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March 5, 2009 When to go Rogue

Not a pleasant thought, and a harsh reality across our history, that no matter the nation, or the
supposed civilized stature of the population, at some point - people go Rogue.

Here is the definition of Rogue:

rogue (r g)
1. An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal.
2. One who is playfully mischievous; a scamp.
3. A wandering beggar; a vagrant.
4. A vicious and solitary animal, especially an elephant that has separated itself from its herd.
5. An organism, especially a plant, that shows an undesirable variation from a standard.
1. Vicious and solitary. Used of an animal, especially an elephant.
2. Large, destructive, and anomalous or unpredictable: a rogue wave; a rogue tornado.
3. Operating outside normal or desirable controls: "How could a single rogue trader bring down
an otherwise profitable and well-regarded institution?" Saul Hansell.

None of the above definitions appeal to my vision of going Rogue in the U.S. or world as the
economy and honor collapses.
Going Rogue to me means Openly Disobeying the Laws of the U.S., and/ or the U.N. or your
particular country in pursuit of personal freedom and remedying the infractions thereof.

One of my friends is an expert long range riflewoman. Yes, riflewoman. Can blow a grapefruit
apart with one shot from her .308 probably out to 550 meters. Considering she owns a machine
shop replete with multiple CNC machining centers, she could also build the same .308 before she
shoots it. Not a lightweight person.
When she speaks, she means what she says.

She says she will go Rogue with a new Assault Weapons Ban.
She will go Rogue with road blocks.
She will go Rogue with multiple tax increases.
She will go Rogue with gun registration.
She will go Rogue with all manner of new regulations, fees, carbon taxes, and license

When they decide to come after her. She will then go Rogue - with her steady hand, and her
.308. Not much a .223 can say beyond 550 meters, especially without proper tuning practice,
skill, and knowledge. Ms. Rogue and her .308 speaks plenty loudly out to even 750 meters.

Everyone one of us has our own button. Push it, and we can decide that the confines of civil
society are no longer worth the penalties of the taxes, the open corruption, the obvious
criminality of the banking families, the corporations behind the military, the financial
establishment. The entire system has rotted. Yet we - the less than multi-millionaires, the stupid
tax payers, the ones targeted by the thug police, federal agents, Gestapo border guards of
Homeland Security - we who cling to the Normal Rockwell vision of what THESE United States
stood for - past tense intended - we have covered that button up. We have moved that line in the
sand so deep, so far behind any reasonable level of liberty and freedom, that effectively, we have
become imprisoned in civility.

Humans have depended on our hardwired fight or flight to see us through our 5000 year journey
of recorded history. Some might also add - cower or submit to our adaptations. From my
viewpoint, fleeing is becoming moot as the rot is worldwide through the controlling fiat currency
system and the New World Order being instituted by the U.N., U.S., and the C.F.R., plus the
Rockefellers, Rothschild's, etc. Cowering and submitting is what all of us have been doing so far,
myself included, though I am ashamed to admit it. I pay taxes. I have a drivers license. I have
filled out illegal paperwork that could deny me my inalienable right to self-defense by owning
any weapon I choose. The violations of my freedom that I have submitted or cowered to is long
and ignominious.

I still however, have my own doomsday button. My own line within my mental framework of
obvious justice and injustice, of too much sacrifice versus a wise trade-off, of being bullied too
much by the government thugs, banksters, and do-gooder busy bodies versus worthwhile game
playing to get along with the world - has become much clearer.

Blood red clear.

That Rogue point for me is when they come for the guns. Taxes can be managed. Road blocks
can be avoided. Even curfews can be circumvented.

Coming for the guns means the battlefield is going hot. Because we have all cowered and
submitted enough. Flight is no longer an option. Our rights pummeled by the foundations, the
banksters, the politicians, and us - the ones who knew better and chose to submitt - are down to
the last one that really matters. That of being able to fight back with a weapon of our choosing.

At least when I go Rogue, I will have thought long and hard about why, when, and what
precisely it means. Before I do - if I ever do - go Rogue, I will make sure and spend enough time
with my friend so that my own .308 speaks loudly and effectively to those shouting back at me in

Hopefully, my sisters and brothers in arms will have found the Rogue within them also before it's
too late. Because if your own Rogue has died within you, then the rest of you is likely to follow

In Liberty,
Preparedness Library List

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