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Pestera Tayos - Misterul bibliotecii zeilor in care se afla carti din aur si cristal / The Cave of Tayos - The

Mystery of
the Library of Gods with Gold and Crystal books Misterul pesterii Tayos sau al pasarilor lilieci ( in care se afla cartile din aur si din cristal ale zeilor) / La cueva de los Tayos / "The Cave of the Oilbirds" articol de Mirahorian Motto: Adevrata ntelepciune const in a recunoaste propria noastr ignorant / True wisdom is to recognize our own ignorance/ La verdadera sabiduria esta en reconocer nuestra propia ignorancia

Tayos - Pasari care se hranesc cu ulei de palmier si folosesc ecolocatia ca si liliecii ( Oilbird, Steatornis caripensis)

Descoperirea pesterii Tayos in care se afla biblioteca de carti metalice a fost popularizata in cartea "Aurul zeilor / The Gold of the Gods" / "El Oro de los Dioses", a lui Erich Von Daniken (1972 , Putnam and Bantam Books; Souvenir Press Ltd, 1973), o carte despre care se afirma in unele videoclipuri ( CUEVA DE LOS TAYOS JUAN MORICZ DENUNCIA A VON DANIKEN ) ca a fost cea mai vanduta carte de pe planeta ( intr-un tiraj de 25 de milioane exemplare ). Nicio carte a lui Daniken nu apare in lista celor mai vandute carti : List of best-selling books ( desi se stie ca prima carte a lui Dniken, intitulata Carele zeilor/ Chariots of the Gods, a fost imediat un best seller in the United States si in Europe (au fost vandute 12 de milioane de exemplare in USA si 34 de milioane in lume), si ca impreuna cu celelalte carti care au urmat, care au fost traduse in 32 de limbi, s-a atins un tiraj oficial de 63 milioane de exemplare. In cartea "Aurul zeilor" / "The Gold of the Gods" care se gaseste la adresele de mai jos, Daniken a scris ca a intrat prin niste tunele artificiale cu suprafata vitrificata intr-o sala situata sub pestera Tayos, din Ecuador, care continea obiecte din aur, statui stranii si o biblioteca cu tablete din metal, pe care el a considerat-o o dovada a vizitatorilor antici veniti din spatiul cosmic.

Notorious Ancient Gold Library Claims Proven: von Dniken is Vindicated by Erich von Dniken (with Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, editor of History Is Wrong, and Tankred Jeker) Proven_von_D_niken_is_Vindicated_by_Erich_von_D_niken_with_Giorgio_A_Tsoukalos _editor_of_History_Is_Wrong_and_Tankred_Jeker.shtml Articolul se afla in Anexa 1 Aceasta pestera sub care s-ar afla tunelurile intraterestilor este situata pe pantele estice ale muntilor Anzi in provincia Morona-Santiago din Ecuador. Pentru controlul acestei zone a avut loc si un razboi intre Ecuador si Peru.

vedeti imagini mai mari in ale zonei de conflict pe: THE PERU - EQUATOR CONFLICT Cu unele exceptii ( colectia aratata de Jaime Rodriguez, care cuprinde discul genetic si instrumentele chirugicale si colectia Klaus Dona), majoritatea obiectele care se arata in toate filmele apartineau muzeului parintelui Crespi, care era situat intr-un depozit al bisericii Maria Auxiliadora din orasul Cuenca si cuprindea piese din pestera Tayos ( Ecuador), in care apar tablite cu o scriere similara, cu aceea descoperita si in alte locuri de pe Terra si atesta ca toata istoria oficiala este falsa; Asocierea artefactelor descoperite in pestera Tayos, cu cele din pestera Burrows din Illinois (USA) apartine autorilor videoclipului de mai jos si reprezinta o modalitate de compromitere a unui lucru real prin asocierea cu ceva nedovedit . / Museum of Father Crespi ( Tayos Cave, Ecuador ) and some connexions with the artifacts from Burrows Cave din Illinois (USA). O parte din colectia parintelui Crespi se afla acum n Muzeul Bancii Centrale din Cuenca, Ecuador. Restauratorul sef de acolo, Jos Maldonado, a scris: "Nu stim nimic despre originea acestor obiecte, si nici unde au fost gsite."

Part of Father Crespis collection now resides in the Museum of the Banco Central in Cuenca, Ecuador. The chief restorer there, Jos Maldonado, wrote, We know nothing about the origin of these objects, nor where they were found. Cave of The Tayos ( History Channel ) Cautarea bibliotecii cu carti pe foi sau placi metalice din aur din Atlantida /The quest for the Gold Library of Atlantis 15.htm Enigma unei civilizatii intraterestre / El Enigma de Una Civilizacion Intraterestre ? La Cueva de Los Tayos - Biblioteca Pleyades In imaginea de mai jos vedeti : Fig. 1. Cartile din folii de aur din colectia parintelui Crespi This metal stele is the showpiece. It is 20 1/2 by 5 1/2 by 1 1/2 inches. Fifty-six different characters are "stamped" on its 56 squares. Exista o referire la Dileep Kumar, un filolog indian, care a analizat simbolurile de pe placa mam, si ajuns la concluzia c ca ideogramele Crespi apartin clasei de Brahmi , o scriere utilizata cu 2300 ani n urm n perioada Asoka a istoriei Indiei, ... mu mai este nevoie s va spunem ca istoria pe care ne-au spus-o la scoal este contrafacuta (scrisa de invingatori ).

Aceasta imagine insotita de fotografii ale tunelurilor vitrifiate se afla si in filmul cu imagini luate de la NASA, de catre cei ce au intrat ilegal in serverele de acolo Vedeti videoclipul: "SECRET NASA PICTURES HACKED" sau Nasa pictures of nephilim giants anomalies FACT OR FAKED ?

Fig. 2. Piesa similara cu brbatul vultur sumerian descoperita in Pestera Tayos, Ecuador Aceast descoperire confirm traducerea lui Zecharia Sitchin, n ceea ce priveste faptul ca o parte dintre anunnaki (zei; cei veniti din cer) din Sumer au plecat si s-au stabilit n America de Sud.

Adrese unde se afla imagini (album foto)/ The Crespi Collection set=a.370580918444.156686.364859133444&type=3 PERSONAJELE IMPLICATE Parintele Carlo Crespi Parintele Carlo Crespi (Milano, 1891 Ecuador, 1982), este cel care a strans o incredibila colectie de obiecte din aur si argint de dinainte de Potop, din pesterile Tayos , care i-au fost aduse lui drept recunostinta de catre indienii amazonieni ( Shuar population ) .

El tinea aceasta colectie intr-un depozit al bisericii Mara Auxiliadora din orasul Cuenca, din Ecuador. Vaticanul a fost foarte suprat pe activitatea de divulgare a lui Crespi . Activitatea de stergere a urmelor civilizatiilor anterioare si de impunere a embargoului in care a fost implicat Vatcanul este redata in pagina:

Padre Carlo Crespi, el verdadero descubridor del tesoro de la Cueva de los Tayos (+ Video) Father Carlo Crespi Metal Library and the secrets of Cueva de los Tayos

Father Crespi: The Gold Of The Ancient Aliens Los Invencibles Shuar del Alto Amazon - film de arhiva realizat in 1927 by Salesian Padre Carlos Crespi, the first film of Shuar community life and culture ever made. The Shuar-Achuar population of Ecuador numbers 70,000 over 400 communities. They are called Invincibles because neither Incas nor Conquistadores could dominate them. Pruebas de Civilizacion Intraterrestre Crespi A Tribute to Padre Crespi - Born a Saint The film excerpt below is from 'Los Invencibles Shuar del Alto Amazons' shot in 1927 by Salesian Padre Carlos Crespi, Cueva de Los Tayos - The Crespi Project Padre Crespi collection 1/3

Juan Moricz (Janos Moricz; Jnos Mricz) "Atunci cnd continutul Bibliotecii Metalice va fi cunoscut, nu vor mai exista rzboaie ! / "When the contents of the Metal Library are known, there will be no more wars ! " (Juan Moricz) Povestea este centrata n jurul lui Juan Moricz ( Mricz Jnosknt), un antreprenor aristocrat maghiaro- argentinian, care s-a nascut in Ungaria ( Magyarorszgon) in 1923 In 1969 Juan Moricz a afirmat c a descoperit o serie de tuneluri din Ecuador, care contineau o "Biblioteca cu placi metalice"./ The story centered around Janos "Juan" Moricz, an aristocratic Argentinian-Hungarian entrepreneur who claimed that he had discovered a series of tunnels in Ecuador that contained a "Metal Library".

ntr-o declaratie pe propria rspundere semnat la data de 8 iulie 1969, Juan Moricz a vorbit despre ntlnirea sa cu presedintele Ecuadorului, unde a primit o concesia care i-a acordat un control total asupra descoperiri bibliotecii metalice, cu conditia

sa aduca dovezi fotografice si un martor independent care sa sustina descoperirea retelei subterane de tuneluri. In a signed affidavit dated 8 July 1969, he spoke about his meeting with the Ecuadorian president, where he received a concession that allowed him total control over this discoveryprovided he could produce photographic evidence and an independent witness that corroborated the discovery of the underground network. Segn un acta notarial confeccionada a su solicitud y basada en sus declaraciones, fechada el 21 de julio de 1969 en Guayaquil: ...He descubierto valiosos objetos de gran valor cultural e histrico para la humanidad. Los objetos consisten especialmente en lminas metlicas que contienen probablemente el resumen de la historia de una civilizacin extinguida, de la cual no tenemos hasta la fecha el menor indicio... n 1972, Moricz s-a ntlnit cu von Daniken si l-a dus la o intrare lateral secret prin care ei puteau intra ntr-o sal mare din interiorul unui labirint. Se pare c von Daniken nu a ajuns sa vada chiar biblioteca insasi, ci doar sistemul de tuneluri. In 1972, Moricz met with von Dniken and took him to a secret side-entrance through which they could enter into a large hall within the labyrinth. Apparently von Dniken never got to see the library itself, just the tunnel system. Juan Moricz spunea c galeriile lungi si drepte aveau peretii acoperiti cu sticla(vitrificati) (Fig. 27. in cartea lui Daniken) iar camerele mari au fost fcute prin topire Straturile de roc clar explodate sunt usor de recunoscut de la intrarea tunelului, ca si cum o usa cu unghiuri drepte ar fi fost aruncata in aer din peretele stncii (Fig. 28. in cartea lui Daniken) In interviul din Der Spiegel, din 19 Martie 1973, putem citi: Der Spiegel: " Cuym ati decoperit biblioteca ( cu carti metalice)/ How did you discover the [metal] library?" Moricz: "Cineva m-a dus acolo/ Somebody took me there." Der Spiegel: "Cine a fost ghidul? / Who was this guide?" Moricz: "Nu va pot spune/ I can't tell you." ( cu alte ocazii a spus ca era vorba despre un shaman al unui trib din Amazonia care vorbea limba maghiara; Hungarian Tltos (shaman) indicated the Cave that was found in Ecuador; Proof on film, made in 1976, showing Ecuadorian archaeologist and journalist Presley Norton naming Andres Fernndez Salvador as the person who first informed Juan Moricz about the Tayos Caves treasure (in the mid-1960s). Stanley Hall a spus ca era vorba despre Petronio Jaramillo, care sustinea ca era o alta pestera aflata sub Tayos, cu intrarea pe sub apa) Descoperirea lui Jnos Moricz a unor triburi din Amazonia care vorbesc limba maghiar Janos Moricz a auzit zvonul ca unele triburi de indieni din Amazonia vorbesc limba maghiara. Dupa ce a ajuns in zona si a intrat in contact cu shamanii acestor triburi, care inca mai folosesc multe cuvinte in maghiara, acestia i-au aratat tunelurile din muntii Anzi ( care sunt strabatuti in intregimea lor de tuneluri ) unde si-au ascuns comorile la venirea spaniolilor. A aflat de la ei ca traditia lor afirma ca ar fi venit dinspre vest la scufundarea continentului Mu. A organizat o expeditie pe o pluta din lemn de balsa ( ca si pluta lui Thor Heyerdahl numita Kon-Tiki ), care din America de Sud a ajuns in Australia ( On May 28, 1970 a raft made of balsam wood, according to the ideas of Moricz, set sail from the Ecuadorian coast with a crew of four young men. Moricz guided them from the shore by radio. 159 days later the raft arrived on October 4 in Australia, not far from Sydney. Here they towed the sensational raft that sailed halfway around the globe.) O confirmare a migratiei si a evenimentelor din urma cu 21000 de ani, care au urmat scufundarii continentului Mu s-a gasit intr-un text (numit Kland scrolls ) aflat intr-o cutie de piatra acoperita de 12 metri de lava ( In the quest of the origins of the American ancient indigenous population, or rather its migration there we are provided with important data from the so-called Kland scrolls. In 1967 an archaeological group with American funding found, under 20 metre thick layer of

lava, a stone box containing an intact written scroll. C14 dating found it to be around 21 000 years old. Since then the writing has be decoded and it turns out they contain the history, culture and circumstances of the thousands of years ago sunken continent of Mu. A member of the group, Tony Earl, wrote a book detailing the process and the results of the archaeological dig, called Mu Revealed. The book triggered great interest at the time but today probably is unavailable). Janos Moricz afirma ca biserica mormona a exercitat mari presiuni asupra sa in dorinta sa de a acapara tot mai multa putere pt a indica locul de amplasare a bibliotecii din placi metalice. Intregul text se afla in paginile de mai jos: Juan (Jnos) Moricz discovery of South American, Hungarian speaking Indians by Gyrgyn Hary (1977)

Petronio Jaramillo Stanley Hall il numeste pe Petronio Jaramillo A. (1929-1998): Adevaratul descoperitor / The Real Discoverer "Senor Hall! We are the only legitimates in the Tayos story!"

Petronio Jaramillo and Stan Hall (Quito 1996) Este cel care i-a aratat pestera lui Juan Moricz, iar aceasta este o alta pestera aflata sub Tayos, cu intrarea pe sub apa (Pastaza River; the location is at 77 47' 34" West and 1 56' 00" South). In afara de cartile pe foi metalice de 20 de kilograme fiecare mai exista o biblioteca pe tablete de cristal, care au santuri paralele, ca niste discuri

de patefon (tablete de cristal nu pot fi zgariate cu un cutit ) . Totul arata ca o capsula a timpului in care sunt pastrate dovezile si istoria civilizatiilor de pe Terra inaintea venirii unei catastrofe planetare. Petronio Jaramillo a fost asasinat in 1998. Jaramillo entered the system at least once after that. On that occasion, he saw a library consisting of thousands of large, metal books stacked on shelves, each with an average weight of about 20 kilograms, each page impressed from one side with ideographs, geometric designs and written inscriptions. There was a second library, consisting of small, hard, smooth, translucentwhat seemed to be crystaltablets, grooved with parallel encrusted channels, stacked on sloping shelves of trestled units covered in gold leaf. Expeditia lui Stanley Hall din 1976 The Odyssey of Stan Hall- Architect of the Tayos Caves Expedition of 1976 Tayos Expedition '76 %20Odyssey%20of%20Stan%20Hall Cartea lui Dniken a fost citita de ctre Stanley Hall, un inginer scotian, care l-a contactat pe Juan Moricz s-i propun o expeditie n pestera Tayos ( la care a participat si Neil Armstrong, primul om care a calcat pe Luna si un om cu experienta in ascunderea urmelor lasate de civilizatiile terestre si extraterestre pe Lun n timpul misiunii spatiale Apollo 11 ) . Moricz a acceptat doar cu niste conditii: 1. att timp ct el este liderul expeditiei si 2. s nu fie luate artefactele care urmeaz s fie gsite. Binenteles c Stanley Hall nu a acceptat conditiile lui Moricz, tocmai pentru c planul su celor care l-au angajat era sa elimine aceasta scurgere de informatii. Asa ca a esuat ncercarea lui Stanley Hall de a obtine informatii de la Juan Moricz. Apoi Hall a ajuns la un acord cu autorittile ecuadoriene, iar n iulie 1976, a fost organizata o expeditie britanico - ecuadoriana, care a fost in realitate una britanicoamericana, formata din personalul militar si stiintific. Pentru expeditie a fost angajat un speolog argentinian, de origine spaniol (basc), Julio Goyen Aguado, care l-a suspectat pe Stanley Hall ca ase afla in serviciul secret britanic si un membru activ n lojile masonice britanice. Aguado a declarat ca expeditia britanic a avut un interes obsesiv pentru gsirea Bibliotecii metalice din pestera Tayos, pentru ca aceasta s fie dusa n secret n Anglia. In situl de mai jos exista o fotografie a astronautului Neil Armstrong si a inginerului scotian Stanley Hall Ceva similar de implicare a masoneriei in embargoul asupra cunoasterii civilizatiilor care ne-au precedat, se afla in cartea "Viitor cu cap de mort" pe link-ul: Desi s-a afirmat ca nu a aparut nimic despre aceasta expeditie la 30 de ani dupa aceasta au aparut 4 lucrari scrise de Stanley Hall ( in 2006 to mark the 30th Anniversary of the 1976 Tayos Expedition. Stan Hall's first book, Tayos Gold: The Archives of Atlantis, will be backed up by another book of historical investigation called Savage Genesis: The Missing Page. Furthermore, both books have been combined and developed into a novel divided into two parts; Tayos Dawn: From Eden to Atlantis and finally Tayos Fever: Jungle Fire, depicting a saga which starts during Saturn's cataclysmic age and ends in the 20th Century, all written in order to reveal a revolutionary model for the Creation of the Solar System and the origins of Humankind, which could justify the enigma of the Tayos Metal Libraries. General Description of the Treasure of the Tayu [Tayhuantinsuyu] 1. A library consisting of thousands of metal books on shelves, each weighing about 20 kilograms, pages stamped on one side with ideographs, geometric designs and inscriptions. 2. A second library of hard, polished, rectangular, translucent plates, each with parallel, encrusted channels, laid on gold-leafed trestles. 3. Hundreds of zoomorphic and human statues, some on heavy plinths, representing various species of animals and insects, also humans in different positions displaying a variety of emotions. 4. 'Metal' bars of various shapes, together with toys and piles of alluvial gold. 5. Instruments for making buttons and jewelry. 6. Sealed doors (possibly tombs) covered in semi-precious stones.

7. A sarcophagus of translucent material containing a large, gold-leafed, human skeleton. With the passing of Juan Moricz and Petronio Jaramillo, the treasure trail might have disappeared. However, despite an agreement, to safeguard both families, that Jaramillo would not pinpoint the treasure until an expedition was in the field, Hall decides to combine the information from Petronio with his interdisciplinary background and field experience to determine its precise location. Working alone, burdened with long, hard years of operating in Ecuador and evading fringe elements, he finally decides the best course of action is to directly publish on the world-wide Web. "The 'Iron Ring' forged by astronomers, historians, evolutionists and creationists, based on an erroneous identification of the star Sirius for the planet Venus (Egy: Ast or Aa-set) at the helical rising in 1321 BC, combined with a rejection of the mythohistorical record of interplanetary catastrophism and electromagnetism, guarantees a cyclical repetition of the errors of history!" Consecinte In 1999, speologul argentinian de origine basc, Julio Goyen Aguado, care a fost prezent la expeditia din 1976, si mostenitorul comorii lui Juan Moricz , a murit ntrun accident de masina, in care o basculant i-a lovit camioneta si l-a aruncat in afara autostrzii de lng San Rafael, n apropierea unui pod peste rul Diamond, la sud de Mendoza. ntre 1995 si 1998, s-a dezlntuit un rzboi absurd si crud dintre Peru si Ecuador pentru demarcarea frontierei n litigiu, cunoscut sub numele de conflictul Cenepii (dupa raul cu aceslasi nume). Se spune c de fapt zona n litigiu a fost Pestera Tayos. Conflictul a costat sute de vieti. Pe scurt, Julio Goyen Aguado, a acuzat elita criminala si psihopata a Illuminati , care controleaza puterea politica, economica, culturala si religioasa de pe Pmnt, prin intermediul societtilor secrete si a guvernelor, ca a trimis o expeditie criminala si secreta in Pestera Tayos n 1976 ca s rpeasc si sa ascunda omenirii dovezile si probele existentei altor civilizatii, care au trit pe Pmnt de multe mii de ani n urm, si care au fost responsabile pentru mega-constructiile antice. Fr ndoial c expeditia din 1976 la Pestera Tayos a fost o crim mpotriva umanittii. Tot o crim mpotriva umanittii a fost si Misiunea Apollo pe Lun, si la fel sunt ascunse cercetarile cu sondele spatiale trimise pe Marte, si multe alte descoperiri care au fost blocate. Julio Goyen Aguado afirma ca "totul se face pt a monopoliza informatiile pt a ascunde istoria real a umanitatii, pentru a mintii fiintele umane, cui scopul de a mentine acelasi sistem fals de credinte si de minciuni de care depinde rmnerea lor la putere. Nu uitati ca programarea, conceptia comanda perceptia, ceea ce vedeti, ceea ce ganditi, ceea ce faceti Conceptia comanda perceptia /Conception commands / controls perception/ La conception contrle la perception Intr-o zi fiintele umane vor scapa de societtile secrete, care au ingenuncheat umanitatea, si se vor elibera de orbirea si ignoranta in care au fost tinute, vor cunoaste tot adevrul despre ele, despre Terra si despre univers. Exista un videoclip al unei emisiuni de la televiziunea din Ecuator in care Rafael Calderon vorbeste de o rasa intraterestra, care locuieste in tunelele de sub aceasta pestera ( care s-a retras acolo inainte de Potop), si care protejeaza acest tezaur in care se afla istoria civilizatiilor terestre care ne-au precedat (ei au fost de acord ca aceste informatii sa fie puse la dispozitia intregii umanitati , iar nu sa fie confiscate tot de cei care deja le monopolizeaza) . Cueva de los tayos Intraterestres Ecuador Entidades que Habitan la Cueva de los Tayos Rafael Calderon Father Crespi, July 21, 1969, Juan Moricz, Tayos Cave_And Father Crespi ( Ecuador ) Klaus Dona - Anunnaki_Cave Tayos - Father Crespi ( Ecuador )

Klaus Dona : The Hidden History of the Human Race (March 2010) AKA Bill Ryan from Project Avalon Father Crespi, July 21, 1969, Juan Moricz, Tayos Cave_And Father Crespi ( Ecuador ) Klaus Dona - Anunnaki_Cave Tayos - Father Crespi ( Ecuador ) Jaime Rodriguez LA CUEVA DE LOS TAYOS 5 DE 10 RECORDUL DE VANZARI 25 MILIOANE DE COPII DANIKEN ORO DE LOS DIOSES Los Tayos- Caminando entre Gigantes Secrets Covered Up (Padre Crespi-Janos Moricz collection) ANEXA 1 Notorious Ancient Gold Library Claims Proven: von Dniken is Vindicated by Erich von Dniken (with Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, editor of History Is Wrong, and Tankred Jeker) Proven_von_D_niken_is_Vindicated_by_Erich_von_D_niken_with_Giorgio_A_Tsoukalos _editor_of_History_Is_Wrong_and_Tankred_Jeker.shtml As we walked out of the Ecuadorian rainforest and descended into a labyrinth of underground caves, nearly forty years ago, I had no idea that the artifacts that I would find here would spark a decades-long controversy and be the basis of several bestselling books for me. In the Cueva de los Tayos (Spanish for "Cave of the Oilbirds"), my guide was Juan Moricz, an Argentinean prospector with whom I had been corresponding about his knowledge of a hidden cache of gold animal sculptures and metal plates covered with mysterious writing. After we had spent hours in the tunnelswhich appeared to be artificially constructedporing over the library of thousands of inscribed gold panels, Moricz showed me his an officially endorsed document from the Ecuadorian government, which showed his ownership of the tunnel system and its contents. He was excited about what he had! I soon laid out my research and conclusions about the Tayos library in my book, The Gold of the Gods, wherein I suggested that the caves were created by a lost civilization with help from extraterrestrial beingsa concept that I had previously presented in my book, Chariots of the Gods (a multi-million-copy bestseller that earned me the title, Grand Master of the Ancient Astronaut Theory). For many years, my story about the library of golden panels was labeled as fraudulent, inaccurate, and false, and my ongoing attempts to set the record straight were ignored, until today. In my new book, History is Wrong, which has just been released by New Page Books, I reveal more details of 1968 expedition, communications with various scientists and experts that have not previously been put forth, and evidence of a connection between the biblical Enoch and the metal plates from Ecuador. In the book, I also compare the texts of the Tayos library to the Book of Enoch and to the beliefs of the Mormons, who have spent decades searching for the library, suggesting it to contain the history of their forefathers. After the Discovery of the Library

After Moricz and I emerged from the caves, he took me to see Father Carlos Crespi, who possessed a large collection of similar metal plates that were also covered with mysterious engravings and glyphs, and that have remained undeciphered to this day. Some of the plates look ancient, finished very elaborately and engraved with glyphs. Others appear to be almost new and made in a simplistic style. Most of the plates consist of brass, zinc and copper. (A note about the metals: the American scientist, Professor Heather Lechtmann of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, proved in a study that the pre-Columbian people of South America were masters at coating metal with very thin layers of gold, in some cases, 0.5 to 2 micrometers thick.) In his writings, Moricz says, (This is . . . ) an archaeological reality that has so far been either entirely unknown or at least flat-out denied by mainstream scientists. The first expedition serves as the steppingstone for a second part of the expedition with which we intend to obtain proof that the discovered underground cave system is an area of activity of the progenitors of mankind. According to Moricz, the cave system extends over thousands of kilometers, and its main entrance is located in the inaccessible jungle region where the Santiago and Coangos rivers come together. Moricz and I agreed that I would report about his discoveries in my book The Gold of the Gods, paving the way for his own future book release. Repercussions and Vindication Erich von Daniken Back in Switzerland, I wrote the manuscript, and when The Gold of the Gods was published, it wasnt long before the storm of controversy began to rage. Two correspondents from the German magazine, Stern, maintained that the whole story was an outright fabrication. German TV latched on to the topic, and even Moriczs attorney contacted me, demanding a million dollars, allegedly because I had published photos of the caves without permission (which I did not). Now, in History is Wrong, the truth about the mysterious golden library of el Cueva de los Tayos is at last presented with complete and undeniable documentation. And in addition, I further explain some of my other analyses of ancient texts, including the notorious Voynich manuscript which is thought to have been written in the 15th or 16th century and which has defied all attempts at decryption since its discovery. Readers of History is Wrong will realize that human history is nothing like the world religions claim. This new information from the translation of the ancient texts and my forty years of study and investigations consists neither of dreams, fantasy, nor of wishful thinking. I expect that History is Wrong will rattle our internet-obsessed society to its core and astound people more than the invention of the radio and television combined! Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is also Erich von Daniken's official representative in the United States and the rest of the English-speaking world. For over 10 years, Tsoukalos has been the Director of Erich von Daniken's Center for Ancient Astronaut Research (A.A.S. R.A. - Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI Research Association). He is also the Publisher of Legendary Times Magazine, the world's only and definitive Ancient Astronaut research journal.

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