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Virtual Retinal Display

T he Virtual Retinal Display (VRD) is a personal display device under development at the University of Washington's Human Interf ace Technology Laboratory in Seattle, Washington USA. T he VRD scans light directly onto the viewer's retina. T he viewer perceives a wide f ield of view image. Because the VRD scans light directly on the retina, the VRD is not a screen based technology. T he VRD was invented at the University of Washington in the Human Interf ace Technology Lab (HIT ) in 1991. T he development began in November 1993. T he aim was to produce a f ull color, wide f ield-of -view, high resolution, high brightness, low cost virtual display. Microvision Inc. has the exclusive license to commercialize the VRD technology. T his technology has many potential applications, f rom head-mounted displays (HMDs) f or military/aerospace applications to medical society. T he VRD projects a modulated beam of light (f rom an electronic source) directly onto the retina of the eye producing a rasterized image. T he viewer has the illusion of seeing the source image as if he/she stands two f eet away in f ront of a 14-inch monitor. In reality, the image is on the retina of its eye and not on a screen. T he quality of the image he/she sees is excellent with stereo view, f ull color, wide f ield of view, no f lickering characteristics. Our window into the digital universe has long been a glowing screen perched on a desk. It's called a computer monitor, and as you stare at it, light is f ocused into a dime-sized image on the retina at the back of your eyeball. T he retina converts the light into signals that percolate into your brain via the optic nerve. Here's a better way to connect with that universe: eliminate that bulky, power-hungry monitor altogether by painting the images themselves directly onto your retina. To do so, use tiny semiconductor lasers or special light-emitting diodes, one each f or the three primary colors-red, green, and blue-and scan their light onto the retina, mixing the colors to produce the entire palette of human vision. Short of tapping into the optic nerve, there is no more ef f icient way to get an image into your brain. And they call it the Virtual Retinal Display, or generally a retinal scanning imaging system. T he Virtual Retinal Display presents video inf ormation by scanning modulated light in a raster pattern directly onto the viewer's retina. As the light scans the eye, it is intensity modulated. On a basic level, as shown in the f ollowing f igure, the VRD consists of a light source, a modulator, vertical and horizontal scanners, and imaging optics (to f ocus the light beam and optically condition the scan). T he resultant imaged f ormed on the retina is perceived as a wide f ield of view image originating f rom some viewing distance in space. T he f ollowing f igure illustrates the light raster on the retina and the resultant image perceived in space. In general, a scanner (with magnif ying optics) scans a beam of collimated light through an angle. Each individual collimated beam is f ocused to a point on the retina. As the angle of the scan changes over time, the location of the corresponding f ocused spot moves across the retina. T he collection of intensity modulated spots f orms the raster image as shown above

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