ability to integrate biodiversity considerations into the mainstream economy by measuring the market changes to which the project contributed. The sectors and subsectors and measures of impact in the table below are illustrative examples, only. Please complete per the objectives and specifics of the project.

Name of the market that the project seeks to affect (sector and sub-sector) Sustainable agriculture : Agroforesty Sustainable agriculture: banana and cacao organic

Unit of measure of market impact

Market condition at the start of the project

Market condition at midterm evaluation of project

Market condition at final evaluation of the project



15. b. Please also note which (if any) market changes were directly caused by the project. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

V. Improved Livelihoods
16. For those projects that have identified improving the livelihoods of a beneficiary population based on sustainable use /harvesting as a project objective, please list the targets identified in the logframe and record progress at the mid-term and final evaluation. An example is provided in the table below
Improved Livelihood Measure Number of targeted beneficiarie s (if known) Please identify local or indigenous communiti es project is working with Improvement Foreseen at project start Achievement at Mid-term Evaluation of Project Achievement at Final Evaluation of Project

a. Support for agro-forestry systems

a. 120 producers

a. 1,200 nuevas ha bajo sistemas agroforestales

b. Support development of sustainable use of native species (orchids, heliconias, breeding of fauna) and ecotourism initiatives

b. 200 people b. 10 feasibility studies and 5 pilot initiatives Bri Bris in Panam and Talamanca (Costa Rica) and Cabcar of Talamanca (Costa Rica) and other nonindigenous communiti es in the two countries

c. Promote dialogue with credit institutions for developing innovative instruments to support alternative livelihoods based on the sustainable use of biodiversity

c. N/A

c. At least 1 new instruments developed

Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

VI. Project Replication Strategy

17. a . Does the project specify budget, activities, and outputs for implementing the replication strategy? Yes___X__ No___ COMENTARIO: La replicabilidad se ha considerado una accin fundamental y se contempla como una accin transversal incluida en los tres componentes del proyecto

17. b. Is the replication strategy promoting incentive measures & instruments (e.g. trust funds, payments for environmental services, certification) within and beyond project boundaries? Yes_ X __ No____ If yes, please list the incentive measures or instruments being promoted: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Payments for environmental services Establishment of Basin Trust Fund Voluntary public disclosure systems and public recognition for best practice initiatives Support farmers in getting organic certification Certificates for sustainable land use

17. c. For all projects, please complete box below. Two examples are provided.

Replication Quantification Measure

Replication Target Foreseen at project start

100 ha 120 ha 1200 ha 2

Achievement at Mid-term Evaluation of Project

Achievement at Final Evaluation of Project

Hectares of restored landscape contributing to biological corridors Hectares of new indigenous agroforestry systems Hectares of agro-chemically intensive agriculture shifted to sustainable production Protected area co-management contracts under operation


Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

VII. Enabling Environment

For those projects that have identified addressing policy, legislation, regulations, and their implementation as project objectives, please complete the following series of questions: 18a, 18b, 18c.

An example for a project that focused on the agriculture sector is provided in 18 a, b, and c. 18. a. Please complete this table at work program inclusion for each sector that is a primary or a secondary focus of the project. Please answer YES or NO to each statement under the sectors that are a focus of the project.

Agriculture Fisheries Forestry Tourism Other Sector

(please specify)

Other (please specify)

Statement: Please answer YES or NO for each sector that is a focus of the project. Biodiversity considerations are mentioned in sector policy Biodiversity considerations are mentioned in sector policy through specific legislation Regulations are in place to implement the legislation The regulations are under implementation The implementation of regulations is enforced Enforcement of regulations is monitored





Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

18. b . Please complete this table at the project mid-term for each sector that is a primary or a secondary focus of the project. Please answer YES or NO to each statement under the sectors that are a focus of the project.

Agriculture Fisheries Forestry Tourism Other Sector

(please specify)

Other (please specify)

Statement: Please answer YES or NO for each sector that is a focus of the project. Biodiversity considerations are mentioned in sector policy Biodiversity considerations are mentioned in sector policy through specific legislation Regulations are in place to implement the legislation The regulations are under implementation The implementation of regulations is enforced Enforcement of regulations is monitored


Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

18. c. Please complete this table at project closure for each sector that is a primary or a secondary focus of the project. Please answer YES or NO to each statement under the sectors that are a focus of the project.


Agricultur e

Fisherie s



Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)

Statement: Please answer YES or NO for each sector that is a focus of the project. Biodiversity considerations are mentioned in sector policy Biodiversity considerations are mentioned in sector policy through specific legislation Regulations are in place to implement the legislation The regulations are under implementation The implementation of regulations is enforced Enforcement of regulations is monitored

All projects please complete this question at the project mid-term evaluation and at the final evaluation, if relevant: 18. d. Within the scope and objectives of the project, has the private sector undertaken voluntary measures to incorporate biodiversity considerations in production? If yes, please provide brief explanation and specifically mention the sectors involved. An example of this could be a mining company minimizing the impacts on biodiversity by using low-impact exploration techniques and by developing plans for restoration of biodiversity after exploration as part of the site management plan. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________


Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

VIII. Mainstreaming biodiversity into the GEF Implementing Agencies Programs

19. At each time juncture of the project (work program inclusion, mid-term evaluation, and final evaluation), please check the box that depicts the status of mainstreaming biodiversity through the implementation of this project with on-going GEF Implementing Agencies development assistance, sector, lending, or other technical assistance programs. Time Frame Work Program Inclusion Mid-Term Evaluation Final Evaluation

Status of Mainstreaming The project is not linked to IA development assistance, sector, lending programs, or other technical assistance programs. The project is indirectly linked to IAs development assistance, sector, lending programs or other technical assistance programs. The project has direct links to IAs development assistance, sector, lending programs or other technical assistance programs.

YES Sixaola Binacional River Basin Sustainable Development Program Bocas del Toro Sustainable Development Program YES

The project is demonstrating strong and sustained complementarity with on-going planned programs.


Tracking Tool for GEF Biodiversity Focal Area Strategic Priority Two: Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Production Landscapes and Sectors

IX. Other Impacts

20. Please briefly summarize other impacts that the project has had on mainstreaming biodiversity that have not been recorded above. The Project will promote dialogue with public and private credit institutions in both countries with regards to the development of: (a) new and innovative credit instruments to support farmers in developing alternative livelihoods based on the sustainable use of biodiversity, and (b) include environmental considerations in the granting of credits/loans.


APPENDIX F: Monitoring and Evaluation Plan A. 1.1 Monitoring and Reporting structures The following periodic reporting instruments will facilitate the monitoring and evaluation of Project results and impacts, as well as facilitate the adaptive management on behalf of the Project Executing Unit and provide guidance to the planning and management decisions of the Binational Commission for the Sixaola River Basin. Day-to-day monitoring. The Project will operate based on detailed Annual Work Plans developed by the beginning of each project year. These work plans will define activities to be carried out and results to be generated throughout the year. The work plan will have a series of short-term process indicators that define project delivery. The Project team will perform day-to-day monitoring of these indicators to ensure that the project intervention is on-track and delivers the expected results. The Annual Work Plans will be approved by the Binational Commission for the Sixaola River Basin, which will empower the stakeholders in the Basin and enhance their interest and commitment to the intervention. Mid-year Progress Reports. Half-way through each Project year, the Project team will write a summary report to IDB/GEF and the Binational Commission for the Sixaola River Basin, in order to inform on the progress made during the first six months execution of the Annual Work Plan. The Mid-year Progress Report will focus on shortterm results and challenges, and will be less detailed than the Annual Project Report. Annual Reviews. At the end of each Project year, the Project team will elaborate an Annual Project Report to summarize project results. The annual report should include considerations on: (i) project performance over the past year, including key results produced and, where possible, information on the progress on the Project objective, (ii) identification of constraints and unforeseen barriers for the Project in its work to achieve its objectives, the reasons for these constraints, and what is being done to overcome them, (iii) expenditure reports, (iv) lessons learned, and (v) recommendations for adaptive management of the Project strategy to optimize impact of the intervention. GEF Project Implementation Review. In addition to the Annual Project Report, the Project team will elaborate a compulsory GEF Project Implementation Review (PIR), in collaboration with the designated IDB task manager. The PIR is collected, reviewed and analyzed by the IDB before it is sent to the GEF Independent M&E unit. Reports and publications. To document the lessons learned and knowledge generated through the Project intervention, the Project executing team will elaborate technical reports on a variety of issues, not least on integrated ecosystem management approaches. These reports will: (i) hold the Project team accountable with regard to its responsibility to generate technical results at the highest level, (b) help summarize and document the Projects results, and (c) serve to disseminate and replicate the Projects lessons learned






and knowledge to interested parties in the participating countries, in the wider region, as well as world-wide. 1.7 Results which are deemed particularly important and that are of interest beyond the Sixaola River Basin will be disseminated through Project Publications. These publications can be scientific or technical, and made available in the form of journal articles, multimedia publications etc. Collaboration will also be sought with regional and national academic and training institutions (eg. CATIE, EARTH, CATHALAC) in terms of dissemination of best practice and involving students and researchers in matters relating to the integrated management of the Basin. The Projects publication strategy will be determined in collaboration with the IDB and executing partner institutions. A Project web-site will also facilitate dissemination of results. Socialization of Project results will also be ensured at both formal and informal local events and meetings (for example amongst indigenous communities). Independent evaluations Mid-term Review. A mid-term review1 will be carried out when 50% of the GEF resources have been disbursed or after 24 months after the Project contract goes into effect, whichever comes first. The review will determine if the project strategy is generating the desired impact, or if adjustments are necessary to ensure the achievement of Project objectives. The review team will focus on the effectiveness, efficiency and timeliness of project implementation. It will highlight issues that requires decision and action, and it will provide preliminary lessons learned about Project design, implementation, and management. Particular attention will be paid to the question if the involved institutions seem to be internalizing and mainstreaming Project results into their work, as well as progress to ensure financial sustainability of the Project, but the review team will scrutinize progress on all of the projects indicators. Recommendation of the Mid-term Review will be an important input for the Project staff, as well as for IDB and the implementing partners, in assessing progress, as well as possible needs for change during the second half of the Projects lifespan. Final Evaluation. By the end of the Project, a Final Evaluation will be performed, to determine if the Project indeed reached its objectives. The evaluation will be performed by an independent team of experienced expert(s), retained by the IDB. The evaluation team will evaluate the Projects results both in terms of ensuring global environmental benefits, as well as local and national benefits. The evaluation team will identify lessons learned and particular successful Project results, and these will be disseminated broadly in the two countries, and to other IDB and GEF financed projects in the region. The team will moreover evaluate the sustainability of Project results, and recommend to the involved parties how they could further enhance sustainability. Other evaluations. In addition to the compulsory independent Mid-term Review and Final Evaluation, the Project may participate in program-specific or thematic evaluations

B. 1.8.



The Mid-term and final evaluations will be performed by a team of consultants contracted by the IDB, using the fee resources provided by the GEF.

performed by the GEF Evaluation Office to determine effectiveness and impact of the overall GEF portfolio. The Project may also participate in evaluations of country programs to determine effectiveness of the Project portfolios of participating institutions. C. Learning and knowledge sharing

1.11. In addition to publications and reports mentioned above, the lessons learned and knowledge generated throughout the project intervention will be shared widely through networking with interested parties outside the basin. To increase dialogue, the project will participate in information exchange and learning network, such as those promoted by GEF, CCAD, IUCN, CATHALAC, such as IW/LEARN, Global Transboundary Protected Areas Network of World Commission Protected Areas/IUCN and the Global Water Partnership, and other technical forums. The Project will sponsor several national, binational and regional workshops on topics related to the development of the Project. D. 1.12. Monitoring Plan Monitoring Strategy. Building on existing initiatives promoted by associated partners2 in the Basin, the Project Executing Unit will coordinate the collaborative development of a permanent, integrated and cost-effective monitoring system for the state of the Basins biodiversity, soil, and water resources will be established (see Project Components 2, 3) to facilitate decision making-processes and adaptive management by the stakeholders. These systems will be internalized in existing institutions (through agreements clearly defining responsibilities), involving their staff and other local stakeholders, in order to ensure continuity after the life of the Project3. This system will not only provide valuable information on the state of the Basin linked to some of the Project indicators at the Goal and Purpose level 4defined in the log frame matrix (Annex B to the GEF Executive Summary), but will also be used for the continuous monitoring of Project effects (results). Within the first year, the Project Executing Unit will ensure the consolidation of the baseline information for all indicators in the log-frame. The total estimated costs for monitoring and evaluation are US$285,0005 (See Table 1).

1.13. As per IDB guidance, monitoring and evaluation at the Project level will be oriented by the following key questions: (1) Is the Project successfully contributing to mainstreaming biodiversity considerations in Basin planning and development and catalyzing the sustainability of the transboundary protected areas?, (2) Are producers internalizing sustainable production methods, thereby contributing to reduce land degradation processes and contamination of rivers and streams?, (3) Is the Basin wide governance structure enabling the involved stakeholders (institutions, social, ethnic, and other civil
2 3

For example in the Sustainable Development Program in Bocas del Toro (1439/OC-PN), TNC, CI, ANAI. The project will actively use the GEF BD-1 and BD-2 Tracking Tools to measure the effectiveness of protected area management and the mainstreaming of biodiversity into production landscapes. These indicators have been selected following GEF guidance in IW, including regional process indicators (eg. related to the functioning of the Binational Commission), stress reduction indicators (eg. related to changes in productive habits, and environmental indicators (eg. changes in state of the biodiversity, water and land resources) These costs include US$50,000 for the Mid-term Review and Final Evaluation which will be covered by the GEF fee to the IDB (in other words they are not charged to the GEF grant of the Full Size Project)

society groups) to function in an effective and coordinated manner to reach the goals outlined in the Regional Sustainable Development Strategy (RSDS)?, (4) Is the Project contributing to enable basic integrated basin management functions to be financially sustainable in the long term?, and (5) Is the Project contributing to enhance the environmental quality of the Basin? 1.17. Data Collection and Analysis. Some monitoring activities can be done through deskstudy of written documents, such as reports, work plans, and meeting minutes. Other information related to regional process indicators 6(e.g. the effectiveness and efficiency of the binational institutional set-up), will be done mainly through evaluations and interviews with institutional actors and stakeholders, as well as the review of meeting reports, minutes and agreements of the Binational Commission for the Sixaola River Basin. In terms of stress reduction indicators, (eg. the extent to which farmers shift towards more sustainable land use practices compatible with the conservation of biodiversity, soil and water resources) will be assessed using both direct (eg. # of hectares of sustainable production) and indirect (eg. amount of resources dedicated to sustainable production in the Basin). Finally, environmental indicators (eg. water quality, soil condition, ecosystem health) will be measured through a combination of cost-effective methodologies, including inventories, aerial imagery, participatory methods (eg. reporting of illegal hunting, observed wildlife amongst local population and tourists), measurement of the Biotic Integrity Index (bioindicator which is already being used in the Basin to determine water quality). Table 1 below summarizes the monitoring plan for the outcome indicators at the Project Goal and Purpose level7, indicating: (a) definition of the outcome indicator, (b) indication of the type of indicator (see footnote 4 above), (c) correspondence to key IDB questions (see paragraph 1.13 above), (d) baseline value and target, (e) method/means of verification, (f) periodicity, (g) responsible party, (h) an indication of the expenditure category (component # or administrative costs), and (i) the estimated costs associated with the monitoring of each indicator.


See footnote 4. The output indicators at the component/activity level will be monitored on a continuous basis by the Project Executing Unit.

Table 1: Tentative monitoring plan of indicators at the goal and purpose level Type of Indicator (see footnote 4 above) Responding to key IDB question (see paragraph 1.13 above) 1
Charged to Component or Administrative Costs?

Impact Indicator

Baseline value and target

Method/Means of verification


Responsible Party

US $

GOAL LEVEL Three years after the end of the Project, the area of natural forest cover in the Basin is the same or has expanded compared to the level at the end of Year 1 Three years after the end of the Project, the Social Development Index (SDI) (Costa Rica) and Human Development Index (HDI) (Panama) express improvements compared with level at the end of year one of the project Three years after the end of the Project, annual public investment for the binational integrated ecosystem management in the Basin has increased compared to marginal annual contributions at beginning of the Project Three years after the end of the Project, water quality in the Binational Sixaola River Basin has improved as shown by an increase in the Biotic Integrity Index (BII) in the Yorkn micro-watershed Three years after the end of the Project, populations of key species in the representative ecosystems in the Basin maintain stability compared to their levels at the end of Year 1


Baseline : 290,000 ha Target: at least 290,000 ha Baseline : SDI: 0 and HDI: 0.608 Target: SDI and HDI improved

Aerial photography Official forest cover statistics National surveys and statistics

Every 2 years



Every 2 years


Component 3


Administrative (costs related staff time of PEU)


Regional process

Baseline: US$1,360,000 (2005) Target: an increase by 10% Baseline: BII level at Yorkin microwatershed (3)8 Target: BII level at Yorkin microwatershed: good (4) Baseline and Target: Baseline levels and targets for indicator species will be generated during year 1

Review of public institutions work plans and budgets



Administrative (costs related staff time of PEU)



Monitoring reports of the BII



Biodiversity Monitoring (inventories)

Every 2 years

PEU MINAE ANAM Academic Institution, NGO tbd PEU

Component 2


Component 3


The scale goes from 1-5 where, 1 is poor and 5 is excellent.

Table 1: Tentative monitoring plan of indicators at the goal and purpose level Type of Indicator (see footnote 4 above) Responding to key IDB question (see paragraph 1.13 above) 3
Charged to Component or Administrative Costs?

Impact Indicator

Baseline value and target

Method/Means of verification


Responsible Party

US $

PURPOSE LEVEL At the end of the Project, the Binational Commission for the Sixaola River Basin is operating efficiently and is taking decisions in a participatory manner based on accurate technical information

Regional process

By the end of the Project, land-use conflicts, defined in terms of optimal vs actual land-use, have been reduced by a third compared to the level at the end of Year 1.

Strees reduction

1 and 2

Baseline: at the project start up, the Commission will have been formally created, but it would not have practical experience. Territorial Information System (TIS) exists but is underused Target: Commission established, working efficiently and making decisions based in accurate information. Baseline levels and targets will be generated during year 1

Review of meeting minutes and agreements of the Binational Commission for the Basin Number of site visits to the TIS


PEU Binational Commission for the Basin

Administrative (costs related staff time of PEU)


Aerial photograph, over flights and field inspections, as well as participatory methods (interviews with farmers) Review of public institutions work plans and budgets

Every 2 years


Component 2


By the end of the Project, alternative sustainable financing sources leveraged at the national or local level are covering at least 10% of the recurrent costs related to the integrated binational management of

Regional process

Baseline: levels will be generated during year 1 Target: 10% of

Every 2 years


Administrative (costs related staff time of PEU)


Table 1: Tentative monitoring plan of indicators at the goal and purpose level Type of Indicator (see footnote 4 above) Responding to key IDB question (see paragraph 1.13 above)
Charged to Component or Administrative Costs?

Impact Indicator

Baseline value and target recurrent costs for Basin management are covered with alternative resources

Method/Means of verification Records of the Basin Trust Fund Financing agreements Field inspections and interviews


Responsible Party

US $

the Basin compared to marginal domestic allocations at the beginning of the Project

By the end of the Project, at least 10% of the land-surface dedicated to agrochemically intensive banana production at the beginning of the Project is shifted to sustainable production

Stress reduction

By the end of the Project, critical elements of the management plans of the transboundary protected areas are harmonized between the two countries and management actions are carried out according to these plans

Regional process

2 and 3

Baseline: 12,400 hectares of banana production with intensive use of agrochemicals Target: 1,240 ha converted to sustainable production. Baseline: at the begining of the Project PILA CR and PN have separate plans ,as did San do San Pond Sak and Gandoca Manzanillo Target: critical elements of the management plans are harmonized

Every 2 years


Administrative (costs related staff time of PEU)


Reports from Trans/boundary Protected Areas Commissions on the implementation of management plans Contracted evaluation on management effectiveness

Every 2 years

Transboundary Protected Areas Commissions

Component 3


SUBTOTAL Costs related to monitoring report writing, data management by Project Executing Unit staff (US$5,000/year) Mid-term review and final evaluation

215,000 20,000 25,000



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