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UNIFORM CORROSION - Classification of corrosion - Controlling parameters (temperature, moisture, time of exposure, surface, oxid izing power) - Prevention

and control (dessicants, mat'l change, coatings, paints, scf. anode s) GALVANIC CORROSION - Definition: corrosion due to electrical contact between dissimilar metals (and their pot. difference) - Only anode corrodes, accelerated attack; cathode may be damaged b/c H2 or be p assivated - Ionic current path necessary - Area effect (larger cathode and smaller anode BAD) - Galvanic (electropotential) series vs electromotive force (emf) series : changeable wrt to environ. (galvanic) vs fixed position (emf) : elements and alloys (galvanic) vs elements only (emf) : rel. corrosion tendencies (galvanic) vs rel. displacement tendencies ( emf) - E_couple determined by intersection between total reduction and total oxidatio n (mixed pot) : and always falls in between the two E_corrs (anode incr.; cathode decr .) : use current, not current density - If metal passivates, coupling may slow down corrosion on anode (ex. Ti) - Current/potential distribution (conductivity of electrolyte, geometry of coupl e, polarization) : high/low polarization... look at Tafel slope (directly proportional) : cathodic control if cathodic rxn is of higher polarization : if polarization = 0 resistance control (E_cath-E_an=I_corr*R) - Look at the junction : low anodic plrz. concentrates anodic current near juction; normal (bac kground, self-corrosion rate) far away : lower electrolyte cdtvt. and lower plrz. => attack concentrated near j unction - Prevention : use metals/alloys closer to each other on the galvanic series : eliminate electrical contact (insulate flanges and connectors) : select favorable cathode-anode surface area : design for easy replacement of sacrificial anodes : coat (paint), usually on cathode only CONCENTRATION CELL - Pot differences due to dissimilar environments (same metal)... oxygen cell, me tal-ion cell, filiform : aerated-cath; concentrated-cath - Differential aeration : reduction of O2... OH- increases pH... anodic dissolution decreases pH ... meh : initially E_couple is same; after passivation on cath they are differe nt - Crevice corrosion : init: M oxidation O2 reduction continues : O2 runs out, cannot enter crevice, M oxidation still happens : crevice has excess (+) charge, Cl- migrate into crevice, forms MCl, hy drolyzes to lower pH : Cl and H ions accelerate dissolution of metal : back to step 3, and multiply - Filiform corrosion : filament head supplied with water (humidity) thru osmosis (high conc o

f fe ions) : fe ion reacts with water to reduce to rust (precipitation) : water removed from tail b/c fe ions used up and no longer at high conc : no satisfactory prevention... more coating, etc.

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