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Digivolution items iotjf45s = Graymon digivolve item (champion) ortksas9 = Geo Graymon digivolve item (champion) lss425f8 = Rize

Graymon digivolve item (ultimate) laseow45 = Metal Graymon digivolve item (ultimate) sldldl96 = Victory Greymon digivolve item (mega) mkohyu78 = Darkdramon digivolve item (mega) irtisjaa = Bantyo Liomon digivolve item (mega) 7933dfse = ???? digivolve item, no level of digimon accepted this item. roleosod = ???? digivolve item, no level of digimon accepted this item. 54sduir2 = ???? digivolve item, no level of digimon accepted this item. lsldoos1 = ???? digivolve item, no level of digimon accepted this item. Recovery Items tkjdk5d2 = HP floppy x10 (recovers 500 HP) kskedirt = MP floppy x10 (recovers 500 MP) la122s22 = Medium HP floppy x10 (recovers 1500 HP) slfkr789 = Medium MP floppy x10 (recovers 1500 MP) 6941dlol = double floppy x5 (recovers 1500 HP and MP, in battle only) kajasdlp = revive floppy x5 (recovers 1500 HP and MP and revives the digimon, in battle only) 43afkakf = Large HP floppy x5 (recovers 5000 HP) 114sffaa = Large MP floppy x5 (recovers 5000 MP) godoprji = Full HP floppy x5 (restores all HP from the looks of things, doesn't increase max HP) akldlffm = Full restore floppy x3 ( Fully restores HP and MP, in battle only) ksdja875 = i think this one removes inflicted status effects x10 (only usable in battle and did nothing because i wasn't under a status effect) 3elenfnh = Yellow disk item x10 (only useable in battle, like a speed disk or offense disk in DW1) 874f6a3f = Yellow disk item x5 (only useable in battle, like a speed disk or offense disk in DW1. I think this may be a large boost because we only get 5) Permanent stat increase chips ldptogbj = Offense chip x3 (Increases max offense by 50) kfgimkko = Defense chip x3 (Increases max defense by 50) lajsd885 = Brains chip x3 (Increases max brains by 50, based on brains being the last stat on the list other wise replace the word speed for brains) jesia4gb = Speed chip x3 (Increases max speed by 50) igvjp1am = HP chip x3 (Increases max HP by 500) 4163a5s5 = MP chip x3 (Increases max MP by 500) 254a23ss = Devil chip A? x2 (Increases max offense and brains by 100, reduces life?) kfsasdls = Devil chip D? x2 (Increases max defense and speed by 100, reduces life?) akllsikd = Devil chip E? x2 (increases max HP and MP by 1000, reduces life?) Miscellaneous Items jajfismd = meat x10 (fills digimon) mfvjaiss = Melon looking item x2 (makes it less hungry and maybe something else) idortig4 = Blackberry looking food item x3 (makes it less hungry and maybe something else) dsjmvd4d = Portable potty x10 (if you somehow didn't guess by the item name it lets your digimon...ehh unload its load? anywhere) xmxlrfki = Auto pilot x10 (instantly warps you back to the city) 123aodor = bandage x10

saidhnff = Black hexagon with a yellow exclamation mark x3 (No idea on this item does, blacked out when not in battle and doesn't show when in battle) Key Items ksiaifn7 = A key item (alpha) (I didn't find out what this item is for) saidhfvn = A key item (beta) (I didn't find out what this item is for) maofjvjn = A key item (gamma) (I didn't find out what this item is for) fmkfoas6 = A key item (sigma) (I didn't find out what this item is for) msdk774s = A key item (omega) (I didn't find out what this item is for) Codes i Couldn't get to work, they are valid codes however. wjyjdrsy = Doesn't work.....different error message, perhaps this works after a certain point in the game, game time or tamer level vj4dfg4a = Doesn't work.....different error message, perhaps this works after a certain point in the game, game time or tamer level 19990128 = Doesn't work.....different error message, perhaps this works after a certain point in the game, game time or tamer level mk378xcv = Doesn't work.....different error message, perhaps this works after a certain point in the game, game time or tamer level hfdfz453 = Doesn't work.....different error message, perhaps this works after a certain point in the game, game time or tamer level 734y6qph = Doesn't work.....different error message, perhaps this works after a certain point in the game, game time or tamer level 5d8f4gva = Doesn't work.....different error message, perhaps this works after a certain point in the game, game time or tamer level

source : gamefaqs di pake cuman sekali, jadi klo uda abis ya ga bisa di masukin lagi tu codenya..

buat bawah ane, cek kolor

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