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Cuaderno de gramtica Sin soluciones Ingls Britnico

Nivel Intermedio+


Version 9

There is - There are.. Negation of the indefinite article..... Emphatic 'do'..... Questions in the past Question tags. Meaning and use of 'so' 'To get' + adjective. Regular comparatives Regular superlatives. Irregular superlatives. Similarity: 'like' and 'as'. Reinforcing the comparative and the superlative. Absolute superlative.. The more . . . the more A use of the comparative.. When 'that' may be left out. Direct and indirect questions Verbs + infinitive clause Infinitive clause.. Sequence of tenses with 'if' So that. Dependent clauses with 'that'.. The impersonal structure.. Nouns and adjectives of nationality Construction of compound nouns.. Use of compound nouns.. Singular nouns in '-s'. Uncountable nouns which may take 'a'. Invariable cardinal numbers. Little - A little - Much.. Few - A few - Many Different meanings of 'all'. Use and omission of 'the'. Definite article with geographical names.. The possessive: a plural use.. Some other uses of the possessive 'One' replacing a noun.. Reflexive pronouns Interrogative words Which - What..

Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg

1 / 470 3 / 470 7 / 470 11 / 470 16 / 470 21 / 470 27 / 470 29 / 470 31 / 470 35 / 470 37 / 470 40 / 470 42 / 470 46 / 470 50 / 470 53 / 470 57 / 470 59 / 470 64 / 470 68 / 470 76 / 470 80 / 470 84 / 470 91 / 470 94 / 470 99 / 470 103 / 470 105 / 470 107 / 470 109 / 470 112 / 470 115 / 470 121 / 470 125 / 470 129 / 470 134 / 470 136 / 470 138 / 470 140 / 470 150 / 470

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Possessive pronouns Everybody - Nobody.. How much - How many. How long. 'How' + adjective or adverb.. Everybody - Somebody - Nobody.. Relative pronouns and adverbs.. The indefinite possessive. Placing the adjective Use of the past participle as an adjective.. Adjectives ending in -ing. Order of adjectives Compound adjectives The verb 'to have (got)'. Verbs: reactions and preferences.. Verbs expressing a wish to act Verbs introducing a second action. Verbs expressing stages of an action Transitive and intransitive verbs.. Anaphoric 'to'.. Phrasal verb particles The future Construction of the preterite Use of the preterite. The preterite continuous.. Construction of the present perfect Use of the present perfect The negative imperative.. Will - To be going to.... Would like: expressing a desire. Irregular verbs Verbs without a continuous form Verbs without continuous forms: exceptions. Construction of the present perfect continuous Use of the present perfect continuous Past perfect. Future with 'be' + infinitive Sequence of tenses.. Construction of the present conditional.. Use of the present conditional Conditional perfect. Expressions with the present perfect. The past subjunctive. The past perfect subjunctive with 'if'..

Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg

152 / 470 154 / 470 156 / 470 158 / 470 162 / 470 166 / 470 170 / 470 174 / 470 178 / 470 182 / 470 186 / 470 188 / 470 190 / 470 193 / 470 196 / 470 202 / 470 205 / 470 208 / 470 211 / 470 214 / 470 216 / 470 220 / 470 225 / 470 229 / 470 232 / 470 235 / 470 238 / 470 241 / 470 243 / 470 247 / 470 249 / 470 259 / 470 265 / 470 267 / 470 275 / 470 279 / 470 285 / 470 288 / 470 291 / 470 297 / 470 303 / 470 309 / 470 312 / 470 319 / 470

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The simple conditional perfect with 'should' I am told.. 'Will' and 'shall'.. Use of the passive. Construction of the passive.. Active and passive voices Can: perception and knowledge Must - Have (got) to.. 'Should' and 'ought to': advice Had better - Would rather May - Might. Strong probability with 'must'.. Absence of necessity Should - Ought to: probability. Suggestions with 'should'. Near certainty in the past. Modal auxiliaries Prepositions of time.. Prepositions of place. The prepositions 'in' and 'at'. Prepositions at the end of a clause Verbs expressing impressions and feelings.. Means with 'by'.. Different meanings of 'since' Within - Within . . . of Adverbs of time... Too - Too much.. Ever - Never Yet - Not yet. The place of 'even'. The place of 'enough' 'Always' + present continuous. Still - Yet... Different meanings of 'rather'.. Different meanings of 'quite' Either . . . or - Neither . . . nor.. Simple present with 'when' / 'while' Even though - Even if Till - Until.

Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg Pg

325 / 470 331 / 470 334 / 470 340 / 470 343 / 470 350 / 470 354 / 470 356 / 470 359 / 470 362 / 470 364 / 470 369 / 470 372 / 470 375 / 470 379 / 470 381 / 470 384 / 470 397 / 470 400 / 470 403 / 470 408 / 470 412 / 470 416 / 470 420 / 470 423 / 470 426 / 470 428 / 470 430 / 470 432 / 470 434 / 470 436 / 470 438 / 470 441 / 470 447 / 470 449 / 470 453 / 470 456 / 470 460 / 470 467 / 470

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved


Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: Intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

There is - There are "There is" - "There are"

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Pgina 1/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: Intermedio+

Organising a stay

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

a your within reach easy good is of there hotel office?

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Pgina 2/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Negation of the indefinite article La negacin del artculo indeterminado

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Pgina 3/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Customs checks

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: We have air conditioning. The airport has security checks. The train has a smoking section. The station has a waiting room.

We don't have any air conditioning.

Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: We have air conditioning. The hotel has a four-poster bed. The flight attendant has mineral water. The plane has satellite navigation.

We don't have any air conditioning.

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Pgina 4/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Ponga en forma negativa las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: We have air conditioning. I have an aisle seat. He has a bar of chocolate. We have coffee.

We don't have any air conditioning.

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Pgina 5/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the train

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

have any problems don't I with Fortunately, jet lag

the don't I the food fancy of any in bar-buffet

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Pgina 6/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Emphatic 'do' "Do" enftico

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Pgina 7/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

The luggage search

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Responda como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Do you want to avoid Paul? Does Lisa need to leave? Do you need to apply? Do Simon and Michael want to find out?

Oh yes, I do want to avoid him.

Responda como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Do you want to avoid Paul? Do you know Dawn? Does it rain often? Does Margaret have a ticket?

Oh yes, I do want to avoid him.

Responda como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Do you want to avoid him? Do they have a blanket? Does she have the time? Do you need a car?

Oh yes, I do want to avoid him.

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Pgina 8/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Orden de palabras [3 ejercicios] 1

seem free an attractive delivery does like proposition

assistant the some reservations my about does have capabilities.

seem end month highly of the does the unlikely

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Pgina 9/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

The luggage search

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en presente de indicativo el siguiente texto. We did have to go through customs before we went to the hotel. The line didn't look very long, but it was slow. The customs officer in charge did look rather stern, didn't he? It did seem as though he was in a bad mood. However, I did think all that queueing and searching through our luggage was unnecessary.

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Pgina 10/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Questions in the past La interrogacin en el pasado

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Pgina 11/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Hotel reservations

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

They've been living in the country We're tired because The hotel room was nice but the past twenty years. been wanting to come home all week. she found out that she enjoys it. .

been travelling all day.

She's been going on camping holidays He stayed in the same hotel room nine years Where

you staying on holiday, in a chalet or in a hotel?

ago for we've since were I've

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Pgina 12/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Business calls

Ejercicio de gramtica [5 ejercicios] 1

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: He is not very tall. Martin and Susan are not very close. They've been travelling for a long time. The flight's not very nice.

How tall is he?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: I've been here for 8 years. I've been here for 12 months. She'll work here for 9 months. We've lived here for 21 years.

How long have you been here for?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Polly comes from somewhere. The document referred to something. Mr Partridge is writing to someone. The secretary made a note of something.

Where does she come from?

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Pgina 13/470

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Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Polly comes from somewhere. My parents were waiting for someone. The woman was asking for something. Our chairman took over from someone else.

Where does she come from?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Polly comes from somewhere. He was looking through something. They've lied about something. Mr Moss discriminated in favour of someone.

Where does she come from?

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Pgina 14/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Making a sale

Orden de palabras [7 ejercicios] 1

passengers they call flight the 247 for did ?

your have Ireland lived all in you life?

you enjoyed stay your have ?

in did day mind you a have particular ?

hands-free have you model a considered ?

model you have in did mind what ?

get ordered you everything did you ?

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Pgina 15/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Question tags Las "question tags"

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Pgina 16/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the town

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He likes beer, doesn't he? He needs a road map, doesn't he? He admires you, doesn't he? He drinks wine, doesn't he?

Everybody likes beer, don't they?

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He likes beer, doesn't he? She protects herself, doesn't she? He enjoys himself, doesn't he? She asks herself questions, doesn't she?

Everybody likes beer, don't they?

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Pgina 17/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He likes beer, doesn't he? He gets lost a lot, doesn't he? He goes swimming often, doesn't he? He works out, doesn't he?

Everybody likes beer, don't they?

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 18/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

There is - There are "There is" - "There are"

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Pgina 19/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

hotel of your good easy there is reach a within office?

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Pgina 20/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Meaning and use of 'so' Significados y usos de "so"

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Pgina 21/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A car trip

Ejercicio de gramtica [4 ejercicios] 1

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's really tired. (me) They're really nice. (her) We're really patient. (you) You're really small. (him)

So am I.

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's really tired. (me) I'm really sorry. (we) We're really silly. (him) You're really interesting. (her)

So am I.

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Pgina 22/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's so big (not to be able to fit in the door). She's so tired (to fall asleep). I'm so early (not to be allowed to enter). They're so annoying (to have no friends).

He's so big that he can't fit in the door.

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's so big (not to be able to fit in the door). She's so fast (to have already finished). I'm so happy (to laugh). You're so short (not to be able to see him).

He's so big that he can't fit in the door.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 23/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Meaning and use of 'so' Significados y usos de "so"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 24/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A car trip

Ejercicio de gramtica [4 ejercicios] 1

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's really tired. (me) They're really nice. (her) We're really patient. (you) You're really small. (him)

So am I.

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's really tired. (me) I'm really sorry. (we) We're really silly. (him) You're really interesting. (her)

So am I.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 25/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's so big (not to be able to fit in the door). She's so tired (to fall asleep). I'm so early (not to be allowed to enter). They're so annoying (to have no friends).

He's so big that he can't fit in the door.

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's so big (not to be able to fit in the door). She's so fast (to have already finished). I'm so happy (to laugh). You're so short (not to be able to see him).

He's so big that he can't fit in the door.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 26/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

'To get' + adjective "To get" + adjetivo

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Pgina 27/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

At the airport

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

get if note don't We you the car park's could lost number.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 28/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Regular comparatives Los comparativos regulares

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Pgina 29/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Making a sale

Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios] 1

The new phones are the most reliable the more reliable reliable than the others. most reliable very reliable more reliable

The older model is bad bladder good

the better

than the other one. better

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

That was This year, they arrived Both she and her sister looked lovely. But I think I prefer last the last the latter later , ultimately. year, she came to my birthday with her sister. time I saw her. than usual.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 30/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Regular superlatives Los superlativos regulares

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Pgina 31/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Welcoming visitors

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

Heathrow is the world's most affluent busiest best designed oldest airport. longest

Completar las frases [3 ejercicios] 1

I would like to What We On We're of the we would like a a new our size. one. so we need a large stand. presence at the did you have in ? fair.

size larger smallest pre-booked product confirm reflection stand trade mind launching company's

The sooner we reach an agreement, the We plan to What That sounds like an What's the O.K.! I'll go 10 per cent of our car rental

we can move on to more pleasant things. .

of discount will you give us for an order that size? ? proposition, but what about delivery? you can let me have them? ? with that.

What model would you suggest as an

Would you mind checking on that right

sort attractive away sooner equip fleet alternative along earliest

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 32/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Is there You It would be my only I like Yes, she's very .

I could have to go to

you from Japan, as a way of that . so much for my . I wouldn't mind her . I'll see what I can do. . After all, you've

thank you? and I. It's manga.

Takahashi's in

trouble natural Europe done don't anything latest Rumiko all saying popular wife bring pleasure work

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 33/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

The company stand

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

top-of-the-range most are the obviously, the models expensive.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 34/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Irregular superlatives Los superlativos irregulares

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Pgina 35/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Deferring payment

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

His Do you have any I'm Thanks for being so is a I just want the Mr Daniels. afraid solicitors criminal understanding clear best people exact harming idea should information touch parties comeuppance and accountant will be in they need any I can't give you an . Most and that he's finally got his for both . how long this will take to date. seem to think that Mr Daniels . . I want our phones back, without up? with you,

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 36/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Similarity: 'like' and 'as' La similitud: "like" y "as"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 37/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Staying in a hotel

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

To sleep nightmares too many cooks like a log means to sleep well. a wink dog tired

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 38/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the castle

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

These are the He looks They were This one has an Oh yes! You have the same in the nose! of the me, don't you think? ! days! Family.

statues old interesting like Royal small chin

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 39/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Reinforcing the comparative and the superlative El comparativo y el superlativo enfatizados

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Pgina 40/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A car trip

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Buying your first car is A motorbike is far and Public transport is A moped is even A tractor is not A taxi is six exciting than buying your second. the most dangerous form of transport. better for the environment. than a car. as luxurious as a limousine. as expensive as a tram.

much away far more times slower nearly

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 41/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Absolute superlative El superlativo absoluto

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 42/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Staying in a hotel

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

It's the chambermaid, with your Oh, do come I asked I'm tea! sorry, I'll get it away. ! , sir.

right for awfully in breakfast

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 43/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Absolute superlative El superlativo absoluto

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 44/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Staying in a hotel

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

It's the chambermaid, with your Oh, do come I asked I'm tea! sorry, I'll get it away. ! , sir.

for breakfast in right awfully

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Pgina 45/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The more . . . the more "The more . . . the more"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 46/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Making a sale

Palabra correcta [3 ejercicios] 1

The more you work, the more the better the later profit we make. the Moor the moor

The later


we sell, the sooner we leave. less quick percolator

The good


the reputation, the more business you do. worst better

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

The sooner we reach an agreement, the We plan to What That sounds like an What's the O.K.! I'll go 10 per cent of our car rental of discount will you give us for an order that size? ? proposition, but what about delivery? you can let me have them? ? with that. we can move on to more pleasant things. .

What model would you suggest as an

Would you mind checking on that right

alternative along sooner equip away sort earliest attractive fleet

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 47/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: A large turnover means high investment.

The larger the turnover, the higher the investment.

Wait for a long time, and the prices will get lower. A high level makes for difficult exercises. Bright sun can be a great danger for the skin.

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: A large turnover means high investment.

The larger the turnover, the higher the investment.

When it is humid, the likelihood of a storm is great. High prices lead to small demand. Loud music has a high chance of disturbing the neighbours.

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Pgina 48/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: A large investment can be hard to manage.

The larger the investment, the harder it is to manage.

It is hard to concentrate after working for a long time. Small print can be hard to read. In a big company there is less contact between employees.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 49/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

A use of the comparative El comparativo: dos elementos opuestos

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Pgina 50/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Making a sale

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: two old people three expensive watches two modern answering machines three tall skyscrapers two common problems two tasty desserts two fat ladies

the older of the two

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: two old people two promising pieces of news three recent breakthroughs two cheap trips abroad three sharp knives three good-looking men two bad debts

the older of the two

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Pgina 51/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Have you thought about a hands-free Yes, but is it the same Oh yes! If anything, They have to be If you buy 200, we'll by them for as the better. , don't they? 20 pounds each. ? model?

fit specialists fitted older only model slightly quality

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 52/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

When 'that' may be left out El relativo "that" sobreentendido

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Pgina 53/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Ejercicio de gramtica [6 ejercicios] 1

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I bought a book. It cost thirty pounds. She sent a letter. It was three pages long. They give a guarantee. It lasts a year. I've forgotten the name. It begins with 'b'.

The book I bought cost thirty pounds.

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I bought a book. It cost thirty pounds. He came up with a contract. It was very advantageous. She faxed me a reminder. It was brief. They suggested a solicitor. She arrived late.

The book I bought cost thirty pounds.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 54/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I bought a book. It cost thirty pounds. He's doing some calculations. They're very complicated. They've got some compensation in mind. It's very little. She's got a new assistant. He's very lackadaisical.

The book I bought cost thirty pounds.

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: You're coming, I assume. 'We can go together', he proposed. It's hard to find accommodation, they tell me. 'The prime minister is eagerly awaiting your report', she informed me.

I assume that you're coming.

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: You're coming, I assume. 'The postman comes at eight thirty', she reminded him. 'They should come over for some coffee', she proposed. 'You should take a day off', he insisted.

I assume that you're coming.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 55/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: You're coming, I assume. 'They got rave reviews', he told me. 'You're going to the launderette', she assumed. 'Monday's a bank holiday', I reminded him.

I assume that you're coming.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 56/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Direct and indirect questions Las interrogativas directas e indirectas

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 57/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the motorway

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

The policeman asked how far how late how now brown cow how soon we had been driving for. how often how long

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 58/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Verbs + infinitive clause Verbos + oracin de infinitivo

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 59/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the motorway

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

I He Are you We We won't be They don't that the car has become essential. that the car has broken down. about the repair bill? public transport, especially trams. from that garage again. to go to the beach in their convertible.

want thinking believe hearing thinks prefer

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 60/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A car trip

Ejercicio de gramtica [6 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He changed his mind. (to cause) She went out. (to forbid) He protected her. (to want) They moved. (to force)

She caused him to change his mind.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He changed his mind. (to cause) He left with her. (to expect) We removed the wrapping. (to get) You went out. (to force)

She caused him to change his mind.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He changed his mind. (to cause) I came down. (to compel) They went for a swim. (would like) He fell down. (to intend)

She caused him to change his mind.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 61/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: They arrived on time. (I expected) He'll report back after his visit. (we'll get) They'll redesign our executive model. (we want) He's a reliable accountant. (we believe)

I expected them to arrive on time.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: They arrived on time. (I expected) You'll cancel your other appointments. (we expect) She'll come up with a top-of-the-range product. (they're expecting) We waited for a rise in the sales figures. (they advised)

I expected them to arrive on time.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He apologized for the difficulties. (she asked) We withheld the payment. (we decided) I explained the inconvenience to her. (he asked) The bills remain unpaid (we expect)

She asked him to apologize for the difficulties.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 62/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Handling an invoice

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

to you don't payment, do you intend withhold ?

but yes, settle do you to when intend ?

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 63/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Infinitive clause La oracin de infinitivo

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 64/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Deferring payment

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

Their solicitors advise us to as as if like pay now.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 65/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Comparing products

Ejercicio de gramtica [4 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: They arrived on time. (I expected) She placed an order. (we advised) She'll reschedule the meeting. (they're waiting) He had a look at the mobile phone market. (you asked)

I expected them to arrive on time.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: They arrived on time. (I expected) He'll report back after his visit. (we'll get) They'll redesign our executive model. (we want) He's a reliable accountant. (we believe)

I expected them to arrive on time.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 66/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: They arrived on time. (I expected) You'll cancel your other appointments. (we expect) She'll come up with a top-of-the-range product. (they're expecting) We waited for a rise in the sales figures. (they advised)

I expected them to arrive on time.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He apologized for the difficulties. (she asked) We withheld the payment. (we decided) I explained the inconvenience to her. (he asked) The bills remain unpaid (we expect)

She asked him to apologize for the difficulties.

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Vuelva a escribir el texto utilizando el tiempo y modo apropiados. What area of the market is this stand representing, I (to wonder)? I think I'll wait here (to find out) if it corresponds to our company interests. They are clearly (to benefit) from having a definite niche in the market. However, I have been advised (to not wait) as it (to seem) that there is a lot of activity at their stand. They are well-known for (to have) state-of-the-art products. I (to come back) later to have a good look at their product range.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 67/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Sequence of tenses with 'if' La concordancia de los tiempos con "if"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 68/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Deferring payment

Palabra correcta [4 ejercicios] 1

If they had paid, we won't have gone would have gone will have gone bankrupt. wouldn't have gone

If you pay

you haven't paid

by the end of the month, we'll forget the lawsuit. you had paid you may pay you paid

If you pay today, we forgot will forget will have forgotten

will be forgotten

would forget

the court appearance. would have forgotten

If you didn't keep better records, you bankruptcy. will have will would have been having would have would

to declare

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 69/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Ejercicio de gramtica [12 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Even though it's sunny, I don't want to go out.

Even though it was sunny, I didn't want to go out.

Even though I don't want to, I must go to work. If her temperature's low, she'll be all right. Even though he smokes, he's in good health.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Even though it's sunny, I don't want to go out.

Even though it was sunny, I didn't want to go out.

Even though I have food poisoning, I'm not that ill. If she drinks some hot chocolate, she'll feel better. Even though we're moving out, we still like the area.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 70/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Even though it's sunny, I don't want to go out.

Even though it was sunny, I didn't want to go out.

If you give him a ring, he'll try and help you. Even though it's the top-of-the-range model, it's not very reliable. If they were at the launch, they'd telephone.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. If we approached them, they might help us. If they watched a product demonstration, they'd understand. Even if they explained it in detail, I'd never understand.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. If the director spoke highly of him, he'd be pleased. Even though he's rescheduled everything, it's still impossible. If they tighten up security, there won't be any more burglaries.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 71/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. Even though he's the chairman and chief executive, he's totally useless. If you went to London, you could visit the site. If I was a small businessman, I'd be thankful for such an increase.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you install a satellite dish, we'll have lots of channels.

If you installed a satellite dish, we'd have lots of channels.

If we went bankrupt, it would result in job losses. Even though she owes me 500, I can't sue her. If the terms of payment change, I'll contact my solicitor.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 72/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you install a satellite dish, we'll have lots of channels.

If you installed a satellite dish, we'd have lots of channels.

Even though I expected this, it's still a surprise. If it's just teething troubles, we'll forget it. If you think my overdraft's bad, you should see theirs!

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you install a satellite dish, we'll have lots of channels.

If you installed a satellite dish, we'd have lots of channels.

If we send an ultimatum, they'd pay up straight away. If an engineer looks at the problem, it'll be working again tomorrow. Even though it's out of the question, I want to ask.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 73/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If she finds it, I'll contact you. If you settle for less, we'll deal with the details. Even though it hasn't been confirmed, I'm very keen. If I was in your place, I'd give Mr Renton a ring.

If she found it, I'd contact you.


Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If she finds it, I'll contact you. If you fax me the results, I'll get back to you. Even though the tube's in a terrible state, it's still faster than driving. If they want entertainment, we'll organise a sightseeing tour.

If she found it, I'd contact you.


Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If she finds it, I'll contact you. Even though she's got over it, she's still ill. If I went to the launderette, I'd have some clean clothes. If he borrows the laptop computer, he won't lose so much time.

If she found it, I'd contact you.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 74/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Handling an invoice

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Vuelva a escribir el texto utilizando el tiempo y modo apropiados. If I had worked late last night, I (to finish) the accounts. Maybe if I don't take a lunch break, I (to be able to) leave on time this evening. If I were a better businessman, I (to not have) so many overdue invoices. If I take on some more staff, then hopefully they (to help) me avoid these problems in the future.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 75/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

So that "So that"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 76/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Welcoming visitors

Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios] 1

Choose a hotel close enough because like so that wishfully I may gain some time. in the hope that

Reserve me a ticket for the opera so that I cannot must is have do can

see the new Puccini.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 77/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'll reserve accommodation by phone. I'll go straight to my hotel.

I'll reserve accommodation by phone so that I can go straight to my hotel.

I'll collect some money. We'll buy her a present. She'll come over to your place. You can discuss her suggestions. I'll organise a guided tour. They'll see London.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'll reserve accommodation by phone. I'll go straight to my hotel.

I'll reserve accommodation by phone so that I can go straight to my hotel.

I'll reserve a table. We'll eat at nine o'clock. She's getting a laptop computer. She'll be able to work on the train. I'll arrange for some entertainment. We'll really amaze them.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 78/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'll reserve accommodation by phone. I'll go straight to my hotel.

I'll reserve accommodation by phone so that I can go straight to my hotel.

We'll take the tube. We'll avoid the congestion. I'll tie up the loose ends. We'll start something else. I'll get the train timetable. You'll leave at the right time.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 79/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Dependent clauses with 'that' Las subordinadas con "that"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 80/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: You're coming, I assume. 'We can go together', he proposed. It's hard to find accommodation, they tell me. 'The prime minister is eagerly awaiting your report', she informed me.

I assume that you're coming.

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: You're coming, I assume. 'The postman comes at eight thirty', she reminded him. 'They should come over for some coffee', she proposed. 'You should take a day off', he insisted.

I assume that you're coming.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 81/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: You're coming, I assume. 'They got rave reviews', he told me. 'You're going to the launderette', she assumed. 'Monday's a bank holiday', I reminded him.

I assume that you're coming.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 82/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Welcoming visitors

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Aada "that" cuando sea posible. I think this visit is going to be a great opportunity to learn from other people. I insist you all make a determined effort. I've explained this company is a very important client of ours. They're even saying a merger is possible. Let's just hope we make a good impression on the executives. I believe we will all benefit from this visit. I hope you will all be on your best behaviour!

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 83/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The impersonal structure La forma impersonal

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 84/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 85/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

At the airport

Casillas de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: he (to lose) she (to help) they (to pay) we (to prevent from) it (to open) I (to protect) you (to use)

he was lost

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 86/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the town

Palabra correcta [5 ejercicios] 1

The cathedral was built has built has been built in 1603. is being built were built will be built

' You

have lovely castles', said the Scot to the Dane. Them Us

' Us


have lovely golf courses in Scotland', said the German to his Spanish friend. We They

Somebody People

think it always rains in Britain. Why do you

People Someone's Everybody

calling you, Sylvia. Look! Absolutely no one Why are you

Ejercicio de gramtica [4 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: My neighbour helped me. Someone told me to be quiet. My architect designed the house. This lady found the key.

I was helped by my neighbour.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 87/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone asked me to the cinema. Someone cleaned the camp bed. Someone bought the shop. Someone confirmed the date.

I was asked to the cinema.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone asked me to the cinema. Someone identified them. Someone robbed him. Someone received the flowers.

I was asked to the cinema.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone asked me to the cinema. Someone noticed him. Something ruined the garden. Someone redecorated it.

I was asked to the cinema.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 88/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

The luggage search

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

driving are despite the fast, still people too fog

my isn't this suitcase because have must someone mine.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 89/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the castle

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en segunda persona del singular el siguiente texto. They say that the castle's first stone was laid in 1224. One never knows exactly, does one, when something happened so long ago? In Britain, one can see lots of stately homes, mansions and castles. They have a royal family in the United Kingdom. One can tell as soon as one sets foot in Britain, as the Queen's head is on all the notes, coins and stamps.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 90/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Nouns and adjectives of nationality Nombres y adjetivos de nacionalidad

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 91/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the train

Casillas de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en el orden adecuado los siguientes grupos de palabras. Ejemplo: cushion (cotton/circular) francs (French/four) whisky (Scottish/expensive) date (wrong/delivery) baby (beautiful/new) insurance (travel/cheap) library (modern/local)

circular cotton cushion

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 92/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Customs checks

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I live in France. I live in Australia. I live in the United States. I live in Japan.

I'm French.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I live in France. I live in England. I live in the Czech Republic. I live in Russia.

I'm French.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I live in France. I live in India. I live in Germany. I live in Greece.

I'm French.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 93/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Construction of compound nouns Formacin de las palabras compuestas

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 94/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

At the station

Casillas de palabras [6 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: boots for skiing cake made at home room for guests window at the rear foam for shaving court for playing squash wheel for steering

ski boots

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: boots for skiing office for buying tickets seat beside the window store with several departments board indicating departures desk for information space for parking

ski boots

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 95/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: a room with twin beds a girl who is confident in herself a ticket for first class a woman with a bad temper a boy with long legs a pool in the open air a business owned by a family

a twin-bedded room

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: a room with twin beds a chase at high speed a person from the middle class a section with no smoking a machine for making yoghurts a situation which breaks hearts jam made at home

a twin-bedded room

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: cake made at home boots for skiing room for dining balloon heated with air bed you can fold net for fishing book for addresses

home-made cake

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 96/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: cake made at home office for tourist information seat beside the aisle crossing for pedestrians court for playing tennis pass for boarding ticket for parking

home-made cake

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 97/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A car trip

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

Motorways Punctures make long journeys shorter. Country roads Kilometres Road maps

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 98/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Use of compound nouns Empleo de las palabras compuestas

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 99/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the castle

Casillas de palabras [4 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: boots for skiing cake made at home room for guests window at the rear foam for shaving court for playing squash wheel for steering

ski boots

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: boots for skiing office for buying tickets seat beside the window store with several departments board indicating departures desk for information space for parking

ski boots

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 100/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: cake made at home boots for skiing room for dining balloon heated with air bed you can fold net for fishing book for addresses

home-made cake

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: cake made at home office for tourist information seat beside the aisle crossing for pedestrians court for playing tennis pass for boarding ticket for parking

home-made cake

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 101/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the motorway

Palabra correcta [4 ejercicios] 1

Tattoos Identity cards are like a car's 'passport'. Number plates Driving licences Steering wheels Rear windows

A backstreet


is a four-lane road. multistorey car park dead end parking space

dual carriageway

Empty roads Radar traps

stop people from speeding. Wheel clamps Service stations

Fast cars

Seat belts Vitamin B pills Carrots

help you drive at night. Air bags Windscreen wipers


Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 102/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Singular nouns in '-s' "News" y "means" (incontables)

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 103/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios] 1

This is a piece very bad an item news. a very bad

Postmen Everything

, unfortunately, travels faster than light! Income tax Bad news Traffic jams

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 104/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Uncountable nouns which may take 'a' Los sustantivos incontables: excepciones

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Pgina 105/470

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Comparing products

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

I went round the trade fair in the on at them a hurry.

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Pgina 106/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Invariable cardinal numbers Nmeros cardinales invariables

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Pgina 107/470

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Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: a hundred people (several) a dozen meetings (two) a thousand members (five) a million pounds sterling (three) a thousand orders (several) a hundred requests (four) a dozen vehicles (a few)

several hundred people

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: a hundred people (several) a hundred offices (a few) a dozen managers (several) a hundred individuals (nine) a thousand free samples (ten) a dozen affairs (two) a hundred calculators (five)

several hundred people

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Little - A little - Much "Little" - "A little" - "Much"

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The company stand

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

A great deal of thought casual glance moment's notice is a lot of reflection. second thoughts quick check without hesitation

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Do you really We But We've given this a It's a people to they'll pay for a high all over the deal of we're prepared to take. 10% more? product. are having to . their belts.

pay risk thought country companies expect think great quality tighten

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Pgina 110/470

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Organising a stay

Orden de palabras [5 ejercicios] 1

little I'm now a running anyway, late

a little for appointment's my I'm but 3.15, early

so orders many little we've fallen taken we've a behind.

we a were to defer hoping payment little for longer

a even for can little I arrange sightseeing you.

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Pgina 111/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Few - A few - Many "Few" - "A few" - "Many"

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Pgina 112/470

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Trouble with orders

Orden de palabras [10 ejercicios] 1

get a to few you years recognise after nationalities.

a we're stay to only planning few nights.

few you at flea can a find the gifts market.

have how many I'll have see we to in stock

we the many that until won't have fifteenth.

you next within the receive them should few days

few sort days give a me this I'll and out

few there at the a are usually hiccups beginning.

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clients few us our let so have has cash flow a down, changed

left are tickets think the Sibelius there few a for I concert.

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Pgina 114/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Different meanings of 'all' Los significados de "all"

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Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 116/470

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Organising a stay

Orden de palabras [5 ejercicios] 1

you your all have in Ireland lived life?

will explain launch all the The official press new features

equip we vehicles want by our to all Easter.

to all weather meant bad has delays the deliveries

will doubt to breakfast your I cater all and bed a needs

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Pgina 117/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Different meanings of 'all' Los significados de "all"

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Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 119/470

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Organising a stay

Orden de palabras [5 ejercicios] 1

your Ireland all have in you lived life?

The the official launch new explain all will press features

our equip to by vehicles want we all Easter.

has all delays weather bad meant to the deliveries

all I doubt to your bed a will breakfast and cater needs

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Pgina 120/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Use and omission of 'the' El uso y omisin de "the"

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Pgina 121/470

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Customs checks

Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios] 1

I've just come back from Greek isles the Greece . the Greek isles

You can find exotic fish in the south pacific south pacific

South Pacific

. the South Pacific

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Pgina 122/470

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Staying in a hotel

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I don't like (lifts). She doesn't like (lifts in her building). He's buying (bars of chocolate). They're eating (chocolate they bought duty-free).

I don't like lifts.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I don't like (lifts). She doesn't enjoy (train journeys). We didn't enjoy (train journey this time). (crash) was due to (runway).

I don't like lifts.

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Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I don't like (lifts). (explosion) was caused by (ground crew). (flight attendant) confirmed (problem). He got rid of (body).

I don't like lifts.

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Pgina 124/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Definite article with geographical names El artculo determinado y los nombres geogrficos

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Pgina 125/470

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Customs checks

Palabra correcta [3 ejercicios] 1

I've just come back from Greek isles the Greek isles . the Greece

You can find exotic fish in south pacific the south pacific

the South Pacific

. South Pacific

Our hotel in London overlooked the Regent's Park Regent's park

regents' park

. the regent's park

Regent's Park

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Pgina 126/470

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Welcoming visitors

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

We might I was really I'm sure the They were in by them. , there weren't many problems. to get you a for something a bit ? They say Cats is Shakespeare last year. The . is doing something. were completely bowled for Tosca. highbrow. What about a

surprisingly Royal Japan over looking language Japanese manage Company wonderful ticket less musical

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Pgina 127/470

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Customs checks

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'm Irish. I'm Italian. I'm Turkish. I'm Algerian.

I live in Ireland.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'm Irish. I'm Norwegian. I'm Welsh. I'm Chinese.

I live in Ireland.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'm Irish. I'm a Scot. I'm Portuguese. I'm a Mexican.

I live in Ireland.

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Pgina 128/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The possessive: a plural use El genitivo sajn: empleo del plural

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Pgina 129/470

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At the airport

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

The airlines airline's tickets have all come down in price. airline

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en plural las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: The child's bedroom is upstairs. The dog's basket is outside. The baker's shop is closed. The passenger was carrying his luggage.

The children's bedrooms are upstairs.

Ponga en plural las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: The child's bedroom is upstairs. The shop assistant's tea is ready. The businessman was reading his magazine. The airline's plane is old.

The children's bedrooms are upstairs.

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Ponga en plural las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: The child's bedroom is upstairs. My neighbour was eating his chocolate. The flight attendant's seat belt was undone. The air hostess was packing her suitcase.

The children's bedrooms are upstairs.

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Pgina 131/470

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Customs checks

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

I recognize people's can even nationalities !

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Pgina 132/470

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At the airport

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en plural el siguiente texto. The woman got on the plane with her husband. Her hat blew off in the wind. The child had a window seat, so he was happy. The man, however, was struggling with his heavy suitcase. He noticed that his wife had lost her hand luggage and he laughed. She didn't think her husband could be so cruel.

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Pgina 133/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Some other uses of the possessive El genitivo sajn: otros usos

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Pgina 134/470

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Business calls

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

Next month's months' trade fair is essential for export sales. months of month month

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Pgina 135/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

'One' replacing a noun "One" en lugar del sustantivo

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Pgina 136/470

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Customs checks

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Yes, I'm talking Where do you come You haven't filled I didn't get . you. ? the customs form.

in one to from

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Pgina 137/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Reflexive pronouns Los pronombres reflexivos

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Pgina 138/470

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Customs checks

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

The couple She He kept I You were able to get their way through the airport in time for their flight to Chicago. his way through the policemen. her way around Canada. out of sight of the customs officers. my way while trying to escape. over the border in a stolen car.

Her accomplice was caught because he couldn't

lost yourself elbow made knows himself

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Pgina 139/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Interrogative words Los interrogativos

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Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 141/470

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On the plane

Palabra correcta [3 ejercicios] 1

How far How near is Milan from Edinburgh? How do you do How often How soon How

How is it possible How come

do you travel first class? How soon How late How often

How far

How many

do you think we will be landing? How much How near How soon How far

How long

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Pgina 142/470

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Making a sale

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

ten per cent off the list price? model did you have in mind? units did you have in mind? can I reach you? can you get back to me? of discount will you give us? is your fleet? how quickly how about what sort how big how many what where

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Pgina 143/470

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Business calls

Ejercicio de gramtica [9 ejercicios] 1

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Gareth is not very tall. That country is not very far. We had a long trip. He doesn't come home very often.

How tall is he?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: He is not very tall. I don't go to Glasgow very often. The mountain is not very high. The girl is not very tall.

How tall is he?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: He is not very tall. Martin and Susan are not very close. They've been travelling for a long time. The flight's not very nice.

How tall is he?

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Pgina 144/470

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Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: I've been here for 8 years. I've been here for 12 months. She'll work here for 9 months. We've lived here for 21 years.

How long have you been here for?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: I've been here for 8 years. She lived in Paris for a year. I continued my studies for 2 years. I lived in Scotland for 12 years.

How long have you been here for?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: I've been here for 8 years. We lived here for 12 years. She slept for 8 hours. He watched TV for 4 hours.

How long have you been here for?

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Pgina 145/470

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Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Polly comes from somewhere. The document referred to something. Mr Partridge is writing to someone. The secretary made a note of something.

Where does she come from?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Polly comes from somewhere. My parents were waiting for someone. The woman was asking for something. Our chairman took over from someone else.

Where does she come from?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Polly comes from somewhere. He was looking through something. They've lied about something. Mr Moss discriminated in favour of someone.

Where does she come from?

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Pgina 146/470

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Customs checks

Orden de palabras [14 ejercicios] 1

on parking spaces there are any never why left Saturday?

check-in another why open don't they desk?

why last to always the is my suitcase arrive?

where can I park the car ?

shops duty-free the where are ?

from do where come you ?

I write what have do to ?

aren't why the searching you others?

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Pgina 147/470

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time served is what breakfast ?

stay how you long to are planning ?

of castle wasn't completed part the why this ?

belong castle to who does the ?

bulk of you discount are on giving what sort orders?

local from a what visit rep our about ?

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Pgina 148/470

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Comparing products

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Vuelva a escribir el texto utilizando el tiempo y modo apropiados. What area of the market is this stand representing, I (to wonder)? I think I'll wait here (to find out) if it corresponds to our company interests. They are clearly (to benefit) from having a definite niche in the market. However, I have been advised (to not wait) as it (to seem) that there is a lot of activity at their stand. They are well-known for (to have) state-of-the-art products. I (to come back) later to have a good look at their product range.

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Pgina 149/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Which - What "Which" - "What"

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Pgina 150/470

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Making a sale

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

ten per cent off the list price? model did you have in mind? units did you have in mind? can I reach you? can you get back to me? of discount will you give us? is your fleet? how quickly how big how many how about where what what sort

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 151/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Possessive pronouns Los pronombres posesivos

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Pgina 152/470

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The luggage search

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

someone this because isn't must have suitcase my mine.

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Pgina 153/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Everybody - Nobody "Everybody" - "Nobody"

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Pgina 154/470

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A tour of the castle

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Have you been on a trip around the world We She still Is France I've ?

seen the White House yet. We're going there later. met any of the Belgian royal family. the country of human rights? met a Spanish driver yet who hasn't had an accident. has told him yet, but we're taking him to Paris for his birthday.

haven't yet still nobody hasn't never

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Pgina 155/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

How much - How many "How much" - "How many"

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Pgina 156/470

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Hotel reservations

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

much how you petrol do want ?

curiosity, your much rooms of Just are out single how ?

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Pgina 157/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

How long "How long"

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Pgina 158/470

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Staying in a hotel

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

How We'll I'm not The room is are you planning to stay? be staying here a sure yet. after Tuesday. of nights.

couple reserved quite long probably

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Pgina 159/470

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Hotel reservations

Ejercicio de gramtica [2 ejercicios] 1

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Gareth is not very tall. That country is not very far. We had a long trip. He doesn't come home very often.

How tall is he?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: I've been here for 8 years. We lived here for 12 years. She slept for 8 hours. He watched TV for 4 hours.

How long have you been here for?

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Pgina 160/470

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Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

how to are stay planning long you ?

if could worst-case it we take How scenario long a imagine ?

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Pgina 161/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

'How' + adjective or adverb "How" + adjetivo o adverbio

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Pgina 162/470

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On the plane

Palabra correcta [4 ejercicios] 1

The policeman asked how late how long how soon how far how often we had been driving for. how now brown cow

How near How do you do

is Milan from Edinburgh? How often How How far

How soon

How soon How often How far

do you travel first class? How come How is it possible

How late

How much

do you think we will be landing? How long How far How near How soon

How many

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 163/470

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Making a sale

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

ten per cent off the list price? model did you have in mind? units did you have in mind? can I reach you? can you get back to me? of discount will you give us? is your fleet? how about how many how quickly where what how big what sort

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 164/470

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On the plane

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Gareth is not very tall. That country is not very far. We had a long trip. He doesn't come home very often.

How tall is he?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: He is not very tall. I don't go to Glasgow very often. The mountain is not very high. The girl is not very tall.

How tall is he?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: He is not very tall. Martin and Susan are not very close. They've been travelling for a long time. The flight's not very nice.

How tall is he?

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Pgina 165/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Everybody - Somebody - Nobody "Everybody" - "Somebody" - "Nobody"

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Pgina 166/470

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A tour of the castle

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Have you been on a trip around the world We She still Is France I've ?

seen the White House yet. We're going there later. met any of the Belgian royal family. the country of human rights? met a Spanish driver yet who hasn't had an accident. has told him yet, but we're taking him to Paris for his birthday.

hasn't never yet still nobody haven't

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Pgina 167/470

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A tour of the town

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He likes beer, doesn't he? He needs a road map, doesn't he? He admires you, doesn't he? He drinks wine, doesn't he?

Everybody likes beer, don't they?

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He likes beer, doesn't he? She protects herself, doesn't she? He enjoys himself, doesn't he? She asks herself questions, doesn't she?

Everybody likes beer, don't they?

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Pgina 168/470

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Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He likes beer, doesn't he? He gets lost a lot, doesn't he? He goes swimming often, doesn't he? He works out, doesn't he?

Everybody likes beer, don't they?

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Pgina 169/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Relative pronouns and adverbs Pronombres y adverbios relativos

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Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 171/470

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Making a sale

Completar las frases [2 ejercicios] 1

Christopher Columbus arrived in America, he had been sailing for 71 days. The reason I travel by plane is that it is faster. caused the collision had fallen asleep. is better for pleasure than business. car broke down wanted to go faster. there are no cars, planes or trains! The air traffic controller The businessman I want to go somewhere

Travelling by boat is a means of transport

why who where when whose which

ten per cent off the list price? model did you have in mind? units did you have in mind? can I reach you? can you get back to me? of discount will you give us? is your fleet? how many how big what what sort where how quickly how about

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Pgina 172/470

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Handling an invoice

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

this there ask burning why We'll them is smell

engineer reported sent you an the We when fault.

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Pgina 173/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The indefinite possessive El genitivo sajn: expresin idiomtica

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Pgina 174/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Comparing products

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: my sister's colleague her boss's idea my book my mother's advice her experience the manager's priority the operators' decision

a colleague of my sister's

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: my sister's colleague Dave's sister their opinion our habit Bridget's idea his jumper Auralog's competitor

a colleague of my sister's

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 175/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Deferring payment

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

gone of has major ours just a customer bankrupt

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Pgina 176/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

The company stand

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Reconstruya el texto utilizando la frmula "of" + pronombre posesivo. Coming to the trade show, to present ourselves as a leading service provider, was one of my ideas. Indeed, our objective has always been to assure our market position. One of the sales department's key aspirations is defining marketing strategies. Moreover, initiating useful contacts is one of the marketing director's ambitions. Another one of our aims is to offer clients pertinent business prospects.

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Pgina 177/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Placing the adjective La posicin del adjetivo

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Pgina 178/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the castle

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

These are the He looks They were This one has an Oh yes! You have the same in the nose! of the me, don't you think? ! days! Family.

Royal like small interesting statues chin old

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Pgina 179/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

'To get' + adjective "To get" + adjetivo

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Pgina 180/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

At the airport

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

get the note could if don't lost you We car park's number.

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Pgina 181/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Use of the past participle as an adjective El participio pasado: adjetivo

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Pgina 182/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Staying in a hotel

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Escriba el participio de los siguientes verbos. Ejemplo: to be to build to drink to see to teach to forget to bring


Escriba el participio de los siguientes verbos. Ejemplo: to be to feel to fall to fight to keep to choose to find


Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 183/470

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Completar las frases [3 ejercicios] 1

Put the headlights Are those We'll have to head We'll have to take three dipped on off back days ! headlights? tomorrow morning. next time!

You the

just .

a new car. , you are tempted to try a weekend

Although you know you are going to have to drive You get the engine go! started bought by let's fasten have sea slowly ...

your seat belts everyone, please.

How We'll I'm not The room is

are you planning to stay? be staying here a sure yet. after Tuesday. of nights.

probably long reserved couple quite

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 184/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the train

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

is this already seat taken

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Pgina 185/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Adjectives ending in -ing Los adjetivos terminados en -ing

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Pgina 186/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the train

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

with such always luggage you travel do bulging ?

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Pgina 187/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Order of adjectives El orden de los adjetivos

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Pgina 188/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the train

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en el orden adecuado los siguientes grupos de palabras. Ejemplo: cushion (cotton/circular) monument (ancient/stone) shoe (red/ruined) day (marvellous/sunny) departure (late/annoying) monastery (lovely/old) takeoff (problem-free/smooth)

circular cotton cushion

Ponga en el orden adecuado los siguientes grupos de palabras. Ejemplo: cushion (cotton/circular) francs (French/four) whisky (Scottish/expensive) date (wrong/delivery) baby (beautiful/new) insurance (travel/cheap) library (modern/local)

circular cotton cushion

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 189/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Compound adjectives Los adjetivos compuestos

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Pgina 190/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

At the station

Casillas de palabras [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: boots for skiing cake made at home room for guests window at the rear foam for shaving court for playing squash wheel for steering

ski boots

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: a room with twin beds a girl who is confident in herself a ticket for first class a woman with a bad temper a boy with long legs a pool in the open air a business owned by a family

a twin-bedded room

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 191/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: a room with twin beds a chase at high speed a person from the middle class a section with no smoking a machine for making yoghurts a situation which breaks hearts jam made at home

a twin-bedded room

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 192/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The verb 'to have (got)' El verbo "to have (got)"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 193/470

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Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 194/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the castle

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

The gardens are surrounded Yes, we I wish I noticed that! a garden like that! ! a high wall.

The drawbridge is falling have apart by had

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 195/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Verbs: reactions and preferences Los verbos: reacciones y preferencias

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 196/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A car trip

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: to enjoy (to do) to prefer (to leave) to mind (to miss) to like (to help) to hate (to travel) to object to (to spend) cannot bear (to take a day off)

to enjoy doing

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: to enjoy (to do) can't stand (to pay) to miss (to design) to love (to drive) to hate (to follow) to resent (to turn back) to dislike (to lead)

to enjoy doing

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 197/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

I enjoy He cannot bear We prefer They prefer You said you hate She hates and it but she's lost. to the beach in my convertible. the Grand Prix because it's boring. very early tomorrow morning and avoid the traffic jams. the environment to parking tickets, but you always park illegally. public transport.

to leave to watch to admit taking driving getting polluting going

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 198/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Handling an invoice

Ejercicio de gramtica [4 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He changed his mind. (to cause) I came down. (to compel) They went for a swim. (would like) He fell down. (to intend)

She caused him to change his mind.

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: We'd rather he came. They'd rather we sent a free sample. I'd rather you tried to understand. We'd rather she shed some light on it.

We'd prefer him to come.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 199/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: We'd rather he came. You'd rather output was increased immediately. She'd rather we postponed that ultimatum. I'd rather you sent it by mail than by fax.

We'd prefer him to come.

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: We'd rather he came. They'd rather I contacted Mr Davis in writing. She'd rather you reviewed the outstanding payments. I'd rather they kept back some of the settlement.

We'd prefer him to come.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 200/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Orden de palabras [8 ejercicios] 1

your prefer music to listening I programmes

suitcase, you opening mind your would madam?

mind would you address your repeating again?

mind slowly speaking more you would ?

more to you send like me details would ?

fair's the close prefer we to as to centre be as possible

would speak to our to you engineer like ?

go the The Lake to District is if like ideal you place hiking.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 201/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Verbs expressing a wish to act Verbos que expresan la voluntad de actuar

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 202/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel:intermedio+

Handling an invoice

Completar las frases [2 ejercicios] 1

My friend Sally used to be interested in One windy day, she proposed I agreed I intended In the high wind, I tried with her, and we set off. her with my kite-flying abilities. to the kite. , but in vain. kites. onto the nearby common.

Suddenly, the strings flew upwards. Sally tried to hold on not to laugh to go flying to impress going up

Steven Gonzalez intended He intended He tried In the final, he He found a doctor who agreed Many commentators - and doctors - were

the gold medal for the sprint. all his rivals hands down. them in the heats, but only came second. him some stimulants. first, 30 metres ahead of the second-placed man! the result.

came interested in beating to outpace to win to give

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 203/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Deferring payment

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en gerundio el siguiente texto siempre que sea posible. Mr Jones agreed to work late to sort out the invoices. He intended to stay until around 8 o'clock in the evening. This year he had tried to get his invoices done on time. It looked like he would have to consent to see the bank manager again. The bank manager agreed to meet Mr Jones the next day to sort out his financial problems.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 204/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Verbs introducing a second action Los verbos: invitacin a la accin

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 205/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Handling an invoice

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

The contract warned them to pay pay have paid on time. was paid

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He apologized for the difficulties. (she asked) I changed profession. (this led) I spoke on the subject. (they've invited) We're suing them. (we've decided)

She asked him to apologize for the difficulties.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He apologized for the difficulties. (she asked) We waited till 9 o'clock. (he ordered) We refused all such offers. (they warned) I installed a new program on my computer. (she told)

She asked him to apologize for the difficulties.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 206/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He apologized for the difficulties. (she asked) We withheld the payment. (we decided) I explained the inconvenience to her. (he asked) The bills remain unpaid (we expect)

She asked him to apologize for the difficulties.

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

you to advise I from withhold payment not us.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 207/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Verbs expressing stages of an action Los verbos: principio y fin de una accin

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 208/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

Please continue taken talked talked and ignore what my colleague says. talk talking token

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's spoken. (stop) They operated under a new name. (go on) They haven't settled the outstanding payments. (finish) He suggests different things. (keep on)

He's stopped speaking.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's spoken. (stop) He placed orders. (carry on) I visited the place. (finish) She beat around the bush. (go on)

He's stopped speaking.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 209/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's spoken. (stop) He goes along with what she says. (keep on) They smoked. (quit) She made her phone call. (finish)

He's stopped speaking.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 210/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Transitive and intransitive verbs Verbos transitivos e intransitivos

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Pgina 211/470

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Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 212/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Making a sale

Completar las frases [2 ejercicios] 1

Would you It's . your name. ? you mind saying that catch give would Johnson again name I'm sorry, I didn't quite me your and address?

We cent with So we're We can Looking

about 2000 . at two you a good your .

and we plan to , are we? on two hundred. , the GSM 41P looked quite

roughly 10 per

That model's no longer

fit available price vehicles operate catalogue attractive through give car phones looking hundred

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 213/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Anaphoric 'to' "To" anafrico

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 214/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Hotel reservations

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Responda como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Do you want to go to a restaurant? Does he have to take the key? Does she want to book a hotel? Do they need to leave?

Yes, I want to.

Responda como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Do you want to go to a restaurant? Do you have to work tonight? Do they want to reserve a room? Would you like to go for a swim?

Yes, I want to.

Responda como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Do you want to go to a restaurant? Does he want to have a look? Do we have to move? Would you like to have a look?

Yes, I want to.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 215/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Phrasal verb particles El significado de las partculas pospuestas

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Pgina 216/470

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Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 217/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

After-sales service

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: to return to reduce to enter to speak more loudly to delay to employ to write

to come back

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: to return to remove to publish to connect to an extension to extinguish to finish food to establish

to come back

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 218/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

As the train pulled When it had stopped, I got At the press conference, I noted He went Then he went the point again. with his speech. , I waved. . what the spokesman said. .

I couldn't hear very well, so I asked him to speak

off over on down away up

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 219/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The future El "future"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 220/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the plane

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

I wonder how high flies and plane the fly will plane plane will fly . planes fly the plane will fly

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 221/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: She (to be out) when he (to leave). They (to manage) while you (to be away). I (to sort out) the office when he (to come) As soon as you (to set up) the export department, I (to write) to her.

She'll be out when he leaves.

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: She (to be out) when he (to leave). When she (to call), I (to put through) her. As soon as we (to go bankrupt), I (to set up) a new company. We (to fax) you as soon as anything like that (to happen).

She'll be out when he leaves.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 222/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: She (to be out) when he (to leave). When we (to launch) the special offer, our sales (to increase). As soon as it (to suit) her, she (to raise) the price. Before we (to meet), we (to make a note) of our next appointments.

She'll be out when he leaves.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 223/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the town

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

won't everything to see time we have !

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Pgina 224/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Construction of the preterite El "preterite": formacin

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 225/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Customs checks

Ejercicio de gramtica [1 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: How long have you been here? (I / 1963) How long have you known him? (we / 1978) When did you meet her? (I / six months) How long have you been living together? (eighteen months)

I've been here since 1963.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 226/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

trade last met I month's Manager Sales at your fair.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 227/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Staying in a hotel

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Vuelva a escribir el texto utilizando el tiempo y modo apropiados. We have only been at the resort for two days, but I already (to know) that there (to be) lots of activities on offer for hotel guests. Yesterday, I (to swim) in the heated swimming pool and (to meet) my friend Rachel. Later that day, we (to go down) to the hotel lobby, and I (to teach) Rachel how to play bridge. Tonight, we (to eat) together in the hotel's self-service restaurant.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 228/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Use of the preterite El "preterite": uso

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 229/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios] 1

I drank had drunk too much tea last night. drink have drunk drinks drunk

All the staff is going go

has been going


to the trade fair last month. has gone

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 230/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the motorway

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

He's She driving since this morning. driving for five hours before she stopped. . almost forty years. 1996. you buy your moped?

I started using public transport four years Trams haven't been used I've had a motorbike How long ago

for since ago did been was

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 231/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The preterite continuous El "preterite continuous"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 232/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the motorway

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

He's She driving since this morning. driving for five hours before she stopped. . almost forty years. 1996. you buy your moped?

I started using public transport four years Trams haven't been used I've had a motorbike How long ago

did ago was since been for

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 233/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Customs checks

Ejercicio de gramtica [1 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He says he'll come tonight. She tells me she'll do the washing. We promise we're joking. I know he's going out.

He said he'd come tonight.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 234/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Construction of the present perfect El "present perfect": formacin

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Pgina 235/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

The company stand

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

How many clients had you seen have you seen today? were you seeing

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 236/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the castle

Completar las frases [3 ejercicios] 1

You the You get the engine go! let's started have bought by sea slowly fasten just . ... a new car. , you are tempted to try a weekend

Although you know you are going to have to drive

your seat belts everyone, please.


looking for that thief for five years. ten hours. . 1985.

She has been hiding in the warehouse We committed an armed robbery six months He has been investigating her and her accomplice How long I you handcuffed for?

that money into Chicago seven years ago.

have been smuggled since were ago for

The gardens are surrounded Yes, we I wish I noticed that! a garden like that! !

a high wall.

The drawbridge is falling apart have had by

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 237/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Use of the present perfect El "present perfect": uso

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Pgina 238/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Good morning, Export Can I I'm He should be I'm I can't . What can I do for you? to Mr Thompson, please? sorry, but you've just after lunch. that. I have an him. I get him to ring you? this afternoon.

missed speak afraid Department appointment manage back shall terribly

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Pgina 239/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Customs checks

Ejercicio de gramtica [2 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: How long have you been here? (I / 1963) How long have you worked here? (we / three weeks) When did you start working here? (I / four months) How long did you live there? (we / five years)

I've been here since 1963.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: How long have you been here? (I / 1963) How long have you known him? (we / 1978) When did you meet her? (I / six months) How long have you been living together? (eighteen months)

I've been here since 1963.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 240/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The negative imperative El imperativo negativo

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 241/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

The luggage search

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

forget to don't confirm return your flights

next so much Do not carry time

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 242/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Will - To be going to "Will" - "To be going to"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 243/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 244/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Deferring payment

Palabra correcta [3 ejercicios] 1

I wonder how high plane will fly flies and plane the plane will fly . the fly will plane planes fly

If I leave my number, will shall must

going to

he call back today? would have

If you pay today, we will forget will be forgotten would have forgotten

will have forgotten

the court appearance. would forget forgot

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 245/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Completar las frases [2 ejercicios] 1

The Bible says, not kill. be able to avoid the law. appeal to a higher court? all be very cooperative, I'm sure. be relieved when it's over. always be difficult to deal with? you shall I shall will he you won't shall I they will

I'll make a I see, so when I can't say I wish you'd

of they be here? I says they went out us about this

and with the carrier. . .

you back.

shipping check yesterday told will before until calls couple ring

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 246/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Would like: expressing a desire "Would like": expresin del deseo

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 247/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Business calls

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

My name is Johnson. I'm calling Yes! What I'm That'll be Can I It's Johnson. Could you that for me, please? J - O - H - N - S - O - N. afraid offer about spell take fine pounds price would you like to know? list in yen, please. sterling. all our prices are in . your name and address? I'd like your catalogue and your special .

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 248/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Irregular verbs Verbos irregulares

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 249/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 250/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 251/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 252/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Staying in a hotel

Casillas de palabras [4 ejercicios] 1

Escriba el pretrito indefinido de los siguientes verbos. Ejemplo: to choose to know to come to do to get to be to speak


Escriba el pretrito indefinido de los siguientes verbos. Ejemplo: to choose to drive to forget to see to leave to understand to go


Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

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Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Escriba el participio de los siguientes verbos. Ejemplo: to be to build to drink to see to teach to forget to bring


Escriba el participio de los siguientes verbos. Ejemplo: to be to feel to fall to fight to keep to choose to find


Palabra correcta [7 ejercicios] 1

We have been driving were driven were being driven for six hours now. have been driven drove has been driven

He sit

have been sitting


in the traffic jam for an hour. have been sat has been sitting

Did Doesn't

is the preterite of do. Don't Has done Done


I drinks


too much tea last night. have drunk drank had drunk


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Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

They live leave



to stay in another hotel. autumn leaves lived

Gave Give Gives

is the past participle of give. Have given Given

All the staff go went

has been going

has gone

to the trade fair last month. is going

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 255/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A car trip

Completar las frases [4 ejercicios] 1

You the You get the engine go! by fasten started slowly have bought let's sea just . ... a new car. , you are tempted to try a weekend

Although you know you are going to have to drive

your seat belts everyone, please.

Let's take the But I don't want to But I It's

route. ! You know it will take much the seeing the like that! We ! agree! ! day on the roads!

country longer darling whole never spend scenic prefer always

He's She

driving since this morning. driving for five hours before she stopped. . almost forty years. 1996. you buy your moped?

I started using public transport four years Trams haven't been used I've had a motorbike How long ago

since for was did ago been

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 256/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

You haven't I'll have to You haven't It wasn't You didn't look

you a fine. the supplement. anywhere! .

your ticket!

stamped mentioned date properly paid charge

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 257/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Staying in a hotel

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Vuelva a escribir el texto utilizando el tiempo y modo apropiados. We have only been at the resort for two days, but I already (to know) that there (to be) lots of activities on offer for hotel guests. Yesterday, I (to swim) in the heated swimming pool and (to meet) my friend Rachel. Later that day, we (to go down) to the hotel lobby, and I (to teach) Rachel how to play bridge. Tonight, we (to eat) together in the hotel's self-service restaurant.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 258/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Verbs without a continuous form Verbos sin forma progresiva

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 259/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

After-sales service

Completar las frases [4 ejercicios] 1

I He Are you We We won't be They don't that the car has become essential. that the car has broken down. about the repair bill? public transport, especially trams. from that garage again. to go to the beach in their convertible.

thinks hearing want thinking prefer believe

I can't Are you We won't She They

I'm hearing this! about going to Barcelona for your holiday? any more of Europe. We're going home. that Washington D.C. is the most political city in America. the French drivers, he won't feel scared of British drivers any more. that the Place de la Concorde is as impressive as the Plaza de Espaa.

believe having seen thinking feel thinks be seeing



on the the fifteenth. by from you. .

. in stock.

we had two hundred and We won't have many I'm sure I can get an I'll wait till I

tomorrow until yesterday look answer thirty computer hear up

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 260/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

It The kitchen I It This meal You

the dinner was burning. a bomb site. a fool. you need some cooking lessons. awful. you should sit down for a while.

smelt as if sounds as though looks like look as if tastes feel like

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 261/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the castle

Ejercicio de gramtica [5 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'd like to go to Rome. I'd like to learn to drive. He'd like to move house. We'd like to take a day off.

I wish I could go to Rome.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'd like to go to Rome. She'd like to finish her meal. He'd like to advise her not to go. They'd like to live there.

I wish I could go to Rome.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 262/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'd have liked to go to London last year. She'd have liked to see the golf course on holiday. The chambermaid would have liked them to check out of the hotel earlier. They'd have liked to phone their friend last night.

I wish I'd gone to London last year.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'd have liked to go to London last year. He'd have liked to join the health spa. They'd have liked to defend themselves. You'd have liked to travel more.

I wish I'd gone to London last year.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: They arrived on time. (I expected) He'll report back after his visit. (we'll get) They'll redesign our executive model. (we want) He's a reliable accountant. (we believe)

I expected them to arrive on time.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 263/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Orden de palabras [8 ejercicios] 1

do you my luggage to see want ?

we see everything have time won't to !

leave your and he gets it see I'll message personally.

hear didn't because I bad of said you what the line.

you it I'll see as get soon as possible

she until can't see you after the launch

many see in how we have I'll have to stock

I'll see it that is a to drafted cheque immediately.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 264/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Verbs without continuous forms: exceptions Verbos no progresivos: excepciones

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 265/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the town

Completar las frases [2 ejercicios] 1

I He Are you We We won't be They don't that the car has become essential. that the car has broken down. about the repair bill? public transport, especially trams. from that garage again. to go to the beach in their convertible.

hearing thinking thinks prefer believe want

I can't Are you We won't She They

I'm hearing this! about going to Barcelona for your holiday? any more of Europe. We're going home. that Washington D.C. is the most political city in America. the French drivers, he won't feel scared of British drivers any more. that the Place de la Concorde is as impressive as the Plaza de Espaa.

having seen thinking be seeing feel believe thinks

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 266/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Construction of the present perfect continuous Formacin del "present perfect continuous"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 267/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the motorway

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to run) he (to wash) they (to worry) we (to try) she (to speak) you (to wish) it (to happen)

I have been running

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to run) we (to hope) you (to live) they (to look) she (to enjoy) he (to buy) it (to ache)

I have been running

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 268/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A car trip

Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios] 1

We were driven have been driven has been driven for six hours now. have been driving drove were being driven

He have been sat

have been sitting

in the traffic jam for an hour. has been sitting sitting sit

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 269/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the motorway

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

He's She driving since this morning. driving for five hours before she stopped. . almost forty years. 1996. you buy your moped?

I started using public transport four years Trams haven't been used I've had a motorbike How long ago

was since been ago did for

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 270/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Hotel reservations

Ejercicio de gramtica [8 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to work) here (1990). They (to have) driving licences (three years). We (to drive) (seven hours). She (to say) that (she left).

I have been working here since 1990.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to work) here (1990). We (to live) together (1996). He (to wait) (3 o'clock). You (to avoid) me (two days).

I have been working here since 1990.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 271/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to work) here (1990). She (to begin) working there (4 years). We (to worry) about that (weeks). They (to get started) on that document (9 months).

I have been working here since 1990.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: How long have you been here? (I / 1963) How long have you known him? (we / 1978) When did you meet her? (I / six months) How long have you been living together? (eighteen months)

I've been here since 1963.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: How long have you been here? (1963) When did you start importing mineral water? (We / two years) How long have you been arranging this? (we / six months) When did you start smuggling whisky? (I / twenty years)

I've been here since 1963.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 272/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to work) here for three months. She (to stay) there all summer. I (to wait) for you for three hours. You (to work) since you were twenty.

I've been working here for three months.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to work) here for three months. She (to drink) coffee all day. He (to sleep like a log) for hours. We (to follow) my friend since this morning.

I've been working here for three months.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to work) here for three months. He (to try) to phone you all day. I (to swim) for ninety minutes. We (to use) the same hotel since 1990.

I've been working here for three months.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 273/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the motorway

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en "present perfect continuous" el siguiente texto. We were travelling on the motorway for hours. We were driving for miles! We were sitting in the same position all afternoon. I was feeling travelsick the whole day. We were queueing in a traffic jam for forty-five minutes. We were playing I-spy to pass the time. I was helping my father navigate.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 274/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Use of the present perfect continuous Empleo del "present perfect continuous"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 275/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Palabra correcta [4 ejercicios] 1

We were being driven were driven has been driven for six hours now. have been driving drove have been driven

He sitting

has been sitting

in the traffic jam for an hour. have been sat have been sitting sit

We had been supplying


them for more than a year now. have been supplying were supplying

I has been tried

has tried


to contact you all day. have been trying had been tried

has been trying

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 276/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Hotel reservations

Completar las frases [3 ejercicios] 1

He's She driving since this morning. driving for five hours before she stopped. . almost forty years. 1996. you buy your moped?

I started using public transport four years Trams haven't been used I've had a motorbike How long ago

was did for ago since been


looking for that thief for five years. ten hours. . 1985.

She has been hiding in the warehouse We committed an armed robbery six months He has been investigating her and her accomplice How long I you handcuffed for?

that money into Chicago seven years ago.

for since have been ago smuggled were

They've been living in the country We're tired because The hotel room was nice but

the past twenty years. been wanting to come home all week. she found out that she enjoys it. .

been travelling all day.

She's been going on camping holidays He stayed in the same hotel room nine years Where

you staying on holiday, in a chalet or in a hotel?

were since I've for we've ago

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 277/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to work) here (1990). We (to live) together (1996). He (to wait) (3 o'clock). You (to avoid) me (two days).

I have been working here since 1990.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to work) here for three months. She (to stay) there all summer. I (to wait) for you for three hours. You (to work) since you were twenty.

I've been working here for three months.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to work) here for three months. She (to drink) coffee all day. He (to sleep like a log) for hours. We (to follow) my friend since this morning.

I've been working here for three months.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 278/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Past perfect El "past perfect"

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Pgina 279/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 280/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

The luggage search

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to arrive) he (to be) she (to write) it (to close) we (to call) you (to learn) they (to open)

I had arrived

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to arrive) it (to rain) she (to risk) he (to hurry) you (to use) they (to take) we (to talk)

I had arrived

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 281/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

After-sales service

Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios] 1

I wish I have been confirming I had confirmed the delivery myself. I have confirmed I would have confirmed

I wish you has called

have been calling

had called

us first, before trying to repair it yourself. have called will call had been calling

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 282/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

within hoped fit the them we to had fortnight.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 283/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Customs checks

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Vuelva a escribir el texto utilizando el tiempo y modo apropiados. When the Smiths arrived at customs, a huge queue for the 'Nothing to Declare' gate (to form). By the time they finished filling out their customs forms and got to the front of the queue, all the other passengers (to go). In fact, many of the customs officers and check-in staff (to leave). By the time the Smiths finished loading up their car and left the port, night (to fall).

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 284/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Future with 'be' + infinitive El futuro con "be" + infinitivo

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 285/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the train

Ejercicio de gramtica [4 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: She's being recommended as a customs officer.

She's to be recommended as a customs officer.

The price will be confirmed tomorrow. That's being decided in the morning. The TV will be repaired before the weekend.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: She's being recommended as a customs officer.

She's to be recommended as a customs officer.

The part's being delivered this week. It's being returned soon. The football pitch will be renewed next week.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 286/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Don't hit your brother. Don't change your clothes now. Don't cut in on him when he's talking. Don't say that, it's not nice.

You're not to hit your brother.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Don't hit your brother. Don't drink and drive. Don't mention him, I don't like him. Don't read that, it's not yours.

You're not to hit your brother.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 287/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Sequence of tenses La concordancia de los tiempos

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 288/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Customs checks

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He says he'll come tonight. He confirms he'll deliver it tomorrow. She says she'll be allowed to go. They promise they'll apply.

He said he'd come tonight.

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He says he'll come tonight. I think I've confirmed my booking. She assures us she'll go skiing. He confirms that he'll see us next week.

He said he'd come tonight.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 289/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He says he'll come tonight. She tells me she'll do the washing. We promise we're joking. I know he's going out.

He said he'd come tonight.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 290/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Construction of the present conditional Formacin del condicional simple

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 291/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

At the station

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to agree) you (to ask) he (to use) she (to visit) we (to think) it (to get) they (to see)

I would agree

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to agree) they (to swim) he (to understand) she (to avoid) it (to rain) I (to export) you (to tell)

I would agree

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 292/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel:intermedio+

Deferring payment

Palabra correcta [3 ejercicios] 1

Might May you mind repeating that for me? Could Will Would

Even if I were richer, I were will shall wouldn't

waste my money.

If you didn't keep better records, you bankruptcy. will have will would have been having would have would

to declare

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 293/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Business calls

Completar las frases [2 ejercicios] 1

My name is Johnson. I'm calling Yes! What I'm That'll be Can I It's Johnson. Could you that for me, please? J - O - H - N - S - O - N. afraid spell take offer about would fine pounds price you like to know? list in yen, please. sterling. all our prices are in . your name and address? I'd like your catalogue and your special .

Would you It's . I'm sorry, I didn't quite

me your your name.

and address?

you mind saying that name catch again would Johnson give

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 294/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

week wouldn't a it more take than install to the cables.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 295/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the train

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Vuelva a escribir el texto utilizando el tiempo y modo apropiados. If I were rich, I (to travel) in style across Europe on a luxury steam locomotive. I (to see) different cultures and climates from my first-class compartment, and I (to meet) lots of interesting people. It (to be) amazing to just sit and watch the world fly by while racing down the train track. My life (to be) just one beautiful continental city after another!

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 296/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Use of the present conditional Empleo del condicional simple

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 297/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

Could you mind repeating that for me? Might Will Would May

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 298/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Staying in a hotel

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I have time, I'll do lots of things. If I like her, I'll help her. If she sees him, she'll tell him. If I need her, I'll ask her.

If I had time, I'd do lots of things.

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I have time, I'll do lots of things. If I have a racket, I'll pack it. If I stay there, I'll phone you. If I have your key, I'll tell you.

If I had time, I'd do lots of things.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 299/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I have time, I'll do lots of things. If I give you the money, you'll spend it all. If I pay the phone bill, will you give me back my phone? If I send it today, you'll receive it by Monday morning.

If I had time, I'd do lots of things.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 300/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

The company stand

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

rather would a be compartment in you ?

of us you some give would sort discount ?

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 301/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Hotel reservations

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en condicional simple el siguiente texto. I like to stay in expensive hotels with lavish leisure facilities. I go to ones by the beach so I can bathe in the sea everyday. I always have a double room with a view of the bay. I order room service everyday, and I sip tropical cocktails by the pool. I take holidays all the time.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 302/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Conditional perfect El condicional compuesto

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 303/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the town

Casillas de palabras [4 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: he (to go) she (to prefer) it (to show) I (to park) you (to oversleep) he (to choose) they (to know)

he would have gone

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: he (to go) they (to be afraid) she (to deliver) it (to work) he (to call) you (to pack) I (to secure)

he would have gone

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 304/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to make) she (to notice) they (to pull) we (to go out) you (to want) he (to think) it (to work)

I'd have made

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I (to make) they (to use) he (to speak) it (to start) I (to stay) she (to admit) you (to drive)

I'd have made

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 305/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Deferring payment

Palabra correcta [4 ejercicios] 1

I has liked would have liked like to visit last week but I couldn't manage it. won't like had liked

I wish I had known, I would have I have

phoned earlier. I would I had

If they had paid, we will have gone won't have gone

would have gone

bankrupt. wouldn't have gone

The creditors the material. won't forget would be forgetting would have forgotten will forget

the money you owed, if you had returned will be forgetting will have forgotten

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 306/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the town

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you had listened to me, you (not to fail).

If you had listened to me, you wouldn't have failed.

If she had looked at the map, she (not to get lost). If you hadn't overslept, you (not to be late). If you hadn't phoned, I (to forget).

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you'd listened to me, you (not to fail).

If you'd listened to me, you wouldn't have failed.

If we hadn't been there, he (not to get out). If you hadn't written, I (not to know) your address. If you hadn't left, I (to meet) you.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 307/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you had listened to me, you (not to fail).

If you had listened to me, you wouldn't have failed.

If he had asked for the book, I (to give) him it. If you had arrived on time, we (not to be) late. If he had admitted it, she (to forgive) him.

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en condicional compuesto el siguiente texto. I would like to take the bus into the medieval city today. We would be able to visit the sixteenth century cathedral ruins. Wouldn't it be nice to do some sightseeing? I would prefer to see the restored stained glass windows before lunch. We would have time to look around the gift shops and the flea market in the afternoon. It would be wonderful, wouldn't it?

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 308/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Expressions with the present perfect Expresiones + "present perfect"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 309/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Making a sale

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

This is the first time I was should be am were away on business. have been

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I met her yesterday. (today) It was the last time we invoiced that company. (it's the first time) The substitute didn't play in the last match. (in this match) The specialist mentioned it twice last week. (so far)

I've met her today.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I met her yesterday. (today) They supplied thirty double-decker buses last year. (this year) Their share price didn't go up last month. (this month) He installed satellite television last spring. (this summer)

I've met her today.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 310/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I met her yesterday. (today) She realized her mistake a while ago. (over the last few days) I saw that film when it came out. (this week) Restrictions were tightened up last year. (this year)

I've met her today.

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en "present perfect" el siguiente texto. That was the first time I took an international order over the phone. However, I worked for other sales companies that produce similar lines. Therefore, I was in this kind of situation before. Everybody in the office tried really hard to help me fit in. They made me feel right at home in my current position. It was an amazing experience working for such a dynamic company. I learnt many useful lessons and concepts.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 311/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The past subjunctive El "past subjunctive"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 312/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Welcoming visitors

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

If I worm where you, I'd visit the Lake District. wasn't word were wear

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 313/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Ejercicio de gramtica [12 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Even though it's sunny, I don't want to go out.

Even though it was sunny, I didn't want to go out.

Even though I don't want to, I must go to work. If her temperature's low, she'll be all right. Even though he smokes, he's in good health.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Even though it's sunny, I don't want to go out.

Even though it was sunny, I didn't want to go out.

Even though I have food poisoning, I'm not that ill. If she drinks some hot chocolate, she'll feel better. Even though we're moving out, we still like the area.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 314/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Even though it's sunny, I don't want to go out.

Even though it was sunny, I didn't want to go out.

If you give him a ring, he'll try and help you. Even though it's the top-of-the-range model, it's not very reliable. If they were at the launch, they'd telephone.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. If we approached them, they might help us. If they watched a product demonstration, they'd understand. Even if they explained it in detail, I'd never understand.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. If the director spoke highly of him, he'd be pleased. Even though he's rescheduled everything, it's still impossible. If they tighten up security, there won't be any more burglaries.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 315/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. Even though he's the chairman and chief executive, he's totally useless. If you went to London, you could visit the site. If I was a small businessman, I'd be thankful for such an increase.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you install a satellite dish, we'll have lots of channels.

If you installed a satellite dish, we'd have lots of channels.

If we went bankrupt, it would result in job losses. Even though she owes me 500, I can't sue her. If the terms of payment change, I'll contact my solicitor.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 316/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you install a satellite dish, we'll have lots of channels.

If you installed a satellite dish, we'd have lots of channels.

Even though I expected this, it's still a surprise. If it's just teething troubles, we'll forget it. If you think my overdraft's bad, you should see theirs!

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you install a satellite dish, we'll have lots of channels.

If you installed a satellite dish, we'd have lots of channels.

If we send an ultimatum, they'd pay up straight away. If an engineer looks at the problem, it'll be working again tomorrow. Even though it's out of the question, I want to ask.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 317/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If she finds it, I'll contact you. If you settle for less, we'll deal with the details. Even though it hasn't been confirmed, I'm very keen. If I was in your place, I'd give Mr Renton a ring.

If she found it, I'd contact you.


Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If she finds it, I'll contact you. If you fax me the results, I'll get back to you. Even though the tube's in a terrible state, it's still faster than driving. If they want entertainment, we'll organise a sightseeing tour.

If she found it, I'd contact you.


Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If she finds it, I'll contact you. Even though she's got over it, she's still ill. If I went to the launderette, I'd have some clean clothes. If he borrows the laptop computer, he won't lose so much time.

If she found it, I'd contact you.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 318/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The past perfect subjunctive with 'if' El "past perfect subjunctive" despus de "if"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 319/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

If you had been told had told us sooner, we could have reacted. has told have told

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 320/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Ejercicio de gramtica [8 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Even though it's sunny, I don't want to go out.

Even though it was sunny, I didn't want to go out.

If you give him a ring, he'll try and help you. Even though it's the top-of-the-range model, it's not very reliable. If they were at the launch, they'd telephone.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. If we approached them, they might help us. If they watched a product demonstration, they'd understand. Even if they explained it in detail, I'd never understand.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 321/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. If the director spoke highly of him, he'd be pleased. Even though he's rescheduled everything, it's still impossible. If they tighten up security, there won't be any more burglaries.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. Even though he's the chairman and chief executive, he's totally useless. If you went to London, you could visit the site. If I was a small businessman, I'd be thankful for such an increase.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 322/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you install a satellite dish, we'll have lots of channels.

If you installed a satellite dish, we'd have lots of channels.

If we went bankrupt, it would result in job losses. Even though she owes me 500, I can't sue her. If the terms of payment change, I'll contact my solicitor.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you install a satellite dish, we'll have lots of channels.

If you installed a satellite dish, we'd have lots of channels.

If we send an ultimatum, they'd pay up straight away. If an engineer looks at the problem, it'll be working again tomorrow. Even though it's out of the question, I want to ask.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 323/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If she finds it, I'll contact you. If you settle for less, we'll deal with the details. Even though it hasn't been confirmed, I'm very keen. If I was in your place, I'd give Mr Renton a ring.

If she found it, I'd contact you.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If she finds it, I'll contact you. Even though she's got over it, she's still ill. If I went to the launderette, I'd have some clean clothes. If he borrows the laptop computer, he won't lose so much time.

If she found it, I'd contact you.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 324/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The simple conditional perfect with 'should' El condicional compuesto con "should"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 325/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: (to buy) (you) I (to find out) they (to ring) we (not to make) you (to supply) we (to go on strike) he (to put through)

you should have bought

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: you (to buy) they (to dispatch) he (not to speak) he (to let down) we (to deal with) they (not to send back) I (to tell)

you should have bought

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 326/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

After-sales service

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

You should say should have should have told shall have told us that we might experience some interference. should have said should have been told

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 327/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Everyone It They They You learn a foreign language. to be a challenging, interesting experience. have found languages hard at school. followed a very interactive course. practised speaking more. concentrate exclusively on grammar.

Adults who are easily discouraged

can't have should have shouldn't ought should must

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 328/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Welcoming visitors

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

them should by received you have now.

over by got the should jet lag I have then.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 329/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en condicional compuesto el siguiente texto. I should tell you about the complaints procedure. Firstly, you should listen to the customer's complaint. Above all, you should be sympathetic. You should therefore try to understand his or her problem. According to our company policy you should offer the customer a similar product or a refund. You should remember to keep smiling. The customer should leave with a good impression of the shop. You should keep these simple things in mind at all times.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 330/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

I am told "I am told"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 331/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Welcoming visitors

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

I am hearing have been hearing you like Japanese poetry. will hear herd hears hear

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 332/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

picked up carrier told them the last I'm week

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 333/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

'Will' and 'shall' "Will" y "Shall"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 334/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 335/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Palabra correcta [3 ejercicios] 1

If I leave my number, going to will would have must he call back today? shall

Might May

we make it the 11th at two o'clock? May not Shall

If you pay today, we forgot would have forgotten will forget

will be forgotten

the court appearance. would forget will have forgotten

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 336/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Business calls

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

The Bible says, not kill. be able to avoid the law. appeal to a higher court? all be very cooperative, I'm sure. be relieved when it's over. always be difficult to deal with? you won't shall I will he I shall you shall they will

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 337/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Comparing products

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

all let the we do shall the product talking

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 338/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en forma negativa el siguiente texto. I shall be at the conference room at 1 o'clock precisely. I will look forward to our business meeting. In my opinion, we shall have a lot to discuss. I will bring all my written documents concerning the new deal. In fact, I shall be there on time as I have a quiet schedule that day. It will be a good opportunity for us to get to know each other and to talk figures.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 339/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Use of the passive Empleo de la voz pasiva

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 340/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the plane

Ejercicio de gramtica [4 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone irritated him. He opened the gate. Someone mislaid the magazine. The customs officer took away my passport.

He got irritated.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: My neighbour helped me. Someone told me to be quiet. My architect designed the house. This lady found the key.

I was helped by my neighbour.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 341/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: My neighbour helped me. The strange man followed her. My partner stole my mobile phone. The flight attendant secured the seat belt.

I was helped by my neighbour.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: My neighbour helped me. She welcomed me to the country. The safety belt protected me from danger. Alistair asked him some strange questions.

I was helped by my neighbour.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 342/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Construction of the passive Formacin de la voz pasiva

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 343/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the plane

Casillas de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: he (to weigh) we (to tell) it (to take off) she (to show) they (to call for) he (to ask) you (to remove)

he got weighed

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 344/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the castle

Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios] 1

The cathedral was built has been built has built in 1603. will be built is being built were built

Originally the gardens have surrounded have been surrounded were surrounded surrounded

were surrounding

by a wall. was surrounded

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 345/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the town

Ejercicio de gramtica [9 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone irritated him. Someone cleaned the room. Something polluted the river. Someone lost the return ticket.

He got irritated.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone irritated him. Someone recognised her. Something bit the boy. Someone checked the plane.

He got irritated.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone irritated him. He opened the gate. Someone mislaid the magazine. The customs officer took away my passport.

He got irritated.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 346/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: My neighbour helped me. Someone told me to be quiet. My architect designed the house. This lady found the key.

I was helped by my neighbour.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: My neighbour helped me. The strange man followed her. My partner stole my mobile phone. The flight attendant secured the seat belt.

I was helped by my neighbour.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: My neighbour helped me. She welcomed me to the country. The safety belt protected me from danger. Alistair asked him some strange questions.

I was helped by my neighbour.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 347/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone asked me to the cinema. Someone cleaned the camp bed. Someone bought the shop. Someone confirmed the date.

I was asked to the cinema.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone asked me to the cinema. Someone identified them. Someone robbed him. Someone received the flowers.

I was asked to the cinema.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone asked me to the cinema. Someone noticed him. Something ruined the garden. Someone redecorated it.

I was asked to the cinema.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 348/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the plane

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en voz pasiva el siguiente texto. The pilot is flying the aeroplane bound for Paris. A very skilled engineer built this jet plane many years ago. The air hostess is serving the passengers drinks and refreshments. The purser is collecting the boarding cards. The stewards are explaining the aircraft's safety procedure. When the plane lands, the airport staff will greet the holiday-makers.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 349/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Active and passive voices Voz activa y voz pasiva

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 350/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the town

Ejercicio de gramtica [9 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone irritated him. Someone cleaned the room. Something polluted the river. Someone lost the return ticket.

He got irritated.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone irritated him. Someone recognised her. Something bit the boy. Someone checked the plane.

He got irritated.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone irritated him. He opened the gate. Someone mislaid the magazine. The customs officer took away my passport.

He got irritated.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 351/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: My neighbour helped me. Someone told me to be quiet. My architect designed the house. This lady found the key.

I was helped by my neighbour.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: My neighbour helped me. The strange man followed her. My partner stole my mobile phone. The flight attendant secured the seat belt.

I was helped by my neighbour.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: My neighbour helped me. She welcomed me to the country. The safety belt protected me from danger. Alistair asked him some strange questions.

I was helped by my neighbour.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 352/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone asked me to the cinema. Someone cleaned the camp bed. Someone bought the shop. Someone confirmed the date.

I was asked to the cinema.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone asked me to the cinema. Someone identified them. Someone robbed him. Someone received the flowers.

I was asked to the cinema.

Ponga en voz pasiva las siguientes frases. Ejemplo: Someone asked me to the cinema. Someone noticed him. Something ruined the garden. Someone redecorated it.

I was asked to the cinema.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 353/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Can: perception and knowledge "Can": percepcin y conocimiento

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 354/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Welcoming visitors

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

Reserve me a ticket for the opera so that I can have do is cannot must see the new Puccini.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 355/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Must - Have (got) to "Must" - "Have (got) to"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 356/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 357/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Handling an invoice

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

have I'll to with that check Accounts

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 358/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

'Should' and 'ought to': advice "Should" y "ought to": consejo

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 359/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Handling an invoice

Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios] 1

You should say should have said should have been told shall have told us that we might experience some interference. should have told should have

It's important we will could can


remain firm on this point. should would

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 360/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Completar las frases [3 ejercicios] 1

Everyone It They They You learn a foreign language. to be a challenging, interesting experience. have found languages hard at school. followed a very interactive course. practised speaking more. concentrate exclusively on grammar.

Adults who are easily discouraged

ought can't have should have should must shouldn't

Business people really They They They Good health If they dislike exercise, they

do more exercise. been put off it when young.

to spend less time sitting at their desks. have enjoyed sports at school, especially in winter! let themselves get out of shape now, though. the natural partner of good business.

can't must have should be shouldn't ought should

Service providers It Dishonest traders They They ! Trading standards officers

practise their trade with honesty and integrity. to be necessary to highlight such a self-evidence. to punish malpractice severely. always thought of selling as the only aim. reflected much on questions of morality.

should ought must have should have oughtn't can't have

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 361/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Had better - Would rather "Had better" - "Would rather"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 362/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

At the station

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Would you No, I actually prefer Do you have any Yes, I prefer a ? seat. be in a compartment? with central .

coaches aisles preferences much window rather

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

you in be a compartment would rather ?

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 363/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

May - Might "May" - "Might"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 364/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 365/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

At the station

Palabra correcta [5 ejercicios] 1

I May am go skiing this Christmas. want might


we please leave the table now? May Might Shall Are

He May


have been assassinated by aliens. was will might

He May


have missed the train because he overslept again. may would

You have


as well tell the police exactly what happened. might must shall

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 366/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Welcoming visitors

Completar las frases [3 ejercicios] 1

Icarus That man must You cannot We He must be have been dreaming when he thought he could fly. deaf. He can't hear the jet plane! about free falling without a safety net. be going flying in a hot-air balloon this summer. airsick with all that flying. miss it!

Hong Kong airport's runway is so narrow the pilot might must be may getting think

There's so much traffic there The train may She said she Is he likely The businessman

an accident. the safest form of transport but it's expensive. be coming by boat. on a cruise down the Nile? cheaper tickets? avoided an accident, had he travelled by plane.

Is there any possibility of the airline

to go be might might be might have offering

What A day trip to

of thing did you have in on the through the that. I a couple of be hard . The Tunnel?

? wonderful there. ! . I'll have to

I think she'd That

try and come , though. organise.

to mind fantastic Eurostar myself too Channel shopping's meetings shouldn't sort rearrange love Paris going might

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 367/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

After-sales service

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

might be coming back I by car

bring likely in to promising is a other big client, Flowers fish

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 368/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Strong probability with 'must' La probabilidad fuerte con "must"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 369/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Completar las frases [4 ejercicios] 1

Icarus That man must You cannot We He must be have been dreaming when he thought he could fly. deaf. He can't hear the jet plane! about free falling without a safety net. be going flying in a hot-air balloon this summer. airsick with all that flying. miss it!

Hong Kong airport's runway is so narrow the pilot think be may must getting might

Everyone It They They You

learn a foreign language. to be a challenging, interesting experience. have found languages hard at school. followed a very interactive course. practised speaking more. concentrate exclusively on grammar.

Adults who are easily discouraged

ought shouldn't should have must can't have should

Business people really They They They Good health If they dislike exercise, they

do more exercise. been put off it when young.

to spend less time sitting at their desks. have enjoyed sports at school, especially in winter! let themselves get out of shape now, though. the natural partner of good business.

should should be ought must have shouldn't can't

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 370/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Service providers It Dishonest traders They They ! Trading standards officers

practise their trade with honesty and integrity. to be necessary to highlight such a self-evidence. to punish malpractice severely. always thought of selling as the only aim. reflected much on questions of morality.

should oughtn't must have ought can't have should have

Orden de palabras [4 ejercicios] 1

this suitcase must my because someone have isn't mine.

must there a catch be somewhere!

walked I the at must miles trade have fair.

round you have tourists do to things must take better than London

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 371/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Absence of necessity La ausencia de necesidad

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 372/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the train

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

don't time at the need reserve of this you to year.

in have don't we stamp to tickets date England!

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 373/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A car trip

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en forma negativa el siguiente texto. You have to bring a road atlas, and you need to get unleaded petrol. Bring a waterproof cagoule because it will rain. Oh, we have to ask James to drive. We need to take the dual carriageway because we have to get there quickly. We have to be back for dinner because mum's expecting us.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 374/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Should - Ought to: probability "Should" - "Ought to": probabilidad

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 375/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Business calls

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

There ought has may to be no problems if you bring other people. must might should

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 376/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Completar las frases [4 ejercicios] 1

Everyone It They They You learn a foreign language. to be a challenging, interesting experience. have found languages hard at school. followed a very interactive course. practised speaking more. concentrate exclusively on grammar.

Adults who are easily discouraged

ought should must should have shouldn't can't have

We were That How many All the with a be

to install a difficult did you to possible

number of ten phones per install. have in mind? thirty. .

to start with. So that would be

around minimum locations obviously to roughly view location shouldn't

hoping depots expansion too

Business people really They They They Good health If they dislike exercise, they

do more exercise. been put off it when young.

to spend less time sitting at their desks. have enjoyed sports at school, especially in winter! let themselves get out of shape now, though. the natural partner of good business.

should should be can't shouldn't must have ought

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 377/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Service providers It Dishonest traders They They ! Trading standards officers

practise their trade with honesty and integrity. to be necessary to highlight such a self-evidence. to punish malpractice severely. always thought of selling as the only aim. reflected much on questions of morality.

must have oughtn't should should have ought can't have

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 378/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Suggestions with 'should' "Should" y la sugerencia

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 379/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Handling an invoice

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

It's important we could shall can should remain firm on this point. will would

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 380/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Near certainty in the past La certeza casi absoluta en el pasado

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 381/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Completar las frases [3 ejercicios] 1

Everyone It They They You learn a foreign language. to be a challenging, interesting experience. have found languages hard at school. followed a very interactive course. practised speaking more. concentrate exclusively on grammar.

Adults who are easily discouraged

ought must should have can't have should shouldn't

Business people really They They They Good health If they dislike exercise, they

do more exercise. been put off it when young.

to spend less time sitting at their desks. have enjoyed sports at school, especially in winter! let themselves get out of shape now, though. the natural partner of good business.

should be ought can't shouldn't must have should

Service providers It Dishonest traders They They ! Trading standards officers

practise their trade with honesty and integrity. to be necessary to highlight such a self-evidence. to punish malpractice severely. always thought of selling as the only aim. reflected much on questions of morality.

ought should oughtn't can't have should have must have

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 382/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

walked at must trade have miles the I fair.

take better to tourists round you have things than must do London

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 383/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Modal auxiliaries Auxiliares modales

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 384/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 385/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 386/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: (to buy) (you) I (to find out) they (to ring) we (not to make) you (to supply) we (to go on strike) he (to put through)

you should have bought

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: you (to buy) they (to dispatch) he (not to speak) he (to let down) we (to deal with) they (not to send back) I (to tell)

you should have bought

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 387/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

At the station

Palabra correcta [8 ejercicios] 1

I am May go skiing this Christmas. might want


we please leave the table now? Will Might May Shall

He was


have been assassinated by aliens. May might would

He shall


have missed the train because he overslept again. would May

No, you might May


open the doors when the train's moving! must may

You May


as well tell the police exactly what happened. might shall have

May Shall

we make it the 11th at two o'clock? Might May not

There might


to be no problems if you bring other people. should ought must has

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 388/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Completar las frases [8 ejercicios] 1

Icarus That man must You cannot We He must be have been dreaming when he thought he could fly. deaf. He can't hear the jet plane! about free falling without a safety net. be going flying in a hot-air balloon this summer. airsick with all that flying. miss it!

Hong Kong airport's runway is so narrow the pilot be must think getting may might

There's so much traffic there The train may She said she Is he likely The businessman

an accident. the safest form of transport but it's expensive. be coming by boat. on a cruise down the Nile? cheaper tickets? avoided an accident, had he travelled by plane.

Is there any possibility of the airline

might be might have might offering to go be

Good morning, Export Can I I'm He should be I'm I can't

. What can I do for you? to Mr Thompson, please? sorry, but you've just after lunch. that. I have an him. I get him to ring you? this afternoon.

terribly appointment back missed shall manage speak Department afraid

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 389/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

The Bible says,

not kill. be able to avoid the law. appeal to a higher court? all be very cooperative, I'm sure. be relieved when it's over. always be difficult to deal with?

I shall you shall will he you won't shall I they will

Everyone It They They You

learn a foreign language. to be a challenging, interesting experience. have found languages hard at school. followed a very interactive course. practised speaking more. concentrate exclusively on grammar.

Adults who are easily discouraged

ought can't have shouldn't should must should have

Business people really They They They Good health If they dislike exercise, they

do more exercise. been put off it when young.

to spend less time sitting at their desks. have enjoyed sports at school, especially in winter! let themselves get out of shape now, though. the natural partner of good business.

should shouldn't should be ought can't must have

What A day trip to

of thing did you have in on the through the that. I a couple of be hard . The Tunnel?

? wonderful there. ! . I'll have to

I think she'd That

try and come , though. organise.

rearrange too Paris fantastic Eurostar myself sort shouldn't shopping's going love mind Channel might meetings to

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 390/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Service providers It Dishonest traders They They ! Trading standards officers

practise their trade with honesty and integrity. to be necessary to highlight such a self-evidence. to punish malpractice severely. always thought of selling as the only aim. reflected much on questions of morality.

should must have should have can't have ought oughtn't

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 391/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Ejercicio de gramtica [9 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: You are Mr Smith. You were listening to good music. He is the customs officer. It is a wonderful holiday.

You must be Mr Smith.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: You are Mr Smith. She is all right. That was funny. You were working.

You must be Mr Smith.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: You are Mr Smith. She is Gerry's girlfriend, Catherine. We are boarding soon. That boy is lost.

You must be Mr Smith.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 392/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'd like to go to Rome. I'd like to learn to drive. He'd like to move house. We'd like to take a day off.

I wish I could go to Rome.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'd like to go to Rome. She'd like to finish her meal. He'd like to advise her not to go. They'd like to live there.

I wish I could go to Rome.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. If we approached them, they might help us. If they watched a product demonstration, they'd understand. Even if they explained it in detail, I'd never understand.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 393/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'll reserve accommodation by phone. I'll go straight to my hotel.

I'll reserve accommodation by phone so that I can go straight to my hotel.

I'll collect some money. We'll buy her a present. She'll come over to your place. You can discuss her suggestions. I'll organise a guided tour. They'll see London.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'll reserve accommodation by phone. I'll go straight to my hotel.

I'll reserve accommodation by phone so that I can go straight to my hotel.

I'll reserve a table. We'll eat at nine o'clock. She's getting a laptop computer. She'll be able to work on the train. I'll arrange for some entertainment. We'll really amaze them.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 394/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: I'll reserve accommodation by phone. I'll go straight to my hotel.

I'll reserve accommodation by phone so that I can go straight to my hotel.

We'll take the tube. We'll avoid the congestion. I'll tie up the loose ends. We'll start something else. I'll get the train timetable. You'll leave at the right time.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 395/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

by back coming might I be car

good may I morning, help how you?

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en forma negativa el siguiente texto. I shall be at the conference room at 1 o'clock precisely. I will look forward to our business meeting. In my opinion, we shall have a lot to discuss. I will bring all my written documents concerning the new deal. In fact, I shall be there on time as I have a quiet schedule that day. It will be a good opportunity for us to get to know each other and to talk figures.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 396/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Prepositions of time Las preposiciones de tiempo

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 397/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the castle

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Is the castle lit Only Please don't touch I'm only admiring at them in these ! night? the summer. tapestries.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 398/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

At the station

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

from minutes train in The is leaving express ten platform H.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 399/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Prepositions of place Las preposiciones de lugar

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 400/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Comparing products

Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios] 1

I met lots of clients on into on at under London. in

There was lots of activity in front in above at


our stand in London. under

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 401/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Completar las frases [3 ejercicios] 1

She lives She lives Her address is , , . 73, Selwyn Road Newcastle-upon-Tyne in at Great Britain NE13 4JE Selwyn Road. number 73. ,

I used to live The Birmingham train stops The railway station is

Rugby. Rugby, on its way to London. few miles of the famous school. a few years ago. gym. walls of the school itself.

My brother was at that school When he wasn't working, he was His room was

at the till in at within the within a

Mr Gibbons works It's He's got a job We'll have to replace him within the in till within a at Maple Avenue. He's going to stay there

that company, Harper's Metal Fittings. he retires, next year. department of quality control. month or so.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 402/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The prepositions 'in' and 'at' Las preposiciones "in" y "at"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 403/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 404/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Comparing products

Palabra correcta [2 ejercicios] 1

I met lots of clients on under into in on London. at

There was lots of activity above at before in

in front

our stand in London. under

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 405/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Completar las frases [3 ejercicios] 1

She lives She lives Her address is , , . Great Britain in Newcastle-upon-Tyne 73, Selwyn Road at NE13 4JE Selwyn Road. number 73. ,

I used to live The Birmingham train stops The railway station is

Rugby. Rugby, on its way to London. few miles of the famous school. a few years ago. gym. walls of the school itself.

My brother was at that school When he wasn't working, he was His room was

till within the at at the within a in

Mr Gibbons works It's He's got a job We'll have to replace him till within the in within a at Maple Avenue. He's going to stay there

that company, Harper's Metal Fittings. he retires, next year. department of quality control. month or so.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 406/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

of reasonably in priced hotels there are plenty London.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 407/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Prepositions at the end of a clause Preposicin al final de la oracin

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Pgina 408/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Business calls

Ejercicio de gramtica [6 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: She talked about a friend. I took over from a manager. They got through an exam. He used to work for a company.

Here's the friend she talked about.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: She talked about a friend. We looked after a neighbour's cat. They gave out some information. I'm referring to a special offer.

Here's the friend she talked about.

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Pgina 409/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: She talked about a friend. She put out a cigarette. They listened to a CD. I was looking forward to a presentation.

Here's the friend she talked about.

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Polly comes from somewhere. The document referred to something. Mr Partridge is writing to someone. The secretary made a note of something.

Where does she come from?

Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Polly comes from somewhere. My parents were waiting for someone. The woman was asking for something. Our chairman took over from someone else.

Where does she come from?

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Pgina 410/470

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Formule una pregunta relacionada con el ltimo elemento de la frase. Ejemplo: Polly comes from somewhere. He was looking through something. They've lied about something. Mr Moss discriminated in favour of someone.

Where does she come from?

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Pgina 411/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Verbs expressing impressions and feelings Los verbos: impresin y sentimiento

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 412/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Palabra correcta [3 ejercicios] 1

It looks to likes like we've been let down by the suppliers. as lick

I must say this sounds as as if even if if

it were a joke.

It sounds lick like


you're denying all responsibility. leak lake lice

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 413/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Completar las frases [2 ejercicios] 1

It The kitchen I It This meal You a fool. you need some cooking lessons. awful. you should sit down for a while. the dinner was burning. a bomb site.

sounds as though tastes smelt as if feel like looks like look as if

That's very You must have It'd be a Well, that dinner? I look to it.

of you, but I things to do than take change from the office very good.

don't want to be any round . I can thank you by you

. . to

routine forward trouble London kind sounds really better tourists out taking pleasant perhaps

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 414/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

After-sales service

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Ponga en presente de indicativo el siguiente texto. The client sounded particularly angry indeed. I imagine that he felt as if the after-sales service was inefficient. It certainly looked like he was trying to apportion the blame on them. It sounded as if the customer follow-up was poor in this instance. It appeared as though the Sales Department was too busy and therefore inefficient in their customer care. I hoped the customer felt as though we were able to offer him a proper solution.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 415/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Means with 'by' La expresin del medio

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 416/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Palabra correcta [3 ejercicios] 1

You could find something better paying by playing pay bypass by praying a little more. by paying

You can get to our offices buy now pay later biplane

the tube. by taking take by

By going under By going Gone

the Channel Tunnel, you can go to Paris. By going throughout Going through By going through

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: She worked hard and became head of the section.

She became head of the section by working hard.

They sent a letter and finally got an interview. She saved for several years and bought a house. I checked the records and was able to confirm the address.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 417/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: She worked hard and became head of the section.

She became head of the section by working hard.

She put up with Mr Atkinson for a week. She amazed her friends. They did overtime to deal with the demand. We looked at the map to find the nearest petrol station.

Formule las frases siguientes de manera diferente. Ejemplo: She worked hard and became head of the section.

She became head of the section by working hard.

She used her credit card to reserve seats. I settled for less pay and kept my job. He took a day off to forget his problems.

Orden de palabras [3 ejercicios] 1

back by might be coming I car

by overdue adding is payment punishable interest.

thank you by to taking you out perhaps I can dinner.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 418/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Reconstruya el siguiente texto utilizando "by" + gerundio. To initiate contact with the company I spoke to the marketing director. Later, to sort out a mutually convenient time to meet we looked through our schedules. After the conference, to gain support for the product, I promoted the idea amongst my colleagues. To raise revenue, I convinced the financial backers that it was a sound project. To clarify every last detail I prepared an informative report.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 419/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Different meanings of 'since' Los diferentes significados de "since"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 420/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A car trip

Palabra correcta [1 ejercicios] 1

We've been on the wrong road soon for ago fur far we left the motorway. since

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 421/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Completar las frases [3 ejercicios] 1

They've been living in the country We're tired because The hotel room was nice but the past twenty years. been wanting to come home all week. she found out that she enjoys it. .

been travelling all day.

She's been going on camping holidays He stayed in the same hotel room nine years Where

you staying on holiday, in a chalet or in a hotel?

I've we've for since were ago

I'll wait We hadn't seen Roger He would be at work

Roger gets here. . a few moments of our arriving, he phoned. . couldn't come he asked if we could put the appointment off.

since he till late till within since Thursday

I've been pregnant , I've felt fantastic. I should give birth I've got I'll be at work I prefer to be

January. a month or so. to perfect my breathing technique! Monday. few kilometres of the hospital.

since till then within a within until since then

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 422/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Within - Within . . . of "Within" - "Within . . . of"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 423/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Completar las frases [4 ejercicios] 1

I used to live The Birmingham train stops The railway station is My brother was at that school When he wasn't working, he was His room was Rugby. Rugby, on its way to London. few miles of the famous school. a few years ago. gym. walls of the school itself.

within a in at till at the within the

I'll wait We hadn't seen Roger He would be at work

Roger gets here. . a few moments of our arriving, he phoned. . couldn't come he asked if we could put the appointment off.

within since he till late since Thursday till

Mr Gibbons works It's He's got a job We'll have to replace him in within a at within the till Maple Avenue. He's going to stay there

that company, Harper's Metal Fittings. he retires, next year. department of quality control. month or so.

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Pgina 424/470

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I've been pregnant , I've felt fantastic. I should give birth I've got I'll be at work I prefer to be

January. a month or so. to perfect my breathing technique! Monday. few kilometres of the hospital.

within a within since then until till then since

Orden de palabras [4 ejercicios] 1

the outstanding phones you we'll to get within the week.

we fit to had the hoped them within fortnight.

the receive within next few should you them days

there within of your good easy reach a hotel is office?

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 425/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Adverbs of time Los adverbios de tiempo

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 426/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the castle

Completar las frases [3 ejercicios] 1

Let's take the But I don't want to But I It's route. ! You know it will take much the seeing the like that! We ! agree! ! day on the roads!

whole never prefer longer country scenic spend darling always

You are walking You are now You You

platform 7. the train.

feel good on trains. fall asleep.

on always soon up

Have you been on a trip around the world We She still Is France I've

seen the White House yet. We're going there later. met any of the Belgian royal family. the country of human rights? met a Spanish driver yet who hasn't had an accident. has told him yet, but we're taking him to Paris for his birthday.

never hasn't haven't yet nobody still

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 427/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Too - Too much "Too" - "Too much"

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Pgina 428/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

On the motorway

Orden de palabras [1 ejercicios] 1

the fast, despite still are people too driving fog

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Pgina 429/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Ever - Never "Ever" - "Never"

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Pgina 430/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A tour of the castle

Completar las frases [2 ejercicios] 1

Let's take the But I don't want to But I It's route. ! You know it will take much the seeing the like that! We ! agree! ! day on the roads!

always never spend scenic country prefer whole longer darling

Have you been on a trip around the world We She still Is France I've

seen the White House yet. We're going there later. met any of the Belgian royal family. the country of human rights? met a Spanish driver yet who hasn't had an accident. has told him yet, but we're taking him to Paris for his birthday.

never still nobody yet hasn't haven't

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 431/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Yet - Not yet "Yet" - "Not yet"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 432/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Handling an invoice

Completar las frases [2 ejercicios] 1

Have you been on a trip around the world We She still Is France I've ?

seen the White House yet. We're going there later. met any of the Belgian royal family. the country of human rights? met a Spanish driver yet who hasn't had an accident. has told him yet, but we're taking him to Paris for his birthday.

hasn't nobody never haven't still yet

I'm sorry if you've had I It's to They haven't I'll get my with your last payment

getting hold of me faxes. . . right

have. I have sent you

to send you a

yet order several assistant away received difficulty recently certainly do cheque

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

I'm hasn't because worried bit our arrived a order yet.

payment haven't they received yet

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 433/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The place of 'even' La posicin de "even"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 434/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Customs checks

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

this even a sliding roof car's got !

I even can people's recognize nationalities !

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 435/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

The place of 'enough' La posicin de "enough"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 436/470

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The company stand

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Would you like a Yes, but I really don't know if I have I understand you're having an official press Yes, our Is she ? We next year or so. What time are you She should be here about her ? one. Executive is coming. to be doing quite a lot of with you over the ? time. at two this afternoon.

expecting demonstration enough half business Chief launch expect

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 437/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

'Always' + present continuous "Always" + "present continuous"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 438/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

At the station

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: You never hesitate before joining anything.

You're always hesitating before joining anything.

She never asks questions. He never buys clothes. They never clean their flat.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: You never hesitate before joining anything.

You're always hesitating before joining anything.

You never call her. I never go skiing. You never lose your keys.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: You never hesitate before joining anything.

You're always hesitating before joining anything.

That never happens to her. They never check my ticket. You never drive.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 439/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Vuelva a escribir el texto utilizando el tiempo y modo apropiados. Jane is always (to have) to run for her trains. She (to be) always late when she arrives at the railway station. She's always (to ask) passers-by what platform she needs to go to, because she is always (to forget) to look at the departures board. She's always (to meet) interesting people in carriages. However, they always seem to be (to laugh) at her.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 440/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Still - Yet "Still" - "Yet"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 441/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Handling an invoice

Completar las frases [2 ejercicios] 1

Have you been on a trip around the world We She still Is France I've ?

seen the White House yet. We're going there later. met any of the Belgian royal family. the country of human rights? met a Spanish driver yet who hasn't had an accident. has told him yet, but we're taking him to Paris for his birthday.

yet nobody hasn't never haven't still

I'm sorry if you've had I It's to They haven't I'll get my with your last payment

getting hold of me faxes. . . right

have. I have sent you

to send you a

away assistant order recently received do yet several cheque certainly difficulty

Orden de palabras [6 ejercicios] 1

despite driving too are still fast, people the fog

it's are still there in see good porters to some stations.

drawbridge is still the fully operational

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 442/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

over we've still got two hundred in stock

hasn't bit our because worried order a I'm arrived yet.

they received payment haven't yet

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 443/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Meaning and use of 'so' Significados y usos de "so"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 444/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

A car trip

Ejercicio de gramtica [4 ejercicios] 1

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's really tired. (me) They're really nice. (her) We're really patient. (you) You're really small. (him)

So am I.

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's really tired. (me) I'm really sorry. (we) We're really silly. (him) You're really interesting. (her)

So am I.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 445/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's so big (not to be able to fit in the door). She's so tired (to fall asleep). I'm so early (not to be allowed to enter). They're so annoying (to have no friends).

He's so big that he can't fit in the door.

Escriba de otra manera las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: He's so big (not to be able to fit in the door). She's so fast (to have already finished). I'm so happy (to laugh). You're so short (not to be able to see him).

He's so big that he can't fit in the door.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 446/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Different meanings of 'rather' Los significados de "rather"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 447/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Handling an invoice

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Encuentre el antnimo como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: very poor very difficult very exact very recently very small very sure very stable

rather rich

Encuentre el antnimo como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: very hot very tall very sensible very bright very quick very often very wide

rather cold

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 448/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Different meanings of 'quite' Los significados de "quite"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 449/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Business calls

Casillas de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

Encuentre el antnimo como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: very expensive very careful very precise very small very likely very true very beautiful

quite cheap

Encuentre el antnimo como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: very expensive very sharp very thin very deep very heavy very dry very interesting

quite cheap

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 450/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Staying in a hotel

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

How We'll I'm not The room is are you planning to stay? be staying here a sure yet. after Tuesday. of nights.

couple long probably quite reserved

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 451/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Hotel reservations

Orden de palabras [2 ejercicios] 1

seats comfortable quite are the too.

share single to quite a we're happy room

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 452/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Either . . . or - Neither . . . nor "Either . . . or" - "Neither . . . nor"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 453/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Deferring payment

Completar las frases [1 ejercicios] 1

Send us the I'm sure we can out of the our I'm very you . that way about it. I have you on the . first. When you've , Mr Walters. that, we can talk . you pay now, or we'll it. you a cheque by the end of the , we'd like a order as soon as

question line while month possible feel send repeat solicitors cheque contact about either that's sorry done

Ejercicio de gramtica [4 ejercicios] 1

Responda como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Is she Canadian? Is she French? Were they on time? Were they late? Did she postpone the meeting? Did she cancel it? Have we reached an agreement? Have we contacted our lawyers?

She's either Canadian or French.

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Pgina 454/470

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Responda como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Is she Canadian? Is she French? Are they having teething troubles? Are they just not very professional? Will they pay their debts on time? Will they renegotiate? Did you speak to her? Did you leave a message with her secretary?

She's either Canadian or French.

Responda como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Arabic? Do you deal with expenditure? Do you deal with cash flow? Has he apologized? Has he changed? Did you read it in the newspaper? Did you hear it on the radio?

I speak neither Italian nor Arabic.

Responda como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Arabic? Is he a loan shark? Is he a financial advisor? Have they refused? Have they accepted? Do you live in Ankara? Do you live in Istanbul?

I speak neither Italian nor Arabic.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 455/470

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Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Simple present with 'when' / 'while' "When" - "While" + "simple present"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 456/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Agreeing to meet

Ejercicio de gramtica [3 ejercicios] 1

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: She (to be out) when he (to leave). They (to manage) while you (to be away). I (to sort out) the office when he (to come) As soon as you (to set up) the export department, I (to write) to her.

She'll be out when he leaves.

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: She (to be out) when he (to leave). When she (to call), I (to put through) her. As soon as we (to go bankrupt), I (to set up) a new company. We (to fax) you as soon as anything like that (to happen).

She'll be out when he leaves.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 457/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Conjugue como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: She (to be out) when he (to leave). When we (to launch) the special offer, our sales (to increase). As soon as it (to suit) her, she (to raise) the price. Before we (to meet), we (to make a note) of our next appointments.

She'll be out when he leaves.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 458/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Business calls

Transformar un texto [1 ejercicios] 1

Vuelva a escribir el texto utilizando el tiempo y modo apropiados. Once the client (to arrive) at the industrial park, he will have a good idea of how extensive the company is. The sales manager will go to reception to meet the client as soon as he (to receive) the call saying that the client has arrived. He will spend as much time with the client as he (to be able to) if it will help conclude the deal. Whenever clients (to visit) the office in person, he tries to be available. While clients (to negotiate) contract details, he will discuss projects with them.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 459/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Even though - Even if "Even though" - "Even if"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 460/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

The company stand

Palabra correcta [3 ejercicios] 1

Even though it was light it's dark it had been dark , I can still see you. it's light it was dark it had been light

Even though I have been ill

, I was still able to go out. I would be ill I was ill

Even if I were richer, I shall will wouldn't

waste my money. were

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 461/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Organising a stay

Ejercicio de gramtica [12 ejercicios] 1

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Even though it's sunny, I don't want to go out.

Even though it was sunny, I didn't want to go out.

Even though I don't want to, I must go to work. If her temperature's low, she'll be all right. Even though he smokes, he's in good health.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Even though it's sunny, I don't want to go out.

Even though it was sunny, I didn't want to go out.

Even though I have food poisoning, I'm not that ill. If she drinks some hot chocolate, she'll feel better. Even though we're moving out, we still like the area.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 462/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: Even though it's sunny, I don't want to go out.

Even though it was sunny, I didn't want to go out.

If you give him a ring, he'll try and help you. Even though it's the top-of-the-range model, it's not very reliable. If they were at the launch, they'd telephone.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. If we approached them, they might help us. If they watched a product demonstration, they'd understand. Even if they explained it in detail, I'd never understand.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. If the director spoke highly of him, he'd be pleased. Even though he's rescheduled everything, it's still impossible. If they tighten up security, there won't be any more burglaries.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 463/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If I knew his name, I'd contact him. Even though he's the chairman and chief executive, he's totally useless. If you went to London, you could visit the site. If I was a small businessman, I'd be thankful for such an increase.

If I'd known his name, I'd have contacted him.

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you install a satellite dish, we'll have lots of channels.

If you installed a satellite dish, we'd have lots of channels.

If we went bankrupt, it would result in job losses. Even though she owes me 500, I can't sue her. If the terms of payment change, I'll contact my solicitor.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 464/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you install a satellite dish, we'll have lots of channels.

If you installed a satellite dish, we'd have lots of channels.

Even though I expected this, it's still a surprise. If it's just teething troubles, we'll forget it. If you think my overdraft's bad, you should see theirs!

Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If you install a satellite dish, we'll have lots of channels.

If you installed a satellite dish, we'd have lots of channels.

If we send an ultimatum, they'd pay up straight away. If an engineer looks at the problem, it'll be working again tomorrow. Even though it's out of the question, I want to ask.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 465/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If she finds it, I'll contact you. If you settle for less, we'll deal with the details. Even though it hasn't been confirmed, I'm very keen. If I was in your place, I'd give Mr Renton a ring.

If she found it, I'd contact you.


Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If she finds it, I'll contact you. If you fax me the results, I'll get back to you. Even though the tube's in a terrible state, it's still faster than driving. If they want entertainment, we'll organise a sightseeing tour.

If she found it, I'd contact you.


Transforme las siguientes frases o palabras como en el ejemplo. Ejemplo: If she finds it, I'll contact you. Even though she's got over it, she's still ill. If I went to the launderette, I'd have some clean clothes. If he borrows the laptop computer, he won't lose so much time.

If she found it, I'd contact you.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 466/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Explicaciones gramaticales clave [1 explicaciones gramaticales] 1

Till - Until "Till" - "Until"

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 467/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

Trouble with orders

Completar las frases [7 ejercicios] 1

The swimming pool is open We can't go nine the morning behind the hotel. seven in the evening.

a swim in the evening? the board.

No, you can't. There's a tennis court You can pin your request on until from for in just

I used to live The Birmingham train stops The railway station is

Rugby. Rugby, on its way to London. few miles of the famous school. a few years ago. gym. walls of the school itself.

My brother was at that school When he wasn't working, he was His room was

at the within the in within a at till



on the the fifteenth. by from you. .

. in stock.

we had two hundred and We won't have many I'm sure I can get an I'll wait till I

up tomorrow answer computer look thirty until yesterday hear

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 468/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+

I'll wait We hadn't seen Roger He would be at work

Roger gets here. . a few moments of our arriving, he phoned. . couldn't come he asked if we could put the appointment off.

till since he till late since Thursday within

I'll make a I see, so when I can't say I wish you'd

of they be here? I says they went out us about this

and with the carrier. . .

you back.

until yesterday couple calls shipping check before ring told will

Mr Gibbons works It's He's got a job We'll have to replace him within a within the in till at Maple Avenue. He's going to stay there

that company, Harper's Metal Fittings. he retires, next year. department of quality control. month or so.

I've been pregnant , I've felt fantastic. I should give birth I've got I'll be at work I prefer to be

January. a month or so. to perfect my breathing technique! Monday. few kilometres of the hospital.

since then within a since within until till then

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 469/470

Catlogo personal\Cuaderno de gramtica\Nivel: intermedio+


Orden de palabras [4 ejercicios] 1

goes remain until please the sign you seated Could off?

she after can't until see the you launch

we invoice of the won't end until the you month.

until that many have won't we the fifteenth.

Copyright 2008 Auralog S.A. All rights reserved

Pgina 470/470

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