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TONNNNNN Ingrediente pentru 4 portii: 1 ardei iute rosu mic si uscat 1 lingura de seminte de coriandru 1 catel de usturoi 1 mana

de busuioc proaspat tocat marunt 1 mana de coriandru proaspat tocat marunt sare si piper negru proaspat macinat zeama de la o lamaie 4 bucati de ton, de 225-285 g fiecare, cam de 2 cm grosime

Preparare: Zdrobiti ardeiul iute si semintele de coriandru in mojar. Adaugati usturoiul, busuiocul, coriandrul si zeama de lamaie, dupa gust. Amestecati si asezonati. Asezati bucatile de ton pe o tava, asezonati ambele parti si frecati-le cu amestecul de verdeturi.

Exista doua moduri potrivite de a-l gati: mie imi place sa folosesc o tigaie grill sau una obisnuita. Frecati tigaia, care ar trebui sa fie foarte ncinsa, cu un prosop de hartie imbibat in ulei, apoi punei in ea bucatile de ton. Trebuie s se rumeneasca (lasati-le 45 60 de secunde pe fiecare parte).

Dupa aceea, rupeti bucatile in jumatate si serviti-le cu salata, cartofi prajiti sau fierti si mult lamaie. Sunt foarte potrivite si cateva rosii uscate la soare si marinate, masline, busuioc... posibilittile sunt infinite.

Ingrediente sos pentru paste: Sos de rosii, preferabil facut in casa sau provenind din Italia Pentru fiecare portie: - 1 - 2 catei de usturoi - 1 - 2 linguri de ulei

- 1 varf de lingurita oregano uscat (de la pliculet) - 1/2 lingurita busuoic uscat (de la pliculet) - 1 varf pana la 1/2 lingurita boia ardei dulce - optional: sare, piper Modul de preparare a retetei: Se curata usturoiul si se taie felioare subtiri. Ingredientele vor fi calite rapid, pentru a se degaja aromele. Cateva secunde in plus pe foc pot compromite rezultatul. De aceea este bine ca ingredientele sa le masuram din timp si sa le avem la indemana, pe farfurioare sau coli de hartie. Se pune uleiul la incins. Cand este fierbinte se adauga usturoiul si se lasa aproximativ 15 secunde. Apoi adaugam: oregano, busuioc. Lasam pe foc inca 5 - 10 secunde, punem boia de ardei dulce, amestecam de cateva ori si luam vasul de pe foc. Lasam un pic sa se raceasca, apoi adaugam sucul de rosii. Se aduce sosul de paste din nou pe foc, pana incepe sa clocoteasca. Se poate tine pe foc cateva minute, amestecand, pentru a deveni mai consistent. Se adauga apoi pastele fierte in prealabil.

Incrediente: 50 g unt, 2 cepe verzi taiate marunt, 2 linguri faina, o ceasca si jumatate de lapte, 3/4 de ceasca cascaval ras, 850 g peste alb fiert si scurs, 1/4 de ceasca pesmet, inca 1/4 de ceasca cascaval ras, 2 linguri patrunjel verde Preparare: Se-ncinge cuptorul apoi se pune untul pe foc - intr-o cratita potrivit de mare - si se caleste in el ceapa, la foc mic, pana ce se ingalbeneste. Se adauga faina, se prajeste si ea si se stinge cu laptele - turnat putin cate putin. Se amesteca bine si se lasa sa fiarba amestecand in continuare, pana se ingroasa. Dupa un minut, se ia de pe foc, se lasa sa se raceasca, dupa care se-ncorporeaza cascavalul ras si, la sfarsit, pestele scurs si rupt bucatele. Se toarna compozitia astfel preparata intr-o forma de budinca si se presara peste ea pesmetul amestecat cu cascavalul ras (1/4 de ceasca) si cu patrunjelul tocat.

Cuptorul se preincalzeste la 190C. Pestele se pune impreuna cu laptele intr-o craticioara la fiert. Se fierbe pe foc mic pana cand pestele este gata (aproximativ 10 minute). Pestele se scurge, pastrandu-se laptele in care a fiert. Pestele se taie cubulete si se amesteca intr-un bol cu crevetii. Ceapa se caleste in unt topit. Se adauga faina apoi se toarna treptat laptele ramas. Se lasa sa fiarba pana se ingroasa, circa 3 minute, apoi se ia de pe foc si se adauga branza, crevetii si pestele. Se pune totul intr-o forma termorezistenta. Ingredientele pentru topping se amesteca si se presara peste peste. Se da forma la cuptor 15 minute. Intre timp se fierb si se scurg pastele. Pestele se serveste peste paste. Fish mornay is a fantastic recipe as it is the combination of ingredients that makes it fantastic, rather than having to depend on high quality fish. I cooked this recipe using fillets from a 70cm painted sweetlip and it was superb. This family of fishes, especially the slatey bream variety of the blubber lip/sweetlip are better to eat than their reputation suggests. Treated correctly, by brain spiking, bleeding and icing down soon after capture (even the best eating fish are better if treated this way), the painted sweetlip goes from being average to very acceptable.

This is not a second rate fish in a second rate dish; this is a great first rate seafood dish and the fish flavour and firmness of texture of the painted sweetlip makes them arguably the best fish for this very delicious recipe it is less likely to crumble into flakes that are too small, especially during the cooking. Ingredients 1kg fish fillets 500g baby spinach 100g butter Freshly ground salt and pepper 1 onion, finely chopped 4 tbsp plain flour 1L milk 2 tbsp fresh parmesan 250g cooked prawns, peeled and deveined (optional) 1 cup fresh breadcrumbs or panko breadcrumbs 3 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley Steps (1) Preheat your oven to 200C/400F. Place the fish fillets in a large saucepan and cover with water until the fish is just covered. On the stove top, slowly bring the water to a simmer and continue until the fish is cooked. Once cooked, remove from the water and allow to cool. When the fish is cool enough to handle, break the flesh into large chunks and place to one side until later. (2) Place the baby spinach leaves into a microwave proof container, adding a tablespoon of water. Cover with some plastic wrap and microwave on high for two to three minutes. Alternatively, place the baby spinach leaves in a saucepan, add a tablespoon or two of water and cook on low heat until the spinach leaves wilt. Once wilted, drain the baby spinach well, pressing by hand to remove any excess liquid. As an alternative to spinach use either leek or Asian leaves such as bok choy. Cook them in the same manner as I have described for the spinach. (3) Spray a large ovenproof dish or casserole with non-stick cooking spray. Spread the cooked baby spinach over the base of the dish and place to one side. (4) Melt 100g of butter in a large saucepan over a low to medium heat. Add the finely chopped onion to the pan and saut the onion until it has softened. Add the plain flour to the pan and stir with a wooden spoon to form a roux (buttery, oniony, floury mixture). (4) Remove the pan from the heat and add the milk a little at a time, stirring vigorously until all of the milk has been added. Return the pan to the heat, adding one tablespoon of the freshly grated parmesan. Continue to cook the milk mixture until it has formed a bchamel (thick sauce consistency) and the parmesan has melted. Season the sauce and remove the saucepan from the heat. (5) Gently, mix the flaked fish and the cooked prawns into the sauce. Use small baby prawns, or cut larger prawns into pieces. Spoon the mixture over the top of the spinach-lined overproof dish.

(6) In a bowl, combine the fresh breadcrumbs, chopped parsley and the remaining grated parmesan. Generously sprinkle this breadcrumb mixture over the top of the seafood mixture in the ovenproof dish. Dot the breadcrumb topping with small pieces of the remaining butter and place in the oven until the topping is golden brown (about 10 minutes). All of the ingredients in your mornay have already been cooked so it is simply a matter of popping the mornay into the oven to crisp the top. Your Seafood Mornay is now ready to serve.


Fish Mornay is a very popular recipe. Learn how to make Fish Mornay by following this simple & easy recipe.

Fish Mornay Recipe Preparation Time Cooking Time Difficulty Recipe Type
6 medium pieces of Fish (boneless) 2 tsp Black Pepper (grounded) 3 tsp Butter tsp Salt 1 tsp Mint (chopped) 4 Spring Onions (chopped finely) 2 tbsp Grated Cheese 3 tbsp Flour 1 cup Milk

12 Minutes 25 Minutes Easy Non Veg.

How to make Fish Mornay:

Heat butter in a saucepan. Stir-fry flour until foaming. Gradually stir in milk & mint leaves. Simmer until sauce boils. Remove from heat. Add fish pieces along with cheese, pepper & salt, reserving some of the cheeses. Pour the mixture into a buttered baking dish and sprinkle with reserved cheese & spring onions. Bake at 350 degrees F for 15-20 minutes until fish is thoroughly cooked & top is brown. Serve hot with salad.


Fish mornay and potato pies

By: joan (30 Recipes)


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Preparation Time:25 minutes Cooking Time:35 minutes Serves:4 Ingredients:

2 1/2 cups milk 1/2 onion, chopped 1 bay leaf 6 peppercorns 4 white fish fillets 3 potatoes, chopped coarsely 600g celeriac, chopped coarsely 1 egg yolk 1/2 cup grated parmesan 3/4 cup cream 60g butter 1/4 cup plain flour 2 tbs parsley, chopped


Place milk, onion, bay leaf, and peppercorns in a large saucepan; bring to boil. Add fish, reduce heat and simmer covered for 5 minutes. Remove fish from pan and flake. Divide between 4 x 1 1/2-cup ramekins. Strain milk into a jug.
2. 3.

Boil potatoes and celeriac until tender. Mash; stir in egg yolk, half cream and butter and cheese.

Make a white sauce with the reserved milk, flour, butter and cream. Stir until boiling and thickened, Stir in parsley.
4. 5.

Preheat grill.

Divide the sauce mixture over the fish. Cover with potato mixture and grill until lightly browned.

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