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Team Members:
Names Twinkle Majithia Dilshad Budhwani Tanya Carvalho Aarti Pilgaonkar Shreya Shah Vinod Punjabi

Roll No. 206 219 225 239 245 249

November2010 Undertheguidanceof Prof.JayprakashShah


SR. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 CONTENTS Introduction Abbreviations AboutMahanagarGasLtd.(MGL) Problems faced before Introduction of the Functional Information Systems FunctionalInformationSystem(SAPCRM) ISUCCSAnIntegratedComponentofSAPinMGL TypesofCustomerqueries/callsreceivedatMGL OperationoftheSAPCRMModule NewRegistrationEnquiry(ProspectCustomer) ComplaintManagementSystem(CMS)ZCS_CM ComplaintClosure(IW66) OutboundCallingCustomerSatisfactionSurvey ReportsconsistingofMISReport,DSSReport,EISReport TestingofSAPCRMModule TrainingMethodology DataMigrationStrategy ImplementationMethod MeasuringtheSuccessofFIS IntegrationofFIS(SAPCRM)withotherFIS BenefitsofUsingSAPCRM(FIS) FutureScope PAGENOS. 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 1014 1517 1826 2733 3435 3641 4245 4646 4748 4950 5151 5252 5353 5454

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ThisreportdetailstheprocessadoptedbyMahanagarGasLimitedforimplementationofSAP ERP (including CRM) throughout the organization. Anticipating a new and emerging scenario of growing customer base due to new areas coming up in the City Gas Distribution sector, Mahanagar Gas Ltd. embarked upon an important mission of implementing ERP solutions through Project Convergence. The main objective of Project Convergence was to ensure the ushering of superior efficiency and tighter controls within their business processes. Taking this aim forward to transform Business Processes by leveraging SAP to grow in business along with satisfied consumers and stake holders, MGL implemented SAP ERP with minor customizationsintheCustomerServiceManagementModule.

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TERM MGL SAP ERP CRM CNG PNG FIS GUI DESCRIPTION MahanagarGasLimited SystemApplicationProduct EnterprisesResourcesPlanning CustomerRelationshipManagement CompressedNaturalGas PipedNaturalGas FunctionalInformationSystem GraphicalUserInterface

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MGLis one of Indias leading natural gas distribution companies established in 1995, as a joint venture between GAIL (India) Ltd, the BG Group, (U.K.) and the Government of Maharashtra. MGL has to its credit the distinction of pioneering the natural gas distribution network in Mumbai and its neighboring areas. Today, MGL connects over 4.5lakh households and over 1000smallcommercialandindustrialestablishments.Throughitsrobustnetworkofaround150 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) stations with more than 700 dispensing points, MGL also suppliesCNGtoovertwolakhvehiclesinandaroundthecityofMumbai. MGL has all the resources and competencies required from concept to commissioning of gas distribution networks available inhouse. The entire business in MGL has been integrated through ERPSAP system. MGL has got a track record of almost 100% reliability in its gas supply. In the interest of the Customer, MGL has taken several customerfriendly initiatives suchasmultiplebillpaymentoptionsandmultiplecustomercontactchannels. In its pursuit of providing excellent service to its customers; MGL has developed a well equipped Customer Care Centre to cater to customer requirements. Competent and adequately trained personnel are deployed to respond to customers requirements. MGLsmultiplechannelsofcommunicationforcustomers: TelephoneCallCustomerHelplineoperativefrom8:00hrsto22:00hrsdaily. EmergencyHelpline02224012400/1800229944 WalkinCentersCustomerscanvisitBandra,Kandivali,Mulund&Thaneoffices

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NoCentralizedDatabase Lack of integration of Billing Details of a Customer with the CRM software in real time. Reason was operation of Database for Billing and CRM application on different platforms Weakercontrol,checksandvalidationsintheSystems. Each Business process of the company had an individual database and application needed for their day to day business operations. The day to day activities were carried outonsoftwareimplementationswhichwerefragmented Isolatedinitiativesbyindividualdepartmentstoaddresstheirownneeds. LackofrealtimeMISreports

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MGL is the first City Gas Distribution Company to have a SAP based Customer Care Module (SAPCRM),which is easily accessible across all its offices in and around Mumbai. The information isavailableon a real time basis. SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM)providestheinsightandanalysisyouneedtoanticipatecustomerneedsandbuildlasting andprofitablecustomerrelationships.

BenefitsofSAPCRMtoMGL: Flexibilityofcreatinguniquecustomerexperiences. Drivingtheorganizationtomoreconsistent,relevantinteractionsacrossallchannelsand touchpoints Enableendtoendprocesseswithintheindustryvaluechain Improvedinteractionswithcustomers,clientsandsalesprospects. Boostfieldutilizationthroughoptimizedresourcesandeasyaccesstoinformation Identifyandretainhighvaluecustomerswithcustomerloyaltyprograms

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ISUCCS An Integrated Component of SAP Enterprise Information System in MGL:


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OperationoftheSAPCRMModule: LoggingintoSAPSystem:
SAPGUI SAP provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to enable user to work on the SAP R/3 system.TheGUIisinstalledontheuserdesktopandconnectstothecorrespondingbackend server. NavigatingwithSAPEasyAccessMenu ThenewmenuconsistsofverticalnavigationasillustratedinFig.Toexpandanylevel, clickontheicon StartupandShutdownoftheSAPSystem: 9 BeforeusercanusetheSAPSystem,usermustlogon.Whenuserisdonewithusingthe SAPSystem,usershouldlogoff. 9 The first time a user logs on, and at regular intervals thereafter, user should change his/herpassword. Activities 9 UserstartstheSAPSystembyselectingthelogonicononthedesktop. 9 Iftheuserislogginginforthefirsttime,he/shewillhavetochangetheinitialpassword providedbythesystemadministrator.Ifthisisnottheusersfirsttimelogon,usermay changethepasswordinaccordancewiththesecuritypoliciesoftheCompany. 9 WhentheuserarefinishedworkingwiththeSAPSystem,he/sheshouldlogoff. LoggingintotheSAPSystem 9 TostarttheSAPSystem,choosetheiconfortheSAPSystem. ,presettotheleftofthefolderheading.

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Result 9 TheSAPlogonscreenappears,clickonthedescriptionPRODUCTION

9 The logon screen (in the figure given below, with the title SAP) appears in a new window.Youarenowreadytologon.

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Steps 9 IntheClientfield,entertheclientnumber. 9 IntheUserIDfield,theuserentersuserID. 9 In the Password field, enter the initial password provided by the system administrator. ChooseEnter. 9 Iftheuserisenteringthesystemforthefirsttime,thesystemautomaticallydisplaysthe newpassworddialogbox.Theusermustchangetheinitialpassword. 9 Enterthenewpassword. 9 PressEnter.

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9 If the user is already a regular user in SAP, then without asking for any password changethefollowingscreenwillcome.

9 Select the middle option if the user wants to continue without terminating the session loggedinwithhis/heruseridbyanotherperson.

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9 InthestandardSAPSystem,theSAPEasyAccessinitialscreenappears,asshownhere.

LoggingOff 9 TheusercanlogofffromtheSAPSystemfromanyscreen. 9 Fromthemenubar,chooseSystemLogoff. 9 Click the button at the upper righthand corner of the screen (if the user only has one sessionrunning). 9 TheLogoffdialogboxappears(asshownhere),informingtheuserthatanydatahe/she hasnotyetsavedwillbelostifhe/sheproceedwithloggingoff.

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LoggingofNewRegistrationEnquiryisdonedifferentlybecausethereisnoBPnumberand henceitbecomesdifficulttomaintainatrackoftheworkprogress.ForthecategoriesNew RegistrationEnquiryandNewareaEnquirythefollowingmethodologyisused GotoActionBoxintheCICscreen;clickonCustomerTabselectCreateCustomer

ThiswilltaketheusertotheCreateContactPartnerScreen;gointotheControlTabandselect theoption9006fortheBPTypefromthedropdownlist.

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ThentheuserwillhavetogototheAddressTabandfillinalldetailslikeGrouping,Title,First Name,LastName,Room,Floor,Street2,Street4,Street5,etc.

ItismandatorytoselecttheRegionalStructureGroup(DRS)fromthedropdownsothatthecall canbeforwardedtotheconcernMIC.

Afterfillingupallthemandatoryfieldsclickonthesaveicon andsystemshallgeneratea


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Copythisnumber;refreshthezcs_cmscreenandpastethenumberinthesearchparameter field.


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2. ComplaintManagementSystem(CMS)ZCS_CM
a. ComplaintfromExistingCustomers: TologaCustomerComplain,ServiceandQuery,thecustomercareexecutive(Agent)willhave clickonComplainManagement


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If the Agent do not have customers BP Number; he can search the Business Partner by the followingoptions:

9 Name 9 Address 9 Identification Number 9 Bank Particulars 9 Contact Number (Complain)

9 Telephone Numbers 9 Registration form Number 9 Legacy CRN 9 Contract Account Number

After entering the BP number in the respective field; press Execute the following screen will beopened.PressiconGenerateContact

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IntheGenerateContactScreenatentativeContact(Complain)Numbershallbegenerated;fill inthemandatoryfieldslikeComplaintBy,ContactType,Contact Direction,PriorityandCustomerInfo.ThenclickradiobuttononClass(i.e.Department)

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Validationsintheabovescreenareshownastickedmarkedboxeswithoutwhichthecomplaint wouldnotbeaccepted.


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AfterselectingtheActionandenteringCustomerRemarks,savethecall;systemgenerates ContactNumberandNotificationNumber

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ClickontheGreentickoftheinformationbox,clickonBackandRefreshsystemforthenext call.

CheckingforRepetitiveCallswithinBenchmarkperiod Whenacustomercalls,enterhisBPnumberintheCMSinitialscreen,press clickon and


complainwithinbenchmarkperiod.IfNo;continuetologregularcall.IfYes;doubleclickon thecomplainnumber.

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The generate complain screen shall open, click on belowshallopenup

A box as per image given

Boxshallautomaticallyupdatethenumberoftimesthecustomerhascalledwithinbenchmark period.CallagenthastoenterdetailslikecallingpartyandRemarksandthenclickonSubmit. System shall update status automatically and if the User selects BP wise Report, relevant data isvisible.

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If the user select and click on the line item; the Repeated Calls box shall appear. Click on ReportsandRepeatedCallLoggedreportshallopenup.

All such repetitive calls within benchmark shall be logged in the system against the same contact (complain) number (i.e. new complain number shall not be generated during the benchmarkperiod). Also the customer billing details can be viewed as below by right clicking on Contract Account andselectingoptionAccountDisplayFPL9

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3. ComplaintClosure(IW66)
For all complaint and service requests logged by the CRM Dept a Notification is automatically created in the background. The AIC / MIC / official of the concerned department shall log in hisSAPIDandtypeiw66(ChangeServiceNotification)inthemenuscreen

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Select Notification Type S3 and enter search parameters like Date Range (if you know it) Select Dept from drop down. Enter Date Range (from / to). In Partners enter VW and Employee Number.

AdropdownlistofOpenNotificationsshallappear;doubleclickonthelineitemandenterthe notification

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Validationsintheabovescreenareasshownbelowwherethestandardremarksintheuser statushastobeupdated

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After confirmation; select relevant Standard Remark from drop down options and click on Backbutton

ConfirmcompletionofTaskbyfirstclickingontheChequeredFlagatthebottomofthepage andthenonthetopofthepage.



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4. OutboundCallingCustomerSatisfactionSurvey
This process has been developed keeping in mind our requirement to capture data systematicallyofcallmadetogetfeedbackonourservicesfromoncustomer. To begin click shownbelowwillopenup in the CMS Initial screen. The Detail Report Screen as

Fillintherelevantfieldsandpressenter.DetailedCMSReportscreenasshownbelow shallopenup


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Agent can call up the customer; select call type (which is useful for reporting purpose), select appropriatecustomerfeedbackandentercustomerremarksinrelevantfields.Oncethisisdone hehastoclickonSaveandthenSubmit.Apopupwindowshallappear

ClickOKandthesystemshalltakeyoubacktothereportscreenandyoucancontinuewiththe nextcall.

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1) ManagementInformationSystem(MIS)Report This MIS report summarizes the number of complaints open as well as closed categorized on thebasisofDepartmentNameandComplaintcategorywhetherthecalliscomplaint,queryora servicecall. a) InputScreen The CMS Detail report can be obtained based on the 5 report types as shown below with the helpofanarrow.

The mandatory fields in the above report are the time period between which the CMS detail reportisneeded.(FromDateandToDate). The next mandatory field is the whether the report required is category wise (call, query or service), contact wise (email or telephone) or complaint category wise (Arrears reflecting, bill notreceived,billrelatedquery,DPC,LateReceiptofBill,MeterNotread,multipleassessedbill, VDS,wrongreadingetcbasedonthenatureofcomplaint)

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b) OutputScreen CQS Summary report gives the detailed report of the complaints logged based on the nature of thecomplaintwhetherthecomplaintreceivedbythecustomerisactuallyacomplaint,aservice callorjustaquery.

Contact Wise Summary Report as shown below gives the detailed report of the number of complaintsbasedonwhetherthecomplaintsreceibedarebyemailortelephone.

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Category Wise Summary Report as shown below gives the detailed report of the number of complaintsbasedonthecategoryofcomplaints.

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2) DecisionSupportSystem(DSS)Report: Repetitive calls within benchmark shall be logged in the system against the same contact (complain) number (i.e. new complain number shall not be generated during the benchmark period).TherepeatedcallslogreportenablesthemiddlemanagementinMGLtotakedecisions and find out the reasons for the same nature of complaint repeating again for the same customer. In case any customer is facing problems quite frequently then the manager calls up a teammeetingofthepeopleconcernedandappropriatestepsaretaken. a) InputScreen The following is the input screen for the Repetitive Complaints received by customers wherein the Date field has to be specified between which the complaints are received by any particular customerveryfrequently.ThecustomerisdefinedastheBusinessPartner.

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b) OutputScreen As seen in the screenshot below, the numbers of complaints received by customer with businesspartnernumber1100019794ashighlightedare7inourmentionedtimeperiod.

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3) ExecutiveInformationSystem(EIS)Report: The following EIS report details the Ageing Report of the complaints logged in the database by the call agents. This report summarizes the complaints based on their resolution time i.e. which complaintshavetakengreaterthanorequalto7days/15days/30days. This report is generated by the senior management personnel to trace down the reason for the delaycausedinresolvingthecomplaintsfacedbycustomersandonbasisoftheir observations, thenecessaryactionistaken.

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TESTINGOFSAPCRMMODULE: The testing methodologies which were used were mainly Unit Testing, Integration Testing and UserAcceptanceTesting. InMGL,theSAPsystemlandscapecomprisedoftheDevelopmentClient(DEV),QualityClient (MGQ) and Production Client (MGP). As seen in the screenshot below, the transport routes wereconfigured.

All the configurations and developments created in the development client were tested in development client and then they were transported to the Quality client for Integration testing withtheothermodules.OncethefinaltestingwasdoneinQualityonlythentheconfigurations weremovedtotheproductionclient. TheABAPers/developershaddevelopedtheZprogram(customizedprogramZCS_CM)forthe logging of complaints and searching of customers through business partner numbers/contact nos etc and also the complaint closure functionality. Once the program was developed in SAP, theUnitTestingwasdonebytheDevelopersintheDevelopmentSystem. Once the Unit Testing was successful in Development client, the Core Team Members or champion users identified by the company tested the customizations in the Quality client with reference to its integration with the other modules along with the sample data. Only after the testingiscompleted,theconfigurationismovedtotheliveproductionsystem.

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TRAININGMETHODOLOGY: Identification of the key users in each department or owner of each functional business process and arranging training for these core team members who can in turn train the endusersintheirrespectivedepartment. Classroom trainings were given to the end users (employees of the organization along withthecontractemployees)bytheCoreTeamMembers. Online practice sessions were conducted for the benefit of end users on the End User Training System which was a replica of the actual Production system so that they are welladaptedtotheSAPGraphicUserInterfaceandtheSAPscreens. RefresherTrainingsfortheCallCentreAgentswhouseSAPCRMmajorlyareorganized onaregularbasis. End User manuals have been prepared with embedded screenshots for the better understanding of the System Users and in order to give a clearer picture to them with referencetotheCRM.

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DATAMIGRATIONSTRATEGY: MGL has used standard SAP provided tools/functionality for Data Migration from their legacy systemstoSAP. 1. OneofthetoolsusedinMGLisaBusinessApplicationProgrammingInterface(BAPI) whichisapreciselydefinedinterfaceproviding accesstoprocessesanddatainbusiness application systems such as R/3. BAPIs can be called within the R/3 System from external application systems and other programs. BAPIs are the communication standardforbusinessapplications. BAPIinterfacetechnologyformsthebasisforthefollowingdevelopments: Connecting NewR/3components,forexample,AdvancedPlannerandOptimizer(APO)and BusinessInformationWarehouse(BW). NonSAPsoftware Legacysystem IsolatingcomponentswithintheR/3SysteminthecontextofBusinessFramework DistributedR/3scenarioswithasynchronousconnectionsusingApplicationLink Enabling(ALE) PCprogramsasfrontendstotheR/3System,forexample,VisualBasic(Microsoft)or VisualAgeforJava(IBM). Workflowapplicationsthatextendbeyondsystemboundaries Customersandpartnersowndevelopments 2. Another standard tool used for ISU (i.e. billing and FICA) is EMIGALL which is an IndustrySpecificUtilityDataMigrationWorkbench. Migration is an open interface for transferring master data and transaction data to ISU. The outflow is orientated around the target system ISU. This means that the data model or the function of the legacy system for migration is neither required nor used.The migration procedurecannotrunbasedontables,becauseoftherelationalSAPsystemdatamodelandthe considerable complexities it contains. Instead it has to compile related data in such a way as to guaranteeconsistencyinthedataafterthetransfer.

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The data is compiled into migration objects for the migration into the SAP application. In these units the data is transferred into the SAP system. At the same time, special service function modules have been created in ISU for the business objects of this application. They make an objectorientated transfer possible. These modules operate in direct input mode and can thus avoid the performance disadvantages of batch input processes.The structure of a migration object is defined in controlling tables delivered by SAP. It can consist of several SAP structures. Youcanfindallthestructuresconnectedwithamigrationobjectinthedictionary.Userdefined enhancements(fields)aretakenintoaccountatthesametime. Datacanbeextractedfromthelegacysystemusinguserdefinedextractionprograms.Theexact record structure is determined per table settings in the Migration Workbench (transaction EMIGALL). Data sets that have been generated in this way, and transferred to your target computer by file transfer, are read and processed in the SAP system by the import program, which is generated by the customer system. The code conversion (EBCDID to ASCII) is carried outatthesametime.Thedataisthenformattedandtransferredtothedirectinputmodule. So, ISU Migration work bench represents an open interface & works with the business objects insteadofdatabasetablesandwithdirectinputinsteadofbatchinput.

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IMPLEMENTATIONMETHOD: The implementation method used in MGL is similar to that of a waterfall model (i.e. Requirements,Design,Implementation,VerificationandMaintenance). TheSAPCRMimplementationwascarriedoutin5phasesasseeninthescreenshotbelow:

ProjectPreparation 9 IdentificationofProjectTeam 9 IdentifyingProjectObjectives 9 Definingtheprojectinfrastructureintermsofhardware,network,officeetc. 9 Strategizethedecisionmakingprocess 9 ObtainsupportofTopManagementandStakeholder BusinessBluePrint(BBP) 9 DocumentationofCurrentBusinessProcessandtheirinterlinkages(AsIsProcess) 9 GenerallytheimplementationpartnerdocumentstheprocessesinQuestionandAnswer formatcalledQADB(QuestionandAnswerDatabase) 9 The project team would document how the processes will get mapped in SAP once it is inplace(ToBeProcess)

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Realization 9 ConfigurationanddevelopmentofprocessesidentifiedinBBP 9 Testingoftheconfigurationanddevelopments 9 UnitTest 9 DevelopmentTest 9 IntegrationTest 9 CreateAuthorizationsofusersforcarryingouttransactionsofSAPusers. FinalPreparation 9 Endusertrainingisconducted 9 ITinfrastructureandnetworkareputinplace 9 TransactionDatathatneedstobemigratedtoSAPfromthelegacysystemsareprepared 9 MockRunisconducted 9 HelpDesktosupportusersafterSAPisliveissetup.

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MEASURINGTHESUCCESSOFFIS SuccessfactorofSAPinMGL:People,PeopleandPeopleonly 9 Active participation and involvement of all employees can pave the way for success of SAP 9 Holisticthinkingnotjustrestrictedtoownsbusinessprocess 9 DisciplineinhandlingSystems 9 Integrationofallbusinessprocessesononecommonplatform 9 Improve firstcontact resolution with onthespot information and resources needed to resolveissues

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INTEGRATIONOFFIS(SAPCRM)WITHOTHERFIS SAPCRMhasbeenintegratedwiththeBillingModule Forexampleincasethecustomerlogsacomplaintthathis/herlastmeterreadingwasnottaken, then the call agent checks for the same in the system with real time data and if the meter reading is not there then the call is forwarded to the RRM (Revenue and Receivables Management) Team who then send personnel to the customers location and then the data is recordedintheSAPSystem. SAPCRMhasalsobeenintegratedwiththeOperations&MaintenanceFIS ForexampleifthecustomercallsforTemporaryDisconnectionoftheirGasconnectionthenthe Customer Care Agent forwards the call to the Projects Team who visit the customer and once the process of temporary disconnection is completed the data is updated in the System accordingly.

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BENEFITSOFUSINGSAPCRM(FIS) ThefollowingarethebenefitsofusingtheSAPCRMfromMGLpointofview 9 Improve customer serviceby giving sales, marketing, and service users easy access to informationandprocessesaboutcustomers. 9 EfficiencyandControlwithstandardizationofbusinessprocess 9 Integratedsolutionwhichcanhandlesuchahugeandgrowingcustomerbase. 9 Flexibilitytoadapttochangeslikeregulatoryscenario 9 TrackingandmonitoringofComplexProjects 9 Dynamicgenerationofinformationforbettercustomerserviceandfocus Flexibility 9 9 9 9 Integration 9 9 9 9 Standardization 9 Technology 9 Processbased 9 Uniformityinworkpractices OneviewofdataNoneedforreconciliation Seamlessintegrationacrossmodules Embeddedfinancialcontrols,audittrails,performancemeasurements Effectiveanalyticaltools ModulesreadywithConfigurableoptions Bestpracticestochoosefrom Onlinecapabilitiescentraldatabase,accessanywhere

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FUTURESCOPE MGL has presently implemented CRM by implementing SAPERP and through minor customizations in the standard module. However if SAPCRM module is implemented in totalitythenthefollowingadditionalbenefitscanbeachieved. AchievearapidROIthroughfastimplementationandintuitiveoperation Lower your total cost of ownershipwith a softwareasaservice solution that requires no onpremise installation or maintenance costsand that provides a predictable, payas yougofeestructure Ensure an upgrade pathfor migrating to the full SAP CRM application without disruptingexistingprocessesordeviatingfromyourSAPsolutionroadmap Protect your current SAP technology investmentthrough integration with SAP ERP, enabling the centralized, accurate sourcing of data, comprehensive customer information,andstreamlinedbusinessprocesses Streamline service desk operations by enabling call center agents to track and resolve incidentsandproblemsquicklyandeasily Gain insights into service desk operations with builtin analytics and addon tools fromtheSAPBusinessObjectsportfolio Satisfy customers and stakeholders by transparently defining and enforcing service levelagreements Optimizationofvaluesdeliveredwitheverycustomerinteraction Increase loyalty with consistent, personalized customer experiences across all touch points Increase customer retention by providing service employees with the information and toolstheyneedtopreventchurn Reduce returns by enabling customers to solve their problems and by proactively resolvingknownproductdefects Provide a consistent user experience across all interaction channels, including voice, textmessaging,Webcontacts,andemail. EndofReport

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