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Vi si on Board Gui de

Useful Ti ps to Creati ng
A More Powerful Vi si on Board
by Evel yn Li m
www. AbundanceTapestry. com!
vision Boaiu uuiue

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vision Boaiu uuiue

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Evelyn Lim is a Ceitifieu Life Coach, vision Boaiu Counseloi, Nastei Neuio-
Linguistic Piogiamming Piactitionei, Ceitifieu EFT Piactitionei, anu Intuitive
Consultant. She is the authoi to the book, Abunuance Alchemy: }ouiney of uolu
(available as an instant uownloau oi on Amazon), Self-Love Seciets anu a co-
authoi to Auventuies in Nanifesting: Success anu Spiiituality (alongsiue othei
authois such as Bi }oe vitale anu Bi Fieu Alan Woof - both teacheis fiom the
movie "The Seciet" - anu Bi Biian Tiacy).

Evelyn is passionate about helping otheis awaken to theii uieams. She enjoys
using cieativity in hei woik to shaie tiansfoimational messages. In hei spaie
time, she enjoys making sciapbooks anu painting. To ieau fiee aiticles, click
ovei to hei site Abunuance Tapestiy . !

vision Boaiu uuiue

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Bello theie,

Aie you happy with what has been going on in youi life.
Bo you have uifficulties achieving success oi ieaching youi goals.
Bo you face challenges with sticking to what you hope to achieve.
Bo you finu youiself abanuoning youi uieams oi goals halfway.

You cannot help but feel envious of those who seem to have it altogethei.
You may be putting in a lot of effoit but you finu that you aie fai fiom
achieving the uesiieu level of success anu abunuance. Cleaily things seem

Well, if you aie stiuggling anu not living the life of youi uieams, then you
will neeu to ask youiself what youi iueal life is like. To actively tuin youi
uieams into ieality, you will neeu to cieate a vision. Not cieating a vision is
likely to keep you stuck. You go iounu anu iounu in cycles. Thus, you finu
it haiu to move foiwaiu.

If you aie hoping foi youi life to change foi the bettei, then uo things
uiffeiently fiom now on. As Albeit Einstein once saiu, "Insanity is uoing
the same thing ovei anu ovei again anu expecting uiffeient iesults." Anu
so, you will neeu to leain how to uo things in a moie effective away that
biings iesults.

What will be wonueiful to know is that you aie not in the least incapable of
making things change moie positively foi youiself.
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Nost uefinitely, you aie not uoomeu to living a life in poveity, lack anu

You have what it takes to tuin youi life aiounu oi to attain gieatei success
anu abunuance.

It is possible to achieve what you want with much less stiuggle, if you
employ the poweis of visioning. Then again, uieams will simply iemain at
the thought level, until you make the intention of making them woik foi
you. If you uo nothing, these uieams qualify meiely as wishful thinking.
Not unless you meet a genie in a magic lamp, tuining wishes into ieality is
not quite as instant as you alieauy know.

0n the othei hanu, visioning is actively woiking on youi uieams foi
manifestation. Theie is paiticipation iequiieu on youi pait to biing them
about. Theie will be some woik neeueu but you will be less fiustiateu
because you aie woiking in alignment with the natuial laws of the

vision boaius aie gieat tools to aiu in the visioning piocess. Thus, they aie
veiy poweiful. When activateu, they have magnetizing powei by the
viitue of the law of attiaction, in paiticulai. They aie gieat as tools foi
attiacting the vibiational fiequencies that match youi uieams.

Ny life staiteu moving foiwaiu evei since I employeu visioning. I no
longei finu myself losing sight of my uieams. Eveiy time I look at my
boaiu, I am ieminueu on what these aie. They also help me connect with
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joy as I uieam about what it feels like to have them come tiue. In fact, the
moie I apply visioning, the gieatei my ability to manifest iesults that I

This ebook is a staitei guiue. It is an intiouuction to cieating a vision
boaiu. It explains what a vision boaiu is, the benefits of cieating one anu
the univeisal law behinu the powei of a vision boaiu. Theie is also a list of
tips that you woulu not want to miss out on, when making youi boaiu.

Bappy Reauing!
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You piobably have seen vision boaius as collage boaius maue out of
magazine pictuies. You can also go to my pinteiest account to look at some
examples of what otheis have uone. The vision boaius aie fascinating
because they iepiesent the uieams of otheis. Anu you aie likely to finu
them uelightful because they aie usually veiy coloiful.

Bowevei, vision boaius - when maue piopeily - aie not simply aitistic
piojects uone with no meaningful puipose at all. They tell the stoiy anu
heait-felt longings of the peison who has maue them. They also act as
communicatois of piayei intentions to the 0niveise.

Thiough unueistanuing the science behinu cieating one, you will iealize
that a vision boaiu is an impoitant manifesting tool. In fact, you will
uiscovei that not having one is like navigating thiough life in uaikness.
You can only have a hazy iuea of what to woik towaius when you uo not
spenu time woiking on the visioning piocess. You will even wonuei why it
has taken you so long to make a vision boaiu.

Theie aie cleaily many benefits fiom making one oi moie boaius at
uiffeient stages in youi life. You can cieate a vision boaiu foi choosing a
caieei, attiacting a soul mate, staiting a loving family oi when you aie
woiking on a pioject. Each time, you will finu having a vision boaiu useful.
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veiy impoitantly, a vision boaiu pioviues you with a visual mental pictuie
in biinging youi uieams foiwaiu. It is a iepiesentation of what you hope
to be, uo oi have. A vision boaiu, maue authentically by connecting with
youi tiue heait's uesiies, uiaws univeisal powei that biings youi images
into physical ieality.

Nany of us tenu to auopt othei people's uieams. We uelegate oui own to
the uungeons, because we uo not believe in them oi in ouiselves. We feel
that we can only gain social appioval by puisuing a uieam similai to
otheis. Anu so we cieate vision boaius with pictuies that aie not tiue to
oui uesiies. Thus, we aie not able to connect with the images that we see
on oui boaius eveiy uay. We just uo not feel inspiieu enough. Little
suipiise why we face uifficulties with manifesting these physically.

The vision boaiu that woiks most poweifully is the one that is congiuent
fiom the insiue. It ieflects youi innei hopes anu uieams. Youi soul
puipose, if you uon't alieauy know what this is, is to biing them into
fiuition in theii highest expiession anu using youi unique gifts anu
abilities. The highest expiession occuis when you seive the best inteiests
of eveiyone.

0bviously, the moie you know about youiself, the gieatei the alignment
you will be with youi innei being anu the moie able you aie in biinging
value to otheis. Bence, theie is a spiiitual puipose to the use of vision

vision boaius aie also commonly known as uieam boaius, tieasuie maps,
wish boaius oi life wheels. vision boaius geneially incluue the following
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components: photogiaphs, uiawings, pictuies, affiimations, powei woius,
inspiiational quotes anuoi mantias. Not just as a collage, vision boaius
can be maue in a vaiiety of vaiiations. They incluue manualas, paintings,
etc. &

Is the use of vision boaius is a new age peisonal uevelopment fau. It is not
just a passing tienu. In ieality, they have been useu since ancient times. In
fact, if you tiace thousanus of yeais back, you can finu them in cave
paintings. Bunteis uiew pictuies on the walls anu visualize foi successful
conquests anu foi the winning of battles.

Inteiest was ieviveu in the iecent yeais aftei }ohn Assaiaf shaieu in the
movie "The Seciet" of how he manifesteu his uieam house with the use of
a vision boaiu. Theieaftei, the use of vision boaius have been featuieu on
seveial shows such as 0piah, Laiiy King Live, the Ellen Begeneies show,

}oyce Schwaiz, the best-selling authoi to "The vision Boaiu Book: The
Seciet to An Extiaoiuinaiy Life" peisonally inteivieweu moie than 7S
leauing wisuom leaueis anu spiiitual auvisois in auuition to 0lympic
athletes, television anu Bollywoou meuia peisonalities anu celebiities.
Nany of them shaieu that they use vision boaius anu that they hainess
theii intuitive skills togethei with theii logical minu foi successful living.

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If success has eluueu you so fai, then it is impeiative that you use visioning
piopeily. !!
It is possible to manifest the mental image you have in youi minu.

You aie moie poweiful than you iealize.

You just neeu to leain how.

The act of visioning connects you with the powei of youi subconscious.
When activateu, it oichestiates a seiies of synchionistic events biinging
foiwaiu appiopiiate iesouices, ielevant people anu inspiieu iueas that
will assist you in manifesting of youi intents.

Be awaie that it is youi innei woilu that has a uiiect impact on the
exteinal ieality that you aie expeiiencing. Thus, you neeu to stait fiom
investigating what youi obstacles aie fiom the insiue. So if you have
laigely a positive outlook, you aie likely to manifest moie positive

Ninu you; the conveise is tiue as well. If you have a laigely negative
outlook, you aie likely to manifest moie negative outcomes. In shoit,
whethei you expeiience positive oi negative outcomes begins with what is
going on in youi innei woilu.

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Note also that you aie boin with fiee will. You have a choice on how you
woulu like to peiceive things. Bence, you can say that you aie iesponsible
of how youi life plays out. By having a vision, you apply an active intent to
steei youi life in a uesiieu uiiection. You aie conscious about the choices
to take in the way you peiceive things. You have the ability to aujust the
level of abunuance that you enjoy, by simply aujusting youi thoughts anu
feelings. As the co-cieatoi of the woilu aiounu, you aie uefinitely veiy

Because of the use of visuals, a vision boaiu is a gieat tool foi
manifestation. If you uo not alieauy know, youi minu thinks in teims of
pictuies. Let's tiy this. Close youi eyes foi a while anu think of a pink
elephant. What uo you see in youi minu. Bo you see a pictuie oi uo you
see woius oi text uesciibing what the elephant looks like. Chances aie the
fiist thing you conjuie is a mental image.

Woulu you happen to ielate to the following expeiience too. Piioi to
cieating a boaiu, I founu that I coulu only conjuie a hazy mental pictuie foi
visioning. I hau uifficulty in having a cleai enough image. 0n the contiaiy,
aftei I cieateu a vision boaiu, I gaineu gieatei claiity of what my uieam
lookeu like.

Naking a vision boaiu offeis you the oppoitunity to piioiitize what you
neeu in a snapshot. The visioning piocess allows you to make changes to
youi goals befoie finalizing them. Thiough an innei-uiiecteu piocess
facilitateu by asking appiopiiate questions, you can examine what it is that
you tiuly want. You aie able to sieve out what is impoitant to you, amiust
all the cluttei ueiiveu fiom tiying to auopt othei people's uieams.
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Baving a pictuie that you can iefei to physically ovei anu ovei again is an
auvantage. It helps to builu a consistent impiession; theieby cultivating
moie focus. You aie affiiming iepeateuly that the pictuie on youi boaiu is
what you intenu to manifest physically.
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vision boaius woik, by viitue of the Law of Attiaction. The Law of
Attiaction simply states: That which is like unto itself, is uiawn.

To unueistanu the Law of Attiaction, you neeu to know that eveiything is
eneigy. Anu that incluues things that aie soliu anu peiceiveu to be
sepaiate. Bowevei, since all things oi beings have uiffeient vibiational
fiequencies, we take on unique foims, shapes anu have vaiying levels of

Now, quantum physics has alieauy pioven that eneigy attiacts eneigy of a
similai vibiation. Thoughts anu feelings have theii own magnetic eneigy
that attiacts like eneigy. So you magnetize anu manifest outcomes of a
similai vibiation.

You aie always cieating. You get the essence of what you aie thinking.
Whethei it is something you tiuly uesiie oi not, you manifest what you
focus youi thoughts on. Thought pieceues manifestation. So, if you woulu
like to change youi life situation, you neeu to be 2,<.7,3#1, in youi
intention oi thoughts anu consciously holu the mental image of what you
uesiie foi.

Nost ceitainly, thoughts aie cieative. Bowevei, thoughts that aie
combineu with the feeling of emotion have the most magnetic attiacting
powei. To hainess this powei, you will neeu to be tuneu into bettei-
feeling thoughts. Eneigy goes wheie focuseu emotional attention flows.
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To activate the law of attiaction, you neeu to have uesiie. You neeu to
focus youi attention while at the same time feel positive towaius it. Youi
uesiie comes fiom the ueepest pait within youi heait. When you aie tiue
to youi uesiie, you aie not expeiiencing any inteinal conflict. Bence, you
aie not manifesting conflict but what you tiuly want.

0sing a vision boaiu, which is foiwaiu looking, helps you be on tiack with
youi focusing. }ust look at the stoiies of successful people aiounu. uieat
achieveis of the past weie people who have uone the same. It was how
planes weie built, light bulbs weie inventeu anu exploiations into space
began. They uieameu what appeaieu to be the impossible; anu uespite
what otheis say, stuck to theii vision.

These gieat achieveis kept picking themselves up, uespite multiple
failuies. They uemonstiateu iesilience. Against all ouus, they peiseveieu
because of the buining uieam they have. The iest became histoiy. If not
foi theii visions, we woulu not be having the many conveniences that we
enjoy touay. We have a lot to thank them foi.

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1. Beciue if you aie going to cieate a hanumaue oi uigital vision boaiu.
Bowevei, I have obseiveu that hanumaue ones woik just as well foi
visioning. I enjoy the piocess of flipping thiough magazines, cutting the
pictuies out anu getting new iueas. It is also possible to make postei sizeu
vision boaius to hang on the wall.

I also enjoy cieating uigital vision boaius using the Photoshop softwaie on
my laptop. I like the fact that I can easily upuate it. I tenu to make uigital
vision boaius foi the vaiious piojects that I have set a goal foi.

Aftei making a uigital one, I uownloau my vision boaiu pictuie as a
scieensavei anu place a copy on my iphone. Whenevei I have some fiee
time while waiting foi the bus oi my fiienu to show up foi an appointment,
I enjoy flipping thiough my album on my iphone anu looking thiough the
copies of my vision boaiu.

2. uathei pictuies: magazine pictuies, postcaius, photogiaphs oi images
souiceu fiom the web. I souice my image neeus fiom lifestyle, tiavel,
fashion, health anu home uecoi magazines.

Bave pioblems finuing the images you want. The inteinet is a huge
iesouice. Consiuei uownloauing pictuies that you neeu foi youi vision
boaiu anu piinting them out. Bo, howevei, fiist check the copyiight oi
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usage guiuelines attacheu to the pictuie you want. Beie aie some
websites that you can visit foi ioyalty-fiee pictuies:


S. Scissois oi papei cuttei.

4. Postei boaiu oi othei mounting space foi hanumaue vision boaius.
Now you may be wonueiing, "what size shoulu I make my vision boaius."
In my opinion, it ieally uoes not mattei. What matteis most is what is
most suiteu to youi neeus. 0bviously, moie time is neeueu to complete a
biggei boaiu anu less time foi a smallei boaiu. It also uepenus on the size
of youi images anu how many you aie hoping to paste.

If you like the iuea of hanging youi vision boaiu acioss youi wall, consiuei
making a postei sizeu one. Foi uigital boaius, what you neeu to iemembei
is that you can uownsize a big pictuie easily but you may stanu to lose
image claiity when you enlaige the size of a pictuie into a biggei one.

S. ulue anuoi sticky tape.

6. Embellishments such as stickeis, floweis, bookmaiks, maps anu so on.
You can get supplies fiom ait stoies, sciapbook stoies oi othei kinus of
ciaft shops.
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1. Beciue on what boaiu you wish to cieate. Bo you want to stait off with
cieating an oveiall abunuance vision boaiu oi foi a specific aiea in youi
life such as health, ielationship, family anu so on. Alteinatively, you can
also cieate a vision boaiu to help you envision a successful outcome foi
the pioject that you aie woiking on. !

2. Eliminate uistiactions. Play ambient backgiounu music, if it helps you to
ielax. 0i consiuei buining some aiomatheiapy canules. The iuea is to get
into the flow.

S. Flip thiough the magazines that you have collecteu. Cut out the pictuies
that call out to you.

4. Fiom the pictuies that call out to you, uown-select to the few impoitant

S.To help you "associate" with youi vision boaiu, place a pictuie of
youiself in the miuule of it, anu fiom the centei, woik in othei images.
This means having youi own photogiaph iight in the miuule anu having
pictuies of youi uieams suiiounuing you. Then again, theie aie no "iules"
to cieating a cieative vision boaiu. }ust uo wheie youi intuition tells you
to uo.

6. Tap into youi own cieative style. Avoiu clutteiing youi vision boaiu
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with too many pictuies unless all of these aie aiounu a cential eneigetic
theme such as joy, love, powei anu so on.

7. Embellish with glittei, stickeis, beaus, floweis, business caius, vintage
stamps oi ticket stubs. It will be gieat if you can make the items to auu
ielevant to the vision boaiu you aie cieating. Baving a S-B effect auus to
the vitality anu life of youi vision boaiu.
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Cieate a pictuie that shows you in self-love, acceptance anu wellness.
Bepict youiself looking happy, beautiful, confiuent anu iauiant. Finu
symbols to iepiesent the qualities of love, beauty anu waimth. Auu
affiimations to ieminu you about taking chaige of youi life!

Put photos of youiself anu youi paitnei on youi vision boaiu. If you aie
hoping foi a iomantic paitnei, finu pictuies oi woius to iepiesent the
qualities that you uesiie in the iueal peison. You can also wiite these
uesciiptions uown at the back of youi boaiu.

Incluue pictuies of you anu youi paitnei uoing something togethei.
Examples of iueal scenes: holuing hanus togethei on a beach, taking a
holiuay anuoi playing with youi kius anu having fun.

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Nost ceitainly, you can cieate a vision boaiu with the mateiial things you
uesiie. Bowevei, you may want to think about incluuing a uepiction that
woulu suggest youi eneigy exchange foi these items. In which case, a
suitable pictuie might be centeieu aiounu the woik that you offei. When
you uo so, you aie choosing to honoi the ieceiving-giving cycle of

You can also cieate a wealth vision boaiu by incoipoiating feng shui
elements anu pictuies. Theie aie many feng shui symbols foi wealth, luck
anu piospeiity. You can visit any feng shui shop to get some iueas of what
these aie.
Tips foi Youi Feng Shui vision Boaiu

1. Pick iich colois to iepiesent wealth. These incluue biight yellow, golu,
ieu, puiple anu gieen.
2. Bang youi feng shui boaiu at the entiance of youi house, to ushei in
S. Be suie to choose pictuies of incoming wealth iathei than outflowing
4. Nevei put youi wealth symbols in the toilet. Anu that incluues youi
wealth vision boaiu! Avoiu having the iepiesentation of flushing away
youi goou foitune!
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Show youiself uoing the woik you will love to uo. Youi woik gives you a
sense of puipose. Bepict youiself as someone successful, joyful anu
inspiiing to otheis. Eveiyone fiom youi colleagues, clients anu woikeis
aie looking happy aiounu you. You aie also eaining enough money fiom
the woik you uo.

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Cieating a vision boaiu foi an iueal tiavel uestination is a gieat pioject to
woik on, since the thought of going on a vacation geneially puts us in joy.
If you have a place that you woulu like to specifically taiget, finu pictuies
of it that you can paste on youi vision boaiu. Set asiue any money
conceins about going on the tiip, foi the time being. Leave the "how" to
the 0niveise to figuie it out. !

Specify the vacation style that you woulu like to spenu in this iueal
location: backpack, buuget oi five-stai. Bon't foiget to think about the
foou anu the activities that you aie going to be expeiiencing while
vacationing. In youi vision boaiu, show youiself having an awesome time!

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The following is a collection of tips that I have amasseu fiom cieating
vision boaius anu helping otheis with theiis too:

M5&N,,=&#&0=,/.#<&>(<2,35 It's a gieat iuea to keep a special foluei of favoiite
images that you have come acioss. When it's time to cieate a vision boaiu,
this special foluei will come in hanuy.

O5& J,1& #0.2,& 1.4,& >(3& /3,#1.$6& #& -.0.($& 7(#325& Beuicate some time (say, an
houi oi two) to cieating youi vision boaiu. This is to be consiueieu sacieu
time because you want to connect with youi heait's uesiies. You want as
little outsiue inteifeience as possible.

P5& ;,& /<,#3& .$& @"#1& '()& @()<2& <.%,& 1(& 4#$.>,015 Bon't iush thiough in
cieating one. Spenu some ieflective time. You woulun't want to enu up
manifesting the thing you uon't want, woulu you.

Q5& R<#'& @.1"& =(00.7.<.1'5 Refiain fiom censuiing youi uieams. Believe that
anything can be possible.

S5& T,2.1#1,& 7,>(3,& /3,#1.$6& #& -.0.($& 7(#325 Baving a meuitative session
piioi to making a vision boaiu can help you calm an unsettleu minu.

U5& J,<,/1& #==3(=3.#1,& /(<(305 Consiuei choosing the appiopiiate coloi foi
the boaiu that you wish to cieate. Foi instance, if you aie making a
ielationship vision boaiu, a coloi like ieu oi pink is a gieat iuea.
vision Boaiu uuiue

Page 24

V5& A<<(@& '()3& >#4.<'& (3& >3.,$20& 1(& G(.$& .$5 If it is a shaieu uieam oi vision,
make cieating a boaiu a gioup activity.
W5& N,,=& .1& 0.4=<,5 Bon't cluttei youi vision boaius if you aie hoping to
cieate focus. You can have sepaiate vision boaius foi uiffeient goals, if you
X5& N,,=& <.>,01'<,& 4#6#Y.$,05 Bon't thiow away the stack of olu lifestyle
magazines. They will come in hanuy foi cieating vision boaius.

MZ5&J=,$2&1.4,&.$&$#1)3,&3,6)<#3<'5 This helps you to ielax anu have claiity
in thought.

MM5& & J=3.$%<,& 6<.11,35 Auu a touch of spaikle anu glamoi on youi vision
boaiu. Baving youi uieam come tiue feels like miiacle! So auuing that
extia glittei seals the eneigy of magic anu completes the piocess.

MO5&[,1&.2,#0&>3(4&,-,3'@",3,5 Flip thiough magazines, uesign books, post
caius anu so on. uo to ait galleiies oi the libiaiy. Iueas aie eveiywheie.

MP5& \#33'& #& /#4,3#& #3()$25 You want to have a cameia ieauy to captuie
shots that catch youi fancy. A uigital SLR may be too heavy to lug aiounu
but an instant one can fit easily into any bag. I caiiy a small cameia with
me eveiyuay, in auuition to having an iphone that also has a photo-taking

MQ5& T#%,& /(=.,0& (>& '()3& -.0.($& 7(#325 Cieate easy-to-caiiy oi wallet sizeu
vision Boaiu uuiue

Page 2S
copies of youi vision boaiu anu put them eveiywheie - on youi miiioi,
fiiuge anu so on.

MS5& N,,=& #& -.0.($& G()3$#<5 Wiite uown youi thoughts, iueas anu
inspiiations. Baving a vision jouinal also allows you to claiify anu ieview
what you tiuly want. This is an impoitant iesouice when it is time to
cieate oi ievise youi boaiu.

MU5&E#-,&#$&.$0=.3,2&0#'.$6&(3&1@(&($&'()3&-.0.($&7(#325 Nake suie that the
saying aligns with the images on the boaiu foi gieatei focus.

MV5& \3,#1,& #& -.2,(5 You can also tuin the images that you have on youi
vision boaiu into a movie. I cieateu one some yeais ago. Watch this viueo
that has gaineieu ovei Su,uuu views:}6k_ugw

MW5&J#'&1"#$%05 Aftei cieating a vision boaiu, expiess thanks. Believe that
you aie alieauy in ieceipt of what you aie intenuing foi.

MX5& ](<<(@& '()3& .4=)<0,5& Bave an inspiieu iuea while ielaxing oi
meuitating. Bon't just uismiss it. It may be something impoitant. Follow
the impulse anu see if it lenus gieatei claiity to cieating youi vision. &

OZ5&R<#/,&'()3&-.0.($&7(#32&.$&#$&#)0=./.()0&<(/#1.($5&&Whethei it is meant to
attiact wealth oi not, it is impoitant to place youi vision boaiu wheie
theie is goou flow of eneigy. Bon't stuff it insiue youi closet oi at the
bottom of youi uiawei.

vision Boaiu uuiue

Page 26

If you aie hoping to live a life of youi uieams, then most ceitainly you neeu
to stait with having a vision. It involves gaining claiity on who you ieally
aie anu what you want to uo anu have. With gieatei claiity, you aie less
likely to manifest moie confusion. uieatei claiity also leaus you to bettei

By consistently focusing on the same pictuie, you will finu it easiei to biing
it foiwaiu. Anu the moie you can feel it in youi heait anu believe it with
all youi soul, the gieatei will be youi manifesting powei foi the uieam you
holu in youi minu.

Ameiican philosophei, Beniy Baviu Thoieau, has got goou auvice foi us.
Be saiu, "Bo not lose holu of youi uieams oi aspiiations. Foi if you uo, you
may still exist but you have ceaseu to live." Applying visioning techniques
piopeily can help you to holu on youi uieams.

Fiom having leaineu about how to activate the Law of Attiaction with the
use of vision boaius anu visioning techniques, I have attiacteu many of my
heait's uesiies. These incluue a loving ielationship with my husbanu (I
faceu tiemenuous challenges at one stage), a peaceful home, clients fiom
all ovei the woilu, becoming an authoi anu connections with like-minueu
piactitioneis anu teacheis fiom the movie "The Seciet". So yes, I am
giateful foi the many blessings that I cuiiently enjoy.

You can have youi uieams come tiue foi you too. Theie aie vaiious things
to be awaie of, in oiuei to have the Law of Attiaction woik poweifully foi
vision Boaiu uuiue

Page 27
you. An incieaseu unueistanuing of eneigy mechanics will also help
gieatly. Any missing ingieuient can leau to less-than-effective iesults, as
my peisonal expeiience has shown.

Well, inteiesteu to leain moie. If so, stay subsciibeu to my Abunuance
Tapestiy newslettei foi fiee aiticles, tips anu iesouices.

Ny newslettei is ueuicateu to pioviuing you with infoimation about
manifesting abunuance. 0bviously you will still neeu to take action. But
hopefully, my newslettei can save you time anu heaitache by pointing out
aieas that can help you evolve, anu ultimately with manifesting a life of
youi uieams.

Love anu abunuance always,

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