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BACKGROUND Worship is an all-inclusive term for those internal and external sayings and actions of a person that are pleasing to Allaah." In other words, worship is that which is done in obedience to Allaah's will, which obviously includes rituals but goes far beyond to the realms of ones beliefs, social activities, and personal contributions to one's society and fellow human beings. Islam looks at the individual as a whole. He is required to submit completely to Allaah, as the Quran instructed Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam to do; Allaah Says (what means): Say: Indeed, my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allaah, Lord of the worlds. No partner has He. And this I have been commanded, and I am the first [among you] of the Muslims. [Quran: 6:162-163] The concept of worship in Islam is a comprehensive concept that includes all of the positive activities engaged in by an individual. This is in agreement with the all-inclusive nature of Islam, which regulates life on the individual, social, economic, political, spiritual, and all other levels of one's life. Islam has several ritualistic activities that all Muslims are expected to perform. The most important one is the prayer (Salaah), which must be performed according to a specific style. Its importance derives from the fact that it serves as the distinctive trait of a Muslim and because it prevents a Muslim from engaging in sinful activities by putting him into direct contact with Allaah five times a day. Thus, the ritual prayer is a chance for him to renew his covenant with Allaah and to seek His guidance anew. A Muslim who will perform the prayers of worship, he must purify himself first. One form of purification (thaharah) according to sharia in Islam is the ablution. Thaharah or purification occupy an important issue in Islam. It may be said that without a thaharah, we worship Allah SWT will not be accepted. Because some of the main worship thaharah absolutely require. Without thaharah, worship is not valid. If worship is not valid, then it would not be acceptable to God. Many of the values contained thaharah itself, such as hygiene, religious, health and beauty of the environment. Thaharah value in

terms of hygiene we carry out for example by means thaharah indirectly, we have to rid ourselves of the impurities. Based on the explanation above, Religion Department of SA- IPSE will held a big event Tabligh Akbar with theme improve ourselves, purify our heart. Hopefully, this event will help us to establish the worship in order to improve and purify ourselves.

B. EVENT NAME This event is named by Tabligh Akbar IPSE which is a part of working plan of Religion Department SA- IPSE. This event is one of big events that held regularly. Tabligh Akbar IPSE is our effort to find the right way in order to achieve ridho Allah SWT. The theme of this event is "improve ourselves, purify our heart ".

C. PURPOSE There are several purposes of this event, they are: 1. to improve and purify ourselves and achieve love of Allah SWT. 2. as a tool to strengthen the relationship, among members of the SA-IPSE UPI particularly and all students in general

D. TIME AND PLACE Tabligh Akbar IPSE will be held on: day, date time place : Monday, 10th of December 2012 : 12.30 p.m. to 03.00 p.m. : Al-Furqon Hall Mosque, First floor Indonesia University of education E. PROMOTER This event is established by IPSE student which form in executive committee of Improve ourselves, purify our heart" 2012.

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 Time 10.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 13.00 13.05 13.05 13.10 13.10 13.15 13.15 13.20 13.20 14.00 14.00 14.15 14.15 14.30 14.30 14.35 14.35 14.45 Event Preparation of committees Participant conditioning Opening Speech from chief of committee Speech from chief of excecutive board Speech from student adviser of SA IPSE Islamic lecture Discussion session Entertainment (Nashid) Door prize Praying and closing Person in charge All commitees Event section MC MC MC MC Moderator Moderator MC MC MC

G. SUSTAINBILITY This event will be held regularly every year and involve IPSE student as the target of this event.


I. BUDGET PLAN (Attached)

J. CONCLUSION By this proposal, hopefully all of participants who involve in this event can give contributions and support for this event. We expect Tabligh Akbar IPSE 2012 which has the theme Improve ourselves, purify our heart s will bring us to be a better person. Aamiin.

Validation Sheet Bandung, 21th of November 2012

Head of Committee,


Ahmad Fikri Dzulfikar Student ID 1100485

Desty Nurbaety Student ID 1100139

Know and validated, Chief of Religion Department, Person in Charge Chief of SA- IPSE,

Rizal Fadli Nurhadi Student ID 1002350

Reza Taufik Maulana Student ID 1002556

Head of IPSE Study Program,

Dr. Diana Rochintaniawati, M.Ed. 196709191991032001


Protector Adviser Person in Charge Head of Committee Secretary Treasure Event Coordinator

: Dr. Asep Kadarohman (Dean FPMIPA) : Dr. Diana Rochintaniawati, M.Ed. : Reza Taufik Maulana : Ahmad Fikri Dzulfikar : Desty Nurbaety : Atikah : Dinar Khairunnisa

Public Relation Coordinator : Dineu Maulani Decoration Coordinator Consumption Coordinator : Shofwa Widdina : Menurseto Mawaddah


Acara No Pengeluaran 1 Biaya pemateri 2 Plakat 3 Parsel 4 Doorprize

Keterangan @200.000 @10.000 @15.000 @10.000

Banyaknya 1 3 1 3

Total Rp 200.000 Rp 30.000 Rp 15.000 Rp 30.000

Publikasi, Dekorasi, Dokumentasi (PDD) 5 Spanduk ( 3mx 1m) @75.000 Poster @1000 Social media (fb,twitter) Panitia Iklan megatron UPI Humas UPI ID card panitia + @3000 gantungan Kamera/cam recorder Panitia Buku tamu @20.000 Undangan untuk @500 Himpunan Jurusan lain Konsumsi Konsumsi pemateri +minum Snack Kesekretariatan Proposal Surat perizinan Buku kas Humas Transportasi Logistik Wireless Sound system Microphone Proyektor Infocus Meja Sofa Taplak meja Karpet Total Pengeluaran

2 50 20 1 50

Rp 150.000 Rp 50.000 Rp 60.000 Rp 20.000 Rp 25.000

@20.000 @10000

1 10

Rp 20.000 Rp 100.000

@10000 @500 @5000

5 4 1

Rp 50.000 Rp 2.000 Rp 5.000


Rp 30.000

Biro Aset UPI Al Furqon Panitia Panitia Biro Aset UPI Al Furqon Al Furqon Panitia Al Fuqon

Rp 787.000

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