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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

At the time of this writing, it is anticipated that there is a necessity of constructing as many new multistoreyed buildings as possible. This need for more multistoreyed buildings, considered against the background of continuing urbanization, clearly indicates the need of multifamily types of housing or apartment. The inevitability of this trend poses challenge to the engineer to do more, than merely meet a statistical demand. Thus we aim to utilize the knowledge of engineering for the design of structures. Hence the present project focuses on the analysis and design of a multistoreyed apartment.

The principle objective of the project is to gain the idea of art and science of designing multistoreyed structure with economy, elegance, safety, serviceability and durability. It also deals with problems involved and to gain ability over solving the problems. This has been an excellent opportunity for us to put into the engineering knowledge which has been acquired during the curriculum. The entire process of structural planning and design requires not only imagination and conceptual thinking but also knowledge of structural engineering besides knowledge of practical aspects, such as relevant design codes and bye laws, backed up with ample experience, intuition and judgement.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


A structure consists of an assembly of individual structural elements such as truss elements, beams, columns, shear walls, slabs or arches proportioned to resist the loads and forces. 1.3.1 Structural Analysis Structural Analysis is defined as the calculation of the response of the structure to external actions. An action is a physical phenomenon that produces stresses and deformation in structure. It includes Loads such as dead, live, wind, seismic and lateral. Change in temperature. Settlements of supports.

1.3.2 Design Design of a structure is to provide members of sufficient proportions to resist the assessed loads with a sufficient margin of safety. Basis Of Design All the component members are to be arranged so that they

transmit their self weight and other superimposed loads to foundation or supporting structure by cheapest means to satisfy the requirements of architecture and structural stability. Design should be made in accordance with the principle of mechanics,

recognized methods of design i.e., according to the standard codes and sound engineering practice. Consideration should be given to the effects of continuity on the

distribution of bending moment and shear force due to monolithic construction.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Structural members should be designed to have strengths at least equal to

the structural effects of design load at all sections. 1.3.3 Structural Idealization Real Structure A Real structure is generally used to study its response under gravity loads and lateral loads.

Physical model A Physical model is made up of plastic, metal or other suitable material to a reduced scale of the considered structure such as building frame, bridges, dams, etc..

Mathematical model A Mathematical model consists of the mathematical relations used in the idealization, analysis and design of various structural components. It should be noted that mathematical models should be relatively simple to use.


In the present work an analysis and design of a multistoreyed apartment is carried out. The apartment consists of a cellar, a ground floor and 5 upper floors (C+G+5). The site area of the proposed building is 4902 sq.m (99.61m x 49.21m). Each floor has 8 flats, consisting of four 3-Bed room flats having an approximate area of 245 sq.m and four 4-Bed room flats having an approximate area of 250 sq.m. The plinth area of the apartment is 2107.41sq.m. A balcony is provided in each flat with a width of 1.7m. A 3-D analysis of the apartment is carried out using STAAD Pro. 2005 and the design of various components is done using limit state method as per IS: 456-2000. The flow chart consisting of various processes involved in the present work is shown in Fig. 1.1.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment



Fig 1.1: Flow chart showing details of Project Work

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Chapter 2


The various types of loads that are generally taken for the analysis and design of any structure as per IS 875 -1987 are; Live load Dead load Wind load Earthquake load

Various other forces also considered depending on the type and function of the structure. In this project the above mentioned forces have been considered.


Live loads are the loads which vary in magnitude and/or in positions. Live load includes any external load imposed on the structure when it is serving its normal purpose. Live loads are assumed to be produced by the intended use of occupancy in buildings including distributed, concentrated, impact and vibration loads. Live loads are expressed as uniformly distributed static loads. Code IS: 875 (Part 2)-1987 defines the principal occupancy for which a building or a part of a building is used or intended to be used. The buildings are classified according to occupancy as under as per IS: 875 (Part 2) 1987 (Clauses 3.1, 3.1.1 and 4.1.1).

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


Dead loads are the loads which are constant in magnitude and fixed in position throughout the life span of the structure. Dead load in a building comprises the self weight of the structure and all other super imposed loads (viz., all permanent constructions and installations including weight of walls, partitions, floors and roofs). The self-weight of the structure being unknown in the beginning of the design, it is assumed in the light of experience and thumb rules and formula available. The superimposed dead loads are determined for the various materials specified for the construction and unit-weight of materials. IS: 875 (Part 1) 1987 gives the schedule of unit-weight of materials.


A mass of air moving at a certain velocity has a kinetic energy equal to 1/2 mv 2, where m and v are the mass and velocity of air in motion. When an obstacle like a building is met in its path, a part of the kinetic energy of air in motion gets converted to potential energy of pressure. The actual intensity of wind pressure depends on a number of factors like angle of incidence of the wind, roughness of the surrounding area, effects of architectural features, i.e., shape of the structure etc., and lateral resistance of the structure. Apart from the above factors, the maximum design wind pressure depends on the duration and dimension of the gusts and the probability of occurrence of an exceptional wind in the life time of the building. It is possible to take into account the above factors in determining the wind pressure. However, for most of the buildings, the wind pressure specified in the code (Indian Standard Code practice for structural safety of buildings: loading standards: IS: 875-1987) is usually sufficient. Under the action of a natural wind, a tall building will be continuously buffeted by gusts and other aerodynamic forces. The structure will deflect about a mean position and will oscillate continuously. If the wind energy that is absorbed by the structure is larger than the energy dissipated by a structural damping, then the amplitude of oscillation will continue to increase and will finally, lead to destruction, the structure will become aerodynamically unstable.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 2.3.1 Wind Pressure Calculations DESIGN WIND SPEED (IS: 875 (Part 3) 1987) Design wind speed as per Clause 5.3, IS: 875 (Part 3) 1987 is given by, Vz = Vb * k1 * k2 * k3 where, Vb is the basic wind speed in m/s k1 is probability factor k2 is terrain and height factor k3 is the topography factor 2.1

For Mysore, Vb = 33 m/s k1 = 1.05 for Vb = 33 m/s Category 3, Class B buildings, k2 = 0.88 up to 10m k2 = 0.94 up to 15m k2 = 0.98 up to 20m k2 = 1.03 up to 30m k2 = 1.09 up to 50m

(APPENDIX A. Clause 5.2) (Table 1, Clause 5.3.1) (Table 2, Clause

The effect of topography will be significant at a site when the upwind slope () is greater than about 30 and below that the value of k3 may be taken as 1.0. Therefore, k3 = 1 (Clause

DESIGN WIND PRESSURE Design wind pressure is given by, pz = 0.6 Vz 2

(Clause 5.4)


Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Table 2.1 Variation of design wind pressure with height

HEIGHT (m) DESIGN WIND SPEED Vz (m/s) 30.50 32.60 33.96 35.69 DESIGN WIND PRESSURE pz (kN/m2) 0.56 0.64 0.69 0.76

Up to 10 m 15 m 20 m 30 m


A building is exposed to certain earthquake force because of the fact that during earthquake the very ground on which a building stands starts shaking. This ground motion is characterized by displacement, velocities and accelerations that are erratic in direction, magnitude, duration and sequence. As these ground accelerations are imposed on every unit of mass, the resulting earthquake forces are body forces proportional to the mass of building. Exact determination of the earthquake forces is almost impossible. Because firstly the nature of earthquake motion cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty for the lifetime of the structure, and secondly the response of the structural elements to these complicated ground motions, is not quite known. According to the IS 1893-2000 code, the resulting earthquake forces are distributed parabolically, being zero at the ground level and maximum at the top.

2.4.1 Earthquake Load Calculation Earthquake motion causes vibration of the structure leading to inertia forces. Thus a structure must be able to safely transmit the horizontal and the vertical inertia forces generated in the super structure through the foundation to the ground. Hence, for most of the ordinary structures, earthquake resistant design requires ensuring that the structure has adequate lateral load carrying capacity. Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore 8

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Earthquake and its measurements, its vibration effect and structural response have been continuously studied for many years in earthquake history and thoroughly documented in literature. Since then structural engineers have tried hard to examine the procedure, with an aim to counter the complex dynamic effect of seismically induced forces in structures, for designing earthquake resistant structure in a refined and easy way. This re-examination and continuous effort has resulted in several revisions of Indian standard: 1893: (1962, 1966, 1975, 1984, and 2002) code of practice on the Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures by the bureau of Indian standards (BIS), New Delhi. In order to properly interpret the codes and their revisions, it has become necessary; that the structural engineers like us must understand the basic design criteria and procedures for determining the lateral forces. Determination of the design lateral forces is the primary requirement of seismic analysis and design of structure. The design lateral forces are often carried out by equivalent static lateral force procedure (pseudo static analysis) and dynamic analysis of structures. 2.4.2 Determination of Design Lateral Forces Seismic codes are unique to a particular region or country. In India, IS 1893 is the main code that provides outline for calculating seismic design force. This force depends on the mass and seismic coefficient of the structure and the latter in turn depends on properties like seismic zone in which structure lies, importance of the structure, its stiffness, the soil on which it rests, and its ductility. Part 1 of IS 1893:2002 deals with assessment of seismic loads on various structures and buildings. Whole of the code concentrates on the calculation of base shear and its distribution over height. Depending on the height of the structure and zone to which it belongs, type of analysis i.e., static analysis or dynamic analysis is performed. The procedures recommended for the determination of lateral force in the code are based on the approximation effects. The analysis is carried out by a simplified method referred to as lateral force procedure (clause 7.5 of IS 1893 (part 1):2002) also known as Equivalent Lateral Force procedure.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 2.4.3 Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure The equivalent lateral force procedure is the simplest method of analysis and requires less computational effort because, the forces depend on the code based fundamental period of structures with some empirical modifier. The design base shear shall first be computed as a whole, and then be distributed along the height of the building based on simple formulas appropriate for buildings with regular distribution of mass and stiffness. The design lateral force obtained at each floor level shall then be distributed to individual lateral load resisting elements depending upon floor diaphragm action. Calculation of design horizontal seismic coefficient (A h ) The total design seismic base shear (VB) along any principal direction shall be determined from the following expression; V B = A h *W 2.3 where, W is the total weight of the building calculated using the structural details and Ah is calculated as shown below: Ah = (Z/2) * (I/R) * (Sa/g) where, Z is zone factor I is Importance factor R is response reduction factor and Sa/g is spectral acceleration coefficient which are obtained from code IS: 19832002. 2.4

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Distribution of Design lateral force at each floor i The design lateral force, VB shall be distributed along the height of the building using eq. (2.3). The design lateral force at any floor i considered in Equivalent Static Analysis as per IS: 1893-2002 is given by,

Wi * h i 2 Q i = VB Wi* hi2
i =n 1


where, Q i = Design lateral force at floor i, W i = Seismic weight of floor i, h i = Height of floor i measured from base and n = Number of stories in the building and is the number of levels at which masses are located.


The combinations of these loads are taken for the analysis with suitable Factor of Safety. The following table gives the various load combinations taken.

Table 2.2: Load Combinations Used for Design

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOAD COMBINATION 1.5 (DL + LL) 1.2 (DL + LL + EQX) 1.2 (DL + LL - EQX) 1.2 (DL + LL +EQZ) 1.2 (DL + LL EQZ) 1.2 (DL + LL + WL)

Chapter 3
Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore 11

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


The preliminary analysis and design includes, Planning of building Locating the positions of columns and beams Numbering of grids Load calculations Preliminary analysis and design

3.2.1 Planning of Building The project has been taken up to plan and design an apartment building. While planning sufficient area is provided for bedrooms, family room, living room, dinning, kitchen, utility, foyer, puja, servant room, toilets and water closet. Building should be planned in such a way that its orientation with respect to wind direction should ensure good ventilation and sun light. The orientation of the building in our project is in eastward direction. This project consists of cellar for parking, ground floor and five upper floors. Each floor has eight luxury apartments, four of 3- Bed room flat having an approximate area of about 245 sq.m and four of 4-Bed room flat having an approximate area of about 250 sq.m. The plinth area of the apartment is 2107.41sq.m. There is a balcony in each floor has width of 1.7m. A pair of lift facility and a stair case is provided for easy access and for higher standard of living.

Following are the components of a 3 bedroom flat,

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Component Bedroom -1 Bed room-2 Bedroom-3 Family room Living room Dinning Kitchen Utility Puja Store Foyer Servant room Water closet Toilet 1 Toilet 2 Balcony

Area 3.68 x 4.04 3.53 x 4.04 4.14 x 3.94 3.42 x 4.03 3.94 wide 3.94 wide 2.50 x 4.04 1.53 x 1.99 1.83 x 1.89 2.10 x 1.38 2.10 x 1.58 2.15 x 2.04 1.07 x 1.58 1.84 x 2.71 1.99 x 1.38 1.69 wide

Table 3.1: Components of 3-Bed room flat

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Following are the components of a 4 bedroom flat, Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Component Bedroom -1 Bed room-2 Bedroom-3 Bedroom-4 Family room Living room Dinning Kitchen Utility Puja Foyer Servant room Water closet Toilet 1 Toilet Store Balcony

Area 3.37 x 4.19 3.53 x 4.04 3.78 x 4.04 3.68 x 4.83 3.94 wide 3.42 x 4.04 3.94 wide 3.68 x 2.50 1.53 x 2.61 1.84 x 1.23 1.99 x 2.04 2.15 x 2.04 1.38 x 1.07 2.56 x 1.69 1.69 x 2.10 2.10 x 1.38 1.69 wide

Table 3.2: Components of 4-Bed room flat

The site plan, building plan and elevation of the apartment are as shown in Sheets 1, 2 and 3. 3.2.2 Locating the positions of columns and beams Based on functionality and structural requirements, the location and orientation of column and beam are decided. In addition, the aesthetic point of view can also be considered while fixing up the above locations. The positions of columns and beams are shown in Sheet 4. 3.2.3 Numbering of Grids

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Depending on the location of columns and beams, numbers are given to the grids for identification. This has been shown in Sheet 5. 3.2.4 Load Calculations The load on slab is calculated based on the procedure given in IS 875-1987 (Part 2) Load case 1: Except staircase, balcony and corridor 1. Live load on slab 2. Selfweight of slab = 2 kN/m2 = thickness x density of concrete = 0.15 x 25 = 3.75 kN/m2 3. Floor finish 4. Load due to partition wall Total load, w = 1 kN/m2 = 1.5 kN/m2 = 8.25 kN/m2 = 12.4 kN/m2

Ultimate load, wu

Load case 2: For balcony and corridor 1. Live load on slab 2. Selfweight of slab = 3 kN/m2 = thickness x density of concrete = 0.15 x 25 = 3.75 kN/m2 3. Floor finish Total load, w = 1 kN/m2 = 7.75 k N/m2 = 11.625 kN/m2

Ultimate load, wu

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Load Case 3: For staircase 1. Live load on slab 2. Dead load of staircase = 3 kN/m2 = tflight + tfinish + (R/2) 24 cos 24 cos28 = 6.94 kN/m2 whrere, tflight tfinish Riser Tread = = = = = Thickness of flight Thickness of finish tan-1 (Riser / Tread) 160mm 300mm

0.15 + 0.025 + (0.16/2)

Total load,

= 9.94 k N/m2 = 14.91 kN/m2

Ultimate load, wu

3.2.5 Preliminary Analysis and Design The load on beams from slabs is considered as specified in IS 456-2000. For twoway slab, the UDL (uniformly distributed load) on beams corresponding to the load on the slab is given by the following expressions; On the short span, w lx 3 On the long span, w 6 3 lx ly



Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment The model of the structure is created in STAAD Pro.2005 and the above obtained UDL is applied on the beams. The size of beams and columns are assumed for the prelimnary analysis purpose and the corresponding member properties are assigned. The prelimnary analysis and design is carried out corresponding to various load combinations and the results obtained are used to check the feasibility of dimensions assumed for the various components of the building. If the dimensions assumed during the preliminary analysis are inadequate, they are suitably modified.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Chapter - 4 ANALYSIS
Analysis of the structure mainly deals with determination of internal forces like axial compression, bending moment, shear force, twisting moments etc. in component members, for which these members are designed under the action of given external loads. The frames can be analysed either manually or by using softwares. The most commonly used method for analyzing the frames manually is Kanis method. Some of the commonly used softwares to analyse frames are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. STAAD Pro. NISA civil SAP STRAAP ETABS, etc..

In the present work STAAD Pro.2005 is used for the analysis of frames.

4.2 STAAD Pro.

STAAD Pro. is one of the leading analysis and design software used in the industry. It stands for Structural Analysis and Design and brought from Research Engineers, Kolkata. STAAD Pro. is designed for engineers by engineers who understand the process of modeling, analysis and designing a structure. It is a general purpose program for performing the analysis and design of a wide variety of structures.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment The basic three activities, which are to be carried out to achieve the goals, are: Model Generation Calculation to obtain the analytical results. Result verification (Post processing).

4.2.1 Salient Features Following are the salient features of STAAD Pro.

STAAD Pro. is the only structural analysis and design software which

meets the rigid requirements of NUPIC/NCR (Nuclear Regulatory Commission). STAAD Pro. has the building codes of the countries including India, US STAAD Pro. easily generates comprehensive custom reports and it can be STAAD Pro. Structure wizard contains a library of trusses and frames of A, Britain, among others. More are constantly being added. exported to Microsoft word or Microsoft excel. using which models can be generated quickly. 4.2.2 Hardware Requirements The following minimum requirements are suggested for proper function of STAAD Pro. Systems with better configuration provide enhanced performance. PC with Intel-Pentium/AMD Processor. Graphics card and monitor with 1024X768 resolutions, 256 colour display. 128 MB ram or higher. Windows 98/NT 4.0 or higher operating system. Sufficient free space on hard disk to hold the program and data files. The disk space requirement will vary depending on the modules one installs. A multimedia ready system with sound card and speaker is needed to run the tutorial movies and slide shows.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


The various steps used in the 3D analysis of the multistoreyed apartment considered in the present work are explained below. 4.3.1 Modelling The 3D model of the apartment is created in STAAD Pro. interface by specifying the co-ordinates based on the column locations. Suitable cross-sections for the members are assumed and the member properties assigned. Support conditions and boundary conditions if any, are defined.

Fig 4.1: View of 3D Modelling of Apartment

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Fig 4.2: View of 3D Modelling of Apartment

4.3.2 Analysis A 3-D analysis is carried out for various load combinations as mentioned in Chapter 2. The results obtained are suitably used in designing the various components of the building. The typical input and output files used in STAAD Pro. for the analysis of the apartment are provided in APPENDIX-A and APPENDIX-B.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Chapter 5 DESIGN
The next step after analysis is to design the various components of the apartment. The various components designed in the present work is listed below: Design of Footings Design of Columns Design of Beams Design of Slabs Design of Staircase Design of Shear Wall Design of Retaining Wall


5.2.1 Introduction The function of a foundation or substructure is to safely transfer the loads from the superstructure to the ground. Different types of foundation structures like isolated footings, continuous footings, combined footings, slab rafts, piled rafts, cassions etc., are used for this purpose. IS: 456-2000 Clause 34 deals with the design of footings. In most design of foundations and especially in individual footing design, the soil is considered as elastic and the RC foundation as infinitely rigid. Hence if the foundation pressure on these rigid structures are assumed as uniformly distributed on the base, it is necessary that the centre of gravity of the external load system always coincides with the centroid of loaded area. Otherwise there will be variation of the pressure on the base of foundation, which for a rigid foundation may be assumed as linearly varying.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

5.2.2 Basis of Design of Footing Footings under walls are called one-way footings and those under columns are called two-way footings. Having determined the size of the footing, its structural design is carried out by using factored loads and principles of limit state method. The main design includes determining the thickness of footing and the reinforcement. The thickness of footing should be sufficient to: 1. Resist the shear force without shear and bending moment without compression steel. 2. To give the structure the required structural rigidity. 3. To withstand the corrosion that can be caused from the ground. The minimum cover required should not be less than 75mm when the concrete is cast against the ground. The minimum cover should not be less than 40mm when it is cast against a layer of binding concrete of 75 to 80mm thick. The minimum cover specified in IS: 456-2000 for footings is 50mm (Clause, IS 456). 5.2.3 Design Procedure 1. The axial load and the moment at the bottom of the column are determined. 2. A suitable safe bearing capacity of the soil is considered. 3. The area of footing is determined by equating the pressure below footing to the SBC of soil. 4. The maximum and minimum pressure below footing is found from the following expressions. Maximum Pressure, pmax = P/A + Mxx/Zxx + Myy/Zyy <= SBC Minimum Pressure, pmin = P/A - Mxx/Zxx - Myy/Zyy > 0 23

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 5. A suitable depth of footing (D) is assumed to satisfy the two-way shear criteria and is checked against one-way shear and bending moments. The maximum depth from the above considerations is taken as the depth of footing. 6. The reinforcement is determined from both one-way and bending moment considerations and the maximum of the two is provided along the length and breadth of the footing. 5.2.4 Grouping of footings Based on the results obtained in the analysis, the footings are grouped into nine types. The details of groupings of the footings under nine types are shown in the Table 5.1. The specimen calculations of isolated column footing and combined footing are shown in sections 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 respectively.

Table 5.1 Details of various footings grouped based on the analysis results
SL. NO. 1 SL. 2 NO. FOOTING FT1 FT2 SIZE OF FOOTING (m x m) 2.5 x 1.9 DESIGN 2.8 x 2.2 DEPTH OF FOOTING (mm) 450 550 650 Ast (mm2) X-direction #16 @ 85mm #16 @ 90mm #16 @ 85mm Ast (mm2) Y-direction #16 @ 145mm REFERENCE #16 @ 150mm #16 @ 115mm #16 @ 185mm #16 @ 110mm #16 @ 110mm #16 @ 150mm #16 @ 120mm Refer drawing

3 DESIGN OF FOOTING FT5 FT3 3.2 x 2.4 4 Pu FT4 3.6 x 2.7 Mux 5 Muy FT5 3.8 x 3.0 Column size 6 SBC of soil FT6 4.2 x 3.3 Grade of concrete, fck 7 GradeFT7steel 4.7 x 3.6 of on column 8 Load FT8 2.0 x 1.2

750 = 3500 kN @ 120mm #16 = 38.3 kN-m 700 = 12.22#20 @ 90mm kN-m = 230 x 600 850 = 250 kN/m@ 85mm #20 2 = 25 N/mm2 950 = 415 N/mm2 60mm #20 @

550 = 3500/1.5 @ 90mm #16 = 2333.33 kN self x 3.2 9 Add 10% extra for 12.2 weight of footing = 233.33 kN drawing ST 1350 Refer Total load on footing, P = 2333.33 + 233.33 = 2566.6 kN Mx My = 25.5 kN-m = 8.15 kN-m

Let B of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore Departmentbe the breadth and L be the length of the footing. Let L = 1.3 B


i) Considering maximum pressure, pmax P/A + Mxx/Zxx + Myy/Zyy <= SBC Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 2 3 (2566.6/1.3B ) + (25.5/(1.32B /6)) + (8.15/(1.3B3)) = 250 5.2.5 Therefore, B = 2.84m Specimen Calculation L = 3.69m Let us provide 3m x 3.8m ii) The actual pressure based on the assumed area are given by pmax = P/A + Mxx/Zxx + Myy/Zyy = 230 kN/m2 pmin = P/A - Mxx/Zxx - Myy/Zyy = 220.2 kN/m2

pu,max = pmax x 1.5 = 345 kN/m2

Check for two-way shear Let us assume depth of footing, D = 700mm Let effective cover be 60mm

We have, Vu Vu

= Pu - pu,max [ (l + d) * (b + d) ] = 3500 345 [(0.6+0.64) * (0.23+0.64)]

Vu = 3127.8 kN Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore v = (3127.8 x 103) / {[(1240x2)+(1740x2)]x240} = 0.82 N/mm < ks . c

25 TABLE 19 PAGE 73

Therefore O.K. Calculation of Bending Moment Mux1 Muy1 = 345 x (1.6 /2) = 441.6 kN-m = 345 x (1.3852 /2) = 330.9 kN-m

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Check for depth d d = 441.6 x 10^6 3.45 x 1000

= 357.8mm < d (provided)

Calculation of Steel Reinforcement along length, Mux1 = 441.6 kN-m

Mux1/ bd2 pt

= (441.6x106) / (1000x6402) = 1.1 = 0.32 %


Reinforcement along breadth, Muy1 = 330.9 kN-m Muy1/ bd2 pt = (330.9x106) / (1000x6402) = 0.82 = 0.23 % TABLE 3 PAGE 19 SP16 1 26

Check for one-way shear Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore We have, v * d = pu * ( 1600 d )

X direction: v * 640 = 0.345 (1600 640)

100 Ast / bd Therefore, Ast

= 0.52 N/mm2

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment TABLE 19 PAGE 73 IS: 456-2000

= 0.52 = 3328 mm2 > Ast,min

Y direction: v * 640 = 0.345 (1385 640)

100 Ast / bd Therefore, Ast Ast,min

= 0.4 N/mm2 = 0.28 = 1792 mm2 > Ast,min = 0.12% Gross area = 0.12% (1000 * 700) = 840 mm2 TABLE 19 PAGE 73 IS: 456-2000

Provide #20 @ 90mm c/c along longer direction. #16 @ 110mm c/c along shorter direction.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 5.2.6 DESIGN OF COMBINED FOOTING












1408kN 727kN 620.9kN 566.4kN 965.83kN

713.1kN 1073kN





1603kN-m 363.5kN-m 518.8kN-m


240.9kN-m 292.2kN-m 4m


Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Specimen Calculation SL. NO. DESIGN DESIGN OF COMBINED FOOTING ST TRANSVERSE BENDING Mt Mut = 22.7 * 1.4852 / 2 = 250.5 KN-m = 375.45 KN-m REFERENCE

TO FIX DEPTH OF SLAB d = (Mu / Qb) d = ( 375.45*106/ 3.45 * 1000) d = 329.8 mm Let cover = 70 mm .. D d Here pt Ast Ast

= 400 mm = 330 mm = 0.96 % = 0.96 * 1000 * 330 / 100 = 3168 mm2

Provide # 20 @ 95 mm c/c Ast]provided = 3305 mm2 ( Provide over the entire length of footing at its bottom ) DISTRIBUTION STEEL Ast = 0.12 % Gross area = 0.12 * 1000 * 400 /100 = 480 mm2

Provide # 8 @ 100 mm c/c

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Sl. No. DESIGN REFERENCE

DESIGN OF STEEL IN LONGITUDINAL DIRECTION: MOMENTS UNDER COLUMN: Mua Mub Muc Mud Mue = -545.25 KN-m = +244.8 KN-m = +438.3 KN-m = -778.2 KN-m = -2404.5 KN-m

DEPTH OF CENTRAL BEAM: Absolute max BM Let width of beam d d D Say D d = 2404.5 KN-m = 600 mm = ( 2404.5*106/ 3.45*600 ) = 1077.8 mm = 1147.8 mm = 1150 mm = 1080 mm ( Provide side face steel )

MAX +ve MOMENT BETWEEN COLUMNS: MDE MBC Mu = 240 9 KN-m = 292.9 KN-m = 440 kN-m

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

STEEL BETWEEN COLUMNS: Mu = 440 kN-m Mu / b d 2 = 0.63 pt = 0.18 Ast = 1166.4 mm2 Provide 4 - # 20 DESIGN OF SHEAR STEEL: SFLA SFRA SFLB SFRB SFLC SFRC SFLD SFRD SFLE SFRE = = = = = = = = = = 727 kN 1073 kN 620.9 kN 713.1 kN 566.4 kN 633.6 kN 965.83 kN 634.2 kN 1408 kN 1526 kN TABLE 3 PAGE 19 SP 16- 1978

Shear stress to the right of E, = SFRE * 1.5 bd = 1526 x 103 x 1.5 600 x 1080 = 3.53 N/mm2 > cmax = 3.1 N/mm2 . . Let us increase the depth to 1280 mm . . D = 1350 mm TABLE 20 PAGE 73 IS 456-2000

. .

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment STEEL UNDER COLUMN:

COLUMN ( A ) 21 ( B ) 32 ( C ) 1220 ( D ) 36 ( E ) 37

Mu, (kN-m) -545.25 +244.8 +438.3 -778.2 -2404.5

Mu/bd2 0.550 0.250 0.446 0.792 2.440

pt 0.156 0.120 0.127 0.230 0.777

Ast 1198.00 921.60 975.36 1766.40 5967.40

No. Dia 4 - # 20 3 - # 20 4 - # 20 6 - # 20 8 - # 32

DESIGN OF STIRRUPS: Shear stress to the right E, = 1526 x 103 x 1.5 600 x 1280 = 2.98 N/mm2 mm2 < cmax = 3.1 N/mm2 100 Ast / bd = (100x8x804)/(600 x 1280) = 0.84 . . c

= 2.14 N/mm2

Here, v > c and

v ~ c = 2.14 N/mm
. .

> 0.40

. . Design stirrups are required. . . Spacing = 0.87 x fy x Ast (v ~ c) b = 0.87 x 415 x 4 x 78 2.14 x 600 = 87 mm < 300 mm < 0.75 d Provide #10-4LVS @ 85mm c/c

TABLE 20 PAGE 73 IS 456-2000

Assume #10-4LVS

* * The detailing of isolated footing and combined footing are shown in Sheets 6, 7 and 8.

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


5.3.1 Introduction: Columns are the primary vertical load carrying members of a typical multistoreyed building. The loads coming on the floors and beams are transmitted to the foundation through these columns. These also resist the lateral load on a building due to wind and earthquake. Following are the types of column based on the slenderness ratio (ratio of effective span to lateral dimension) 1. 2. Short column Long column

Short column: According to the code IS: 456-2000 the slenderness ratio with respect to major principal axis and minor principal axis are both less than 12. Long column: If the slenderness ratio exceeds 12 then it is treated as long column which is also known as slender column. For the design we have considered the maximum load and maximum moments in X and Y directions coming on the columns. A minimum steel percentage of 0.8% and maximum of 4% is accepted in the design to avoid the congestion of reinforcement. 5.3.2 Short columns subjected to biaxial moments: DESIGN PROCEDURE (As per SP 16): 1. Assume the percentage steel p between 0.8% and 4% and distribution of reinforcement on all the four sides. 2. For the assumed cross section of the column calculate the values of d1/D, p/fck and Pu/(fck*b*D). For these values obtain the moment carrying

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment capacities of the section about X and Y axis referring to charts in SP-16 (Chart 43, 44, 45, 46). 3. Referring to Chart 63 of SP 16, Puz/Ag is calculated corresponding to values of p, fck and fy. 4. The ratios Pu/Puz, Mux/Mux1 and Muy/Muy1 are found. Then referring to the Chart 64 of SP 16, permissible value of Mux/Mux1 is determined corresponding to the values of Muy/Muy1 and Pu/Puz. If this criterion is not satisfied, p is increased and the above procedure is repeated. 5. Based on the obtained steel percentage, Ast is calculated. The diameter and the number of longitudinal bars are decided based on the Ast obtained. 6. The lateral ties for the column are obtained from the following criteria. The diameter of lateral ties should be greater of the following, 6mm or 0.25 times diameter of main bar

The spacing of the lateral ties should be least of the following, Sl No. Least lateral dimension 16 times diameter of main bar 300 mm DESIGN REFERENCE

DESIGN OF COLUMN - A1 IN CELLAR Pu Mux Muy Column size Grade of concrete, fck Grade of steel, fy Therefore, b D Assume steel percentage, p = 1500 kN = 25.24 kN-m = 21.65 kN-m = 230 x 600 = 25 N/mm2 = 415 N/mm2 = 230mm = 600mm = 1.2% 34

Pu / (fck x b x D) = 0.435 Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore d = cover + (0.5 x D) = 40 mm

d/D Referring to Chart 44 of SP 16, Mux1/ (fck x b x D2) 5.3.3 Specimen Calculation Therfore, Mux1 Mux/Mux1 = 0.06

= 0.06 Chart 44 of SP 16 Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

= 124.2 kN-m = 0.203

Uniaxial moment capacity about Y-Y axis: d/b Referring to Chart 46 of SP 16, Muy/ (fck x D x b2) Therefore, Muy1 Muy/Muy1 = 0.06 = 47.61 kN-m = 0.455 = 0.17 Chart 46 of SP 16

Calculation of Puz: p fck fy Referring to Chart 63 of SP-16, Puz/Ag Therefore, Puz Pu/Puz = 15 N/mm2 = 2070 kN = 0.725 Chart 64 of SP 16 = 1.2 = 25 N/mm2 = 415 N/mm2 Chart 63 of SP 16

Referring to Chart 64, the permissible value of Mux/Mux1 corresponding to the values of Muy/Muy1 and Pu/Puz is 0.86 which is greater than 0.203. Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore Hence safe. Also, the other condition to be satisfied is;


(Mux/Mux1)n + (Muy/Muy1)n < = 1.0 If Pu/Puz < 0.2 then n = 1 > 0.8 then n = 2 Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Therefore, (Mux/Mux1) n + (Muy/Muy1)n = 0.536 < 1.0 Therefore, Design is O.K. Area of steel = 1.2% x (b x D) = 1656 mm2 Provide 4 - # 20 4 - # 16 Actual area of steel provided, Ast = 2512mm2 > Ast,min Percentage steel provided, pt = 1.8%

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Based on the results obtained in the analysis, the columns are grouped into eight types. The details of groupings of column under eight types are shown in the Table 5.3

Table 5.2: Details of grouping of column under various types


A1,A5,A6,A18,A19,A23,G1,G5,G6,G18, G19,G23 A2,A4,A20,A22,B1,B5,B6,B18,B19,C1, C23,D1,D23,E1,E23,F1,F5,F6,F18,F19, G2,G4,G20,G22 A3,A7,A8,A9,A11,A12,A13,A15,A16,A17 A21,B12,C5,C6,C18,C19,D3,D21,E5,E6, E18,E19,G3,G7,G8,G9,G11,G12,G13,G15, G16,G17,G21 B2,B4,B7,B8,B9,B15,B16,B17,B20,B22,C2, C3,C21,C22,D2,D22,E2,E3,E21,E22.F2,F4, F7,F8,F9,F15,F16,F17,F20,F22,G11,G13 C4,C7,C17,C20,E4,E7,E17,E20,C8,C10, C14,C16,E8,E10,E14,E16 C8 F11 G11


12 24



5 6 7 8

8 8 2 2

* * The summary of calculations for the design of columns of all types is shown
in Tables 5.3 to 5.9.

Table 5.3: Design details of column type 1

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

LEVEL Cellar Ground floor First floor Second Floor Third floor Fourth floor Fifth floor

Pu, kN 1317 1118 911 700 487 270 53.6

Mux, kN-m Muy, kN-m pt % 25.24 34.49 34.89 36.03 36.46 39.16 22.91 21.65 26.93 30.48 32.90 34.60 37.52 36.16 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2

Ast, mm2 (required) 1656 1656 1656 1380 1380 1380 1656

Table 5.4: Design Details of column type 2

LEVEL Cellar Ground floor First floor Second Floor Third floor Fourth floor Fifth floor Pu, kN 1982 1667 1352 1037 723 409 95 Mux, kN-m 23.22 32.79 34.42 36.46 37.59 39.33 34.99 Muy, kN-m 26.37 34.08 37.41 40.16 42.17 44.18 45.63 pt % 2.0 1.6 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Ast, mm2 (required) 2760 2208 1656 1380 1380 1380 1380

Table 5.5: Design Details of column type 3

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

COLUMN Cellar Ground floor First floor Second Floor Third floor Fourth floor Fifth floor

Pu, kN 2433 2055 1680 1306 933 561 190

Mux, kN-m Muy, kN-m pt % 24.72 34.88 35.24 36.33 37.06 37.60 38.85 12.94 23.76 27.38 30.33 32.75 34.86 46.23 2.8 2.6 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.0 1.2

Ast, mm2 (required) 3864 3588 2760 2070 1656 1380 1656

Table 5.6: Design Details of column type 4

COLUMN Cellar Ground floor First floor Second Floor Third floor Fourth floor Fifth floor Pu, kN 2988 2507 2035 1568 1104 644 182 Mux, kN-m Muy, kN-m pt % 1.43 0.89 6.72 9.91 12.10 17.21 4.8 30.83 43.75 45.37 47.49 48.86 49.93 43.32 3.7 2.8 2.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 Ast, mm2 (required) 5106 3864 2760 1380 1104 1104 1104

Table 5.7: Design Details of column type 5

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Ast, mm2 (required) 6440 5122 4025 2415 1288 1288 1288

COLUMN Cellar Ground floor First floor Second Floor Third floor Fourth floor Fifth floor

Pu, kN 3428 2890 2361 1836 1315 796 280

Mux, kN-m Muy, kN-m pt % 24.09 33.72 34.01 34.96 35.77 34.82 47.92 77.24 99.50 104.31 110.03 113.76 113.59 118.34 4.0 3.2 2.5 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.8

Table 5.8: Design Details of column type 6

COLUMN Cellar Ground floor First floor Second Floor Third floor Fourth floor Fifth floor Pu, kN 4567 3847 3138 2433 1732 1305 338 Mux, m 44.10 63.65 65.80 68.73 70.65 71.50 75.30 kN- Muy, m 16.69 18.93 16.34 14.97 12.13 19.96 5.68 kNpt % 4.5 4.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 Ast, mm2 (required) 8280 7360 5520 1840 1840 1472 1472

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Table 5.9: Design Details of column type 7

COLUMN Cellar Ground floor First floor Second Floor Third floor Fourth floor Fifth floor Pu, kN 5600 4728 3858 2980 2110 1240 366 Mux, kN-m Muy, kN-m pt % 74.13 79.17 73.05 84.98 90.65 95.64 89.35 56.61 69.20 68.57 69.04 70.06 66.55 88.52 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Ast, mm2 (required) 10800 8400 6000 3600 3600 3600 3600

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


5.4.1 Introduction Beams and slabs carry loads by bending action but beams are members which transfer the loads from slabs to columns. Based on the reinforcement criteria the beams are classified as Singly reinforced beams Doubly reinforced beams

Singly reinforced beams are reinforced only on tension zone. This type of beams are usually used where the loads to be carried is less. Doubly reinforced beams are reinforced in both tension as well as in compression zones. This is mainly provided to reduce the depth of section where the loads are heavy. Another classification of beams is based on cross section of beam. Rectangular beam Flanged beam (T- beam & L- beam)

Minimum reinforcement for tension for any structural members shall not be less than AS/bd = 0.85/fy Maximum reinforcement shall not exceed 0.04 b D 5.4.2 Procedure for the design of beam: Check for depth Based on the maximum bending moment criteria, for M25 concrete fe 415 steel, if Mu/bd2 value is less than 3.54, the section is safe else it should be revised. Check for flexure 1) For the value of ultimate positive moment and ultimate negative moment Mu/bd2 values are obtained respectively and corresponding pt values are obtained from SP 16, table 2, page 48 and area of steel is calculated using the formula Ast = ptbd/100

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 2) Based on required Ast, suitable diameter of bars are assumed and actual

area of steel provided and actual percentage of steel are calculated. Check for shear Nominal shear stress In beams of uniform depth nominal shear stress shall be obtained by the following equation, v = Vu/bd v = Vu/bfd For rectangular beams For T- beams

Design shear strength of concrete Shear strength of concrete in beams without shear reinforcement is given by Table 19, page 73, IS 456 2000 Minimum shear reinforcement If v < c ASV = 0.4 b SV/ 0.87 fy Design shear reinforcement If v > c ASV = (v-c)bSV / 0.87fy Check for deflection 1) Stress in steel fs is calculated by using the formula fs = 0.58 fy (Ast required / Ast provided) using actual pt and fs, modification factor K1 is taken from the fig 4 page 38 of IS: 456-2000. the values of K2 and K3 are also taken from the fig 5 & 6 of IS: 456-2000, page 39. 2) Actual l/d = (Basic l/d * K1 * K2 * K3) is calculated and should be greater than provided l/d

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 5.4.3 Specimen Calculation

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DESIGN DESIGN OF BEAM 22: Design of member 8


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Moment at node 68 Span moment Moment at node 79 Span of beam Grade of concrete Grade of steel

= 61.20kn-m = - 65.3kn-m = 47.20kn-m = 4.27m = M25 = Fe415

FIXING OF DEPTH: l/d d D ..d = = = = = = 20 (i.e,12 to 20) 4270/15 285mm 285+25+16/2 318mm say 450mm 417mm

CHECK FOR DEPTH: For balanced section, Mu = Qbd2 61.2*106 = 3.54*230*d2 .. d = 274 < dprovided .. Under-reinforced section. TO FIND STEEL AT SUPPORT: Mu 61.2*106 Ast = 0.87fyAst( d fyAst/fckb ) = 0.87*415*Ast(417-415Ast/(25*230)) = 446.39 mm2 > Ast,min < pt,lim .. O.K

Provide 4 - # 12 ( 452 mm2 )

TO FIND STEEL AT CENTRE OF SPAN: Mu Mu bf = 0.87fyAst( d fyAst/fckb = 0.87fyAst( d fyAst/fckbf )

= (l/6)+bw+6Df = (4270/6)+230+6*125 = 980.5mm Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore 65.3*106 = 0.87*415*Ast(417-415Ast/(25*980.5)) Ast = 440.39 mm2 > Ast,min


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment * * The detailing of the beams are shown in the Sheets 9, 10 and 11.

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


5.5.1 INTRODUCTION: A slab is a flat, two dimensional planar, structural element whose thickness is rather small compared to all other dimensions. It is usually subjected to transverse loading. These loads are transmitted to the supporting walls or the beams and sometimes directly to the columns by flexure, shear and torsion. Slabs can be classified based on the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. slabs. 6. Based on the spanning condition or spanning direction: One-way slab: Slab bends in only one direction, as a result bending moment is developed in one direction (direction of spanning) and hence main reinforcement is needed along the direction of span. Two-way slab: Slab bends in two directions as it is spanning in two directions. In two-way slab, bending moment are developed in two directions and hence two directional steel (orthogonal steel) is required. 5.5.2 Procedure for the design of slabs: 1. 2. Overall thickness of the slab is based on l/d ratio. Loads for the design is taken from are IS: 875-1987 and are factored as Based on the shapes: Based on type of support: Based on the support condition: Based on the use: Based on the configuration: Square, rectangular, circular, triangular etc. Slabs supported on walls, columns, beams. Simply supported, fixed, continuous, propped, overhanging slabs. Floor slab, roof slab, wall slab, foundation slab. Solid slab, ribbed slab, grid floors, filler slab, voided slab, folded plates, flat

per IS: 456-2000. Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore 47

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


Calculation of moment: The moment values for one-way slab are obtained from the principle of

mechanics. The moment values for two-way slab are obtained from the bending moment coefficients available in table 26, page 91 of IS: 456-2000. 4. Flexural steel: For the selected values of grade of concrete and slab thickness, the percentage of steel pt is found out using Mu/bd2 ratio and later the required steel is calculated. The spacing of bars is found from table 37, page 74 of SP 16. This spacing is checked for IS: 456-2000 requirements. 5. Check for Shear: Usually shear check is not a concern in slabs due to its large width, but it is checked as per the requirements specified in pages 72 and 73 of IS: 4562000.

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Fig 5.1 Load Distribution Diagram on Floor Slab

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 5.5.3 Specimen Calculation SLNO DESIGN DESIGN OF SLAB S142 ONE WAY SLAB lx = 2.76m , ly = 7.2 m ly/lx = 2.61 > 2 Hence, ONE WAY SLAB To fix the depth: l/d = 28 So, d = 2760/28 =100 mm. D = 100+20+10/2 = 125 mm. Loads: a) Dead load Self weight = 0.125 X 1 X 1 X 25 = 3.75 kN/m2 Weight of damp proof course = 1.00 kN/m2 b) Live load Total load Factored load (w) ( 1.5 X 8.25 ) = 3.50 kN/m


IS 875-1987 TABLE 2 PAGE 14

= 8.25 kN/m2 = 12.4 kN/m2

Bending Moment and Shear Force: Max BM = wl2 8 = (12.4 X 2.76 X 2.76) 8 = 11.81 kN-m Shear force, SF = wl 2 = (12.4 X 2.76 ) 2 = 17.112 kN

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


DESIGN Check for the type of the section: Mu]lim = Qbd2 = 3.45 X 1000 X 100 X 100 = 34.5 X 106 kN-m > Max BM Hence, Under Reinforced Section. Flexural Steel: Mu = 11.81 X 10 = 1.181 bd2 1000 X 100 X 100 Pt] lim = 0.347% Ast]req = 0.347 X 1000 X 100 = 347 mm2 100 Hence provide 8 mm dia bars at 140 mm c/c through out. Check for Spacing: Spacing should not be more than 3d 300 mm Whichever is minimum Distribution Steel: 0.12 % of (b X D) = 0.12 X 1000 X 125 100 = 150 mm2 Hence provide 8 mm dia bars at 300 mm c/c Check for Shear: v = Vu / bd = 0.17 N/mm2 Pt = 0.347 c = 0.50 N/mm2 Design Shear Strength = c X k = 0.385 X 1.3 = 0.50 N/mm2<1.25N/mm2 Hence Safe.


SP 16-1978 TABLE 3 PAGE 49

Clause 26.3.3 PAGE 46 IS 456-2000

TABLE 19 PAGE 73 IS 456-2000

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( Two Adjacent sides Discontinuous)

lx = 3.87m , ly = 4.27 m ly/lx = 1.1 < 2 Hence, TWS To fix the depth: Assume the effective depth as 125 mm. Hence Overall Depth = 125 + 25 = 150 mm Loads: b) Dead load Self weight = 0.15 X 1 X 1 X 25 = 3.75 kN/m2 Weight of damp proof course = 1.00 kN/m2 b) Live load Total load Factored load (w) ( 1.5 X 8.25 ) = 3.50 kN/m2 = 8.25 kN/m2 = 12.4 kN/m2

IS 875-1987 TABLE 2 PAGE 14

Bending Moment and Shear Force: ly/lx = 1.1 < 2 x1 = 0.053 ( Negative moment at the continuous edge) x2 = 0.040 (Positive moment at the mid span) y1 = 0.047 (Negative moment at the continuous edge) y2 = 0.035 (Positive moment at the mid span) Mx1= x1 * wlx2 = -9.85 kN-m Mx2= x2 * wlx2 = +7.43 kN-m My1= y1 * wlx2 = -8.73 kN-m My2= y2 * wlx2 = +6.50 kN-m

TABLE 26 PAGE 91 IS 456-2000

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment SLNO DESIGN Shear force Vu = w*lx = 24 kN 2 Flexural Steel: Mu = 9.86 X 10 = 0.63 bd2 1000X1252


Pt = 0.18%

SP 16-1978 TABLE 3 PAGE 49

Ast = 0.18 X 1000 X 125 = 292 mm2 100 Hence, Provide #8 bars @ 170 mm c/c Mu = 7.43 X 106 = 0.48 bd2 1000X1252 Pt = 0.139%

Ast = 0.139 X 1000 X 125 = 238 mm2 100 Hence, Provide #8 bars @ 200 mm c/c Mu = 6.5 X 106 = 0.416 bd2 1000X1252 Pt = 0.118%

Ast = 0.118 X 1000 X 125 = 232 mm2 100 Hence, Provide #8 bars @ 210 mm c/c Mu = 8.73 X 106 = 0.56 bd2 1000X1252 Pt = 0.159%

Ast = 0.159 X 1000 X 125 = 282 mm2 100 Hence, Provide #8 bars @ 180 mm c/c

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment SLNO Check for Spacing: Spacing should not be more than 3Xd 300 mm Whichever is minimum Distribution Steel: 0.12 % of (b X D) = 0.12 X 1000 X 125 100 = 150 mm2 Clause 26.3.3 PAGE 46 IS 456-2000 DESIGN REFERENCE

Hence provide 8 mm dia bars at 300 mm c/c Check for Shear: v = Vu / bd = 0.17 N/mm2 Pt = 0.18% c = 0.315 N/mm2 Design Shear Strength = c X k = 0.315 X 1.3 = 0.41 N/mm2 < 1.25N/mm2 Hence Safe.

TABLE 19 PAGE 73 IS 456-2000

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

5.5.4 Summary of slab design

Detailing of the Floor slabs mmmmmmmmmmm Slab No Overall Depth (D) = 150 mm Diameter of bars used = 8mm Area of steel (mm2) Maximum Spacing (mm) Sup MS Sup MS

Depth Short Long due to Span Span BC Short Span Long Span Deflection (m) (m) (d) mm Sup MS Sup MS S101 3.87 4.27 4 292 238 292 232 74 S102 S103 S104 S105 S106 S107 S108 S109 S110 S111 S112 S113 S114 S115 S116 S117 S118 S119 S120 S121 S122 S123 S124 S125 S126 S127 4.27 4.27 3.72 3.57 4.27 3.58 4.27 3.87 3.87 4.27 3.58 4.27 3.57 3.72 4.27 4.27 3.87 3.87 4.09 4.09 2.76 2.76 3.57 4.09 4.09 3.87 5.57 4.34 4.27 4.27 6.13 4.27 5.78 4.27 4.27 5.78 4.27 6.13 4.27 4.27 4.34 5.57 4.27 4.09 5.57 4.34 4.09 4.09 4.09 6.13 5.49 4.09 4 4 8 6 7 8 9 4 4 9 8 7 6 8 4 4 4 8 4 2 4 7 4 3 6 7 446 324 150 150 548 150 150 292 292 150 150 548 150 150 324 446 292 150 427 263 268 220 261 426 194 323 364 258 280 246 441 275 554 238 238 554 275 441 246 280 258 364 238 264 349 217 218 181 212 355 387 257 360 360 313 238 150 289 150 292 292 150 289 150 238 313 360 360 292 341 328 274 268 150 246 274 318 150 285 285 248 196 333 229 414 232 232 414 229 333 196 248 285 285 232 270 260 225 213 133 196 225 260 270 88 82 72 69 100 69 118 74 74 118 69 100 69 72 82 88 74 74 81 79 72 53 69 82 87 74

Short span 170 200 110 150 300 300 90 300 300 170 170 300 300 90 300 300 150 110 170 300 115 185 185 220 190 115 250 150 130 190 175 200 110 180 90 200 200 90 180 110 200 175 190 130 200 185 140 230 225 275 235 140 125 190

Long Span 170 210 130 135 150 210 300 170 300 170 170 300 170 300 210 150 135 130 170 145 150 180 185 300 200 180 155 300 170 175 200 255 150 210 120 210 210 120 210 150 255 200 175 170 210 185 190 220 230 300 255 220 190 185

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Detailing of the Floor slabs Overall Depth (D) = 150 mm Area of steel (mm2) Diameter of bars used= 8mm Maximum Spacing in mm Sup MS Sup MS

Slab Short Long No Span Span (m) (m) S128 S129 S130 S131 S132 S133 S134 S135 S136 S137 S138 S139 S140 S141 S142 S143 S144 S145 S146 S147 S148 S149 S150 S151 S152 S153 S154 4.73 3.87 4.09 4.09 3.57 2.76 2.76 4.09 4.09 3.87 3.60 3.60 4.34 3.72 2.76 3.57 6.13 5.49 2.20 1.56 2.20 5.49 6.13 3.57 2.76 3.72 4.34 7.74 4.09 5.49 6.13 4.09 4.09 4.09 4.34 5.57 4.09 3.87 5.57 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 3.87 7.74 3.87 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2

BC 9 7 6 3 4 7 4 2 4 8 3 4 3 7 OWS OWS 7 7 4 OWS 4 7 7 OWS OWS 7 3

Depth due to Short Span Long Span Deflection (d) mm Sup MS Sup MS 335 669 209 417 150* 323 194 426 261 220 268 263 427 150 210 361 532 481 347 448 645 567 177 150 177 567 645 448 347 481 532 394 444 124 311 151 450 505 120 175 220 186 150 248 254 505 450 151 220 175 120 150 96 349 439 257 387 355 212 181 218 217 349 264 172 296 444 394 150 318 274 246 150 268 274 328 341 210 250 311 124 150 186 439 349 96 270 260 225 196 133 213 225 260 270 172 199 254 248 74 87 82 69 53 72 79 81 74 69 69 102 80 100* 130* 200* 200* 100* 100* 100* 200* 200* 130* 100* 80 102

Short Span 140 70 150 250 115 190 220 185 185 115 300 235 135 90 100 140 110 75 85 280 300 280 85 75 110 140 100 90 125 110 300 110 95 95 110 300 190 125 140 235 275 225 230 140 185 290 165 110 125

Long Span 220 110 300 155 180 200 300 185 180 150 145 235 195 160 300 300 260 220 280 300 300 300 280 220 260 300 300 160 200 195 300 140 110 110 140 300 185 190 220 255 300 230 220 190 185 290 250 195 200

Detailing of the Floor slabs

Overall Depth (D) = 150 mm Diameter of bars used = 8 mm

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Area of steel (mm2) Slab Short Long No Span Span (m) (m) S155 S156 S157 S158 S159 S160 S161 S162 S163 S164 S165 S166 S167 S168 S169 S170 S171 S172 S173 S174 S175 S176 S177 S178 S179 S180 S181 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.60 2.81 2.81 2.81 2.20 2.20 3.60 3.60 3.87 4.09 4.09 2.76 2.76 3.57 4.09 4.09 3.87 6.13 3.87 4.09 4.09 3.57 2.76 2.76 5.57 3.87 3.87 5.57 3.87 7.74 3.87 3.87 3.87 5.57 3.87 4.09 5.57 4.34 4.09 4.09 4.09 6.13 5.49 4.09 7.74 4.09 5.49 6.13 4.09 4.09 4.09 BC 4 3 3 4 5 OWS 5 4 4 4 3 8 4 2 4 7 4 3 6 7 9 7 6 3 4 7 4 219 177 177 361 210 150 427 263 268 220 261 426 194 323 359 323 194 426 261 220 268 Deflection Short Span Long Span (d) mm Sup 361 210 210 361 219 360 184 151 151 296 172 264 349 217 218 181 212 355 387 257 717 257 387 355 212 181 218 150 120 120 250 210 341 328 274 268 150 246 274 318 150 276 150 318 274 246 150 268 MS 296 172 172 296 184 Sup 250 210 210 250 150 150 160 96 96 199 172 270 260 225 213 133 196 225 260 270 551 270 260 225 196 133 213 MS 199 172 172 199 160 69 69 69 69 100* 100* 100* 100* 100* 69 69 74 81 79 72 53 69 82 87 74 150* 74 87 82 69 53 72

Maximum Spacing in mm Sup MS Sup MS

Short Span 135 165 235 235 135 220 130 220 280 280 135 235 300 115 185 185 220 190 115 250 150 130 150 250 115 190 220 185 270 300 300 165 290 185 140 230 225 275 235 140 125 190 65 190 125 140 235 275 225 290 290 165 270

Long Span 195 250 235 235 195 300 300 300 300 300 195 235 145 150 180 185 300 200 180 155 300 180 300 155 180 200 300 185 300 300 300 250 290 185 190 220 230 300 255 220 190 185 90 185 190 220 255 300 230 290 290 250 300

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Detailing of the Floor slabs Overall Depth (D) = 150 mm Area of steel (mm2) Slab No S182 S183 S184 S185 S186 S187 S188 S189 S190 S191 S192 S193 S194 S195 S196 S197 S198 S199 S186a S185a Short Long Deflection Span Span BC Short Span Long Span (d) mm (m) (m) Sup MS Sup MS 3.87 4.09 7 323 257 150 270 74 4.09 4.09 3.87 4.27 4.27 3.72 3.57 4.27 3.58 4.27 6.92 4.27 3.58 4.27 3.57 3.72 4.27 4.27 3.87 5.49 6.13 4.27 5.57 4.34 4.27 4.27 6.13 4.27 5.78 7.74 5.78 4.27 6.13 4.27 4.27 4.34 5.57 4.27 6 3 4 4 4 8 6 7 8 9 9 9 8 7 6 8 4 4 4 194 426 292 446 324 150 150 548 150 150 395 150 150 548 150 150 324 446 292 387 355 238 364 258 280 246 441 275 554 789 554 275 441 246 280 258 364 238 318 274 292 360 360 313 238 150 289 150 358 150 289 150 238 313 360 360 292 260 225 232 285 285 248 196 333 229 414 715 414 229 333 196 248 285 285 232 87 82 74 88 82 72 69 100 69 118 150* 118 69 100 69 72 82 88 74 Diameter of bars used = 8 mm Maximum Spacing in mm Sup MS Sup MS

Short Span 150 190 250 115 170 110 150 300 300 90 300 300 120 300 300 90 300 300 150 110 170 125 140 200 130 190 175 200 110 180 90 60 90 180 110 200 175 190 130 200

Long Span 300 185 155 180 170 130 135 150 210 300 170 300 130 300 170 300 210 150 135 130 170 190 220 210 170 175 200 255 150 210 120 65 120 210 150 255 200 175 170 210

NOTE: B.C. Boundary Conditions specified as per IS 456- 2000 Table 26 Page 91 d* - Effective Depth provided due to Deflection Criteria D*- d*+ 25 mm Overall depth due to Deflection. SUP At support. MS At Mid span.

* * The detailing of floor slabs are shown in the Sheets 12 and 13.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


The stair may be defined as the series of steps suitably arranged for the purpose of connecting different floors of a building. Staircase flight is a structural element which is designed like a slab. 5.6.1 Classification of staircase: 1. Based on the geometric configuration: a. Straight staircase b. Quarter turn staircase c. Half turn staircase d. 3/4th turn staircase e. Four turn staircase f. Spiral staircase g. Geometric staircase h. Free standing staircase etc.. 2. Based on structural action: a. Longitudinally spanning staircase b. ii. Transversely spanning staircase A longitudinally spanning staircase spans longitudinally which is supported at the ends of the landing or at the ends of the flight or supported on the landing beams. Case (a): Landing spanning in the same direction as that of flight or staircase: Here the flight is supported at the ends of the landing slab as shown in the figure. The support may be a wall or beam. Here effective span is taken as the distance between centre to centre of supports. Case (b): Landing spanning transversely and the flight spanning longitudinally: Here the landing is supported at its edges along the flight. Here the effective span is equal to distance between centre to centre of landings.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Le = Going + X + Y , where X & Y 1m

Case (c): Flight supported at its ends by means of landing beam or walls

Fig 5.2 Landing spanning in the same direction as that of flight

Fig 5.3 Landing spanning transversely and the flight spanning longitudinally

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Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Fig 5.4 (a)

Fig 5.4 (b) Fig 5.4 Flight supported at its ends by means of landing beam or walls

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Fig 5.5(a)

Fig 5.5(b) Fig 5.5 Transversely Spanning Staircase

LOADS ON FLIGHT: Dead load: steps Self weight of slab, self weight of finish, self weight of

Live load: Live load depends on the type utility such as residential, shopping, public, school, hospital etc.. It varies from 1.5 KN/sq. m to 6 KN/sq.m

MAXIMUM BENDING MOMENT: Maximum Bending moment is taken as Wl2/10 instead of Wl2/8 due to partial fixity at ends.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 5.6.2 Specimen Calculation SL NO LL M25 / Fe415 H = 3m Let width of flight Wall thickness Height of flight Let Rise, R No. of risers .. No. of treads Assuming T Going, G = 8 * 300 Width of landing EFFECTIVE SPAN: Here the flight is supported at its ends by means of landing beam of size 230 450mm .. Effective span = Going + width of beam Le = 2.4 + 0.23 = 2.63m Le = 2.63m TO FIX DEPTH: Le/d = 26 d = 2630 / 26 = 101.2mm D = 101.2 + 20 + 12 / 2 = 127.2 Say 130mm .. d = 104mm CALCULATION OF LOADS: = tan-1 (R / T) = tan (165 / 300) = 28 8 (i) Dead load = (twaist slab + tfinish + R/2)* 25/cos ( 0.13 + 0.025 + 0.165/2)* 25/cos28.8 6.78 KN/ sq.m DL = 6.78 KN/ sq.m LL = 3 KN /sq.m w = 9.78 KN/sq.m wu = 14.67 KN/sq.m DESIGN = 3 KN/sq.m = 1.2m = 230mm =H / 2 = 3 / 2 = 1.5m = 150mm = 1500 / 165 = 9.09 say 9 =8 = 300mm, = 2400mm =2.4mm = 1.3m REFERENCE

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT: Vu = wuLe/2 = 14.67 * 2.63 / 2 = 19.29 kN

Mu = wuLe2/10 = 14.67*2.632/10 = 10.15 kN/sq.m CHECK FOR DEPTH: For balanced section, Mu = Qbd2 10.15*106 = 3.53*1000*d2 d = 53.55mm < dprovided .. safe & URS TO FIND STEEL: Mu = 0.87fyAst(d fyAst/fckb) 10.15 = 0.87*415*Ast(104 415*Ast/(25*1000)) Ast = 283mm2 Provide #12 @ 300 c/c Distribution steel: Ast = 0.12% of gross area 0.12*1000*130/100 Ast = 283.12mm2 Provide #8 @ 300 c/c CHECK FOR SHEAR: Vu = 19.29 KN v = Vu/(bd) = 19.29*103/(1000*104) = 0.185 < kc DEVELOPEMENT LENGTH: Near the junction of flight and landing provide the required development length in tension to avoid anchorage failure. ldt = 47 = 47*12 = 564mm

* * The detailing of the staircase is shown in sheet 14.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


5.7.1 Introduction Reinforced Concrete (RC) buildings often have vertical plate-like RC walls called Shear Walls. Shear walls are vertical elements of the horizontal force resisting system. Or Shear walls are vertical walls that are designed to receive lateral forces from diaphragms and transmit them to the ground. The forces in these walls are predominantly shear forces in which the fibers within the wall try to slide past one another (Fig.5.6).

Fig.5.6 Failure mode of shear wall

Further, most RC buildings with shear walls also have columns; these columns primarily carry gravity loads (i.e., those due to self-weight and contents of building). Shear walls provide large strength and stiffness to buildings in the direction of their orientation, which significantly reduces lateral sway of the building and thereby reduces damage to structure and its contents. Since shear walls carry large horizontal earthquake forces, the overturning effects on them are large. Thus, design of their foundations requires special attention. Shear walls should be provided along preferably both length and width. However, if they are provided along only one direction, a proper grid of beams and columns in the vertical plane (called a moment-resistant frame) must be provided along the other direction to resist strong earthquake effects. Door or window openings can be provided in shear walls, but their size must be small to ensure least interruption to force flow through walls. Moreover, openings should be symmetrically located.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 5.7.2 Functions of a shear wall The philosophy of earthquake design for structures other than essential facilities has been well established and proposed as follows: 1. To prevent non-structural damage in frequent minor ground shaking. 2. To prevent structural damage and minimize non-structural damage in occasional moderate ground shaking. 3. To avoid collapse or serious damage in rare major ground shaking. Shear walls function by working as a large vertical cantilever which has the ability to resist large seismic forces. They can be very efficient in resisting horizontal loads and generally provide strength much more economically than a frame structure. The reason for this extra strength is because they can be designed to have some ductility. To have this ductility they are designed with internal steel frames, this allows them to survive even after major damage has been inflicted. Shear walls must provide the necessary lateral strength to resist horizontal earthquake forces. When shear walls are strong enough, they will transfer these horizontal forces to the next element in the load path below them. These other components in the load path may be other shear walls, slabs or footings. Shear walls also provide lateral stiffness to prevent the roof or floor above from excessive side-sway. When shear walls are stiff enough, they will prevent floor and roof framing member from moving off their supports. Also, buildings that are sufficiently stiff will usually suffer less nonstructural damage (Fig 5.7).

Fig.5.7 Bending moment variation

5.7.3 Advantages of shear walls in R.C buildings: Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore 66

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Properly designed and detailed buildings with shear walls have shown very good performance in past earthquakes. Shear walls in high seismic regions require special detailing. However, in past earthquakes, even buildings with sufficient amount of walls that were not specially detailed for seismic performance (but had enough well-distributed reinforcement) were saved from collapse. Shear wall buildings are a popular choice in many earthquake prone countries, like Chile, New Zealand and USA. Shear walls are easy to construct, because reinforcement detailing of walls is relatively straight-forward and therefore easily implemented at site. Shear walls are efficient, both in terms of construction cost and effectiveness in minimizing earthquake damage in structural and nonstructural elements (like glass windows and building contents).

5.7.4 Design as per Indian Standard Code Reinforcement details NO SEISMIC LOADS Minimum reinforcement area Maximum bar spacing = 0.0015x area of wall for diameters > 5 = 0.0012 x area of wall for diameters<5 = min (3*b, 450mm)

SEISMIC LOADS Disturbed reinforcement: Minimum area Maximum spacing Concentrated reinforcement: Minimum area Lconc = 1 %*( b.Lconc) = 40% of length of wall = 0.25%*Area of wall = 450mm

where b is the thickness of the shear wall

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 5.7.5 SHEAR WALL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN

The results of the analysis of shear wall are shown in figure below. The results are given for DL+LL+EQX combination.

Fig 5.8: Plate Stress Contour of Shear Wall

The forces to be considered for the design of shear wall can be computed from the following relation; Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore 68

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment MOMENT STRESS From the analysis, Stress Size of the plate Therefore, Force/width = (FORCE X LENGTH) / WIDTH = (FORCE / WIDTH) / THICKNESS = 6 N/mm2 = 710mm x 600mm x 230mm = Stress x thickness = 6 x 230 = 1380 N/mm = 1380 kN/m Therefore, Moment = 1380 x 710 = 979800 N-mm = 0.98 kN-m Since the moment obtained is very small, nominal reinforcement is provided. Main Steel : 0.25%*Area of wall = 0.0025 x 230 x 1000 = 575mm2 Provide # 6 @ 45 mm c/c Distribution Steel: 0.25%*Area of wall = 0.0025 x 230 x 1000 = 575mm2 Provide # 6 @ 45 mm c/c Concentrated reinforcement: Lconc = 40% of length of wall = 0.4 x 2100 = 840 mm Minimum area = 1 %*( b.Lconc) = 1932mm2 * * The shear wall detailing is shown in Sheet 15.


5.8.1 Introduction

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

SL.No. DESIGN REFERENCES A retaining wall is a structural element built to retain soils or any material such as coal ash, minerals etc. which are at different levels. Due to this enormous earth pressure DESIGN OF CANTILEVER RETAINING WALL will be developed in the retaining wall. DATA: 5.8.2 Types of retaining wall: Height of earth (h1) = 3m Following are the different types of retaining= 20 kN/m3 wall generally employed. Density of soil SBC of soil = 250 kN/m3 Co-efficient of friction between concrete & soil () = 0.6 i) Gravity wall: This M25 concrete & Fe415retaining wall built to retain soil for a height Use is the simplest type of steel 1 to 3m. UsuallyBack constructed out of masonry or plain concrete. Here the stability of it is fill is Horizontal the wall is provided by its self weight. Proportioning of Retaining Wall ii) Cantilever retaining wall: Cantilever retaining wall is provided when the height of Height of wall = H = h+ Df the soil is above 3 to 6m. Retaining wall is usually a RCC structure. It has two parts, namely, upright stem and base = Depth of foundationand a heel. All the three elements slab. Base slab has toe where Df of the wall behave as a cantilever member and hence name cantilever retaining wall. Df = SBC [1- sin / 1+ sin ] 2 iii) Counterfort Retaining Wall: This is generally preferred when height of the wall generally exceeds above 7m. Here additional elements called counterforts are provided at 2 Df = 250 [1- to 30/ Counterforts the back of the wall at regular intervals of 3sin 4m. 1+ sin 30] are provided to decrease 20 the bending moment at the junction of stem and base slab. Df = 1.38 m say 1.4 m iv) Buttress Retaining Wall: In this type the stiffeners are provided in front of the wall H = 3+1.4 towards connecting the toe instead of= 4.4 m the backfill. Thickness of Base slab = (1/10 to 1/12) H 200 = 440 to 366 mm GL Say 450 mm Width of Base Slab, b = (0.5 to 0.6) H b = 2.2m to 2.64 m Say b = 2.5 m

H=4400 = (1/3 to 1/4) b = 0.83 to 0.625 Say 800 mm 800mm thickness for stem at the base and 200 1250 Provide 450 mm at the top. 450 Toe Projection Ph = 0.5Kah2 2500 = 0.5 X 0.33 X 20 X 4.42 5.8.3 Specimen Calculation = 55.5 kN Maximum Bending moment at the base, M = Ph (h/3) = 75.85 kN-m M 115.8 kN-m Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE,u = Mysore Stem Design: Taking 1m length of wall


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Mu bd2 pt Ast

= 115.6 X 106 = 0.86 < 3.45 Hence, URS. 1000 X 3502 Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment = 0.25% < 0.96% = 0.25 X 1000 X 350 = 875 mm2 100

Let us provide #12 bars @ 120 mm c/c < 300 mm Ast (pro) = 942 mm2 Let us curtail 50% of steel, Then Spacing = 240 mm c/c < 300 mm Distribution Steel Ast = 0.12% bD = 0.12 X 1000 X 400 = 480 mm2 100 Thus, Provide #10 bars @ 160 mm c/c Curtailment of Bars Let us curtail 50% steel at a distance h from top. We have, (h1/h2)2 = 1/2 h12 = 0.5 X 4.752 h1 = 3.35m Extend the bars by Ldt Hence, the point of cutoff is at 2.2 m from top Ldt = 0.56 m. Check for Shear Maximum Shear Force at the junction is Ph = 55.5 kN Ultimate shear force, Vu = 83.25 kN v = Vu = 83.25 X 103 = 0.24 bd 1000 X 350 100 Ast = 0.27 c = 0.36 Mpa > v bd Hence, Shear steel is not required. Hence thickness need not be increased. Secondary Steel for the Stem (Temperature, Shrinkage and Creep steel) Since stem is massive, additional reinforcement is needed near the front face to take care of secondary effects. It is given by, Ast = 0.1 bD = 0.1 X 1000 X 400 = 480 mm2 100 Provide # 10 bars @ 160mm c/c. Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore 72

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Stability Analysis LoadsMagnitude in kNDistance from A in mMoment kN-mW10.2X4.1X1X25 = 2 20.51.1523.6W20.5X0.25X4.7X1X25 = 12.810.96612.4 W Base Slab W32.5X25X0.4 = 251.2531.25Base Fill W41.25X4.1X1X20 = 102.51.875192.2 B Total W = 160.81 kN MR = 259.45

PH = Ka H2 = 0.33 X 20 X 4.52 = 66.8 kN 2 2 Mo = PH (H/3) = 100 .24 kN-m Check for Overturning OT = 259.45 = 2.6 > 1.55 100.24 Check for Sliding s = 0.65 X 160.81 = 1.56 66.8 hence safe

hence safe

Check for Subsidence X = 259.45- 100.24 = 0.99 m > b/3 160.81 < 2b/3 (1.66m) e = 0.5b x = 0.26m < 0.42 m Hence safe Lateral Earth Pressure max = W [ 1+ 6e/b ] b = 160.81 [1+ 6X0.26] 2.5 = 104.5 kN/m2 < SBC min = 24.2 kN/ m2 > 0 Hence o separation hence safe Design of Heel

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis addition to Considering the forces acting on the heel inand Design of Multistoreyed Apartment pressure distribution as shown above Bending Moment due to back fill about C BM due to Heel about C = 0.625 x 102.5 = 64 kN-m

= 0.4 X 1.25 X 25 X 0.625 = 7.91 kN-m

BM due to Rectangular Pressure distribution about C = -24.2 X 1.25 X 0.625 = - 18.9 kN-m BM due to triangular pressure distribution about C = 0.5 X 24.2 X 1.25 X 1/3 (1.25) = - 6.3 kN-m Total BM = 46.61 kN-m Ultimate BM (Mu) = 70 kN-m pt = 0.0867% hence M =%70 X 106 = 0.57 < 3.45 0.12 u 2 Ast = 480mm bd2 1000 X 3502 Provide # 10 bars @ 160mm c/c Hence, Under reinforced section Distribution Steel Pt = 0.157% Provide the same distribution steel #10 bars @ 160 mm c/c Ast = 550 mm2 Provide # 12 bars @ 200 mm c/c Extend all the bars inside the support for the length Ld Distribution Steel Construction Joint Provide the same distribution steel #10 bars @ 160 mm c/c Provide a proper Construction Joint below stem. Provide a Design of Toe construction joint in the form of a key at the junction of the stem BM due to self weight of toe = 0.8 X 0.4 X 25 X 0.8 and base slab. Let the length of the joint be 500 mm and 2 depth of 50 mm along the length of the stem. = -3.2 kN-m BM due to Rectangular pressure about T = 69.7 X 0.8 X 0.8 Shear force = Ph = 55.5 kN 2 v = Vu = 1.5 X 55.5 = 0.42 N/mm2 bd 1000X200 = 22.3 kN-m BM due to triangular pressure about T = = 0.55 X b X d = 0.55 X 1000 Ast0.5 X 34.8 X 0.8 X (2/3) 0.8 X 200 = 7.424 kN-m Total BM = 26.52 kN-m 2 = 1000 mm Ultimate BM (Mu) = 40 kN-m Mu = 40 X 106 = 0.326 < mm Provide 12 mm dia bars of length 400 mm @ 200 3.45 c/c in two rows. bd2 1000 X 3502 Drainage Hence, Under-reinforced section


Provide 100 mm diameter pipes to act as weep holes @ 3m c/c along the length. Also provide 200 mm gravel blanket at the base of Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore the stem to act as back drain.


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

* * The detailing of shear wall is shown in Sheet 16.

* * The detailing of shear wall is shown in Sheet 16.


Sl. no . Description Nos L (m) B (m) D (m) QTY

Earth work excavation for foundation and remmoving the excavated earth to a

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment distance not exceeding 50m and with a lift upto 1.5m In ordinary soil For cellar For footing F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 STRAP Retaining wall

1 12 22 32 32 8 8 2 2 1

90.83 2.50 2.80 3.20 3.60 3.80 4.20 4.70 12.20 243.60

30.97 1.90 2.20 2.40 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.60 3.20 2.50 Total qty =

3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

8439.02 85.50 203.28 368.64 466.56 136.80 166.32 50.76 117.12 913.50

2 3

P.C.C(1:4:8) below the foundation First class Brick masonry in CM(1:6) in super structure for walls of 230mm thick for partition wall(150mm thick) parapet



10947.50 cum 1.50 4219.51

6 6 1

596.90 492.71 289.78

0.23 0.15 0.15

3.00 3.00 1.20 Total qty =

2471.17 1330.32 52.16 3853.64

Deductions Doors D D1 D2 D3 Windows W Ventilator V Entrance Lintel L2


48 408 72 264 144 192 6 6 6

1.20 1.00 0.90 0.70 1.50 0.60 3.00 611.62 512.52

0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23 Total qty = Net qty =

2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 0.40 2.50 0.15 0.15

27.82 197.06 31.30 89.26 104.33 10.60 10.35 126.61 106.09 703.41 3150.23 cum

R.C.C work (M25 grade concrete) excluding steel and its bending but including centring and shuttering and binding

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment steel For slabs For Beams Y For beams X For Columns For retaining wall Stem portion For retaining wall toe and heal portion Lintel L1 L2

7 2400.00 42 86.61 140 24.15 130 0.60 1 243.60 1 243.60 6 611.62 6 512.52

1.00 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.33 2.50 0.23 0.23

0.15 0.45 0.45 21.00 4.10 0.40 0.15 0.15

2520.00 376.49 349.93 376.74 324.60 243.60 126.61 106.09 4424.06 cum 53.09 cum 416.75 tons

Total qty = Tor steel 0 1.2% of total R.C.C qty

12mm thick plastering with CM(1:6) Inside plastering Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Family Utility Kitchen Puja Toilet 1 Toilet 2 Servant Foyer Store Atrium Living and Dinning Lobby Portico Stair case Outside plastering

48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 96 48 48 48 48 12 48 6 6 6 1

23.52 15.14 16.16 15.94 11.62 7.04 13.08 6.84 9.10 6.74 7.90 5.78 6.96 50.14 31.70 26.70 19.80 13.40 221.52

3.00 3386.88 3.00 2180.16 3.00 2327.04 3.00 2295.36 3.00 1673.28 3.00 1013.76 3.00 1883.52 3.00 984.96 3.00 2620.80 3.00 970.56 3.00 1137.60 3.00 832.32 3.00 1002.24 3.00 1805.04 3.00 4564.80 3.00 480.60 3.00 356.40 3.00 241.20 18.00 3987.36 Total qty = 33743.88 cum 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 120.96 856.80 136.08 388.08

Deductions Doors D D1 D2 D3

48 408 72 264

1.20 1.00 0.90 0.70

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment Windows W Ventilator V Entrance Lintel L2 144 192 6 6 6 1.50 0.60 3.00 611.62 512.52 2.10 453.60 0.40 46.08 2.50 45.00 0.15 550.46 0.15 461.27 Total qty = 3058.33 Net qty = 30685.55 cum 26698.19 713.63 684.54 782.96 816.96 663.21 146.15 484.80 138.80 478.69 131.82 182.52 159.26 139.10 1513.88 2231.62 263.38 186.48 66.12 730.80 37212.90 sq m


White Washing and Colour washing Inside Walls Same as inside plastering Ceiling Bedroom 1 48 3.68 4.04 Bedroom 2 48 3.53 4.04 Bedroom 3 48 4.14 3.94 Bedroom 4 48 4.60 3.70 Family 48 3.42 4.04 Utility 48 1.53 1.99 Kitchen 48 2.50 4.04 Puja 48 1.53 1.89 Toilet 1 96 1.84 2.71 Toilet 2 48 1.99 1.38 Servant 48 2.25 1.69 Foyer 48 2.10 1.58 Store 48 2.10 1.38 Atrium 12 18.10 6.97 Living and Dinning 48 11.80 3.94 Lobby 6 7.44 5.90 Portico 6 7.40 4.20 Stair case 6 2.90 3.80 Retaining wall 1 243.60 3.00 Total qty =

Wood work ventilators Doors D D1 D2 D3 Windows W Ventilator V



and 48 408 72 264 144 192 1.20 1.00 0.90 0.70 1.50 0.60 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 0.40 Total qty = 12.10 85.68 13.61 38.81 45.36 4.61 200.16 78

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment cum 7 8 Glass work at entrance Vitrified tile flooring over 25mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Family Utility Kitchen Puja Toilet 1 Toilet 2 Servant Foyer Store Atrium Living and Dinning Lobby Portico Stair case 1 3.00 21.00 63.00 sq m 713.63 684.54 782.96 816.96 663.21 146.15 484.80 138.80 478.69 131.82 182.52 159.26 139.10 1513.88 2231.62 263.38 186.48 66.12 9783.91 sq m

48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 96 48 48 48 48 12 48 6 6 6

3.68 3.53 4.14 4.60 3.42 1.53 2.50 1.53 1.84 1.99 2.25 2.10 2.10 18.10 11.80 7.44 7.40 2.90

4.04 4.04 3.94 3.70 4.04 1.99 4.04 1.89 2.71 1.38 1.69 1.58 1.38 6.97 3.94 5.90 4.20 3.80 Total qty =

Painting two coats over one one coat of priming for Doors D D1 D2 D3 Windows W Ventilator V

48 408 72 264 144 192

1.20 1.00 0.90 0.70 1.50 0.60 Total qty =

2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 0.40

120.96 856.80 136.08 388.08 453.60 46.08 2001.60 sq m 61.56 sq m


Grill work for stair case railing




Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

ABSTRACT ESTIMATE Sl. Description no. Quantity Unit Rate/Unit Total Rs. Amount,Rs.

Earth work excavation for foundation and remmoving the excavated earth to a distance not exceeding 50m and with a lift upto 1.5m In ordinary soil 10947.50 cum 2 3 4 P.C.C(1:4:8) below the foundation 4219.51 cum First class Brick masonry in CM(1:6) in super structure 3150.23 cum R.C.C work (M25 grade concrete) excluding steel and its bending but including centring and shuttering and binding steel 4424.06 cum Quantity of steel required 416.75 Tons

150 1235

1642125 5211094.9



7060 28500 120 65 14120 250 800

31233864 11877375 3682266 24187800 2826259.2 15750 7827128

5 6 7 8 9 10

12mm thick plastering with CM(1:6) 30685.55 sq.m White Washing and Colour washing 372120 sq.m Wood work doors windows and ventilators Glass work at entrance 200.16 cum 63 sq.m

Vitrified tile flooring over 25mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 9783.91 sq.m Painting two coats over one coat of priming for doors etc Grill work for stair case railing

11 12

2001.6 sq.m 61.56 sq.m Total=

70 350

140112 21546 95910849 9591084.9

Add 10% for water supply and sanitary works= 9591084.9 Add 10% for electrification= Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore 80

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

2877325.5 Add 3% for contingencies= 1918217 Add 2% for work charged establishment= 119888561 Grand Total= Say Rupees Twelve Crores The total cost of the project is Rupees Twelve Crores Only.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Varghese P.C, LIMIT STATE DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE,II edition, Prentice - Hall of India Private Ltd. Krishna Raju N, REINFORCED DESIGN as per IS: 456-2000, New age International Publishers. Ramamrutham, Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Dhanpat rai Publishers private Ltd. New Delhi. STAAD Pro.2005 Manual Indian Standard: 4562000 : Plain and Reinforced Concrete Code of Practice Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS:456-2000 ( SP- 16-1978) Indian Standard: 875 1987 Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings and structures, Part 2 (Imposed loads) Indian Standard 1893 (Part 1)- 2002: Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures, BIS, New Delhi.

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment


STAAD SPACE START JOB INFORMATION ENGINEER DATE 27-Feb-07 END JOB INFORMATION INPUT WIDTH 79 UNIT METER KN JOINT COORDINATES 1 0 0 0; 2 3.87 0 0; 3 9.44 0 0; 4 13.78 0 0; 5 17.5 0 0; 6 20.26 0 0; 7 23.83 0 0; 8 29.96 0 0; 9 33.54 0 0; 10 39.32 0 0; 11 43.19 0 0; 12 0 0 4.27; 13 3.87 0 4.27; 14 9.44 0 4.27; 15 13.78 0 4.27; 16 17.5 0 4.27; 17 20.26 0 4.27; 18 23.83 0 4.27; 19 29.96 0 4.27; 20 33.54 0 4.27; 21 39.32 0 4.27; 22 43.19 0 4.27; 23 0 0 8.36; 24 3.87 0 8.36; 25 9.44 0 8.36; 26 13.78 0 8.36; 27 17.5 0 8.36; 28 20.26 0 8.36; 29 23.83 0 8.36; 30 29.96 0 8.36; 31 35.45 0 8.36; 33 0 0 11.96; 34 3.87 0 11.96; 35 9.44 0 11.96; 36 39.32 0 10.56; 37 39.32 0 13.37; 38 0 0 15.56; 39 3.87 0 15.56; 40 9.44 0 15.56; 41 13.78 0 15.56; 42 17.5 0 15.56; 43 20.26 0 15.56; 44 23.83 0 15.56; 45 29.96 0 15.56; 46 35.45 0 15.56; 47 0 0 19.65; 48 3.87 0 19.65; 49 9.44 0 19.65; 50 13.78 0 19.65; 51 17.5 0 19.65; 52 20.26 0 19.65; 53 23.83 0 19.65; 54 29.96 0 19.65; 55 33.54 0 19.65; 56 39.32 0 19.65; 57 0 0 23.92; 58 3.87 0 23.92; 59 9.44 0 23.92; 60 13.78 0 23.92; 61 17.5 0 23.92; 62 20.26 0 23.92; 63 23.83 0 23.92; 64 29.96 0 23.92; 65 33.54 0 23.92; 66 39.32 0 23.92; 68 0 3 0; 69 3.87 3 0; 70 9.44 3 0; 71 13.78 3 0; 72 17.5 3 0; 73 20.26 3 0; 74 23.83 3 0; 75 29.96 3 0; 76 33.54 3 0; 77 39.32 3 0; 78 43.19 3 0; 79 0 3 4.27; 80 3.87 3 4.27; 81 9.44 3 4.27; 82 13.78 3 4.27; 83 17.5 3 4.27; 84 20.26 3 4.27; 85 23.83 3 4.27; 86 29.96 3 4.27; 87 33.54 3 4.27; 88 39.32 3 4.27; 89 35.45 3 4.27; 90 43.19 3 4.27; 91 0 3 8.36; 92 3.87 3 8.36; 93 9.44 3 8.36; 94 13.78 3 8.36; 95 17.5 3 8.36; 96 20.26 3 8.36; 97 23.83 3 8.36; 98 29.96 3 8.36; 99 35.45 3 8.36; 102 0 3 11.96; 103 3.87 3 11.96; 104 9.44 3 11.96; 105 39.32 3 10.56; 106 39.32 3 13.37; 107 0 3 15.56; 108 3.87 3 15.56; 109 9.44 3 15.56; 110 13.78 3 15.56; 111 17.5 3 15.56; 112 20.26 3 15.56; 113 23.83 3 15.56; 114 29.96 3 15.56; 115 35.45 3 15.56; 116 39.32 3 15.56; 117 0 3 19.65; 118 3.87 3 19.65; 119 9.44 3 19.65; 120 13.78 3 19.65; 121 17.5 3 19.65; 122 20.26 3 19.65; 123 23.83 3 19.65; 124 29.96 3 19.65; 125 33.54 3 19.65; 126 35.45 3 19.65; 127 39.32 3 19.65; 128 0 3 23.92; 129 3.87 3 23.92; 130 9.44 3 23.92; 131 13.78 3 23.92; 132 17.5 3 23.92; 133 20.26 3 23.92; 134 23.83 3 23.92; 135 29.96 3 23.92; 136 33.54 3 23.92; 137 39.32 3 23.92; 138 47.06 3 0; 139 47.06 3 4.27; 141 47.06 3 10.56; 142 47.06 3 13.37; 143 47.06 3 19.65; 144 47.06 3 23.92; 147 86.38 0 0; 148 82.51 0 0; 149 76.94 0 0; 150 72.6 0 0; 151 68.88 0 0; 152 66.12 0 0; 153 62.55 0 0; 154 56.42 0 0; 155 52.84 0 0; 156 86.38 0 4.27; 157 82.51 0 4.27; 158 76.94 0 4.27; 159 72.6 0 4.27; 160 68.88 0 4.27; 161 66.12 0 4.27; 162 62.55 0 4.27; 163 56.42 0 4.27; 164 52.84 0 4.27; 165 86.38 0 8.36; 166 82.51 0 8.36; 167 76.94 0 8.36; 168 72.6 0 8.36; 169 68.88 0 8.36; 170 66.12 0 8.36; 171 62.55 0 8.36; 172 56.42 0 8.36; 173 50.93 0 8.36; 174 86.38 0 11.96; 175 82.51 0 11.96; Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore 83

Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 176 76.94 0 11.96; 177 86.38 0 15.56; 178 82.51 0 15.56; ..Contd MEMBER INCIDENCES 1 1 68; 2 12 79; 3 23 91; 4 33 102; 5 38 107; 6 47 117; 7 57 128; 8 68 79; 9 79 91; 10 91 102; 11 102 107; 12 107 117; 13 117 128; 14 68 1221; 15 79 1232; 16 91 1243; 17 102 1252; 18 107 1257; 19 117 1266; 20 128 1276; 21 1221 1232; 22 1232 1243; 23 1243 1252; 24 1252 1257; 25 1257 1266; 26 1266 1276; 27 1221 1375; 28 1232 1386; 29 1243 1397; 30 1252 1406; 31 1257 1411; 32 1266 1420; 33 1276 1430; 34 1375 1386; 35 1386 1397; 36 1397 1406; 37 1406 1411; 38 1411 1420; 39 1420 1430; 40 1375 1529; 41 1386 1540; 42 1397 1551; 43 1406 1560; 44 1411 1565; 45 1420 1574; 46 1430 1584; 47 1529 1540; 48 1540 1551; 49 1551 1560; 50 1560 1565; 51 1565 1574; 52 1574 1584; 53 1529 1683; 54 1540 1694; 55 1551 1705; 56 1560 1714; 57 1565 1719; 58 1574 1728; 59 1584 1738; 60 1683 1694; 61 1694 1705; 62 1705 1714; 63 1714 1719; 64 1719 1728; 65 1728 1738; 66 1683 1837; 67 1694 1848; 68 1705 1859; 69 1714 1868; 70 1719 1873; 71 1728 1882; 72 1738 1892; 73 1837 1848; 74 1848 1859; 75 1859 1868; 76 1868 1873; 77 1873 1882; 78 1882 1892; 79 1837 1991; 80 1848 2002; 81 1859 2013; 82 1868 2022; 83 1873 2027; 84 1882 2036; 85 1892 2046; 86 1991 2002; 87 2002 2013; 88 2013 2022; 89 2022 2027; 90 2027 2036; 91 2036 2046; 92 68 69; 93 79 80; 94 91 92; 95 102 103; 96 107 108; 97 117 118; 98 128 129; 99 1221 1222; 100 1232 1233; 101 1243 1244; 102 1252 1253; 103 1257 1258; 104 1266 1267; 105 1276 1277; 106 1375 1376; 107 1386 1387; 108 1397 1398; 109 1406 1407; 110 1411 1412; 111 1420 1421; 112 1430 1431; 113 1529 1530; 114 1540 1541; 115 1551 1552; 116 1560 1561; 117 1565 1566; 118 1574 1575; 119 1584 1585; 120 1683 1684; 121 1694 1695; 122 1705 1706; 123 1714 1715; 124 1719 1720; 125 1728 1729; 126 1738 1739; 127 1837 1838; 128 1848 1849; 129 1859 1860; 130 1868 1869; 131 1873 1874; 132 1882 1883; 133 1892 1893; 134 1991 1992; 135 2002 2003; 136 2013 2014; 137 2022 2023; 138 2027 2028; 139 2036 2037; 140 2046 2047; 141 2 69; 142 13 80; 143 24 92; 144 34 103; 145 39 108; 146 48 118; 147 58 129; 148 69 80; 149 80 92; 150 92 103; 151 103 108; 152 108 118; 153 118 129; 154 69 1222; 155 80 1233; 156 92 1244; 157 103 1253; 158 108 1258; 159 118 1267; 160 129 1277; 161 1222 1233; 162 1233 1244; 163 1244 1253; 164 1253 1258; 165 1258 1267; 166 1267 1277; 167 1222 1376; 168 1233 1387; 169 1244 1398; 170 1253 1407; 171 1258 1412; 172 1267 1421; 173 1277 1431; 174 1376 1387; 175 1387 1398; 176 1398 1407; 177 1407 1412; 178 1412 1421; 179 1421 1431; 180 1376 1530; 181 1387 1541; 182 1398 1552; 183 1407 1561; 184 1412 1566; 185 1421 1575; 186 1431 1585; 187 1530 1541; 188 1541 1552; 189 1552 1561; 190 1561 1566; 191 1566 1575; 192 1575 1585; 193 1530 1684; 194 1541 1695; 195 1552 1706; 196 1561 1715; 197 1566 1720; 198 1575 1729; 199 1585 1739; 200 1684 1695; 201 1695 1706; 202 1706 1715; 203 1715 1720; 204 1720 1729; 205 1729 1739; 206 1684 1838; 207 1695 1849; 208 1706 1860; 209 1715 1869; 210 1720 1874; 211 1729 1883; 212 1739 1893; 213 1838 1849; 214 1849 1860; 215 1860 1869; 216 1869 1874; 217 1874 1883; 218 1883 1893; 219 1838 1992; 220 1849 2003; 221 1860 2014; 222 1869 2023; 223 1874 2028; 224 1883 2037; 225 1893 2047; 226 1992 2003; 227 2003 2014; 228 2014 2023; 229 2023 2028; 230 2028 2037; 231 2037 2047; 232 69 70; 233 80 81; 234 92 93; 235 103 104; 236 108 109; 237 118 119; 238 129 130; 239 1222 1223; 240 1233 1234; 241 1244 1245; 242 1253 1254; 243 1258 1259; 244 1267 1268; 245 1277 1278; 246 1376 1377; 247 1387 1388; 248 1398 1399; 249 1407 1408; 250 1412 1413; 251 1421 1422; 252 1431 1432;

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 253 1530 1531; 254 1541 1542; 255 1552 1553; 256 1561 1562; 257 ..Contd. ELEMENT PROPERTY 5992 TO 5998 6000 6001 6003 6004 6006 TO 6013 6015 6016 6018 6019 6021 TO 6028 6030 6031 6033 6034 6036 TO 6052 6056 6059 TO 6063 6065 6067 6069 TO 6073 6075 6077 6079 TO 6081 6085 TO 6199 6208 TO 6212 6214 6215 6217 6218 TO 6240 6242 TO 6247 6249 6250 6252 TO 6271 6273 TO 6282 6284 6285 6287 6288 TO 6306 6308 TO 6310 6312 TO 6324 6326 TO 6341 6343 TO 6352 6354 6355 6357 TO 6399 6401 6403 6405 TO 6409 6605 TO 6691 6695 TO 6722 6724 TO 6784 6788 TO 6813 6817 TO 6902 6913 TO 7030 7032 TO 7040 7042 TO 7086 7088 TO 7096 7098 TO 7114 7116 TO 7124 7126 TO 7142 7144 TO 7152 7154 TO 7196 7219 TO 7222 THICKNESS 0.23 DEFINE MATERIAL START ISOTROPIC CONCRETE E 2.17185e+007 POISSON 0.17 DENSITY 23.5616 ALPHA 1e-005 DAMP 0.05 END DEFINE MATERIAL MEMBER PROPERTY INDIAN 8 TO 13 21 TO 26 34 TO 39 47 TO 52 60 TO 65 73 TO 78 86 TO 140 148 TO 153 161 TO 166 174 TO 179 187 TO 192 200 TO 205 213 TO 218 226 TO 280 288 TO 293 301 TO 306 314 TO 319 327 TO 332 340 TO 345 353 TO 358 366 TO 413 420 TO 424 431 TO 435 442 TO 446 453 TO 457 464 TO 468 475 TO 479 486 TO 532 539 TO 543 550 TO 554 561 TO 565 572 TO 576 583 TO 587 594 TO 598 605 TO 637 644 TO 650 657 TO 663 670 TO 676 683 TO 689 696 TO 702 709 TO 715 722 TO 784 791 TO 797 804 TO 810 817 TO 823 830 TO 836 843 TO 849 856 TO 862 869 TO 917 924 TO 928 935 TO 939 946 TO 950 957 TO 961 968 TO 972 979 TO 983 990 TO 1036 1041 1042 1047 1048 1053 1054 1059 1060 1065 1066 1071 1072 1077 TO 1092 1095 TO 1099 1102 TO 1106 1109 TO 1113 1116 TO 1120 1123 TO 1127 1130 TO 1134 1137 TO 1156 1158 TO 1197 1207 1210 TO 1213 1224 TO 1230 1240 TO 1247 1257 1258 TO 1263 1273 TO 1279 1289 TO 1295 1305 TO 1325 1328 1331 1334 1337 1340 1343 1346 TO 1396 1406 1409 TO 1412 1423 TO 1429 1439 TO 1446 1456 TO 1462 1472 TO 1478 1488 TO 1494 1504 TO 1511 1513 TO 1566 1569 TO 1573 1576 TO 1580 1583 TO 1587 1590 TO 1594 1597 TO 1601 1604 PRIS YD 0.45 ZD 0.23 1605 TO 1608 1611 TO 1629 1634 1635 1640 1641 PRIS YD 0.45 ZD 0.23 1646 1647 1652 1653 1658 1659 1664 1665 1670 TO 1707 1714 TO 1718 1725 TO 1729 1736 TO 1740 1747 TO 1751 1758 TO 1762 1769 TO 1773 1780 TO 1826 1833 TO 1839 1846 TO 1852 1859 TO 1865 1872 TO 1878 1885 TO 1891 1898 TO 1904 1911 TO 1973 1980 TO 1986 1993 TO 1999 2006 TO 2012 2019 TO 2025 2032 TO 2038 2045 TO 2051 2058 TO 2092 2099 TO 2103 2110 TO 2114 2121 TO 2125 2132 TO 2136 2143 TO 2147 2154 TO 2158 2165 TO 2211 2218 TO 2222 2229 TO 2233 2240 TO 2244 2251 TO 2255 2262 TO 2266 2273 TO 2277 2284 TO 2330 2338 TO 2343 -

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 2351 TO 2356 2364 TO 2369 2377 TO 2382 2390 TO 2395 2403 TO 2408 2416 TO 2470 2478 TO 2483 2491 TO 2496 2504 TO 2509 2517 TO 2522 2530 TO 2535 2543 TO 2548 2556 TO 2610 2618 TO 2623 2631 TO 2636 2644 TO 2649 2657 TO 2662 2670 TO 2675 2683 TO 2688 2696 TO 2700 2701 PRIS YD 0.45 ZD 0.23 1 TO 7 14 TO 20 27 TO 33 40 TO 46 53 TO 59 66 TO 72 141 TO 147 154 TO 160 167 TO 173 180 TO 186 193 TO 199 206 TO 212 281 283 TO 285 287 294 296 TO 298 300 307 309 TO 311 313 320 322 TO 324 326 333 335 TO 337 339 346 348 TO 350 352 414 419 425 430 436 441 447 452 458 463 469 474 533 535 536 538 544 546 547 549 555 557 558 560 566 568 569 571 577 579 580 582 588 590 591 593 638 643 651 656 664 669 677 682 690 695 703 708 785 787 788 790 798 800 801 803 811 813 814 816 824 826 827 829 837 839 840 842 850 852 853 855 918 920 921 923 929 931 932 934 940 942 943 945 951 953 954 956 962 964 965 967 973 975 976 978 1037 1040 1043 1046 1049 1052 1055 1058 1061 1064 1067 1070 1199 1202 1203 1205 1215 1218 1219 1221 1232 1234 TO 1236 1238 1249 1251 TO 1253 1255 1265 1267 TO 1269 1271 1281 1284 1285 1287 1398 1401 1402 1404 1414 1417 1418 1420 1431 1433 TO 1435 1437 1448 1450 TO 1452 1454 1464 1466 TO 1468 1470 1483 1484 1486 1630 1633 1636 1639 1642 1645 1648 1651 1654 1657 1660 1663 1708 1710 1711 1713 1719 1721 1722 1724 1730 1732 1733 1735 1741 1743 1744 1746 1752 1754 1755 1757 1763 1765 1766 1768 1827 1829 1830 1832 1840 1842 1843 1845 1853 1855 1856 1858 1866 1868 1869 1871 1879 1881 1882 1884 1892 1894 1895 1897 1974 1979 1987 1992 2000 2005 2013 2018 2026 2031 2039 2044 2093 2095 2096 2098 2104 2106 2107 2109 2115 2117 2118 2120 2126 2128 2129 2131 2137 2139 2140 2142 2148 2150 2151 2153 2212 2217 2223 2228 2234 2239 2245 2250 2256 2261 2267 2272 2331 2333 TO 2335 2337 2344 2346 TO 2348 2350 2357 2359 TO 2361 2363 2370 2372 TO 2374 2376 2383 2385 TO 2387 2389 2396 2398 TO 2400 2402 2471 TO 2477 2484 TO 2490 2497 TO 2503 2510 TO 2516 2523 TO 2529 2536 TO 2542 2611 TO 2617 2624 TO 2630 2637 TO 2643 2650 TO 2656 2663 TO 2669 2676 TO 2681 2682 PRIS YD 0.6 ZD 0.23 79 TO 85 219 TO 225 359 361 TO 363 365 480 485 599 601 602 604 716 721 863 865 866 868 984 986 987 989 1073 1076 1283 1297 1299 TO 1301 1303 1480 1482 1496 1498 TO 1500 1502 1666 1669 1774 1776 1777 1779 1905 1907 1908 1910 2052 2057 2159 2161 2162 2164 2278 2283 2409 2411 TO 2413 2415 2549 TO 2555 2689 TO 2695 PRIS YD 0.6 ZD 0.23 282 286 295 299 308 312 321 325 334 338 347 351 360 364 415 TO 418 426 TO 429 437 TO 440 448 TO 451 459 TO 462 470 TO 473 481 TO 484 534 537 545 548 556 559 567 570 578 581 589 592 600 603 639 TO 642 652 TO 655 665 666 TO 668 678 TO 681 691 TO 694 704 TO 707 717 TO 720 786 789 799 802 812 815 825 828 838 841 851 854 864 867 919 922 930 933 941 944 952 955 963 966 974 977 985 988 1038 1039 1044 1045 1050 1051 1056 1057 1062 1063 1068 1069 1074 1075 1093 1094 1100 1101 1107 1108 1114 1115 1121 1122 1128 1129 1135 1136 1200 1216 1222 1231 1233 1239 1248 1250 1256 1264 1266 1272 1280 1282 1288 1296 1298 1304 1326 1327 1329 1330 1332 1333 1335 1336 1338 1339 1341 1342 1344 1345 1399 1415 1421 1430 1432 1438 1447 1449 1455 1463 1465 1471 1479 1481 1487 1495 1497 1503 1567 1568 1574 1575 1581 1582 1588 1589 1595 1596 1602 1603 1609 1610 1631 1632 1637 1638 1643 1644 1649 1650 1655 1656 1661 1662 1667 1668 1709 1712 1720 1723 1731 1734 1742 1745 1753 1756 1764 1767 1775 1778 1828 1831 1841 1844 1854 1857 1867 1870 1880 1883 1893 1896 1906 1909 1975 TO 1978 1988 TO 1991 2001 TO 2004 2014 TO 2017 2027 TO 2030 -

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 2040 TO 2043 2053 TO 2056 2094 2097 2105 2108 2116 2119 2127 2130 2138 2141 2149 2152 2160 2163 2213 TO 2216 2224 TO 2227 2235 7201 TO 7217 7218 PRIS YD 0.23 ZD 0.6 2236 TO 2238 2246 TO 2249 2257 TO 2260 2268 TO 2271 2279 TO 2282 2332 2336 2345 2349 2358 2362 2371 2375 2384 2388 2397 2401 2410 2414 PRIS YD 0.23 ZD 0.6 MEMBER PROPERTY INDIAN 1204 1220 1237 1254 1270 1286 1302 1403 1419 1436 1453 1469 1485 1501 PRIS YD 0.46 ZD 0.8 YB 0.23 ZB 0.23 MEMBER PROPERTY INDIAN 1223 1422 PRIS YD 0.5 CONSTANTS MATERIAL CONCRETE MEMB 1 TO 1156 1158 TO 1197 1199 1200 1202 TO 1205 1207 1210 TO 1213 1215 1216 1218 TO 1396 1398 1399 1401 TO 1404 1406 1409 TO 1412 1414 1415 1417 TO 1511 1513 TO 2701 5992 TO 5998 6000 6001 6003 6004 6006 6007 TO 6013 6015 6016 6018 6019 6021 TO 6028 6030 6031 6033 6034 6036 TO 6052 6056 6059 TO 6063 6065 6067 6069 TO 6073 6075 6077 6079 TO 6081 6085 TO 6199 6208 TO 6212 6214 6215 6217 TO 6240 6242 TO 6247 6249 6250 6252 6253 TO 6271 6273 TO 6282 6284 6285 6287 TO 6306 6308 TO 6310 6312 TO 6324 6326 TO 6341 6343 TO 6352 6354 6355 6357 TO 6399 6401 6403 6405 TO 6409 6605 6606 TO 6691 6695 TO 6722 6724 TO 6784 6788 TO 6813 6817 TO 6902 6913 TO 7030 7032 TO 7040 7042 TO 7086 7088 TO 7096 7098 TO 7114 7116 TO 7124 7126 TO 7142 7144 TO 7152 7154 TO 7196 7201 TO 7222 MEMBER RELEASE 731 739 747 755 763 771 779 START MX MY MZ 731 739 747 755 763 771 779 END MX MY MZ 734 742 750 758 766 774 782 START MX MY MZ 734 742 750 758 766 774 782 END MX MY MZ 1923 1931 1939 1947 1955 1963 1971 START MX MY MZ 1923 1931 1939 1947 1955 1963 1971 END MX MY MZ 1920 1928 1936 1944 1952 1960 1968 START MX MY MZ 1920 1928 1936 1944 1952 1960 1968 END MX MY MZ 1160 1166 1172 1178 1184 1190 1196 END MX MY MZ 1159 1165 1171 1177 1183 1189 1195 END MX MY MZ 1158 1164 1170 1176 1182 1188 1194 END MX MY MZ 1099 1106 1113 1120 1127 1134 1141 END MX MY MZ 1095 1102 1109 1116 1123 1130 1137 START MX MY MZ 1513 1519 1525 1531 1537 1543 1549 END MX MY MZ 1514 1520 1526 1532 1538 1544 1550 END MX MY MZ 1515 1521 1527 1533 1539 1545 1551 START MX MY MZ 1573 1580 1587 1594 1601 1608 1615 END MX MY MZ 1569 1576 1583 1590 1597 1604 1611 END MX MY MZ 1347 END FX MX MY MZ

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 1347 START FX MX MY MZ SUPPORTS 1 TO 31 33 TO 66 147 TO 203 266 TO 271 2145 2146 3571 TO 3598 FIXED DEFINE 1893 LOAD ZONE 0.1 RF 3 I 1.5 SS 1 ST 1 DM 0.05 PX 0.02 PZ 0.02 DT 1.5 SELFWEIGHT DEFINE WIND LOAD TYPE 1 INT 0.56 0.64 0.69 0.76 HEIG 10 15 20 30 LOAD 1 LOADTYPE None TITLE EQX 1893 LOAD X 1 LOAD 2 LOADTYPE None TITLE EQZ 1893 LOAD Z 1 LOAD 3 LOADTYPE None TITLE DL+LL MEMBER LOAD 8 13 21 26 34 39 47 52 60 65 73 78 95 102 109 116 123 130 233 237 240 244 247 251 254 258 261 265 268 272 374 375 380 381 386 387 392 393 398 399 404 405 877 880 883 886 889 892 895 898 901 904 907 910 926 937 948 959 970 981 1079 TO 1090 1095 TO 1099 1102 TO 1106 1109 TO 1113 1116 TO 1120 1123 TO 1127 1130 TO 1134 1156 1161 1162 1167 1168 1173 1174 1179 1180 1185 1186 1191 1213 1230 1246 1263 1279 1295 1312 1314 1316 1318 1320 1322 1328 1331 1334 1337 1340 1343 1347 1352 1357 1363 1368 1373 1383 1385 1387 1389 1391 1393 1412 1429 1445 1462 1478 1494 1511 1516 1517 1522 1523 1528 1529 1534 1535 1540 1541 1546 1569 TO 1573 1576 TO 1580 1583 TO 1587 1590 TO 1594 1597 TO 1601 1604 TO 1608 1616 TO 1627 1716 1727 1738 1749 1760 1771 1786 1789 1792 1795 1798 1801 1804 1807 1810 1813 1816 1819 2291 2292 2297 2298 2303 2304 2309 2310 2315 2316 2321 2322 2423 2427 2430 2434 2437 2441 2444 2448 2451 2455 2458 2462 2565 2572 2579 2586 2593 2600 2618 2623 2631 2636 2644 2649 2657 2662 2670 2675 2683 2688 UNI GY -60 10 11 23 24 36 37 49 50 62 63 75 76 93 94 96 97 100 101 103 104 107 108 110 111 114 115 117 118 121 122 124 125 128 129 131 132 148 153 161 166 174 179 187 192 200 205 213 218 288 293 301 306 314 319 327 332 340 345 353 358 373 376 379 382 385 388 391 394 397 400 403 406 493 494 499 500 505 506 511 512 517 518 523 524 729 736 737 744 745 752 753 760 761 768 769 776 995 TO 1018 1313 1315 1317 1319 1321 1323 1384 1386 1388 1390 1392 1394 1680 TO 1703 1918 1925 1926 1933 1934 1941 1942 1949 1950 1957 1958 1965 2172 2173 2178 2179 2184 2185 2190 2191 2196 2197 2202 2203 2290 2293 2296 2299 2302 2305 2308 2311 2314 2317 2320 2323 2338 2343 2351 2356 2364 2369 2377 2382 2390 2395 2403 2408 2478 2483 2491 2496 2504 2509 2517 2522 2530 2535 2543 2548 2563 2564 2566 2567 2570 2571 2573 2574 2577 2578 2580 2581 2584 2585 2587 2588 2591 2592 2594 2595 2598 2599 2601 2602 2620 2621 2633 2634 2646 2647 2659 2660 2672 2673 2685 2686 UNI GY -55 9 12 22 25 35 38 48 51 61 64 74 77 2619 2622 2632 2635 2645 2648 2658 2661 2671 2674 2684 2687 UNI GY -20 150 151 163 164 176 177 189 190 202 203 215 216 2480 2481 2493 2494 2506 2507 2519 2520 2532 2533 2545 2546 UNI GY -35 92 98 99 105 106 112 113 119 120 126 127 133 149 152 162 165 175 178 188 191 201 204 214 217 289 TO 292 302 TO 305 315 TO 318 328 TO 331 341 TO 344 354 355 TO 357 491 496 497 502 503 508 509 514 515 520 521 526 539 541 543 550 -

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 552 554 561 563 565 572 574 576 583 585 587 594 596 598 644 TO 650 657 TO 663 670 TO 676 683 TO 689 696 TO 702 709 TO 715 792 793 795 796 805 806 808 809 818 819 821 822 831 832 834 835 844 845 847 848 857 858 860 861 925 927 936 938 947 949 958 960 969 971 980 982 1351 1356 1361 1367 1372 1377 1715 1717 1726 1728 1737 1739 1748 1750 1759 1761 1770 1772 1834 1835 1837 1838 1847 1848 1850 1851 1860 1861 1863 1864 1873 1874 1876 1877 1886 1887 1889 1890 1899 1900 1902 1903 1980 TO 1986 1993 TO 1999 2006 TO 2012 2019 TO 2025 2032 TO 2038 2045 TO 2051 2099 2101 2103 2110 2112 2114 2121 2123 2125 2132 2134 2136 2143 2145 2147 2154 2156 2158 2170 2175 2176 2181 2182 2187 2188 2193 2194 2199 2200 2205 2339 TO 2342 2352 TO 2355 2365 TO 2368 2378 TO 2381 2391 TO 2394 2404 TO 2407 2479 2482 2492 2495 2505 2508 2518 2521 2531 2534 2544 2547 2562 2568 2569 2575 2576 2582 2583 2589 2590 2596 2597 2603 UNI GY -40 232 238 239 245 246 252 253 259 260 266 267 273 372 377 378 383 384 389 390 395 396 401 402 407 422 433 444 455 466 477 794 807 820 833 846 859 876 881 882 887 888 893 894 899 900 905 906 911 1142 TO 1153 1158 TO 1160 1163 TO 1166 1169 TO 1172 1175 TO 1178 1181 TO 1184 1187 TO 1190 1513 TO 1515 1518 TO 1521 1524 TO 1527 1530 TO 1533 1536 TO 1539 1542 TO 1545 1553 TO 1564 1785 1790 1791 1796 1797 1802 1803 1808 1809 1814 1815 1820 1836 1849 1862 1875 1888 1901 2220 2231 2242 2253 2264 2275 2289 2294 2295 2300 2301 2306 2307 2312 2313 2318 2319 2324 2422 2428 2429 2435 2436 2442 2443 2449 2450 2456 2457 2463 UNI GY -45 234 TO 236 241 TO 243 248 TO 250 255 TO 257 262 TO 264 269 TO 271 1023 TO 1034 1211 1212 1228 1229 1244 1245 1261 1262 1277 1278 1293 1294 1410 1411 1427 1428 1443 1444 1460 1461 1476 1477 1492 1493 1672 TO 1678 2424 TO 2426 2431 TO 2433 2438 TO 2440 2445 TO 2447 2452 TO 2454 2459 TO 2461 UNI GY -65 420 421 423 424 431 432 434 435 442 443 445 446 453 454 456 457 464 465 467 468 475 476 478 479 492 495 498 501 504 507 510 513 516 519 522 525 791 797 804 810 817 823 830 836 843 849 856 862 924 928 935 939 946 950 957 961 968 972 979 983 1041 1042 1047 1048 1053 1054 1059 1060 1065 1066 1071 1072 1207 1210 1224 1227 1240 1243 1257 1260 1273 1276 1289 1292 1406 1409 1423 1426 1439 1442 1456 1459 1472 1475 1488 1491 1634 1635 1640 1641 1646 1647 1652 1653 1658 1659 1664 1665 1714 1718 1725 1729 1736 1740 1747 1751 1758 1762 1769 1773 1833 1839 1846 1852 1859 1865 1872 1878 1885 1891 1898 1904 2171 2174 2177 2180 2183 2186 2189 2192 2195 2198 2201 2204 2218 2219 2221 2222 2229 2230 2232 2233 2240 2241 2243 2244 2251 2252 2254 2255 2262 2263 2265 2266 2273 2274 2276 2277 UNI GY -50 540 542 551 553 562 564 573 575 584 586 595 597 610 TO 633 731 734 739 742 747 750 755 758 763 766 771 774 1920 1923 1928 1931 1936 1939 1944 1947 1952 1955 1960 1963 2065 TO 2088 2100 2102 2111 2113 2122 2124 2133 2135 2144 2146 2155 2157 UNI GY -35 730 735 738 743 746 751 754 759 762 767 770 775 1348 1353 1358 1364 1369 1374 1919 1924 1927 1932 1935 1940 1943 1948 1951 1956 1959 1964 UNI GY -30 732 733 740 741 748 749 756 757 764 765 772 773 1225 1226 1241 1242 1258 1259 1274 1275 1290 1291 1424 1425 1440 1441 1457 1458 1473 1474 1489 1490 1921 1922 1929 1930 1937 1938 1945 1946 1953 1954 1961 1962 UNI GY -25 878 879 884 885 890 891 896 897 902 903 908 909 1349 1354 1359 1365 1370 1375 1787 1788 1793 1794 1799 1800 1805 1806 1811 1812 1817 1818 UNI GY -70

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment 1350 1355 1360 1366 1371 1376 UNI GY -75 FLOOR LOAD YRANGE 21 21.125 FLOAD -10 XRANGE 0 17.5 ZRANGE 0 23.92 YRANGE 21 21.125 FLOAD -10 XRANGE 20.26 66.12 ZRANGE 0 23.92 YRANGE 21 21.125 FLOAD -10 XRANGE 68.88 86.38 ZRANGE 0 23.92 YRANGE 21 21.125 FLOAD -10 XRANGE 17.5 20.26 ZRANGE 4.27 19.65 YRANGE 21 21.125 FLOAD -10 XRANGE 66.12 68.88 ZRANGE 4.27 19.65 MEMBER LOAD 1362 UNI GY -15 1247 1446 UNI GY -10 LOAD 4 LOADTYPE None TITLE WL WIND LOAD X 1 TYPE 1 WIND LOAD Z 1 TYPE 1 WIND LOAD -X 1 TYPE 1 WIND LOAD -Z 1 TYPE 1 LOAD COMB 5 DL+LL+WL 3 0.8 4 1.2 LOAD COMB 6 DL+LL+EQX 3 0.8 1 1.2 LOAD COMB 7 DL+LL-EQX 3 0.8 1 -1.2 LOAD COMB 8 DL+LL+EQZ 3 0.8 2 1.2 LOAD COMB 9 DL+LL-EQZ 3 0.8 2 -1.2 PERFORM ANALYSIS PRINT ANALYSIS RESULTS LOAD LIST 3 5 TO 9 FINISH

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


Analysis and Design of Multistoreyed Apartment

Department of Civil Engineering, SJCE, Mysore


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