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Know about Global Warming Global Warming is serious issue of our futures.

The term Global Warming is The process of earths atmosphere heating up. When the earth heat up the average temperature of global surface, air,oceans increases. It happens when greenhouses gases( carbon dioxide, water vapour, nitrous oxide and methane) trap heat and light from sun in earths atmosphere, which increase the temperature. Over the last 100 year, average temperature of earths has gone up 1 derajat Fahrenheit. By t he end the 21st century, global warming is likely to cause an increase in earths temperaturenof around 2-5 degrees centigrade. This is rise might not sound like much to worry, but can have serious effect on climatic condition and weather changes. This could affect the frequancy and severity of storms, hurricanes, tornados, distort seasons duration, increase cloud cover, change precipitation level and wind pattern. Global warning means big trouble.

Causes of Global Warning

Scientist have spent decades figuring out what is causing global warming. They have looked at the natural cycles and events that are known to influence climate. They now believe that global warming is caused by many things. The cause are split into group. Natural causes : natural causes are causes created by nature, mayor five natural cause that cause global warning are 1. Climate change cycle One of natural causes of global warming is regular climate change cycle, which occur over period of around forty thousand years. Since the earth was first created there have been cycle of cooling and cycles of warming, and this continues today. 2. Methane greenhouse gas Methane greenhouse gas is released from many areas of the globe, and from animals like cattle as well. Wetlands and tundra geography contribute to conditions that release this gas into the atmosphere, where it becomes trapped and in its turn contributes to the increased warming of the planet. 3. Volcanoes Volcanoes is one of natural causes of global warming, and this natural formations erupt explosively at times. During every large eruptions, the ash and dust from the occurance may block radiation from the sun and cool dpen the earth significantly. 4. Solar cycle and sunspots Global warming skeptic point to solar cycle and sun spots to show tha the earth warms naturally without humans contributing. During cycle increased sun spots and solar flares,the temperature of the earth does warm up some but thid is usually temporary, and when the solar cycle cools off so does the earth 5. The rotation of the earth One of yhe biggest natural causes of global warming is therotation of the earth. As the planet spins, the rotation is off slightly and this cause a wobble in the spin. As a result certain areas may get more or less radiation from the sun, and affect the temperature. This cycle has gone on for millions of years

Man Made or Anthropogenic causes : man made causes often described as an anthropogenic process, which simply means humans caused it do the most damage. There are many manmade causes. 1. Pollution Pollution is one of the biggest man-made problems. Pollution comes in many shapes and sizes. Burning fossil fuels is one thing thar causes pollution. When fossil fuels are burned they give off a greenhouse gas called CO2. Cutting down trees, producing more trash, and polluting the environment are the reasons that the temperature has gone up. 2. Population Population is other major man-made cause of global warming. More people mean more food, and more methods of transportations. That means more methane because there will be more burning of fossils fuels and more agricultural. 3. Deforestation Clearing land for logging, ranching and agricultural indirectly leads to carbon dioxide buildup in the atmosphere. Nearly 34 million acres of trees are cut each year. Trees use carbone dioxide during photosynthesis and clearing forest removes the earths ability to reduce the emissions. Accorning to NASA , deforestation is responsible for about 15 percent of greenhouses gas emissions, more than all the cars, truck, trains, ships, and planes on the planet. 4. Industries Nitrous oxide is produced by a variety of agricultural and industrial practices. Human activities have increased the concentration of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere by 15 percent above what would be normally present in nature. Nitrous oxide is a colourless, non flammable gas with a slightly sweet odor and is naturally produced by oceans and rain forest. Nitrous oxide is also broken down in tha atmosphere by chemical reaction in the presence of sunlight to form smog. Many scientist believe that the biggest causes of global warming are new human technologies that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Effects of Global Warming Melting of Ice The most obvious effect of global warming is melting o ice. Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the earths poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering west Antarctica and Greenland and arctic sea ice. Melting of ice contributes to rising sea level, which could flood lsnd and destroy home in low-lying areas. The effect of melting ice are not confined only to one part of planet. It is currently effecting the entireplanet. Every continent on the earth is feeling the effects of rapidly melting ice glacier. Global warming is worsening the situation. Rising sea level Sea level rise become faster over the last century. Water from melting ice glacier on higher altitudes is forming rivers and being emptied into the sea. a lot of water that is melting on sea-level glaciers is getting emptied directly

into the sea. The sea level is rising constantly at rate of approximately 1 mm to 2 mm per year. The sun heats the ocean and causes it to expand. Rising temperatures melt the glacier and water runs off into the sea. The faster glaciers across the globe melt, the more will be the increase in sea level. The effects of this will be of unimaginable magnitude. Coastal regions across the globe will have to relocate due to flooding, soil erosion, and contamination of underground fresh water with salt water. The effects of a rising sea level will be felt first in most coastal areas of America ( north, central, and south) and most of Asia. As the ice melt, the ocean will fill up and overflow onto land. Thermal expansion and the melting of land ice, such as the Greenland ice sheet, are expected to cause the globe sea-level rise. Potential flooding is just one example of coastal hazards associated with sea-level rise; there are other concern as well. The submersion of low lying-land, erosion of beaches, and conversion of wetlands to open water and increase in the salinity of estuaries all can affect ecosystems and damage existing coastal development. Changes in weather Weather is state of atmosphere, to the degree that it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. On earth , common weather phenomena include wind, cloud, rain,snow, fog, dan dust storms. Weather has played a large and sometimes direct part in human history. With global warming extreme weather or freak weather is becoming a part of daily life. Global warming not only effects temperature but can cause from hurricanes to floods, from sever droughts to glacier induced Tsunami. Higher temperature could lead to increased droughts and wildfires, heavier rainfall, and a greater number of hurricanes. Warmer temperature could increase the probability of drought. Greater evaporation, particularly during summer and fall, could exacerbate drought conditions and increase risk of wildfires. As the ice caps melt more rain is anticipated in coming decades. Warmer temperature increases the energy of climatic system an can lead to heavier rainfall in some areas. Global warming is likely to increase these problems by increasing the frequency of both floods and droughts and changing the seasonal pattern of runoff from snow packs and glaciers. In addition, salt water incursion into low lying coastal areas and river deltas will restrict agriculture, reduce availability of fresh water and endanger fresh water wildlife.

Problems related to pollution Pollution is is introduction of contaminants into natural environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem. Burning of fossil fuels ( coal, oil, and natural gas) emit carbon dioxide and enhance greenhouse gases. These greenhouse gases are the pollution that is directly causing global warming. These gases make earth warmer, and some of these gases can form smog and acid rain. Smog hanging over cities is the most familiar and obvious form of air pollution. It is created when exhausted gases from cars and factories respon with oxygen in the air, warmed by high temperatures and ultraviolet rays from the sun. Increasing diseases Earth changing climate is wreaking havoc in some very weird ways. As the temperature is rising throughout the world, there is an increase in infectious diseases. Hotter weather enables deadly mosquitoes to travel greater distances; carbon dioxide in air aggravates asthma and allergies. Due to destruction of ozone layer in the upper stratosphere, Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) can result in skin cancer, eye damage such as cataracts, damage in the DNA in various life forms. Warming temperature, alternating periods of drought and deluges, and ecosystem disrupsion have contributed to more widespread outbreaks of infections like malaria, dengue fever, tick-borne encephalitis, and diarrheal illnesses. Disappearing world Climate change may alter the worlds habitats and ecosystem- all living things are included in and rely on these places. Many of these places depend on a delicate balance of rainfall, temperature and soil type. A rapid change in climate could upset this balance and seriously endanger many living things. Increase in global temperature will disrupt the ecosystems, pushing to those species that cannot adapt.
Humans Can Correct it The biggest cause of global warming is the carbon dioxide released when fossil fuels- such as oil and coal- are burned for energy, and every one uses energy, every one can help stop global warming just by using less energy. Small action by billions of people can make a difference. 1. Reduce waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. By recycling half of household waste. 2. Replace regular light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs. CLF also last ten times longer than incandescent bulbs, use two thirds less energy and give off 70 percent less heat. 3. Bring your own reusable bags to local stores

4. Keep a ceramic mug for water or coffee at work rather than using disposable paper or plastic foam cups. 5. If you must drink bottled water, recycle the bottle 6. Turn off your television or computer or video player when you are not using it 7. Turn off lights when you leave a room 8. Unplug chargers or appliances when not in use 9. Walk short distances instead of asking for ride in a car 10. Use natural light whenever possible 11. Use alternative energy sources as a great replacement to gas and solid fuels by developing the skill of using renewable fuels example: Solar energy, wind energy 12. Save fuel leave your car at home, just two days a week 13. Drive Smarter slow down driving 60 miles per hour instead 70 mph on the highway will save you up 4 miles per gallon 14. Save water turn off water immediately after washing your hand or while brushing teeth 15. Plant more trees Earth day, Every day Treat the earth well. Every day should be earth day. We are a part of nature. Climate change is the biggest crisis facing the current generation. Small change can make a big impact if we work together to create a green future. WE CAN STOP GLOBAL WARMING IF WE WORK TOGHETER. Unless we act now, our children will inherit a hotter world, dirtier air and water, more severe floods and droughts, and more wildfires. The future of the earth now depend on us. Efforts are needed at the individuals, local, national, and international level to combat the menace of global warming . So , act now and protect Earths future.

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