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Works Cited Primary Sources: Legal Documents: Federal Meat Inspection Act, 12-601-695 (1906). Print.

. Pure Food and Drug Act (1906). United States Statutes at Large (59th Cong., Sess. I, Chp. 3915, p. 768-772; cited as 34 U.S. Stats. 768) Articles: "THE ARMY MEAT SCANDAL; Gen. Miles Reiterates His Assertions About Embalmed Beef. CANNED ROAST BEEF NO BETTER Was Nothing More than the Pulp Left by the Process of Making Extract -- Gen. Merritt Reticent." The New York Times 1 Feb. 1899: n. pag. Library of Congress. The New York Times Company. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. < 85F0D3>. This article provided information about how adulterated meat was a major cause of American deaths in the Spanish-American War. "MEAT INSPECTION BILL PASSES THE SENATE; Added Without Debate to Agricultural Bill as a Rider. ITS ADOPTION UNEXPECTED Direct Consequence of the Disclosures Made in Upton Sinclair's Novel, "The Jungle."" The New York Times 26 May 1906: n. pag. The New York Times. The New York Times Company. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. < 8CF1D3>. This article provided information about the passage of the first Meat Inspection bill. The article clearly states that the involved political reform was a direct consequence of the publication of "The Jungle". "PRESIDENT'S THREAT WITH MEAT REPORT; May Stop the Use of Labels That Sell Packers' Products. REVOLTING CONDITIONS SHOWN Neill-Reynolds Report Tells of Astonishing Uncleanliness in the Packing Plants." The New York Times 5 June 1906: n. pag. The New York Times. The New York Times Company. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. < 8CF1D3>. This newspaper article contained a copy of a message from President Theodore Roosevelt to Congress of his reaction to the Neill-Reynolds report and parts of the Neill-Reynolds report itself. This source was helpful in creating the "Legislative Reforms" section of my website. "PURE FOOD BILL PASSED BY THE HOUSE, 240 TO 17; Only a Few States Rights Democrats Oppose the Measure. EXCITED MEN ALMOST FIGHT Manufacturers Need Not State the Weight of Their Packages -- Blended Whisky Men Victorious." The New York Times 24 June 1906: n. pag. The New York Times. The New York Times Company. Web. 21 Mar. 2013.

< 68CF1D3>. This article contained details of the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act that applied to the "The Pure Food and Drug Act" section of my website. "SINCLAIR GIVES PROOF OF MEAT TRUST FRAUDS; Offers Affidavits and Letters of Packing House Workers. TELEGRAPHS TO ROOSEVELT Asks for Neill-Reynolds Report -Cites Decision Showing Beveridge Law Will Be Ineffective." The New York Times 28 May 1906: n. pag. The New York Times. The New York Times Company. Web. 17 Feb. 2013. <>. This newspaper article resulted from Upton Sinclair reporting to the New York Times his knowledge of the Neill-Reynolds report, which had yet to be released to the public. Quotes from this article were helpful in portraying reactions to "The Jungle". Sinclair, Upton. "The Jungle: A Story of Chicago." Appeal to Reason 11 Feb. 1905: n. pag. Undercover Reporting. New York University. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. < tR_02_11_05_P01.pdf>. This article shows "The Jungle" appearing in the socialist magazine "Appeal to Reason" in 1905, before it was published as a novel in 1906. I mention the article and the magazine in the section "About the Author" of my website. Sinclair, Upton. "What Life Means to Me." The Cosmopolitan; a Monthly Illustrated Magazine Oct. 1906: n. pag. Web. 3 Feb. 2013. <>. In this source, Sinclair makes his famous statement I aimed at the publics heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach. Sinclair also discusses his disappointment with others reactions to The Jungle, and I incorporated these comments in my Sinclairs Intent page. Books: Sinclair, Upton. The Jungle. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2001. Print. This book was the basis for my entire project. I used quotes from it throughout my website and it played a key role in my research. Sinclair, Upton. My Lifetime in Letters. Columbia: University of Missouri, 1960. Web. This book provided letters to Upton Sinclair that were helpful in learning more about Upton Sinclair and his relations with others. The letters from Theodore Roosevelt were helpful in creating the political reactions section of my website and understanding the president's attitude towards Sinclair. Also, the quote from George Bernard Shaw on the "About the Author" page of my website is from a letter in this book.

Images: Chicago - Meat Packing Industry: Dressing Beef, Slaughtering Floor, Swift & Co.'s Packing House. c1906. Photograph. Stereograph Cards, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. Web. 16 Mar. 2013. <>. I used this photograph in the "Working Conditions" section of my website to show how meat packers worked. Chicago - Meat Packing Industry - Swift & Co.'s Packing House: Cutting up Hogs, Removing Hams and Shoulders. c1905. Photograph. Stereograph Cards, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>. This photograph portrays some of the dangerous elements of working in the meat industry before the reformation brought about by The Jungle. I inserted this photograph on the "Working Environment" section of the website. Government Meat Inspectors Assembled in Session in a Union Stock Yard Building. 1907. Photograph. Chicago History Museum, Chicago. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. <>. I used this photograph in the "The Federal Meat Inspection Act" section of my website to show the government inspectors that worked in the meatpacking industry after the passage of the Federal Meat Inspection Act. The Great Union Stock Yards of Chicago. c1878. Popular Graphic Arts, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. <>. I used this lithograph to show a bird's-eye view of the Chicago stockyards in the "Meatpacking in Chicago" section of my website. The Great Union Stock Yards, the Greatest Live Stock Market in the World, Chicago. c1903. Photograph. Stereograph Cards, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. <>. I used this photograph in the "Meatpacking in Chicago" section of my website to depict the Chicago stockyards. Letter from Acting Secretary of State Robert Bacon to U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom Whitelaw Reid Discussing Postcards Regarding the Chicago Meatpacking Industry. 1907. Photograph. Numerical Files, 08/1906 - 1910, Washington, D.C. The National Archives. The National Archives. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. <>. This letter includes images of postcards circulating in South Africa attacking the meat packing industry of Chicago. I used an image of one of the postcards on the "Meat Quality" section of my website. Making Link Sausages--machines Stuff 10 Ft. per Second, Swift & Co.'s Packing House, Chicago, U.S.A. c1905. Photograph. Stereograph Cards, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>.

This photograph shows workers making link sausages in a meat packing house in Chicago. This photograph provides a visual as to the working conditions of meat packers in Chicago. Panoramic Picture Illustrating the Beef Industry, 1900. 1900. Photograph. Panoramic Photographs, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. <>. I used this picture to show the conditions of the Chicago meatpacking industry in 1900 on the "Meatpacking in Chicago" section of my website. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE. AT DESK. 1906. Photograph. Harris & Ewing Collection, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. Web. 21 Mar. 2013. <>. I used this photograph as a visual representation of Theodore Roosevelt in my timeline. Scene in the Great Union Stockyards, Chicago. c1900. Photograph. Stereograph Cards, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. <>. I used this photograph in the "Meatpacking in Chicago" section of my website to provide a visual of the Chicago stockyards. Splitting Backbones and Final Inspection - Hogs Ready for Cooler, Swift & Co., Chicago. c1906. Photograph. Stereograph Cards, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. <>. This photograph depicts workers splitting the backbones of hogs before the publication of The Jungle. This picture was inserted in the "Meatpacking in Chicago" part of the website. Upton Sinclair. 1900. Photograph. Bain Collection, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>. This is a photograph taken of Upton Sinclair before the publication of The Jungle. I used it as a visual representation of Sinclair. Upton Sinclair, Portrait Bust, Studio at 56 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 1900. Photograph. Bain Collection, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. Web. 25 Feb. 2013. <>. This is a picture from 1900 of Upton Sinclair that I used as a visual in the "About the Author" section of my website. Union Stock Yards, a Wild Lot from Texas, Chicago, Ill. c1897. Photograph. Stereograph Cards, Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Library of Congress. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. <>. I placed this photograph in the "Meatpacking in Chicago" section of my website to depict a scene from 1897 of the Chicago stockyards. Union Stock Yards Strike. 1904. Photograph. Chicago History Museum, Chicago. I used this photograph to show the Chicago Stockyards strike of 1904 in the Working Conditions section of my website.

Secondary Sources: Books: Arthur, Anthony. Radical Innocent: Upton Sinclair. New York: Random House, 2006. Print. This book had extensive information about Upton Sinclair that was very useful in my project. The book also included accurate dates of important events that I included in my timeline. Danzer, Gerald A. The Americans. Orlando, FL: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012. Print. I borrowed this textbook to research information about the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act. This information was incorporated in the "Pure Food and Drug Act" and "Meat Inspection Act" sections of my website. Dunne, Finley Peter. The Food We Eat. Dissertations by Mr. Dooley. New York: Harper & Bros., 1906. N. pag. Web. I used a quote from Mr. Dooley in the "Public Reactions" section found in this source to show reactions to "The Jungle" in the press. Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas Andrew Bailey. The American Pageant: A History of the Republic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2006. Print. This is the textbook used in my AP U.S. History class. I first learned about Upton Sinclair and "The Jungle" from this book and incorporated information from this source throughout the "Reactions to the Jungle" section of my website. The textbook also contains the quote from the New York Evening Post on the Public Reactions part of my website. Zinn, Howard. Chapter 13: The Socialist Challenge. A People's History of the United States. New York: HarperCollins, 2003. N. pag. Web. This source was helpful in explaining the impact of Upton Sinclair and muckrakers in the Progressive Era. This source also explained the socialist ideology behind many muckrakers. Articles/Websites/Interview: Hayes, Bryan. "Upton Sinclair's 'The Jungle' Turns 100." PBS. PBS, 10 May 2006. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>. This article explained working conditions in the meatpacking industry before "The Jungle" was published. The article also explains how reformation brought about by Sinclair is still present in the meat packing industry presently. Hevrdejs, Judy. "'The Jungle' Revealed Suffering." Chicago Tribune. Chicago Tribune, 3 Feb. 2012. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. <>. This article provided commentary on "The Jungle" from Russ Castronovo, professor of English and American studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison that was helpful and quoted on my website.

Kantor, Arlene F. "Upton Sinclair and the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906 'I Aimed at the Public's Heart and by Accident I Hit It in the Stomach'*." American Journal of Public Health 66.12 (1976): n. pag. Web. 3 Feb. 2013. <>. This article contained extensive information about reactions to "The Jungle", and was helpful in creating the "Reactions to 'The Jungle'" section of my website. "Meatpacking Technology." History Files. Chicago Historical Society, n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. <>. This website had statistical information about Chicago's meatpacking industry in 1900 that I incorporated in the "Meatpacking in Chicago" section of the website. Phelps, Christopher. "The Jungle at 100." Solidarity. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2013. <>. This website contained information about Upton Sinclair and how he observed the meatpacking industry in Chicago. "Slaughterhouse Jobs." History Files. Chicago Historical Society, n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. <>. This website contained information about attempted strikes in the Chicago Stockyards before "The Jungle" was published. I used information from this website in the section "Working Environment". "Student Interview with Dr. Susan Hegemen, Associate Professor in the University of Florida Department of English." Email interview. 3 Mar. 2013. Interviewing an English professor helped me understand the literary aspects of The Jungle and why the novel had such a powerful impact. "Upton Sinclair's The Jungle: Muckraking the Meat-Packing Industry." Bill of Rights in Action 24 (2008): n. pag. Constitutional Rights Foundation. Constitutional Rights Foundation, 2008. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. <>. This source provided historical background to muckrakers, the publics reaction to The Jungle and the American Governments reaction to The Jungle. "U.S. Casualties in Major Wars." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. <>. This source provided the statistical information used in the "Lasting Impact on War" section of my website. U S Food and Drug Administration. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2013. <>. The FDA website supplied information I used in the "FDA" section of my website and also showed the impact of "The Jungle" on society today.

Nichols, Christy. "Meatpacking Jungle." Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 8 Nov. 2010. Web. 24

Feb. 2013. <> I used clips from this video (which was originally a Discovery Education documentary) on my website to show the conditions of the meat packing industry as Upton Sinclair reported. These clips are used in the Working Environment and Reactions to The Jungle sections of my website. Senate Session, Part 2 Online video clip. C-SPAN. C-SPAN, 27 Apr. 2010. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. <>. I used clips from this video of Senator Byron Dorgan discussing The Jungle on the Meat Quality and Legislative Reforms sections of my website. StorytellersDocTv. The Lithuanian Jungle - Upton Sinclair inspired Documentary. Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 16 Dec. 2010. Web. 24 Feb. 2013. <!> I used a clip from this video on my website to help explain Sinclairs methods of research in writing The Jungle in The Jungle section of my website. Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" Online video clip. Dr. Anthony Arthur. C-SPAN. C-SPAN, 26 Jan. 2006. Web. 13 Mar. 2013. <>. I used audio excerpts from Dr. Anthony Arthur's presentation to explain Upton Sinclair's attitude towards the working conditions in the Chicago Stockyards (in the section "Working Conditions" of my website) and to explain Sinclair's motivation for the plot line of "The Jungle" (in "'The Jungle'" section of my website). Writings of Upton Sinclair Online video clip. C-SPAN. C-SPAN, 6 Aug. 2001. Web. 20 Mar. 2013. <>. I used a clip from this video in the About the Author page of my website for information about Upton Sinclair. I also used an excerpt in which Richard Reeves discussed the publics reaction to The Jungle in the Public Reactions section of my website.

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