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He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! The season after Easter is such a wonderful time of year.

The season brings with it a freshness, new beginnings, and new life. You can sense peoples excitement as the days get longer and warmer. We sense the coming of summer, and the earth begins to bear more and more beautiful colors as flowers begin to grow and bloom. This past Easter, as I enjoyed the lilies in the Sanctuary and the new Orme Memorial Garden, I thought how fresh and welcoming the lilies made this house of God appear, and how the peaceful garden reminded me of Gods presence. I was amazed how fresh flowers and trickling water made such a difference in the way I felt about entering our campus. Our Easter faith needs to be like these flowers and the garden. The flowers are like Evangelism 101. A flowers beautiful colors draw people, and animals, to them to enjoy the color and nectar they provide. We may then go and tell others about how beautiful these flowers are, and they will come and see. Those people may come and bring others, and awed by their beauty, they may wish to plant some of their own. Do you see how this can be seen as basic Christian evangelism? Like the flowers the Memorial Garden draws people in, not necessarily by its beauty, but by its peacefulness and its living water. One warm, dry day last month I saw three birds drinking from the fountains. This was marvelous! The garden reminds me of our amazing God. Our God who offers peace and solace. Our God who offers refreshment and living water to a dry people.

I pray that as we enter these new days following the resurrection, we will use the flowers and the garden as reminders of our life-giving, amazing Lord who reaches out, gives new life, and refreshes a dry people. Office: (352) 694694-4121
FAX: (352) 694694-5226

Pastor ........................................ Andy Gans Visitation Pastor (Ret.) ............ Tom McNeil Music Director........................... Rick Roberts Executive Assistant ................... Chris Muramatsu Nursery Attendant .................... Tammy Keeslar Proofreaders.............................. Susan M. Jensen and John Stewart

Contributors ...............................Members of Ft. King Assembling .................................Phyllis Altonn, Kay Dahlen, Dorothy Decker, Joyce Gauntt, Eleanor Hayesmore, Pat Merrill, Carol Primm, Roselle Pringle, Judith Simonin, Aileen Zimmerman Bulk Mail Handling...................John Stewart


Living into His resurrection,


Fort King Presbyterian Church Financials Effective 2/28/13
Month Budget Feb 2013 Income Estimate of Giving Mortgage Reduction Other Income Total Income Total Expense Net Surplus/ Deficit Endowment 24,639 0 0 24,639 24,047 592 20,207 0 (6,733) 13,474 18,596 (5,122) (4,432) 0 (6,733) (11,165) (5,450) (5,714) 49,277 0 0 49,277 50,412 (1,135) 44,200 25 (6,299) 37,996 41,529 (3,533) (5,0776) 25 (6,299) (11,282) (8,883) (2,398) 59,938 325 12,259 72,522 40,958 31,564 (15,738) (300) (18,488) (34,526) 371 (35,098) Actual Feb 2013 Budget Compared to Actual Budget Jan-Feb 2013 Year-To-Date Actual Budget Actual 2013 YTD JanFeb Compared Jan-Feb Compared 2013 to 2012 to Actual 2012 YTD

Thank You
To our Fort King Family: Jim and I want to express our appreciation for all you have done for us during Jims illness. The outpouring of cards, visits, prayers, and caring concerns confirm what a wonderful congregation you are! Jim returned home on Monday, February 25th and he looks forward to his return to church. It takes a congregation to heal a man! All our love, Anne & Jim Hill


Congregational Care Ministry Prayer Chain & Card Ministry

The prayer chain began in late 2007 with five members. Today we are 25 members who pray for those in need, not necessarily church members. Members receive email updates as the coordinator receives information from the pastor, church secretary, a church member, or from the yellow slips that are in the pews. Each name is to be uplifted to the Lord during daily prayers for at least two weeks. Names can be added for various reasons, illness, thanks, death, etc. The lists of shut-ins from the Sunday bulletin are not to be forgotten. These people are on the permanent list and are prayed for on a continuing basis. Cards are sent to those who are hospitalized or have just been added to the prayer list. Cards are sent out as soon as possible to those in the hospital. Not every person receives a card; the decision is made by the coordinator. Each card is signed, Your church family at FKPC. A short prayer is added on the blank side of the card letting the receiver know that the prayer chain has been praying for them. This side is signed, Blessings, The Prayer Chain Team. There is usually a handwritten message in each card. In addition to prayers, shut-in members who are in long term care or in rehabilitation facilities for an extended period of time also receive monthly decorated hand-made cards.* This ongoing ministry ensures our shut-ins they remain in our thoughts and prayers even when they are unable to attend worship services. *The cards are produced using skills learned at the monthly card making classes hosted by Prudence Pritz. If you are interested in learning more about card making, please contact Prudence at 236-4141.


To Your Health Crime Victims Have Rights!
Victims of crime are not always aware that they are entitled to certain rights and restitution, or the availability of Victims compensation benefits if they are harmed by a violent crime. Did you know Stalking affects 3.4 million people over the age of 18 each year One in 5 teens has experienced violence in a dating relationship About 20 elderly people die in Florida every week from homicide/suicide One person is murdered every 31 minutes in the U.S. 10% of children have experienced some form of sexual violence One in 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime Ocala/Marion County Crime Victims Rights Week Activities: Monday, April 22nd Opening Ceremony Ocala Downtown Square 11:00 a.m.-Noon Tuesday, April 23rd Safety Workshop 5:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. on personal and home safety at Marion County Sheriffs Department Wednesday, April 24th... Domestic/Dating Violence Workshop 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Ocala Police Dept. Thursday, April 25th... It Takes Courage domestic violence awareness initiative-door hangars will be placed throughout the community with information on the cycle of violence, effects on children and resources to help. 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Thursday, April 25th... State Attorneys Office Homicide Victims Remembrance Ceremony - Noon at the Court House **Call 369-7139 or 369-7134 to RSVP for workshops or any questions. Victim Advocates help victims understand and cope with the impact of crime. If you or someone you know is a victim of crime, help is available - for more information contact: State Attorneys Office 671-5800 Marion County Sheriffs Department 732-9111 Marion County Childrens Alliance 438-5990 Ocala Police Department 369-7139 Kimberlys Center 873-4739 Ocala/DV Sexual Assault Center 622-8495

Selected by Bonnie Schulze MS, RN, CPP, Health Ministry Source: a flyer issued by the Ocala/Marion County Crisis Victims Rights Committee of Special Week Activities (April 22-25).

The Nurse Is In
The Nurse Is In office hours will be 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 18th. Remember to call the Church Office to make an appointment and call Bonnie at 352-624-1364 to share the topic you wish to discuss with her. Remember that if no one calls for an appointment, hours will be cancelled. Use this opportunity to have your blood pressure checked, discuss new medications, or have questions answered about a new health condition.


April Birthdays


April High Tide

Join us on April 14th and April 28th for our High Tide gatherings this month. Our topics will focus on what it means to live in the Spirit. We will also focus on God from the perspective of 3D compared with our 2D selves. Of course we will focus on playground activities, games and dinner. See you at 5:00 p.m. Cheryl

DISCIPLESHIP (continued)
Adult Discipleship Ministry
Several months ago someone asked Tom McNeil how we got the New Testament that we have. Opportunity knocked and Tom began planning for a series of classes to answer that question. The first class in the series was held March 3; the series will end May 26. The series follows logically from our excellent classes with Mary Beth Neely on Islam with its sacred book The Qur'an and Judaism with its devotion to the study of Torah. To study the New Testament, however, requires some background of the Old Testament as well and so the series will cover both. The innocent question asked of Tom invites many other questions. How were the 66 books in the Bible selected and others ruled out? Why? When were these decisions made? Who wrote the 39 books of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and the 27 books of the Greek Bible (New Testament)? When are we reading history and when are we reading legends? What "Bible" was around when Jesus lived? Is the Bible the "Word of the Lord" as we say in Sunday worship or is it more properly the words of humans trying to express their experience of the sacred? Is one translation better than another? You can no doubt add many questions of your own for our beloved teacher to consider. To assist in a better understanding of both the Old and New Testaments, our dedicated FKPC Librarian, Louise Olivarez, prepared a list of the available library books related to these subjects. (The list was distributed at the first class but copies are still available.) Louise also arranged these books for the convenience of library users. As you walk into the library, look at the left-hand side of the top two shelves and you will find the books prominently displayed. Coffee time begins at 9:00 am each Sunday morning in the Session Room with class starting at 9:15. Come join us for a fascinating look at how the Old and New Testaments came into being.

Library Corner
Did you know that April 14-20 is National Library Week? To make the dates easier for everyone to remember, I, Louise Olivarez, under the authority granted me as FKPC librarian, do hereby proclaim the entire month of April to be Library Month At Fort King Presbyterian Church! During April, you may check out as many items as you can carry out the door; you may return to the library as often as you wish; and you may share this great news with your friends here at FKPC who may not have read this article, for whatever unknown reasons. My hope is that you enjoy reading and learning so much that you will continue this all year long. With two thousand items in the library to choose from, there is something for everyone. Come and enjoy. See you soon --- and often.


Sassy Seniors
All widows and single ladies are welcome to join Sassy Seniors on Wednesday, April 10th at 1:00 p.m. This months luncheon will be at Dennys on Silver Springs Blvd.

Card Making Ministry

Come join us on the 2nd Friday of every month at 10:00 a.m. until about Noon. We will meet off-site. Please contact Prudence Pritz if you are interested in joining this group.

Crafts Group
Please join the Crafts Group on Thursdays from 11:00 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We work on individual projects and joint projects. Calling all male members of the FKPC family: Do you have ties hanging in your closet that you probably will never wear again? Would you be willing to donate them to the crafty ladies who are currently working on several projects made from old ties? Your old ties can be turned into new creations and will be much appreciated by the ladies. There will be a box in the church office for your donations. Thank you!


Mens Night Out

Mens Night Out in March will take place at John Stewarts home on April 8th at 6:30 p.m. Please call John at 236-1557 to RSVP.

Presbyterian Womens Circles

All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in all the activities of Presbyterian Women. If you are interested in attending a Circle meeting, come join us in April. Esther Circle will meet on April 8th, at 7:00 p.m. Deborah Circle will meet on Tuesday, April 16th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Session Room. Prudence Pritz will lead the lesson. This years study is Dispatches to Gods Household: The General Epistles.

Presbyterian Women Historian

Presbyterian Women Historian, Margy Marshall is always gathering pictures and articles that deal with the women of Fort King Presbyterian Church to include in our Presbyterian Women history. If you have pictures or articles that are about women in our church please see that Margy gets a copy of these.

Save The Date

Domestic Violence

Dont forget items for the Domestic Violence basket. Check the basket in the Narthex for a list of items needed.

Give Blood Save Lives
The mission ministry would like to inform the congregation that the Bloodmobile will be at Fort King on April 21st. Donation times are from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. A Ministry member will be in the Narthex after services on April 7th and April 14th to sign up donors. Please sign up to donate we need blood badly.

Habitat for Humanity

The Mission Ministry would like to invite all interested persons to participate in helping Habitat for Humanity. There are many ways people of all interests and ages can lend a hand. 1) People with carpentry skills can help Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. until Noon. If you are interested, go to their web site, Click on Habitat for Humanity of Marion County located in Ocala, FL. This will allow you to register and give you a synopsis of what is happening. If you plan to help, you must call in the day before so they can make plans to place you. Ask for Brittany at 351-4663. 2) Habitat also needs help in their thrift store Monday through Saturday from 8:30 to 4:30. The phone number is 671-7854. If anyone needs more information, please contact Bill Reed at 861-6777 or e-mail


Session Notes - March 21, 2013
Thank you, Jesus Thank you to Mission, Worship, and Discipleship for the wonderful Lenten Wednesday programs. Thank you for the calming effect of music. Cancer anniversaries Donna Johnson (4 yrs) and Pat Merrill (5 yrs). Successful heart surgery for Bill and Helen Reeds niece, Bonnie Miller. A fun-filled four generation celebration at Disney for Dick and Margy Marshalls family. Motions Motion to include Phyllis Alton in the Finance Ministry membership. Motion to include Jim and Nancy Copeland in the Worship Ministry membership. Motion to approve Dr. Richard Kirks participation in the Rally Day celebration.

A Month of Sundays with Kathy Kuhns
I was asked to form a team of 6 usher captains, each of whom would find ushers for two months out of the year. I was given a list of names and so began my task: On the third call, April said yes. On the fifth call, Alan said yes. Oh wow, I thought, this is easy! Then, reality set in. Everyone was so nice, so polite, and so busy. Almost everyone said call me anytime and Ill be glad to usher, but no one was able to commit. Some were elderly or disabled. Some traveled frequently. Many of them I hesitated to call because I see their faces every Sunday ushering, serving communion, reading scripture, greeting. And you know what, Ill be honest, I dont want to commit to usher for a whole month in a row because theres that trip I want to take to the beach to see my grandchild in March. Then I thought about a month of Sundays and I have this idea. Can each of you who are able commit to 4 or 5 Sundays in a year? Just 4 or 5! They dont have to be in a row. You pick them. Send the dates to me by phone or email, with your first choice down to your last choice, and one extra for emergency substitutes. It would be really cool if some of you would throw in Easter or Christmas. If you give me the dates, I will organize them. Get your family together and pick dates so you can usher together. I think we only need 6 per week and maybe 8 at Christmas and Easter. And someone, probably me or my wonderful two volunteers, will call or email to remind you the week before. How much easier to confirm than to recruit! I am definitely not a recruiter. But I can organize a month of Sundays. Please give them to me. Call the church office for my phone or email. I have seen the power of the volunteers in this church and I believe we can form this ministry togetherand sooner than a month of Sundays.


WORSHIP (continued)
Flower Calendar
Please note: I am trying to work ahead on the flowers, so if you would like to provide flowers to commemorate a special event/occasion/memory etc. for a specific date, please call Nancy Hall at 694-3221 as soon as possible. Please also note: It is never too early to call to select your chosen date. I am receiving many requests now for dates in the fall. As of this mailing, the following people will be providing flowers in April, May, June, and July 2013. If you can provide flowers for a date in 2013, please call Nancy Hall. Thank you. Thank you to these people as they share in donating the flowers for the following worship services. April 7, 2013---In celebration of our 18th wedding anniversary and Emilys 16th birthday from Kimber and Lauren Merriam April 14, 2013---OPEN April 21, 2013---In celebration of our 35th wedding anniversary on April 21st from Cyndi and Tim Thompson April 28, 2013---In loving memory of Ray (April 2007) from Sue and the girls May 5, 2013---In loving memory of my mother, Christine SutherlandHappy Birthday, Mom, from Colleen May 12, 2013---OPEN (Mothers Day) May 19, 2013---From John and Jean Stewart in celebration of their 58th wedding anniversary May 26, 2013---From Nancy Stephenson in loving memory of her parents, Ted and Violet Wikary June 2, 2013---In memory of our parents, Aleta, Max, and Robert, from the Repp family June 9, 2013---OPEN June 16, 2013---OPEN (Fathers Day) June 23, 2013---From Carol Primm in loving memory of John on our wedding date. June 30, 2013---OPEN July 7, 2013 --- OPEN July 14, 2013 --- OPEN July 21, 2013 --- OPEN July 28, 2013 --- OPEN

Flower Ministry After Sunday

Flower ministry takes the arrangements that are left for the church and breaks them down into smaller arrangements to distribute to shut-ins. If you have a passion for flower arranging, please volunteer to perform this ministry. If you have a passion, but do not know how to arrange flowers, Anne Kinsland will teach you. Call Anne Kinsland to volunteer or to ask any questions. If you are visiting a shut-in, call the church office to see if we have flowers you can bring to your shut-in.


WORSHIP (continued)

Ah! To Focus On The Perfect Woman How Refreshing! Proverbs 31:10-31

OK, men, this is not for your reading; for women only, unless the wife tells you to read it. Dont you love it when a plan comes together? Now, the truth about women read on! Now we very well know that The male is by nature superior and the female inferior; and that one rules, and the other is ruled; this principle, of necessity, extends to all mankind (Aristotle Politics I, 5). A husband and father rules over wife and children the rule over children being a royal, over wife a constitutional rule the male is by nature fitter for command than the female and the inequality is permanent! (Aristotle op cit. I, 12). Finally, Aristotle quoted Sophocles (Ajax 293): Silence is a womans glory (that depends on the translation of the Greek text!) (Aristotle op cit. I, 13). Quite in line, the Apostle Paul said: Yep! Wives, be subject to your husbands (Ephesians 5:22 v. 24). At least in Colossians 3:19, Paul urged husbands not to be harsh with them. See also I Corinthians 14:34: Women should remain silent in the churches. Right you are, Paul. Oh! Where have we gone wrong in society today!!?? Women are taking over! In the Israelite society, women were, of course, regarded as mothers; ah, how precious the vision of a newborn male infant in its mothers nurturing arms! If a womans husband were to die, and there were male-heirs who could inherit the fathers land and possessions, Levirate marriage was the rule of the day: the brother of the deceased husband would marry the widow to keep possessions in the family. A woman knew her place in a mans world! Ybetcha! (See Johs. Pedersen 1954 Israel: Its Life and Culture [Copenhagen] 77ff.) Now, in Paul, a woman was to be subordinate/subject to her husband; the husband, on the other hand, is to love his wife, because He who loves his wife loves himself (Ephesians 5:28); and, oh, Paul says: this is a great


WORSHIP (continued)
mystery (v. 32). Ill bet it was for him! O.K.? Now read Proverbs 31:10ff for what has been unfortunately labeled as a description of an ideal wife, or, something for a woman to live up to! A brief review: a woman who is a good wife, an ideal wife Only does good for her husband, not harm; Works with wool and flax (flax = fiber produced linen); Works with willing hands; Brings from afar; Rises before daybreak to provide a nourishing meal for her family (You know, breakfast is the most important meal of the day); Considers a field and buys it; Plants a vineyard (makes a profit); Has a sharp eye for good clothing and material; Makes clothing; Laughs at the appropriate time! And she Opens her mouth with wisdom, whom her children rise up and call her blessed, as does her husband. if he knows whats good for him! A wife like this is worth more than precious jewels! Right! And her husband does what during the day? Her husband is known in the (city) gates when he sits among the elders A VIP! Hes on talk-shows all day debating weighty social justice issues talking, talking, talking, yackity- yack! While his precious wife is working her fingers to the bone, making decisions for the home, gardening and sewing, providing for her family! Um, why does a woman need a husband... if shes doing all the work??!! What man wouldnt want a woman to obey his beck-and-call (a beck is to motion with the finger to pay attention, listen-up, and do!), to take care of all domestic concerns while the man takes care of social concerns before the City Council! Yes sir! It takes a man to run the city! This is a tribute to women? To a wife? When Jesus of Nazareth declared: Who are my mother and my brothers...? Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother (Mark 3:33-35), Jesus intentionally broke the back of a male-dominated society, or, better said, a female-subservient society. This should send shivers up our backs because we have not selfconsciously and deliberately thought through what this means in our family and social relationships. Well, OK, some people have. So, Id like to leave you with these thoughts from Science News (Vol. 182, #12, December 15, 2012): Traditional heterosexual marriage has already been destroyed (Bruce Bower Families in Flux, p. 16). Bower gives a thoughtful review of all sociological research on the make-up of the new family in America; its not a pretty picture. I think that the Proverbs 31 text has ironically prepared the way for the present situation; and perhaps were not socially and familially prepared for what weve bitten off. What do you think? Shalom, Tom


WORSHIP (continued)

Why sing in the Choir?

Ive often been asked this as a reply to my question to someone Ive asked to consider becoming a member of the choir. There are many responses that I could give such as we should use our God-given talents, or we need more singers, and so on. However, if we look at the word choir the letters give us the answer: Character. Choir helps build character. People who sing in the choir give up one night a week and worship faithfully. These people have real character (some members in the choir are real characters!). Healthy. Choir makes you healthy. How often do you exercise your lungs? Your lungs are important to living. If you really want to enjoy living and be healthier, come and sing with us. Otherwise. Otherwise it wont be as much fun if youre not there. Otherwise youll miss many opportunities to offer God your expressions of praise and adoration. Interesting. Youll sing interesting music. Youll hear interesting comments about your singing. Youll meet some interesting characters (see letter C). Your interest in worship will increase and grow as you prepare to participate in the next Sundays worship. Relaxation. After a stressful day of decision-making should I sell this, buy that, watch this, cook that it will be so relaxing to have someone say to you, Sing this! C.S. Lewis once wrote It seems to me that we must define rather carefully the way, or ways, in which music can glorify God. There is a sense in which all natural agents, even inanimate ones, glorify God continually by revealing the powers He has given them. And in that sense we, as natural agents, do the same. An excellently performed piece of music, as natural operation which reveals in a very high degree the peculiar powers given to individuals, will thus always glorify God whatever the intention of the performers may be. But that is a kind of glorifying which we share with the dragons and great deeps, with the frost and snows. What is looked for in us, as individuals, is another kind of glorifying, which depends on intention. How easy or how hard it may be for a whole choir to preserve that intention through all the discussions and decisions, all the corrections and the disappointments, all the temptations to pride, rivalry and ambition, which precede the performance of a great work, I (naturally) do not know. But it is on the intention that all depends. When it succeeds, I think the performers are the most enviable of people; privileged while mortals to honor God like angels and, for a few golden moments, to see spirit and flesh, delight and labor, skill and worship, the natural and the supernatural, all fused into that unity they would have had before the Fall. How eloquent. Our choir is made up of volunteers. No audition is necessary. The voice you are born with is Gods gift to you; the use of your voice is your gift to God. With a song in my heart, Rick


April 2013
Italicized items are non-FKPC activities using FKPC facilities



2 9:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry




6 9:00 - 3:00 Turning Point (FH)

3 4 5 10:00 PW Council 11:00 Adult 4:00 Fellowship Discipleship 7:30 Mens Bible Ministry Ministry 5:00 Congrega11:00 Crafts Study tional Care Ministry 6:00 - 8:00 5:15 TOPS (FH) 6:00 Worship Minis- Marions United 5:30 Mission Ministry 5:30 Evangelism try (FH) Ministry 7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 AA (CE) 12 10 11 8 9 10:00 Card Making Noon - 1:00 Ministry Community (off-site) Growth (SR) 1:00 Sassy Seniors (off-site) 6:00 Finance 5:30 Sit & Sew Ministry (FH) 7:00 Discipleship Ministry 7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 AA (CE) Children 11:00 Crafts 16 17 18 19


9:00 - 11:45 Library 7:30 Mens Bible 9:15 Adult Ed. & Study Youth 10:00 Choir Practice 5:15 TOPS (FH) 10:30 Worship 11:30 Discipleship Youth Ministry 6:30 Mens Night Out (off site) 12:00 Faith Leaders 7:00 Esther Circle 5:00 PYC (off site) 14 9:00 - 11:45 Library 9:15 Adult Ed. & Youth 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 12:00 Faith Leaders 4:00 Property Ministry 5:00 PYC 5:00 High Tide 21 9:00 - 10:15 Blood Drive 9:00 - 11:45 Library 9:15 Adult Ed. & Youth 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 11:30 - 1:00 Blood Drive 12:00 Faith Leaders 5:00 PYC 28 2 Cents A Meal and Food4Kids 15 7:30 Mens Bible Study


10:00 Deborah Circle 5:15 TOPS (FH) 7:00 Small Group Study (off-site)

3:00 Pastoral Care 11:00 Crafts Team 1:00 The Nurse Is In 7:00 Choir Practice 6:00 Session 7:00 AA (CE) 24 25 11:00 Crafts 26

8:00 - Noon Spring Clean Up

22 7:30 Mens Bible Study



5:15 TOPS (FH)

5:30 Sit & Sew (FH)

7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 AA (CE) 29 7:30 Mens Bible Study 30

9:00 - 11:45 Library 9:15 Adult Ed. & Youth 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 12:00 Faith Leaders 5:15 TOPS (FH) 5:00 PYC 5:00 High Tide


FORT KING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 13 N.E. 36th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34470

Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Ocala, FL 34478 Permit #100



Holocaust Remembrance Day April 9, 2013
Fort King has been invited to join with the other congregations in our area at Temple Shalom at the Villages Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah), on Tuesday April 9, 2013, at the Church on the Square in the Villages. With clergy from area churches participating, the program will run from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Photo from Miami Beach Holocaust Memorial

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