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Taufik b Hairudin (M03L) TITLE: Cell Respiration OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of heat on the rate of respiration.

RESEARCH QUESTION: How will heat affect the rate of respiration of peas? HYPOTHESIS: In respiration, organisms need enzymes to perform certain reaction along the pathway of respiration process. As enzymes activity is affected by heat, thus the rate of respiration will also be affected. That is when temperature increases, the rate of respiration will also increases until the optimum temperature is reached. After the optimum temperature, the rate of respiration will decrease as the enzymes are denatured. VARIABLES: INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: Temperature DEPENDENT VARIABLES: The rate of respiration of peas FIXED VARIABLES: Number of peas per test tube, volume and concentration of the indicator solution (Bromcresol solution).

Temperature, T(C) 32 42 52 62 Time taken, t(min) 21.2 11.1 37.0

CALCULATIONS From 32C to 42 C: Q10 = time taken at 32 C = 21.2 time taken at 42 C From 42 C to 52 C Q10 = time taken at 42 C = 11.1 time taken at 52 C 37.0 = 0.3 min-1 From 52 C to 62 C Q10 = time taken at 52 C = 37.0 time taken at 62 C

11.1 = 1.9 min-1

= 0 min-1

Taufik b Hairudin (M03L) THE OVERALL DATA Temperature, T(C) 32 C 42 C 52 C 62 C Time taken, t(min) 21.2 11.1 37.0 Rate of respiration, 1/t(min-1) 0.05 0.09 0.03 0.00

In this experiment, the test tube stopper was used, causing the short of oxygen to the peas inside. Thus the peas undergo anaerobic respiration. Enzymes play a big role in this process in catalyzing the reaction. Initially glucose will undergo glycolysis to form two molecules of pyruvate: Glucose 2Pyruvate Next the pyruvate will be catalyzed by another enzyme to form ethanol and carbon dioxide: 2Pyruvate 2CO2 + 2Ethanol The changing colour of Bromcresol solution from dark red to yellow is due to the present of CO2. Bromcresol solution will change colour to yellow when added with acidic substances or solutions. Since CO2 is an acidic gas, it will change the colour of the indicator. Enzymes activity is affected by the temperature of its environment. As respiration is an enzyme-dependent process, this will also affect the rate of respiration. We know that as the temperature increases, enzymes rate of reaction also increases. However, the increase will stop at a point which is the optimum temperature. When the temperature goes over the optimum point, the rate of enzymes reaction will start to decrease drastically. This phenomenon is analogous to the rate of respiration. When temperature increases, the rate of respiration also increases, until the temperature reach the optimum point, then the rate of respiration will decrease as the enzymes are denatured.

Theoretically, the rate of respiration doubles for every 10C increase of the temperature. Thus temperature coefficient: Q10 = time at t C . 2 time at (t=10) C

Taufik b Hairudin (M03L) However in this experiment only one coefficient obtained that has the nearest value to 2. While the others are hardly close. This happened due to several shortcomings: 1. The indicator solution was opened to the air. This caused the indicator to change colour from dark red to purple, which means that it has been oxidized. so the indicator solution was not as accurate as before. When oxidized indicator solution is used, time taken for its colour to change to yellow will become longer. 2. The amount of indicator used is too much. Thus longer time was needed to see the final result. When longer time needed, the indicator solution will actually be oxidized. So we can not determine the actual time of the process. 3. The desired temperatures selected for this experiment are not sufficient. The exact optimum temperature can not be determined accurately. To overcome these weaknesses, a few things should be concerned about, such as: 1. Use the tube stopper to avoid the indicator solution from being oxidized by the air. The solution inside the biker which has not been used yet should also be covered so that the solution will always be accurate for each sample of different temperatures. 2. Less amount of indicator solution should be used so that less time will be taken to see the final result, and also to avoid the solution from being oxidized. 3. More temperature should be selected as the independent variables to have a more accurate result and so that the optimum temperature of respiration can be determined more accurate.

From this experiment, we can see that temperature does affect the rate of respiration. As the temperature increases, the rate of respiration will also increase until the optimum temperature is reached. Then the rate of respiration will decrease drastically. This is because enzymes, which are proteins, are totally affected by heat in their activity. The enzymes rate of activity will increase with the increase of temperature until the optimum temperature is reached, and then the enzymes will be denatured and not active. So, the hypothesis is accepted.

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