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office to inform me of a request she had to move from her current position to another within the city.

to me at that time that she was very uncomfortable with her current working relationship Ms. Elisabeth with Mr. Asmar. I was aware of some minor issues in the past between Buswell - that resulted in Mr. Asmar pulling scheduling duties from Ms. Buswell and giving them to e' t!|t] - but frankly I did not get involved in the situation. The first time I was aware of any issues with lll was when she asked to speak to me. I did not delve into any details regarding the full source of her discomfort, but it was clear to me that she considered there was an issue that had developed over time between her and Mr. Asmar. I promised her that I would discuss with the Mayor
She explained

and look into other options that were available. During the course of our discussion, Ms. Buswell interrupted our meeting to inform me that my next meeting was in the lobby. I never thought anything

out of the ordinary at that time. No one else had knowledge of my meeting
Later on the evening of 9 January, I received an email on my phone ftom


that stated, "Mr. Reynolds, lf you get this message please call my cell..." and then contained her cell phone number. I called a few minutes later. During the course of our conversation, it became very clear J that she was concerned because Mr. Asmar was texting her repeatedly trying to get information regarding the source of her and my conversation earlier in the day. I told her that I would have a discussion with the Mayor and that she should not return any of Mr. Asma/s texts. At this time, she told me that she had copies of all of the emails and text from Mr. Asmar in the past. I then called Mayor Hayward to inform him of the situation. He confirmed that we needed to fjry!-[gl another position in ^

the orsanization.
On the morning of 10 January, I discussed with

the Mayo/s determination that we would look for her a position elsewhere in the organization and asked her if that would help alleviate her concerns. I also told her that I had a conversation with the Mayor and that Mr. Asmar was told to stop contacting her and to let me know if it continued in the future. I was able to locate a position for I Pensacola Energy. The Mayor approved and the move was finally confirmed on Monday, Illat
January L4th. She started work at their main office on Thursday, January L7th.
In multiple follow on discussions with the Mayor, I was told that Mr. Asmar would no longer be a Chief

of Staff after 31 January. In addition, he would no longer have an office in City Hall, and that although he might be involved in some special projects in the future, that he would not have contact with any city

staff. lt was clear that the Mayor had determined that the situation needed to be addressed and therefore that Mr. Asmar would be departing service with the City, in effect ending the issue.
A key point

to be made is the employment status of Mr. Asmar. Mr. Asmar is not an employee of the City of Pensacola, but rather the City Attorney had determined that he is a vendor whose services are specifically for and at the direction of the Mayor. Mr. Asmar apparently provides legal service (in his role as "special Counsel to the Mayor"), and functions as the representative of the Mayor's office to most outside organizations in the role of "Chief of Staff'. I do not direct his work, nor do I have the

ability to determine his schedule or any other facet of his contractual relation$hip. For the most part, was not made aware of Mr. Asmar's dealings. He has always answered to the Mayor.
As an aside, approximately 8 months ago, I became aware of a consensual relationship between Mr.

Asmar and Ms. Buswell. One afternoon, Ms. Buswell had come into my office and stated that her lPad was missing. She then stated that she could not find it and suspected that Mr. Asmar had taken it. Somewhat perplexed, I asked why she thought that. She ultimately confided in me that she and Mr.

' Asmar had been dating for some time, but that there was some type of disagreement between them ind sgbsequently the device was missing. I inquired as to whether she felt in any way that Mr. Asmar was threatening'6r not acting appropriately in the workplace. She responded that she did not and did not want anything to happen with the situation. I asked her to keep me posted and let me know if there were any problems that developed. The lPad resurfaced the next day, but according to Ms. Buswell, its hard drive was cleared. I subsequently was informed by another source that the relationship was in fact

occurring. On severaloccasions, I informed the Mayor of what I had discovered.

ln looking at City policy, it was clear that the overall goal was to prevent unwanted conduct, but that if there were any allegations of unwanted conduct and behavior that the City would "respond in a fair, being moved at her request, impartialand expeditious manner." lfelt comfortable and with the determination by the Mayor that Mr. Asmar would no longer have a presence at City Hall. I concerns were properly addressed. After receiving notice that Mr. Asma/s believed that



to be terminated, and noting that City policy stressed confidentiality and ensuring such activity ceased, I was confident no further action was warranted.
services with the city were

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