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Long Beach, California March 8, 2009 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT

Father G. Peter Irving III, 425 East 20th Street

Pastor Long Beach, CA 90806
Father Raphael Davis, O. Praem., 562.591.6924
Parochial Vicar


December 12, 1923 Every Friday during Lent immediately
ENGLISH after the 6:30pm Mass. Also, at
7:30pm in front of the abortion mill
Saturday: 8 a.m. (Church)
located at 2777 N. Long Beach Blvd.
5 p.m. (School Hall)
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Church) HOLY INNOCENTS PARISH SCHOOL
Sister Madeleine, O.C.D., Principal
10 a.m. (School Hall) YEAR OF ST. PAUL
2500 Pacific Avenue ~ Long Beach, CA 90806
5 p.m. (Church) New Mass time! 562.424.1018

Daily: 6:55 a.m. (Church) Monday through Friday PRAYER TO SAINT JOSEPH

Domingo: 7 a.m. (Templo)

S aint Joseph, faithful spouse of the Blessed
Virgin Mary and guardian of Jesus, the Son
of God. Help me to follow your example. Help
11:30 a.m. (Templo) me love Mary as you did. Help me to sanctify my
daily work. Help me to love all the members of
1 p.m. (Templo)
my family with daily deeds of service. Help me
7 p.m. (Templo) to love the Church and the Pope and to follow
Diario: 6:30 p.m. (Templo) Lunes a Viernes their teachings. Help me especially to love God
with my whole being and to be aware always of
CONFESSION / CONFESIÓN His Presence. I am confident that you will help
me now and at the hour of my death.
Friday/Viernes: 7:30 p.m. Amen. RJS
Saturday/Sábado: 5 p.m. (School Hall, Salón de la Escuela)
Sunday/Domingo: 8:30 a.m.
1 p.m.
5 p.m. New Confession time!
S eñor San José, fidelísimo esposo de la
santísima Virgen María y guardián de Jesús,
el Hijo de Dios. Ayúdame a seguir tu ejemplo.
7 p.m. Ayúdame a amar a la Virgen María como tú lo
hiciste. Ayúdame a santificar mi trabajo diario.
Ayúdame a amar a todos los miembros de mi fa-
OFFICE HOURS / HORARIO DE LA OFICINA milia con obras de servicio cada día. Ayúdame a
9am to 3pm DAILY amar a la Iglesia y al Papa siguiendo sus en-
señanzas. Ayúdame especialmente a amar a Dios
PREGNANT? NEED HELP? con todo mi ser y a estar siempre consciente de
Call this 24 hour hotline and speak to a trained, caring su presencia. Confío en que tú me ayudarás ahora
person who can help you: 1-800-395-HELP y en la hora de mi muerte. Amén. RJS

“Every child who is born brings us God's smile and invites “Cada niño que nace nos trae la sonrisa de Dios y nos invita
us to recognize that life is his gift, a gift to be welcomed a reconocer que la vida es don suyo, un don que es preciso
with love and preserved with care, always and at every mo- acoger siempre con amor y conservar con esmero en todo
Page 2 Second Sunday in Lent March 8, 2009


Holy Innocents A special characteristic
of the Gospel of St.
Mark is the so-called
Church Hall
“messianic secret,” the fact
(20th Street and Pasadena)
that, for the moment, Jesus
All are welcome. does not want anyone out-
Admission is FREE! side the restricted group of
Refreshments FREE! his disciples to know that he is the Christ, the Son of God.
This is why he often admonishes the apostles and the sick
FIREPROOF people whom he heals to not reveal his identity to anyone.
THIS MOVIE IS A VERY WHOLESOME For example, Mark 1:21-28 tells of a man possessed by
a demon, who suddenly cries out: “What do you want
with us Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us?
adults of all ages. Our Confirmations stu-
I know who you are: the holy one of God!” Jesus answers
dents saw it and liked it very much. him: “Be quiet! Come out of him!” And immediately, the
It is about a young married couple and evangelist notes, the evil spirit came out of the man with a
their struggles. Its message is powerful and loud cry. Not only does Jesus chase demons out of peo-
inspiring. ple, freeing them from the worst slavery, but he prohibits
the demons themselves from revealing his identity. And
he insists on this “secret” because the fulfillment of his
HOLY FATHER’S INTENTIONS mission is at stake, on which our salvation depends.
He knows in fact that to liberate humanity from the
General: That the role of women may be more appreciated
and used to good advantage in every country in the world. dominion of sin he must be sacrificed on the cross as the
true paschal lamb. The devil, for his part, tries to divert
Mission: That in the light of the letter addressed to them by
Pope Benedict XVI, the Bishops, priests, consecrated per- his attention and direct it instead toward a human logic of
sons, and lay faithful of the Catholic Church in the Popular a powerful and successful messiah. The cross of Christ
Republic of China may commit themselves to being the sign will be the demon’s ruin, and this is why Jesus does not
and instrument of unity, communion and peace. cease to teach his disciples that in order to enter into his
glory he must suffer much, be rejected, condemned and
NEW SUNDAY MASS AT 5PM crucified (cf. Luke 24:26). Suffering is an integral part of
his mission.
We now have an evening
Jesus suffers and dies on the cross for love. When we
Mass in English every Sun-
consider this, we see that it is in this way that he gave
day at 5pm. The Mass is of-
meaning to our suffering, a meaning that many men and
fered at our church on the
women of every age understood and made their own, ex-
corner of 20th Street and
periencing profound serenity even in the bitterness of dif-
Pasadena. A newly formed
ficult physical and moral trials.
Youth Choir provides the
music. Confession is also We are certain: No tear, whether it be of those who suf-
available at this time. fer or those who stand by them, goes unnoticed before
TOGETHER IN MISSION The Virgin Mary carried in her mother’s heart the
Son’s secret, she shared in the painful moments of the
ANNUAL APPEAL ‘09 passion and crucifixion, sustained by the hope of the res-
We need the help of every parishioner urrection. To her we entrust those who suffer and those
to reach our parish goal and to help who dedicate themselves to supporting them each day,
our fellow Catholics in need. serving life in all its phases: parents, health care workers,
priests, religious, researchers, volunteers, and many oth-
Parish goal $29,425 ers. We pray for all of them.
Pope Benedict XVI
Pagina 3 Segundo Domingo de la Cuaresma Marzo 8, 2009


Jueves, Marzo 12
Necesitamos el compromiso de cada feligrés
a las 7 de la noche para que podamos alcanzar nuestra meta y así
Salón del Templo ayudar a nuestros hermanos Católicos más
necesitados de la Arquidiócesis.
(calles 20 y Pasadena)
Meta parroquial $29,425
Entrada gratis/Bocadillos gratis
Todos están bienvenidos
recomendada para adultos y adolescentes de
todas las edades. A nuestros alumnos de Bautizamos los infantes y niños pequeños los sábados en
confirmación les gustó mucho. En español e inglés. español.
Y con el fin de motivar a los padres
ESTACIONES DEL VÍA católicos a bautizar a sus hijos cuanto
antes después del nacimiento, no se
CRUCIS CADA VIERNES pedirá ningún donativo para los bebés
Las Estaciones del Vía crucis se rezará que tienen sólo un mes o menos.
solemnemente cada viernes después de la Los padres tienen obligación de hacer
Misa de 6:30pm en el templo de los que los hijos sean bautizados en las
Santos Inocentes. primeras semanas; lo más pronto
También se rezará el Vía crucis en frente después del nacimiento … Canon 867.1
del Centro de Abortos en el 2777 Long [Derecho Canónico de la Iglesia Católica].
Beach Blvd. a las 7:30pm.
Llame a la notaría parroquial para fijar la fecha hoy.
CARNE (“carne” incluye pollo) es
obligatorio el Miércoles de Ceniza y CATÓLICAS’ LO SON
todos los Viernes de Cuaresma (los
Puede ser que el templo se mira como un
que tienen de 14 años en adelante
templo Católico o que tienen allí una
están obligados por esta ley). imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe o de
AYUNAR es obligatorio el Miércoles de Ceniza y el Viernes otros Santos Católicos. También puede ser
Santo para los de 18 años de edad en adelante y hasta los 59. que el llamado ‘Padre’ se viste como
Al ayunar se pueden tomar dos comidas del día, suficientes sacerdote y que allí dan ‘Misas’. Nada de
para conservar el vigor; pero esas dos sumadas no pueden esto garantiza que son Católicos
equivaler a una comida completa. No es permitido comer entre verdaderos en comunión con el Papa
comidas ese día de ayuno, pero sí se pueden tomar líquidos. Benedicto.
Nota: Los enfermos, mujeres embarazadas y los ancianos Tristemente, hay un numero creciente
están exentos de estas leyes de la Iglesia sobre ayuno y de sectas nuevas que rechazan la autoridad del Papa y las demás
abstinencia. doctrinas Católicas pero al mismo tiempo dan la impresión a la
gente no instruida que ellos si son Católicos. Lo hacen porque
LA BIBLIA DE NAVARRA son ‘negocios’ y se aprovechan de la gente crédula. Los señores
encargados de aquellas sectas, aunque se visten de ‘Padres,’ no
La Biblia de Navarra es excelente están interesados en la salvación del alma.
para el estudio bíblico, en especial para ¡Cuidado con aquellas sectas! Y anote bien: un Católico debe
aquéllos que quieren expandir su asistir a Misa y recibir los Sacramentos solamente en una
conocimiento en la Sagrada escritura. parroquia ‘registrada’ con la Iglesia Católica, Apostólica y
Las notas al pie de la página en esta Romana. Si no, los llamados ‘Sacramentos’ recibidos no son
edición ofrecen una explicación y lícitos en los ojos de la Iglesia Católica, Apostólica y Romana.
entendimiento de la Biblia que es
Si usted tiene una duda sobre una Iglesia específica, llame a la
completamente provechoso a las
notaría parroquial. Tenemos en la oficina un directorio de todas
enseñanzas de la Iglesia Católica.
las parroquias que están en comunión con el Papa y con el
Obtenga su copia hoy en la rectoría por
Cardenal Mahony.
el bajo precio de $20.
“Todas las buenas obras en el mundo no se igualan al Santo
Sacrificio de la Misa porque aquellas son obras de los
hombres; pero la Santa Misa es obra de Dios. El martirio es
nada en comparación, porque este es el sacrificio del
hombre a Dios; pero la Santa Misa es el sacrificio de Dios
para el hombre.” - San Juan Vianney

"All the good works in the world are not equal to the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass because they are the works of men; but
the Mass is the work of God. Martyrdom is nothing in com-
parison for it is but the sacrifice of man to God; but the Mass
is the sacrifice of God for man." - St. John Vianney

Sunday, March 8
7:00am Roberto Reyes
8:30am Luis Leon † & Fam.
10:00am Elizabeth Van Hoorn †
11:30am Manuel Barriga & Mª De Jesús Romero †
1:00pm Julia † & Jesús Reyna & Family
5:00pm Pro-Populo
7:00pm Baltazar A. Luis Ramos † & Fam.
Monday, March 9
6:55am Wynne Family
6:30pm Ramiro Muñoz †
Tuesday, March 10
6:55am Gregoria Valdez †
6:30pm Macaria Ouano
Wednesday, March 11
6:55am Rosario Manalan
6:30pm Haydee Badilla †
Thursday, March 12
6:55am Joseph Yasvac †
6:30pm Gonzalo F. Valerio † & Family
Friday, March 13
6:55am Servando Manalang †
6:30 pm Emilio Coronel †
Saturday, March 14
8:00am Joseph Eischen †
5:00pm Gene Sanchez & Fam.

Thank you for giving to

Holy Innocents Parish.
We count on your prayer-
ful and financial support.
May God reward you!

Collection for Sunday, March 1: $6,500


Holy Innocents Church

Long Beach, California





Father will lead the faithful in the
praying the STATIONS OF THE
CROSS every Friday of Lent
immediately after the 6:30pm
Mass in the church on 20th
Street. This is a beautiful Lenten
devotion which is highly recom-
mended by saints and holy popes.
STATIONS will also be prayed
at 7:30pm in front of the Long
Beach Abortion mill located at
2777 Long Beach Blvd. Please
join us.


Abstaining from meat (“meat”
includes poultry) is obligatory on
Ash Wednesday and all Fridays
of Lent (those who are 14 yrs or
older are bound by this law).
Fasting is obligatory on Ash Wednesday & Good
Friday for anyone who is at least 18 yrs and not yet
59. Two other meals, sufficient to maintain strength,
may be taken; but together they should not equal an-
other full meal. Eating between meals on these days is
not permitted, but liquids are allowed. Obviously, the
sick, pregnant women and the elderly are exempt from
these regulations.

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