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A Study On Training And Development Process In H R Consulting Firm

Prepared By: Anshani Salim IV Semester MBA-Bu 11b6cma013

Definition: Human Resource Management (HRM) is a management function that helps managers recruits, select, train and develop members for an organization. Obviously, HRM is concerned with the peoples dimension in organization. Obviously, HRM is concerned with peoples dimension in organizations. We quote three definitions on HRM. But before quoting the definition, it is useful to point out the essentials which must find their place in any definition. The core points are:

Organizations are not mere bricks, mortar, machineries or inventories. They are people. It is the people who staff and manage organizations. HRM involves the application of management functions and principles. The functions and principle are applied to acquisitioning, developing, maintaining, and remunerating employees in organization.

Decisions relating to employees must be integrated. Decisions on different aspects of employees must be consistent with other human resource (HR) decisions. Decisions made must influence the effectiveness of an organization. Effectiveness of an organization must result in betterment of services to customers in the form of highquality products supplied at reasonable costs.

HRM functions are not confined to business establishments only. They are applicable to non-business organizations, too, such as education, health care, recreation, and the like.

Training and Development: The official and ongoing educational activities within an organization designed to enhance the fulfillment and performance of employees. Training and development programs offered by a business might include a variety of educational techniques and programs that can be attended on a compulsory or voluntary basis by staff. Training & Development i s a n y a t t e m p t t o i m p r o v e c u r r e n t o r f u t u r e e m p l o y e e performance by increasing an employees ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employees attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge.

The need for Training and Development: 1. Optimum Utilization of Human Resources Training and Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals. 2. Development of Human Resources Training and Development helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resources technical and behavioral skills in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal growth. 3. Development of skills of employees Training and Development helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at each level. It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and an overall personality of the employees. 4. Productivity Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal.

5. Team spirit Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees.

6. Organization Culture Training and Development helps to develop and improve the organizational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the organization.

7. Organization Climate Training and Development helps building the positive perception and feeling about the organization. The employees get these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.

8. Quality Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and work-life.


9. Healthy work environment Training and Development helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with organizational goal.

10. Health and Safety Training and Development helps in improving the health and safety of the organization thus preventing obsolescence.

11. Morale Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work force.

12. Image Training and Development helps in creating a better corporate image.

13. Profitability Training and Development leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation. Need of study: Human resource training and development (HR T&D) is a critical aspect of the development of a knowledge-workforce in India. The objective of this study is to examine challenges to the effective management of HR T&D activities in H R consulting in India. The study revealed three major challenges to the effective management of HR T&D. These include a shortage of intellectual HRD professionals to manage HR T&D activities, coping with the demand for knowledge workers and fostering learning and development in the workplace. It is hoped that the findings of this study will provide HR professionals with a clear understanding and awareness of the various challenges in managing effective HR

training and development. Hence, relevant and appropriate policies and procedures can be developed and implemented for an effective management of HR T&D.

Statement of Problem:
Managing the development needs of a diverse employee population typically involves assessing the performance issues and designing, developing and deploying training solutions. Challenges faced in supporting employees in fast-paced environments, such as global companies, include difficulty providing consistent new employee orientation programs, supplying enriching yet cost-effective career development in complicated subject areas including leadership or project management, and managing manpower performance during rapid change Organization faces rising cost and need to plan effectively so that they can effectively recruit and hire the best manpower. Due to lack of Training and Development the customer satisfaction will be effected, It leads to slow growth of organization. Our manpower is scattered geographically, with efficient working of H R consultancy various Organization can select their required manpower from a single place that help them to reduce cost and saves time.

Methodology: Objectives:
1. T o i mp a r t t o n e w e n t r a n t s t h e b a s i c k n o w l e d g e a n d s k i l l

t h e y n e e d f o r a n i n t e l l i g e n t performance of definite tasks.

2. T o e n s u r e t h a t e a c h e mp l o y e e i s e q u i p p e d w i t h

c a p a b i l i t i e s t o p e r f o r m v a r i o u s t a s k s associated with his role.

3. T o a s s i s t e m p l o y e e s t o f u n c t i o n m o r e e f f e c t i v e l y

i n t h e i r p r e s e n t p o s i t i o n s b y exposing them to the latest

concepts, information and techniques and developing the skills they will need in their particular fields.
4. T o h e l p t h e e mp l o y e e d e v e l o p a s a n i n d i v i d u a l s o t h a t t h e

o r g a n i z a t i o n c a n r e c o g n i z e and use the maximum possible potential of its employees.

5. T o h e l p e m p l o y e e s w o r k a s t e a m m e m b e r s s i n c e

n o i n d i v i d u a l c a n a c c o m p l i s h t h e goals of the organization single handedly. Methodology chosen to study about the above problem are 1. primary data collected from various H R consulting agencies 2. Analyzing the Data prepared earlier. 3. Information taken from various H R consultancy web site. The main reason for choosing primary data for studying the above problem is through primary investigation I can able to find current problems and make relevant solution for the problem. Sampling: Sampling is the process of learning about the population on the basis of a sample drawn from the population. The sampling technique used in the study is 1. Simple random sampling 2. Stratified random sampling By selecting simple random sampling technique each and every unit in the population has an equal opportunity of being selected in the sample. Selection of items is just a matter of chance.

In stratified random sampling is one of the random methods which, by using the available information concerning the population, attempt to design a more efficient sample then obtained by simple random procedure. The population is sub-divided into homogeneous group and random sample is drawn from stratum. The above mentioned sampling methods is very useful to my study because it helps to find an appropriate solution for the research I had made.

Plan of Analysis: From the data collected I will assess the following 1. An organizations goals and its effectiveness in reaching this goals 2. Gaps between employees skills and the skills required for effective current job performance. 3. Gaps between employees skills and the skills required for effective current job performance 4. The conditions under which the HRD activity will occur.

Proposed Chapter Scheme: Chapter 1:

PROJECT ABSTRACT: Project Definition Objective of the Project

Limitation of the Project Target Audience

Chapter 2:
COMPANY PROFILE: History of the Company Area of Operation Members and Membership Capital Staff Welfare Organization Structure

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:
ASSESSMENT: Assess needs. Training needs analysis form Analyzed data. Behavioral training data . Functional training data.

Chapter 5:
DESIGN: Define Objectives Develop a Lesson Plan Program Announcement Program Outline Acquire a Material Select a Trainer Schedule the Program

Chapter 6:
IMPLEMENTATION: Deliver the HRD Program

Available methods and Techniques On-the-job Training Methods Classroom Training Approaches

Chapter 7:
EVELUATION: Program Evaluation Form Available Models for HRD Evaluation Evaluation Design Lecture Rating Form Purpose of HRD Evaluation

Chapter 8:

Chapter 9:
Bibliography .

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