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Sun Salutation B Theme

LESSON PLAN AIMS & OBJECTIVES Name: George Watts Date: 10th Sept 2012 Time: 7 to 8:30pm Location: Llandrindod Wells No. of students: 20 to 25 Level of Students: Beginners and advanced LESSON TOPIC: SUN SALUTATIONS B THEME: Pushing your edge OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students should/will be able to: Prepare for SUN SALUTATIONS B Perform SUN SALUTATIONS B safely State 1 or 2 benefits and precautions of doing SUN SALUTATIONS Experiment with 2 or 3 rest positions (child, dog, crocodile, mountain)

HANDOUT/READING: Sun Salutations B Handout PROPS: Blanket



LESSON CONTENT INTRODUCTION Give handouts (dog & sun sal) SAVASANA 1) lie comfortably on back with legs/arms apart & feet to side & palms up; 2) Release lower back to floor; 3) close eyes; 4) Inhale let abdomen rise (breathe in/out through the nose); 5) exhale let abdomen fall; 6) Feel heavy/relaxed with each exhalation; 7) Sit in easy posture (to the right or spinal rock) KNEE TO CHEST 3 Rocking (Apanasana) 1) Lie comfortably on back with legs together & arms at sides (palms down). 2) Inhale & bring both legs to chest. 3) Interlock fingers below the knees. 4) Rock from side to side. 5) Shake & massage legs.





19:00 5

Tune into body. Calm. Tranquil. Inner Peace. Clarity.

http://george 0/06/14/shav asanacorpseposture

19:05 5

Flex calf & hamstring muscles (tight from sitting)

(M) Knees up; Blanket under knees; Blanket under head, Exhale with awareness to avoid sleep. (A) Crocodile; Childs pose http://george (P) Do NOT do wattsyoga.nin knee-to-chest if it causes or nee-to-chest- increases back posture or leg pain.

19:10 30

SEQUENCE: SUN SALUTATION B (Surya Namaskar) 1. Mountain 2. Chair 3. Forward Bend 4. Plank 5. Up-Dog 6. Down-Dog 7. Warrior (left) 8. Plank 9. Up-Dog 10. Down-Dog 11. Warrior (right) 12. Plank 13. Up-Dog 14. Down-Dog 15. Table top 16. Forward Bend 17. Chair 18. Mountain CAT & VARIATIONS (Marjaryasan) 1) Start in neutral position with wrists under shoulders & arms shoulder width. 2) Pull navel into small of back & arch back. 3) Tuck chin to chest & move slowing back/forth.4) Repeat several times. BRIDGE (Dwi Pada Pitham) 1) Lie supine on the floor. Bend knees & set feet on the floor, heels as close to the sitting bones as possible. 2) Exhale & pressing your inner feet & arms actively into the floor; push your tailbone upward toward the pubis, firming the buttocks, & lift the buttocks off the floor. Clasp hands below

A great challenge for your students! Stretches and tones every muscle in the body!

See Sun Salutation B Handout in the 201 Yoga Class Handouts section of the Yoga Teacher Lesson Plan Kit

http://george 0/06/21/sunsalutation-a

(M) Chanting mantras while doing Sun Salutation adds a spiritual dimension.

19:40 5

Lower back stretch. Concentration. Awareness. Steady breathing. Spinal massage. Decompress spine. Chest, neck & spine stretch. Calms brain. Stimulates lungs & thyroid. Rejuvenates legs. Improves digestion. Helps menopause. Relieves menstrual discomfort.

http://george 0/05/17/catpose-forlower-backpain http://george p=1631

(P)With a neck injury, keep the head in line with the torso.

19:45 5

(M) Place a thickly folded blanket under shoulders to protect your neck. (M) Support lift

19:50 5

your pelvis & extend through the arms to help you stay on the tops of your shoulders. 3) Lift buttocks until thighs are parallel to floor. 4) Stay in the pose for up to 1 minute. Release with an exhalation, rolling the spine slowly down onto the floor. MUDRA (APANA) On each hand, place thumb on tips of third and fourth finger tips. Keep other fingers straight and extended. Hold for five to fifteen minutes PLOUGH (Halasana) 1) From supported shoulder-stand, exhale & bend from hip joints to slowly lower your toes to floor beyond your head. As much as possible, keep torso perpendicular to floor & legs fully extended. 2) With toes on floor, lift top thighs & tailbone toward ceiling & draw inner groins deep into pelvis. Imagine your torso is hanging from the height of your groins. Continue to draw chin away from sternum & soften throat. 3) Continue to press hands against the back, pushing back up toward the ceiling as you press the backs of upper arms down. Or release hands away from back & stretch arms out behind you. Clasp hands & press arms actively down as you lift the thighs toward ceiling. 4) Stay for 1 to 5 minutes. 5) To exit bring hands onto back, lift back into supported shoulder-stand with an exhalation, then roll down onto back, or simply roll out of the pose on an exhalation.

Reduces anxiety, fatigue & backache. Therapeutic for asthma, HBP, osteoporosis. Helps increase confidence and infuse internal energy. Calms brain. Stimulates abdominal organs & thyroid gland Stretches shoulders & spine. Helps relieve symptoms of menopause. Reduces stress & fatigue. Therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia, sinusitis. http://george p=1643

of pelvis by sliding a block or bolster under sacrum.

19:55 5

(C) Diarrhoea, Menstruation, Neck injury, Asthma & high blood pressure

20:00 10

INVERSIONS Practice any inversions you want for 5 to 15 minutes.

20:10 5

COMPLETE BREATH 1) While sitting, lying, or standing, relax your shoulders and gaze straight ahead or close your eyes. 2) Inhaling slowly through your nose to a count of four, feel your abdomen, your mid-body (the diaphragm area), and your upper chest gently expand until you fill your lungs to capacity. 3) Exhaling slowly through your nose to a count of six, gently engage your abdomen and feel your body and your diaphragm gently coming back to centre as you empty your lungs. RELAXATION (PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE) 1) Lie in Savasana. 2) Ask students to tense & release their muscles in this order: forehead, eyes, neck, shoulders, abs, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, right foot, left foot, whole body. 3) Finish by focusing on belly breath.

Calms brain. Stretches shoulders & spine. Relieves menopause. Reduces fatigue. Therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia, sinusitis. Relieves tension and stress, helps your body find balance and energy, and improves the amount and quality of oxygen entering your body.

(C) Diarrhoea, Menstruation, Neck injury, Asthma & high blood pressure

http://youtu.b e/QyR77wEJ _Fw

20:15 15

Relaxation of a muscle requires deliberate thought.

http://george 0/09/05/progr essivemusclerelaxation

(M) Blanket to cover the student.

This weeks posture/asana Downward Facing Dog Benefits: Calms the brain Stimulates abdominal organs & thyroid gland Stretches shoulders & spine Helps relieve symptoms of menopause Reduces stress & fatigue Therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia & sinusitis Tones arms Sculpts thighs Shoulder opener Entire backside of body is set free

This weeks asana sequence Sun Salutation B

Sun Salutation B
1. Mountain 2. Chair 3. Forward Bend 4. Plank 5. Up-Dog

6. Down-Dog

7. Warrior (left)

8. Plank

9. Up-Dog

10. Down-Dog

11. Warrior (right)

12. Plank

13. Up-Dog

14. Down-Dog

15. Table top

16. Forward Bend

17. Chair

18. Mountain

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