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The English alphabet

To spell[tu spel] a spune pe litere, a ortografia Double[dabl] == dublu Ex.: Please spell your name, sir.=Spuneti-va numele pe litere , domnule My name is Francis Steel.= Numele meu este Francis Steel. Ef ar ei en si ai es es ti dabl i el Tt: se pronunta [dabl ti] First Name/Christian Name Elizabeth John Middle (Middle or Name Initial) Mary Wesley M W Last Name/Surname Windsor Sinclair

Ex. 1: Spuneti pe litere urmatoarele nume: Susan Brown: Michael Slevin: Catherine Foster: Sunetele urmate de : sunt mai lungi.Litera anterioara se pronunta mai lung: Feel[fi:l], school[sku:l], sheaf[i:f]

Numeralul cardinal (The cardinal numeral) 2.two 3.three (thir*) 4.four 5. five(fif*) 6. six 7. seven 8. eight 9. nine 10. ten Million = million Billion= milliard Numerele de la 1 la 12 se invata pe dinafara. Pentru formarea numerelor de la 13 la 19 se adauga terminatia TEEN[ti:n] la sfarsitul cifrei ce corespunde unitatilor. Ex: Four+TEEN=> fourteen Six + TEEN=> sixteen Seven + TEEN=> seventeen Atentie la modificarile survenite in radacina cuvantului datorita adaugarii lui TEEN. Astfel, pentru 13 .thir+ TEEN=>thirteen 15. fif+TEEN=> fifteen 18. se ortografiaza cu un singur T: eighteen Pentru formarea zecillor de la 20 la 90 se adauga TY[ti] Ex: six+TY= sixty Seven+TY= seventy Atentie la : 20. twenty 30. thir+TY 40. for+ TY 3 11. eleven 12. twelve 13. thirteen 14. fourteen 15. fifteen 16. sixteen 17. seventeen 18. eighteen 19. nineteen 20. twenty 10. ten 20 twenty 30. thirty 40. forty 50. fifty 60. sixty 70. seventy 80. eighty 90. ninety 100. hundred 1000. thousand

50. fif+TY 80. ortografiat cu un singur T: eighty Pentru formarea numerelor se procedeaza astfel: 24= douazeci si patru= twenty four sau twenty-four 73=saptezeci si trei= seventy three 1245= one thousand two hundred and forty five 7865= seven thousand eight hundred and sixty five Sau seven thousand eight hundred and sixty- five Numerele se compun la fel ca in limba romana. OBSERVATIE: 1. Intotdeauna HUNDRED este urmat de AND. (and=si) 2. Hundred, thousand, million, billion nu iau forma de plural daca sunt folosite in formarea numeralelor: 200= two hundred (nu hundreds) 3000=three thousand (nu thousands) 456.579=four hundred AND fifty six thousand five hundred and seventy nine CITIREA ANILOR: Intai se citesc primele 2 cifre(ca numar), apoi urmatoarele doua. Anii se vor citii ca un numar obisnuit in cazul in care cifra sutelor sau cifra zecilor este zero. Ex: 1998= nineteen (19) ninety eight (98) 1585= fifteen(15) eighty five(85) 1659=sixteen(16) fifty nine(59) Dar: 2001= two thousand and one 2008=two thousand and eight 703= seven hundred three A.D.[ei di]= Anno Domini= dupa Christos B.C.[bi si]= Before Christ= inainte de Cristos Virgula si punctul zecimal: 1.700.000 dolari = $ 1,700,000 ----in romana folosim punctul iar in engleza virgula pentru delimitare. 3,52%= 3.52% (per cent)= three point five two per cent 0,3=0.3= nought point three Pentru citirea numerelor de telefon fiecare cifra se spune separat. Cifra zero se citeste Oh. 105 - one oh five

Se face pauza dupa grupuri de 3 sau 4 cifre. 376 4705 - three seven six, four seven oh five Scrieti urmatoarele numere: 13= 15= 18= 27= 76= 176= 475= 4367= 98.765= 6,75%= 0.23= 1.784.325= Scrieti urmatorii ani: 1988= 1659= 2005= 1900=

Pronumele personal (personal pronoun)

I (ai)= eu se scrie intotdeauna cu litera mare You= tu, dumneavoastra He =el folosit pentru persoane de sex masculin She =ea - folosit pentru persoane de sex feminin It = el/ ea folosit pentru animale, obiecte , bebelusi, fenomene ale naturii, impersonal We =noi You= voi They =ei/ ele YOU tu , voi, dumneavoastra Pentru exprimarea politicoasa se foloseste you dar pe cat posibil folosim, in adresare directa : DOMNULE, DOAMNA, DOMNISOARA astfel: -Daca nu urmeaza numele persoanei: SIR[sr] =domnule MADAM[mdm]= doamna MISS[mis]= domnisoara -Daca urmeaza numele persoanei folosim: MR.[mistr]= d-le MRS[misiz]= d-na MISS[mis]= d-ra 5

-Lady[leidi] si gentleman[gentlmn] se foloseste cand se face referire la alta persoana decat interlocutorul si nu urmeaza numele persoanei. Ex: Thank you, sir= multumesc domnule Good bye, madam= la revedere doamna How are you, miss?= Ce mai faceti domnisoara? Sau Thank you, Mr. Smith= multumesc domnule Smith Good bye, Mrs. Johnson= la revedere doamna Johnson How are you, miss Carter?= Ce mai faceti domnisoara Carter? I know the lady= O cunosc pe doamna The gentleman is Spanish= domnul este spaniol It : pentru animale: Where is the cat? It is here. =Unde este pisica? Este aici. pentru obiecte: This is a book. It is blue.= Aceasta este o carte. Este albastra. pentru bebelusi:The baby is happy. It is smiling. Bebelasul este fericit. Zambeste. Pentru fenomene ale naturii: It is snowing. Impersonal: It is real.

Verbul to be (a fi)
I am[ai m]= eu sunt You are[iu ar]=tu esti He is[hi iz]=el este She is[i is]=ea este It is [it is]=el/ea este We are[ui ar]=noi suntem You are[iu ar]=voi sunteti They are[dei ar]=ei/ele sunt

Verbul to have(a avea)

I have[ai hv]= eu am You have [iu hv] tu ai He has[hi hz]= el are She has[I hz]=ea are It has[it hz]=el/ea are We have[ui hv]=noi avem You have[iu hv]=voi aveti They have[dei hv]=ei /ele au

Varsta in limba engleza se exprima cu verbul to be(a fi) si nu cu to have(a avea): How old are you?(hau uld ar iu )= Ce varsta aveti?/ Cati ani ai? I am _____ years old. (ai m ____ irz uld)= Eu am.ani. Ex:. I am 43 years old.[irz uld] He is 32 years old. Katy is 5 years old. Mr. Carter is 55 years old. Ex: Traduceti in limba engleza: 1. Steve are 27 de ani. 2. Dumneavoastra aveti 36 de ani. 3. Domnul Art are 45 de ani 4. Cati ani are domnul Brown? 5. Domnisoara Jackson este aici(here). 6. Noi avem carti(books).

7. Ei au solutii(solutions). Exercitii : 1. 876= 2. 25.898= 3. 112.977= 4. 1967(an)= 5. 2004(an)= 6. 7.65 %= 7. 0.45= 8. Spuneti pe litere propriul nume: 9. Doamna Smith are 38 de ani. 10. Noi avem calculatoare.(computers). Vocabulary : Tall(t :l)= inalt Short(ort )= scund, scurt Nice[nais]=frumos Smart(smart)=destept A /an = un, o Car[ca:r]= masina long[l ng]= lung Many friends[mni frndz] = multi prieteni Products=produse A brother[brar]=un frate A computer=un calculator Company= companie, firma Manufacturer= producator Turnover=cifra de afaceri Of= de Employees=angajati From= din, de la

Exercitii: Faceti propozitii cu cuvintele de la vocabular folosind verbele to be si to have: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. Translate into Romanian : 1. The company has a turnover of four million euros. 2. The company has forty-eight employees. 3. The manufacturer is from Romania.

Obs. Adjectivele in limba engleza se plaseaza in fata substantivelor ale caror insusiri le determina. A good product= un produs bun a-articol nehotarat---un/ o good- adjectiv product- substantivul In consecinta si adjectivele ce arata posesia se vor plasa in fata substantivelor.

Adjective posesive
My[mai]= meu, mea, mei , mele My computer is black. My lamp is nice. My job is good. My secretary is here. Your[ior]=tau, ta, tai, tale Your brother is a manager. Your friend is 35 years old. Your hobby is football. Your products are expensive. His[his]=lui His oppinions are good. His job is near here. His wife is a nurse. His bussines is successful. Her[hr]=ei Her account is 125452 Her offer is more interesting. Her agenda is full. Her job is interesting. Its[itz]=lui/ei Its failure is predictable. Its walls are blue. Its leaves are green. Its cover is white. Our[aur]=nostru, noastra, nostri, noastre 8

Our company has 1200 employees. Our schedule is full. Our desks are here. Our office has four rooms. Your[ior]=vostru, voastra, vostri, voastre Your coats are green. Your education is good. Your phone number is 114578 Your books are at home. Their[er]=lor Their structure is complicated. Their wages are low. Their inner coating is brown. Their secretary is very intelligent. Vocabulary: Agency[eiginsi]=agentie Project[pr gct]=proiect Office [fis]=birou la serviciu (incapere) Study [stadi]=birou acasa Desk [birou]=birou, pupitru Ex:. Traduceti in engleza: Slujba lui Salarul ei Secretara lor Directorul nostru Produsele voastre Parerile lor Proiectul meu Biroul nostru Pupitrul tau

White[uait]=alb Pink[pinc]=roz Red[red]=rosu Orange[ringi]=portocaliu 9 Green[gri:n]=verde Yellow[ilu]=galben Brown[braun]=maro Blue[blu:]=albastru

Gray[grei]=gri Black[blc]=negru Dark[darc]------intuneric, inchis(in cazul in care se combina cu culorile) Light[lait] ------lumina, bec, usor ( greutate),deschis (folosit cu culorile) Dark brown= maro inchis Light blue = albastru deschis Ex: Scrieti : Roz deschis Rosu inchis Portocaliu inchis Maro deschis Vocabulary : Cable [cheibl]=cablu And [nd]=si Insulation[insulein]= izolatie Wood[u:d]=lemn Envelope[nvlop]=plic

Plastic=plastic Paper=hartie Wool=lana Leather=piele

The colour of the cable is green and yellow.= Culoarea cablului este galben cu verde The wood is brown.=Lemnul este maro. The colour of the insulation is light blue= Culoarea izolatiei este albastru deschis. The envelope is white.= Plicul este alb. Traduceti: Plicul este albastru. Culoarea cablului este verde cu rosu. Maro cu verde Galben cu rosu Albastru cu gri To be[ tu bi]- a fi Prezent Afirmativ I am= You are= He is= She is = It is= We are= You are= They are= ----aceasta forma corespunde formei de infinitiv a verbului


Negativ : se formeaza adaugand particula not[n t] dupa verb. I am not= Im not= You are not=youre not=you arent= He is not=hes not= he isnt= She is not=shes not= she isnt= It is not=its not=it isnt= We are not=were not=we arent= You are not=youre not= you arent= They are not= theyre not=they arent= Formele contrase isnt si arent: -Verbul si particula not se scriu intr-un cuvant iar in loc de o se pune . -Se pronunta [iznt] si [arnt] Interogativ : se face prin inversiune Am I?= Are you?= Is he?= Is she?= Is it?= Are we?= Are you?= Are they?= To have [hv] a avea Afirmativ I have= You have= He has= She has= It has= We have= You have= They have= Negativ : adaugam not dupa verb I have not= I havent= You have not= you havent= He has not=he hasnt= She has not= she hasnt= It has not=it hasnt= We have not=we havent= You have not= you havent= They have not=they havent=


Formele contrase se fac prin alipirea lui have cu particula not ;in loc de o se pune . Se pronunta: Havent[hvnt] Hasnt[hznt] Interogativ : se face prin inversiune Have I?= Have you? = Has he? = Has she? = Has it? = Have we? = Have you? = Have they? = To do[du] = a face Afirmativ I do[du]= You do= He does[daz]= She does= It does= We do You do= They do= Negativ : se adauga not I do not= I dont[dunt]= You do not= you dont= He does not= he doesnt[daznt]= She does not=she doesnt= It does not= it doesnt= We do not= we dont= You do not=you dont= They do not= they dot= Interogativ: se face inversiune Do I?= Do you?= Does he?=


Does she?= Does it?= Do we?= Do you?= Do they?= Exercitiu: Traduceti verbele to be, to do , to have- conjugate la prezent

Who , what, where, when, why, how

Who [hu:]= cine folosit pentru persoane What[u t]= ce What time[taim]=la ce ora Where[uer]=unde When[un]=cand Why[uai]=de ce How[hau]=cat, cum Whose[hu:z]=ale/ai/a cuipentru persoane Whom[hu:m]=pe care/cine, carui pentru persoane Whoever [huevr]= oricine Whenever[uenvr]=oricand Whatever[uatvr]=orice/ ma rog,in fine Whichever[uicivr]=oricare Wherever[urevr]=oriunde Vocabulary: Wire[uai]=sarma Building[bilding]=cladire Temperature[tempricir]=temperatura Signal[signal]=semnal Decision[disijn]=decizie Thread[red]=ata, fir Cable[cheibl]=cablu Wave[ueiv]=unda, val Good[gu:d]=bun Factory[fctri]=fabrica Plant[plnt]=uzina, fabrica, planta There[der]=acolo Here[hir]=aici Free[fri:]=gratuit, liber Letter(s)[ltr(z)]=scrisoare(scrisori) Meeting[mi:ting]=sedinta, intrunire Indoor= interior Outdoor= exterior Flame retardant= cu intarziere marita la propagarea flacarii Power energy distribution= distributia energiei electrice Fixed installations= instalatii fixe Underground= impamantat, metrou(engl) Aluminium foil=folie de aluminiu Copper tape= banda de cupru Outer diameter= diametrul exterior Single core=unifilar Multicore= multifilar Flexible cables= cabluri flexibile Inner sheath= manta interioara However[hauvr]=oricum, totusi How se foloseste in combinatii cu unele adjective How much? [hau maci]= cat de mult, cat How much is?=cat costa? How many? [hau mni]= cat de multe How long?[hau l ng]=cat de lung How tall?[hau t l]= cat de inalt How short?[hau ort ]= cat de scurt/ scund How low?[hau lau]= cat de jos How high?[hau hai]= cat de sus How strong?[hau str ng]=cat de puternic How far ?[hau far]=cat de departe


Obs.: adjectivele in limba engleza au forme invariabile de singular si plural, masculin, feminin. Exceptie fac: much=mult,multa si many=multi, multe This[dis]= aceasta, acesta indica apropierea That [dt]=acela, aceea- indica departarea These[di:z]=acestea, acestia pentru apropiere Those[duz]=aceia, acelea- pentru departare Few[fiu]=cateva, cativa Little[litl]=putin, putina Traduceti in romana: Who is this?= Where are those?= Whose are these?= When is the show?= What is there?= Why is it free?= How much is the wire?= How high is the building?= How low is the temperature?= How long is the cable?= How strong is the wave?= How far is the factory?= Traduceti in engleza: Cine sunt aceia?= Ei sunt domnul si doamna Smith.= Ale cui sunt acestea?= Ale cui sunt aceste scrisori?= Cand este sedinta?= Unde este fabrica?= De ce este ?= Cat costa cablul?= Cat de sus este temperatura?= Cat de buna este decizia?= Cat de departe este uzina?= Cat de puternic este semnalul?= Cat de lung este firul?= Ce este mantaua interioara?= Cat costa banda de cupru si folia de aluminiu? Vocabulary Documents= documente Key=cheie Colleague = coleg Step=pas Career=cariera Expensive=scump Cheap=ieftin Necessary= necesar


Interesting=interesant Interested= interesat Show on TV= emisiune la TV/ spectacol de televiziune Favourite= preferat Apartment/flat=apartament Bussiness= afacere Letters=scrisori/ litere For me =pentru mine Traduceti si faceti conform modelului : Este acesta domnul Brown?=Is this Mr. Brown? Yes , this is Mr. Brown. No , this isnt/ is not Mr. Brown. Sunt acestea documentele voastre?= Este acela colegul nostru?= Este acesta un pas important in cariera ta?= Este aceasta cheia de la biroul nostru?= Este aceasta afacere buna pentru tine?= Sunt aceste scrisori pentru mine?= Sunt acesti domni(gentlemen) clientii nostri?= Sunt aceste carti interesante?= Este aceasta necesara?= Sunt acele hartii importante?= Este acel barbat seful tau?= Este aceasta ideea ta?= Este aceea cea mai buna solutie?= Este aceasta ultima ta oferta?=

Client=client Customer= client Customs =vama Idea= idee Solution= solutie Offer=oferta Last offer= ultima oferta Best= cel mai bun, cea mai buna

Can, must, may

Se numesc verbe modale sau modal defective. Se aseamana cu verbele auxiliare prin faptul ca: - se folosesc cu inca un verb - isi fac singure negativul prin adaugarea negatiei not - isi fac singure interogativul prin inversiune cu subiectul Nu se aseamana cu auxiliarele in sensul ca: - se traduc - nu formeaza timpuri ci arata abilitatea, capacitatea, posibilitea etc ca o actiune sa se intample - nu au forma de infinitiv - au aceesai forma la toate persoanele 15

au expresii verbale care le inlocuiesc la timpurile la care nu au forma nu sunt niciodata urmate de to

can[chn]=be able[eibl] to= a putea, a fi in stare sa, a fi capabil sa can not= cant[cant]= cannot[chn t] may[mei]= be allowed[laud] to= be permitted[prmitid] to= a putea, a i se da voie, a-i fi pemis may not =maynt[meint] must[mast]=have to=a trebui must not=mustnt[masnt] Vocabulary: to read[ri:d]= a citi to write[rait]= a scrie to listen[lisn]= a asculta to speak[spic]= a vorbi to talk[t c]= a vorvi, a discuta to ring[ring]= a suna to accept[cspt]= a accepta to sign[sain]= a semna to meet[mi:t]= a intalni to ask[asc]= a cere , a intreba, a ruga to answer[ansr]= a raspunde to test[tst]= a testa to drink[drinc]= a bea to put[put]= a pune to hear[hir]= a auzi to see[si:]= a vedea

Rooms can be bright or dark, large or small. Houses may be big or small, high or low, new or old. Persons may be young or old, strong or weak, fat or thin, tall or short. Maountains may be high or low, young or old. Streets may be long or short, wide or narrow. Windows may be wide or narrow, open or shut. Books may be open or shut, good or bad, thick or thin. Tables may be round, oval, square or rectangular. An exercise may be easy or difficult. We are always present; we are never absent. We are always early; we are never late. They may be merry or sad, happy or unhappy. Traduceti : She must accept the present.= Can I see your project?= Yes, you can.= Can I take your dictionary?= No, you cannot.= Can he speak German?= Must you sign the papers?= No, I mustnt.= Can they hear a sound?= May I answer your question[cucin]?=


Pot sa inchid usa?= Am voie sa inchid usa? Pot sa va intreb ceva? Am voie sa va intreb ceva? Pot sa intru? Am voie sa intru? Pot sa deshid fereastra? Am voie sa deschid fereastra? Pot sa folosesc telefonul tau? Am voie sa folosesc telefonul tau? Pot sa iau loc? Am voie sa iau loc? Pot sa folosesc calculatorul tau? Am voie sa folosesc calculatorul tau? Trebuie sa terminam proiectul la timp. Trebuie sa studiem pentru examen. Trebuie sa vorbim despre contract. Trebuie sa-si caute alta slujba. Trebuie sa inveti engleza. Poti sa ma ajuti? Sigur ca pot. Imi pare rau, nu pot. Poti sa fi la timp acolo? Probabil ca pot. Imi pare rau , nu pot. Poti sa-mi spui cat e ceasul? Desigur ca pot. Poti sa vorbesti cu John? Nu pot, nu am timp.

Formule de salut:
Meeting people :cand te intalnesti cu lume When you meet somenone:cand intalnesti pe cineva Good morning=buna dimineata Good afternoon= buna ziua Good evening= buna seara How are you?= Ce mai faceti? How do you do= Incantat de cunostinta/ imi pare bine Nice to meet you=Incantat de cunostinta/ imi pare bine Hello = salut Hi = buna, salut When you part with somenone: cand te desparti de cineva Good bye= la revedere Good night= noapte buna See you later= pe mai tarziu 17

See you soon= pe curand See you= pa Bye, bye= pa Formulae of courtesy: formule de politete Please = te rog, va rog Thank you/ thanks= multumesc/merci I am much obliged to you= va raman foarte indatorat I am very grateful to you= va sunt foarte recunoscator Answers to thank you= raspunsuri la multumesc You are welcome= cu placere Any time= oricand/ si alta data It is my pleasure=e placerea mea Dont mention it= n-ai pentru ce When you apologize:cand iti ceri iertare Excuse me =iertati-ma../ nu va suparati.. I am so sorry = imi pare asa de rau I beg your pardon=va rog sa ma scuzati/ imi cer iertare Please accept my apologies= va rog, acceptati scuzele mele Answers to an apology: raspunsuri la o scuza Never mind= nu-i nimic Its OK= e in regula Its all right= e in regula, nu-i nimic Not at all= nu face nimic Forget it= nu-i nimic, nu conteaza, las-o balta When you dont understand: cand nu intelegi I beg your pardon?= poftim? Pardon me?=poftim Sorry?= poftim What did you say?= ce ati spus? What?= ce? Can you repeat, please?= Puteti repeta, va rog? Please, can you speak a bit louder?= va rog, puteti vorbi putin mai tare? Please, can you slow down a bit?= puteti vorbi un pic mai rar? When you are late: cand intarzii Im sorry Im late= imi pare rau ca am intarziat Im sorry for keeping you waiting= imi pare rau ca v-am facut sa asteptati Introducing people: cand prezinti pe cineva What's your name?= Cum va numiti? Who are you?= Cine sunteti dumneavoastra? My name is ...=Numele meu este/ Ma numesc I am ...= Eu sunt My friends call me ...= Prietenii imi spun.. You can call me ...= Imi poti spune Haven't we met (before)?= Nu ne-am mai intalnit(inainte)?


Yes, I think we have.= Cred ca da. No, I don't think we have.= Nu, nu cred . I think we've already met.= Cred ca deja ne-am intalnit/ ne cunoastem I don't think we've met (before).= Nu cred ca ne-am mai intalnit inainte. This is ...= Acesta este.. Meet ...= Ti-l prezint pe Have you met ...?= V-ati intalnit?/ Va cunoasteti? Nice to meet you. (informal) Pleased to meet you. How do you do? (formal) Nice to see you. Nice to see you again. Health: How are you? How are you today? Fine, thank you/thanks. Not too bad. Very well. I'm okay / all right. Not too well, actually. What's wrong with you? What's the matter with you? Are you all right? I'm tired . I'm exhausted . I've got a cold. Congratulations : felicitari Congratulations on the occasion of your promotion/ your success= felicitari cu ocazia promovarii tale/ succesului tau Happy birthday!= La multi ani! Many happy returns of the day!=La multi ani! A happy New Year!=La multi ani!/Un an nou fericit! Merry Christmas!= Craciun fericit! Happy Easter!=Paste fericit! My best wishes!= cele mai bune urari I wish you good luck/a Merry Christmas/ happiness= va doresc noroc/Craciun fericit / fericire Dear Jack, On the occasion of this special day, your Birthday, let me send you my very best wishes of happiness, good health and succes in everything you do! May all your wishes come true, my dear friend! Happy Birthday! Yours truly,


Cynthia Dear Ms. Spilt , We take great pleasure in congratulating you on your recent promotion to the position of Marketing Director . We are sure that our excellent commercial relations will continue to be as mutually beneficial and pleasant as before! Dear Mr. Hush, We would like to take the opportunity of the Winter holidays to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, as well as the best of luck in the new season when we hope that our increased collaboration will strenghten to success of our both companies! Yours sicerely, Marina del Rosario President of PHINMA Traduceti si puneti la forma de interogativ si negativ propozitiile: Frank is our partner.=

You are ready for the interview.=

The weather is good.=

Mr. Peterson is our consultant.=

Our strategy is modern.=

Their management is eficient.=

My plans are for a long period of time.=


Acesta este partenerul meu, domnul Brown=

Dosarele voastre sunt pe biroul acela= Acestia sunt prietenii mei.=

Contractul acesta este foarte bun.=

Ce este aceea? Aceea este agenda ei.=

Acesta este numarul lui de telefon.=

Jobs: Doctor/Medical doctor/Physician=medic Engineer= inginer Teacher=profesor Professor=profesor universitar Accountant=contabil Chief accountant= contabil sef P.C. operator= operator calculator Secretary/ assistant= secretara Programmer= programator Economist= economist Sales agent/ salesman=agent de vanzari Businessman= om de afaceri Architect= arhitect Designer=proiectant Fashion designer= creator de moda Judge=judecator Attorney= procuror Lawyer=avocat Legal adviser= consilier juridic

Sailor=marinar Administrator= administrator Financial administrator= gestionar Weatherman/ weather forecaster = meteorolog Waiter=chelner Waitress= chelnerita Bartender=barman Translator=translator Shop assistant= vanzator Actor/ actress= actor/ actrita Film director= regizor Cook=bucatar Baker=brutar Painter=pictor Drawer=desenator Office clerk= =functionar Psychologist=psiholog Psychiatrist= psihiatru


Scientist=om de stiinta Shoemaker=pantofar Policeman=politist Hairdresser=coafeza Editor=redactor Mail clerk=functionar cu corespondenta

Miner=miner Writer=scriitor Sportsman=sportiv Trainer/ coach= antrenor Priest= preot

What is this table made of? What is this table made of? This table is made of wood. It isnt made of steel. What may watches be made of? Watches may be made of gold, silver, nickel, steel, or aluminium. What is your watch made of? My watch is made of silver, it isnt made of gold. What is her handbag made of? Her handbag is made of leather, it is not made of plastic material. What are books made of? Books are made of paper. Is your dress made of silk, cotton or wool? My dress is made of wool. It isnt made of silk. Those houses are made of brick and stone. They are not made of concrete. Plates and cups are made of china. The insulation of the cable is made of rubber.

The definite and indefinite article(articolul hotarat si nehotarat)

Articolul nehotarat in engleza este a, an=un,o ; some= niste A- [] se foloseste in fata cuvintelor ce incep cu consoana sau cu sunetelor semiconsonatice (la pronuntie): iu , uo, u, i An [n] se foloseste in fata cuvintelor ce incep cu vocala sau h mut A car A year A university A good year Romania is a European country. An umbrella An hour An actor A good actor

Adjectivul se plaseaza in fata substantivului, intre articol si substantiv. La plural : some=niste Some sponsors Some jokes Some actors Some keys Articolul hotarat este the(d) atat la singular cat si la plural Daca cuvantul incepe cu vocala sau h mut se pronunta [di] Means of transport The car The bus The trolley-bus The auto


The train The bike (bycicle) The tram

The plane The coach =autocar

Obs. Cu meseriile se foloseste in mod obligatoriu a/an He is an engineer.=El este inginer. She is a teacher.= Ea este profesoara. Exercise : Transformati conform modelului folosind cuvintele de mai sus. This is an engineer. This is a good engineer. The engineer is this. Exercise : 1. un calculator, calculatorul 2. o imprimanta, imprimanta 3. un copiator, copiatorul 4. un telefon, telefonul 5. un fax, faxul 6. o lampa, lampa 7. un birou, biroul 8. un scaun, scaunul 9. o masa, masa 10. un fotoliu, fotoliul 11. o biblioteca, biblioteca bookcase=biblioteca Sensitivity= sensibilitate To withstand= a se opune Below= de mai jos Spark gap= interval de scanteiere Electrode= electrod Link= plasa de sarma Mesh=priza, plasa, a face priza To pass through= a trece prin Supply= furnizare Fault= defect 12. un dosar, dosarul 13. un pix, pixul 14. o guma, guma 15. o rigla, rigla 16. un covor, covorul 17. o perdea, perdeaua 18. o vaza, vaza 19. o scrumiera, scrumiera 20. o femeie, femeia To arrange= a aranja Capacity= capacitate To spark= a scanteia Failure= defect, esec Needle= ac Twin= geaman Dry= uscat Wave= val, unda Full value= valoare maxima Breakdown= cadere, intrerupere Capacitor= condensator

Prezentare generala verb

Un verb se da la forma de infinitiv lung, adica forma precedata de to. Pentru un verb cele mai importante forme ale sale sunt: Infinitivul - forma de baza de la care se pleaca pentru formarea prezentului, viitorului, folosita impreuna cu verbele modale Trecutul forma de trecut simplu Participiul trecut-forma folosita la formarea timpurilor perfecte, sau la diateza pasiva


Verbele , din punct de vedere al celei de-a doua forme, se impart in 2 categorii: regulate, neregulate. Pentru verbele regulate forma a doua si a treia sunt identice:verb+ed. Pentru verbele neregulate cele trei forme se invata pe de rost. Verbe regulate: Verb verb+ed verb+ed To help Helped Helped To like Liked Liked To look Looked Looked To visit Visited Visited Verbe neregulate: Infinitive Be Beat become Begin Bend Bind Bite Bleed Blow Break Bring Build Burn Burn Buy Catch Choose Buy,-s Catch,es Present Am, is, are Beat, -s Become, -s Begin,-s Bend,-s Bind, -s Bite, -s Bleed, -s Blow, -s Break, -s Bring, -s Build, -s Burn,-s /bi:t/ Past Was were beat /bi:t/ Participle been beaten /'bi:tn/ /b 'km/ /b 'gn/ /bent/ /band/ /'btn/ /bled/ /bloun/ /'broukn/ /br:t/ /blt/ /b:rnt/ /b:rnd/ /b:t/ /k:t/ A fi A bate A deveni A incepe A indoi A lega A musca A sangera A sufla A sparge, a rupe A aduce A construi A arde A arde A cumpara A prinde

/b became 'km/ /b 'gn/ began

/b become 'kem/ /b 'gn/ /bent/ begun bent

/bend/ bent /band/ bound /bat/ bit /bli:d/ bled /blou/ blew /brek/ broke /br/ brought /bld/ built /b:rn/ burnt /b:rn/ burned /ba/ bought

/band/ bound /bt/ /bled/ /blu:/ bitten bled blown

/brouk/ broken /br:t/ brought /blt/ built

/b:rnt/ burnt /b:rnd/ burned /b:t/ /k:t/ bought caught

/kt/ caught

Choose,- /tu:z/ chose

/touz/ chosen

/'touzn/ A alege


s Come Cost Cut Dig Come, -s /km/ came Cost,-s Cur, -s Dig, -s /kst/ cost /kt/ /dg/ cut dug /kem/ come /kst/ /kt/ /dg/ cost cut dug /km/ /kst/ /kt/ /dg/ A veni A costa A taia A sapa

Exercise : Scrieti formele care lipsesc ale verbelor: To buy To dig To cut To choose To become To beat To bend To cost To bleed To break To burn To bring To blow Anotimpurile, lunile anului, zilele saptamanii, ceasul The seasons: Spring= primavara Summer= vara The months of the year: January February March April The days of the week: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday May June July August Autumn=toamna Winter=iarna September October November December


There + to be cand apare in aceasta combinatie there nu se traduce There is= este, exista, se afla There are=sunt, exista, se afla In limba engleza se scriu cu majuscule: I, zilele saptamanii, lunile anului, sarbatorile legale, numele de popoare si nationalitatile. Time=timp Clock=ceas de masa sau de perete Watch =ceas de mana Weather= vreme Tense= timp gramatical Cloudy=innorat Sunny=insorit Stormy=de furtuna Windy=cu vant, vantos Snowy=cu ninsoare Warm=cald ( timp de primavara) Hot =cald, fierbinte(timp de vara) Cold= rece, frig (timp de iarna) Freezing=inghetat Chilly=rece, umed si rece(timp de toamna) Weather forecast= starea vremii

Expressing the time in English:

What time is it?= cat este ceasul? What is the time?=cat este ceasul? Your watch is five minutes slow. Your watch is five minutes fast.


There are two common ways of telling the time.

Formal but easier way

Spunem orele si apoi minutele.(oficial) Example: 7:45 - seven forty-five Pentru minutele de la 01 la 09, putem pronunta '0' ca oh. Example: 11:06 - eleven (oh) six

More popular way

Pentru ore fixe : It is oclock.[A.M./P.M.]. Past=dupa, si = de obicei folosit pana la jumatate To = pana la , fara Quarter=sfert Half=jumatate It is ..minute past ora .[A.M./P.M.] It is ..minute to ora .[A.M./P.M.] In vorbirea curenta se folosesc 12 ore pentru exprimarea timpului. Pentru exprimarea activitatilor programate conform unui orar (timetable) folosim sistemul cu 24 de ore. Oricum, in vorbirea directa nu se folosesc 24 de ore decat daca se fac anunturi oficiale. 17:20 It is twenty past five. 00:00 midnight 12:00 - midday sau noon Pentru claritate se poate folosi : in the morning(0-12), in the afternoon(12-18), in the evening(18, 21),at night. Exercises : Este ora 2 fix: Este ora 2:15. Este ora 3:25. Este ora 4:17. Este ora 5:23. Este ora 18.32. 27 Este ora 19:45 Este ora 21:30. Este ora 22:58 Este ora 23:52. Este ora 12:00. Este ora 24:00.

Este ora 13:26. Este ora 14:11

Este ora 16:39.

Pluralul substantivelor(The plural of the nouns)

Pluralul substantivelor se face adaugand s la farsitul substantivului. Se adauga es in unul din urmatoarele cazuri: 1. daca substantivul se termina in : s, z, x, sh, ch box- boxes, fox- foxes, fax faxes, slash - slashes 2. pentru unele substantive terminate in o: echo= ecou, hero=erou, Negro=negru, mosquito=tantar, cargo=incarcatura, tomato= tomatoes, potato -potatoes Restul substantivelor terminate in o fac pluralul urmand regula generala: Radio- radios, kilo kilos 3. 12 substantive terminate in f, fe fac pluralul transformand f/fe in v +es. Restul substantivelor terminate in f/fe il fac adaugand s : Elf, self,shelf,loaf, leaf,life, half, calf, wife, wolf, thief, knife 4. pentru substantivele terminate in Y precedat de consoana Y se transforma in I+ ES cherry cherries, entry entries, copy -copies dar: alloy- alloys, key -keys 5. substantive cu plural neregulat: ox- oxen child children man men woman women foot feet numai cu forma de singular: fish , deer numai cu forma de plural : news Exercise: Scrieti alaturat pluralul cuvintelor Vocabulary Tyre- cauciuc de masina Pipe= teava Pressure= presiune Chapter= capitol Term=trimestru, termen Booklet= brosura Overhead line= linie aeriana Feature= trasatura , caracteristica Component= componenta 28 Property= proprietate Line= linie Transmission = transmisie Discharge = descarcare Radiation= radiatie Power= putere, energie Damage=paguba Load= incarcatura Stage= stadiu, scena goose geese tooth teeth mouse mice louse lice

Screw= surub Composite= amestec Resin=rasina Fibre=fibra Housing= carcasa Bending= indoire Powder= praf, pudra Layer= strat Drawing= desen, schita Shape= forma

Aim=scop Manufacturing defect= defect de fabricatie Test report= raportul testului Crack= crapatura Accuracy= precizie Failure= esec Copper conductor= conductor de cupru Nail= cui, unghie

Members of a Family father = tata dad = tata, tatic mother = mama mum , mummy , mom (amerik.)= mamica parent = parinte parents=parinti child = copil children = copii son =fiu daughter = fiica brother =frate sister = sora grandfather =bunic granddad , grandpa = bunic grandmother = bunica grandma , granny =buni, bunica grandson = nepot granddaughter =nepoata grandchild = nepot uncle =unchi Exercise : Faceti pluralul substantivelor de la vocabular. Scrieti cuvintele opuse si forma de plural a lor:

aunt =matusa cousin =var, verisoara nephew =nepot de unchi niece =nepoata de unchi boyfriend =prieten girlfriend =prietena fianc =logodnic fiance =logodnica bride = mireasa groom, bridegroom =mire wife =sotie husband =sot spouse =sotie/sot, partener father-in-law =socru mother-in-law=soacra parents-in-law=socri son-in-law= ginere daughter-in-law=nora brother-in-law=cumnat sister-in-law=cumnata godfather =nas godmother=nasa godson =fin goddaughter=fina godchild=fin


1. mum - dad 2. brother 3. son 4. uncle 5. grandmother 6. granddaughter 7. nephew 8. wife 9. boyfriend 10. cousin

The equipment in the office

Electric & electromic equipment Computer(PC) Printer Copier Phone Fax(machine) Pocket calculator Desk/wall lamp Radio/TV set Speakers Wall watch Air conditioner Heater= calorifer Furniture Desk Ergonomic chairs Table Coach/sofa Bookcase Peg Hat tree Mirror Safe Bookstand Coffee table Fireplace Armchairs Bar Stationary items (Sheets of) paper file=dosar file holder Marker Rubber Ruler Cutter Glue Stapler Hole maker Scissors Stamp agenda folder= dosar Carpet, rug Curtains Flower vase Ashtray Lighter Calendar Business card= carte de vizita Map Fizzy/soft drinks Cups Glasses Pictures Organizational chart Label=eticheta

At the office I work for a foreign trade company. I have a big office there. In the office there is a desk with a chair, a black leather sofa, a red carpet and a bookcase. There are also two large windows with white curtains. On the desk there is a lamp. There are also my files,


and some documents, five or six pens or pencils, a rubber, white sheets of paper, the phone and a picture of my family. On the wall there is a large world map and a chart which shows the evolution of our bussiness. Sometimes I have visitors from outside the company (clients, parteners, suppliers,agents) or from inside the company (meetings with subordinates, colleagues or with my boss). My secretary makes the appointments. Most of the time I am very busy but I am satisfied with my job. Vocabulary: Foreign trade= comert exterior Leather= piele (prelucrata industrial) Skin=piele (anatomic) Sofa=canapea chart=schema, grafic sometimes=uneori, cateodata subordinate=subordonat supplier= furnizor results=rezultate Translate the text.

The office
Like most offices, my office is a place where I can concentrate on my work and feel comfortable at the same time. Of course, I have all the necessary equipment on my desk. I have the telephone next to the fax machine on the right side of my desk. My computer is in the center of my desk with the monitor directly in front of me. I have a comfortable office chair to sit on and a mouse pad between the computer and the telephone. In order to help me read, I also have a lamp near my computer. There is plenty of paper in one of the cabinet drawers. There are also staples and a stapler, paper clips, highlighters, pens and erasers in the other drawer. In the room, there is a comfortable armchair and a sofa to sit on. I also have a low table in front of the sofa on which there are some industry magazines. Choose the correct answer based on the reading. 1. What do I need to do in my office? ANSWER: A) relax B) concentrate C) study D) read magazines 2. Which piece of equipment do I NOT have on my desk? ANSWER: A) fax B) computer C) lamp D) photocopier 3. Where is the mouse pad located? ANSWER: A) on the wall B) next to the lamp C) between the computer and the telephone D) near the fax


4. Where do I keep the paperclips? ANSWER: A) on the desk B) next to the lamp C) in a cabinet drawer D) next to the telephone 5.What do I keep on the table in front of the sofa? ANSWER: A) company reports B) fashion magazines C) books D) industry magazines Useful Vocabulary Armchair=fotoliu cabinet=dulap de birou desk=pupitru, birou drawer= sertar equipment=echipament The Meeting (Two workers in an office) James: Hi Alice. How are you today? Alice: Hi James. I'm fine, and you? James: Great, thank you. Remember, the meeting is at 3 o'clock. Alice: Excuse me, which meeting? James: Which meeting?! The meeting with the boss! Alice: Are you sure there is a meeting today? James: Alice, Alice, every month there is a meeting with the boss. This month that meeting is this afternoon. Alice: Calm down. OK, there's a meeting this afternoon. What time is it? James: Alice, this is important. The meeting is at three o'clock sharp! Alice: Thank you James... By the way, what time is it now? James: It's quarter past eleven. Alice: It's time for lunch! James: Lunch, now? Lunch time is at twelve. Alice: Well, I'm hungry now. James: You're funny Alice. This is an office. Alice: I'm hungry ... it's just a snack ...

furniture=mobila highlighter=carioca de subliniat laptop=laptop paperclip=agrafa de birou stapler=capsator


1. Which statement is true? Alice isn't coming to the meeting. Alice doesn't remember the meeting. James isn't coming to the meeting. 2. How often do they have a meeting with the boss? Every week Every month Every year 3. When is the meeting?

3 a.m. 3:15 3 p.m. 4. Alice is _____. hungry thirsty angry 5. What time is it? Twelve o'clock Three o'clock 11:15

The simple present tense

Se foloseste pentru a arata actiuni generale, repetate, obisnuite care se petrec pe o perioada de timp prezenta. La afirmativ: Subiect+ verb la infinitiv scurt+. Pentru persoana a III-a singular (he, she, it) sa adauga s, es la finalul verbului pentru a face acordul. Astfel: 1 . se adauga s ca regula generala : He writes; She manages; It barks. 2. se adauga es daca verbul se termina in O, S, Z, X, SH, CH: She goes; He does, She washes. 3. daca verbul se termina in Y precedat de consoana atunci y->I si + es To copy : She copies; to fly: It flies.


Affirmative I/you/we/they I play. he/she/it He plays.

negative I do not play. He does not play.

question Do I play? Does he play?

Pentru formarea negativului si interogativului folosim auxiliarul to do: Prezent simplu negativ: Subiect+ do/does+ not+ verb la infinitiv scurt Prezent simplu interogativ : Do/ does + subiect + verb la infinitiv scurt+.? Exercitiu: Formati propozitii la present simplu: 1. I / to collect stamps I collect stamps. 2. we / to produce cables 3. he / to lead the team4. the company / to pays the rate of freight (pretul transportului) 5. we / to calculate the wholesale price (pretul cu ridicata) 6. Andy and John / to like to study market economy7. the company /to be bankrupt(falimentata) last year8. they / to help their parteners 9. the workers / not to speak English 10. I / to buy a an industrial magazine every Saturday Puneti propozitiile la interogativ si negativ:. I watch TV. ,Do you watch T.V.?; I dont watch T.V. We import goods. It is boring. She wants to know the market price. You work on the computer every weekend. Sandy is a good technologist. They open the parcels. He buys a new CD. It is good to be punctual. Our partener is interested in this project . Traduceti in limba engleza: 34

1. Ce vrei? 2. Unde te duci in weekend? 3. Ce calificare ai?(qualification) 4. Ce limba vorbesti? 5. Unde locuiesti?(to live) 6. Cand mergi la conferinta?(conference) 7. Ce fonduri aveti? (funds= fonduri) 8. Cand terminati proiectul? Traduceti urmatoarele propozitii, apoi inlocuiti persoana I cu persoana a III-a singular: 1. Eu vorbesc engleza si franceza. 2. Eu locuiesc in Bucuresti. 3. Eu ma duc la serviciu cu autobuzul.(to go to office = a merge la munca) 4. Eu vorbesc engleza foarte bine. 5. La servici lucrez pe calculator.(at office) 6. Eu fac un contract in fiecare luna. 7. Eu am multi prieteni. 8. Eu am cursuri de engleza in fiecare zi.(English classes). 9. Eu citesc mult in timpul liber. 10. Eu ma uit la TV in fiecare seara. Puneti intrebari in asa fel incat cuvintele scrise ingrosat sa fie raspunsul: Julia likes making jokes. What does Julia like? Maria comes from Spain. They talk to the manager in hall of the company. -


Many wholesalers(en-grosisti) dont work on Saturdays. We go to Mallorca because it is warm there.. Joe wants his credit card. Robin drives his car carefully. Peter reads the newspapers every day. Cuvinte ce se folosesc cu prezentul simplu:

always= intotdeauna every ...= in fiecare often= des, adesea normally= normal, in mod normal usually= de obicei sometimes= uneori seldom= uneori, mai rar, cateodata never= niciodata

Cold preasure but-welding= sudare prin presare la rece Tensile strenght= forta de intindere To fulfill= a indeplini Agreement= intelegere, acord Suitable= corespunzator To grease= a gresa To cover= a acoperi Coating= invelis Right- handed= spre dreapta Corrosion= coroziune, erodare To permit= a permite Rod=bara Joint= incheietura, imbinare Evenly= in mod egal distribuit Zinc coating= invelis de zinc Closely stranded= strans cablate To require= a cere To strand= a cabla Outermost= cel mai dinafara To connect= a conecta Error= eroare 36

Mass= masa Dirty= murdar Oil=ulei Grit= granulatie, nisip grosier, pietris fin Deposit= depunere Completion= complectare To remain= a ramane Group= grup DC= curent continuu AC= curent alternativ Factory length= lunfime de fabricatie Shape= forma Average= medie Displacement= dispozitie, amplasare To reveal= a pune in evidenta To emboss= a imprima Sample= mostra Each= fiecare Armour= armura, armatura

To place= a plasa To check= a verifica To substract= a scadea Excentricity= excentricitate Purchaser= beneficiar To exceed= a intrece Periphery= periferie To reinforce= a intari , a arma Overhead= aerian Purpose= scop Outer= exterior Hard drawn= trefilat Helix= elice Turn= tura, rand To depend= a depinde To hold= a tine

Present continuous tense (Timpul prezent continuu)

Prezentul continuu arata o actiune in desfasurare in momentul prezent, sau o actiune de scurta durata.

Forma : to be conjugat la prezent + verb+ ing Verbul to be este verb auxiliar si ajuta atat la formarea afirmativului , cat si la formarea negativului si interogativului. Afirmativ: Subiect+ to be + verb+ ing.


Negativ : Subiect + to be + not+ verb+ ing. Interogativ: To be + subiect+ verb+ ing? affirmative negative question I I am talking. I am not talking Am I talking? he, she, it He is talking. He is not talking Is he talking? you, we, they You are talking. You are not talking. Are you talking? Ortografia participiului prezent: verb+ing 1 . In general se adauga ing la sfarsitul formei de infinitiv scurt al verbului 2. Daca verbul se termina in e , e-se taie + ing To move--- moving Exceptie de la aceasta regula fac verbele: to be, cele terminate in ee, oe, ye To be--- being, to see ---seeing 3. Daca verbul se termina in ie , ie se transforma in Y +ing To die--- dying 4. Daca verbul se termina in c, ic atunci se adauga K+ing To picnic-picnicking 5. Daca verbul se termina in consoana precedata de vocala accentuata atunci consoana finala se dubleaza si apoi se adauga ing. To sit sitting

Exercitii: Complectati tabelul cu forma corecta a verbului: affirmative I am working. negative question


you He she It we you they Folositi cuvintele de mai jos pentru a face propozitii la timpul prezent continuu: I / to read a newspaper I am reading a newspaper. it / to rain he / to repair his car they / to watch news on TV Jane and Emily / to work hard on the projectBill / to wait at the bus stop we / to listen to the radio the market price/ to rise too high Transformati propozitiile de mai jos in propozitii negative: I am watching TV. I am not watching T.V. I am talking. They are working on a project He is opening the window. Angela is cleaning the office. Faceti intrebari cu cuvintele de mai jos: Are we complainig about the retail price?(pret cu amanuntul) He is signing the documents


Peter / to go / to the cinema Is Peter going to the cinema? they / to learn/ English she / to listen /to the radio I / to translate they / to pack / their bags we / to talk / too slow they / to clean / the windows she / to watch / the news -

Transformati Present Simple in Present Continuous(schimband si adverbul de timp NOW, RIGHT NOW, IN THIS MOMENT) Ex: I speak on the phone every day-> I am speaking on the phone right now. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. My neighbour washes his car every Sunday We play tennis every afternoon. You never watch TV but you listen to the radio. My secretary sends faxes every day. Mr. And Mrs. Jones take a walk every evening. I talk to my parents very often. Barbara works on the computer every day at the office. My boss organizes press conferences every month.

Scrieti formele interogative, negative si integogativ-negative ale urmatoarelor propozitii: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Miss Keits is playing the piano. It is raining. Our Director is speaking in the conference hall with the guests. Andy is preparing his interview for the new job. The phone is ringing. The manager is talking to his assistant. The weather is changing.

Traduceti folosind Present Simple (in general) sau Present Continuous (acum):


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Mario este italian dar vorbeste engleza foarte bine. Ce mai faceti d-le OBrien? Mike, ce faci acolo? Ai nevoi de ajutor?(to need= a avea nevoie) In fiecare zi ea se duce la serviciu cu autobuzul. Domnul Benton vorbeste acum la telefon cu directorul de vanzari. Ploua si este foarte frig. Aceasta afacere este foarte importanta pentru firma noastra. Lui Tony ii place sa joace basket. Lucrez pe calculator acum;nu am timp sa discut cu el.

Faceti intrebari astfel incat expresiile sau cuvintele scrise ingrosat sa fie raspunsul: Ashley is going to a restaurant. Where is Ashley going? Gareth is reading the paper. Stacey is repairing the heating system. She is wearing a red jacket. Britney is doing her job Mandy is leaving at nine. Amanda is going out with Dan. They are meeting at two o'clock. Sandy is looking for Phil.

Scrieti forma in ing pentru urmatoarele verbe acordand atentie regulilor de ortografiere: 1. make - making 2. have 3. sit 4. run 5. lie 6. stop 7. model 8. get 9. travel 10. tie 1. He / to get / pretty nervous He is getting pretty nervous.


2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

She / to write / a letter We / not / to work They / to argue He / to travel / a lot She / to enter / the building to complain=a se plange, a se lamenta to get a promotion=a obtine o promovare

Cuvinte folosite cu prezentul continuu(progresiv)

at the moment= in acest moment now / just now / right now= acum/ chiar acum Listen!= asculta! Look!= priveste! The meals of the day Breakfast = mic dejun Lunch= pranz Dinner=cina (ora 18-20) Supper = cina(ora 21-22)

Cateva verbe neregulate Do es draw s Dream s Dream s /du:/ did /dd/ /dru:/ done drawn /dn/ /dr:n/ /dremt/ /dri:md/ /drk/ /'drvn/ /'i:tn/ A face A desena A visa A visa A bea A conduce A manca

/dr:/ drew /dri:m/ dreamt

/dremt/ dreamt

/dri:m/ dreamed /dri:md/ dreamed /drk/ drunk /drouv/ driven /et, et/ eaten

Drink /drk/ drank s Drive s Eat s /drav/ drove /i:t/ ate


Fall s Feed s Feel s Fight s

/f:l/ /fi:d/ /fi:l/

fell fed felt

/fel/ /fed/ /felt/ /f:t/

fallen fed felt fought

/'f:ln/ A cadea /fed/ /felt/ /f:t/ /fand/ /floun/ A se hrani A simti A(se) lupta A gasi A zbura A uita A ierta A ingheta A obtine A obtine

/fat/ fought

Find s /fand/ found Fly flies Forget s Forgive s Freeze s Get s Get s Give s Go -goes Grow s Hang s Have has Hear s Hide s /fla/ flew /fr 'get/ /fr 'gv/ forgot forgave

/fand/ found /flu:/ flown

/fr 'gt/ forgotten /fr 'gtn/ /fr 'gev/ forgiven /fr 'gvn/ /'frouzn/ /gt/ /'gtn/

/fri:z/ froze /get/ /get/ /gv/ got got gave

/frouz/ frozen /gt/ /gt/ /gev/ got gotten given

/'gvn/ A da /gn/ /groun/ /h/ /hd/ /h:rd/ /'hdn/ A merge A creste A atarna A avea A auzi A ascunde

/gou/ went /grou/ grew /h/ hung /hv/ had /hr/ heard /had/ hid

/went/ gone /gru:/ /h/ /hd/ grown hung had

/h:rd/ heard /hd/ hidden

Complectati cu forma de infinitiv, prezent, participiu prezent, trecut, participiu trecut: Infinitiv Prezent To do Do, does Trecut did Participiul Prezent Participiul trecut continuu prezent (he,she,it) done doing Is doing A face


to draw

Draw, draws




Is drawing

A desena A visa A visa A bea A conduce A manca A cadea A se hrani A simti A(se) lupta A gasi A zbura A uita A ierta A ingheta A obtine A obtine A da A merge A creste A atarna A avea A auzi A ascunde

Transportation words, means of transport:


Car=masina pick up truck=camioneta truck=camion truck tank= cisterna motorcycle=motocicleta airplane=avion jet=avion cu reactie bus=autobus train=train bicycle= bike=bicicleta van=dubita tractor=tractor trolley bus=troleu tram=tramvai tube/underground=metrou


Asking and Giving Directions

To turn (the first ) to the right/left=ia-o (prima) la stanga/ dreapta How do I get to ?= Cum ajung la? What's the best way to ?= Care e cel mai bun drum la? Where is ?= Unde este? Go straight on (until you come to ).= Mergi drept inainte pana ce ajungi la Turn back./Go back.= mergi inapoi; intoarce-te Turn left/right (into -street).- ia-o la stranga/ dreapta (in strada) Go along .=mergi de-a -lungul Cross = traverseaza Take the first/second road on the left/right= ia-o prima / a doua strada la stanga/dreapta It's on the left/right.= E pe stanga/ Dreapta straight on= direct inainte opposite =vizavi near =langa next to=langa between = intre at the end (of)=la sfarsit on/at the corner=la colt behind = in spatele in front of= in fata (just) around the corner= tocmai dupa colt traffic lights= semafor crossroads, junction = intersectie signpost =semn de circulatie Police= politie Shop= magazin Supermarket= supermagazin Cinema= cinematograf Station= gara Bus station= statie de autobus Hospital= spital Market= piata Park= parc Church= biserica Post Office= posta

Exercise on Asking and Giving Directions

1.For each question choose the one correct answer.: 1: If you go up to the fifth floor, you'll find his office ____ your right as you come out the elevator. a: on b: in c: by 2: Go to the end of the road and ____ left by the traffic lights. a: bend

b: turn c: twist 3: _____ a right just after the supermarket. a: Have b: Take c: Give 4: You ____ his house, it's painted bright pink! a: cant find b: cant miss c: can't lose 5: Go ____ on to the end of the road. a: straight b: near c: towards 2.Traduceti: 1. Excuse me. Is there a grocery store Yeah. There's one right across the street. around here? Sorry. I don't live around here. 2. Can you tell me how to get to the police? It's on the corner of Holly and Vine. Next 3. Where's supermarket? to the library.

4. How do you get to the bank?

Go straight down this street for two blocks. Turn left when you get to Maple Street. Stay on Maple for half a block. It's on the left hand side.

3.Whats the best way to the post office? Excuse me, where is the post office, please? .at the next corner. Then ..until you come to the traffic lights. ..there. The post office is ..the cinema.

4.Where is the Post Office:

A: Hello, excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest Post Office? B: Erm, yea, sure you go straight up this street. Take the second turn on the right. Keep going along there, across one junction, and its right there on your left. A: Thanks B: Oh, no, hang on, wait a minute, theres a closer one. Walk up this street, take the first left and theres a Post Office on your right at the next junction, sorry, I forgot about that one. A: Thanks again Purchaser= cumparator To measure= a masura Manufacturer= producator Multicore= multifilar Unarmoured cable= cablu nearmat Lay= strat Copper wire armour= armatura din Plain= plat, plan sarma de cupru Bedding= strat Galvanized steel wire= sarma de otel Sheath= manta galvanizat To strand= a cabla Marking= marcaj To shape= a da forma Either= unul sau altul; fiefie In accordance= in conformitate Binder=liant To fall= a cadea Annealed=calire, recoacere Body= corp To comply= a fi in conformitate cu Average= medie Filler= material de umplutura Homogenous= omogen To strip= a indeparta To meet the requirements= a indeplini Damage= paguba cerintele To damage= a strica, a distruge To set out= a stabili To consist= a fi alcatuit din Copper= cupru Thickness= grosime Nominal tolerance= toleranta nominala

Future simple tense (viitor simplu)

Folosit pentru a exprima ideea de viitor sau decizii luate in momentul vorbirii: Verbul auxiliar folosit este will (shall pentru I/ We dar numai in scris) Afirmativ : Subiect+ will+ verb la infinitiv scurt We shall translate this text. We will translate this text. In vorbirea directa este corecta si aceasta exprimare. Forma prescurtata pentru shall sau will este ll We ll translate this text.

Negativ : Subiect+ will +not+ verb la infinitiv scurt We shall not translate this text. We will not translate this text. Forma prescurtata : shall not= shant; will not= wont Interogativ : Will + subiect+ verb la infinitiv scurt .? Will we translate this text? Expresii sau cuvinte ce insotesc viitorul: Next week Next month .. Tomorrow Next summer Exercises:
Rewrite the following present tense sentences in the future tense by using will. 1. Every week the administrator buys new stationery supplies.(next week) 2. Two times a month we have a general meeting with the entire staff of the company.(on Monday) 3. Claude sends a sales report by e-mail every Wednesday(next Wednesday) 4. I visit them when I have time. (on Christmas) 5. I always try to be on time for my meetings.(the day after tomorrow) 6. We are not home on time. 7. Do you recognize him? 8. The men work many hours. 9. She flies to London every year.(next month)

10.Every day I go to the office by car.(tomorrow)

Translate: 1. Eu voi servi o prajitura si un suc. Tu ce vei servi? (to have= a servi, a avea) 2. Daca am timp maine voi participa la sedinta. (to participate= a participa; the day after tomorrow= poimaine) 3. Ce veti face maine la negocierea cu noii dumneavoastra parteneri? (negociation= negociere) 4. Ce veti face maine la targ? (fair=1. targ; 2. corect 3. balai, blond) 5. Peste doua luni vom participa la licitatie. (in two months= peste 2 luni; auction= licitatie) 6. Vom discuta termenii contractului intr-o saptamana. (in a week= intr=o saptamana) 7. Zambeste, maine va fi mai rau.(to smile= a zambi, worse= mai rau) Scrieti forma interogativa, negativa si interogativ-negativa pentru urmatoarele propozitii: Your boss will meet the representatives of P&G the day after tomorrow.

She will read all these projects if she has enough time.

The accountant will check again all the figures on the payroll.(payroll stat de plata)

They will come to the party if we invite them.

You will make all the arrangements for the presentation of our new products.

The company will cover all the expenses of the business trip.

English on


Usage days of the week months / seasons time of day year

Example on Monday in August / in winter in the morning in 2006 in an hour

after a certain period of time (when?) for night

at night at the weekend at half past nine


for weekend a certain point of time (when?) from a certain point of time (past till now) over a certain period of time (past till now) a certain time in the past earlier than a certain point of time telling the time telling the time


since 1980 for 2 years 2 years ago before 2004 ten to six (5:50) ten past six (6:10) from Monday to/till Friday He is on holiday until Friday.

for ago before to past to / till / until till / until

marking the beginning and end of a period of time in the sense of how long something is going to last


Usage in the sense of at the latest up to a certain time

Example I will be back by 6 oclock. By 11 o'clock, I had read five pages.


De loc pozitie si directie



Usage room, building, street, town, country book, paper etc. car, taxi picture, world meaning next to, by an object for table for events place where you are to do something typical (watch a film, study, work) attached for a place with a river being on a surface for a certain side (left, right) for a floor in a house for public transport for television, radio left or right of somebody or something on the ground, lower than (or covered by) something else lower than something else but above ground covered by something else meaning more than


in the kitchen, in London in the book in the car, in a taxi in the picture, in the world at the door, at the station at the table at a concert, at the party at the cinema, at school, at work the picture on the wall London lies on the Thames. on the table on the left on the first floor on the bus, on a plane on TV, on the radio Jane is standing by / next to / beside the car. the bag is under the table the temperature is below 0 put a jacket over your shirt over 16 years of age



by, next to, beside under below over


Usage getting to the other side (also across) overcoming an obstacle higher than something else, but not directly over it getting to the other side (also over) getting to the other side something with limits on top, bottom and the sides movement to person or building movement to a place or country for bed enter a room / a building movement in the direction of something (but not directly to it) movement to the top of something in the sense of where from


walk over the bridge climb over the wall above all expectations walk across the bridge swim across the lake drive through the tunnel go to the cinema go to London / Ireland go to bed go into the kitchen / the house go 5 steps towards the building jump onto the table a flower from the garden





into towards onto from

Alte prepozitii importante

English from

Usage who gave it who/what does it belong to what does it show who made it walking or riding on horseback entering a public transport vehicle entering a car / Taxi leaving a public transport

Example a present from Jane a page of the book the picture of a palace a book by Mark Twain on foot, on horseback get on the bus get in the car get off the train


by on

in off

English vehicle



out of by at about

leaving a car / Taxi rise or fall of something travelling (other than walking or horseriding) for age for topics, meaning what about

get out of the taxi prices have risen by 10 percent by car, by bus she learned Russian at 45 we were talking about you

Exercise on Prepositions Place

Fill the gaps with the correct prepositions. 1. We live -----------London. 2. Would you like to go -----------the cinema tonight? 3. No, thanks. I was -----------the cinema yesterday. 4. We are going -----------holiday next week. 5. There is a bridge -----------the river. 6. The flight from Leipzig to London was -----------Frankfurt. 7. -----------my wall, there are many picture postcards. 8. Who is the person -----------this picture? 9. Come -----------the sitting room, we want to watch TV. 10. Munich lies 530 meters -----------sea level. Cateva verbe neregulate Have has /hv/ had Hear s Hide s Hit s Hold -s Hurt s Keep s Know s Lay s /hr/ heard /had/ hid /ht/ hit /hd/ had /h:rd/ heard /hd/ /ht/ hidden hit /hd/ A avea /h:rd/ A auzi /'hdn/ A ascunde /ht/ A lovi

/hould/ held /h:rt/ hurt /ki:p/ kept /nou/ knew /le/ laid

/held/ held /h:rt/ hurt /kept/ kept /nu:/ known

/held/ A tine /h:rt/ A rani /kept/ A tine /noun/ A sti /led/ A intinde

/led/ laid

Lead s Learn s Learn Leave s Lend s Let s Lie s Lose s Make s






A conduce

/l:rn/ learnt

/l:rnt/ learnt

/l:rnt/ A invata

/l:rn/ learned /l:rnd/ learned /l:rnd/ A invata /li:v/ left /left/ /lent/ /let/ /le/ /lst/ left lent let lain lost /left/ /lent/ /let/ A pleca A da cuimprumut A lasa, a permite

/lend/ lent /let/ /la/ let lay

/len/ A se intinde /lst/ A pierde

/lu:z/ lost /mek/ made

/med/ made

/med/ A face

Scrieti formele verbelor Present simple Past simple Past participle Translation A auzi A ascunde A lovi A tine A rani A tine A sti A intinde A conduce A invata A invata A pleca A da cuimprumut A lasa, a permite

A se intinde A pierde A face


GRADUL POZITIV: happy, good, tall, thin, GRADUL COMPARATIV DE INFERIORITATE Not as = nu la fel Less .adjthan= mai putin .decat Example: John is not as tall as Arnie. GRADUL COMPARATIV DE EGALITATE As ..adj. as= la fel de.adj ca Example: Jane is as tall as John. GRADUL COMPARATIV DE SUPERIORITATE Pentru adjective scurte formate din 1-2 silabe se formeaza adaugand ER la sfarsitul adjectivului. Tall taller, thinthinner Pentru adjective lungi, polisilabice, se formeaza punand more in fata adjectivului: More intelligent, more beautiful Than= decat GRADUL SUPERLATIV RELATIV DE SUPERIORITATE Pentru adjective scurte formate din 1-2 silabe se formeaza adaugand EST la sfarsitul adjectivului. Tall the tallest, thinthe thinnest Pentru adjective lungi, polisilabice, se formeaza punand the most in fata adjectivului: The most intelligent, the most beautiful DE INFERIORITATE: The least + adjectiv. The least important= cel mai putin important The least valuable= cel mai putin valoros

GRADUL SUPERLATIV ABSOLUT Adjectivul e precedat de unul dintre cuvintele: Very Extremely Extraordinarily etc.. Very thin, very tall, Reguli de adaugare er/ est: -daca adjectivul se termina in e- e se taie si se adauga er/ est Late-later-the latest - daca adjectivul se termina in y precedat de consoana y devine i si se adauga er/ est Easy easier- the easiest - daca adjectivul se termina in consoana precedat de vocala accentuata , atunci se dubleaza consoana finala si se adauga er/est Thin- thinner-the thinnest Urmatoarele adjective au grade neregulate de comparatie:

positive form Good bad / ill little (amount) little (size) much / many far (place + time) far (place) late (time) late (order) near (place) near (order) old (people and things) old (people)

comparative form better worse Less smaller More Further Farther Later Latter Nearer Older Elder

superlative form best worst least smallest most furthest farthest latest last nearest next oldest eldest

Scrieti gradele de comparatie pentru urmatoarele adjective: Small Late Difficult Strong Quick Busy Noisy

Close Silly

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative). 1. My house is (big) bigger than yours. 2. This flower is (beautiful) -----------than that one. 3. This is the (interesting) -----------book I have ever read. 4. Non-smokers usually live (long) -----------than smokers. 5. Which is the (dangerous) -----------animal in the world? 6. A holiday by the sea is (good) -----------than a holiday in the mountains. 7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) -----------than a beer. 8. Who is the (rich) -----------woman on earth? 9. The weather this summer is even (bad) -----------than last summer. 10. He was the (clever) -----------thief of all. Translate: 1. Arnold este mai inalt decat John 2. Sugestia dumneavoastra este foarte interesanta si o vom lua in considerare. 3. Aceasta problema este mai putin importanta, o vom discuta mai tarziu. Transform : Alice/smart/Joe- Alice is smarter than Joe; Joe is less smart than Alice 1. 2. 3. 4. the Black Sea/deep/ the Red Sea An armchair/ confortable/ a chair Jack / polite/ Frank New York/ big/ Paris

Viitorul continuu (Future continuous)

Se formeaza cu ajutorul auxiliarului to be + VB+ing, la fel ca toate timpurile continue. To be se pune la viitor: will/shall be Negativul se face prin adaugarea lui not la auxiliar: will not= wont, shall not= shant Interogativul se face prin inversiune auxiliar subiect. Timpul arata o actiune in desfasurare intr-un moment sau perioada de timp din viitor. Se foloseste cu adverbe sau locutiuni adverbiale ce arata un moment de timp viitor. Afirmativ: I will/shall be teaching English by 10 oclock on Wednesday morning In the first person, will is more usual than shall, except in the interrogative. Negativ

I will/shall not be teaching English by 10 oclock Wednesday morning. I wont/shant be teaching English by 10 oclock Wednesday morning. Interogativ Will you be teaching English by 10 oclock Wednesday morning? Where will you be teaching English by 10 oclock Wednesday morning? Wont you be teaching English by 10 oclock Wednesday morning? Alte modalitati de exprimare a viitorului: Future simple: will/ shall+verb= > folosit pentru a arata ideea de viitor, predictii despre vreme, decizii luate in momentul vorbirii. I ll bring you a glass of water! Be going to+ verb=> viitorul de intentie, arata intentia vorbitorului. Is he going to lecture in English? Be on the point of + vb + ing= a fi pe punctul de a Be on the verge of+ vb + ing= a fi pe punctul de a Be to+ verb= a fi pe punctul de a Prezent simplu: pentru a arata actiuni prezente/viitoare : in programari oficiale The train leaves at seven. (decizie, program oficial) Prezentul continuu cu valoare de viitor : arata actiuni viitoare PLANIFICATE de vorbitor: I am leaving tomorrow morning. (decizia vorbitorului) Exercise : Inlocuiti Future Simple (will+vb) cu expresia BE GOING TO +VB in urmatoarele propozitii: Example: I will call Sam later-> I am going to call Sam later. 1. The president will sign the document next week. 2. The meeting will be canceled. 3. The course will be extended.(to extend a prelungi) 4. We will work more hours during the promotional campaign. 5. They will come back earlier. 6. Mr. Von Hayden will become our project director in October. 7. I will introduce you to my team members. 8. The new product will be a success on the Romanian market.

Trecutul verbelor auxiliare: to be, to have, to do

To be , was/were, been To have, had, had To do, did, done Acestea sunt cele 3 forme importante ale verbelor: infinitiv, trecut simplu, participiu trecut. Trecutul verbelor il reprezinta forma a doua. To be la trecut : was ---pentru I/ he/ she/ it

Werepentru restul persoanelor La negativ: was not=wasnt; were not= werent To have la trecut are o singura forma folosita la toate persoanele: had La negativ : had not= hadnt To do la trecut: did La negativ: did not= didnt Unitati de masura Inch [in] = 2.54 cm Foot [ft] =12 in= 0.3048 m Yard [yd] =3 ft= 0.9144 m Mile =1760 yd= 1.6093 km Nautical Mile =2025.4 yd =1.852 km Nationalitati(scrise cu majuscula) America- American France- French Spain Spanish,Spaniard China- Chinese Hungary- Hungarian Holland- Dutch

Verbele modale , numite si modal defective, nu au forme la toate persoanele

si de aceea la trecut se inlocuiesc si cu expresiile: Can, could, could Was/ were able to- poate inlocui pe can la trecut May, might(rar folosit la trecut), Was/ were permitted to -poate inlocui pe may la trecut Must , -, Had to -- inlocuieste pe must la trecut Exercises: Traduceti : 1. Numai tu poti semna contractul. 2. A trebuit sa studiezi pentru examen. 3. El putea vorbi olandeza. 4. Ea a fost in stare sa tina un discurs in fata multimii. (to hold a speech= a tine un discurs; Crowd=multime) 5. Noi am fost acolo. 6. Ei au avut succese.(to be successful)

7. Anul trecut domnul String era Directorul General al acelei firme(company). Alternatively- alternativ To subject= a supune Resistivity test= test de rezistenta Compliance= corespunzator To desire= a dori Wrapping test= test de infasurare To request= a cere To furnish=a furniza Test de tensiune(rupere)= tensile test Test de infasurare= wrapping test Test de galvanizare= galvanizing test compound= componenta Primarily=initial, la inceput To be designed= a fi destinat Suitable= corespunzator Within= interior Lighting fitting= dispozitiv de iluminare Flexing= incovoiere, flexibilitate Rated voltage= tensiune nominala Below=sub, mai, jos Appliance=aplicare, adaptare To vulcanize= a vulcaniza Annealed= calit, recopt To pass= a trece Posesor s Intended= proiectat Envisaged=prevazut, preconizat To twist= a rasuci, a impleti Ordinary= normala To heat= a incalzi Unkindable=necorespunzator To include= a include Fibre= fibra Braid= impletitura Twin= pereche Duty= executie, datorie To screen= a ecrana Tinning test= test de cositorire Tinsel conductor= conductor acoperit Tinsel cord= sarma laminata pentru lita Extrusion= extrudare Tinned=cositorit Plain= plan To fit= a potrivi Closely= strans

Cazul genitiv
Obiect posedat Pentru formarea cazului genitiv (aplicabil la substantive) se adauga s in cazul in care posesorul este la singular sau la plural dar nu se termina in s. Marys job The woman s books The womens books Posesors Obiect posedat Daca posesorul este un substantiv terminat in s atunci se pune doar De obicei folosim aceasta exprimare daca posesorul este o persoana. Aceasta forma mai apare in expresii ce implica, timp, distanta, vreme: Its five miles walk. Its two hourstime. Its five meters long. Pentru obiecte/ lucruri sau cand substantivele sunt insotite de adjective : Theof the

The numbers of the houses The lights of the houses The lights of the red houses Exercises:
Change the italicized possessive phrase to a possessive ending in -s. EXAMPLE: The color of the car is red. The cars color is red. 1. The center of the storm was just north of the city. 2. The condition of the victims was very serious. 3.The equipment of the lab was outdated(depasit). 4.The efforts of each man helped to make the project a success. 5.The documents of the young lawyer were very impressive. 6.The room was filled with the scent of the roses. 7.A hunter captured the mother of the little bear cub. 8.We drove to the northern border of the town.

Translate : 1. Mama tatalui meu este bunica. 2. Sora mamei tale este matusa ta. 3. Fiica unchiului este verisoara ei. 4. Biroul directorului este vizavi de posta. 5. Titlul acestei carti este Strazile din San Francisco. Vocabulary: Rubber=cauciuc Ground=tarana, teren Distribution panel= panou/tablou de Wooden pallets= paleti de lemn distributie Range= marja, variatie Concrete= beton Copper wire lace=tresa din sarma de Steel= otel cupru Steel cables for traction=cabluri de otel Weight= greutate pentru tractiune Length=lungime Environment= mediu inconjurator Width=latime Electroinsulating materials= materiale Height= inaltime electroizolante Depth= adancime Electrical cablings=panou electric Screen= ecran PVC jacket= manta de PVC The thickness of zinc coating= grosimea stratului de zinc Traduceti : 1. Latimea terenului este 20 m. 2. Inaltimea panoului electric este 2 m. 3. Greutatea paletilor de lemn este 100 kg. 4. Adancimea stratului de beton este 10 cm. 5. Lungimea tresei din sarma de cupru este . 6. Promovarea fratelui meu a fost rapida.(promotion=promovare)

7. Compania sotiei mele este profitabila. (profitable) Alte verbe neregulate Spit s Spit split s Spoil s Spoil s Stand s Steal s Strike s Swim s Take s Teach es Tear s Tell s Think s Throw s /spt/ spat /spt/ spit /splt/ split /spol/ spoilt /spol/ spoiled /stnd/ stood /sti:l/ stole /strak/ struck /swm/ swam /tek/ took /ti:t/ taught /ter/ tore /tel/ told /spt/ spat /spt/ spit /spt/ /spt/ /splt/ /spolt/ A scuipa A scuipa A imparti A rasfata

/splt/ split /spolt/ spoilt /spold/ spoiled /std/ stood /stoul/ stolen /strk/ struck /swm/ swum /tk/ /t:t/ /tr/ taken taught torn

/spold/ A rasfata /std/ A sta(in picioare)

/'stouln/ A fura /strk/ /swm/ A lovi A inota

/'tekn/ A lua /t:t/ /trn/ /tould/ /:t/ /roun/ /ndr 'std/ A preda A rupe A povesti, a spune A gandi A arunca A intelege

/tould/ told /:t/ /ru:/ thought thrown

/k/ thought /rou/ threw

/ndr Understand /ndr understood understood s 'std/ 'stnd/ Wake s Wear s Win s Write /wek/ woke /wer/ wore /wn/ won /rat/ wrote /wouk/ woken /wr/ worn

/'woukn/ A se trezi /wrn/ /wn/ /'rtn/ A purta A castiga A scrie

/wn/ won /rout/ written

Complectati formele care lipsesc: Iinfinitiv Prezent simplu Trecut Participiu trecut Participiu prezent Prezent continuu (he/she/it)

To spit To split

Spit, -s Split, -s

Spat Split

Spat Split

spitting Splitting

Is spitting A scuipa Is splitting A imparti A rasfata A rasfata A sta(in picioare) A fura A lovi A inota A lua A preda A rupe A povesti, a spune A gandi A arunca A intelege A se trezi A purta A castiga A scrie

Numeralul ordinal
Numeralul ordinal se formeaza din numeralul cardinal + TH Primele 3 forme se invata pe dinafara.. In exprimare este precedat de THE Ex: first---The first= primul= 1st The second= al doilea=2rd The third= al treilea=3rd Forma prescurtata se foloseste in exprimarea datei.

De la al 4-lea in sus se adauga TH. Forma prescurtata se formeaza scriind cifra sau numarul si TH sus. Atentie la modificari: Fivethe fifth Ninethe ninth Twelve the twelfth Pentru zeci: cand se adauga th in cazul zecilor, Y final se transforma in ie 1 through 10 One Two three four Five six seven eight nine ten 11 through 19 eleven Twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen Sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 20 through 100 twenty thirty forty Fifty sixty Seventy eighty ninety

first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth

eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth

twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth

hundred 1000 and 1,000,000 thousand Million


thousandth millionth

Numeralul fractional 1/5= a/ one fifth 2/5=two fifths 3/5= three fifths etc.. Numeralul multiplicativ Once = o data Twice = two times= de 2 ori Thrice = three times = de 3 ori Pentru restul numeralelor se formeaza adaugand TIMES la numeralul ordinal. Exercises: 3 zecimi= de 12 ori= al 127-lea= al 34-lea= al 151-lea= 4/6= de 156 ori= al 9-lea= al 12-lea= al 167-lea= al 97-lea= al 32-lea= al 143-lea=

The date
Example: 5(th) (of) October(,) 2004=== 5 th October 2008 se citeste the fifth of October 2004 In American English the month is usually put before the day. If you wish, you can put the definite article before the day. It is common to write a comma before the year. Example: October (the) 5(th), 2004 Exercises:

Change the cardinal number in parentheses to the appropriate ordinal number. 1. Mr. Woo was born on the (2) of October. 2. Im sitting in the (4) row. 3. My birthday was on the (21) of July. 4. This is only the (3) time we met. 5. The old woman died on her (100) birthday. 6. Theyre celebrating their (30) anniversary. 7. Whos the (5) boy in line? 8. That was her (10) phone call today. 9. Mr. Burton was their (1,000) customer and won a prize. 10. Adam scored in the (99) percentile. 11. I think I was (1) in line. 12. Our seats are in the (12) row. 13. Christmas Day is always on the (25) . 14. The old woman died on her (86) birthday. 15. Our new car arrived on the (22) of August. Complete each sentence with the date shown in parentheses written as words. In each case the month precedes the day (e.g., 5/2 _ May second). 1. (8/10) She was born on . 2. (10/12) Hell arrive on . 3. (11/11) The party will be . 4. (2/16/1999) He died on . 5. (4/1/2002) They met on . 6. (12/24) Christmas Eve is . 7. (7/4) Where will you spend ? 8. (1492) Columbus arrived in the New World in . 9. (2/14/2004) The meeting is . 10. (6/2) Was the writer born on ?

Verbe neregulate Pay pays /pe/ paid Put s Read s Ride s Ring s Rise s Run s Say says See s /pt/ put /ri:d/ read /rad/ rode /r/ rang /raz/ rose /rn/ ran /se/ said /si:/ saw /ped/ /pt/ /red/ /roud/ /r/ /rouz/ /rn/ /sed/ /s:/ paid put read ridden rung risen run said seen /ped/ /pt/ /red/ /'rdn/ /r/ /'rzn/ /rn/ /sed/ /si:n/ A plati A pune A citi A calari A suna A se ridica, a rasari A fugi,a alerga A spune A vedea

Sell s Send s Set s Shake s Shine s Shoot s Show s Shut s Sing s Sink s Sit s Sleep s

/sel/ sold /send/ sent /set/ set /ek/ shook /an/ shone /u:t/ shot /ou/ showed /t/ shut /s/ sang /sk/ sank /st/ sat /sli:p/ slept

/sould/ /sent/ /set/ /k/

sold sent set shaken

/sould/ /sent/ /set/ /'ekn/

A vinde A trimite A stabili A scutura

/oun, n/ shone /t/ /oud/ /t/ /s/ /sk/ /st/ /slept/ shot shown shut sung sunk sat slept

/oun, n/ A straluci /t/ /oun/ /t/ /s/ /sk/ /st/ /slept/ A trage cu arma A arata A inchide A canta A se scufunda A sta (jos) A dormi

Complectati cu formele ce lipsesc: Iinfinitiv To put To read To ride Prezent simplu Put, -s Trecut put Participiu trecut put read ridden Participiu prezent putting reading riding Prezent continuu (he/she/it) Is putting Is reading Is riding A pune A citi A calari A suna A se ridica, a rasari A fugi,a alerga A spune A vedea A vinde A trimite A stabili A scutura

Read, -s read Ride, -s rode

A straluci A trage cu arma A arata A inchide A canta A se scufunda A sta (jos) A dormi

The past simple tense(Trecutul simplu regulat)

Trecutul simplu se formeaza in modul urmator: 1. pentru verbe regulate : se adauga ed la finalul verbului si se obtine forma a doua a verbului, identica cu forma a treia(participiul trecut). Aceasta forma este aceeasi la toate persoanele. 2. pentru verbele neregulate trecutul simplu il reprezinta forma a doua data in tabele. Se invata pe de rost. Ortografia (ED) 1. in general se adauga ED la finalul formei de infinitiv a verbului/ prima forma to learn - learned 2. daca verbul se termina in e e se taie + ED to move-- moved 3. daca verbul se termina in y precedat de consoana , y devine I si se adauga ED to copy -- copied 4. daca verbul se termina in c, ic se adauga K +ED to picnic- picnicked 5. daca verbul se termina in consoana precedata de vocala accentuata(accentul cade pe ultima silaba), se dubleaza consoana finala +ED to prefer - preferred ED- se pronunta ID daca verbul de baza se termina in T sau D; in restul cazurilor se pronunta fie T fie D Timpul trecut simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima actiuni terminate, incheiate. Perioada de timp in care se incadreaza actiunea este trecuta.

Se foloseste cu expresii sau locutiuni adverbiale de timp ce arata o perioada de timp terminata: last week/ month Yesterday Two weeks ago ..etc In 1976 Afirmativ Subiect +verb+ed(verbe regulate) Sau Subiect +forma a 2-a verb(din tabele-verbe neregulate) Negativ: Subiect+ did+ not+ infinitiv scurt verb+ Did+ not= didnt Interogativ : Did+ subiect+ verb la infinitiv scurt+.?
I You He arrived late at the meeting. (regular verb) She It We came back late. (irregular verb) You They I You He She didn't go to New York last week. It We You They I You He She Did leave yesterday? It We You They

Exercises: Transformati de la present Simple la Past Simple: 1. We have to participate in the meeting today 2. My neighbour works in the Ministry of Tourism 3. They go to the seaside every summer. 4. I want to buy a DVD unit for my computer.

5. The news reports on this TV station are very updated.(updated=actualizat, de ultima ora, la zi, TV station-post de televiziune) Traduceti : 1. Ieri directorul a cumparat un calculator si o imprimanta pentru biroul nostru. 2. Imi pare rau dar alaltaieri nu am avut timp sa vorbesc cu d-na Peterson.

3. Luna trecuta nu a plouat in Bucuresti dar a plouat in Brasov. 4. Seful meu a scris o carte despre noile metode de management si marketing. 5. Anul trecut am vizitat New York-ul cu prietenii mei si am vazut Statuia Libertatii. 6. Acum doua saptamani am fost foarte ocupati cu negocierile pentru noul contract cu partenerii nostri francezi. Traduceti si scrieti formele lor negative si interogative: 1. Doamna Wellington era in sufragerie cand a sunat telefonul.(living room=sugragerie)

2. Jonny a sarbatorit ziua de nastere cu prietenii si familia lui. (to celebrate= a sarbatori)

3. Anul trecut domnul Popescu a fost directorul general al acelei firme.

4. Secretara a dactilografiat scrisoarea si a transmis-o prin fax.(to type= a dactilografia)

Pronumele personal in cazul dativ si acuzativ

Pronumele personal in cazul nominativ se foloseste doar pe post de subiect. In celelalte cazuri folosim forma pronumelor pentru cazul dativ sau acuzativ(aceeasi) Pronume personal in cazul nominativ in cazul dativ- acuzativ I = eu You =tu He=el She =ea It=el/ea We=noi You=voi They =ei/ele Me =mie, ..mine You=tie, tine Him=lui,el Her=ei, ea It=ei/lui, ea/el Us =noua, .noi You =voua, voi Them =lor, ele/ei

Pronumele personale in cazul acuzativ sunt insotite de obicei de prepozitii: with, at, for, under, near, . Exercises: Traduceti : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. They met him at the airport. She gave you the letter. We wrote the new words instead of him. She went shopping with them. I listened to it . She gave it to me. They spoke to her.

Pronumele posesiv si adjectivul posesiv

Adjectivul posesiv My Your His Her Its Our Your Their Exercise: Pronumele posesiv Mine Yours His Hers Ours Yours Theirs

Traduceti : This is my briefcase. This briefcase is mine. These are your files. These files are yours. It is his office. The office is his. It is her responsibility. The responsibility is hers. This is its component part. This is our advantage. The advantage is ours. Those are your accounts. The accounts are yours. This is their company. The company is theirs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cartea aceasta este a mea, nu a ei. Cea mai buna lucrare a fost a ta. Cumpara masina mea daca nu-ti place a lui. Joe este un prieten de-al nostru. Locul acela de parcare este al lor. Mobilul meu nu functioneaza(to work= a munci; a functiona).Il pot folosi pe al tau? 7. Vreau sa stiu daca ideea asta a fost a ta sau a lui.

Past continuous tense (trecutul continuu)

Arata o actiune in desfasurare intr-un anumit moment din trecut. Se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to be(la trecut: was/ were) + Verb+ing Afirmativ : Subiect+ was/were+ verb+ing+ Negativ: Subiect+ was/were+not+ verb+ing+ Interogativ :

Subiect+ was/were+ verb+ing+ Example: He was driving He wasnt driving. Was he driving? Wasnt he driving? Where was he driving? Exercise : Conjugati 2 verbe la trecut continuu Exercises: Scrieti formele interogative, negative si interogativ-negative pentru urmatoarele propozitii: 1. He was speaking on the phone when I entered the office.

2. My neighbour was washing his car when I went out.

3. Chris was looking for Jane when he came here.

4. They were watching TV when I called them.

5. The assistant was printing a document when the phone rang.

6. I was driving the car when the policeman asked me to stop.

7. It was raining when I arrived at the hotel.

8. She was telling you something important when I interrupted her.

9. The plane was taking off when we arrived at the airport.(to take off=a decola)

10. He was working on the computer when I went to his place.

Traduceti folosind Past Simple sau Past Continuous. 1. Am vorbit cu contabilul 2. Vorbeam cu contabilul (atunci) 3. Teddy m-a ajutat. 4. Teddy ma ajuta. 5. M-am uitat la TV. 6. Ma uitam la TV. 7. A plouat mult anul trecut. 8. Ploua mult cand ai sosit. 9. Ai trimis un e-mail cu 5 minute in urma. 10. Trimiteai un e-mail cand ea a intrat in birou.

President =presedinte Vice president= vice-presedinte Prime minister= prim ministru Minister of Tourism= Ministrul Comertului Minister of Education= Ministrul Educatiei Minister of Comerce and Industry= Ministrul Comertului si Industriei Minister of Difence= Ministrul apararii Minister of Internal Affairs= Ministrul Afacerilor interne Minister of Foreign Affairs= Ministrul Afacerilor externe Minister of Agriculture= Ministrul Agriculturii Minister of Labour and Social Protection=Ministrul Muncii si Protectiei Sociale

Minister of Culture= Ministrul Culturii Minister of Health= Ministrul Sanatatii Minister of Reform= Ministrul Reformei Minister of European Integration=Ministrul Integrarii Europene Minister of State Administration= Ministrul Administratie de Stat Secretary of State=secretar de stat Senator= senator Member of Parliament(MP)=membru al parlamentului Ambassador(His/ Her Excellence)= ambasador /Excelenta sa Concilor /Adviser=consilier Mayer= primar Prefect= prefect Qualities and skills= calitati si abilitati Intellingent=inteligent Clever/smart=destept Hard working=muncitor Patient=rabdator Loyal =loial Persuasive=convingator Determined=hotarat Self possesed=stapan pe sine Ambiltious=ambitios Flexible=flexibil Balanced=echilibrat Healthy=sanatos Rapid/quick=rapid Polite=politicos Courteous=curtenitor Educated= educat , instruit Shortcomings =defecte Stubborb=incapatanat Timid=timid Envious=invidios Gelous=gelos Lazy=lenes Absent-minded= uituc, neatent Greedy=lacom Revengeful=razbunator Lier=mincinos Rude=obraznic Lonely=singuratic Dishonest=necinstit Inconsistent=inconsecvent Discret=discret Reliable=de incredere Kind=amabil Funny=amuzant Tidy=ordonat Friendly/sociable=prietenos Forgiving=iertator Understanding=intelegator Generous=generos Consistent=consecvent Self-motivated=auto-motivat Decent=decent Organized=organizat Good-looking=aratos, frumos la infatisare Dull=morocanos Boring=plictisitor Stupid=prost Indecent=indecent Sick/ill=bolnav Selfish=egoist Superficial=superficial Ugly=urat

Exercise: Describe a VIP that you have met before.What are his/her qualities and shortcomings? Wire= sarma To galvanize=a galvaniza Steel= otel Joint= imbinare To braze= alipi cu aliaj tare Upright= vertical Overall= peste tot Whichever= oricare To remove= a indeparta To distinguish= a deosebi Bearing= sustinator, care suporta Wide= lat To mark= a marca Size= marime Legibly= vizibil, citet Core=miez Left= stanga Right= dreapta Letter= litera, scrisoare Figure= cifra To weld= a suda Great= mare, maret To varnish= a avertiza Yellow= galben Hole= gaura Space= spatiu Strip= banda Ribbon= panglica To emboss= a imprima

Jobs related concepts in Human Resources

(job analysis, job description, job specification) Job description (fisa postului) The job description is a document which specifies 1. the objectives of a job 2. the work that must be performed(task by task) 3. the responsabilities involved 4. the necessary skills 5. the relationship of the job with other jobs 6. the working conditions. Job specifications (specificatiile/cerintele postului) The job specifications is a written description of the special qualifications required of a worker in a particular job. It includes: 1. education 2. experience 3. special skills 4. other requirements Meant to= menit sa To require= a cere, anecesita To assign= a desemna To perform= a desfasura Task =sarcina, indatorire To involve= a implica Specification=specificatie Particular= specific, anume To pass a law= a vota o lege To prohibit= a interzice Positions available= Oferte de munca

Present perfect simple

Se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to have+ participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat. Arata de obicei o actiune terminata recent, eventual subliniaza efectul in prezent al acelei actiuni tocmai terminate. Se traduce prin trecut , la fel ca past simple. Perioada de timp cu care se foloseste este prezenta.: today, this week, this month; just=tocmai, already=deja,yet=inca Afirmativ : Subiect+ have/has+ participiul trecut I have built a house.=Am construit o casa. She has seen a film.=Ea a vazut un film. Negativ : Subiect+ have/has+ not+participiul trecut I have not built a house. She has not seen a film. Interogativ: Subiect+ have/has+ participiul trecut I have built a house. She has seen a film. Exercise : Traduceti : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I havent met him today Have you typed the whole text yet? He has seen the presentation. We havent known about this. She has come just to talk to you. I have washed my car today. I have just translated the letter. He has already sent the e-mails. Saptamana aceasta am vazut filmul Phil tocmai a ajuns la birou. Am invitat-o deja. I-am spus sa coopereze cu compania noastra. Nu te-am mai vazut de mult timp. (for a long time)

Puneti propozitiile la interogativ si negativ: 1. John has booked tickets for the show.

2. Jane has typed a lot of letters today.

3. He has signed the contract.

4. They have learned the vocabulary for today.

5. She has taken the course on management.

To supply= a furniza Requirement= cerinta Insulation=izolatie Cables=cabluri Operation=functionare Voltage=tensiune Armour=armatura Earth=pamant A.C.= curent alternativ Underground= subteran Continuously=continuu Guidance=conducere, ghidare To exceed= a depasi

Appropriate=potrivit, propriu Purpose=scop To apply= a aplica Rated= nominal To express= a exprima To assume= a asuma, a atribui Load= sarcina To armour= a arma Rated voltage= tensiune nominala %= per cent designed = destinat (aici) the cable is designed= cablul este destinat

Present perfect continuous

Arata continuitatea, caracterul neintrerupt al unei actiuni incepute in trecut, pana in momentul prezent.Tradus in general prin prezent; insotit adesea de since si for Since= incepand cu For= pentru Afirmativ :

Subiect + have/has+been+verb+ing They have been sending letters since this morning. Negativ : Subiect + have/has+not+been+verb+ing They have not been sending letters since this morning. Interogativ : Have/has +subiect +been+verb+ing? Have they been sending letters since this morning? Exercises : Traduceti si puneti la interogativ si negativ urmatoarele propozitii: 1. She has been writing for six minutes

2. They have been waiting for a long time.

3. John has been reading since ten oclock

4. Mary has been answering questions since she entered the office.

5. Gregory and Dan have been working on the computer for almost 8 hours .

Past perfect simple

Se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to have(had)+ participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat. Arata o actiune terminata inaintea unei alte actiuni terminate. Se traduce prin mai mult ca perfect. Afirmativ : Subiect+ have/has+ participiul trecut

I had built a house before coming here=Construisem o casa inainte sa vin aici. She had seen a film.=Ea vazuse un film. Negativ : Subiect+ have/has+ not+participiul trecut I had not built a house. She had not seen a film. Interogativ: Subiect+ have/has+ participiul trecut I had built a house. She had seen a film. Exercises: Traduceti si scrieti formele interogative, negative si interogativ-negative: 1. Eu vorbisem deja cu el cand tu ai sunat.

2. Ei mancasera inainte sa venim noi.

3. Mary nu scrisese mai mult de 3 pagini cand a sunat telefonul.

4. Ieri dimineata Sam nu se intorsese inca de la Chicago.

5. Joe fusese promovat director de marketing dar el nu era multumit (to promote= a promova; to satisfy= a fi multumit)

A telephone conversation:
(company). Good morning.= Buna dimineata (company). Good afternoon.= buna ziua (company). How can I help you?= Cu ce va pot ajuta? I'm afraid you have dialled the wrong number.= Ma tem ca ati format un numar gresit. Who would you like to speak to?= Cu cine doriti sa vorbiti? What does it concern, please?=In legatura cu ce?/ La ce se refera? Would you mind telling me what you're calling about?= Va deranjeaza sa-mi spuneti in legatura cu ce sunati? Hold the line, I'll put you through.= stati pe fir, va fac legatura I'll pass you over to (department).= va fac legatura la.. is speaking on another line.=. Vorbeste pe alta linie isn't in (yet).= .nu a venit/ intrat inca is away on business.= . Este plecat cu afaceri is on holiday (this week).= .. este in vacanta/ concediu saptamana aceasta is out for lunch.= a iesit sa manance(pranzul) I'm afraid, is not available at the moment=Mi-e teama ca nu e disponibil in acest moment will be back any minute= . Se va intoarce intr-un minut.. I'm sorry, but the line is engaged.= Imi pare rau dar linia este ocupata There's no reply.= Nu raspunde nimeni If you hold the line, I'll try again.= daca nu inchideti , voi incerca din nou Would you like to hold?=Asteptati va rog? Could you try again later / tomorrow?= Puteti reveni mai tarziu/ maine? Can I take a message?= Pot sa iau un mesaj? Would you like to leave a message for ?= Doriti sa lasati un mesaj pentru..? If you give me your phone number, will call you back.=Daca-mi lasati numarul de telefon, .va voi suna. Could I have your name, please?= Imi spuneti numele, va rog? Could I help you? / Maybe I can help you?= Va pot ajuta cu ceva? 2. here. / speaking. / This is =poftiti /vorbeste/ acesta este This is (company), (name) speaking. Sorry, I must have dialled the wrong number.= Imi pare rau, cred ca am gresit numarul Could I speak to , please?= as putea vorbi cu, , va rog Am I speaking to ?= Vorbesc cu? Could you put me through to , please?= Imi puteti face legatura, va rog It's about = este legat de/ despre I'm calling about =sun in legatura cu Could you please tell I phoned?= Ii puteti spune .ca am sunat? Could you give a message, please?= Ii puteti da. un mesaj va rog? Do you know when will be back? Will be in the office tomorrow?

I'll try again later / tomorrow.= Voi reveni mai tarziu/ maine. Daca sunt probleme: My English isn't very good.= Engleza mea nu e prea buna/ Nu vorbesc prea bine engleza. The line is bad.= Linia e rea/ legatura e rea I can hardly hear you.= Deabea te aud. I didn't get that.= Nu am obtinut asta/ N-am prins/inteles asta. Could you speak more slowly, please?= Puteti vorbi mai rar, va rog? Could you speak louder, please?= Could you repeat that, please? Could you spell that, please? Sorry? / Pardon? Departments of a company accounting department / accounts department=contabilitate export department / export team / export sales department= export administrative accounting= contabilitate research and development team= echipa de cercetare si dezvoltare management=conducere import department / import team= import IT department (IT = information technology)= informatica customer service / service team=serviciul clienti marketing=marketing personnel department / staff department / human resources= resurse umane public relations team / public relations department=relatii cu publicul manufacturing department / production department=productie secretary's office=secretariat technical support team=suport tehnic sales department=vanzari

Jobs and functions

Analyst=analist director of boards= director al comitetului director CEO (Chief Executive Officer) Buyer=cumparator purchasing manager= manager aprovizionare treasurer, CFO (Chief Financial Officer)= sef financiar codirector=director adjunct commercial agent=agent comercial assistant (e.g. purchasing assistant)=asistent sales representative=reprezentat de vanzari export sales manager= director de vanzari/ export Economist=economist management board=comitet director accountant=contabil

Conversation : Speaking on the phone This is one of the Oscar Group Offices. In the office there is Mrs. Brown , the secretary. She is typing a letter for her boss. There is also Mr Kerrington, working on some documents at the desk.The phone is ringing. The secretary picks up the receiver and says: - Oscar Group, good morning. - Good morning, this is Mr. Johnson. - Yes, sir, can I hel you? - Can I speak to Mr. Wendall, please? - Im sorry sir, but Mr. Wendall is not available for the moment. He is engaged in a meeting with some clients. But you can talk to Mr. Kerrington, the manager assistant, or you can leave a message to me for Mr. Wendall. - OK madam. I will leave a message. Please tell him that we will meet on the 24th of November at ten oclock with the Presdent of the Chambers of Comerce and two of his advisors. We will discuss about the incentives for forein investors in the area. Please remind him to prepare all the papers till then. - Very well Mr. Johnson, I will tell the manager about your message and Mr. Wendall will call you back as soon as possible. - Thank you madam. Have a nice day. - You,too, sir. Good bye.

Engaged= 1.ocupat,angajat, prins 2. logodit Incentives= facilitati, stimulente, avantaje To dial a number= a forma un numar Phone card= cartela telefonica Local call/national call= apel local/ national Fixed phone= telefon fix Mobile phone=telefon mobil Answer the following questions: 1. Who was in the office when the phone called? 2. Who answered the phone? 3. Was the manager, Mr. Wendall, available? Why?

4. What was the message left for Mr. Wendall?

5. How do you introduce yourself in English when you call somebody

6. Can you spell your name? 2: Take a message for someone: Message for : Department : Person who called: Company: Telephone no.: Message: Person who took the message: Date and time:

The reflexive and emphasizing pronoun

Pronumele reflexiv si de intarire Pronumele reflexiv- actiunea se reflecta asupra subiectului Pronumele de intarire- accentueaza o actiune a subiectului Myself= ma/ insumi, insami Yourself=te/insuti, insati Himself=se/insusi Herself=se/insasi Itself=se/insusi, insasi Ourselves=ne/insine, insene Yourselves=va/insiva,inseva Themselves=se/insisi, insele Translate: 1. Lor le place sa se spele cu apa rece. 2. Sam s-a taiat intr-o bucata de geam 3. Ma intreb ce as putea sa fac in aceasta situatie. 4. Directorul insusi a semnat invitatiile. 5. Strang bani pentru ca vreau sa-mi cumpar o masina noua. 6. Poarta-te frumos! 7. Ai spus ceva? Nu, vorbeam cu mine insumi.

The interview
Necessary papers 1. 2. 3. 4. Curriculum vitae Letters of recommendation Letter of intention Diplomas and qualifications certificates.

The CV
1. CV stands for curriculum vitae (also known as a resum). A CV is a summary of your education and work experience, often requested by employers. Most professionals store their CVs electronically so that they can be updated when necessary. 2. There is considerable debate about the format of CVs, and much depends on your experience and the area you are working in.

Name: Date of birth: Place of birth: Citizenship: Nationality: Marital status: single/ married/engaged Address: Phone number: Education:year, training, institution,specialization Professional activity:year, position, company Foreign languages:language level (beginner/elementary/intermediate/upperintermediate, advanced) Computer knowledge: References:name, position,company, telephone Hobby:sports, other activities Skills:ex(communication skills, team worker, experience in working with people, flexibility, adaptability, creativity, self-control, quick learner,sense of humor)

Vocabulary: Position=functie, post de lucru Reliable= de incredere Enthusiastic=entuziast Determined= hotarat Nature=caracter, fire, natura During=pe perioada, pe durata While=in timp ce The letter of intention To : HRS Services, Madrid, Spain Attn : Mr. Brendan Lowe Human Resources Director Date : June 30, 2008 Dear Mr. Lowe,

Resourceful=inventiv, plin de resure To excel= a excela Proof=dovada Valuable=valoros Professional=profesionist

My name is Jennifer Baxan, and I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself to you in view of applying to the position of Coordinator in HR Services. I am 29 years old and I graduated in 2002 The University of Marketing and Management from Boston, Massachusetts. After graduation I moved to Sudan where I joined for two years the Khaortum Institute for Market Studies, working as the assistant of prof. James Burr from the Marketing Strategies Department. At the end of 2004 I decided to get more practical experience and I started my collaboration with S&T Computers based in London, which has sales and distribution operations throughout Europe. I started as sales executives in Vienna, responsible for Central Eastern Europe operations, and in 2003 I was promoted to the position of Sales Consultant, travelling on a regular basis to the European branches of S&T Computers in order to organize training courses for the local personnel. I heard of the opening that you have for a Coordinator in HR Services and I believe it is an excellent professional opportunity and personal challenge for me. I am sure that my theoretical and practical experience in marketing and sales , as well my knowledge of the American, African and European markets will make our collaboration a very successful one. You will also notice that my language skills meet your expectations since I am fluent in English (native), German, French, and I understand Greek and Spanish. I look forward to meeting you in person for a more detailed conversation. In the meantime, please find attached my Curriculum Vitae for further information. Thank you in advance for your kind reply, I remain Yours sincerely, Jennis Baxan

Tel.:43-91-432-7531 Email: Position=functie, post Reliable= de incredere Determined=hotarat Enthusiastic=entuziast Nature= fire, caracter, natura During=in timp ce, pe perioada, pe durata Meanwhile= intre timp Resourceful= inventiv, plin de resurse To excel= a excela Proof= dovada Valuable= valoros, de valoare Professional= profesionist Opportunity=ocazie, oportunitate In view of|+ verb+ing= in vederea, cu scopul To graduate= a absolvi To move= a se muta, a se misca Practical= practic Theoretical= teoretic Reply= raspuns, replica To be promoted to the position of= a fi promovat pe pozitia de To travel= a calatori On regular basis= in mod regulat, frecvent Branch= ramura, filiala Training course= curs de pregatire Personnel= angajati, personal Opening= deschidere, post liber Challenge= provocare, stimulare Knowledge= cunostinte, notiuni, informatii Expectations= asteptari To look forward to + verb+ ing= a astepta ciu nerabdare sa In the meantime= intre timp Please fin attached= va rog sa primiti alaturat Further information= informatii suplimentare In advance= in avans, anticipat

Modul imperativ e folosit pentru a exprima comenzi, ordine, interdictii, indemnuri Afirmativ : Go ! Sing! Lets go! Lets sing! Do go! Negativ: Dont go! Dont sing! Translate: 1. Nu te duce acolo; stai aici. 2. Nu vorbi germana; nu inteleg.Te rog vorbeste engleza.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Nu cumpara o masina sport, cumpara un jeep .(sports car=masina sport) Nu trimite documentatia, tradu-o mai intai. Raspunde la telefon; te rog. Nu uita sa cumperi un cartus de imprimanta cand te intorci. (cartridge= cartus de imprimanta) 7. Adu-mi raportul pe aprilie, te rog. 8. Nu-I spune directorului despre proiect, nu e gata inca. 9. Spune-I lui Frank sa vina devreme maine dimineata. 10. Dactilografiaza aceasta scrisoare; am nevoie de ea in 10 minute. Vocabulary : Hierarchy= ierarhie Need= nevoie Shelter=adapost High order= de rang superior To consider= a lua in calcul, a considera Security= securitate, siguranta Harm= rau, daunare Avoidance= evitare Common sense= bun simt To accomplish = a realiza, a indeplini To achieve= a obtine Achievement= realizare To fulfill= a indeplini Fulfillment= indeplinire To use= a folosi To realize= a realiza Counting devices=instrumente de calcul To count= a numara Frame= rama Perishable materials= materiale perisabile To diminish= a diminua Frame= rama Square root= radacina patrata Cubic root= radacina cubica Switch= comutator

Conditional prezent si perfect

Would=as; could=as putea; should= ar trebui; might=s-ar putea Conditional prezent: Afirmativ : Subiect+ auxiliar+vb la infinitv scurt You would play tennis if you wanted. Negativ : Subiect+ auxiliar+not+vb la infinitv scurt You would not play tennis if you didnt want. Interogativ: Auxiliar + subiect+verb? Would you play tennis? Exercises: 1. Te-as ajuta dar nu am timp= I would help you but I dont have time.

2. Ti-ar placea sa lucrezi la firma noastra? 3. N-as vrea sa fac asta , dar trebuie. 4. Am dori sa colaboram cu firma dumneavoastra. 5. As merge la teatru in seara aceasta. 6. Tu ce ai face in aceasta situatie? 7. Nu mi-ar placea sa lucrez acolo. 8. Ea ar vrea sa lucreze ca secretara. 9. Joe ar vrea sa invete Italiana. 10. Ei ar vrea sa vina la sedinta. Traduceti , apoi puneti la interogativ si negativ: 1. Ai putea sa-l ajuti pe mecanic. 2. Directorul ar putea sa participe la negociere. 3. Tom s-ar putea supara. 4. Ar trebui sa vorbesc cu membri echipei despre ce s-a intamplat. 5. Crezi ca s-ar putea sa ploua maine dimineata? 6. Ai putea sa-l convingi sa se lase de fumat. 7. Ei ar putea sa rezerve 2 bilete pentru concert. 8. Voi ar trebui sa-mi spuneti ce s-a intamplat la sedinta. 9. To maintain= a mentine Marking= marcare Legend= legenda, inscriptie To fill = a umple To consist= a consta Spindle= ax, pivot Tape= banda

To spark= a scanteia Below=de mai jos Failure=defect, esec Fault=defect Spark gap= interval de scanteiere Sine wive= unda sinusoidala Full value= valoare maxima Mesh= priza Breakdown= intrerupere Electrode voltage=tensiunea electrodului the capacity of the capacitor= capacitatea condensatorului Toate cordoanele vor fi supuse testului de scanteiere. All cords shall be subjected to spark test. To stretch= a intinde Clamp=1.brida,2.carlig,3.clema Hook=carlig Section= sectiune To superimpose= a imprima Grain= granula Colouring matter= colorant Fabric= tesatura Angle= unghi Sheet= strat, foaie Drawn= tras , laminat Veneer= furnir, placaj Felt= pasla Flatwise= pe lat Three phase electric power= curent electric trifazic Mono phase electric power= curent electric monofazic Steel= otel Aluminium=aluminiu Plastic=plastic Strand= fir , lita sarma, fascicul,toron (de cablu), strand of a cable/rope =toron de cablu stranded wire= lita stranded=toronat; cablat (la cablu) stranded (wire) rope= funie din toroane impletite stranded aluminium= wire cablu de aluminiu stranded cable= cablu torsadat

Conditional perfect:
have+participiul trecut= participiul perfect al verbului Ex: have gone= fi plecat Afirmativ :

Subiect+ auxiliar+have+participiul trecut You would have played tennis if you had wanted. Negativ : Subiect+ auxiliar+not+ participiul trecut You would not have played tennis if you hadnt wanted. Interogativ: Auxiliar + subiect+ participiul trecut? Would you have played tennis? Would not= wouldnt Could not= couldnt Should not=shouldnt Exercises: 1. As fi participat la sedinta , dar nu am avut timp. 2. Ce ai fi facut tu in situatia mea? 3. Nu as fi avut timp sa vorbesc cu el pentru ca era tarziu. 4. As fi preferat sa lucrez ca inginer, dar salariul era prea mic. 5. El ar fi venit sa se intalneasca cu noi dar a fost foarte ocupat. 6. Am fi putut sa-l ajutam dar ne-a refuzat.

7. Ar fi fost mai bine sa vorbim la telefon in loc sa ne intalnim aici. 8. M-as fi dus la teatru aseara dar nu am avut bilete. 9. Ma intreb ce as fi putut face fara ajutorul tau. 10. As fi putut sa traduc textul dar eram prea obosit.


British English
Position: In British English, the sender's address is usually placed in the top right corner of the letter.

American English
Position: In American English the sender's address is usually placed in the top left corner, below the date, or at the end of the letter, below the signature.. Sender's address below the date:

Sender's address below the signature:

British English

Position: In British English, the sender's address is usually placed in the top right corner of the letter.

American English
Position: In American English the sender's address is usually placed in the top left corner, below the date, or at the end of the letter, below the signature.. Sender's address below the date:

Sender's address below the signature:

Recipient's Address in a Business Letter

Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr / Dr ... house number, street place area code COUNTRY (in capital letters)

In American English, the area code is usually at the same level as the place, separated by a comma. Position: on the left

British English
In British English, the recipient's address starts on the same line as the date or one line below the date.

American English
In American English, the recipient's address starts two lines below the sender's address (or two lines below the date if the sender's address isn't placed in the top left corner).

Salutation in a Business Letter

If you know the person's name:

Dear Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr / Dr + surname Dear Mr Miller You can also write the person's full name. In this case, leave out the title (Mr/Mrs). This way of writing the salutation is very handy if you don't know the gender of the person. Dear Chris Miller

If you don't know the person's name:

There are several possibilities to address people that you don't know by name: Salutation when to use Dear Sir / Dear Sirs male addressee (esp. in British English) Gentlemen male addressee (esp. in American English) Dear Madam female addressee (esp. in British English) Ladies female addressee (esp. in American English) Dear Sir or Madam gender unknown (esp. in British English) Ladies and Gentlemen gender unknown (esp. in American English) To whom it may concern gender unknown (esp. in American English) Business partners often call each other by their first names. In this case, write the salutation as follows: Dear Sue

In British English, don't use any punctuation mark or use a comma. Dear Mr Miller or Dear Mr Miller, In American English, use a colon: Dear Mr. Miller:

Ms, Miss or Mrs?

Mrs to address a married woman Miss to address an unmarried woman (rarely used now) Ms to address a woman whose marital status you don't know; also used to address an unmarried woman

Note: The abrreviations Mr, Mrs etc. are usually written without full stops (Mr) in British English and with full stops (Mr.) in American English.

Subject Line in a Business Letter

A subject line is not really necessary. You may want to use one, however, so that the reader immediately knows what your letter is about. There are three common methods to distinguish the subject line from the body of the letter:

Use "Subject:" or "Re:" Type the subject in bold letters Type the subject in capital letters

British English
The subject line is usually placed between the salutation and the body of the letter (with a blank line in between).

American English
In American English, the subject line can also be placed between the recipient's address and the salutation (with a blank line in between).

Body of a Business Letter

Capitalise the first word of the text (even if the salutation ends with a comma). The text is left-justified and a blank line is put after each paragraph. It is not common to indent the first line of a paragraph.


first paragraph: introduction and reason for writing following paragraphs: explain your reasons for writing in more detail, provide background information etc. last paragraph: summarise your reason for writing again and make clear what you want the recipient to do

Greeting in a Business Letter

British English
If you used the recipient's name in the salutation, use 'sincerely'. If you did not use the recipient's name in the salutation, use 'faithfully'.

American English
Use 'sincerely', no matter if you used the recipient's name in the salutation or not ('faithfully' is not common in American English).

Salutation - Greeting
British English
Salutation Dear Ms Wexley Dear Jane Wexley Dear Jane Dear Sir Dear Sirs Dear Madam Dear Sir or Madam Greeting Yours sincerely / Sincerely yours

Yours faithfully / Faithfully yours

American English
Salutation Dear Ms. Wexley: Dear Jane Wexley: Dear Jane: Gentlemen: Ladies: Ladies and Gentlemen: Greeting Sincerely, / Sincerely yours, Sincerely, / Sincerely yours,

To whom it may concern: In emails you could also write:

Regards Kind regards Best wishes

Note: If you end the salutation with a comma or colon, use a comma after the greeting. If you didn't punctuate the salutation, don't punctuate the greeting. Position: Write the greeting two lines below the last paragraph and left-justify it. If the date is centre-justified, however, do also centre-justify the greeting. Leave 4 blank lines after the greeting (space for the signature) and write the sender's name below that space.

Enclosure in a Business Letter

If you wish to enclose documents, you can either list all enclosed documents separately or just write the word 'Enclosure' below the signature.


We got your address from Your advertisement has come to our attention. We were told that you produce We intend to buy / We are considering the purchase of We have a steady demand for We would like to know more about Could you please send us information about ? Please send us your catalogue/catalog. Offer We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products. We hereby send you our offer. Enclosed please find our offer. / Enclosed you will find our offer. We are pleased to make the following offer: We assure you that your order will be dealt with promptly. Please let us know your requirements as soon as possible. We look forward to receiving your order. Order Enclosed please find our order. / Our order is enclosed. We would like to place the following order: We herewith order the following items: We require the goods urgently. We would be grateful if you could deliver as soon as possible. Please let us know when we can expect the delivery.

Word List on Opinion and Statements

Stating your Opinion It seems to me that In my opinion, I am of the opinion that / I take the view that .. My personal view is that In my experience As far as I understand / can see, As I see it, / From my point of view As far as I know / From what I know I might be wrong but If I am not mistaken I believe one can (safely) say It is claimed that I must admit that I cannot deny that I can imagine that I think/believe/suppose Personally, I think That is why I think I am sure/certain/convinced that

I am not sure/certain, but I am not sure, because I don't know the situation exactly. I am not convinced that I have read that I am of mixed opinions (about / on) I am of mixed opinions about / on this. I have no opinion in this matter. Outlining Facts The fact is that The (main) point is that This proves that What it comes down to is that It is obvious that It is certain that One can say that It is clear that There is no doubt that

Sample Business Letter

Your street address City, State Zip Date Recipient name and surname Job title (Sales Manager etc.) Company name Street address City, State Zip Dear Mr. __________ Your message here. Use short paragraphs - 3 to 4 lines each. Triplecheck your business letter for bad grammar. Keep your business letter short and formal.

Sincerely, Your signature Your name and surname

A cable is one or more wires or optical fibers bound together, typically in a common protective jacket or sheath. The individual wires or fibers inside the jacket may be covered or insulated. Combination cables may contain both electrical wires and optical fibers. Electrical wire is usually copper because of its excellent conductivity, but aluminium is sometimes used because it costs less. Electrical cables may be made flexible by stranding the wires. In this process, smaller individual wires are twisted or braided together to produce larger wires that are more flexible than solid wires of similar size. Bunching small wires before stranding adds the most flexibility. A thin coat of a specific material , usually tin-which improves the solderability of the bunch-, but it could be silver, gold and another materials. Stranding= rasucire,toronare stranding machine= masina de cablat / de toronat bunch =inmanunchia (a se) bunch=legatura cable lay_up= cablaj bunch=legatura de chei cable lay_up= torsiune a cablului bunch=legatura,balot,colac cable lead_in=intrare de cablu bunch=manunchi;ciorchine (de struguri) cable line= linie de cablu bunch=manunchi /manson de cablu cable loop= bucla de cablu unplated=negalvanizat, neplacat tin=staniu, cositor bundling= legare, balotare bend= curba , curba (a), curbura, derivatie .face un nod (a), incovoia, indoi (a se) radius= raza power cable=cablu de energie wiring =legare, cuplare,racordare la retea,cablare,montaj,circuit,schema device= dispozitiv ,instrument ,mecanism ,mijloc, plan, procedeu, mijloc; dispozitiv; mecanism; plan, proiect, schema exposed= a expune (unui pericol, risc);a abandona, expune (a) tool=unealta, scula, instrument cable tier= parama. magazie de parame cable lay= rasucirea in garlin,pas de torsadare a c cable laying= intindere/instalare/pozare a cablului

Lace=tresa , a uni cabluri machinery =mecanism; masinarie; instalatie de exploatat, piesa/organ de masina, utilaj(e)

to cope with= a se descurca la, a functiona la, a rezista la firm= fix; rigid; tare ,intari (a se), consolida (a se),compacta ,neclintit (de)

braided wire= lita, fir impletit, sarma impletita Bundling the conductors and eliminating multi-layers ensures a uniform bend radius for each conductor. A power cable is an assembly of two or more electrical conductors, usually held together with an overall sheath. The assembly is used for transmission of electrical power. Power cables may be installed as permanent wiring within buildings, buried in the ground, run overhead, or exposed. Flexible power cables are used for portable devices, mobile tools and machinery. Flexible cables can be divided into two genres: those with conductors stranded in layers inside the cable and those which have bundled/braided rather than layered conductors. Stranding in layers is significantly easier to produce and is therefore usually offered on the market at low cost. The cable cores are stranded firmly and left relatively long in several layers around the centre and are then enclosed in an extruded tube shaped jacket. In the case of shielded cables, the cores are wrapped up with fleece or foils. However, this type of cable construction means that, during the bending process, the inner radius of the cable is compressed and the outer radius stretched as the cable core moves. Initially, this works quite well, because the elasticity of the material is still sufficient, but soon material fatigue can set in and cause permanent deformations. At any point where the cable is flexed, the path of any core moves quickly from the inside to the outside of the cable. The result is that no single core stays near the inside of the bend to be compressed or near the outside of the bend to be stretched and overall the stresses are much reduced. An outer jacket is still required to prevent the cores untwisting.

electrical panels= tablouri electrice An overhead power line is an electric power transmission line suspended by towers or poles. Towers for support of the lines are made of wood (as-grown or laminated), steel (either lattice structures or tubular poles), concrete, aluminum. Structures for overhead lines take a variety of shapes depending on the type of line. Aluminum conductors reinforced with steel (known as ACSR) are primarily used for medium and high voltage lines and may also be used for overhead services to individual customers. Aluminum conductors are used as it has the advantage of better resistivity/weight than copper, as well as being cheaper. Some copper cable is still used, especially at lower voltages. Overhead lines or overhead wires are used to transmit electrical energy to trams, trolleybuses or trains. A multicore cable is a generic term for an electrical cable that has multiple cores. The term is normally only used in relation to a cable that has more cores than commonly encountered. A cable comprising three coaxial cables in a single sheath would be considered a multicore. Insulating and jacketing of wires and cables is done by passing them through an extruder. Since the mid-1960s, the insulation has been plastic or polymers exhibiting properties similar to rubber. Technical specification Type : Izolator electric compozit tija/ Composite Suspension insulator Maira H 24.80.445
Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Standard to be applied: Standard Nominal System Voltage: Tensiune Specification Factory data IEC 1109 20 KV 24 KV 50 Hz 3 -55 +50 2500 m Strong:puternica

nominala a retelei Highest Voltage of System: Tensiunea maxima de serviciu a retelei Nominal System frequency: Frecventa nominala a sistemului Number of phase of the network: Numar de faze ale retelei Minimum ambient temperature: Temperatura minima Maximum ambient temperature: 55 Temperatura maxima Altitude above sea level: Inaltimea maxima deasupra nivelului marii Radiation of sun: Radiatie Solara

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Position of installation: Locul instalarii Withstanding voltage with frequency power during 1 minute in dry condition (to earth & between

Outdoor: afara 131 KV 85 KV 292 KV 303 KV 70 Micro TT Silicone rubber: Cauciuc

Tensiunea de tinere la frecventa industriala in mediu uscat de tinere la frecventa industriala in mediu umedsub ploaie Lightning impulse Flashover voltage (positive): Tensiunea de tinere la impuls de trasnet(pozitiv) Lightning impulse Flashover voltage (Negative): Tensiunea de tinere la impuls de trasnet(negativ) Thickness of galvanization of metal part: Grosimea galvanizarii partii de metal Fittings: Tip prezoane prindere Kind of material: Material
phases): Withstanding voltage with frequency power during 1 minute in wet condition: Tensiunea

siliconat Sarcina maxima specificata Leakage distance: Distanta de descarcare a arcului Exceptional Maximum Tensile Strength: Sarcina maxima admisibila (exceptionala) Length: Lungime Weight: Greutate
Specified mechanical load: 80 KN 783 mm 97 KN 445 mm 2,1 Kg

Standardul Britanic indica conditiile si dimensiunile pentru cabluri izolate in PVC. The British Standard gives requirements and dimensions for PVC insulated cables. Cablurile functioneaza pana la tensiuni de 1900 V inclusiv la armatura si pamant si 3300 intre conductoare. The cables operate at voltages up and including 1900 V to armour and earth and 3300 V between conductors. In scopul acestui standard sunt aplicate urmatoarele definitii. For the purpose of this standard the following definitions apply. Numarul si diametrul nominal al sarmelor pentru conductoarele circulare vor respecta cerintele din tabelul urmator. The number and nominal diameter of the wires in shaped stranded and compacted circular copper conductors shall be in acordance to the values given in the appropriate table. Numarul minim de sarme utilizate pentru conductoarele circulare vor fi in conformitate cu BS 6360. The minimum number of wires used for the circular conductors shall be in accordance with BS 6360. Conductorii din aluminiu cu forme de sector circular sunt alcatuiti din 4 sectoare puse in forma si aranjate conform cu BS 6791. The shaped circular solid aluminium conductors consist of four conductor shaped solid conductors laid up together with BS 6791.

Nu este permisa existenta adeziunii intre strat si manta si izolatie. There shall be no adhesion between the bedding or the sheath and the insulation. Valoarea minima a grosimii stratului nu va scadea sub valorile din urmatorul tabel. The minimum thickness of the bedding shall not fall bellow the value given in the following table. Armatura sarmei consta dintr-un singur strat de sarme de otel galvanizate avand dimensiunea indicata in tabelul urmator. Wire armour shall consist of a single layer of galvanized steel wires of size indicated in the appropriate table. Directia stratului armaturii cablurilor din pana la 7 fire va fi spre stanga. The direction of lay of the armour in cables having up to including seven wires shall be left hand. Pentru a deosebi cablurile cu o tensiune de 6000/1000 V de cablurile cu o tensiune mai mare, primele vor fi marcate cu o hartie de atentionare galbena. In order to distinguish between 600/1000 cables and cables of higher voltage rating, the first shall be further identified by varnished yellow paper. Dimesiunea maxima a caracterelor va fi de 13 mm. The maximum size of the letters shall be of 13 mm. Toate cordoanele vor fi supuse testului de scanteiere. All cords shall be subjected to the spark test. Este preferabil ca electrodul sa fie in plasa de sarma astfel incat sa realizeze un contact direct cu conductoarele. It is advisable that the electrode should be a fine link mesh so that it shall intimate contact with the core. Tensiunea electrodului va fi de 6Kv RMS iar capacitatea condensatorului va fi de 35 PF The voltage carried out by the electrode shall be of 6 KV and the capacitor capacity of 35 Pf. Testul de tensiune se va face la temperatura camerei cu o tensiune de 500 V. The voltage test shall be made at room temperature with a voltage of 500 V. Masurarea rezistentei izolatiei va fi facuta dupa electrificare cu curent continuu pentru 1 minut la nu mai putin de 500 V The measurement of the resistence of the insulation shall be determined after applying the sample to DC for 1 minute for a power that shall be at least 500V. Grosimea izolatiei va fi determinata de probe reprezentative de mieZ luate nu mai putin de 300 mm de la capatul unei lungimi de fabricatie.

The thickness of the insulation shall be determined by representative core samples taken no more than 300mm from the end of a factory length. Media masuratorilor si cea mai mica masuratoare vor fi inregistrate pentru verificarea conformitatii cu clauza 6 . The average measure and the lowest of the measurements shall be recorded for checking compliance with clause 6. Diametrul masurat al conductorului se va scadea din media celor 2 masuratori iar diferenta va fi impartita la 2. The measured conductor diameter shall be substracted from the average of the 2 measurements and the difference divided by 2. In cazul in care este utilizata tiparirea in conformitate cu 14.2 punctele in care sunt realizate masuratorile nu se vor suprapune peste imprimare. When embossing in accordance with 14.2 is used the points at which measurements are made shall not coincide with any embossing. Aluminium conductors and aluminium conductors steel reinforced for overhead transmission lines= conductori de aluminiu si conductori de aluminiu cu armatura de otel pentru inii de transmisie aeriene Galvanized steel wire= sarma de otel galvanizat Hard drawn aluminium wire= sarma trefilata de aluminiu Conductorul din aluminiu cu armatura de otel este alcatuit din 7 sau mai multe sarme din otel galvanizate. The aluminium conductor steel reinforced is made up of seven or more aluminum galvanized steel wires. Directia de infasurare a stratului este spre dreapta sau spre stanga. The direction of lay is defined as right hand or left hand. Rezistivitatea sarmelor de aluminiu depinde de puritatea materialului si de conditiile fizice. The resistivity of aluminium wires depends upon its purity and its physical conditions. Coeficientul liniar de expensiune al sarmelor de aluminiu se va lui 23*10 6C. The coeficient of linear expansionof aluminium wires is to be taken as 23*10-6. In vederea obtinerii uniformitatii in calcule o valoare de 11.5*10-6/C poate fi luata ca valoare pentru coeficientul de expansiune liniar al sarmelor de otel galvanizate. To obtain calculation uniformity, a value of 11.5*10-6/C can be taken as a value of the expansion linear coeficient of the galvanized steel wires. Sarmele de otel galvanizate vor fi de gradul de tensiune standard indicat in BS4565 atata timp cat beneficiarul nu cere un grad mai mare. The galvanized steel wires shall be of standard tensile strenght grade given in BS4565 unless the purchaser requires a higher tensile strenght grade. La intelegere intre producator si beneficiar pe sarma centrala poate fi aplicata o gresare corespunzatoare. By ageement between the purchaser and the manufacturer a suitable grease may be applied to the centre of the wire. In cazul sarmelor de otel imbinarile sunt permise numai in bara de baza. For steel wires there are no joints except those in the base rod. In alternativa in care beneficiarul stabileste in timpul comenzii ca doreste sa faca testele in prezenta unui reprezentant, probele vor fi luate pe lungimi de conductor cablat.

Alternatively, when the purchaser states at the time of ordering that he desires test to be taken in the presence of hisrepresentatives, samples of wire shall be taken from lenghts of stranded conductor. Braid twisted twin flexible cords=cordoanele flexibile impletite perechi Standardul britanic da indicatii referitoare la tipul izolatiei, la dimensiunile cordoanelor. The british standard gives requirements concerning the type of insulation and the dimension of the insulated cords. Cordoanele sunt in principal proiectate in vederea utilizarii lor in conditiile prevazute in regulile pentru echipamentul electric pentru cladiri. The cords are primarily intended for use under the conditions envisaged in the Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of buildings. Tensiunea nominala E este tensiunea putere frecventa de impamantare pentru care cablurile flexibile sunt destinate. The rated voltage E is the power frequency voltage to earth for which the flexible cords are designed. Tipurile de cordoane descrise in acest standard se vor utiliza unde combinatia dintre temperatura ambianta si cresterea de temperatura nu depasesc 60o C. Types of flexible cords described in this standard are suitable for use where the combination of ambient temperature and the temperature rise dont exceed 600C. Corzile flexibile nu vor fi utilizate la temperaturi de sub 00C decat dupa consultarea producatorului. Flexible cords are to be used in ambient temperatures below 00 C, the manufacturer should be consulted. Determinarea fortei de 1%alungire= determination of stress at 1% elongation Vulvanized rubber insulated cords=cordoane izolate in cauciuc vulcanizat Cordoanele izolate in cauciuc vulcanizat sunt conductoare cositorite din cupru . The vulcanized rubber insulated cords are tinned annealed copper conductors. Izolatia va fi in general conform normei. The insulation shall mainly be complying to the standard. Izolatia va fi aplicata prin extrudare si va fi potrivita strans dar nu va adera la conductor. The insulation shall be applied by extrusion process and shall fit closely on but not adhere to the conductor . Mantaua pentru cordoane cu izolatie de PVC rezistenta la caldura va fi de tipul 4. The sheath for heat resisting PVC insulated cords shall be type four. Grosimea mantalei determinata prin realizarea unui numar de masuratori nu va fi mai mica decat valoarea indicata in tabel 1. The thickness of the sheath determined by making the average of a number of measurements shall be no less than the standard value in table 2. Presentations Introduction I want to give you a short presentation about ... My presentation is about ... I'd like to tell you something about ... I think everybody has heard about ..., but hardly anyone knows a lot about it. That's why I'd like to tell you something about it.

Did you know that ...? Introducing sub-topics Let me begin by explaining why / how ... First / Now I want to talk about ... First / Now I want to give you an insight into ... Let's (now) find out why / how ... Let's now move to ... As I already indicated ... Another aspect / point is that ... The roots of ... go back to ... ... began when ... Legend has it that ... As you probably know, ... You probably know that ... Maybe you've already heard about ... You might have seen that already. At the beginning there was / were ... Many people knew / know ... Hardly anyone knew / knows ... ... hit the idea to ... ... was the first to ... It is claimed that ... One can say that ... I have read that ... Pictures and graphics Let me use a graphic to explain this. The graphic shows that ... As you can see (in the picture) ... In the next / following picture, you can see ... Here is another picture. The next picture shows how ... Let the pictures speak for themselves. I think the picture perfectly shows how / that ... Now, here you can see ... Final thoughts on a sub-topic It was a great success for ... It is a very important day in the history of ... It was / is a very important / special event. This proves that ... The reason is that ... The result of this is that ... It's because ... In other words, ... I want to repeat that ... I'd (just) like to add ... Conclusion

... should not be forgotten. ... has really impressed me. I hope that one day ... We should not forget ... All in all I believe that... Summing up / Finally it can be said that ... Let me close by quoting ... who said, ... That was my presentation on ... I am now prepared to answer your questions. Do you have any questions? Exercise : write a presentation


[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Bank 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate 85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], I request that you close the following accounts I have at your branch: TYPE ACCOUNT # [LIST ACCOUNT TYPES AND NUMBERS, ex. Savings 2342342-234 Checking 2343433-432] [MENTION WHAT SHOULD BE DONE WITH BALANCES, ex. Kindly prepare a money order in the amount of the balance outstanding for me to pick up on Monday, June 16, 1998.] Allow me to thank you in advance for your consideration.

Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]


[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Bank 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate 85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], We have recently applied for credit at [FIRM, ex. ABC Supplies] and have listed your bank as a reference. I kindly request that a copy of all documents you plan to send to [FIRM, ex. ABC Supplies] in their investigation of my credit rating be forwarded to me at: [ADDRESS, ex. Jill Jones PowerAccount Software 4321 Second Street Suite 545 Anycity, Anystate 85254] Allow me to thank you in advance. Please me at XXX-XXXX if there are any concerns. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]


[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998]

[NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Bank 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate 85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], We are interested in whether your bank offers interest-bearing [CURRENCY, ex. Sterling Pound] accounts. Please forward any information regarding the availability of such accounts, as well as the current rates paid thereon, to me at: [ADDRESS, ex. Attention: Jill Jones PowerAccount Industries 4312 Third Street Anycity, Anystate 85245] Allow me to thank you in advance for your consideration. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]


[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, BANK AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Bank 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate 85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], We hereby request that you permanently increase the limit on our credit facility to [REQESTED AMOUNT OF CREDIT LIMIT, ex. $750,000]. [EXPLAIN REASONS FOR INCREASE, ex. As you are aware, our business has experienced tremendous growth over the past few years, and although this is a positive

and desirable trend, we require additional credit in order to allow us to adequately increase production to meet customer demand.] You already have our financial information and related materials. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or comments or if you require any additional information. We anxiously await your response. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]


[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, BANK AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Bank 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate 85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], I refer to our recent telephone conversation regarding our company's credit and banking requirements. As you are aware, we are a growing business with correspondingly increasing capital requirements. We have enclosed for your information, our recent financial statements along with our business plan and budget for the forthcoming fiscal year. Based upon our forecasts, we anticipate requiring a credit facility of approximately [AMOUNT OF CREDIT FACILITY, ex. $750,000]. Would you kindly provide us with a financing proposal which you believe would satisfy our requirements. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or comments, or if you require additional information. We anxiously await your response. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]


[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, BANK AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Bank 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate 85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],


You are hereby authorized to release to [NAME OF INDIVIDUAL OR COMPANY] all banking information requested by [him / her / it] relating to our Account No. [ACCOUNT NO., ex. 12345678]. This shall be your good and sufficient authority for so doing. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones] CUSTOMER CREDIT APPROVAL [DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Inc. 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate 85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], We are happy to inform you that your credit application has been approved. We hope that you will enjoy the benefits of a [STATE TERMS $10,000 maximum 2/10 net 30] account, and we are certain that these terms will better facilitate doing business together. Enclosed, please find a copy of our credit terms. This document explains in detail how your account will be billed each month.

Feel free to contact me at XXX-XXXX should you have any concerns or questions. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones] REQUEST DELAY IN PROVIDING FINANCIAL STATEMENT [DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, BANK AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Bank 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate 85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], According to the terms of our credit facility, we are required to provide you with our annual financial statements within 90 days following our fiscal year end ([DATE OF YEAR END, ex. March 31, 1998]). [EXPLAIN REASON FOR DELAY IN PREPARATION OF STATEMENTS, ex. As you are aware, we have recently updated our accounting system software, and have been experiencing some difficulties in reconciling accounts. Our technicians are working with the software vendor to address these problems, however we do not anticipate having this resolved for a few more weeks]. We would therefore respectfully request that you provide us with an additional [ADDITIONAL DELAY PERIOD REQUESTED, ex. sixty (60) days] to provide you with the statements. We will, of course, try to provide you with them earlier, however we are confident that the delays will not set us back any longer than this. Thank you in advance for your anticipated co-operation. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones] APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO INCREASE CREDIT LIMIT

[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Inc. 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate 85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], We are happy to inform you that your request to increase your credit limit has been approved. Accordingly, your new credit limit is $[AMOUNT]. Enclosed, please find a detailed copy of our credit terms. This document explains in detail how your account will be billed each month. We are certain that these terms will better facilitate doing business together. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones] CUSTOMER CREDIT REFUSAL [DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998] [NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. John Smith XYZ Inc. 1234 First Street Suite 567 Anycity, Anystate 85245] Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith], We thank you for your credit application and your interest in our [products/services]. We look forward to doing business with you. As you understand, to maintain reasonable and competitive prices, we are unable to approve many credit applications. Although we cannot offer you credit terms at this moment, we are certain that, as we do business together and a favorable history is established, we will be able to accept credit orders from you in the future. {OFFER INCENTIVE, ex. Meanwhile, may I extend to you a discount of [X]% for cash orders?}

{Since you are a busy person, I will automatically review your account in [X] months and gladly offer you credit when we are able to do so.} It will be a pleasure to do business with you. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones] A letter of credit is a letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer's payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount. In the event that the buyer is unable to make payment on the purchase, the bank will be required to cover the full or remaining amount of the purchase. Letters of credit are often used in international transactions to ensure that payment will be received. Due to the nature of international dealings including factors such as distance, differing laws in each country and difficulty in knowing each party personally, the use of letters of credit has become a very important aspect of international trade. The bank also acts on behalf of the buyer (holder of letter of credit) by ensuring that the supplier will not be paid until the bank receives a confirmation that the goods have been shipped.


Bank Address City State Issue Date Superintendent of Insurance Insurance Department State of New York 25 Beaver Street, New York, New York 10004

Zip Letter of Credit No.


1. We hereby establish this IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT in your favor for drawings up to the aggregate amount of United States $ (Amount) , effective immediately. This LETTER OF CREDIT is issued, presentable and payable at our office at


and expires with our close of business on (Expiration Date) unless as hereinafter extended. 2. We hereby undertake to promptly honor your sight draft(s) drawn on us, indicating our IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. , for all or any part of this LETTER OF CREDIT upon presentation at our office specified in paragraph one on or before the expiration date or any automatically extended expiration date.

3. Except as expressly stated herein, this undertaking is not subject to any agreement,

(Issuing Bank) under this LETTER OF CREDIT is the individual obligation of Issuing Bank), and is in no way contingent upon
condition or qualification. The obligation of reimbursement with respect thereto. 4. It is a condition of this LETTER OF CREDIT that it is deemed to be automatically extended without amendment for one year from the expiration date hereof, or any future expiration date, unless at least thirty days prior to any expiration date we notify you by registered mail that we elect not to consider this LETTER OF CREDIT renewed for any such additional period. 5. Unless otherwise expressly stated, this LETTER OF CREDIT is subject to the 1993 Revision of the Uniform Customs and Practices for Commercial Documentary Credits of the International Chamber of Commerce (Publication No. 500). If this LETTER OF CREDIT expires during an interruption of business as described in Article 17 of said Publication 500, we hereby specifically agree to effect payment if this LETTER OF CREDIT is drawn against within five days after the resumption of business. Very truly yours,

(Issuing Bank)

The letter of recommendation C&A Tours Travelling Agency Calea Victoriei nr .45 Bucuresti tel.210-4263, fax 210-4266 To whom it may concern: Letter of recommendation We confirm that Mrs. Victoria Popescu has worked in our agency in the position of secretary between June 2006 and June 2008. I am pleased to say that Mrs. Popescu is a reliable and hard-working person, as well as an enthusiastic and determined nature. During the time period when she was employed in ou company Mrs. Popescu proved to be a reliable team member and a resourceful worker. Her good English and computer skills, as well as her comunication abilities and her determination to excel are also proofs that Mrs. Popescu is a valuable profesional.

July 05 2008 General Manager Adrian Dumintrescu

ENGLISH IRREGULAR VERBS WITH PHONETIC TRANSCRIPTION Infinitive Present To Be Am is are Beat s Become s Begin s Bend s Bind s Bite s Bleed s Blow s Break s Bring s Build s burns Burn s Buy s Catch- es choose s Come s Cost s /bi:t/ Past Was were beat /bi:t/ Participle been beaten /'bi:tn/ /b 'km/ /b 'gn/ /bent/ /band/ /'btn/ /bled/ /bloun/ /'broukn/ /br:t/ /blt/ /b:rnt/ /b:rnd/ /b:t/ /k:t/ A fi A bate A deveni A incepe A indoi A lega A musca A sangera A sufla A sparge, a rupe A aduce A construi A arde A arde A cumpara A prinde

/b became 'km/ /b 'gn/ began

/b become 'kem/ /b 'gn/ /bent/ begun bent

/bend/ bent /band/ bound /bat/ bit /bli:d/ bled /blou/ blew /brek/ broke /br/ brought /bld/ built /b:rn/ burnt /b:rn/ burned /ba/ bought

/band/ bound /bt/ /bled/ /blu:/ bitten bled blown

/brouk/ broken /br:t/ brought /blt/ built

/b:rnt/ burnt /b:rnd/ burned /b:t/ /k:t/ bought caught

/kt/ caught /tu:z/ chose /km/ came /kst/ cost

/touz/ chosen /kem/ come /kst/ cost

/'touzn/ A alege /km/ /kst/ A veni A costa

Cut s Dig s Do es draw s Dream s Dream s Drink s Drive s Eat s Fall s Feed s Feel s Fight s Find s Fly flies Forget s Forgive s Freeze s Get s Get s Give s Go -goes Grow s Hang s Have has Hear s Hide s

/kt/ /dg/ /du:/

cut dug did

/kt/ /dg/ /dd/ /dru:/

cut dug done drawn

/kt/ /dg/ /dn/ /dr:n/ /dremt/

A taia A sapa A face A desena A visa

/dr:/ drew /dri:m/ dreamt /dri:m/ dreamed /drk/ drank /drav/ drove /i:t/ /f:l/ /fi:d/ /fi:l/ ate fell fed felt

/dremt/ dreamt /dri:md/ dreamed /drk/ drunk /drouv/ driven /et, et/ eaten /fel/ /fed/ /felt/ /f:t/ fallen fed felt fought

/dri:md/ A visa /drk/ A bea

/'drvn/ A conduce /'i:tn/ /'f:ln/ /fed/ /felt/ /f:t/ /fand/ /floun/ /fr 'gtn/ /fr 'gvn/ A manca A cadea A se hrani A simti A(se) lupta A gasi A zbura A uita A ierta

/fat/ fought /fand/ found /fla/ flew /fr 'get/ /fr 'gv/ forgot forgave

/fand/ found /flu:/ /fr 'gt/ /fr 'gev/ flown forgotten forgiven

/fri:z/ froze /get/ /get/ /gv/ got got gave

/frouz/ frozen /gt/ /gt/ got gotten

/'frouzn/ A ingheta /gt/ /'gtn/ /'gvn/ /gn/ /groun/ /h/ /hd/ /h:rd/ /'hdn/ A obtine A obtine A da A merge A creste A atarna A avea A auzi A ascunde

/gev/ given /went/ gone /gru:/ /h/ /hd/ grown hung had

/gou/ went /grou/ Grew /h/ hung /hv/ had /hr/ heard /had/ hid

/h:rd/ heard /hd/ hidden

Hit s Hold -s Hurt s Keep s Know s Lay s Lead s Learn s Learn Leave s Lend s Let s Lie s Lose s Make s Mean s Meet s Pay pays Put s Read s Ride s Ring s Rise s Run s Say says See s



/ht/ /held/ /h:rt/ /kept/ /nu:/ /led/ /led/

hit held hurt kept known laid led

/ht/ /held/ /h:rt/ /kept/ /noun/ /led/ /led/ /l:rnt/ /l:rnd/ /left/ /lent/ /let/ /len/ /lst/ /med/ /ment/ /met/ /ped/ /pt/ /red/ /'rdn/ /r/ /'rzn/ /rn/ /sed/ /si:n/

A lovi A tine A rani A tine A sti A intinde A conduce A invata A invata A pleca A da cuimprumut A lasa, a permite A se intinde A pierde A face A insemna A intalni A plati A pune A citi A calari A suna A se ridica, a rasari A fugi,a alerga A spune A vedea

/hould/ held /h:rt/ hurt /ki:p/ kept /nou/ knew /le/ /li:d/ laid led

/l:rn/ learnt /l:rn/ learned /li:v/ left

/l:rnt/ learnt /l:rnd/ learned /left/ /lent/ /let/ /le/ /lst/ left lent let lain lost

/lend/ lent /let/ /la/ let lay

/lu:z/ lost /mek/ made /mi:n/ meant /mi:t/ met /pe/ /pt/ /ri:d/ paid put read

/med/ made /ment/ meant /met/ met

/ped/ paid /pt/ /red/ put read

/rad/ rode /r/ rang

/roud/ ridden /r/ /rouz/ /rn/ /sed/ /s:/ rung risen run said seen

/raz/ rose /rn/ /se/ /si:/ ran said saw

Sell s Send s Set s Shake s Shine s Shoot s Show s Shut s Sing s Sink s Sit s Sleep s smells Smell s Speak s Spell s spell Spend s Spill s Spill s Spit s Spit split s Spoil s Spoil s Stand s



/sould/ sold /sent/ /set/ /k/ sent set shaken

/sould/ /sent/ /set/

A vinde A trimite A stabili

/send/ sent /set/ set

/ek/ shook /an/ shone /u:t/ shot /ou/ showed /t/ /s/ shut sang

/'ekn/ A scutura /oun, n/ /t/ /oun/ /t/ /s/ /sk/ /st/ /slept/ /smelt/ /smeld/ A straluci A trage cu arma A arata A inchide A canta A se scufunda A sta (jos) A dormi A mirosi A mirosi

/oun, shone n/ /t/ shot

/oud/ shown /t/ /s/ shut sung

/sk/ sank /st/ sat

/sk/ sunk /st/ sat

/sli:p/ slept /smel/ smelt /smel/ smelled /spi:k/ spoke /spel/ spelt /spel/ spelled /spend/ spent /spl/ spilt /spl/ spilled /spt/ spat /spt/ spit /splt/ split /spol/ spoilt /spol/ spoiled /stnd/ stood

/slept/ slept /smelt/ smelt /smeld/ smelled /spouk/ spoken /spelt/ spelt /speld/ spelled /spent/ spent /splt/ spilt /spld/ spilled /spt/ spat /spt/ spit

/'spoukn/ A vorbi /spelt/ /speld/ /spent/ /splt/ /spld/ /spt/ /spt/ /splt/ /spolt/ /spold/ /std/ A ortografia A ortografia A petrece A varsa A varsa A scuipa A scuipa A imparti A rasfata A rasfata A sta(in picioare)

/splt/ split /spolt/ spoilt /spold/ spoiled /std/ stood

Steal s Strike s Swim s Take s Teach es Tear s Tell s Think s Throw s

/sti:l/ stole /strak/ struck /swm/ swam /tek/ took /ti:t/ taught /ter/ tore /tel/ told

/stoul/ stolen /strk/ struck /swm/ swum /tk/ /t:t/ /tr/ taken taught torn

/'stouln/ A fura /strk/ /swm/ A lovi A inota

/'tekn/ A lua /t:t/ /trn/ /tould/ /:t/ /roun/ /ndr 'std/ A preda A rupe A povesti, a spune A gandi A arunca A intelege

/tould/ told /:t/ /ru:/ thought thrown

/k/ thought /rou/ threw

/ndr Understand /ndr understood understood s 'std/ 'stnd/ Wake s Wear s Win s Write /wek/ woke /wer/ wore /wn/ won /rat/ wrote /wouk/ woken /wr/ worn

/'woukn/ A se trezi /wrn/ /wn/ /'rtn/ A purta A castiga A scrie

/wn/ won /rout/ written

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