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Cdigo: 7165-F-016 Versin: 001 Emisin: 29/01/2013 Pgina: 1 de 1


International Business English (7A) Languages Alvaro Santamara 2013-1 TERM HOUR 26 COMPETENCES TO DEVELOP Taking parts in meetings. Making arrangements on the telephone. THEORY AND CONCEPTS Words that go with brands and products. Traveling Present Simple Present Continuous Talking about the future. British and American travel words. TASKS Editing Replying to an email. Writing an e-mail. Making suggestions. Getting the message right. Asking for agreement or confirmation. Case of Study: Caferoma: Solve problems of a leading brand. Case of study: Work, rest and play: Choose a suitable hotel for a seminar in France. Auric Bank: Choose the best way to reorganize customer services. Completing an email. Networking Listening practice. LEARNING EVIDENCES Workshops. Oral presentations. Projects (Representing a famous brand) Quizzes. Exercises RESOURCES Market Leader Intermediate Students book Unit 1 and 2 Market leader Practice file book unit 1 and 2. Role playing activities. Financial times world business newspaper.

Apr 8th May 14th


Talking about travel experiences. Socializing: Introductions and networking.

Organization Words and expressions to describe company structure. Noun combination

Role playing Quizzes

Market Leader Intermediate Students book Unit 2 and 3 Market leader Practice file book unit 3 Financial times world business newspaper.

Cdigo: 7165-F-016
May 14th June 14th 20

Versin: 001
Taking part in meetings. Discussing attitudes to change in general and at work.

Emisin: 29/01/2013
Change Words for describing change Past simple and present perfect. Identifying function. An introduction to report writing. Asking for repetition. Case of study: Acquiring Metrot. Agree on changes at a company that has been taken over. Practice exercises

Pgina: 1 de 1
Quizzes Oral Presentations Practice exercises. Market Leader Intermediate Students book Unit 4 Market leader Practice file book unit 4 Financial times world business newspaper. Video beam

June 17th June 25th

Preparing Students for the final exam.

General review



Activity 1 Term (23%)


Quizzes (20%) Oral Exam (30%) Written Exam (50%)

During the term March 22nd 25th March 29th

1 Term 2nd Term 3rd Term 4th Term (Final Exam) Retake Exam 1st Oral exam: 2nd Oral exam: 3rd Oral exam:


Final date to upload grades to the SAC April 4th May 16th June 14th June 27th July 2nd

2nd Term (23%)

Quizzes (20%) Oral Exam (30%) Written Exam (50%)

During the term May 3rd -6th May 10th

Talking about brands and travelling.

3rd Term (24%)

Quizzes (20%) Oral Exam (30%) Written Exam (50%)

During the term June 3rd 7th June 10th

Talking about Companies and jobs.

Agreeing or disagreeing on changes in life and companies.

4 Term (30%)


Written Exam (100%)

June 21


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