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Computer lab maintane is a very simple application which can be used in any college by the inchrge.. And can return it to the inchrge when the expiry/return date is over. In this application the inchrge should check the components availability in the

database if the component is available then the inchrge can issue the component to the member if the component is not available he cannot issue the component to the member. In this application i.e, the computer lab maintance can display the

members that are in the college, and it displays the components available in the lab, it displays the Final Report Respectively. This simple application displays the final report and also displays the components list form the database that are available in the component Availability Form. lab through the

Computer lab maintance is a very simple application which can be used in any college by the inchrge. Any member with VALID ID CARD can get issue of a

particular component that he wanted. In this application the inchrge should check the component availability in the database if the component is available then the inchrge

can issue the component to the member if the component is not available he cannot issue the component to the member. In this application i.e. the computer lab maintance can display the members that are in the college, and it displays the components available in the lab, it displays the Final Report Respectively. This simple application displays the Issue report and also displays the components list form the database that are available in the lab through the component Availability Form.

1.2 Problem Definition

This section is explained about the background of current system scenario. Rational Unified Process (RUP) is used to visualize the system flow on how the systems are runs. All the problems in the current system will be listed and explained in detail. The logical problem analysis method basically falls into three parts such as identifies the problems, choosing the best solution and implement the solution.

1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT To provide each and every detail of the component present in the database if it
is available.

To provide the records of the member present in the institution. To generate the reports for the final details for the lab. To build a monitoring system that is able to monitor and manage all lab
operations efficiently.

To store properly the lab items in order to maintain their security. To ensure and preserve details of the various issues and keep a track on their

To build a system that can receive input and generate automatically output in easy
way and short time. 2


One limitation is that our software is limited to small and medium scaled libraries. Also apart from Books no new category can be added in the system (or in turn be issued) like CDs etc.

The literature review and project methodology is a chapter that describes the analysis and findings on passed research, case study or research that relates with this project, computer lab maintance and it also review the selected approach or

methodology used in this system detail.


Earlier this process was done manually by entering the details of the user and component in a particular component and was very hectic to the inchrge to maintain those details. This process has become very complex in course of time and burden in this process.

2.3 PROBLEMS IN EXISTING SYSTEM It is time taking process for the inchrge and user. It is very difficult to maintain the details of the user and component where it
was entered manually.


We provide maintance service for lab computer like server, network ...Etc here, the security and uniform maintance will provide. It is very easy to maintain the details of the component& labs, etc., Hence this process is the most convenient in all aspects compared to the existence system.

This chapter will cover the problem analysis, requirement analysis and conclusion of the analysis. From the analysis, the criteria and problem of the current system will be analyze and characterized.

3.2 Software Requirement Specification

3.2.1 Software Requirement

Working Platform Front-End Tool Back-End Tool

: : :

Windows JDK 1.6.0 ORACLE10g

3.2.2 Hardware Requirement

Processor Ram Hard Disk Operating System

: : : :

Intel Pentium 4 1GB 60GB Windows XP

3.3 Content Diagram of the Project (Architecture)

The system requires two-tier architecture for its execution on the client-server architecture, if the database is remote.


A machine, probably one per user, could be designed such that the data I kept on one more shared files servers. The users of such systems architectures or such systems themselves are called CLIENTS. The communication generally takes the form of a request message from the client to the server asking for some work to be done like the retrieval of the payments information or the report generation of the total expenses in the current application. The server then does the work and sends back the reply. Usually there are many clients using small number of servers. 5

4. DESIGN 4.1 Introduction

The design phase is consisting of 3 activities. The activities are: a. Logical design This activity involves class diagram and interaction diagram b. Interface design The activity includes navigation design, output design and input design. c. Database design This activity defines logical data model, detail explanation for each entity, description of the association, cardinality and relationship.

4.2 Project Diagrams(ER/UML)

ER Diagram

The Entity-Relational data model allows us to describe the data involved in realworld enterprise in terms of objects (entities) and their relationships and is widely used to develop an initial data base Database Design The ER model is important for its role in database design. It provides a useful concept that allows changing the detailed and informal description of what users want to a precise and formal description that can be implemented in a DBMS. Within the overall design process, the ER model is used in a phase called conceptual database design. Even though the ER model describes the physical database model, it is basically useful in the design and communication of the logical data base model.





RECTANGLES: This represents entity set. HEXAGON:

This represents relationships among entity sets, which are connected to the rectangles by lines.

This represents attributes to entity sets and entity sets to relationships.

An entity is a thing or object in the real world i.e. distinguishable from other objects. The Entity-relationship model is based on a collection of basic objects, called entities and the relationship among these objects

An entity is a basic object of ER-model which is an object in real world that can be distinguished and can exists independently.

Similar entities, i.e., the entity having similar properties are grouped together to form entity set.

The properties of entities are called attributes. For example, if we consider a component as an entity, then each component will have its own name, status, copies. All these are the attributes of the component.

It defines the association among two entities. Suppose, consider components and lab are two entities. These entities are associated as consit contains lab. Hence contains is the relationship between the two entities, components and lab.




1. LAB a. l_ id b. l_inchrge

2. COMPONENTS a. c_id

b. c_name c. d. c_status s/w c_status h/w

3. USER A. uid B. u name C. u duration


The relationship between lab and allot is contains, between is component is consit to the user


Key constraints are used in relations to uniquely identify some records of the relation. A key constraint can be defined as a statement that consists of minimal subset of attributes that uniquely determine a record in a table. This set of attributes that work in accordance with the key constraint is called candidate key. A candidate key is a collection of fields that uniquely identifies a tuple.

COMPOSITE KEY: It consists of more than one attribute that uniquely identifies a tuple in a relation. All the attributes that form a set of them taken together determines a unique row in a table.

SUPER KEY: It is a combination of both candidate key and composite key. That super key is a set of attributes or a single attribute that uniquely identifies tuple in a relation.

Only a single attribute can uniquely identify a particular record. More specifically, it can be defined as the candidate key who has been selected as key identifies unique records. By the above we have different keys for the attributes.


Lab is an entity that contains the following attributes. L id Data type L inchrge Data type : : : : lab id number (primary key) lab inchrge varchar2


L id L inchrge

Component is the relation between allot and consit. cid Data type C name : component id : number (foreign key) : component name Data type number (foreign key) C status s/w Data type C status h/w Data type : : component status of s/w varchar2

: component status of h/w : varchar2

C id C name c status s/w c status h/w

Consist is the relation between user and lab C id Data type C name : : : component id number (foreign key) component name

Data type number (foreign key) C status s/w : status of component 12

Data type U name Data type U id Data type :

: : : :user id

varchar2 user name varchar2


Consist C id C name C status s/w Uname U id

user :
user is the entity having the following attributes. uid Data type u name : Data type U duration Data type : : : : : user identity number (primary key) user name varchar2 duration of user varchar2


User u id u name u duration

UML Activity diagram

An activity diagram is a variation or special case of a state machine, in which the states are activities representing the performance of operations and the transitions are triggered by the completion of the operations. An activity diagram can be used to model an entire business process. The purpose of an activity diagram is to provide a view of flows and what is going on inside a use case or among several classes. However, activity diagram can also be used to represent a classs method implementation. Object, An activity model is similar to a state chart diagram, where a token represents an operation. An activity is shown as a round box, containing the name of the operation. When an operation symbol appears within an activity diagram or other state diagram, it indicates the execution of the operation. Executing a particular step within the diagram represents a state within the execution of the overall method. The same operation name may appear more than once in a state diagram, indicating the invocation of the same operation in different phases. An outgoing solid arrow attached to an activity symbol indicates a transition triggered by the completion of the activity. The name of the implicit event need not be written, but the conditions that depend on the result of the activity or other values may be included. An activity diagram is used mostly to show the internal state of an but external events may appear in them. An external event appears when the object is in a wait state, a state during which there is no internal activity by the object and the object is waiting for some external event to occur as the result of an activity by another object. The two states are wait state and activity state. More than the one possible event might take the object out of the wait state; the first one that occurs triggers the transition. A wait state is the normal state. 14

Activity and state diagram express a decision when conditions are used to indicate different possible transitions that depend on Boolean conditions of container object. Actions may be organized into swim lanes, each separated from neighboring swim lanes by vertical solid lines on both sides. Each swim lane represents responsibility for part of the overall activity and may be implemented by one or more objects.




In many design processes, the use case diagram is the first that designers will work with when starting a project. This diagram allows for the specification of high level user goals that the system must carry out. These goals are not necessarily tasks or actions, but can be more general required functionality of the system. More formally, a use case is made up of a set of scenarios. Each scenario is a sequence of steps that encompass an interaction between a user and a system. The use case brings scenarios together that accomplish a specific goal of the user. A use case can be specified by textually describing the steps required and any alternative actions at each step. The use case diagram allows a designer to graphically show these use cases and the actors that use them. An actor is a role that a user plays in the system. It is important to distinguish between a user and an actor (better thought of as a role). A user of the system may play different roles through the course of his, her or its job (since an actor may be another system).




User Incharge


Sequence diagrams
Once the use cases are specified, and some of the core objects in the system are prototyped on class diagrams, we can start designing the dynamic behavior of the system. Typically, an Interaction diagram captures the behavior of a single case by showing the collaboration of the objects in the system to accomplish the task. These diagrams show objects in the system and the messages that are passed between them. There are two types of Interaction Diagrams - Sequence and Collaboration. Sequence diagrams emphasize the order in which things happen, while collaboration diagrams give more flexibility in their layout. You can use whichever you prefer when drawing interactions, as both shows the same information. A sequence diagram has two dimensions: The vertical dimension represents the Time, while the horizontal dimension represents different objects. The vertical line is called Lifeline. The lifeline represents the objects existence during the interaction. An object is shown in a box above the lifeline.


Sequence diagram for components:-




1. Consist of all components 3. 3. Enter into the lab

2.allot to the user

4. Ask the details 5. Enter details 6. Allot the system

7. Provide the

duration of time

8. Exit


Collaboration diagrams
A role is a slot for an object within a collaboration that describes the type of object that may play the role and its relationships to other roles. However, a sequence diagram does not show the relationships among the roles or the association among the objects. An object role is shown as a vertical dashed

Collaboration diagram for computer lab maintance:1.provide all facilities 2.user will enter
C: components L: lab 5.user enter the details 6.use the system

3. Provideto the user 4. Ask the details U :user 7.Provideduratio Time


We have different methods to identify classes. But for the unified approach we generally use the use-case driven, sequence/collaboration modeling approach. But in general we can combine these approaches to identify the classes for he given problem. The use-case driven approach identifies the classes and their behaviors through sequence/collaboration modeling. The process of creating or collaboration diagrams is a systematic way to think about how a use case can take place; and by doing so, it forces us to think about objects involved in the application. The following are the classes identified for my application.


: lab is a class that contains the lab details of the lab

COMPONENTS : components are a class that contains the components. USER :

User is a class that contains the user details.

The objects do not exist independently. They have to interact with other objects to perform the given responsibilities. The relationship among objects is based on the assumptions each makes about the other objects, including what operations can be performed and what behavior results. The relationship model includes the attributes which are referenced from the other entity and they are made cleared by identifying attributes. The attributes which are responsible for the other entity, are made cleared in the relationship model. Relation model specifies whether it is one-one [1-1] or one-much relation [1-N] or many-many [N-N] or Zero-many relation [0-N].The relation models do nothing but data base tables. Hence these tables are used for designing the data base to store the data efficiency into the data store. One book contains many copies so between book and copy is a1-N


relation. A particular copy belongs to a particular book so the relation between copy book is 1-1.


-Lab id -Lab inchrge 1

- c id -c name -c status s/w -c status h/w

+Insert () +Update () +Delete () +Select () 1...* * CONSIT -c id -c name -c status s/w -c status h/w ALLOT -u id -u inchrge USER Requests

- U id -U name -U duration

+Insert () +Delete () +Update () +Select ()


In the implementation results the project computer lab

maintance system can be compiled and executed through different ways as discussed - We can compile the main file of the project using javac mainframe/ - And execute the file by using java -There is also another form of execution we can write javac *.java in one line and in another line we can write java filename and save it as run.cmd. -By clicking the run.cmd automatically all the files in the project will be compiled and executed and the frames that we require will be displayed.


The key functions that are present in the project are discussed as shown below. In the computer lab maintance we can check the availability of the components in the database through the components availability form.

- This project provides security to the data present in it because the username & password can only be known to the inchrge.


5.3.1 FORMS Login form import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Panel; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPasswordField; import javax.swing.JTextField;

class Login extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JTextField txt_uname; JPasswordField txt_upass; JLabel lbl_uname,lbl_upass; JButton bt_login,bt_cancel; Connection con; Statement st; ResultSet rs; JFrame Logfrm; Panel panel; String username="",password=""; Login() {

try { Logfrm=new JFrame("ADMIN LOGIN"); panel=new Panel(); }catch(Exception e){} setLayout(null); lbl_uname=new JLabel("ENTER USER NAME :"); 24

lbl_upass=new JLabel("ENTER PASSWORD :"); txt_uname=new JTextField(15); txt_upass=new JPasswordField(15); bt_login=new JButton("LOGIN"); bt_cancel=new JButton("CANCEL"); bt_login.setActionCommand("Login"); bt_cancel.setActionCommand("Cancel"); txt_uname.setText(""); txt_upass.setText(""); panel.add(lbl_uname).setBounds(25,40,130,30); panel.add(lbl_upass).setBounds(25,90,130,30); panel.add(txt_uname).setBounds(145,45,110,25); panel.add(txt_upass).setBounds(145,95,110,25); panel.add(bt_login).setBounds(50,145,80,30); panel.add(bt_cancel).setBounds(150,145,80,30); bt_login.addActionListener(this); bt_cancel.addActionListener(this); panel.setLayout(null); Logfrm.add(panel); Logfrm.setSize(300,250); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Logfrm.setLocation((screenSize.width Logfrm.getWidth()) / 2, (screenSize.height - Logfrm.getHeight()) / 2); Logfrm.setUndecorated(false); Logfrm.setResizable(false); Logfrm.setVisible(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { //System.out.println("within action method"); try { if(ae.getSource()==bt_login) { if(txt_uname.getText().equals("")) JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"User ID shouldn't be blank","Error Message",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); else if(txt_upass.getText().equals(""))


JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Password shouldn't be blank","Error Message",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); else {

Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1522:xe","VAMS I","VAMSI"); st=con.createStatement(); rs=st.executeQuery("select * from VAMSI.LOGIN where username='"+txt_uname.getText()+"' and password='"+txt_upass.getText()+"'"); if( { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Your Authentication Successful.."); Logfrm.dispose(); new menudemo1(); //new menudemo(); } else {

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Please Enter the Correct UserID and Password","Error Message",JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } if(ae.getSource()==bt_cancel) { txt_uname.setText(""); txt_upass.setText("");

} }catch(Exception e){} } 26

} public class loginform { public static void main(String[] args) { new Login(); } } Menu form:import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class menudemo { public static void main(String args[]) { new menudemo1(); } } class menudemo1 extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JFrame frame; JMenuBar MenuBar; JMenu Menu1,Menu2,Menu3,Menu4; JMenuItem MenuItem11,MenuItem12,MenuItem13,MenuItem21,MenuItem22,MenuItem31,Me nuItem41; JLabel l ,l1,l2,l3,l4; JPanel p; menudemo1() { frame=new JFrame("COMPUTER LAB MAINTAINENCE"); MenuBar=new JMenuBar(); p=new JPanel(); frame.add(p); Menu1=new JMenu("MASTER"); Menu2=new JMenu("TRANSACTIONS"); Menu3=new JMenu("REPORT"); Menu4=new JMenu("EXIT"); MenuItem11=new JMenuItem("lab"); 27

MenuItem12=new JMenuItem("components"); MenuItem13=new JMenuItem("user"); MenuItem21=new JMenuItem("consit"); MenuItem22=new JMenuItem("allots");

MenuItem31=new JMenuItem("report"); MenuItem41=new JMenuItem("quit"); Menu1.add(MenuItem11); Menu1.addSeparator(); Menu1.add(MenuItem12); Menu1.addSeparator(); Menu1.add(MenuItem13); Menu1.addSeparator(); Menu2.add(MenuItem21); //Menu2.addSeparator(); Menu2.add(MenuItem22); //Menu2.addSeparator(); Menu3.add(MenuItem31); //Menu3.addSeparator(); Menu4.add(MenuItem41); MenuBar.add(Menu1); MenuBar.add(Menu2); MenuBar.add(Menu3); MenuBar.add(Menu4); MenuItem11.addActionListener(this); MenuItem12.addActionListener(this); MenuItem13.addActionListener(this); MenuItem21.addActionListener(this); MenuItem22.addActionListener(this); MenuItem31.addActionListener(this); MenuItem41.addActionListener(this);

l1=new JLabel(); l1.setText("COMPUTER LAB MAINTAINENCE"); Font f1=new Font("TimesNewRoman",Font.BOLD,20); l1.setFont(f1); l1.setForeground(Color.BLUE); 28

p.add(l1).setBounds(300,170,500,50); l2=new JLabel("ANDHRA LOYOLA INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY-VIJAYAWADA"); Font f2=new Font("TimesNewRoman",Font.BOLD,20); l2.setFont(f2); l2.setForeground(Color.magenta); p.add(l2).setBounds(120,50,500,20); l3=new JLabel("Guided By Rev.Fr.THAINESE S.J "); Font f3=new Font("TimesNewRoman",Font.BOLD,15); l3.setFont(f3); l3.setForeground(; p.add(l3).setBounds(200,200,500,20); JLabel img = new JLabel(new ImageIcon("images\\logo.PNG")); img.setForeground(Color.BLUE); p.add(img).setBounds(650,650,300,500); l4=new JLabel("Designed By K.VANI"); Font f4=new Font("TimesNewRoman",Font.BOLD,16); l4.setFont(f4); l4.setForeground(; p.add(l4).setBounds(8700,5600,800,90); frame.setJMenuBar(MenuBar); frame.setSize(900,600); frame.setVisible(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if(ae.getSource()==MenuItem11) { new lab1(); } else if(ae.getSource()==MenuItem12) { new components1(); } else if(ae.getSource()==MenuItem13) { new user1(); } else if(ae.getSource()==MenuItem21) {


JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"you clicked on consit"); new consit1(); } else if(ae.getSource()==MenuItem22) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"you clicked on allots"); new allot1(); }

else if(ae.getSource()==MenuItem31) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"you clicked on report"); new report1(); } else if(ae.getSource()==MenuItem41) { frame.dispose(); }

} }




















The test cases are generated by testing our software, after its designing process in the development phase. The following are the types of testing: Inspecting components: Inspections find faults in a component by reviewing its source code in a formal meeting. Fagans inspection method includes 5 steps: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Overview Preparation Inspection meeting Rework Follow-up


Unit testing

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design (i.e.) the module. Unit testing exercise specific paths in a modules control structure to ensure complete coverage and maximum error detection. These test focuses on each module individually, ensure that it functions properly as a unit. Hence, the name is unit testing. Unit testing techniques:

Equivalence testing It is a black box testing technique that minimizes the number of test cases. The possible inputs are partitioned into equivalence classes, and test case is selected for each class.


Boundary testing

It is a special case of equivalence testing and focuses on the conditions at the boundary of the equivalence classes.

Path testing

It is a white box testing technique that identifies faults in the implementation of the component.

State-based testing

It focuses on object-oriented systems. It compares the resulting state of the system with the expected state. Integration testing

It detects faults that have not been detected during unit testing, by focusing on small group of components. Two or more components are integrated and tested, and once tests do not reveal any new faults, additional components are added. The following are the types of Integration Testing: Big bang testing: It assumes that all the components are first tested individually and then tested together as a single system. Here no additional test stubs or drivers are needed. Top-down testing: This method is an incremental approach to the construction of program structure. Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control hierarchy, beginning with the main program module. Test stubs are used to simulate the components of lower layers. No test drivers are needed. 40

Bottom-up testing: This method begins the construction and testing with the modules at the lowest level in the program structure. Since the modules are integrated from the bottom up, processing required for modules subordinate to a given level is always available and the need for stubs is eliminated.

Sandwich testing: It combines the top-down and bottom-up strategies to make use of the best of both strategies.

System testing

System testing is series of different tests whose primary purpose is to fully exercise the computer based system. Although each test has a different purpose, all the work should verify that all system element have been properly integrated and perform allocated functions.


S. no 1. Test condition Enter invalid user id and Expected result invalid Should display invalid password warning message invalid entry



If either fields are blank and press ok

Message box User id should not be blank.


Valid user id & password

Should Authentication

display Successful

User and

Navigate to next window


One of the major future scope is making our system online. Connecting labs to a common data centre will provide globalization to the labs, and then the user will be able to search components all over the city and nearby areas. Reviews, rating, comparing of coponents and labs can also be incorporate. This would help the user to use through popular components and make his selection based on the components rating.


After we have completed the project we are sure the problems in the existing system would overcome. The COMPUTER LAB MAINTANCE process made computerized to reduce human errors and to increase the efficiency. The main focus of this project is to lessen human efforts. The maintenance of the records is made efficient, as all the records are stored in the ACCESS database, through which data can be retrieved easily. The navigation control is provided in all the forms to navigate through the large amount of records. If the numbers of records are very large then user has to just type in the search string and user gets the results immediately. The editing is also made simpler. The user has to just type in the required field and press the update button to update the desired field. The components and user are given a particular unique id no. So that they can be accessed correctly and without errors. Our main aim of the project is to get the components available in the lab.

correct information about a particular user and

The problems, which existed in the earlier system, have been removed to a large extent. And it is expected that this project will go a long way in satisfying users requirements. The computerization of the computer lab will not only improves the

efficiency but will also reduce human stress thereby indirectly improving human recourses.


1. Java network programming By Elliott Rusty Harold. 2. TCP/IP sockets in Java: practical guide for programmers By Kenneth L. Calvert, Michael J. Donahue 3. Peter Butler, Centre for Labor Market Studies, University of Leicester, 7-9 Salisbury Road, Leicester LE1 7QR, email:

4. Khairunnisa Binate Aziz an, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Kolej University Teknikal, Kebangsaan, Malaysia 5. Schildt, Java (The Complete Reference), Tat Mac Graw Hill,, ISBN No: 978-0-07-063677-4 6. H.M. Deitel, P.J.Dietel, Java (How to Program), Pearson Education, ISBN No: 81-3170954-x 7. Boris Biezer, Software Testing Techniques, Dreamtech Press, ISBN.No: 81-7722-260-0 8. Elmasri, Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Pearson Education, ISBN No: 978-81-7758-476-9 9. Grady Booch, Object Oriented Analysis And Design, Pearson Education, ISBN No: 81389-0878-x


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