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VENUE Graduate School of Journalism City University of New York ROOM 442 219 W.

40th Street New York, NY 10018

A 2-day workshop with Alberto Cairo and Naomi B. Robbins

PRICE - EARLY BIRD FEE One day: $425 Two days: $650 AFTER JUNE 6th One day: $475 Two days: $725

Registration for one day includes lunch and a copy of the book of the corresponding instructor. Registration for both days includes lunches and copies of both books, The Functional Art and Creating More E ective Graphs

Storytelling with graphs, maps, and diagrams
Graduate School of Journalism, CUNY, New York City



June 11-12, 2013

JUNE 11th Alberto Cairo The Insightful Art

Alberto Cairo teaches infographics and visualization at the University of Miami. Hes the author of The Functional Art (PeachPit Press, 2012). Website: Twitter: @albertocairo

JUNE 12th Naomi B. Robbins Communicating Data Clearly

Naomi B. Robbins is the principal of NBR Graphs, and author of Creating More Effective Graphs (Chart House, 2013). Website: Twitter: @nbrgraphs

The Insightful Art is an exploration of the convergence of news infographics, data visualization, and storytelling. This workshop begins by describing a conceptual framework that ties all areas related to the visual display of information together. Then, it proceeds to describe how to design efficient storytelling graphical displays from the bottom up, beginning with how to decide what graphic form is more appropriate, what structure to use, and how to combine words with visuals. This is the outline of the class: 1. Functional, insightful, beautiful: A short introduction to infographics and visualization. 2. The curse of information: Ethical challenges in the age of data. 3. Heuristics to decide what graphic form is the most appropriate for your information and for the story you wish to tell. 4. Basic principles of Graphic Design for non-designers: How type, color, and layout can enhance your graphics 5. Storytelling with graphs, maps, diagrams, and illustrations: Characters, plot, and narrative structures. 6. The importance of copy-writing. 7. What lies ahead: From interaction to motion. Prerequisites: None. This talk is appropriate for all audience levels.

Communicating Data Clearly describes how to draw clear, concise, accurate graphs that are easier to understand than many of the graphs one sees today. The tutorial emphasizes how to avoid common mistakes that produce confusing or even misleading graphs. This workshop begins by reviewing human perception and our ability to decode graphical information. It continues by: 1. Ranking elementary graphical perception tasks to identify those that we do the best. 2. Showing the limitations of many common graphical constructions. 3. Demonstrating newer, more effective graphical forms developed on the basis of the ranking. 4. Providing general principles for creating effective graphs. 5. Commenting on software packages that produce graphs. 6. Comparing the same data using different graph forms so the audience can see how understanding depends on the graphical construction used. 7. Discussing Trellis Display (a framework for the visualization of multivariate data) and other innovative methods for presenting more than two variables. 8. Presenting Mosaic Plots and other graphical methods for categorical data. Since scales have a profound effect on our interpretation of graphs, the section on general principles contains a detailed discussion of scales including: 1. To include or not to include zero? 2. When do logarithmic scales improve clarity? 3. What are breaks in scales and how should they be used? 4. Are two scales better than one? How can we distinguish between informative and deceptive double axes? 5. Can a scale "hide" data? How can this be avoided? Prerequisites: None. This talk is appropriate for all audience levels.

Each participant will receive a copy of The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization

Schedule (for both days)

8.30-9.00 a.m. 9.00 a.m.-12.20 p.m. 12.20-1.20 p.m. 1.20-4.40 p.m. Registration First part of the class Lunch (provided) Second part of the class

Each participant will receive a copy of Creating More Effective Graphs

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