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A fin de A saber Abandonar (--un derecho) Abogaca Accin judicial Acoso Acta Acta de las sesiones Actora (=demandante)

Actuaciones Acuerdo de liquidacin de sociedad conyugal Acuerdo Extrajudicial Acusacin carece de fundamento (la --) Acuse de Recibo Adopcin de (medida cautelar) Agredir o agraviar sexualmente Alimentos

Alimentos (Fijacin Provisoria de--) Apellido de soltera Aplazamiento Aptitud nupcial (las partes recuperan --) Archivar las actuaciones Archvese Argumentos jurdicamente motivados Argumentos slidos o poderosos Art. Artculo Asesora de Menores Asesoramiento jurdico Asistencia letrada al detenido Asunto Audiencia de Conciliacion Auto interlocutorio Autos caratulados (En los --) Autos y Vistos (sentencias) Bajo el acta.. Bien ganancial Bienes de la sociedad conyugal Bienes inmuebles Bienes mixtos (muebles e inmuebles) Bienes muebles Bienes propios Buena fe (de--) Caso Castigo Causa suficiente

In order that S.s. Waive Legal profession Action Harass | Harassment Entry Record of proceedings Petitioner (buscar mas en demandante) Court Proceedings the Records Marital settlement agreement Out-of-court Settlement There is no case to answer Acknowledgement of Service Granting of (an injunction) Molest /Molestation Child support |Manteinance and child support (hijo) Alimony | spousal maintenance | spousal suport (esposo/a) Temporary support (US) Ancillary relief / maintenance pending suit (UK) Surname (Pre- marriage ---) Maiden name Continuance The parties are free to be married / are restored the status of being single Stay proceedings Be it filed (it= lo q sea , un decree o el docum q sea) Appeal by way of case stated Present a strong case Section Minors Council Legal advice Legal aid The case was a complex one Conciliation Board Mediation and Conciliation Board Mediation and Conciliation Service Interlocutory order In Re the Marriage of: In the matter of: In the case entitled: Whereas Under... Marital property | Community property Property acquired during the marriage Marital property | marital partnership Real property Mixed property Personal property Personal property | Separate property Non-marital property Good faith (in --) The case was a complex one Sentence Sufficient cause | Good cause shown | Just cause

Celebrado (el matrimonio--) Circunscripcin ( en la provincia de Cba) Cdigo civil Comparece con el asesoramiento letrado de Comparece y dice: Compensacin Compensacin Competencia (o Compet Terriorial) Con anterioridad a Con los efectos previstos por los articulos.. Con respecto a los siguientes autos Conceder la tenencia Condena Considerando Constituir domicilio Consultora jurdica Contrademanda Contraer matrimonio Correr traslado (= notificar sin pedir opinin) Correr vista (=notificar a organismo o persona para pedir opinin) Corte Suprema de Justicia (La---) Costas Cubierto (por obra social) Cuota alimentaria

Solemnized (the marriage--) Jurisdiction Civil code Represented in this proceeding by States and alleges: Remedy Relief Jurisdiction (have in sth) Prior to Under the provisions of Under the circumstances In the premises Grant the custody Sentence And considering Settle / establish domicile ad litem Establish domicile for the purposes of litigation Legal department Counterclaim Parties were married to each other on the... (fecha) Notify / advise Notify / advise Supreme Court of Justice (The--) Attorney fees and costs (Honorarios y costas) Costs /legal expenses Coverage (health insurance ---) Child support |Manteinance and child support (hijo) Alimony | spousal maintenance | spousal suport (esposo/a) Ordered in (+ lugar)(sentencia) Damages Financial affidavit Affidavit Affidavit of uncontestability Decree/ Declare / Order (an Absolute divorce) Criminal offence Petition | Complaint (+ for) Petition for dissolution (of marriage) Defendant| Accused Party| Respondent (para divorcios) Petitioner (para divorcios) Claimant| Plaintiff Legal department Legally (como Adverb.) Adjective Law (or procedural) Family Law | Domestic Relations Law Right of Action Procedural Law (or adjective) Substantive Law Conclusions of Law Adjudication of property rights Miscellaneous joint debts Peoceedings / Actions (commencement of the--) Dissolution of the bonds of matrimony

Dado en Daos y Prejuicios Declaracin de estado financiero con carcter de declaracin jurada Declaracin jurada (demandas) Declaracin jurada de no litigar (demandas) Decretar (un divorcio vincular ) Delito Demanda Demanda de divorcio vincular Demandado Demandante Departamento jurdico Derecho (en ) / (conforme a---) Derecho Adjetivo (o procesal) Derecho de Familia Derecho de iniciar la accin judicial Derecho Procesal (o adjetivo) Derecho Sustantivo Derecho: (en demandas ) Derechos sobre la propiedad reconocidos o establecidos judicialmente Deudas varias Diligencias (Iniciar las ---) Disolucin del vnculo matrimonial

Divisin y liquidacin de la sociedad conyugal Divorcio contencioso Divorcio por mutuo consentimiento Divorcio por presentacin conjunta Divorcio Vincular Documental : (en demandas ) Domicilio Constituido/ procesal Domicilio Legal (del trabajo) Domicilio Real (se declara)

En calidad de, en concepto de En cuanto a En la presente causa En las presentes actuaciones En relacin con los siguientes autos En su hora Entender en (-- la causa) Entender en la causa Equitativa Es justicia Escrito de Pretensiones Escuchados los testimonios Exclusin del Hogar Conyugal Expediente N |EXPTE N Expurgar (=modificar) Extrajudicial (acuerdo--) Fase procesal Fijacin Provisoria de Alimentos Firmo y sello Fundamento Fundamento de derecho Fundamento de la demanda Fundar el derecho en el artculo Ganar el juicio Guarda (hijos dados en --) Guarda Provisoria Hbil Hacer cumplir Hacer lugar (a un divorcio vincular) Hacer lugar a la demanda Hechos (en demandas) Hijos (De esta unin no hubo --)

Property division Division of the property Contested Divorce Divorce jointly agreed on / jointly brought before the court Uncontested Divorce Divorce jointly agreed on / jointly brought before the court Uncontested Divorce Absolute Divorce Documentary Domicile Ad-litem Domiciled for legal purposes Domicile chosen for the purpose of litigation Legal Domicile Actual Domicile | Domiciled at/ in/ on .. De Facto Domicile Bona Fide resident /residence (demandas) Residence in good faith (demandas) For Regarding.. Under the circumstances In the premises Under the circumstances In the premises Under the circumstances In the premises In due time and proper form Duly and seasonly Hear cases The case was heard in the High Court Equitable Justice shall be done In all equity Claim Form Heard testimony Desertion Case # Modify Out-of-court (--settlement) Stage of proceedings Temporary support (US) Ancillary relief / maintenance pending suit (UK) Witness my hand and Oficial seal Sufficient cause | Good cause shown | Just cause Right of Action Cause of action Base our petition/sth under the provisions of.. Win ones case Custody (given in ---) Temporary Custody (checkear, no se si es temp) Competent/ legally competent Enforce Order/ grant (Absolute Divorce) Petition (be) sustained Facts | Findings of Facts From this union no children were born No children were born, issue of thi marriage There are no minor children of this marriage

Hijos de la union Homologar Honorario del abogado y costas Honorarios Honorarios y costas Hora (en su --) Impedimento / obstculo para algo Inciso Infracciones punibles Ingls jurdico Instancia (Primera --) Interponer (una demanda) Juez de Primera Instancia Jurisprudencia Justificacin Juzgado de Familia Juzgado de Menores Juzgar Legitimacin Legtimo propietario Letrado Patrocinante (=abogado) Librar oficio (= notificar a un organismo publico) Librarse de algo Liquidacin de sociedad conyugal Litigar Materia Medida Cautelar (adopcin de una---) Memoria de lo actuado Ministerio Pblico Fiscal Ministerio Pblico Pupilar Molestar (con insistencia) Motivo suficiente No hacer lugar a la demanda No se ha iniciado demanda de divorcio Nominacin (de Cuarta---) Normas procesales Nota marginal Nulo de pleno derecho Objeto (en demandas) Obra social Oportunamente Orden causado Orden judicial (mediante la que se prohbe conducta) Otorgar la tenencia Participacin (intervencion) Participacin (notificacin) Participacin (notificacin) (dse la debida --a:) Patrocinio letrado de( comparece con--) Pedido (a de) Pena impuesta Pension de alimentos

Issue of the marriage Ratify Fees and costs (Attorney --) Professional fees Attorney fees and costs Time (in due --) Bar to sth Sub section Criminal offence Legal English Jurisdiction (Original--) File a complaint/ petition Commence/ start a legal action Magistrate Case law Sufficient cause | Good cause shown | Just cause Family Law Department/ Division Domestic Court (US) Family Court Minors Division Adjudicate (demandas) Right of Action Legal owner Counsel (represented in this proceeding by ...) Issue an official letter | be notified/advised in the premises Divest yourself from sth Marital settlement Contest Subject matter Injunction (granting of an--) Record of proceedings Attorney Generals Office Minors Department Molest /Molestation | Disturb Sufficient cause | Good cause shown | Just cause Petition (be) overruled Proceedings (there are no otherfor dissolution) Court Clerks Office (--n 4) Process of the law (the --) | rules of procedure Marginal note Legal nullity Subject Matter Health insurance In due time Each party shall pay their attorney fees and costs Restraining order Grant the custody Intervention Communication /Notice Notify / Advise Represented in this proceeding by Motion (on - of) Sentence Child support |Manteinance and child support (hijo) Alimony | spousal maintenance | spousal suport

Perder el juicio Perjudicado (el--) Perjuicio de (sin --) Pertinentes Petitorio Por derecho propio (=without a lawyer) Por ello Por todo lo expuesto a V.E. solicitamos: Precedentes judiciales Pre-Jurisdiccional (Etapa--) Presentados (se nos tenga por --) Presentarse ante el juez Primera Instancia Proceder judicialmente Procedimientos (no existen otros ---) Proceso Proceso Civil Ordinario Promover (una demanda) Promover accin judicial Prueba Prueba de notificacion judicial Ratificar Razonable (suma de dinero) Rebelda (=no comparecer) Reclamo (de algo) Rgimen de visitas Registro Civil y Capacidad de las Personas Regular honorarios Renuncia (n) Renunciar (--un derecho) Representado en esta accin por... Requisitos legales Reserva la competencia (se--) Resuelvo / Resuelve:

Resuleto en Salvo (tal cosa ) Secretara (del Juzgado) Secretario del Juzgado Segn la ley Sentencia Sentencia Sentencia en Rebelda Sentencia interlocutoria Sentencia Provisoria de Divorcio Sentenciar Separacin legal Separacin legal de bienes y cuerpos Sociedad conyugal

(esposo/a) Lose ones case Injured Party (the--) Subject to Corresponding Petitum |Request |To pray for Pro-se Wherefore WHEREFORE (, we/they request Y.H. that: ) Case law Prejurisdictional (--Stage) Mediation Stage Appearers / Applicants (we be considered/ taken as --) Appear Original Jurisdiction Take legal action Proceedings (there are no other--) The case dragged on for months Civil Proceedings File a complaint/ petition Commence/ start a legal action Bring the action Exhibit n Proof of service Ratify Reasonable sum of money Contempt of Court Claim n (to sth) Visitation rights | Parenting time Parent child contact (Canada) Registry of Civil Status and Capacity of Persons Fix the professional fees in the amount of... Waiver Waive Represented in this proceeding by Legal formalities Reserves jurisdiction I hereby order, adjudge and decree that It is hereby oredered, adjudged and decreed that The Court hereby orders, adjudges and decrees that Ordered in (+ lugar)(sentencia) Subject to Court Clerks Office Clerk of the Court Court Clerk Legally (como Adverb.) Judgement (umbrella term, es gral) Order (para adopcin) Decree (para divorcio) Judgement (Final --) Default Judgement Interlocutory order Decree Nisi Adjudicate (en demandas) Separation from bed and board Legal separation Community property (US)

Sociedad conyugal (Divisin y liquidacin de la-) Sub secretario Sucesiones (Juzgado de--) Sumario Suspensin Tenencia Tenencia conjunta Testimonio ( = copia) Trmites de ley Tribunal Tribunal de Circuito Tribunal de Familia Venimos / Vengo (que---) Versin de los hechos Vnculo matrimonial Vistos/Vistas (sentencias)

Family Assets (UK) Community of Assets Marital property Equitable distribution of the property Deputy Clerk (cuando es del Juzgado) Successions (--Court) Record of proceedings Continuance Custody Joint Custody Copy Legal proceedings Court (The ---) Circuit Court Family Law Department/ Division Domestic Court (US) Family Court Comes now The case for the defence Bonds of matrimony/ marriage Whereas

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