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Testing for Language Teachers CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOKS POR LANGUAGE TEACHERS General Editor: Michacl Swaa This is a sevies of practical guides for teachers of English and other Janguages. [ustrative examples are usaally drawn from the field of English as a farign or second language, bu: the ideas and techniques described can equally well be used in the teaching of any language. In this series: Drama Techniques in Language Learning ~ A resource book of communication activities for langage teachers by Alan Maley anid Alan Duff Games for Language Laseniog by Andrew Wright, David Berreridge and Michael Bucky Discussioas that Work — Task centred fluency practice by Penny Ur Once Upon a Time Using stores mm the language classroom, dy Jobe Morgan and Marla Rinwolucri Teaching Liscening Comprehension by Penzry Ur Keep Talking ~ Communicative fluency activities for language teaching by Friederike Klippel Working with Words ~ A guide co reaching and learning vocabulary hy Rath Gains and Stuart Redman Learner Eagtish ~ A seacher’s guide to ianerlerence and other problems edited by Michael Svan and Bernard Stith ‘Testing Spoken Language ~ A handbook of oral resting techniques iy Nic Underhill Literature in the Language Classroom ~ A resource book of ideas and activities by joanne Callie and Stephen Slater Bicuuion ~ New techods, new pussibilicies by Paul Davis and Mavi Rinwohucri Granvmar Practice Activities ~ A practica by Penney Ur uide for reachers Vesting foe Language Teachers by Aithar Hughes The Inward Bar ~ Poetry in rhe kinguage classroom ty Alan Maley and Alan Duff Potures for Language Learning by Andrew Wright Fly Minute Activities ~ A resaurce bonk of shart activities ene Ur and Andrew Weight Testing for Language Teachers Arthur Hughes CAMBRIDGE BF UNIVERSLEY PRESS

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