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Any unexcused absence from school is considered truancy, but states enact their own school attendance laws.

State law determines 1) the age at which a child is required to begin attending school, 2) the age at which a child may legally drop out of school, and 3) the number of unexcused absences at which a student is considered legally truant.Truancy is a status offence an act that is a crime due to the young age of the actor, but would not be illegal for someone older. The other most common status offences are running away from home, alcohol use, curfew violations, and un-governability. Some articles have been

published in major journals on truancy. One of the journal publish was the effects of various modes of absenteeism problem in school on the academic performance of students in secondary schools carried out by AziziYahaya et, all. 2010 which was publish in European Journal of Social Science. The title of second article is Psychological factors influencing truancy in high risk secondary school in Kuala Lumpur by NikRuzyanei NJ et, all. 2009 which was publish in Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry.

In the first article the researchers use questionnaire as their tools of research. They have choose few major questions which are focused on peer pressure, not enough of family love and attention, do not like the teachers or their method of teaching and the last but not least they like to spend more time in shopping complex rather than sitting in a class room which is boring. The outcomes of the research areoverall; doing homework is at an average level. This is similar with, who cited that the influence of peers, drug abuse, bully, bored, dislike some of the teachers, trying to skip from exam and unstable family, all contributes to absenteeism problems in school. As a whole, these three types of truants are at the lower level. This is very similar to reportwhich noticed missing from the class and truant in school comprises the highest percentage of students misconduct among the students. The Education Ministrys target towards Zero Defect will never achieve if both these problems are not solved immediately. This finding is identical towhich said that the latest number of students who involved in truant problems is 34628 students. Overall, doing part-time job and mingling are at the moderate level. Whereas helping the family and taking part in criminal activities and joining bad groups are still at the lower level. Based on study, most of the students who played truant loved wasting their time by going to entertainment places. Students who played truant would be left behind in study and worst of all, some of them might instead involve in negative activities such as drug abuse, vandalism, gangsters, gambling, mingling, alcoholism and free sex.

In the second article the researchers more focus on the psychosocial factors associated with school truancy. The study was focused on the socio demographic, family, living and school characteristics of the respondents were obtained through self-administered questionnaires. The outcome of this research was interesting though to find that gender difference did not influence truant behaviour. This study finding is in contrast to a survey by National Population and Family Development Board Malaysia (NPFDP) in 1999 which found that the rate of boys truanting in Malaysia is doubles that of girls. Rather, this repeats the findings of few studies done in the west. Perhaps the result of this study is also a reflection of the current situation as NPFDP study was done nearly a decade ago. Similar change in the trend in that more girls tend to engage in problem behaviours than in the past was also remarked earlier in Japan.This study also found that significantly greater proportion of those who disliked school, aimed for lower education goals and uncertain of the reason for schooling among truants compared to non-truants. It is well established that dropouts were more likely to have lower levels of aspirations and higher delinquency rates. Those who achieve in school have good study habits, interested in school, are grade-conscious, have relatively higher degree of self-confidence and self-acceptance, highly motivated for academic achievement and set realistic goals for themselves. Underachievers tend to have difficulty in these areas. They tend to be impulsive, pleasure-seeking, incapable of delaying rewards, dislike school, derive relatively little satisfaction from it and generally more pessimistic about the future. Similar factors can be speculated to be in the play as truancy is strongly linked to school failure.

Based on the both articles we can conclude that the socio-economy, sociopsychological, and life style of the parents and the students which cause the truancy. The students always feel lack in the studies or not interested in the subjects teach in the school is because they learn the subjects or matters before this in the tuition centres. Eventually they start to feel that this is just a repetition and loss of interest which cause truancy. In one of the press release President of National Parent Teacher Association DatukMohd Ali Hassan mention that the education system which is too much focusing on the academic performance is also cause of truancy in this country. We have to aware that, students are humans who need attention and not racing horses who go after good results alone. Other factors which need to be address is Inadequate infrastructure which are very big issue to be notice in the rural and remote schools where in reality contributed to higher truancy rate in rural area compare to urban schools. In a survey conducted by the ministry, 58.85% of truancy cases involved

students in rural area compared to 41.15% in cities. Meanwhile, the lack of parentsguidance which makes the child to grow up wild. The children seek for love and freedom when the parents do not share more time with the children. So, they absent from the school to find their freedom outside which makes them to be more happy. Beside that,some children having different type of problems with the parents like parents/guardians who do not value education which eventually cause the students having difficulty in terms of communication. There are no people to guide them in the house so they felt left out in their education whereby they become laughing clown in front of class-mates. To avoid such kind of situations this students choose not to attend to school. Mostly students been pushed to get good results only, but in the fact they should be exposed to the real world. How competitive is the world out there and what are the opportunity is waiting for them when they get educated.

To overcome the truancy the government, parents, teachers, psychological masters and public should co-operate to understand the need of the students and create a platform where the students feel to attend school in a happy mood. The psychological department should do more studies among the students in different area and if possible in different schools and understand the need of the student and train the teachers to be more psychological oriented rather than be a strict teacher. The government should enforce more strict laws toward absentees as well as their parents. Besides, the government also should have more seminars and workshop for parents on how to educate and train children. The parents also need of awareness on the progress on the country and also understand what the opportunities are for their children when they are out of school. They also need to be close with their children by knowing their friends and what their activities are during school hours as well as after school hours. They also need to spend more valuable time with their children by bringing them for vacation during holidays to make sure the children are closer to them.

The society also should play a vital role together with enforcement departments. In case they saw any students in the cinema or shopping complex during school hours they should complain it to the enforcement department and if enough of courage should advice the student not to absent from school and send them to school back.

As the conclusion, truancy is caused by the lack of love at home, caring in the schools and also attention by the public. In accordance to avoid truancy the students should be motivated. All this only will come to place if all the parties such as government, NGOs,

parents, teachers and public works together to reduce truancy.Last but not least the students should be trained and given new methods of learning as the time moves because everything is changing in the fast moving world so do the education system and policies.

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