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Comer el corazn de un perro para no contagiar la rabia.

In India we can find many beliefs, for example some farmers believe that when a rabid dog bites a farmer eat its heart needed to rabies may not apply to the person. It is a belief that has been implemented because after suffering a bite from a rabid dog. He ate his heart instead of seeing a doctor, who had been the most logical. Not only this farmer who has this belief as true, but in different rural areas many people have this belief to avoid getting rabies, if a rabid dog can bite him. This belief is very respectable but the truth is that doctors in the area advised this person to come to the doctor, but he just ate its heart. It is an act not exactly very positive and you should have a very positive impact in this case this farmer from India, in a rural area of this country.

Si quiere ser una mujer recta y no exponerse a la injusticia y la humillacin de los hombres de la tribu, pues qumese a s misma despus de la muerte de su esposo, y si no lo hace, se enfrentar a un infierno por parte de una sociedad que no tiene misericordia. La palabra Sati se refiere a la mujer pura o santa que se quema a s misma por su esposo, o segn la filosofa de la casta de los Rajputs, la palabra Sati quiere decir, la mujer recta que tiene la capacidad de ofrecerse a s misma como una ofrenda ya que se crea que a travs de su acto, se salvara s misma, a su familia y a sus familiares de la afliccin de la resurreccin o la reencarnacin; o sea: transformar el espritu del difunto en un animal o en una ave, segn la creencia hind. Quizs se piense que es un engao o una acusacin falsa contra la religin o la moral, pero el sistema del Sati en la India, obliga de hecho a la mujer cuyo esposo ha muerto a seguirle, quemndose a s misma para estar cerca de l en su vida y despus de su muerte. If a woman wants to be honest and not to expose the injustice and humiliation of the men of the tribe, so she must burn herself after the death of her husband, and if he does, it will face a hell by a society that has not mercy. The word "Sati" means pure or holy woman burning herself for her husband, or according to the philosophy of the caste of the "Rajputs", the word "Sati" means, a honest woman who has ability to offer herself as a gift and it was believed that through this act, would save herself, her family and relatives of the affliction of the resurrection or reincarnation to transform the spirit of the deceased in an animal or a bird, according to Hindu belief. "

The system of "Sati" in India obliges the woman whose husband has died to follow, burning herself to be near him in his life and after his death. ADITI:Aditi es mencionada en el Ring-Veda como madre de todos los dioses. Se la invocaba como dispersadora de bendiciones para los nios y el ganado, y se declara que es la madre de Varuna y de otras deidades. Se supone que es la personificacin de lo infinito, en especial de la inmencidad del cielo, en opocicin a la limitacin de la tierra. Otra supocicin es la que Aditi es la personificacin de la "Naturaleza o Ser Universal que lo contiene todo". Esta idea parece ms correcta. Adems esta relacionada con el perdn de los pecados. Los hijos de Aditi se conocen como Adityas. ADITI: Mother of all gods, known as disperser blessings for children and cattle, and is declared to be the mother of Varuna and other deities. Is supposed to be the personification of the infinite, especially the sky inmencidad in opocicin to limited land. Another supocicin is that Aditi is the personification of "Nature or Universal Being which contains everything." This idea seems more correct. Addition is related to the forgiveness of sins. The sons of Aditi are called Adityas.

AGNI:Dios Vdico cuyo elemento es la tierra y el fuego. Es el dios de la sabidura. Junto con Indra y Surya conforman la "trinidad vdica". Con la nica excepcin de Indra, se le dedican ms himnos que a ninguna otra deidad. Se mencionan varios relatos sobre su origen. Se dice que es hijo de Dyaus y Prithivi; es llamado hijo de Brahma, recibiendo en este caso el nombre de Abhimani y se le cuenta entre los hijos de Kaspaya y Aditi y por ello como uno de los Adityas. Se lo representa como un hombre colorado, con dos cabezas (una benvola y otra malfica),tres piernas y siete brazos, y con ojos, cejas y cabellos oscuros. Monta en un carnero; viste una poita (cordn brahmnico) y una guirnalda de frutas. Llamas de fuego surgen de su boca y siete rayos de gloria manan de su cuerpo. Tambin representa el fuego del sol y de la luz de los corazones de quienes le adoran. Como personificacin divina del fuego de los sacrificios,es la boca de los dioses, es el portador de ofrendas y el intermediario entre humanos y dioses. Protege a los hombres y a los hogares de los hombres. El dios Agni habra nacido de la boca de la luna csmica Purusha. Muchas veces es mostrado con dos cabezas como en este retablo de India del sur. En su rol como dios del fuego era unido muchas veces con sacrificios y es por esto que se le consideraba un mensajero entre los creyentes y los dioses.

AGNI: Vedic god whose element is earth and fire. He is the god of wisdom. Along with Indra and Surya up the "Vedic trinity." With the exception of Indra, hymns are devoted more than any other deity. Mentioned several stories about its origin. Said to be the son of Dyaus and Prithivi, is called the son of Brahma, getting here Abhimani name and tells the children of Kaspaya and Aditi and therefore one of the Adityas. He is depicted as a red man with two heads (one benign and one evil), three legs and seven arms, and eyes, eyebrows and dark hair. Mounted on a ram wearing a poita (Brahmanic cord) and a garland of fruit. Flames emerging from his mouth and seven rays of glory flowing from your body. It also represents the sun's heat and light to the hearts of those who love him. As divine personification of the sacrificial fire, is the mouth of the gods, is the bearer of offerings and the intermediary between humans and gods. Protect people and homes of men. The god Agni have been born from the mouth of the moon cosmic Purusha. It is often shown with two heads as in this altarpiece South India. In his role as god of fire was often united with sacrifices and that is why he was considered a messenger between the gods and believers.

BRAHMA:Brahma es considerado como el Ser Supremo, el dios de dioses; Brahma, Vishnu y Siva, son sus manifestaciones. Es verdad que en algunos versos de los Vedas, algunos de sus atributos tambin se dan a otras deidades, y en algunos de los Puranas se dice que hay varios dioses iguales al Supremo Brahma. No obstante, Brahma es considerado por los hindues, opinin que encuentra mucho fundamento en sus escrituras, como el Supremo Dios: el origen de todos los dems y del que stos son sus manifestaciones. En el Atharva-Veda se lee:"Todos los dioses estn en Brahma como las vacas en un establo". En el principio, Brahma era este universo, el cre a los dioses. Habiendo creado a los dioses, los coloc en los mundos. Agni, en este mundo, Vayu en la atmsfera y Surya en el cielo. Y en los mundos que son ms altos, coloc a los dioses que son aun ms elevados. Entonces Brahma parti hacia la esfera ms alta llamada Satyaloka, el ms excelente y lejano de todos los mundos. Los dioses eran originalmente mortales, pero cuando fueron penetrados por Brahma, se volvieron inmortales. En el Taittiriya Brahmana se dice que: Brahma cre a todos los dioses y a este mundo entero. Dentro de l estn todos estos mundos. Dentro de l est este universo entero. Brahma es el ms grande de todos los seres. En Brahma estn los treinta y tres dioses.

BRAHMA: Brahma is regarded as the Supreme Being, the God of gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, are its manifestations. It is true that in some verses of the Vedas, some of its attributes are also given to other deities, and in some of the Puranas is said that there are several gods equal to the Supreme Brahma. However, Brahma is considered by the Hindus, who are well grounded opinion in his writings, as the Supreme God, the source of all the others and these are its manifestations. In the Atharva-Veda reads: "All the gods are Brahma like cows in a barn." In the beginning, the universe was Brahma, the gods created. Having created the gods, placed in the worlds. Agni, in this world, Vayu and Surya in the atmosphere in the sky. And in the worlds that are higher, put the gods that are even higher. Then he left the field Brahma highest Satyaloka call, the most excellent and far of all worlds. The gods were originally mortal, but when they were penetrated by Brahma, became immortal. In the Taittiriya Brahmana is said that Brahma created all the gods and the world. Within it are all these worlds. Within it is this entire universe. Brahma is the greatest of all beings. In Brahma are the thirty-three gods.

GANESH O GANESA:Deidad con rostro de elefante, hijo de Shiva y Parvati. Considerado como el enemigo y destructor de todos los obstculos. Como el Seor del intelecto y la Autorrealizacin, dios del destino y protector del matrimonio, representa el triunfo de la sabidura sobre la ignorancia y de la carencia de ego sobre los deseos. Ganesha significa literalmente "El comandante Supremo de los gana". Los gana son las huestes o ejrcitos divinos que diriga Shiva; a raz de lo cual a Ganesha se le nombra como "El Conductor de las huestes divinas o huestes celestiales". Su postura de loto (sentado) sobre un ratn, que es su medio de transporte o vahana; cada deidad posee un vehculo. El ratn, representa la oscuridad, que es smbolo de la ignorancia, el yo inferior. Su figura de elefante, se explicara de este modo: dado que el elefante es el animal de la selva de mayor tamao;lo cual le permite abrirse paso hasta en la jungla ms densa; reflejando as la calidad del lder que muestra el camino a los dems. De ojos pequeos, que poco le permiten ver, y orejas inmensas que mucho le permiten escuchar, son dos cualidades que se asocian con el hombre internamente sabio, ya que el mismo es piadoso, no se siente atrado por ningn objeto material, mira poco hacia fuera y es paciente para escuchar. El elefante es sumamente inteligente, muy fiel y agradecido con su amo. No olvida a su amo y dara su vida por l. Por lo general tiene cuatro manos, aunque algunas veces tiene seis, ocho o slo dos. Siempre se le describe como una deidad muy corpulenta y los cuadros e imgenes suyas pueden verse en las puertas de la mayora de los tenderos y se le nombra tambien como "el ordenador de

los obstculos". Generalmente se encuentra sobre la puerta principal de las casas para "espantar al mal". No es fcil descubrir cmo Ganesa ha llegado a ser tan universalmente adorado, puesto que hay pocas leyendas en los Puranas que atestigen sus poderes divinos. GANESH O GANESA: elephant-faced deity, son of Shiva and Parvati. considered as the enemy and destroyer of all obstacles. As the Lord of intellect and selfrealization, god of destiny and protector of marriage represents the triumph of wisdom over ignorance and lack of ego about wishes. Ganesha literally means "Supreme Commander wins." The wins are the hosts or armies headed divine Shiva, following which he was appointed to Ganesha as "The Driver of the divine hosts or hosts of heaven". His lotus posture (sitting) on a mouse, which is his vehicle or vahana, each deity has a vehicle. The mouse represents darkness, which symbolizes ignorance, the lower self. His figure of an elephant, is explained as follows: since the elephant is the jungle animal larger, allowing you to break through dense jungle, reflecting the quality of the leader who shows the way to the others. Small eyes, that little let you view, and huge ears let you hear much, are two qualities that are associated with internally wise man, since it is pious, not attracted by any material object, look slightly to be patient and to listen. The elephant is highly intelligent, very loyal and grateful to his master. Do not forget your love and give his life for him. It usually has four hands, but sometimes has six, eight or two. Invariably described as a deity very stout and pictures and images of him can be seen on the doors of most of the shopkeepers and also names him as "the computer of obstacles." It is usually found on the front door of the house to "scare the evil." It is not easy to discover how Ganesa has become so universally adored, because there are few legends in the Puranas attesting their divine powers. LAKSMI:Es una diosa hind importante, quizs representa abundancia y prosperidad, y personifica el ltimo concepto hind del principio femenino, o Shakti, en la deidad masculina. Segn el Ramayana ella emergi del oceano de leche. Es representada como la consorte de Vishnu, Ella est sentada o se reclina sobre un loto que puede ser regado por dos elefantes que la acompaan. En otras pinturas se la ve lavando los pies de Vishnu cuando descansa en la serpiente, Sesha, Ella emerge en muchos modos, cambiando la forma mientras que Vishnu cambia sus propias encarnaciones. Tambin se muestra para emerger como el Kali negro y destructivo. As, cuando Hari naci como un enano, la hija de Aditi, Lakshmi, apareci del loto como Padma, o Kamala. Cuando l naci como Rama (Parasurama) de la raza de Bhnigu, ella era Dharani; cuando l fue Raghava (Ramachandra), ella fue Sita; y cuando l fue

Krishna, ella fue Rukmni. En los otros descendientes de Vishnu ella fue su asociada. Cuando l toma forma celestial, ella aparece como divina; cuando toma forma mortal ella se vuelve tambin mortal transformndose a s misma de acuerdo a la forma que a Vishnu le complace asumir. Vishnu es el significado, ella es el habla; Hari es poltica, ella es prudencia; Vishnu es comprensin, ella es intelecto; l es rectitud, ella es devocin; Sri es la tierra, Hari es su soporte. En una palabra, entre los dioses, animales y hombres, Hari es lo masculino y Lakshmi lo femenino; no existe nada ms que ellos. Ella naci en un lago de leche. Lakshmi: is an important Hindu goddess, perhaps represents abundance and prosperity, and the last Hindu concept embodies the feminine principle or Shakti, the male deity. According to the Ramayana she emerged from the ocean of milk. It is represented as the consort of Vishnu, she is sitting or resting on a lotus can be watered by two elephants that accompany it. In other paintings is seen washing the feet of Vishnu when resting on the serpent Sesha, she emerges in many ways, changing the way while changing their own incarnations Vishnu. Also shown to emerge as the black Kali and destructive. Thus when Hari was born as a dwarf, the daughter of Aditi, Lakshmi appeared as Padma Lotus, or Kamala. When He was born as Rama (Parasurama) Bhnigu the race, she was Dharani, when He was Raghava (Ramachandra), she was Sita, and when he was Krishna, she was Rukmini. On the other descendants of Vishnu she was his partner. When he takes celestial form, she appears as divine when she takes mortal form also becomes mortal transforming itself according to the form that Vishnu was pleased to accept. Vishnu is the meaning, it is speech; Hari is political, it is prudence; Vishnu is understanding, it is intellect, He is righteous, it is devotion; land is Sri Hari is its support. In short, among the gods, animals and men, Hari Lakshmi is the masculine and the feminine, there is nothing more than them. She was born in a lake of milk.

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