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DIRECT INSTRUCTION AND LAB LESSON PLAN Name: ___DEMO DAY__ Grade:__7 Date: December 14, 2012_________ Strand:

_______________________ Topic: ____Heat in the Environment ______ Author: Allison Cunningham Course: Grade 7 Science and Technology Curriculum Document: Ontario Curriculum Document Science and Technology Grade 1-8, 2007 EXPECATIONS OVERALL EXPECATIONS GRADE 7 | UNDERSTANDING EARTH AND SPACE SYSTEMS HEAT IN THE ENVIRONMENT
2. investigate ways in which heat changes substances, and describe how heat is transferred; 3. demonstrate an understanding of heat as a form of energy that is associated with the movement of particles and is essential to many processes within the earths systems.

2.1 follow established safety procedures for using heating appliances and handling hot materials (e.g., use protective gloves when removing items from hot plates) 2.4 use scientific inquiry/experimentation skills (see page 12) to investigate heat transfer through conduction, convection, and radiation 2.5 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including heat, temperature, conduction, convection, and radiation, in oral and written communication 2.6 use a variety of forms (e.g., oral, written, graphic, multimedia) to communicate with different audiences and for a variety of purposes (e.g., using the conventions of science, create a labelled diagram to illustrate convection in a liquid or a gas) 3.1 use the particle theory to compare how heat affects the motion of particles in a solid, a liquid, and a gas 3.4 explain how heat is transmitted through conduction (e.g., the transmission of heat from a stove burner to a pot and from the pot to the pot handle), and describe natural processes that are affected by conduction (e.g., the formation of igneous and metamorphic rocks and diamonds)

Learning Goals (General/Specific)(Knowledge, skills etc) Learners will be able to:

Evaluation How will you assess/evaluate? Product Process Performance

1. Explain the type of heat transfer known as conduction 2. Explain the difference between conduction and convection Provincial Standard Criteria Included 3. Explain why a balloon with water in it doesnt pop when a match is Rubric YES NO held under it. 4. Explain why can with boiling water Exemplar YES NO in it crushes when flipped into cold water and relate it to particle theory. Teacher Materials Balloons matches Learner Materials Individual notebook for taking notes

Empty pop cans Hot plate Tub of cold water Online Jeopardy game link Introduction\Motivation

Writing utensil


Quick review of what convection and conduction is from last class. Who can tell me what each is? DEMO DAY who wants to see this balloon explode?? Whats going to happen to this hot pop can with boiling water in it?!?! MUAHAHAHA act like crazy scientist.

Sequence of Steps for Learning


1. Demonstrate the balloon and match 10 experiment. Ask WHO WANTS TO SEE ME LIGHT THIS BALLOON ON FIRE? 2. Have students predict what will happen when you hold a match under a blown up balloon. 3. Blow up a balloon and hold a match underneath. The balloon will explode. 4. Now fill the balloon with water and hold the match underneath. Why is it not exploding? Put the match near a place where there is no water. Do we know why now? 5. Discuss and relate back to conduction. The heat is being conducted through the balloon in into the water so it doesnt explode. 6. While completing other demo set up pop cans with 1cm of water in them on hot plates so water boils. 7. Bring class attention over to pop can station and explain. Ask for predictions on what will happen to pop can when it is flipped over into cold tub of water. 8. Do the demo pop can crushes ask students why??? Relate back to particle theory. Have students think about what is happening inside the pop can. 15

Strategies to Match Sequence of Learning 1. Demonstration

2. Class discussion

3. Demonstration

4. Class discussion

9. Water boils and creates water gas particles they fill the can up and push out all the air when the can if flipped into the cold water the water gas particles cool and turn back into liquid can crushed because no more gas particles are pushing on inside walls. 10. Draw diagram on board to students understand. 11. Play heat transfer Jeopardy game until end of class review. 20 5. Educational game for review




Accommodations? Modifications?


Areas for Growth:


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