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APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES:_________________________________________ FECHA: 06 DE MARZO DEL 2013 INSTRUCCIONES: LEE CON DETENIMIENTO CADA UNO DE LOS EJERCICIOS PROPUESTOS Y RESPONDE EVITANDO BORRONES Y MACHONES PORQUE INVALADARN TU RESPUESTA. I. Complete the sentences with the appropiate verb to be: AM IS - ARE (5 points). 1.- Mercedes ____ a housewife. 2.- I ____ a student 3.- _____ many boys in this room? 4.- _____ it a nice place: 5.- No. There ____ not students II. Mark the correct answer. (5 points)
1.- AIR a) countable 2.- BOOK a) countable 3.- HAPPY a) countable 4.- OIL a) countable 5.- BEAUTIFUL a) countable b) uncountable c) n.a b) uncountable c) n.a b) uncountable c) n.a b) uncountable c) n.a b) uncountable c) n.a

III. Make sentences with using DOES / DO (5 points)

1.- Rosario Ponce helps Ciro Castillo. ____________________________ 2.- Two men study this project. ____________________________ 3.- A boy cries all the night ____________________________ 4.- America goes ahead. ____________________________ 5.- I do it. ____________________________

IV. Complete the next sentences with SOME- ANY MANY MUCH (5 POINTS) 1.- Teresa has ___ friends. 2.- Do you have ____ book here? 3.- I have_____rice. 4.- Juan does not have ___ telephone. 5.- _____ chocolates. PROF. DANTE MARQUINA PAZ


APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES:_________________________________________ FECHA: 06 DE MARZO DEL 2013 INSTRUCCIONES: LEE CON DETENIMIENTO CADA UNO DE LOS EJERCICIOS PROPUESTOS Y RESPONDE EVITANDO BORRONES Y MACHONES PORQUE INVALADARN TU RESPUESTA. V. Complete the sentences ES-IES-S (5 points). 1.- Clara _______ (study) French language. 2.- I ____ (do) my homework at home. 3.- My parents ______ (go) home very early. 4.- Rosario _____ (like) English language. 5.- Jaime_______ (watch) tv. VI. Mark the correct answer. Regular and Irregular verbs Past Tense. (5 points)
1.- DO a) DONE b) DID c) n.a 2.- STUDY a) studied b) studies c) n.a 3.- AM-IS / ARE a) were/was b) was/were c) n.a 4.- EAT a) eats b) eating c) n.a 5.- READ a) reads b) read c) n.a


Make sentences with using DOES / DO (5 points)

1.- Rosario Ponce helps Ciro Castillo. ____________________________ 2.- Two men study this project. ____________________________ 3.- A boy cries all the night ____________________________ 4.- America goes ahead. ____________________________ 5.- I do it. ____________________________


Make TAQ QUESTIONS (5 POINTS) 1.- I am a student. ______? 2.- Diana is an English tourist. _________? 3.- The students are not lazies. ________? 4.- Juan does his homework.________? 5.- Many policemen do not work today. __________? PROF. DANTE MARQUINA PAZ

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